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Journal of the National Defence Academy

राय र!ा अकादमी पका


I believe that a cadet must be
loyal, truthful, trustworthy,
honest and forthright
under all circumstances.
I will not lie, cheat or steal
nor will I mislead or deceive anyone.
I undertake to faithfully live up to this code
and to continuously encourage
my comrades to do so.


Enter my portals O glory bound ones
Learn to lead I'll make you men
In my dreams the bugle sounds
In my heart hope abounds
Leave my portals live like men
Death or glory it matters none
The hour beckons honour at stake
O valiant sons a mother prays
Lead with vigour straight up front
Rocklike bear the enemy's brunt
I shall write your untold story
I shall uphold your blazing glory
Go my sons the earth beckons
Hear my warriors the oceans call
Soar my eagles the sky is yours
Death before defeat
Death before dishonour
Death with distinction
A mother prays for all your days
Strive and seek victory with grace
A mother prays%
A mother prays%

Chief Patron
Lieutenant General Asit Mistry, AVSM, SM, VSM

Rear Admiral Atul Anand, VSM

Prof (Dr) OP Shukla

Chief Editor
Mr Ritu Raj Brahma

Maj Renu Yadav

Cadet Editors
39435/B/141 Cdt Aryan Dhama
39955/E/143 Cdt Rohan Cyriac Paul
40006/J/143 Cdt Akash Kaswan
39275/P/141 Cdt Parth Sachdev
39230/R/141 Cdt Ayush Negi

Photo Credit
Photography Club, NDA
Lakshya Photo Studio, Murarilal

Digital Design and Layout

Mr Ritu Raj Brahma
Dr Rajesh Doss

Hindi Typing
Smt Vidula Moghe

Published by Commandant, NDA

© National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune – 23, INDIA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form by processes elec-
tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the
prior permission in writing from National Defence Academy. The opin-
ions/ points of view expressed in the creative articles belong to the author
(s). They do in no way reflect the viewpoint of the organization/ publisher
or that of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board has the right to suita-
bly edit the contents, keeping the spirit of the contribution intact.

Title Page No

* Editorial 6
* From the Commandant’s Desk 7
* From the Deputy Commandant’s Desk 9
* Address by the Reviewing Officer 11
* POP Glimpses 14
* Convocation Address 16
* Hall of Fame: Medals & Trophies 21
* NDA Expo 24
* PT & Equitation Display 26

* On/Off Campus Events 27

* Transforming Boys into Men:
♦ Army Training Team 29
♦ Naval Training Team 34
♦ Air Force Training Team 38
♦ Joint Training Team 41
♦ Physical Training Team 43
♦ Equitation Training Team 47

* Camps
♦ Camp Green Horn 51
♦ Camp Rover 56
♦ Exercise Trishul 60

* Academic Training 63
* Academy Teams 65
* Creative Section 71
* Who’s Who: 139th Course 93


Dear Readers,

It is indeed a moment of great privilege and joy for me to present to you the latest
edition of Trishakti, journal of the National Defence Academy. Due to COVID-19, Autumn
Term 2020 had a limited number of cadet related activities. The Journal is a ready refer-
ence of all such activities. The pandemic accorded us an opportunity to innovate and lever-
age technology in order to ensure continuity in cadet training. Events such as Inter Battalion
Quiz Competition and Inter Squadron Public Speaking Competition were conducted keep-
ing in mind social distancing norms.

The Academy has indeed adjusted to this new normal quite well and has come out
with flying colours. The successful conduct of the Passing Out Parade of the 139th Course
was the highlight of Autumn Term 2020. The list of medal winners included in the Journal is
a testimony to the fact that our cadets persevered despite the challenging times, and came
out as winners.

The Journal also includes the various training related activities undertaken by the
Training Teams, and also showcases the creative talents of the cadets through their arti-
cles, poems and sketches that have been included in the creative section.

Finally, I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to the various Branches and Train-
ing Teams without whose inputs this journal would not have seen the light of day.

Wishing you all a very happy reading!

Ritu Raj Brahma

Chief Editor



Mr Ritu Raj Brahma Maj Renu Yadav Cdt Aaryan Dhama Cdt Rohan Cyriac Paul

Cdt Akash Kaswan Cdt Parth Sachdev

Dr Rajesh Doss

Cdt Ayush Negi


It gives me immense pleasure to con- As the novel corona virus escalated into a
gratulate the Cadets of 139th Course for global pandemic, there was never an abrupt
successful completion of the training and shut down of the training and learning process
their proud parents for having motivated in NDA. During the Autumn Term 2020 we had
their sons to serve the country. to make some quick pivots in terms of training
methodology and a quick shift in accepting the
I also congratulate the Cadets from 'new normal'. It was a sort of redo of the entire
friendly foreign countries who are trained curriculum in a short span and everyone
here. I wish them an exciting and challeng- adapted to this change promptly. During this
ing career in their own countries. You are crisis of COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen
going to be part of a dual heritage - that of an incredible amount of efforts being taken to
the country of your birth and India, where use technology in support of learning. I extend
you trained. I am sure that the training at my gratitude and appreciation to all members
NDA shall enable you to make glorious of 'Team NDA', who have left no stone un-
contributions in the service of your own turned in imparting the most effective training
nation. to transform you into the best possible Young
Military Leaders. I have no doubt that you will
The National Defence Academy is a carry forward the legacy of Honour, Duty and
unique institution and the training here is Courage and prove to be true ambassadors of
universally acknowledged as the most chal- your alma mater.
lenging. An institution is not merely a build-
ing. It cannot be defined in architectural The training at NDA has been structured to
terms alone. An institution is best defined in equip you with what lies ahead. You have
terms of the influences on its alumni. This been exposed to IT concepts, adventure and a
institution has always been known for pro- host of other co-curricular and extra-curricular
ducing leaders who have been leaving an activities to add to your personality. With the
indelible mark in history by their judgment, fast-emerging technology and rapid advance-
vision, integrity, and motivation. I heartily ments in all spheres of life, it becomes manda-
compliment each one of you for inheriting a tory to keep yourself updated, informed and
legacy which has endured for a long time. professionally adroit. There has been a para-

digm shift in the doctrine and strategies of hearts dare to tread. The ebullience with which
warfare. The security of nations will not be you step out of Academy after completion of the
restricted to narrow geographical and training must be carried forward in the same
political boundaries. Increasing use of momentum throughout your career in the
Information Technology means that the sphere of soldiering. The nation requires mili-
wars will be hi-tech, intense and brief. tary leaders who are tough as well as sensitive,
Proliferation of technologies- particularly, nationalistic in their approach and yet global in
IT, Space technology, Bio-technology, outlook, disciplined and obedient but not robotic
Nanotechnology and Genetic Engineering and slavish. I can assure you that the calibre of
multiply the lethality of new weapons. You each Cadet who passes out from the portals of
have to keep pace and remain equipped NDA is exceptional. The NDA is an Institute of
with the progressive times. The adversary International standing where we train the best.
is now even more lethal and advanced, so
you have to be more vigilant, agile and You symbolize the enduring spirit of this
even more adept. Always remember that institution. I earnestly pray and hope that you
knowledge and wisdom are the strength of achieve success and glory in your lives. May
growth whereas ignorance and lackadaisi- the winds of fortune blow kindly wherever you
cal attitude are the greatest impediments to go. You have great opportunities and a lifetime
progress. of adventure ahead of you.

Your entry into the profession of arms Always remember what the Bhagwad Gita
coincides with the evolution of warfare into says regarding what is expected of a soldier: -
a complex asymmetric affair. It has ac-
quired names like proxy war, low intensity “Valour, glory, firmness, skill, generosity, steadi-
war, insurgency, hybrid warfare etc which ness in Battle and ability to rule – these consti-
broadens the spectrum of the soldier’s role. tute the duty of a soldier. They flow from his
It will have to be fought on diverse fronts to own nature”
include tactical aspects and issues distinct
from conventional warfare. Therefore, the - The Bhagwad Gita
concept of military leadership demands an
alteration, adjustment and adaptation,
necessitating visualization and formulation
of our role for the future. Jai Hind!

The Academy prepares you for the

glorious path that you have chosen to tread
upon. The path that none other than brave

Lt Gen Asit Mistry AVSM, SM, VSM



At the very outset I would like to congratu- this profession; a profession, that will keep you
late the Cadets of 139th Course on success- vibrant, mentally agile, physically robust and
ful completion of their training. You are now intellectually stimulated to meet all the chal-
one step closer to becoming a part of an lenges in the years ahead.
organization which commands both awe and
respect in the society. Many generations of The world is going through monumental
alumni of this Academy have brought laurels changes which have had a bearing on our role
to this country, and I have no doubt that you and function too. There are new threats which
will carry forward the legacy of honour, cour- require new thinking. The challenges encom-
age, commitment and perfection. pass the rise of new commitments and mis-
sions, adopting information technology, and the
Our Armed Forces have been serving the need to reshape support systems, processes,
nation with dedication and commitment, and infrastructure.
braving all types of extreme conditions. The
commitment and high morale displayed by
I am sure the training at the NDA has given
the younger generation while fulfilling their
you a glimpse of the new dimensions which
duties as officers of the Indian Armed
await you in the long run. Your willingness to
Forces is indeed commendable. This speaks
serve in this time of peril is a testament not
volumes about the military leadership of the
only to yourselves, but to a new generation of
Indian Armed Forces and indeed about the
leaders who will face great challenges in the
institution where these leaders are trained.
coming years. As your Deputy Commandant &
My faith and that of the citizens of our coun-
Chief Instructor, I have just one message for
try in you is vindicated as I see your alert,
you – the current situation calls for military
adaptive and resolute demeanour.
leaders who are well informed and updated
“knowledge warriors”. You have to grow intel-
As you stand on the threshold of stepping
lectually and professionally. You are the har-
into the noblest profession of arms, I urge
binger of a new age destined for greater partici-
you to respond to it as a commitment and
pation in the nation’s security and prosperity.
not as a profession alone. Let me re-affirm
to you, that you have reasons to be proud of
To conclude, let me remind you that the
yourself as you have consciously chosen

profession of arms is a commitment and an your alma mater even more proud of you. May
unquestionable obligation to defend the land God bless each one of you. Stay Happy and
you were born in and if need be die for. It Blessed!
has a dignity of its own, an honour to envy
and a responsibility not given to lesser mor-
tals. I wish you all the success. May you Jai Hind!
achieve the highest of the glories and make

Rear Admiral Atul Anand, VSM

Deputy Commandant & Chief Instructor


Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, PVSM, AVSM, VM, ADC
Addressing the Parade
Lt Gen Asit Mistry, Commandant NDA, coveted Chiefs of Staff Banner and being
Officers & Instructors, Cadets on Parade declared the best squadron. Good show! And
and proud parents viewing this parade well done! My gratitude to all the proud parents
remotely, distinguished guests, ladies and who have been a pillar of strength for their
gentlemen. It is indeed a matter of great wards when they underwent gruelling three
honour for me to be here at the National years of training which has been no less than a
Defence Academy to review the Passing trial by fire. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen
Out Parade of the 139th Course. At the very circumstances caused by the pandemic you
outset, I compliment you all for immaculate could not join us here on this momentous occa-
turnout and very precise and impressive drill sion. However, while you may not be present
movements. The excellent standard of here physically you should be proud of the
parade on display today exemplifies the accomplishments of your ward. Today marks
ethos of this great institution. Today is in- the successful culmination of your dreams and
deed a very special day in the lives of these aspirations as a parent as their beloved child
303 cadets including 17 from friendly foreign transforms from a boy into a confident and
countries, as they achieve a significant disciplined soldier. NDA is rightly called the
milestone in their fledgling military careers. ‘’Cradle of Military Leadership’’ and is undoubt-
My congratulations to the award winners for edly one of the finest academies of the world.
their outstanding performance. My special In terms of infrastructure, size and quality of
felicitations to ‘I’ Squadron for winning the training, this Academy is unmatched and you

all have had the rare distinction of being leading a highly motivated and courageous
trained and associated with this Academy for set of soldiers, sailors and air warriors who
the last three years. will place their trust in your leadership even at
the peril of their lives. Therefore, it is your
My dear cadets, this Academy has instilled sacred duty to lead them from the front with
in you the fundamentals required to be an care and well being of the people under your
officer and a gentleman in the finest tradition charge as an equally important concern. Only
of our Armed Forces. My compliments to the through your personal conduct, professional
Instructors and Staff at NDA for their tireless competence and unquestionable integrity will
commitment in imparting high quality teaching you be able to win their trust and respect.
in all facets of military training and grooming
you into the future military leaders who are Over the years, the training curriculum at
strong in body and mind. The highly struc- NDA has been suitably refined to meet the
tured training schedule along with the extra requirements of the services. NDA is not only
gamut of extra-curricular activities run in a a cradle of leadership but a true cradle of
clockwise manner due to the untiring and jointmanship. The vast experience of joint
relentless efforts of the training staff. This is training at NDA is to be carried forward to the
what results in the final achievement thanks to respective service academies.
their efforts. NDA has contributed to the
nation’s security and well being by producing Today’s battlespace is highly complex and
the finest military leaders in every generation. multi-dimensional with unpredictable security
Having chosen to voluntarily join the Armed scenarios and high operational tempo. In the
Forces you all have made a brave decision to battlespace, operational response and
take the road less travelled while your peers demand will be for an integrated, synergetic
outside tread the more conventional path in approach to all operations. Therefore, the
life. You step into the footsteps of honourable bonds of friendship that you have forged here
men and women who through their immortal with your coursemates, with your squadron
deeds have created a legacy of selfless mates need to continue throughout your life
sacrifice for the honour and safety of the as you grow into your service career and
nation. As you march through the quarter- should translate always in better synergy at
deck for one last time, you will join the noble every stage of your career.
profession of arms. While it may symbolize
the culmination of your training at NDA, it is Appointment of the Chief of Defence Staff
only a first step in your evolution as a military and formation of the Department of Military
leader. Remember, training and learning Affairs (DMA) marks the beginning of the most
never stops in the Armed Forces and as your historic phase of higher defence reforms in
skill set gets further honed in respective our country and all of you having been born in
service academies there will be more this perfect tri-services institute at the start of
difficulties and challenges for you to the training called the National Defence
surmount. The physical and mental agility Academy are best equipped to successfully
acquired here will greatly help you in facing transform in this era of jointness. I am
any future adversity. confident that you will keep this in mind as
you go into your next Academies and into
As future military leaders you will be your services, and you will don this mantle of

jointness as proudly as you will don your own define your character will empower you to take
uniforms. As budding military professionals the right step. Never hesitate to take decisions.
you should begin to understand that geo- Be always fearless and always trust in your
political churnings around the world have a capabilities.
direct bearing on the security environment in
our neighbourhood. Our Armed Forces have If you serve the interest of your unit and the
to be prepared for hybrid threats emanating men and women under you, you cannot go
from multiple fronts. This mandates a very wrong. Remember as you march off on the
high level of knowledge, dedication and notes of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ you carry on your
commitment and sacrifice and leadership at shoulders a heavy burden of great legacy of
all levels, at all times. This is what each this hallowed institute. Never forget the
service and the nation would expect from courage, honour and sacrifices made by your
you. predecessors. Let their valour be the guiding
light throughout your career. May you all go on
As young officers your role in any future to become exceptional professionals and bring
conflict would be pivotal in ensuring the glory to the Armed Forces. I wish you all contin-
enemy designs are defeated and territorial ued success and I bring with me the wishes of
integrity of our great nation is not compro- Chief of Army Staff and Chief of Naval Staff, my
mised. High quality of training imparted at coursemates from this institute, and we wish
NDA and at other academies of the three you a glorious career ahead.
services will guide you and provide you with
the strength and confidence to boldly face Jai Hind!
these challenges. There will be times where
you may have doubts or may be in a
dilemma but the core military values that now


The Reviewing Officer at the Parade Ground

The Reviewing Officer of the Parade with the Commandant

The Reviewing Officer Inspecting the Parade

Cadets Marching in Unison

Medal Winners

Prof (Dr) Nitin Karmalkar, Vice-Chancellor, Savitribai Phule Pune University

Addressing the Gathering

Lt Gen Asit Mistry, Commandant, National NDA and I dare say that it once again came to
Defence Academy; Deputy Commandant, the fore at this crucial time.
Members of the Academic Committee, Dis-
I also wish to acknowledge and place on
tinguished Guests, Graduating Cadets, La-
record the contribution of the proud parents of
dies and Gentlemen.
these gentlemen of the passing out course for
It gives me immense pleasure to be here having reposed so much confidence in the
this morning to deliver the convocation ad- armed forces and guiding their young sons to
dress and felicitate the cadets who have won choose the profession of arms. Soldiering as
laurels for themselves. At the very outset, let they say is a noble profession as it gives you
me congratulate all the cadets of the 139th the opportunity to directly involve yourself in
course for having successfully completed the protection of the sovereignty and integrity
their degree and become baccalaureates of of the nation and uphold the values of truth,
the Jawaharlal Nehru University. This is in- justice and freedom enshrined in our Constitu-
deed a milestone in your career and it is all tion. I am sure that each and every one of the
the more a great moment because you have cadets present here will make his parents
successfully surmounted the challenges that proud by a dedicated, sincere and selfless ser-
the COVID- 19 pandemic threw at you. The vice to the nation.
Academy has indeed done a wonderful job in
To the Graduating cadets, I would like to say
continuing with the training despite the nu-
that this is but the first step in your career as a
merous constraints imposed by the pan-
soldier, a seaman or an airman. You have just
demic. This ‘never say die spirit’ permeates
learnt the ropes, the basics of your Services

and have a long way to go. Therefore, there is that there is no substitute for physical fitness
no room for complacency. A soldier’s life is a and a bold and daring attitude. This is vital for
constant striving for excellence and excel- every soldier no matter what service or unit he
lence, as they say is an ever moving target is in. Fitness is a pre-requisite for a pilot who
and learning is a life-long pursuit. It is not flies a supersonic jet, for the one who stealth-
merely superiority of weapons but superiority ily stalks the sea in a nuclear submarine and
of knowledge and information that can change of course for every army man who traverses
a war scenario. Technology and especially, the length and breadth of the country in all ter-
information technology has now become a rains. Remember that physical fitness is also
game changer. It is expected that your skills a medium for mental health and happiness;
will be backed up by adequate knowledge to therefore it should be cultivated as a habit
apply those skills in battle that can include so- among all of you. Do not take your body
phisticated AI systems, swarms of robots, la- lightly. Treat it well and it will stand you in
ser weapons, armed drones and even cyber- good stead throughout your life.
bots for spoofing, hacking, misinformation and
other means of electronic warfare. Being Today the world is in turmoil. The ubiqui-
equipped with knowledge of such technology tous pandemic has created mayhem all over
is no longer an option but a necessity. Hence, the world, natural calamities have ravaged
I urge you all to keep abreast of the latest many a country including India and all this has
technology in your respective fields of interest. resulted in an economic slowdown that has
threatened the livelihood of millions. And yet
This however, does not discount the man in the midst of such a scenario, the armed
behind the weapons. The more sophisticated forces have stood as a bulwark, steadfast and
the weapons, the more responsible should be unwavering in its commitment to the protec-
the man. If at the push of a button he can ig- tion of the sovereignty and integrity of the na-
nite a nuclear warhead, he needs that equa- tion. You as soldiers cannot be swayed by the
nimity of character not to do anything accord- events of current history. As Tennyson the
ing to his whims and fancy. Therefore, we poet, put it as a matter of fact, “ours is not to
must have soldiers of character, of self-control reason why, but to do and die”. Your duty in
and equipoise who act within the bounds of these circumstances is to be prepared for
the humanitarian order. Such men must have every eventuality, to never let your guard
the will and determination to withstand the down, to never under-estimate the enemy but
pressures of the circumstances. Such men live as if you are going to the battlefield in the
must have their pride and ego effaced by the near future. The answer to chaos is the order-
desire for the greater good of the nation. Such liness and discipline of training, training and
men must be men of honesty and integrity more training. You must all seriously believe
who will not fear to express the truth; no mat- and follow the popular adage, “The more you
ter what the cost. I have no doubt that each sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war”.
one of you who have been brought up on the
Academy honour code will always choose the Gentlemen, it is in this context that your
harder right instead of the easier wrong since task as leaders of men will be challenging. As
you have all been groomed into soldiers with Field Marshal William Slim has pointed out,
these traits of character at the NDA. “the more modern war becomes, the more es-
sential appear the basic qualities that from the
At the same time, I would like to advise you

beginning of history have distinguished ar- family and rewarding them for their faithfulness
mies from mobs. The first of these is disci- and loyalty. Remember, morale is the single
pline” Whatever the scenario, discipline is most important factor that wins battles. A dis-
the sine qua non of armed forces. It is this couraged team is a defeated team.
discipline that you must inculcate in your-
In conclusion Gentlemen, let me take a leaf
self and your men. Discipline is not only re-
from Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur and urge you to
quired to hold the unit together as one man
“be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and
but in the little things like smartness in turn-
humble, and gentle in victory; not to substitute
out, cleanliness in person, precision in
words for actions, not to seek the path of com-
movement and even saluting because all
fort, but to face the stress and spur of difficulty
these go a long way in building morale. And
and challenge; to learn to stand up in the storm,
that is the second most important thing-
but to have compassion on those who fail, to
morale. You and your men should never
master yourself before you seek to master oth-
lose sight of the fact that every aspect of
ers; to have a heart that is clean, a goal that is
your training and discipline is geared to-
high; to learn to laugh yet never forget how to
wards preparing you to take up arms to de-
weep; to reach into the future, yet never neglect
fend the country and that the troops should
the past; to be serious, yet never to take your-
never be lacking in zeal & enthusiasm.
self too seriously; to be modest so that you will
Their morale should be always high. Mo-
remember the simplicity of true greatness, the
rale, once again as Slim states “is a state of
open mind of true wisdom, the meekness of
mind G which will move a whole group of
true strength”.
men to give their ounce to achieve some-
thing G greater than themselves.” As a With this I wish you all the very best for a
leader it will be your primary responsibility sterling career ahead. God Speed.
to preserve the morale of the troops not
Jai Hind!
only by imbibing the spirit of camaraderie
and brotherhood but also by looking after
their welfare, by treating them as part of a


Award of Medals and Trophies to the Course Toppers of 139th Course

Lt Gen Asit Mistry AVSM, SM, VSM, Commandant NDA Reading Out the Statement of
Graduation & Award of Degree

Position Squadron Position Squadron

First I Tenth N
Second K Eleventh D
Third M Twelfth F
Fourth P Thirteenth E
Fifth J Fourteenth G
Sixth A Fifteenth H
Seventh O Sixteenth L
Eighth B Seventeenth C
Ninth R Eighteenth Q

‘I’ Squadron Receiving the Chiefs of Staff Banner for Autumn Term 2020

Award Winner
President’s Gold Medal 38739/R/139 BCC Anirudh Singh
(First in Overall Order of Merit)
President’s Silver Medal 38789/H/139 DCC Somay Badola
(Second in Overall Order of Merit)

President’s Bronze Medal 38756/O/139 BCC Anmol

(Third in Overall Order of Merit)
Commandant's Silver Medal for standing 38800/R/139 CQMS Arkshit Kapoor
First in Science Stream (B.Sc.)
Commandant's Silver Medal for standing 38613/R/139 BCA Dhananjay Jasrotia
First in Social Science Stream (B.A.)
Commandant's Silver Medal for standing 38585/J/139 SCC Parul Yadav
First in Computer Science Stream {B.Sc. (CS)}
Silver Medal - First in Order of Merit in B Tech 38583/P/139 SCC Sawan
Gold Medal - Best All Round Army Cadet 38739/R/139 BCC Anirudh Singh
Gold Medal - Best All Round Naval Cadet 38756/O/139 BCC Anmol
Gold Medal - Best All Round Air Force Cadet 38648/I/139 ACC Utkarsh Sharma
Gold Medal - Lachit Borphukan Medal for Best Cadet 38609/A/139 ACA Mukul Thakur
in Officer Like Qualities
Silver Medal - Best Speaker for Award of Commandant’s 38821/O/139 DCC Anant Singh
Medal in Inter Squadron Public Speaking Competition
Silver Medal - Best Cadet in Drill 38756/O/139 BCC Anmol
Silver Medal - Best Cadet in PT 38696/N/139 CSM Vikas Mahla
Silver Medal - Best Cadet in Sports 38822/A/139 BCC Ajay Singh Bhadoria
Silver Medal - Best Cadet in Riding 38756/O/139 BCC Anmol
Silver Medal - Best Cadet in Sailing 38747/E/139 CQMS Ajay Jose Joseph N

Silver Medal - Best Cadet in Shooting 38633/K/139 Cdt Watan Sharma

Silver Medal for Showing Overall Improvement in 38717/E/139 Cdt Vijay Bahadur
Performance while Training at the Academy
Silver Medal - Best Cadet from Friendly Foreign 38772-B/R/139 DCC Sangay Phendhen
Countries Dorjee
Silver Medal - First in Overall Joint Service Training 38631/F/139 Cdt P Kapil
Programme 38650/D/139 DCC Gautam Vishnu
Silver Medal - Commandant's Special Medal 38635/J/139 BCC Jagmohan Singh
for displaying Outstanding Devotion to Duty
Silver Medal for Exceptional Leadership 38648/I/139 ACC Utkarsh Sharma


Award Winner
Trophy for Best All Round Army Cadet 38739/R/139 BCC Anirudh Singh
Trophy for Best All Round Naval Cadet 38756/O/139 BCC Anmol
Trophy for Best All Round Air Force Cadet 38648/I/139 ACC Utkarsh Sharma

Rolling Trophy presented by Lt Gen SPP Thorat, 38609/A/139 ACA Mukul Thakur
DSO, KC (Retd) for Best Cadet in Officer Like
Exceptional Leadership Award - Trophy presented by 38648/I/139 ACC Utkarsh Sharma
45th NDA Course
Lt Ummer Fayaz Trophy for Showing Overall 38717/E/139 Cdt Vijay Bahadur
Improvement in Performance while Training at the
Chiefs of Staff (COS) Trophy and Medallion for the 38739/R/139 BCC Anirudh Singh
Best Cadet for Maximum Contribution Towards
Trophy for Best Sportsman of Passing Out Course 38822/A/139 BCC Ajay Singh
presented by 17th NDA Course Bhadoria

COAS Trophy presented by Gen K Sundarji, PVSM 38800/R/139 CQMS Arkshit Kapoor
(Retd) and Medallion of the Trophy for Standing First
in Science Stream (B.Sc.)
CAS Trophy, presented by Air Chief Marshal NC 38613/R/139 BCA Dhananjay
Suri, PVSM, AVSM, VM (Retd) and Medallion of the Jasrotia
Trophy for Standing First in Social Science Stream
Admiral’s Trophy presented by Admiral Sureesh 38585/J/139 SCC Parul Yadav
Mehta, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, Chief of Naval Staff
(Retd) and Medallion of the Trophy for Standing First
in Computer Science Stream {B.Sc. (CS)}
38583/P/139 SCC Sawan
Chief of Naval Staff Trophy presented by Admiral OS
Dawson, PVSM, AVSM (Retd) and Medallion of the
Trophy for First in Order of Merit in B Tech Stream



Mrs Mira Mistry, President FWO Inaugurating NDA Expo Autumn Term 2020

Performance by Cadets of Dramatics Club Cadet from the Rock Climbing and Trekking
Club Demonstrating Rappelling Skills

Automotive Club Performance by Classical Music Club


38601/G/139 DCC Vaidansh Verma Arts

38583/P/139 SCC Sawan Arts
38613/R/139 BCA DS Jasrotia Arts
39201/J/140 Cdt KJ Abhinav Arts
39226/H/141 Cdt Anurag Bisht Arts
39513/F/141 Cdt Laksh Sharma AI & Robotics
39502/P/141 Cdt Jatin Sharma AI & Robotics
38930/D/140 Cdt Arvind S Chauhan AI & Robotics
39371/C/141 Cdt N Kumar AI & Robotics
39252/B/141 Cdt Daivansh Bhandari Astronavigation
39525/C/141 Cdt Aditya Raj Singh Astronavigation
40114/B/143 Cdt Sidhant Swarup Dramatics
40084/A/143 Cdt G Singh Dramatics
38843/G/139 DCC Sri Vishnu Mangalapurapu Photography
38777/K/139 DCC Gourava Pratap Photography
38595/G/139 CQMS Shikhar Mishra Photography
38803/A/139 DCC Bavigadda Ravi Prasad Photography
38726/B/139 SCC Ujjwal Nautiyal Photography
38939/O/140 Cdt Angad Singh Mukar Photography
39308/L/141 Cdt PS Rathore Photography
38885/B/140 Cdt Tegjeet Sing Quiz
38893/A/140 Cdt K Mallik Quiz
39848/F/142 Cdt Nitin Geat Riding & Polo
39618-T/J/142 Cdt Komiljon Ashurov Riding & Polo
39449/M/141 Cdt Shubham Negi Sailing
39427/K/141 Cdt Yuvraj Goswami Sailing
39152/F/140 Cdt Anirban Bhattacharjee Trekking & Rock Climbing
38932/M/140 Cdt Amit Kumar Trekking & Rock Climbing
39919/Q/143 Cdt Prateek Choudhary Yoga
39488/I/140 Cdt Ritik Koushal Yoga


Bayonet Charge Display by Cadets

Show Jumping by ETT Mass PT Display by PTT

Flying Display by AFTT Skipping Rope Display by PTT

1. Academy Quiz Competition (Finals) Autumn Term 2020. Finals of the Academy Quiz
Competition was held at the Habibullah Hall on 16 Oct 2020 under the aegis of Education
Branch. Result of Academy Quiz Competition of Autumn Term 2020 is as follows:-

Position Academy No Sqn Course Name

First 39388 K 141 Cdt Ashutosh Kumar
39258 0 141 Cdt Prashant Suman
Second 38585 J 139 Cdt Parul Yadav
38624 D 139 Cdt Soyin Mukhopadhyaya
Third 38889 P 140 Cdt Nitin Yadav
38896 P 140 Cdt Sourabh Swain
Fourth 39727 O 142 Cdt Atharva Subhash Surve
39554 M 142 Cdt Anurag Kanav
Fifth 40081 C 143 Cdt Kulkarni Varad Praddyumna
40085 K 143 Cdt Abhay Prasad

Academy Quiz Competition Autumn Term 2020

2. An English play titled ‘Chanakya’ was staged by the cadets on 02 Nov 2020 at the
Habibullah Hall.

The Play ‘Chanakya’ being Staged at Habibullah Hall

3. Inter- Squadron Public Speaking Competition (Finals) Autumn Term 2020. The Inter-
Squadron Public Speaking Competition for Autumn Term 2020 was held on 18 Sep 2020, at
Habibullah Hall. DCC Anant Singh was adjudged the Best Speaker for the award of Comman-
dant’s Silver Medal and DCC Pranjal Kapil won the Commandant’s Motivation Book Prize. The
winner of the Inter- Squadron Public Speaking Competition was 'K' Squadron.

Inter- Squadron Public Speaking Competition Autumn Term 2020

4. A guest lecture by Lt Gen DB Shekatkar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd) was organized for the
officers and cadets on 26 Oct 2020 at Habibullah Hall.

Lt Gen DB Shekatkar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd) at Habibullah Hall


1. The aim of Army Training Team (ATT) at able them to take on training at Indian Military
National Defence Academy is to train the Academy with confidence. VI Term Army Ca-
Army cadets to be proficient in basic soldierly dets were trained in basic skills including Map
skills to lead a Section as part of Platoon in Reading (MR), Radio Telephony (RT), Field
combat effectively and efficiently. During Au- Engineering (FE), Tactics and Weapon Train-
tumn Term 2020, training in Service Subjects ing (WT).
(SS) & Specialist Service Subjects (SSS)
was imparted to 223 Army Cadets of 139th 4. Important Training Events. In addition to
Course and 223 Army Cadets of 140th training of VI Term Army Cadets, the ATT suc-
Course. In addition, basic weapon training cessfully conducted the following events dur-
was imparted to all the cadets of 141st and ing Autumn Term 2020:-
142nd Course as part of Foundation Course.

(a) Firing for Naval and Air Force Cadets

Training Events of VI Term.

2. Foundation Course (Weapon Training).

(b) Firing for cadets of III Term and IV
As part of Foundation Course, cadets of III &
Term (Foundation Course).
IV Term are given basic training in handling
and firing of 5.56 mm INSAS Rifle.
(c) Study of military campaigns and lead-
ership profiles was carried out by VI
3. Specialist Service Subjects. 223 Army
Term Army Cadets at Squadron and Bat-
Cadets of 139th Course and 223 Army Ca-
dets of 140th Course were imparted Army talion level. Presentations on the same
training during Autumn Term 2020. The ca- were organised to improve the oratory
dets displayed keen interest towards Service skills of the cadets.
Training and achieved standards that will en-

5. Service /Visits. Visits and Service attach-
ments provide NDA Cadets an insight into the
organisation and functioning of military units,
thus facilitating better correlation of NDA train-
ing with their future employment as military
Officers. During Autumn Term 2020, Army
Training Team organised the following Ser-
vice training visits for cadets of V & VI Term:-

Date Course Place

12 Oct 139 Course BEG Centre, Pune
2020 (VI Term)
(Army Cadets)
16 Oct 139th Course
2020 (VI Term) BEG Centre, Pune
(AF & Naval Ca-
dets) Including
foreign cadets
28 Oct 139th Course ACC & School
2020 (VI Term) Ahmednagar
Army, Naval &
AF Cadets
(Training Visit)
Visit to BEG Centre, Pune

6. Utilisation of Training Aids. Training

Aids available were optimally utilised. Some
of the aspects on state of the art training aids
available are highlighted below:-

(a) Firing and Training on Drona

Simulators. The cadets were given
squad post training on handling of 5.56
mm INSAS Rifle and 5.56mm Light
Machine Gun (LMG). They were
trained on the Drona simulators prior to
the conduct of actual firing.

(b) Cut out Models of 5.56 INSAS

Rifle. Cut Section Model of INSAS Ri-
fle is used for better understanding of
cycle of operation and various parts of
INSAS Rifle. Presently ten Cut Section
Models are held with this training team.

Visit to ACC & S, Ahmednagar

7. Training Initiatives. The following training (iii) No intermingling of squad-
initiatives were taken in Autumn Term 2020:- rons was ensured as a precau-
tionary measure during conduct
of all types of training by Army
(a) Modified Training in COVID-19 Sce-
Training Team.
nario. Keeping in mind the restrictions
imposed due to prevailing COVID-19 pan-
demic, the Army Training Team instituted
following initiatives to ensure high stan-
dards of training:-

(i) Strength of cadets was divided

in three groups to ensure social
distancing, while conducting vari-
ous discussion, lectures, demon-
strations, classes, firing and squad
post training.

Social Distancing During LDs

(iv) Ideal locations resembling

the exact terrain layout for
Exercise Trishul were identified
within NDA campus at Chowra
Dongar & Karpa Dongar to give
cadets exposure to offensive
and defensive operations.

LD on Tent Pitching

(ii) All the map reading and navi-

gation classes/exercises were or-
ganised inside NDA campus after
carrying out recce to select suit-
able locations in order to ensure
that cadets remain safe from pre-
vailing pandemic. Terrain Overview

(v) Regular spray of hygiene &

sanitation chemicals of the
camp location were ensured.

(b) Josh Run. The following initiatives

were incorporated in “Josh Run”:-

(i) Identification of three differ-

ent routes within NDA premises
Map Reading
to avoid bunching up of squad-

rons one behind another. (i) It consists of modified weap-
ons with gas manganese screen
to depict the various types of
(ii) Keeping in mind the diffi-
target, audio visual equipment
culty level in routes, additional
and monitoring systems to show
hydration points were created at
the hits of bullets.
selected locations to ensure ca-
dets remain hydrated during
Josh Run. (ii) IWTS will provide the cadets
an opportunity to fire various
Infantry weapons at different
(c) Firing Point System in Exercise
ranges, different firing positions
Hamla. To avoid the necessity of ze-
and in various types of terrain
roed weapons, firing competition
and weather conditions.
based on size of group by each cadet
was introduced on a figure 4’x4’ tar-
get. (iii) It will act as a precursor to
actual firing on the range.

(iv) It will augment actual

weapon training and lead to sav-
ing of ammunition and time.

(c) Electronic Target System (Smart

Target System : 08 Lane).

(i) Electronic Target System

consists of electronic targets at
the target end and monitoring
Firing Competition system at the firing point which
enables a firer to see the hit of
8. Future Visualisation and Projects. bullets without going to target
(a) Tactical Engagement Simula-
tor. Tactical Engagement Simulator (ii) Electronic Target System
consists of modified weapons with will provide the instructor at the
wearable harness having inbuilt sen- firing end a facility to check the
sors and monitoring equipment to accuracy of the shots fired and
observe the hits. This will help the give corrective exercises to the
cadets to assimilate the training firer if required.
imparted to them in a better manner
and will improve their understanding
of field craft and battle craft. This will (iii) It will obviate the physical
also provide an insight in to the movement of firer towards the
importance of minor tactics and effec- target end to check and repair
tive use of weapons at individual and the targets which will lead to sav-
sub-unit level. ing of time.

(b) Infantry Weapons Training

Simulator (IWTS).

9. SI (Army) Prize Distribution Autumn Term 2020. Meritorious cadets were awarded
awards for excellence in various Service Subjects. The Award Winners are as follows:-
(a) Order of Eklavya
(i) 38787/J/139 BCA Animesh Chug
(ii) 38480/Q/139 Cdt Harsiddak Paul
(b) Bayonet Pin
(i) 38585/J/139 SCC Parul Yadav
(ii) 38635/J/139 BCC J S Negi
(iii) 38781/J/139 Cdt Viraj Patil
(iv) 38862//J/139 CSM Rahul Diwedi
(v) 38778/I/139 Cdt Rishabh Gupta
(vi) 38637/R/139 SCC Anmol Kanav
(vii) 38644/M/139 DCC Angad Bagga
(viii) 38872/J/139 DCC Ritik Vats
(ix) 38618/P/139 Cdt Rishabh Kumar
(x) 38610/K/139 DCC Sahil Kasnia
(xi) 38739/R/139 BCC Anirudh Singh
(xii) 38678/M/139 SCC Preet Singh
(c) Best Cadet in Map Reading : 38252/B/139 Cdt Divyam Chandel
(d) Best Cadet in Tactics : 38678/M/139 SCC Preet Singh
(e) Best Cadet in Weapon Training : 38635/J/139 BCC J S Negi
(f) Best Cadet in Weapon Handling: 38636/A/139 Cdt Amir Hussain
(g) Overall Second Best Cadet : 38635/J/139 BCC J S Negi
in Specialist Service Subjects
(h) Overall Best Cadet : 38585/J/139 SCC Parul Yadav
in Specialist Service Subjects
(j) Book Prizes.
(i) Overall Best Cadet : 38585/J/139 SCC Parul Yadav
in Specialist Service Subjects
(ii) Overall Second Best Cadet : 38635/J/139 BCC JS Negi
in Specialist Service Subjects
(k) Squadron Cup/Trophy
(i) Best Squadron in Map Reading - 'J' Squadron
(ii) Best Squadron in Weapon Training - 'J' Squadron
(iii) Best Squadron in Tactics - 'J' Squadron
(iv) Best Squadron in Specialist - 'J' Squadron
Service Subjects

The Insatiable Thirst of a Seafarer in the Quest for Sealegs

1. Naval Training Team (NTT) is entrusted ing. Online theoretical training, online assign-
with the responsibility of transforming land lub- ments, setting up of new classroom at train-
bers into sea farers. The Team believes in the ing shed at Peacock Bay and enhanced
overall development of the cadet academi- simulator training methodology were intro-
cally, intellectually and of his personality. duced to minimise the impact of COVID-19
Hence, along with Specialist Service Training, on Service Subject training.
the Team also endeavours to encourage crea-
tivity, improve presentation skills, inculcate a 4. Various training activities conducted under
flair for Watermanship and encourage the aegis of NTT during the Autumn Term
research oriented studies amongst cadets 2020 are as enumerated in succeeding para-
through study of contemporary military topics graphs.
and naval campaigns.
5. Training During COVID-19. Continuation
2. NTT lays the basic foundation on Naviga- of training during COVID-19 lock down was
tion, Seamanship and Communication for V undertaken successfully through a combina-
and VI Term Naval Cadets at NDA with the tion of Online teaching as well as instructions
aim of ensuring that all Naval Cadets imbibe by respective Squadron Naval DS.
basic knowledge of Navigation, Seamanship &
Communication in both theoretical & practical (a) Online training. Online training
aspects. In addition, the Team also instils in was imparted to cadets during the com-
cadets of the three Services, a sense of plete lockdown period wherein Service
adventure, camaraderie, courage, mental agil- Subjects were taught to cadets through
ity and enhanced endurance through Water- NDA Campus Area Network (CAN). The
manship training. training material and specific training
aids were available to each cadet
3. Implementation of COVID-19 related pre- through a Learning Management Sys-
cautions presented considerable challenges, tem (LMS). Teaching was conducted
during the term for conduct of the Naval Train- through online classes by Instructors of

NTT and Naval DS were co-opted for desired standards of speed and accuracy.
specific subjects.

(b) Online Assignment. Cadets were

given online assignments to solve in or-
der to assess the knowledge gained by
them through classes. Cadets were made
to submit assignments on the topics
which were taught. Feedback regarding
the online mode of teaching was taken
and utmost care was taken to resolve any
difficulty faced by the cadets in under-
standing any topic.
Semaphore Exercise for Cadets
(c) Online Exam. Mid-term examination
for 139th and 140th Course was conducted 6. “Day Aboard at Sea’’ Phase I. Phase I of
in online mode which also included “Day aboard at sea” was conducted from 0800
MCQs and short answer type questions. hrs to 2000 hrs on 12 Oct 2020. Following
However, the End Semester Examination evaluations were undertaken during the train-
was conducted in classrooms at Peacock ing exercises:-
Bay with COVID-19 precautions in place.
(a) Sea Routine. The cadets followed
(d) Enhanced Simulator Training on Sea routine (four hour watches) while un-
Ship Handling Simulator (SHS). To ca- dergoing various exercises/ evolutions
associated with routine at sea. The Ship’s
ter for cancelled outstation training visits,
routine was promulgated by piping/ ring-
simulator training was enhanced to give
ing of Ship’s Bell during the entire event.
individual training to each cadet. Every
The cadets were divided into three
cadet of VI Term was made to undertake
watches to undertake duties as Bridge
duties of OOW, Visual plotting and Blind Watchkeepers, Lookouts, OOW and
Pilotage on simulator. Quarter Masters. Action messing, wherein
cadets were rotated for meals from their
(e) New Classroom in Training Shed. action post, akin to procedures followed
A new classroom with social distancing onboard warships during action stations
and enhanced projection system was set was also conducted.
up to undertake classroom training at
Peacock Bay from 27 Jun 2020. (b) Seamanship Evolutions. Practical
training in Replenishment At Sea, man
(f) Flashing and Semaphore. Ex- overboard drills and boat handling were
change of messages at Sea using Flash- conducted. In addition to display of gear
ing and Semaphore is a major part of Na- used in such evolutions, the cadets par-
val Communication syllabus at NTT. ticipated in rigging the gear used for
Training sessions were regularly con- transfer of personnel and material at sea.
ducted by Day and Night for Semaphore Thereafter, two cadets were transferred
and Flashing respectively. Each cadet from TS Ronnie Pereira to transfer plat-
has been trained to transmit and receive form using Light Jackstay.
messages using Morse code, Flags and
(c) The overall aim of the exercise
Flashing lights with focus on attaining the
was achieved as cadets were exposed to
practical aspects of General Navigation

and Seamanship. take independent watches at Bridge as
Lookouts, OOW, Lifebuoy sentries &
Quarter Masters.

(c) Seamanship. Practical aspects of

evolutions such as towing, boat han-
dling, and hoisting/lowering boats were
disseminated to the cadets.

Transfer of Cadets by Light Jackstay - Phase I of

“Day Aboard at Sea’’

7. “Day Aboard at Sea’’ Phase II. Phase II

of “Day aboard at sea” was conducted from
0800 hrs and concluded at 2000 hrs on 15 Oct
2020. Following evaluations were undertaken
during the training exercises.

Hoisting and Lowering Drills for Boats

(a) Ship Handling Simulator. Cadets
were exposed to different facets of Bridge
watchkeeping by conducting watches at the
Ship Handling Simulator. The cadets were
put through Bridge work procedures ranging
from general cruising stations in open seas
to special evolutions such as entering/ leav-
ing harbour and ROR situations. Each cadet
was assessed by a Naval DS with respect
to various aspects of execution of naviga-
tion and pilotage.

Training Onboard the TS Ronnie Pereira

(d) In addition, the cadets were also

exposed to practical aspects of Astro
Navigation, Communication procedures
at sea by exchanging messages
through Flashing and Semaphore.

(e) Phase II of “Day Aboard at Sea”

Cadets Using the Ship Handling Simulator was concluded after a debrief session
by all instructors.
(b) Sea Routine. Ship’s routine was
promulgated by piping during the entire
event. The cadets were tasked to under-

8. SI (N) Prize Distribution for Passing Out Naval Cadets of 139th Course Autumn Term
2020. SI (Navy) Prize Distribution Ceremony for award of Anchor Pins, Trophies, Medallion
and Book prizes for passing out Naval Cadets of 139th Course was conducted at NTT on 31
Oct 2020. Names of the Award Winners are as follows:-
(a) Trophies

S. No Name of Trophy Winner

(i) Cup presented by Govt. of Madras for standing 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik
First in Specialist Service Subjects (Navy)

(ii) Cup presented by Admiral Mark Pizey for 38672/B/139 Cdt Manas Negi
standing Second in Specialist Service Subjects

(iii) CNS Trophy presented by Admiral OS Dawson, 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik
PVSM, AVSM (Retd) for standing First in Astro
(iv) Trophy presented by Vice Admiral Madhvendra 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik
Singh PVSM, AVSM, ADC, Flag Officer
Commanding-in-Chief Western Naval Command
(Retd) for standing First in Seamanship
(v) Vice Admiral RD Katari Trophy for Best 38747/E/139
Helmsman CQMS Ajay Jose Joseph N

S. No Name of Book Award Winner

(i) First in Specialist Service Subjects (Navy) 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik

(ii) Second in Specialist Service Subjects (Navy) 38672/B/139 Cdt Manas Negi
(iii) First in Astro Navigation 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik

(b) Book Prizes

S. No Name of the Cadet

(i) 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik
(ii) 38672/B/139 Cdt Manas Negi
(iii) 38647/E/139 DCC Aakash Yadav

(c) Motivation Awards Specialist Service Subjects (Navy) - Anchor Pin

S. No Name of Medallion/Replica Winner

(i) First in Specialist Service Subjects (Navy) 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik

(ii) Second in Specialist Service Subjects (Navy) 38672/B/139 Cdt Manas Negi

(iii) First in Astro Navigation 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik

(iv) First in Seamanship 38879/F/139 DCC Prabhat Kaushik


1. The National Defence Academy was es- the cadet is exposed to the practical side of
tablished based on the concept of nurturing all that he studied in his ground subjects’
the selected talent for future Military Leaders classes, mainly Aerodynamics & Principles
of all the three Services to train jointly to of Flight, Avionics, Airframe and Engines,
achieve a deep-rooted camaraderie, mutual Instrumentation, On-ground and In-air pro-
understanding and respect. The Air Force cedures, Airmanship, Meteorology and Avia-
Training Team (AFTT) was constituted to tion Medicine.
serve as a platform to introduce the Air Force
Cadets of senior term, aspects specific to Air
Force. This pattern of senior cadets training
together in the Academy, sharing with their
coursemates of the sister Services their Ser-
vice specific experiences, has stood the test of
time in achieving the primary aim.

2. At AFTT, V Term Cadets are introduced to

the basic aspects of aviation through extensive
classes covered in nine subjects. Once,
through, the VI Term Cadets are exposed to
the basics of actual flying, ensconced in the
Super Dimona Piston Engine Multi-utility Air- Class in Session at AFTT
craft of Austrian origin. This aircraft is
designed to cater for the general aviation en- 3. A total of 35 cadets of 139 NDA Course
thusiasts across the world and aptly meets the have undergone this curriculum during Au-
requirement of ab-initio aviation training. The tumn Term 2020. Ground training classes of
flying is spread over 10 dual sorties in which VI Term Air Force Cadets started from

08 Jun 2020 whereas flying training com- Army and Naval Cadets (including international
menced on 24 Jun 2020. A total of 265 cadets) to 2 Wing, AF Station Pune could not
hours over 353 sorties were flown to com- be conducted due to extreme pandemic sce-
plete this abbreviated tasking. This exposure nario around Pune area.
is likely to serve as the bedrock in the long
process of intensive learning and grooming 7. Over the years, the National Defence Acad-
that awaits him in the Indian Air Force be- emy has progressed from training on the erst-
fore he matures as a capable Military Avia- while towed glider in the Gliderdrome, to the
tor. Super Dimona flown from a fully established
runway with an independent ATC. Increased
concentration on the ground training aspects to
cater both B Tech syllabus as well as computer
based training methods, have resulted in a ca-
det who is selected early, trained well, moti-
vated and very well adapted with his peer
group in all the three Services.

Briefing Session

4. The Air Force ethos of being individually

accountable to own actions, unassisted de-
cision making while alone up in the air, and
an all pervading culture of Mission Achieve-
ment without compromising Flight Safety
has taken root in these cadets. This would
stand them in good stead as they traverse Getting to Know the Super Dimona
the demanding career that awaits them.
8. The team at AFTT is sanguine that a com-
5. A strong spirit of healthy competition and bination of phased exposure to the Air Force,
controlled killer instincts has been progres- its roles, activities and way of life, along with
sively instilled in them as they compete the same for the sister Services has inculcated
against their own coursemates to win the a deeper understanding in all the cadets. In
coveted Flying Pins and Trophies. The se- passing out such a cadet to be trained in the
lected few also get the honor of flying as the Air Force Academy and commissioned into the
co-pilot in an aerial display organized for Air Force as an Officer, the NDA has rightfully
their parents during the Passing out Parade. lived up to its cherished role of being the
‘Cradle of Military Leadership’.
6. Owing to the prevalent COVID-19 sce-
nario, Exercise Garuda for VI Term Air
Force Cadets could not be conducted at Air
Force Academy, Hyderabad. The time slot
for Exercise Garuda was utilized to complete
the Flying Training of the cadets at AFTT.
Also, Service Attachment of III Term Air
Force and Cross Training visit of V Term

9. SI (AF) Prize Distribution for Passing out AF Cadets of 139th Course - Autumn Term

(a) Flying Pin Winners

(i) 38603/E/139 Cdt Rishikesh Singh
(ii) 38592/L/139 DCC Tarang Gupta

(b) First in Service Subjects (AF) Merit

(i) 38603/E/139 Cdt Rishikesh Singh

(c) First in Specialist Service Subjects (AF) Merit

(i) 38845/O/139 Cdt Amartya Sharadrao Deshmukh

(d) Best Air Force Cadet in Flying

(i) 38845/O/139 Cdt Amartya Sharadrao Deshmukh

(e) Book Prize : Second in Specialist Service Subjects (AF) Merit

(i) 38616//F/139 Cdt Sagar Kumar Dubey

(f) Book Prizes to V Term AF Cadets (140 C)

(i) First in Service Subjects (AF) Merit

(aa) 39030/K/140 Cdt Shivam Raj
(ii) Second in Service Subjects (AF) Merit
(aa) 39016/F/140 Cdt Arshdeep Singh

SI (AF) Prize Distribution Autumn Term 2020


1. Joint Training Team (JTT), the youngest 4. Conduct of Contact Classes with So-
amongst the training teams at NDA was cre- cial Distancing Norms. The existing four
ated in 2007 as per recommendations of ISSG classes were further subdivided into eight
-I. Since then, its role and charter has classes to accommodate cadets with social
expanded manifold and it is playing a leading distancing norms.
role in sowing the seeds of jointmanship in the
Armed Forces.

2. The aim of training at JTT is to impart

knowledge about military leadership, core
values of armed forces and train the cadets in
map reading and navigational skills. JTT is
responsible for the holistic development of
character and leadership qualities in cadets
and to impart contemporary service training to Social Distancing During Classes
inculcate the spirit of jointmanship.
5. E-learning Modules. To facilitate self
study and easy comprehension by cadets,
3. Autumn Term 2020 began with unprece- CBTs (Computer Based Training) and video
dented challenges posed due to COVID-19. lectures on map reading, survival, camou-
JTT swiftly adapted to the situation and con- flage and concealment were prepared
ducted classes with social distancing norms in-house by JTT and uploaded on Campus
and created E-learning modules to cater for Area Network (CAN) of NDA. Online quiz
curtailed contact classes due to lockdown and tests were also conducted bi-weekly to keep
pandemic restrictions. track of cadets’ performance and obtain

objective feedback. rons.

6. Conduct of Camp Greenhorn & Rover. 8. Conduct of Chiefs of Staff Quiz Compe-
To meet the challenges of conducting tition. A quiz competition to select the winner
camps in COVID-19 environment without of the coveted Chiefs of Staff Trophy was con-
diluting the training standards, they were ducted on 27 Oct 2020. Cadets of the 139th
conducted in a modified manner by ensuring Course who were winners of Bayonet Pins,
dispersed layout for battalions and squad- Anchor Pins and Flying Pins participated in
rons, separate dining, bathing areas and this competition which tested them on current
lavatories to maintain social distancing. Ad- affairs, general awareness and defence re-
ditionally, stores were provisioned to accom- lated issues.
modate four cadets per tent. Also, to offset
shortage of manpower, few improvements
9. Conclusion. The highlight of this term was
such as creation of maintenance track using
the successful conduct of three back to back
construction rubble, water pumps to reduce
camps without a single reported incident of
frequent movement of water tankers and
COVID-19 infection. JTT was able to evolve
laying temporary pipelines helped to obviate
new training methodologies to successfully
a lot of administrative constraints.
adapt to the changed training environment
brought about by COVID-19. It managed to
7. Food containers arriving from Cadets’ leverage technology to obviate some of the
Mess were sanitised using high pressure challenges posed by the pandemic without
steam jet cleaners. Staggered timings were lowering training standards and successfully
strictly enforced for use of dining halls and met its goals of inculcating leadership traits,
bathing areas and also lavatories between navigational skills and jointmanship training
squadrons. Additionally, these areas were amongst cadets.
sanitised before their use by different squad-

Dispersed Camp Layout to Ensure Implementation of COVID-19 Measures


1. Physical fitness is the hallmark of a

military leader. A soldier’s level of physical
fitness has a direct impact on his combat
readiness. It enhances a person’s quality of
life, improves productivity and brings about
positive physical and mental changes.
COVID-19 has impacted life world over and
NDA was no exception. The lock down,
social distancing and other advisories to
control spread of the pandemic affected
training of cadets. However, all out efforts
were made by the Physical Training Team
(PTT) to ensure physical fitness of cadets. In
Physical Training with Social Distancing
order to achieve the same, training was
carried out in squadron areas and PT fields, Inter Squadron / Battalion Championships
by changing training methodology, to ensure Autumn Term 2020
systematic training was conducted despite
numerous challenges. 3. Inter Squadron Squash Championship.
Inter Squadron Squash Championship Autumn
2. Besides PT, PTT conducted sports Term 2020 was conducted from 16-22 Sep
events to provide competitive skill and 2020. The matches were played as best of
recreation amongst cadets. A brief on three games on league cum knock out basis as
activities of the PTT is as given in per the rules of Squash Racquet Federation of
succeeding paragraphs. India (SRFI). The overall squadron positions

were as follows:-

1st I 2nd E 3rd J

4th A 5th F 6th K
7th N 8th B 9th P
10th R 11th M 12th L
13th H 14th C 15th D
16th O 17th G 18th Q

‘Á’ Squadron with the Volleyball Trophy

5. Festival Volleyball Match. A festival

Volleyball match was organized between the
Officers and cadets of the 139th Course on 01
Nov 2020. The match was won by the Passing
Out Course.

Squash Match in Progress

4. Inter Squadron Volleyball Competition.

Inter Squadron Volleyball Competition
Autumn Term 2020 was conducted from 28
Sep – 27 Oct 2020. The competition was
conducted on three string basis. The winner
of Inter Squadron Volleyball Competition
Autumn Term 2020 was ‘Á’ Squadron with
2500 points. The overall squadron positions
were as follows:-

1st A 2nd J 3rd P

4th D 5th L 6th E
7th F 8th O 9th R
10th M 11th N 12th I
13th K 14th B 15th Q
16th C 17th H 18th G

Festival Volleyball Match

6. PTT organized the following activities for the PT and Equitation Display for Autumn Term
(a) Skipping Rope display by 20 cadets
(b) Power Yoga display by 36 cadets
(c) Mass PT display by 80 cadets
(d) Ground floor exercises by 24 cadets

Skipping Rope and Mass PT Display by Cadets

7. Motivation and Proficiency Awards for Autumn Term 2020 are as follows:-

38815/R/139 DCC Kajal Singh Physical Training
39167/E/140 Sgt Mausam Vats Physical Training
39090/E/140 Cdt Ravi Ranjan Physical Training
39383/O/141 Flg Cpl Gaurav Prakash Physical Training
39786-SD/G/142 Cdt M Adil Abdalla Adam Physical Training

38699/M/139 Cdt Ankit Kundu Physical Training
38696/N/139 CSM Vikas Mahla Physical Training
39133/B/140 Cdt Anurag Kushwaha Physical Training
38945/E/140 Cdt PB Chhetri Physical Training
39006-B/G/140 Cdt Tenzin Namgay Physical Training
39400-K/H/140 Cdt KA Abdimalik Physical Training
39088/K/140 Sgt Ashish Yadav Physical Training
39005-B/L/140 Cdt Kuenga T Dorji Physical Training
38938/N/140 Sgt Utkarsh Nainwal Physical Training
39068/P/140 Cdt Vivian Singh Khural Physical Training
38969/P/140 Cdt Jaywant Tamrakar Physical Training


39402-T/O/141 Cdt H Hotamshoh Physical Training

39401-T/Q/141 Cdt K Roziqjon Physical Training
39007-B/J/140 Cdt JP Dorji Riding & Polo
39131/Q/140 Cdt Rithwik S Thakur Riding & Polo
39384/G/141 Cdt Kapil K Pandey Riding & Polo

38650/D/139 Cdt Gautam Vishnu Physical Training
38864/R/139 Cdt Dinesh Lal Physical Training
38978-T/B/140 Cdt Shokirov Ismoil Physical Training
38944/D/140 Cdt Rajat Dhyani Physical Training
39109-K/E/140 Cdt Taalaibek Kalabekov Physical Training
39175/J/140 Cdt Parag Raghav Physical Training
39155/N/140 Cdt Ritesh Kumar Physical Training
38980-M/N/140 Cdt Ali Amir Physical Training
39053/O/140 Cdt Vrinder Singh Gouria Physical Training
39127/O/140 Sgt Samyak Shaminder Physical Training
38996/O/140 Cdt Pranav BR Physical Training


39170-B/O/140 Cdt Tandin Tshering Physical Training

39171-B/R/140 Cdt Tashi Wangdi Physical Training
39300/A/141 Cdt Sagar Singh Kathayat Physical Training
39419/K/141 Cdt Ashutosh Barmola Physical Training
39360/M/141 Cdt Mohit Kaler Physical Training
39673/K/142 Cdt M Adhija Venkatesh Physical Training
39874-B/K/142 Cdt Chencho Norbu Physical Training
39574/M/142 Cdt Mandeep Yadav Physical Training
39686/M/142 Cdt Abhimanyu Singh Physical Training
39876-B/N/142 Cdt Sherab Wangchuk Physical Training
39854/N/142 Cdt Nitin Sharma Physical Training
40099-AF/D/143 Cdt PA Bakhshi Physical Training
40094/I/143 Cdt Abhay Singh Bhadoria Squash
39848/F/142 Cdt Nitin Geat Riding & Polo
39618-T/J/142 Cdt Komiljon Ashurov Riding & Polo
40091/L/143 Cdt Ripunjay Naithani Riding & Polo


1. From the Stables of NDA. Horsemanship (b) Training through motivation and
is a time tested skill, which goes down in the continuous repetitive practice is being
annals of military history as a compulsory emphasized upon. Instructors demon-
component in building strong military leaders strate to cadets the training nuances
and hence Equitation training is one of the thereby encouraging them to start enjoy-
ing Equitation training.
most important facets emphasised upon in
military academies across the world. It teaches (c) Weak riders are advised to attend
compassion, courage & perseverance which extra riding classes in the evening
are essential qualities for a military leader. wherein dedicated instructors attend to
Equitation Training Team (ETT) of NDA was cadets for personal guidance in an
inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 06 enhanced instructor – cadet ratio.
Oct 1949. Since then the ETT has been
committed to training cadets in the basics of
Equitation and Animal management with the
singular aim of systematic building up of lead-
ership traits in cadets. The Team is responsi-
ble for selecting keen and proficient cadets to
form the Academy Riding and Polo Team. The
Team is also responsible for training of young
horses that are received from remount depots
every year. Equitation training is carried out in
various disciplines of Equestrian sport.

2. Training Methodology.

(a) Cadets are taught benefits of Equita-

tion towards their overall development Cadet Training in ETT
thereby developing a positive approach
to animal management.

3. Instructors of ETT and cadets of Acad- (b) Instructors of Equitation Training
emy Riding & Polo Team Autumn Term Team Autumn Term 2020
S/No. Name
(a) Cadets of Academy Riding & Polo
(i) Lt Col Prateeq Misra, ETO
Team Autumn Term 2020
S/No. Name (ii) Maj Pritam Mishra, AETO
(i) 38741/G/139 Cdt Ravinder Singh (iii) Ris Maj GS Rathore

(ii) 38688/M/139 Cdt Satyendra (iv) Ris Rijraf Singh

(iii) 38756/O/139 Cdt Anmol (v) Ris Sanjay Rajaram Ghotane

(vi) Ris Sabbir Khan
(iv) 39007-B/J/140 Cdt JP Dorji
(vii) Ris Sohan Khan
(v) 39131/Q/140 Cdt Rithwik Singh
Thakur (viii) Nb Ris Kan Singh
(ix) Nb Ris GP Jadhav
(vi) 39470/C/141 Cdt Yashvardhan
Sharma (x) Nb Ris Noora Kathat

(vii) 39384/G/141 Cdt Kapil K Pandey (xi) Dfr Sandeep A Shinde

(xii) Dfr Ashok Dalvi
(viii) 39578/G/142 Cdt Varun Biyani
(xiii) Dfr Hasmat Khan
(ix) 39848/F/142 Cdt Nitin Geat
(xiv) Dfr Gugan Singh
(x) 39605/K/142 Cdt Parshant
(xv) Dfr Deepak Jagtap
(xi) 40005/E/143 Cdt T Soma Sundar
(xvi) Dfr Ugam Singh
(xii) 40091/L/143 Cdt Ripunjay Naithani
(xvii) Dfr Ghorpade Sandeep D
(xiii) 39618-T/J/142 Cdt K Ashurov
(xviii) Dfr CM Singh
(xix) Dfr Sachin Titame
(xx) Dfr Bhalekar Vikram
(xxi) Dfr Vikram Kadam
(xxii) Dfr Shakti Singh

Cadet Riding His Horse with Confidence Cadet Training in ETT

4. Training of Instructors. The Instruc- 6. Spur Test Autumn Term 2020. Spur Test is
tors are adequately motivated and trained conducted in every Autumn Term however due to
to impart equitation training. Further, suit- current COVID-19 pandemic situation Spur Test
ability assessment test and regular train- was not conducted during Autumn Term 2020.
ing cadre are conducted by the training
team for the instructors. The following 7. Performance of Academy Riding & Polo
methods have been adopted to enhance Team during Autumn Term 2020. In order to
proficiency of instructors:- give valuable exposure, cadets are exposed to
various Polo and Equestrian Championships with
(a) Lesson plans prepared, is- the aim of boosting their confidence and to fur-
sued, demonstrated and rehearsed ther develop/promote the sport in Armed Forces.
by instructors. However, due to current COVID-19 pandemic
situation cadets of the Academy Riding & Polo
(b) Handbook on Equitation train- Team did not participate in any Equitation Cham-
ing in Roman English has been pionship/Tournament during Autumn Term 2020.
published & issued to instructors.
8. Motivation & Proficiency Awards. Follow-
(c) Training of horses for specific ing cadets of Academy Riding & Polo Team have
Equestrian and Polo discipline by been awarded Motivation & Proficiency Awards in
instructors. Equitation for Autumn Term 2020:-

(d) Participation of instructors in

S. Academy Name of the Award
National, Services and Regional
No/Sqn/ Cadet
level competitions exhibiting NDA No
at national show window.
(a) 39007-B/J/140 Cdt JP Dorji Half Blue
(e) Audio Visual Training Aids for
analysis and assimilation of modern (b) 39131/Q/140 Cdt Rithwik S Half Blue
updated training module. Thakur

(f) Coaching/ Training of new (c) 39384/G/141 Cdt Kapil K Half Blue
(d) 39848/F/142 Cdt Nitin Geat Merit
5. Hack Ride. Hack Ride for Autumn Card
Term 2020 was conducted on 14 Jun (e) 39618-T/J/142 Cdt Komiljon Merit
2020. Ashurov Card

(f) 40091/L/143 Cdt Ripunjay Merit

Naithani Card

9. The ETT at NDA continuously engages in up-

grading the infrastructure and training methodol-
ogy to ensure quality training to the cadets. Au-
tumn Term 2020 added yet another successful
chapter to the faculty of ETT at NDA. The PT &
Equitation display on the occasion of the passing
Hack Ride out of the 139th Course showcased the nuances

of equestrian activities for Autumn Term 2020.

PT & Equitation Display Autumn Term 2020


Sitting (L-R):Maj Pritam Mishra (AETO), Lt Col Prateeq Misra (ETO), Ris Maj GS Rathore
Standing (L-R): Cdt Ripunjay Naithani, Cdt Varun Biyani, Cdt Nitin Geat, Cdt RS Thakur, Cdt
Ravinder Singh, Cdt JP Dorji, Cdt Yashvardhan Singh, Cdt Kapil K Pandey, Cdt Komil


1. The 142nd and 143rd Courses, eagerly wait- Also, to offset shortage of manpower few
ing for their initiation from rookie to cadets innovations i.e. construction of maintenance
were provided the opportunity to participate in track using construction rubble, procuring
Camp Greenhorn from 23 to 26 Sep 2020 and water pumps and laying of temporary pipe-
28 Sep to 01 Oct 2020 respectively as the lines helped to obviate a lot of administrative
camp could not be held during Spring Term constraints.
2020 on account of COVID-19 lockdown.
4. Further, to optimise training few new con-
2. The four day camp involved various train- cepts and initiatives were introduced such as
ing activities and aimed at achieving learning tactical layout of tents and use of natural
outcomes such as practice, hone & test map cover which was validated through aerial
reading skills of cadets to make them capable identification by Super Dimona Gliders of
of independent day navigation, expose them to AFTT. After the conduct of each map reading
field service conditions, basic field procedures, exercise, a debriefing was carried out for the
build endurance & ensconce leadership quali- cadets on a 3D Map Model of training area.
ties, esprit-de-corps & initiative. For the first time, lecture & demonstrations
on Judging Distance was conducted for ca-
3. To meet the challenges of conducting the dets of II and III Term.
camps in COVID-19 environment without dilut-
ing the training value, they were conducted in 5. 330 cadets of 142nd Course and 293 ca-
a de’novo manner which entailed battalion and dets of 143rd Course participated in Camp
squadron wise dispersed layout with separate Greenhorn during Autumn Term 2020.
dining, lavatory and bathing areas to maintain
social distancing and provisioning of additional
stores to accommodate four cadets per tent.

6. Training Schedule. The training sched- completion of a given task. In addition, the
ule followed during camps is as given below:- squadrons were also assessed on camp layout
and general hygiene, fire points, water points
Sl. Day Training Activity and standard of snake trenches and rain drains
in a phased manner on consecutive days of
(a) Day 1 Map Reading (MR) Exercise – I, camp.
Exercise Tent Pitching, Lecture
and Demonstration (LD) on First
Aid & Map Reading Exercise– II
(b) Day 2 LD on Judging Distance, Field
Signal & Exercise Mini Josh
(c) Day 3 LD on Snake Handling, Camp
Games & Tent Striking
(d) Day 4 Exercise Josh & Camp Fire

7. Map Reading Exercise I & II. The train-

ing objectives behind conduct of Map Read-
ing exercises were to get the cadets to test
their navigation skills under the supervision
of Direction Staff and identify weak cadets to Cadets Pitching a Tent
improve them. The methodology employed
9. Exercise Mini Josh. It was conducted as a
for the same was navigation by buddy pairs
day navigation exercise and began at 0600 hrs
in rotation during both exercises. These ex-
on the third day. For the conduct of the exer-
ercises also involved reiteration of basic con-
cise, all squadrons were divided into two groups
cepts including importance of continuous
each navigating two different routes. This was
map reading and its correlation with the
carried out to provide an opportunity to each
ground. There was no time limit for comple-
cadet a chance to carry out map reading. The
tion of the exercise.
basic Directing Staff manned the individual
Check Points (CP). Cadets were given maps
and compass for this exercise. The route had
six CPs excluding Start and Finish Points and
cadets had to negotiate a total distance of ap-
proximately 15 km off the map.

Map Reading
8. Exercise Tent Pitching. Each squadron
was allocated similar space to set up tents as
a part of the exercise. First phase of this
exercise involved pitching a tent in 20 min by
ten cadets per squadron. The cadets took up Mini Josh Run
the challenge and completed the exercise in
10. Camp Games. The cadets also had a
time with high standards. The exercise aimed
much needed break from their hectic and tiring
at assessing the cadets’ ability towards lead-
routine in the form of camp games. A ‘tug-of-
ership, coordination, teamwork and timely
war’ was organized to instil esprit-de-corps and
lighten the mood as also to ease the pres- their ‘Josh Run’. The exercise began at 0600
sure from the stressful training routine of the hrs. The route was of approximately 18 km with
cadets. It was a keenly contested event, seven Check Points excluding Start and Finish
wherein ample enthusiasm and skills were Points. The cadets of 142nd Course proved their
displayed by cadets of 142nd and 143rd mettle with all squadrons completing the exer-
cise within laid down timings. All squadrons dis-
Course. Camp Games were won by ‘R’ and
played very high standard of ‘josh’, stamina and
‘D’ Squadrons respectively. enthusiasm during the exercise. ‘N’ and ‘D’
Squadrons emerged as winners of Exercise
Josh Run for Camp Greenhorn Phase-I and
Phase-II respectively.

Tug-of-War in Progress

11. Lectures and Demonstrations. Lec- Exercise Josh Run

ture demonstrations on the prevention of
snake bites, Field Signals, First Aid and 13. Camp Fire. The Camp Fire was conducted
Judging Distances were conducted for the on 26 Sep 2020 and 01 Oct 2020 respectively
cadets. at Bombay Stadium. The Camp Fire provided a
platform to the cadets to showcase their hidden
talents, after the enduring camp routine. The
cadets actively participated in the entertainment
program which was witnessed and appreciated
by all Officers of NDA. The young Greenhorns
had transformed the quiet and serene Bombay
Stadium into an electric atmosphere by their

14. Conclusion. During Camp Greenhorn Au-

tumn Term 2020, the involvement and enthusi-
asm of all cadets and Directing Staff was found
to be at its best. Cadets participated in all the
exercises and activities with high spirits and
Lecture and Demonstration on Field Signals
motivation. There were no disciplinary issues
and all the squadrons competed in a fair man-
ner. The esprit-de-corps and jointmanship dis-
12. Exercise Josh Run. The final event of played by the cadets was lauded by the Deputy
camp was Exercise Josh Run. The ultimate Commandant & Chief Instructor, National De-
aim of each cadet was to fight and win the fence Academy during the prize distribution
Josh Run. It was a proud moment for each ceremony. “N’ and ‘D’ Squadrons won the over-
participating cadet and their josh was on evi- all Greenhorn Phase-I and Phase-II Champion-
dent display by the loud ‘war-cries’ that each ship respectively.
squadron demonstrated prior to the start of

15. Final Results Camp Greenhorn Phase-I Autumn Term 2020

(a) Squadron Positions

S. No Squadron Position S. No Squadron Position
(i) N I (x) O X
(ii) E II (xi) Q XI
(iii) F III (xii) K XII
(iv) L IV (xiii) M XIII
(v) D V (xiv) G XIV
(vi) P VI (xv) J XV
(vii) R VII (xvi) C XVI
(viii) I VIII (xvii) B XVII
(ix) A IX (xviii) H XVIII

(b) Prizes

(i) Camp Greenhorn Champion Squadron N

(ii) Camp Greenhorn Runner Up E
(iii) Best in Josh Run N
(iv) Best in Camp Games R

Prize Distribution for Green Horn Phase I

16. Final Results Camp Greenhorn Phase-II Autumn Term 2020

(a) Squadron Positions

S. No Squadron Position S. No Squadron Position

(i) D I (x) G X
(ii) O II (xi) H XI
(iii) M III (xii) B XII
(iv) Q IV (xiii) F XIII
(v) A V (xiv) N XIV
(vi) L VI (xv) E XV
(vii) P VII (xvi) K XVI
(viii) J VIII (xvii) I XVII
(ix) C IX (xviii) R XVIII

(b) Prizes
(i) Camp Greenhorn Champion Squadron D
(ii) Camp Greenhorn Runner Up O
(iii) Best in Josh Run D
(iv) Best in Camp Games D

Prize Distribution for Green Horn Phase II


1. Camp Rover was conducted for ca- were arranged in a dispersed and tactical man-
dets of 141st Course from 04 to 08 Oct ner using natural vegetation available at the
2020, for Autumn Term 2020. The five day camp location. Sanitizer replenishment points
camp helped the IV Termers transition and mannequins were placed, cautioning cadets
from unsure junior termers to mature sen- to keep their masks up and ensure social dis-
ior term cadets, confident of taking on the tancing norms.
mantle of leadership and assisting VI
Termers in running their squadrons. 4. 309 cadets of 141st Course participated in
Camp Rover during Autumn Term 2020.
2. The objective of the camp was to en-
sure practice and sharpen advanced map 5. Training Schedule. Broad training schedule
reading skills, with an emphasis on night of the camp is as given below:-
navigation. The camp exposed them to S. No Day Training Activity
hard field service conditions and trained
(a) Day 1 Map Reading (MR) Exercise - I
them in field craft, camouflage, conceal-
ment and survival techniques. The camp (b) Day 2 Exercise Bivouac Pitching, Lec-
also helped build mental robustness and ture and Demonstration (LD) on
physical endurance as also ensconced First Aid & MR Exercise-II
leadership traits, esprit-de-corps & initiative
amongst them. (c) Day 3 LD on Judging Distance, Exer-
cise Camouflage & Conceal-
3. There were not many logistical con- ment Presentation by cadets &
straints for conduct of this camp as facili- Exercise Mini Josh
ties already established for the conduct of (d) Day 4 Exercise Survival, Exercise
Camp Greenhorn, were also used during GPS Navigation
this camp. However, instead of the usual
practice of having four cadets in one (e) Day 5 LD on Snake Handling, Camp
bivouac using three ground sheets, each Games Bivouac Striking & Ex-
cadet was made to stay in one bivouac us- ercise Josh
ing two ground sheets to ensure COVID-19 (f) Day 6 Exercise Hamla
precautions; with staggered timings for use
of dining and bathing area as well as lava- (g) Day 7 Camp Fire
tories between squadrons. The bivouacs

6. Camp Rover for Autumn Term 2020 approximately 17 km. All the squadrons were
was conducted near Map Reading-I Shed divided into two groups and each of these
outside Ahire outpost inside the campus of groups were given grid references to move in a
NDA from 04 to 08 Oct 2020. 309 cadets clock wise and an anti clock wise direction along
participated in the Camp. the same route. Being an Inter Squadron Com-
petition, accurate navigation had to be combined
7. Map Reading Exercise I & II. The with speed during all stages of the exercise. The
camp began with a Map Reading-I & II ex- exercise began at 2000 hrs on 05 Oct 2020. The
ercise by night on 03 & 04 Oct 2020 under cadets displayed great teamwork and dedication.
the guidance of the respective Squadron
Directing Staff. The squadrons were left 10. Survival Lecture and Camp Games. Ex-
as one group at an interval of 10 minutes ercise Mini Josh culminated at the location of
each. The cadets along with the Directing Survival exercise, where the cadets were given
Staff negotiated approximately 14 km a first-hand experience of survival in the wild,
through hilly terrain and thick vegetation through lectures and demonstrations, identifica-
during these exercises. These exercises tion of venomous and non venomous varieties of
were aimed at making the cadet self reli- snakes and handling of snakes. The cadets built
ant and skilled in night navigation, ensur- various types of temporary shelters, set traps
ing gradual build-up of their endurance and snares and also cooked their own food from
and adjusting the cadets to the rigours of dry rations issued by the cadets’ mess. To break
camp procedures. the monotonous routine and also provide some
relief from the rigorous and hectic schedule of
8. Exercise Bivouac Pitching. After a the camp, a tug-of-war was conducted for the
tiring approach march by night, on arrival cadets on 07 Oct 2020.These games, which
at camp location, the next exercise for the were keenly contested, instilled a sense of esprit
cadets was ‘Bivouac Pitching’. The cadets -de-corps and team spirit amongst the cadets.
worked at their earmarked areas with full Camp Games were won by ‘A’ Squadron.
zest and enthusiasm. They pitched their
bivouacs, dug up snake trenches, estab-
lished fire points and kote as laid down in
the camp procedures. The exercise was
conducted in a phased manner requiring
daily improvements to layout and sur-
roundings with each passing day.

Cadets Digging a Snake Trench

Hands-on Survival Training
9. Exercise Mini Josh. It was the first
independent point to point exercise, where 11. Exercise GPS Navigation. Exercise GPS
the navigation and map reading skills by Navigation was conducted to expose the cadets
night were put to test. The distance was about the use of GPS during navigation. This

was an exercise entailing point to point 141st Course showed great enthusiasm in this ex-
navigation using GPS under supervision ercise. ‘N’ Squadron emerged the champion in
of respective Squadron Directing Staff. Exercise Josh Run wherein they completed the
The distance was approximately 6 km. exercise in an exceptional time.
The exercise commenced at 1700 hrs on
06 Oct 2020. The cadets made full use of
this exercise to understand use of a GPS
while navigating from one point to another.

12. Exercise Camouflage and Conceal-

ment. This exercise tests the cadets’
knowledge and understanding about cam-
ouflage and concealment. The exercise
was conducted on 07 Oct 2020 wherein,
each squadron fielded two cadets duly
camouflaged with locally available re-

Exercise Hamla During Camp Rover

14. Camp Fire. The Camp Fire was conducted

on the evening of 09 Oct 2020 at Bombay Sta-
dium. The cadets produced an entertaining on-
stage performance which was deeply appreciated
by the audience.

Camouflage and Concealment Exercise

Camp Fire

13. Exercise Josh Run and Hamla. The 15. Conclusion. During Camp Rover, the in-
Josh Run is the final test of navigation and volvement, zeal and enthusiasm of all cadets and
endurance of approximately 18 km long Directing Staff was at its zenith. Cadets partici-
point to point march across a strenuous pated in all the exercises and activities with great
hilly terrain. The exercise commenced at enthusiasm and were extremely competitive by
1930 hrs on 07 Oct 2020 from the camp- nature. The camp helped to strengthen the broth-
site and finished at NDA by 1000 hrs on erhood amongst course mates and identify po-
08 Oct 2020. Having reached NDA the tential leaders in the course. The Deputy Com-
cadets participated in Exercise Hamla in- mandant & Chief Instructor applauded the tenac-
volving firing and an obstacle course. After ity of the cadets of 141st Course for completion of
a long and enduring run, Exercise Hamla the camp. ‘N’ Squadron was the overall Rover
marks the ultimate test of mental and Champion and was awarded the Camp Rover
physical stamina of a cadet. Cadets of Trophy Autumn Term 2020.

16. Final Results Camp Rover Autumn Term 2020

(a) Squadron Positions

S. No Squadron Position S. No Squadron Position

(i) N I (x) A X
(ii) L II (xi) H XI
(iii) M III (xii) P XII
(iv) D IV (xiii) J XIII
(v) C V (xiv) F XIV
(vi) Q VI (xv) O XV
(vii) I VII (xvi) E XVI
(viii) B VIII (xvii) R XVII
(ix) K IX (xviii) G XVIII

(b) Prizes

(i) Camp Rover Champion Squadron N

(ii) Camp Rover Runner Up L
(iii) Best in Josh Run N
(iv) Best in Hamla (Firing & Obstacle) Q
(v) Best in Camp Games A

Prize Distribution for Camp Rover


1. Exercise Trishul was conducted from 17 to (g) Exercise Mazboot Irada, Basics of
23 Oct 2020 in general Area Chowra Dongar Combat Survival including handling of
& Karpa Dongar. It was conducted as a two snakes.
sided controlled tactical exercise. The course
was split into two equal groups of three com- (h) For testing endurance & navigation
panies each and deployed in the terrain akin capability run back inside National De-
to operational areas. The cadets got an op- fence Academy, covering a distance of
portunity to undergo the complete battle pro- 26 km on map (35 km on ground) was
cedure for defence and attack of an Infantry conducted under supervision of Army
Section as part of an Infantry Platoon. The VI DS.
Term cadets were exposed to the following:-
(j) Obstacle course and firing was also
(a) Briefing by Company Commander conducted on completion of run back.
& Platoon Commander.

(b) Siting, Occupation and Preparation

of a Section defended post as part of a
Platoon defended locality which is part
of a larger Company defended locality
in plains and semi hilly terrain.

(c) Routine in defence, including

patrolling and ambush.

(d) Defensive battle at Section level as

part of a Platoon.

(e) Clearing of minor opposition at sec-

tion level as part of Section Battle Drill.

(f) Lecture & Demonstration on Sur-

vival. Obstacle Course

2. Schedule of Events for Exercise Trishul (Camp Torna):-
S. Date Exercise Objectives Concurrent Events
(i) 17 Oct Exercise Raksha Siting of Defences Company Commander and
Platoon Commander Or-
(ii) 17-22 Oct Exercise Dekhbhal Occupation and
Preparation of De-
(iii) 18-19 Oct Exercise Taak- Patrolling and Am- Discussion on Patrolling
Jhaank and Exer- bush and Ambush
cise Ghaat
(iv) 20 Oct Exercise Fateh • Lecture and Issue of Survival Rations
(LD) on Attack
• Function of FAC
• Survival LD
• Weapons Display

(v) 20-21 Oct Exercise Fateh I-II Conduct of Attack on

Platoon Defences’Lo-
(vi) 20-21 Oct Discussion of At- Battle Drills During Inspection of Defences
tack and Defence Attack and Defences
(vii) 22 Oct Exercise Teer Ka- Josh Run Closing of Defences
(viii) 23 Oct Exercise Hamla Assault Obstacle Kit Inspection
Course and Firing
(ix) 24 Oct Debriefing, Camp Fire and Commandant’s Prize Distribution

3. Final Squadron Positions for Exercise Trishul Autumn Term 2020 are as follows:-

S. No Squadron Position S. No Squadron Position

(i) M I (x) J X
(ii) I II (xi) D XI
(iii) G III (xii) P XII
(iv) R IV
(xiii) O,H XIII
(v) A V
(vi) B VI (xiv) F XV
(vii) K VII (xv) E XVI
(viii) L VIII (xvi) Q XVII
(ix) C IX (xvii) N XVIII


Snake Handling Josh Run

Firing Lecture and Demonstration

Commandant’s Visit to Camp Site

edge. A well-stocked RFID enabled library
with more than 81,000 volumes that can be
accessed through the CAN, access to the
National Knowledge Network and even the
INFLIBNET gives cadets ample opportunity
to cull out the best of reading material. Be-
sides, Memorandum of Understanding with
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology,
Pune for availing online resources available
at these Institutions of Excellence is also in
place. During Autumn Term 2020, the refur-
bished Language Lab was also inaugurated.
This will further enhance the language train-
ing of cadets with the use of modern technol-
Prof (Dr) OP Shukla, Principal NDA ogy.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best
interest”, so said Benjamin Franklin. At NDA
this investment in knowledge for the cadets is
carried out by the Education Branch. Headed
by the Principal and ably assisted by the Vice-
Principal, GSO-1 Education , Registrar and a
host of highly qualified Civilian and Service of-
ficers, the Education Branch offers cadets,
Bachelor’s degrees in Social Science, Sci-
ence, Computer Science and B.Tech all of
which are awarded by the Jawaharlal Nehru
Visit of Dignitaries to the
University. The syllabi of these courses are
Refurbished Language Laboratory
designed in keeping with the requirements of
the armed forces. While majoring in their own This year’s unexpected disruption
streams, through cross-streaming, cadets also brought about by COVID-19 did cause a
study subjects from other streams making change of plans but it did not dampen the
such acquisition of knowledge eclectic and en-spirit of the teachers nor the taught. With the
guidance of the Commandant and the Dep-
riching. Evaluation is carried out through class
assignments, project work, Mid Term Tests uty Commandant and under the stewardship
and an End Semester Examination. It goes of the Principal, as well as with the unstinted
without saying that even while following a cooperation of all the faculty members and
tough regimen of physical and Service- staff the required hours of academic training
oriented training, cadets spend about 70% of were conducted, examinations held and re-
their training time in academic activities andsults published without much ado. Adapting
successfully complete its requirements for theto the new normal, classes were conducted,
award of the Bachelor’s degree. in the online mode through the Big Blue But-
ton with cadets accessing lessons from
To supplement their learning, the Educa-
teachers on their thin clients. Contact
tion Branch provides cadets with adequate re-
classes were held as well and both these
sources for pursuing their desire for knowl-

modes were used to successfully complete Vehicle based Robotics and Artificial Intelli-
the syllabus. E-mail and chat were also acti- gence (AI) based projects.
vated on the Moodle platform to clear doubts
of cadets and share content. The Mid Term
Examinations too took the online route
through the Moodle Software while End Term
Semester Examinations were held in the
squadrons in the normal paper and pen
mode with all precautions in view of the pan-
demic. The Academic Committee Meeting
was also held online with members of the
Jawaharlal Nehru University joining in to give
their valuable suggestions and advice and
ratify the results. Scrutiny of the results of
the sixth term cadets by the JNU team was Webinar by AI & Robotics Club
done online as well.
Faculty members too took advantage of the
Despite the prevailing COVID-19 pan- lockdown and enrolled in Refresher Courses,
demic, the Education Branch was able to Webinars and Seminars on Zoom and Google
conduct the Inter-Battalion Quiz, the Inter meet as part of the Faculty Development Pro-
Squadron Public Speaking Competition and gramme. This was indeed a fruitful time for up-
even an English play ‘Chanakya’ with full dating of their knowledge that is expected to
COVID-19 precautions. Cadets also partici- trickle down to cadets.
pated in the indoor and outdoor clubs giving
During Autumn Term 2020, 304 cadets of
them the much needed diversion and fruitful
the 139th Course passed out. Among them were
use of leisure during the pandemic.
224 Army Cadets, 45 Navy and 35 Air Force
Cadets. Of the 224 Army Cadets there were 17
cadets from friendly foreign nations including
cadets from Myanmar, Vietnam, Tajikistan Af-
ghanistan, Maldives, Bhutan, Turkmenistan and
Tanzania. Out of the 304 cadets passing out,
50 belonged to the Science Stream, 114 to the
Computer Science Stream, 60 to the Social Sci-
ence Stream and 80 to the B.Tech Stream. It is
encouraging to note that more than 81% of ca-
dets in all the streams have scored a CGPA
above 5.50. The cadets of the Passing Out
‘Chanakya’ Being Staged at Habibullah Hall Course were also awarded medals and trophies
for their academic performances.
The AI & Robotics Club conducted a one
day webinar with the help of professionals
from an IIT Delhi startup to train the club ca-
dets and instructors on the handling of re-
cently acquired AI based Do It Yourself (DIY)
kits. The said club is a technology oriented
club at NDA which tries to increase the
knowledge of cadets in the domains of Drone
design, Underwater Robotics, Ground


Sitting (L-R): Cdt Preet Kundu, Cdt Muslimjon, Maj BPS Mankotia, Cdt SS Pathania
Cdt Aman Mascrene
Standing (L-R): Cdt RS Dagar, Cdt Amit Singh, Cdt Divesh Thakur, Cdt Rohit Basera
Cdt Manu Sharma, Cdt Siddharth Mohan

Sitting (L-R): Cdt Nyruth Reddy, Cdt Chitvan Kapoor, Maj Vikas Malik, Sgt Archit Juneja,
Cdt Rohan Paul


Sitting (L-R): DCC Dwifang Narzary, Cdt Kajal Singh, Maj Anshul Tora, Cdt Utkarsh Nainwal,
SCC Manish Kumar
Standing (L-R): Cdt Tenzin Namgay, Cdt Divyansh Chand, Cdt Josefa, Cdt Japneet Singh,
Cdt Anish Patel, Cdt Ojaus Sanghel,Cdt Harshvardhan Shaw, Cdt Kaushal Pal


Sitting (L-R): Cdt R S Baghel, Cdt Yash Khatri, Maj Vikas Malik, Sgt Suyash Utkarsh,
Cdt Priyanshu Sinha


Sitting (L-R): Cdt Ravi Ranjan, Cdt Satish Kumar, Maj Vikas Malik, Sgt Amit Kumar,
Cdt Abhishek Chandel
Standing (L-R): Cdt Sachin Kumar, Cdt Pavit Singh, Sgt Nitin Sharma, Cdt Malkit, Cdt Pankaj
Sangwan, Cdt Ashmik Gaur, Sgt Yuvan Shankar, Cdt Prathamesh Angaj, Cdt Rushikesh Ba-
balsure, Cdt Shayan Somanna M N


Sitting (L-R): Cdt Marshal Yadav, SCC Sudeep Yadav, Maj Vikas Malik, Cdt Ajay Kumar,
Cdt Ankit Phogat
Standing (L-R): Cdt Bittu Raj, Cdt Siddharth Singh


Sitting (L-R): Cdt Chirayush Pant, Cdt Bunty Panchal, Maj Vikas Malik, DCC Karambir Singh,
Cdt Abhishek Maan
Standing (L-R): Cdt K Malik, Cdt Vivek Kumar Pandey, Cdt Rahul Singh, Cdt Abhishek
Mishra, Cdt Aman, Cdt Gaurav Yadav


Inauguration of the Newly Constructed Sports Medicine Centre at MH Khadakwasla by the

Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, PVSM, AVSM, VM, ADC

Inauguration of the Refurbished Language Laboratory by the Chief of the Air Staff,
Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria, PVSM, AVSM, VM, ADC

Commandant with the DCCI, Senior Officers and Cadet Appointments

28 Days of Vacation Were Less

You, the maker of my fate, Coming home on vacation was pure joy,
During childhood taught me on a slate, Seeing your wet eyes, I knew you missed your
Been taking my side always, boy,
Mom, I can't describe you in less than thou- You hugged me till my breath was out,
sand ways. Mother that moment I was bowled out.

My cries woke you up in the night, 28 days of vacation were less,

Even when others were sleeping tight, But you made each day tireless,
Regardless of your comfort, you attended to It seemed you had many hands,
me, Resembling a magician with her wand.
That showed how much you loved me.

The sad face of mine always had you wor-

But all faded because of the lovely smile you
You never seem to be tired of your duty, Cdt Aseem Anand
I feel proud to say everyone applauds your 39432/C/139

A Cause

Your courage and hope lay wounded,

And your dangling feet blood red.
But you dare not retreat
For there is a cause and you are not dead.

All you can see are fatal hostages,

And your men in pain and despair,
But it's a battlefield 'o' warrior,
Bound to be unkind and unfair.

Don't let the barren lands discourage you;

for the meadows lay ahead.
But you dare not retreat,
For there is a cause and you are not dead.

Today heavens might seem a little hopeless,

And the horizon is left with teary eyes.
The dawn but can't be distant,
When your wrath shall conquer the skies.

The hour demands your valour,

Go avenge all the bloodshed.
But you dare not retreat,
For there is a cause and you are not dead. Cdt Amandeep

A Dream Come True
First to Third Termer's life is hell,
Coming to NDA is a dream for many, When Fourth Termers practice spell;
You get a good career better than any; Punishing juniors and keep rocking on,
Written exam and then SSB preparation, The biggest worry is round squadron.
The biggest worry is merit list tension.
First Termers approach us in trouble,
Joining NDA with lot of hopes, Happiness is a fragile bubble;
But then, First Termers are referred to as Actual rules are set inside rings,
dopes; There is no worry now because we are the
Go doubling everywhere and take no rest, Kings.
The biggest worry is the PT test.
We are the Lords who control them all,
Maturity with time we cannot refuse, As we prepare ourselves for the NDA Ball.
Endure all punishments without excuse; Air Force, Navy Cadets plan Squadron Tea,
“Where are the Second Termers?”- is Acad- But for the Army Cadets time to worry at ATT.
emy mystery,
The biggest worry is the X-Country. We train hard, we train tough,
We get going when the going gets tough;
Additional responsibility acts as life fillers, Counting DLTGH as time does fly,
That time we are known as Academy pillars; After Passing Out all these worries become
Doing junior's work is full of loads, tears of joy.
The biggest worry is when understudy ex-
Cdt Raghav Sharma


Somewhere a mother heartily cries

When her new born baby doesn't open his eyes
Somewhere a father painfully cries
When he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice
Whenever in life you feel so blue
Always remember someone is not happy as you.

Cdt A S Bhadouriya


Like the sirens of reveille Once the guy has been with you
you are hurting me, to the next he will be true,
Like the spells of witches Handsome, rich, crazy
you are cursing me, and what else could you pursue,
You can't even hate yourself My love, care, giggles
more than me , what else is due,
Like the shadows in the dark Just remember me once
you're searching for me. Because your arrogance will fall
Around you love will heavily on you.
fall like rain,
But you won't hold it
your heart will cry in pain.

Cdt PS Bhadouriya

Break Of The Dawn

As rises the fiery ball, He does it all again without a glitch

Above the tall horizon Not for himself, not one man
Stronger than the previous fall But for the flag, till its last stitch
Readying the country’s bison. After all, nation first is the plan.

When its warmth hits the bed

He is venturing the greens
And when the dew reflects the new red
He builds the nation’s prideful sheen.

Now scorching on the top

The circumstances give no respite
With a family behind, feeling the hearts throb
He stands blood toil tears and sweat despite.

The zeal now subsides

Into the parting light of dusk
And yet he stands defining sides
Unlike the scent of an unhurried office musk.

Unwavering until the last light

His day starts before the dawn
And for whom must he fight
For critics who sip in a cosy lawn? Cdt Harshvardhan Singh

Turning Towards the Harder Right

We should remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best
who is trained in the severest school.
These lines pushed me into deep thoughts as I went through the very first page of
‘ONE BULLET AWAY’, it is the same as we as NDA cadets quote “JITNA RAGDA UTNA
TAGDA”. Everyone has to go through tough times. It depends on the person as to how he
or she channelizes the difficulties into opportunities, opportunities for learning new things
and discovering new things.
We are not trained for easy tasks, we are trained to ensure peace, command people,
support comrades and lead by example under harsh circumstances in which a normal hu-
man being wouldn’t be able to survive. The ones who are trained under difficult situations,
have a strict senior lot and demanding instructors have better upbringing. They are both
mentally and physically robust.
Many people want to skip this toil, they tend to take the easier wrong instead of the
harder right. Shamming is an art and some people by the end of training tenure become
pretty adept at this art. As I recall moments of my completed terms I just have some memo-
ries of mid-term mood or some gala time but I definitely have lots of fond memories and sto-
ries to tell about my hard camp training, punishments and rigorous training sessions which
will last me for a lifetime.
As we head out to our Service Academies and later our respective Services our re-
sponsibilities will only increase with time. We will no longer be responsible for our lives only
but for the lives of the men at our command. The difficulties and challenges which we will
be facing then can only be tackled if we have a mindset for it. The tough times which we
have to undergo in this “Cradle of Military Leadership” prepares us with that mindset.
Therefore, we have to accept this tough time and mould it into a constructive phase to be-
come a better person, be better than what we were yesterday. At last I want to recall a line

Cdt Kartik Sharma


My Mother

She knew me before anyone else around,

Carried me with her, till I opened my eyes;
Held me tight, in her soft and supple bounds,
Took me to slumber, with all those sweet lullabies.

For she could see right through my masks,

And knew all my needs, even before me;
For I meant the whole world to her,
And she meant the same to me.

For when her prince was sad, or furious,

Fighting against himself, or shaking with fear;
I held back and breathed in relief,
For I knew she is there, bound to be near.

With loads of love and firm beatings,

This potter went ahead, to shape me up;
With the charm of a dove and the ferocity of a lion,
She turned me into the man that I am.

I wonder, I ponder over how she went through

it all at the other end;
Who am I talking about you ask?

Cdt Manish Kumar


Life at NDA
Bike up, move up, look up, jump up,
The mess, the hike And that’s not the final order.
My dress, my bike, That’s my life,
And the class which I like. Away from home,
That’s my life, That’s another home.
Away from home.

Saluting in parade ground.

Before the crack of dawn in PT ground,
Slogging away without a second to spare.
That’s my life,
Away from home.
Cdt Ashish Ranjan

My Love - My Venus

My eyes met yours on this green Earth;

After which my head started to revolve
Like the rings of Saturn.
My days get boomed up like the Jupiter
With a sense of eagerness and romance;
I long to see you and think about us;
But I am as far as the planet Uranus;
Your voice has a melodious tune;
That is why my heart dances slowly like the
steady Neptune;
I will fight odds with my powers;
Since I am as small and courageous as the
mighty Mars.
I really shoot up like Mercury;
In your presence, my fairy,
And that’s because you are always;
My Venus.
The brightest star in my solar system.
Surely I don't need the universe;
But only your love and verse.

Cdt PGP Reddy


Sister’s Sacrifices

From a small village comes a boy, She doesn’t let him feel like a loser at any
Dreaming of moving to guns from the toys, cost,
Sets up the aim in his life, The role of the parents was played by her to
To live with courage, valour and pride. utmost.

His sister becomes his guiding light, Finally, the boy wins over his dream and
To make him strong, she fights, earns the fame,
She stands against the world for his right Though, all of it deserved to be on his sister’s
To mould him so that his future is bright. name,
The dream that they together had seen,
The boy, acknowledging that he doesn’t have Had turned into the reality foreseen.
much of a choice,
Sets on his path apart from the aimless boys,
He puts his best on the line,
But Alas! He fails to shine.

He faces the failure and the loss

But his sister doesn’t let him go down with Cdt Juned Ahmed
josh. 39948/C/143


When God has created the world as a whole so why do people still observe the practice
of discrimination? In our day to day life, we witness various people discriminating each other
over many reasons be it caste, religion, sex, creed, etc. When people are treated unequally
on the basis of race, then it's known as racism.

This practice of racism has been continuing for a very long time. For instance, the Brit-
ishers in America used to bring African people as slaves to work for them. And then these
people settled in America and built a colony. That's how the system of different colours
started in America. The white Americans considered this lot of people to be of very low
status, who could never be equal to them. This was however far from the truth and was un-

There have been many incidents when the Africans have been deprived of their equal
rights just because of their colour. In 1936 Berlin Olympics, an African-American athlete
Jessie Owens won a Gold in a major track event but was refused the Award by Adolf Hitler
because of his colour. Recently, George Floyd, an African American was choked to death by
a police officer in Minneapolis, USA. The officer had knelt on George Floyd’s neck for a full
nine minutes. The whole world is witnessing the Anti-racism protests with the motto "Black
lives matter" over such a miserable act done by the guardians of the law.

There is a dire need to change the mentality of the people by teaching them that talent
is not distributed only amongst the people of a particular caste or colour, but it is developed
by hard work and correct education. Let's take the example of Barrack Obama, the first Afri-
can-American President of the USA, who because of his education and knowledge achieved
the milestone of becoming the President of the United States of America. One can also cite
the example of the fastest man on earth, Usain Bolt, who because of his tough training and
discipline achieved such a great feat.

Eradication and removal of racism is the need of the hour which can be done by teach-
ing the younger generation that people may be of different sex, colour, creed but it doesn't
make any difference in their capabilities. It is only knowledge and hard work that ultimately

Cdt Saket Sharma


Whatever It Takes

Dust may rise into a storm, And of death, I am not afraid,

Darkness may become the new norm. Because my comrades have already died.
Bullets may deny our resurrection, For them we avenge,
Grenades may cause havoc and destruction. And that's what we want, revenge.
The ground may smell of blood For you my brother, death will never happen,
And, we may join the dead. Until my heart stops its function.
Our eyes may see only dark And I promise you I will never stop until,
Our body may carry a deep mark. All the enemies lay on the ground still.
Memories may flicker through our mind, I will fight strong and do,
And our mind may keep the body in a bind. Whatever it takes.
Loved ones, is what we may see,
But, we may be surrounded by the enemy.
Injuries may open blood fountains,
And, we may be in some mountains.
Our throats may feel dry,
And, we may let ourselves cry.
And yet!!! We rise my friend,
Because that’s what we have learned. Cdt Jayanarayaanan M S
We shall take that one step together, 39583/C/142
Where the enemies gather.

I told myself, “This too shall pass”
All that began,
And tried to sleep.
At the gates of the Academy.
When we landed in as ‘Brand New Cadets’
Every time it felt bad,
So called ‘First Termers’
I murmured inside, “Hold on till the pain
Everything seemed alien,
the squadrons, the seniors,
As they say, all that passed away.
And the sacrosanct traditions.
Things have changed a lot these days.
Made us fit enough to survive
PT in morning, Drill after lunch,
Learnt to live with this chaos,
Overstudy, punishments
And laugh with pain.
And chaos all around.
Too much to swallow
Finally we get to realize
For an eighteen year old boy in one gulp!
“This is no place to think a lot”
Far away from shore
You need to keep running.
With memories of home, often drifting in from
With a hope that the end of the path,
Will be worth these struggles,
With the stars from the skies on our shoul-
Mind, slowly starts to doubt
Is this the place you wanted to come all these
Every night I went to bed,
Cdt D L Aakash
This doubt popped up again and again
Pushing it aside,

The Beginning

Back in my village,
I became a topic of discussion,
Suddenly I was in utter confusion
At last the moment came
When my life was about to change
Hard work was the band
When I got my joining letter,
Of NDA in my hand.
The happiness was such,
Even my dad's strict eyes
Could not hold much.

I started my new journey with a single step.

Things were hard in the beginning
But became easy when I started winning.
I came here at NDA alone
But today I stand with 19 of my coursemates,
brothers and all.

For the beginning

I got a ship to sail through the sea
It was my overstudy.
Who taught me how to
Hold a fork or spoon.
And was there for me
In the darkest nights
When there was no moon.

Life began to speed up at once

With the hectic schedule
And I felt like a mule
Then came my coursemates
With whom I played,
I ran and got punished.
Life seemed to slow down at some pace
When we had smiles at our face.

Beginning was it then,

Beginning is it now.
Difference is this
Then I was away from my home
But now I have a new home.

Cdt Jitender Kumar


Better Death

His whole life uprooted in a matter of minutes,

walking back to his hometown with his daughter on his shoulder,
the afternoon sun peeling the skin off his heels,
the chilly night air making his sore back colder.

Exhausted, starved, on the brink of his sanity,

he reaches his village to meet his old mother,
but walks into an empty house, to be told that,
she was taken to the hospital, by his younger brother.

Looking for them both, he leaves for the hospital,

& meets his brother, in that place of the dying,
who tells him that was all he could do,
to save her from starving, then bursts out crying.

He looks up at his God, a silent prayer on his mouth,

his fate staring him in the eye, his breathing absolutely still,
to the news reporter who questions him that night, he says,
“If Corona doesn't kill us, hunger will.”

Cdt Aaryan Dhama


Words of Silence

The moment we met, there was silence all Pulling myself together was about to utter,
around. Silence so sweet, it forbade me from putting
She said no word, she made no sound, words together.

I heard the chirps, I heard the tweets A pacific silence left me spellbound.
I heard the barks, I heard my beats. I said no word, I made no sound.

Looking at her, I wanted to speak

Stopped myself? or my lips were so weak?

A tacit understanding! was it so?

Or words unspoken, needed to know. DCC Sahitya Prasad

The Drill Boots

“Well, I am giving you Charlie Squadron” said the Adjutant. “Nooooo” screamed Rahul
in his mind. Charlie meant drill, and being a Saikapian and a NCC Cadet Rahul knew enough
about drill to hate it. Despite excelling in PT, academics and sports, his poor coordination had
always left him at the mercy of the drill saab in his school. “It wouldn’t be that bad, would it?”
thought Rahul, as he stood in-front of the big ‘C’, and stepped into a new life.“Jurassic park
picture dekhe hain?” asked Naib Subedar Sudhir, Charlie Squadron’s Drill Instructor “dinosaur
ka jabda khulta hain utna muun khol ke shouting honi chahiye” “Jii saaaab” “Baju lock dig
march tej chal!”

“Man, this is worse than torture, wish I had opted for some college in Delhi University”,
thought Rahul. “Rahul ghutna bend mat kariye!!”, roared Sudhir saab. “Parade tham, Mariiz
idhar aa!!”, thundered Sudhir saab. “Oh damn”, thought Rahul clip-clopping towards saab.
“Aapko kitni baar bataya peir ko height do, body lean back mat karo. Pass hona nahi hona?”,
yelled Sudhir saab. “Hona hain saab” “To peir hum uthaenge? Written me lena mujhse aaap
nahin sudhroge, laga paachso.”

“Start 100 pumps on spot, no 300 since you failed DST again. After that, arrange the
box room. Shoot.” Rahul seriously thought of quitting. 4 months 3 DST attempts, yet he was
as good as he had started. Rahul’s eyes caught something. “Drill boots? They seem to be
good”, he thought. Among many such items omnipresent in the box room, Rahul picked the
shoes. On the inner sole, a number 100 was written. Rest it was just like a normal pair of drill
boots. “Let’s see what you can do”. “Parade vishram”.. ThakM “Parade savdhan”M Thak.
“Damn, they are good”, thought Rahul. That day, as if some mythical power was in control,
Rahul didn’t make a single mistake. It was as if his legs were being guided by the boots. He
stamped hard, lifted up at the right moments. The horseshoe which he had fixed never broke
despite numerous drill periods and GRDO sessions. Rahul had almost started to call them,
the magic drill boots. Seniors and saab were astonished. Coursemates asked him “How?”,
“Guess I got lucky”, replied Rahul.

Within a fortnight, he was marching like a pro. D-day came. M3 DST. Rahul did the
best drill of his life. And the best moment of his life! He passed! As he returned to the Squad-
ron as the underdog who won a Gold medal, little did he notice his boots. He kept them in the
rack and went to face the rest of the day. After dinner, when returned to his cabin, he was
aghast. The boots were soiled, torn, both horseshoes missing, as if multiple users had used
them again and again. Nobody could have done it in a single day. Confused and shocked he
went to sleep.

That night he had a kind of vision. He met an NDA cadet, from a much earlier course;
BCC Ankush Sharma. He introduced himself. Before Rahul could say anything, the cadet
said, “The same happened with me after my COP drill. I understand. Now more shocked than
ever Rahul could only ask him “HOW??”

“Do you think the boots are magical?”, Ankush asked, “Maybe the miracle improved my
drill.” “It was not the boots which helped you improve. It was your talent, desire to succeed. It
is like a bubbling liquid in cork bottle. You need the right size of corkscrew to open it. The drill
boots are the same. They just channel your energy, your desire to succeed. Often in life, peo-

ple encounter such objects which they consider lucky. Well there is no luck. The object just
happens to be the perfect channel to focus your energy.” “So what happened after DST? Your
desire was to pass DST. The boots did their work. But after your DST, it served no purpose to
you. So it stood all soiled. I don’t know. Indeed the drill boots were wonderful. But now that it’s
all over, I hope you know what to do”“Yes”, said Rahul as he woke up smiling. He put the drill
boots back in the box room. The insole now showed the number ‘101’. “See you soon”, said

Cdt Rahul Singh Rawat


A Country with No Historical Pride will be Enslaved

Bharat, Hindustan, India an ancient country but only 73 years old. Many people have
ruled us over the years but we have never forgotten who we are and that’s why we proudly
say ‘Proud to be an Indian’. We have always remembered our history and its great lessons
and today the whole world respects our culture and history.

There is a story called ‘The Last Lesson’. It tells us about an old French teacher who
was replaced by a German teacher because France was occupied by Germany. In his last
lecture he implored his students to remember their language as later it will unite them to rise
up and revolt against the Germans. This story is a good example of how a country which does
not forget its history and culture cannot be enslaved.

Similarly, one of the reasons behind 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War was that the
people of Bangladesh were proud of their Bengali language and culture but Pakistan forced
them to accept Urdu as their new language. This prompted Bangladesh to strive for its free-
dom. The Catalan protest and Tibetan movement are due to their peoples’ pride in their his-
tory and culture. Being enslaved does not always mean in literal sense, it can be enslavement
of ideology, lifestyle, culture etc. In China, they are so proud of their culture and history that
they do not even follow western ideology etc. It is a civilization that was never enslaved.

Our language, culture, food, festival, lifestyle all vary across the country, but our his-
tory? Our history is unique and it is something that we can all be proud about. And it is this
history that continuously inspire us to keep our freedom intact.

SCC Pranav Jadhav



oDr c<+rk gS tjk lk vc rw rUgk py ds ns[kA

jkS”kuh nsuh gS lcdks] vc tjk lk py ds ns[kA

[kqn&c&[kqn feV tk,axh nq”kokfj;k¡ gkykr dh]

rw eqlfOoj dh jph rLohj esa rks <y ds ns[kA

nnZ nsrk ugha ekSyk fdlh dks csotwn]

fny dks le>k] gkSlyk dj] bl nQk laHky ds ns[kA

cqt+fnyh gksxh vxj cSBk jgs&edlwn esa]

eqf”dysa dqN nsj dh gSa] vkSj FkksM+k py ds ns[kA

uD”ks iko gksrs ugha gS fr¶r ds ihNs dksbZ]

gks tgk¡ rq>ls eqrkflj] ml vnk ls py ds ns[kA

[kqYn ls vk;k ugha rw] fy[kus gYdh nkLrk¡]

<+d lds ukSgs tgk¡] ml gQZ esa rw <y ds ns[kA

rsjs dkuksa rd u igq¡psxh lnk dqN fnu esjh]

^v”d* rsjs lkFk gh gw¡] vk¡[k viuh ey ds ns[kA

Cdt Vandan K Sharma



;kn dj vius ohjksa dks] oDr ugha gS ;s xe esa Mwcus dk

vkt ;g vkleku Hkh jks;k gksxkA oks “kghn rqEgsa vkleku ls ns[k jgk gksxkA
gks x, tks “kghn oru dh j[kokyh esa] t”u cukvks thr dh [kq”kh dk vkSj
uk tkus fdruksa us vius ?kj dk fpjkx [kks;k gksxkAA ;kn djks oks yEgk cfynkuh dk fdruk glhu jgk
tquwu muesa ns”k dh [kkfrj]
ej feVus dk jgk gksxkA t; fgan! t; Hkkjr! t; toku !
mu “kwjohjksa ls cM+k]
bfrgkl esa dksbZ ohj iSnk u gqvk gksxkAA

ns[k dj vius csVs dk cfynku]

mldh ek¡ dh vk¡[kksa esa ikuh Hkj vk;k gksxkA
^D;k csVk Fkk esjk*\
;g lksp dj cki dk lhuk NIiu gks x;k gksxkAA
Cdt Arun Kumar

d`f=e jDr % ,d vuwBh laHkkouk

nqfu;k Hkj ds foKkuh dkQh le; dks l=e d`f=e yky jDr dksf”kdk,a ¼vkj ch lh½ cukus esa tqMs+ gSaA
yphykiu] vkWDlhtu lapj.k vkSj izlkj dk yack le; dqnjrh jDr dksf”kdkvksa ds dqN fof”k’V xq.k gS] ij
vHkh rd ftruh Hkh d`f=e yky jDr dksf”kdk,a cuh gSa] muesa dqnjrh oDr dh ,d nks gh [kwfc;ka ekStwn gSA
vc “kks/kdrkZvksa us ck;ksbathfu;jhax ds tfj;s ,sls d`f=e vkj ch lh fodflr fd, gSa ftuesa laHkkfor
jDr ds vykok dqN ugha [kwfc;ka Hkh ekStwn gSaA d`f=e dksf”kdk,a cukus ds fy, mUgksaus tSfod inkFkksaZ dks
iz;ksx”kkyk esa fodflr fd, x, ikWfyej ls feyk;kA xkSjryc gS fd yky dksf”kdk,a QsQM+kas ls “kjhj ds mUrdksa
dks jDr igq¡pkus dk dke djrh gSaA fMLd tSlh cukoV okyh bu dksf”kdkvksa esa fgeksXyksfcu ds inkFkZ ekStwn
gksrs gSa ftudh la[;k yk[kksa esa gksrh gSA ;s dksf”kdk,a csgn yphyh gksrh gSa vkSj lw{e jDr okfgfu;ksa esa vklkuh
ls xqtj tkrh gSaA bu dksf”kdkvksa dh lrg ij dqN [kkl izksVhu gksrs gSa ftlls ;s dksf”kdk,a bE;wu dksf”kdkvksa
dh fxj¶r esa vk, cxSj yacs le; rd jDr okfgfu;ksa esa izlkfjr gksrh jgrh gSaA “kks/kdrkZ ,slh dksf”kdk,a cukuk
pkgrs gSa tks dqnjrh dksf”kdkvksa ds lkjs dke djus ds vykok nokvksa dks igq¡pkus vkSj fo’kkDrrk dk irk yxkus
tSls dke Hkh dj ldsA buesa la”kks/ku dj budk mi;ksx V~;wej uk”kd nokvksa dks “kjhj ds fgLlksa esa
igq¡pkus ds fy, Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA
nku dh xbZ ekuo yky jDr dksf”kdkvksa ij flfydk dh ijr p<+kdj d`f=r jDr dksf”kdk,a cukbZ
xbZA d`f=e dksf”kdk,a vkdkj vkSj cukoV rFkk lrg ds izksVhu ds fglkc ls dqnjrh dksf”kdkvksa tSlh FkhaA jDr
okfgfu;ksa ds ekWMy esa ;s dksf”kdk,a vklkuh ls vkxs c<+ xbZ vkSj muds vkdkj esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha gqvkA
vkjchlh pwgs ds “kjhj esa 48 ?k.Vksa rd jgha vkSj muesa dksbZ fo’kDrrk ugha ns[kh xbZA budh ogu {kerk n”kkZus
ds fy, muesa ckjh&ckjh ls fgeksXyksfcu] dSalj jks/kh Mªx vkSj pqacdh; d.k j[ks x,A yky dksf”kdk,a pqfuank
dksf”kdkvksa esa ls gSa ftuesa ukfed ugha gksrkA csgn ljy gksus ds dkj.k ;s ck;ks bathfu;jhax ds “kks/k ds fy,
vkd`’V djrh gSaA nq?kZVukvksa ds vR;f/kd jDrLkzko ds ckn rqjar rkts vkSj lkQ lqFkjs [kwu dh t:jr gksrh gSA
bldh Hkkjh ekax ds dkj.k oSKkfud oSdfYid jDr mRiknksa dh ryk”k ds fy, foo”k gq, gSaA

Cdt Devesh Kumar Choudhary


<w¡<rk gS rq>s

,s va/ksjs esa gkFk tksM+usokys!

vxj tkuk gh Fkk rks gkFk Fkkek D;ksa Fkk\ ysfdu “kk;n [kqnk dks ;s eatwj ugha]
tc ml va/ksjs esa HkVd jgk Fkk eSa nj cnj] blfy, bruk djhc gksdj Hkh nwj gksA
rc rq>s esjk ,d jkLrk cu dj ;wa vkuk D;ksa Fkk\
mlds fy, mldh ftUnxh gks rqe]
oks dgrs gSa fd oks rks “kfDl;r gS ;s tgk¡ dqN vkSj ugha cl rqEgkjh rkjhQ dk ,d
ftls ikbUnsa ns[krs gh viuk cuk ysrs gSa t+fj;k gSA
eSaus Hkh rq>s viuh vk¡[kks dk uwj cuk;k Fkk] , eksgCcr rqEgsa <w¡<rk gS oks dkfQj bl dnj]
fQj D;ksa rqe tSls gesa viuk cukdj nxk nsrs gSa tSls oks I;klk vkSj rw lkQ ikuh dk ,d nfj;k gSA

ftUnxh iM+h gS rqEgkjs lkeus]

,d ugha cfYd nks]
mlesa ls ,d rqEgkjh gS vkSj ,d mldh] Cdt Parag Raghav
ftldh vk¡[kks dk rqe uwj gksA 39175/J/140

QVh&iqjkuh deht nhokyh esa eSa iVk[ks NqM+krk rks]
oks FkksM+h cgqr ty Hkh tkrh FkhA
esjs dne ls dne feykdj pyrh Fkh ij pqipki lg ysrh]
gj lQj esa esjs lkFk jgrh Fkh dHkh f”kdk;r ugha djrh FkhA
[kqn ds J`axkj dh dksbZ lq/k ugha Fkh mls] Qkxqu esa tc eSa gksyh [ksyrk]
oks rks cl esjs fy, fpafrr jgrh FkhA rks oks Hkh esjs lkFk vkrh FkhA

[kqn ilhus ls Hkj tkrh Fkha ;k jaxksa ls Hkh Hkhxrh vkSj esjs lkFk]
dbZ ckj eSy ls Hkh] HkkHkh ds dksM+s Hkh [kkrh FkhA
ij esjs vkjke dk iwjk [k;ky j[krh FkhA esjs tks Hkh :i;s&iSls gksrs
mUgsa oks gh laHkkyrh FkhA
esjs lhus ls fpid dj oks vPNs fnuksa esa eSa mls udkjrk
esjs fny dh /kM+du Hkh lqurh FkhA cqjs fnuksa esa fQj ls oks]
eSa Fkd tkrk rks esjk ilhuk iksaNrh FkhA esjk lgkjk cu tkrh FkhA
eSa jksrk rks esjs vk¡lw iksaNrh FkhA
[ksr esa ikuh nsrs le;] eSaus rks nxk fd;k mlds lkFk dbZ ckj]
cgqr ckj Hkhx Hkh tkrh FkhA ij esjh oks QVh&iqjkuh deht lPpk I;kj fuHkkrh FkhA
oks rks vc ugha jgh]
esjs lkFk jgdj oks ij gj jkst mldh ;kn vk tkrh gS]
gj ekSle dh ekj lg tkrh FkhA tc Hkh igurk gw¡ dksbZ deht+
Fkd tkrk rks viuh xksn esa Hkh lqykrh FkhA rks oks QVh&iqjkuh deht t:j ;kn vk tkrh gSA
[ksr] [kfygku] ckt+kj esa esjs lkFk gh tkrh FkhA
Yksz mldh vksj ?kwjrs rks eq>s FkksM+h “keZ Hkh vkrh FkhA Cdt Kshitij Chauhan
tsB+ dh xehZ] lkou dh ckfj”k vkSj ek?k dh lnhZ esa] 39695/J/142
oks esjh lPph lkFkh FkhA
fdlku egku

rM+&rM+& rM+&rM+ dM+dh] VwVk xgu lUukVkA viuk isV dkV&dkVdj ns”k dk isV ikyrs gSaA
dPp&dPp&dPp&dPp pys dqnky] cfy’B gkFk&iSj gj o’kZ dh iSnkokj esa] viuh vkgqfr Mkyrs gSaAA
dn ukVkAA ns”k ds dksus&dksus esa] fdrus gh fdlku egkuA
BkB&BkB esa gkV&gkV ij cSBs cfu, ns[ksa ckVA eafnj ugha buds rks D;k] gSa ;s fQj Hkh HkxokuAA
jkr&jkr Hkj ckr ;kn dj [ksr laHkkys cSBk tkVAA

tu&tu fnu&fnu lksprs gSa fnudj dc vk, dc

?kkr yxk [ksr esa tkV jkr Hkj] dgha i”kq u pj tk,A
dkyh fu”kk esa dky cudj] dgj cjikrh dkyh ?kVkA
csfQØ gksdj yksx] fuf”apr lks jgs gSa ysdj [kjkZVkAA

[ksr dh vksj Hkkxs fdlku] dgha rkdk u tk, VwVA

[ksr lgh lyker gSa] rHkh ysrk vkjke dh ?kw¡VAA
vius vJq&Losn&jDr ls] lhaprs ns”k dh fnO;kRekA
Cdt Shubham Sharma
rHkh d.k&d.k esa Hkxoku] nkus&nkus esa ijekRekAA 39834/J/142

Relief Work in Sunderbans By 25 Aug 2020 all preparations were
completed, and on 29 & 30 Aug relief material
weighing approximately 5 tons were trans-
ported and distributed to 200 families residing
in Bali island, Sunderbans. The relief kits in-
cluded rations, hygiene kits, medicine, sarees,
lungis, blankets, mosquito nets, torches, nylon
rope, tarpauline, buckets and mugs.

Col Mohan Burman Handing Over Cheque For

Relief Work to President of Rotary Club

Keeping in view the motto of the Na-

tional Defence Academy- “Seva Parmo
Dharma”- and the values inculcated therein,
the veterans of the 23rd Course, National De-
fence Academy, Khadakvasla in a remarkable Relief Material Being Transported For Distribution
humanitarian gesture decided in the month of The complex operation was smoothly
July 2020 to voluntarily contribute and raise executed due to the tireless efforts of Colonel
funds for distribution of relief material to the Mohan Burman who coordinated the entire
distraught locals of Sunderbans who were still mission and the logistic support provided by
reeling under the impact of Super cyclone the Rotary & Rotaract Club of Calcutta Victoria
Amphan. Inspired by the spirit of the veterans, and Interact Club of Chowringhee High
the Calcutta Victoria Rotary club and their af- School. The fund raising drive was coordi-
filiates volunteered to associate and also con- nated by Major General Partha Sen. In the
tribute for this noble venture. The mission was words of Colonel Mohan Burman- At the end
planned to be accomplished by end Aug of the day it was gratifying to see the
2020.It was a challenging task involving fund smiles on the face of the locals, lined up in
raising, procurement of relief material, their a disciplined manner, eagerly looking for-
storage, transportation by road and boats to ward to the relief kits with a sense of grati-
the relief site and their distribution to the lo- tude-This venture could not have taken off
cals. without the blessings of Lt General Prakash
Suri, overall coordinator 23rd NDA Course, and
unstinted support of all members of the
course. It may well motivate other like-minded
organisations to come forward during national
calamities of this nature.

Maj Gen Partha Sen (Retd)

Relief Materials 23rd NDA Course, F & L Sqn

New Era of Education: app or platform that you are going to use and
how that app works.
Virtual Teaching
Internet Devices and Internet Connec-
tion: Your computer or mobile, whatever you are
COVID-19/Corona pandemic has put going to use, must be tested well before the com-
the entire Education System in a limbo. All mencement of class. Setup internet connection in
the Educational Institutes: Universities, Col- advance so that class time can be fully utilized.
leges and Schools were under lockdown for Also, ask your students to do the same. In case
a few months. Schedule for examinations of any failure, Plan B must be ready with you to
got postponed. In-depth study of the situa- engage the class till the session resumes.
tion has led to some serious soul search- Clarity of Content: Lesson plan must be
ing. Educational Institutes have motivated clearly designed and lectures must be prepared
their mentors to run online classes as a so- by focusing on the content that is to be delivered
lution and learning/teaching has largely in the stipulated time period. Engage the students
moved to the online mode. by putting some digital elements, videos, and an-
COVID-19 has brought a drastic imations etc. in your session. Many educational
change wherein Education sector has had software apps will help you to prepare more inter-
to switch from customary methods of class- esting content that will give variety and lead to
room teaching to modern online teaching. better understanding among students to enhance
An individual whether a Techie or Non- Te- their knowledge.
chie, is working on the same platform, fac- Teaching Aids: In online teaching, teach-
ing the same environment. This transition ing aids are videos, gifs, slides, text, online tests,
package was for all: Teachers, Students and images. It may take time to prepare the con-
and Parents, all were ready for participation tent but it enhances the learning in students. Pre-
with their Computers and Mobiles with well- pare your data in advance to save yourself from
equipped Internet connection. last minute hurdles.
Although this transition was difficult Voice Modulation: While delivering the
to embrace for all the participants without lecture concept and context must be clear, voice
any formal training, initiative was taken by modulation can be applied up to some extent, as
the future builders- teachers. Only one day your class is not there for face to face interaction
for trial and then online classes came into with you.
existence! Initially, it seemed difficult for all
but with the passage of time teachers, stu- Flexible Teaching Methods: Due to fail-
dents and parents all got acclimatized to ure in technology on either end, there may be
this new teaching approach and technol- connectivity issue. So teaching methods must be
ogy. Now it’s a high time for teachers to put flexible in order to help the students understand
efforts to conduct the best virtual classes whatever is being taught.
for building the future of their own Nation. Class Engagement: Well-planned lec-
Here are a few recommendations for con- tures keep the class engaged in different activi-
ducting the best virtual classes. ties. Keep on interacting with students and allow
Learn Technology: Devote time to them to interact in between the sessions. Interac-
learn the new technology, use of different tion will make them active. Keep on asking ques-
learning platforms and available online tions, so that students focus on the content that
apps. Try to be proficient with the technol- you are delivering to them during the session.
ogy, which you are going to use for teach- Assignments for Solving: Keep on giv-
ing. In case of any difficulty take help of ing some tasks to perform during and after
technical people around you. classes. Submission of assignments should be
Trial Sessions: To get familiar with via uploading images of their assignment note-
technology, go for trial sessions. It will help book created by them. Time to time Quizzes and
all the participants. In these trial sessions Online tests can also be conducted on related
just guide students and parents about the topics to check the response of students. Last

date of submission must be given clearly. sponding to your emails or messages. Talk to
Accountability of marks for the same must the parents of such students and convey about
be stated clearly. their non-participation and poor performance.
Associate with Students: Stay con- At the end I would like to conclude that
nected with your students by using emails or keep on updating yourself with new technology
messages, even when you are not having and latest teaching-learning apps. It will help
any online class. Students may discuss
you with new ideas to implement while conduct-
about the problems that they are facing due
to these changes in teaching mode. ing sessions for students. Learning is the key
factor for success in this contemporary era.
Finding Unresponsive Students: Keep on grooming yourself with technology.
Search for those students who are not at all
attentive in these sessions, those who are Have a happy era of Teaching: Virtual Teaching.
not attending your online classes, not re-

Miss Sonia Rani

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science


Cdt KJ Abhinav

Cdt Anurag Bisht

DCC Vaidansh Verma



Standing (L –R): Cdt Sehajpal S Sidhu , Cdt Ovezov Merdan , Cdt Umang Singh Gusain , Cdt Ullas Bhadouria , Cdt Arshdeep Singh ,
Cdt B R Prasad, Cdt S Rajasekhar , Cdt Hitesh Sharma , Cdt Sahil Yadav
Sitting (L-R): CSM Amit Yadav , Cdt Shivam Chaudhary , DCC Swethan Vasu Rao , BCC Ajay Singh Bhadoria , SCC Rishav Kumar,
ACA Mukul Thakur, DCC Manish Kumar , DCC Akshay Banyal , CQMS Amir Hussain
CDT ARSHDEEP SINGH (A): This fearless Khalsa was Merit Card in PT. He was always found doing PT in CQ
flank. His volleyball smash did wonders in matches. He got restrictions for ‘practising’ Boxing in squadron.
CDT SS SIDHU (A): This Golu Khalsa was a “chhota packet bada dhamaka”. This foodie believed in “My Cabin,
My Life” since his IV Term. He had a heart of Gold. He lived by the motto “EAT, SLEEP, BLAST, REPEAT”. Rope
was his Waterloo.
CDT ULLAS BHADOURIA (A): The Godfather of the squadron was Academics in-charge. He was always seen
with files in one hand and WLL in the other. He was pretty fond of Jeff Bezos’ Amazon and found his true love in
his V Term but then it ended pretty abruptly. He was a favourite of the squaron office and had a special relation-
ship with “karma”.
CDT UMANG GUSAIN (A): This Pongo was the only SOSA of his course. He was always the 5th string captain
irrespective of the game. He was famous for waking juniors quite early in the morning. This put-in type Pongo was
good at power PT. He was an approachable senior.
CDT SHIVAM CHOUDHARY (N): This Nevla was hardcore CSM material but was destined to become 1st rotation
DCC. He was highly motivated for getting the Glider and landed in 2nd enclosure in his IV Term. He was a good
senior who always wanted to guide his juniors towards the right path. In his VI Term he was seen shuttling be-
tween NTT and Peacock Bay. He passed out from this Academy as soon as he passed second class rope.
ACA MUKUL THAKUR (A): He was one of the most OG cadet Alpha Squadron has ever seen. He was 4 Star
Torchie, Merit Card and COP in Arabic, COP Drill and Course Topper (B.Sc). He was extremely interested in
squadron related activities. His short height remained his main concern during his entire tenure.
CQMS AMIR HUSSAIN (A): He was a hardworking cadet who was a 4 Star Torchie. He was good at everything
and was a potential BCA who finally became CQMS. He was a very efficient CQ, who kept the IV Termers in
check with respect to CQ items and wastage of water. He was a terror in his III Term but became very approach-
able in his VI Term.
SCC RISHAV KUMAR (A): This Sujanian Pongo was PT stud, X-Country stud, a member of the Academy
Hockey Team and COP Drill. He was a favourite of the Squadron Office. He always believed in leading by exam-
ple. His constant mood swings led to confusion in the minds of his juniors.
CDT AKSHAY BANYAL (AF):This ex-DCC Flyboy of the squadron was 2nd enclosure type throughout his six
terms. His long speeches during meal timings were a nightmare for Top Floor types. He was a lovable senior.
DCC SWETAN VASU RAO (AF): This James Bond of the course, with a swag like no one else, was the best
manager in his III Term; handling 3 understudies and five VI Termers alone. This down to earth Keralite was fa-
mous in the Academy for his Public Speaking demo which still pinches him. He was a very knowledgeable cadet.
DCC MANISH KUMAR (A): This mischievous Pongo was always found eager to join or initiate trouble-making
activities in the squadron for which his juniors loved him. He was good in Academics and an excellent Bhaand.
Intelligence, calmness and humour enhanced his personality. He had a powerful voice which was enough to
scare the juniors to their wits.
DCC RAVI PRASAD (A): This Saikorian could easily be mistaken for a I Termer. His cabin acted as a safe haven
for South-Zone party. He firmly believed in the mantra of “My Cabin, My Life” and kept himself busy in his cabin.
He was not interested in his juniors but when he showed interest he became a nightmare for his juniors.
CDT S RAJASEKHAR (A): He landed in Alpha Squadron in his IV Term after three terms of orientation in MH
Khadakwasla. He was always found either in Ante-Room or on volleyball courts. He was called COP in Night
Treasure Hunt. From “Multaani Mitti” to “Himami Fairness Scrub”, he had everything. He was the Best in Camou-
flage and Concealment. He was the Movie in-charge of juniors and was famous for his dialogue “Don't shake your
eyeballs”. He was good in PT and Service Subjects. He worked hard when it came to X-Country.
BCC AJAY SINGH BHADORIA (A): He was the submarine of the squadron until Corona happened and he sud-
denly started taking interest in his juniors. He was the spokesperson of his course who believed in “rest is the se-
cret of my energy”. He was a natural X-Country runner and despite taking it easy managed to come in 2nd enclo-
sure during all his terms. He was a Josh-type Squash player who passed out as Best in Sports in139th Course.
CDT SAHIL YADAV (N): This Nevla was PT in-charge of his juniors in his VI Term. Dumbbells were his first love.
He was most chill type senior. He was very active and popular among his peers in the squadron. He was an ap-
proachable and helpful senior who never got the hang of Academics till the very end.
CSM AMIT YADAV (A): This CSM became Category Sick Leave Major in his VI Term but this did not deter him
from taking interest in squadron activities. His Sick Leave became a nightmare for IV Termers. This Pongo was
Academics Torchie, PT stud and X-Country 2nd enclosure type . He was good in Services and a potential recipient
of Bayonet Pin. Despite his propensity towards taking it easy he ensured that the squadron was never low on
CDT HITESH SHARMA (A):This “DCC” worked throughout his six terms and finally passed PT in M 1. His emo-
tions kept on changing once he was awarded the DCC tabs. He was a potential COP in Drill who passed DST
after his understudy. He was famous for his dialogue “please carry on”.
CDT MERDAN OVEZOV (A): This josh-type foreign cadet was famous among his juniors as well as squadron
office. Thanks to his regular rashes he was always found in first floor bathroom. He also had the privilege of living
in GFCL in his VI Term. This Pongo knew more Hindi than most of his coursemates and was the biggest fan of
Bollywood songs.


Standing (L-R): Cdt R K Kunal, Cdt Atul Rawat , Cdt Shourya Singh, Cdt MD Tousif Equibal , Cdt Nilanshu Rai
Standing (L-R): Cdt Divyam Chandela , Cdt Shubhdeep Singh, Cdt Manas Negi , Cdt Ishaan Chandewar , Cdt Vaibhav Sharma,
Cdt Ritupal Singh , Cdt Sandeep Choudhary
Sitting (L-R): DCC Mohit Jakhar , DCC Krishnakant Ketkar, BCA Lalrinawma Sailo, SCC Ujjwal Nautiyal , DCC Prashant Tripathi,
CQMS Vrajesh Rajput
DCC RITUPAL SINGH (A): This NSPian DCC was an obedient cadet. He believed in hard work. He was
known as “old school” and “pali” by his coursemates. Stud in PT, smasher in volleyball, good in X-Country. He
was famous for his heavy Punjabi accent & loved by all.
Cdt VAIBHAV SHARMA (A): This Nawabi UPSainian, cricket lover, was a good player of hockey and squash.
He was an approachable senior and a very talented singer. He was rarely found taking interest in flankie jun-
iors. Had a good sense of humour and was a role model for his juniors.
DCC M K JAKHAR (A): This rare modern “jatt” was also known as the “beast” of the course because of his
josh and PT skills. He was always interested in squadron activities and excelled with flying colours. He was a
soft-hearted Pongo and was good in X-Country and motivated his juniors with his unique English Speaking
DCC PRASHANT TRIPATHI (A): This proud “Ajeet” was a 2nd rotation DCC who conquered everything he laid
his hands on. From early coming in II Term to becoming a Torchie in his VI Term, his journey was truly inspir-
ing. He was also motivation DST pass and COP French. Dungaree on his body improved his performance ex-
ponentially. This great Pongo’s basketball skills will be missed by all.
CDT K D KETKAR (A): The body builder of his course, the only non-techie Gold Torchie the squadron has
seen, COP Drill & first rotation DCC, this boy from Maharashtra was the source of motivation for his volleyball,
hockey, basketball and football strings. He was quite famous for his seriousness towards squadron perform-
ance. This “Ajinkyan” found solace in tea and sleeping.
BCA LALRINAWMA SAILO (A): This Rimcollian from Mizoram was a footballer and Merit Card in boxing. A
star in all games, he mesmerized everyone with his taste of music and untimely jokes. Truly a role model for
his juniors.
CDT SANDEEP CHOUDHARY (A): This 1st rotation DCC was a cool headed guy, a PT stud and an all
rounder in sports, a Torchie and a X-Country 2nd enclosure type. He was very fond of tea and WLL. He was
feared by juniors but also loved for his one-liners.
CDT SHUBHDEEP SINGH (AF): This “pahadi Khalsa” was the only Flyboy of the course. He was stud in tech-
nical PT, good in volleyball. He was liked by Sergeants in his IV Term for being the understudy of ACA.
CDT NILANSHU RAI (A): He was known by the title “Rapper Rai” and was famous in the whole Academy for
his rapping skills. He was a good X-Country and BPET runner. He was liked by Squadron Office and Drill sec-
tion. He always cared for his juniors and their well being.
CDT M D TAUSIF EQUIBAL (A): This “Tilayan” Pongo was as feared as he was loved. He was a calm guy
concerned with squadron Basics. This fun loving guy was an all-rounder. He was always seen with his sun-
glasses on, both inside and outside the squadron.
CDT MANAS NEGI (N): This pahadi “Nevla” was the 1st rotation DCC. He was always seen with his books. He
was rewarded with an Anchor Pin for his efforts. He was a good volleyball player and was good in PT. He was
the role model for his juniors.
SCC UJJWAL NAUTIYAL (A): This innocent looking Ghorakhali SCC will be remembered for his jovial and
caring nature. He was a potential Torchie and Merit Card in PT. His sporting abilities were unmatched and he
led the squadron by example. He was loved by all and was someone to look up to.
CQMS VRAJESH RAJPUT (A) : This Gujarati Pongo was a very responsible CQMS since his II Term. He was
a very jolly senior and excelled in academics and was a Merit Card & COP in Chinese. X-Country and Drill
remained his favourites.
CDT ATUL RAWAT (A): He declared himself as the “War Chief”. This SOSA was excellent in X-Country and
BPET runs. He had the knowledge of almost everything to share with his juniors. He was one of the most en-
thusiastic person of his course.
CDT R K KUNAL (A): This senior was a hardcore Pongo and a PT stud. He hails from Imphal. He helped
many juniors in improving their PT standards. He was an extremely hard worker and expected the same of
CDT SHOURYA SINGH (A): This Nawabian Pongo was a Two Star Torchie in his VI Term. He was a patient
senior who helped in solving juniors’ doubts. He loved his cabin but loved the balcony more. He was consid-
ered as the best “OC” of the course.
CDT DIVYAM CHANDELA (A): This guy from Meerut was an angry bird, a good friend and an amazing sen-
ior. He became a Course Topper and was extra motivated for all events.
CDT ISHAAN CHANDEWAR (A): This Pongo was a great map reader and a medallist in Sailing. This SPIian
was a Torchie who spent most of his time at Peacock Bay. He was a very helpful and kind senior.
CSM ROHIT GHOSH (N): This Bengali lad was a stud in X-Country and power PT. He was “Half Blue and a
member of the Academy Football Team. He believed in running the squadron on motivation and gave his all
for the squadron. He was a role model for his juniors.


Standing (L-R): Cdt K V Anal, Cdt Yash Trivedi, Cdt Suhail Wahidi, Cdt Aditya Bhatia, Cdt Himanshu Raj
Standing (L-R): Cdt Harjot Singh, Cdt Anuj Sharma, Cdt Rajat Singh, Cdt A K Upadhayay, Cdt Gaurav Lohani, Cdt Sahitya Prasad,
Cdt Swapnil Rangra, Cdt Dev Deodhar
Sitting (L-R): CSM Abhishek Pandey, DCC Sahil Kumar , DCC Sanjay Kumar, SCC Sourav Kumar, DCC Atul Lekhwar,
CQMS Shashank Saumaya
CDT DEV DEODHAR (A): This lad from Maharashtra came from INA to NDA and was COP in French. He was a
mix of saint & terror type senior (often had mood swings). He became food in-charge of the squadron in his VI
Term. His coursemates called him "Devu". Worked equally hard in all terms to achieve everything.
DCC ANUJ SHARMA (AF): This solo Flyboy DCC from APS Mathura was a chill type senior and an active pub-
lic speaker. He continuously went on to improve starting from his I Term, always motivated his juniors, inculcated
a habit of learning something new, became proficient in PT in his V Term. He was famous for his saint like atti-
DCC ATUL LEKHWAR (A): This dusky pahadi was very good in PT. He was a Torchie, JSTP Course Topper
and bearing setter for squadron. Took a lot of interest in his juniors and always had a special place in his flank
for IV Termers. Was always quick with his laughter and witty one liners.
CDT SWAPNIL RANGRA (A): This Sujanian was an excellent hockey player. COP in Chinese and was good in
sports. He performed fairly well in X-Country. He was famous for his dance moves in jam sessions. He was the
squadron pal and was quite approachable.
CSM A K PANDEY (A): This Georgian looked like an English man but his accent betrayed his looks. CSM-
Chivalrous Sought-after Man, COP in French, performed well in PT and X-Country. He was very approachable
and down to earth. He was known for his witty one-liners. He shared a special bond with the IV Termers.
CDT HIMANSHU RAJ (A): Category Cadet Captain in VI Term due to frequent visits to “The Nizams” in junior
terms. This Drill loving lad was known for his once a month MLs and focus on JSTP. He was always found in his
cabin. True to his words and his moral ethics, he never wronged himself. His coursemates loved the type of push
-ups he did.
CQMS SHASHANK SAUMYA (A): This Rimcollian was the most happy go lucky person of his course. This
COP (Distinction) in Chinese was a 6 Star Silver Torchie. He always landed in the 2nd enclosure in X-Country
and played in 1st and 2nd strings. This highly superstitious (especially of moustache) member of the Academy
Quiz Team will be remembered for being approachable and his intelligently lame jokes.
SCC SOURAV KUMAR (A): He did not have to utter a word as his laurels screamed for him. A hot-blooded
Cheetah in every aspect. A very inspiring personality who believed in something greater than ragda. Was a Flag
Corporal in his IV Term and a X-Country medallist. A potential Merit Card in PT. He strongly believed and lived
by his steadfast principles.
CDT GAURAV LOHANI (A): This pahadi was a good footballer and did extremely well in PT & X-Country. This
handsome hunk was the josh box of the squadron. Biggest bhand of his course. He will always be remembered
for his "habibullah se" wala accent. He was always approachable & very humble.
CDT A K UPADHYAY (A): The Camp in-charge of squadron was known as the 'heera of his course’. He was
loved for his cool and calm nature but if required he left no stone unturned in terms of blasting. He was always
found with his guitar after lights out.
CDT K V ANAL (A): This “Nishan-toli” aspirant had a cool and composed nature. The squadron will miss his
speakers and his Bihari accent will be missed on ground floor.
DCC SAHIL KUMAR (A): This Haryanvi Georgian was the coolest dude of his course. He never troubled any-
one and was always in a jolly mood. He did well in PT and X-Country. He was an athletics medallist and ended
up being favourite of all juniors .
CDT SUHAIL WAHIDI (A): This Afghani kickboxer was ‘Blue’ in boxing and good in PT. Was very down to earth
and very helpful . Bonded well with juniors, helped them in their physicals and sought their help in academics.
DCC RAJAT SINGH (N): This Ambikan Nevla was the volleyball captain, a Commandant’s Book Prize winner,
he performed quite well in PT and X-Country. A man of high moral character and organisational abilities who had
an unusual habit of keeping records of names, numbers and ‘conversations’. He would rather lose fair than win
dirty. A requisite which he himself possessed and imbibed in all.
DCC SANJAY KUMAR (A): This proud pahadi KVian was good in PT. He was a Torchie and was appointed the
Academics in-charge. He was a “DISCIPLINE STAR” and was the ‘SHARIF LADKA‘ of his course .
DCC SAHITYA PRASAD (A): This Bihari was excellent in PT and was the second rotation DCC. He was known
for his intense mood swings and juniors were very careful around him. He became one of the coolest guys in his
V Term. Came to be known as PADMAN because of his obsession of carrying his appointment pad everywhere.
CDT ADITYA BHATIA (N): This Nevla from Uttarakhand strictly followed the principle of “My Cabin, My life”.
This chill type, down to earth senior was the squadron pal. Always worked on the principle of Minimum Required
CDT YASH TRIVEDI (N): The UPSanian was an authority of his own. He ruled the squadron from his 3 BHK. He
was sweet but could be difficult at times. You can either be on his side or wish there weren’t any! A good per-
former, better man and the best Overstudy!
CDT HARJOT SINGH (A): This AFPIan cut Khalsa enjoyed his tenure to fullest. Good in Services and hockey,
jam sessions and food were his first priority. This non-techie was the best engineer in squadron and his cabin
was a workshop where any technical problem could be solved.


Standing (L-R): Cdt Ashray Sood , Cdt Simranjeet Singh , Cdt Kushagra Singh
Standing (L-R): Cdt Ajay Lamba, Cdt Anshuman Rai , Cdt Saumya Kr Jha , Cdt Soyin Mukhopadhyay , Cdt Vivek Yadav,
Cdt Debanjan Kundu
Sitting (L-R): CSM Tushar Sapra , DCC Sangey Wangyel , DCC Gautham Vishnu , SCC Ayush Ranjan , DCC Ravi Shankar ,
CQMS Praveen Singh
SCC AYUSH RANJAN (A): This Pongo Rimcolian was gifted with a fast processor. The “Kela” BCC was a 6
Star Torchie, Course Topper, Arabic Topper, excellent runner, potential “ADOP in Drill”, “Blue in MLs” and much
more. A “nightmare” for the senior courses, his “teekhi churee’s words” would always motivate them to work
hard. His “catwalk” and neck breakers will always be remembered.
CSM TUSHAR SAPRA (A): The Josh type CSM tried hard to be a terror but always ended up laughing at his
own peculiar dialogues. Academics Torch holder, COP in French and a PT stud, he made the squadron practice
for X-Country that sadly never happened. He was always high on josh and played all games in “Bajrang Dal”.
CQMS PRAVEEN SINGH (A): The tall and handsome SOSA was the most put-in type among his coursemates.
A good athlete and X-Country runner, he emphasised on the correct military bearing and grooming for the jun-
iors. His motherly nature made him the most approachable senior and he was lovingly called ‘didi’ by his course-
DCC GAUTHAM VISHNU (A): This Pongo from Kerala was an extremely hard working Dagger, both on and off
the field. Kela Torchie and PT Merit Card till his VI Term. He was always “the first wicket down when being
trained”. His IV Term was easier than his III Term for various reasons (ps: thanks to his understudy).
DCC RAVI SHANKAR (A): This Kunjean Pongo was Gamma Aale of his course. An excellent sportsman, he
played all games in 1st string. The Camp captain spent more than half of his nights and almost all his holidays
training II, III and IV Termers for their respective camps. His hard work and dedication brought back the Green-
horn plaque to the squadron. A “truly deserving” Double Discipline Star, he was not so fortunate when it came to
getting the WLL in his junior terms.
DCC SANGEY WANGYEL (A): The Josh type Bhutanese was ‘Kela’ SCC and was one of the most put-in type
foreign cadets in the Academy and an excellent artist. Good in academics, Merit Card in PT, excellent in drill,
and ‘Blazer’ in speaking Hindi were some of his achievements. Loved by his juniors for his caring nature, his im-
maculate military bearing was a source of inspiration for all foreign as well as Indian cadets. “Kitna time take ka-
rega” was his favourite dialogue while taking his junior’s PT.
CDT VIVEK YADAV (N): This Rimcollian was gutsy and was an avid seeker of ‘lassi’ everywhere. He was a per-
petual visitor of the periphery and had more punishments than the number of Sundays in a term. The invisible
‘Nevla’ was made a second rotation DCC just so that the squadron office could see his presence in the squad-
ron. In his brief stint as a DCC, he became an ‘example’ for many people in the squadron. He was awarded with
an honorary ADOP in making announcements by his course because of his peculiar and funny voice.
CDT SOYIN MUKHOPADHYAYA (A): The de-striped Sergeant and accidental second rotation DCC was very
strict when it came to teaching the ‘basics’ to the juniors. The Bengali Torchie was fondly called ‘takla’ by his
coursemates as stars on his torch and hair on his head were equal. Known for his core exercises and cricketing
skills, he was always found doing PT but it still remained his Waterloo.
DCC ASHRAY SOOD (A): This short and sweet Doonite was a Torchie and one of the saints of his course. An
introvert and a hardworking person, his silent efforts finally bore fruit during his VI Term when he became a sec-
ond rotation DCC. Famously known as “the spiderman” among his understudy course, giving night report and X-
Country remained his waterloo.
CDT AJAY LAMBA (N): The DAVian Nevla was popularly known as “AD(my)RAL” amongst the juniors. He
firmly believed in two principles; ‘My Cabin, My Life’ and ‘Live and Let Live’. Famous for his peculiar voice and
comical comments on almost everything, he was ‘loved’ by the squadron office and got ‘trained’ more than what
he had planned.
CDT DEBANJAN KUNDU (AF): The rare ‘taant’ Bengali was the lone Flyboy of his course and had a heart of
gold. He had his own way of looking at everything and believed in living life to the fullest. Fondly known as “The
Master Blaster”, he had single-handedly done more ‘training’ than the rest of his course combined.
CDT SIMRANJEET SINGH (A): The AFPian cut Khalsa was a simple and hard working senior. He had a kind
heart and was a potential appointment. A good sportsman, he was the Volleyball in-charge of the squadron and
tried his best to get the Trophy to the squadron. He always tried to bring smiles during fall-ins with his lame jokes
but failed miserably.
CDT ANSHUMAN RAI (A): The Sujanian Pongo was a chill type senior who lived life at MRP. The maggi lover
sincerely followed “My Cabin, My Life”. His life however, became quite happening in his VI term when he finally
came into the notice of squadron office.
CDT KUSHAGRA SINGH (A): The ‘Pongo’ Bihari was famously known as ‘gobo’ among his coursemates. His
eternal smile and bulging eyes were a source of amusement for his juniors. A simple and hard working senior,
he took keen interest in grooming of his juniors. PT and 9 ft ditch remained his Waterloo.
CDT SOUMYA KUMAR JHA (A): The Bihari Torchie ‘Pongo’ was COP in Chinese and an accidental Sergeant
in his V Term. A ‘concerned’ senior, he took interest in teaching the ‘basics’ to his juniors, but otherwise believed
in ‘My Cabin, My Life’. He tried to take interest in squadron activities during his VI Term but got suppressed.


Standing(L-R): Cdt Himanshu Kalia , Cdt Mohit Sharma , Cdt Veeresh Gaded , Cdt Rahul Singh Gurjar , Cdt Himanshu
Standing(L-R): Cdt Ankush , Cdt Pradyuman Sharma , Cdt Rishikesh Singh , Cdt Vijay Bahadur , Cdt Nazarov Muslimjon
Sitting (L-R): CSM Abhishek Samyal , CSM Tsheten Dorji (Nishan Toli) , DCC Rahul Rajnith , BCC Shiv Kumar , SCC Pranav Jadhav ,
DCC Ashish Kumar Mohanta , DCC Aakash Yadav , CQMS Ajay Joseph N
CDT ANKUSH (A): This Pongo hulk from Haryana kept smashing juniors especially his pals. An awesome bas-
ketball player with a great built, protein shakes run in his body. Often referred to as Kumbhkaran by his juniors.
He was a strict follower of the principle “My Cabin, My Life”.
DCC RAHUL RANJITH (N): The swaggy Delhite was COP in Public Speaking and be came famous in his V
Term for setting the Bearing of his div-kids. He was very senti about Quiz competition and had a peculiar style of
hauling out and walking. He was famous for his Helen dance in his junior terms.
CDT RISHIKESH SINGH (AF): This Bihari Flyboy did more punishments than flying. His name came up in the
ARO quite frequently. This ACC understudy was frequently found sleeping under his bed to avoid ragda. Excep-
tional in academics, a Torchie and Services topper in his V Term. He was made the Academics in-charge of the
squadron. Even though he was bold, he was called ‘dheela’ by his coursemates.
BCC SHIV KUMAR (AF): This Haryanvi Flyboy was a good sportsman and a two time Course Topper. He was a
nightmare for his div-kids in IV Term. His dialogues were a mixture of josh and humour. A dreaded Sergeant in
his V Term, the Corona virus crushed his dreams so he attained salvation in his VI Term and was only seen in
squadron rushing for the evening tea. Stand-up comedy will surely be on his post retirement plans.
DCC AAKASH YADAV (N): This Nevla was named “Undertaker” as he passed through his NDA tenure. He was
mostly dead during his camps. He was very interested in collecting different types of weapons, favourite one be-
ing the LAN wire. Basics and Bearing were the two Bs he always checked his juniors for.
DCC ASHISH KUMAR MOHANTIA (N): This DCC will always remain in the hearts of his div-kids. Extremely
polite to his juniors, he always worked on their improvement. His desire of taking a timing of 28 remained a de-
sire. He was ADOP in English and a famous face amongst girls. The two most important things in his life were
‘cabin’ and ‘WLL’.
CDT RAHUL SINGH GURJAR (A): Ex-ground floor DCC, this Georgian was famous for his peculiar laughter
and dance moves. No one knew where he belonged to but speculations have been made about Bihar. A Camp
in-charge in his V Term, his hard work paid off when juniors performed well in Camp Green Horn and Rover.
CSM ABHISHEK SAMYAL (A): This Sujanian CSM was a chill type senior until he wore the CSM band. A good
X-Country runner who bagged the prestigious title of Papa Eagle in his IV Term. COP in Chinese and potential
ADOP in English speaking.
CDT VIJAY BAHADUR (A): His only true love was football and NDA GK. Most accounted guy of his course as
he was hardly found in squadron in his junior terms due to his multiple OD visits. He was called “Mehengi” by his
coursemates and only they knew why. He loved his div-kids more than anyone.
CDT NAZAROV MUSLIMJON (A): This Tajiki had his personal CSD in his cabin. Half Blue in basketball, he vis-
ited CSD more often than his OD visits. If this man was a open book then it was blank. No one could understand
his mood and temper at any point of time. Rumours prevail in the Academy that he fought a tiger in his Camp
Rover Josh Run.
CDT HIMANSHU KALIA (A): This Pongo was a keen follower of ‘My Cabin, My Life’ with each passing junior
term. Man of his words and enjoyed sick leave in his II Term. No junior could ever make out by his facial expres-
sions the kind of mood he was in. Excellent in athletics and hockey. “K” marked items never belonged to him. His
climate cool dungaree made him finish his camps.
CDT TSHETEN DORJI (A): This josh type Bhutanese cadet had a penchant for drill .His drill boots were always
fixed and shining but he was seen roaming around in broken slippers. Cold coffee and pastry were his eternal
love. Strict believer of ‘My Cabin, My Life’ since his Ist Term.
CQMS AJAY JOSE JOSEPH N (N): A potential BCC, this Rimcollian was jack of all trades. He was a Merit Card
in PT, Novices medallist, member of the Academy Sailing Team. He was always found checking juniors for rigs
and Military Bearing. Merely doing PT with him was considered a commando course for many. OIC JTT [Joseph
training team] was the PT Ustaad of the squadron. This polite CQMS was a nightmare for the PT failures.
CDT VEERESH GADED (A): This lad from Karanataka had tons of maggi and upma packets stored in his cabin
but never knew how to make them. He tried his best to woo girls but God never showed mercy upon him. With a
broken arm and knee, he was COP in Category and ADOP in sit-ups. Hindi was his Waterloo.
SCC JADHAV PRANAV DINESH (A): This Taant mummy type SCC was a 5 Star Torchie who reached the next
level by discovering his own positioning system. His elite map reading skills lead his course to nowhere in Camp
Green Horn and Rover. He always held his course together for every morning report in his junior terms. He was
a potential Blazer in all games that were not played in the Academy.
CDT PRADYUMAN SHARMA (A): If not NDA then he would have been the owner of Flipkart and Amazon to-
gether. He was always found searching for gadgets online. His academics pointer was lower than the pedal of
his bicycle until his V Term when he scored above 7. Chemistry was his Waterloo.
CDT HIMANSU (A): If love for evening eats was a crime, he would have been born in jail. This hungry Georgian
became COP in Drill while giving DST in flank. He could kill or die for cold coffee. Excellent in Motorcycle Riding,
he was so down to earth that he was seen more on the road than on his bike. Popular among his juniors as
“Frankenstein”. He had his own set of Jugaads for every problem in life- which apparently never worked.
CDT MOHIT SHARMA(A): This Punjabi loved his paneer. The only thing he learned during Camp Green Horn
was charging on food. Good in athletics and potential Merit Card in PT. Pals dreaded him more than others.
Found his true love in Ex. Golden Ring that made him forget all his exes.


Standing (L-R):Cdt Sarvdeep Singh , Cdt Prabhat Kaushik , Cdt Aditya Kumar , Cdt Sagar Dubey
Standing (L-R): Cdt Sonam Penjor , Cdt Rohan Khattri , Cdt Sobirzoda Karomatulloi , Cdt J S Paul , Cdt Prince Kaliyar
Cdt Vedant Mehta , Cdt Ramil Podia
Sitting (L-R): CSM Anubhav Pandey , DCC Pranjal Kapil , BCA Lakshya Malik , SCC Sudeep Yadav , DCC Anuj Kumar
DCC Tushar Shahi , CQMS Anand Pratap Singh
SCC SUDEEP YADAV (A): This UPSainian Pongo was the josh box of squadron and the best runner of the Academy.
Passed out Blue in X-Country. Had X-Country been there last term he would have passed out with a Blazer. Highly
motivated, chill type guy. He focused on basics of everyone and did everything in his own way. Famous for his “tumhe
batata hu main” dialogue.
CSM ANUBHAV PANDEY (A): This josh type ‘Pahadi’ Pongo was a terror type CSM who worked extremely hard for
the squadron and used to put-in everywhere. Could be easily found having pumping competition with juniors. A charm
among his div-kids. Firm believer of shifting cabins of juniors and penta PT Rig. He was the heartthrob of his course.
Brought many positive changes in squadron and ran the squadron well.
BCA LAKSHYA MALLIK (A): This BCA from Shamli was very good in X-Country and a medallist in athletics and vol-
leyball. He was a motivation for all - be it football, hockey or drill; he left his mark everywhere. Terror for Battalion V
Termers, always found with his buddy pair, and even shifted his cabin from BCA to DCC flank during pandemic.
DCC ADITYA KUMAR (A): This hardcore Pongo was a stud in everything. He was the most beloved Bhaiyya for his
Georgians. Be it X-Country, boxing, academics or games, he proved his mettle by working hard everywhere. He used
to be one of the most soft spoken and approachable seniors throughout his tenure! Converted top floor DCC flank into
Gym along with his Kunjean brother. He was also known as “Aadi “.
DCC TUSHAR SHAHI (A): This die hard Pongo was good at volleyball and basketball. He was often heard arguing
why Pongos were better than anyone else and boasted of the ATT ragda. Famous among his div-kids for his sarcastic
comments. His voice could be heard till Kondhwa Gate. Was found managing big pack most of the time in his VI Term.
DCC PRABHAT KAUSHIK (N): This chill type Nevla was an elite member of 'Mitran da junction'. His cabin never had
a deficiency of eatables. He was specially attached to his div-kids and always took care of those who troubled them.
Excellent in Services and was an excellent motivator for squadron. Firm believer of ‘My Cabin, My Life’.
CDT J S PAUL (N): This Khalsa was too good to be true. He was famous among drill instructors and was the squad-
ron office's favourite. Forever hungry and in his fantasy world. Always cheerful and firm believer of “My Food, My Life”.
CDT SARVDEEP SINGH (N): This Khalsa was the most cheerful person in the squadron. He was found in NKN during
the day and with WLL at night. One of the best in the drill. He was the favourite of squadron office and was always on
the verge of getting- ‘7’. He finished his tenure with a smile on his face.
CDT SAGAR DUBEY (AF): This Flyboy White Tiger was a stud in PT and sleeping. This potential Merit Card in PT
was a wizard of hockey and drill but his cabin attracted him more than anything else. It would take an expert to com-
prehend his words when he had mood swings. This happy go lucky guy will never be forgotten for his helpful nature
and great fundaes.
CDT VEDANT MEHTA (A): This Torchie Rimcollian Ex-DCC was a terror type Academics In-charge with a COP and
Merit Card in French. Blazer in punishments, he lived life on the edge. He kept a count of days left of punishment in-
stead of DLTPO in his VI Term. He was good in public speaking and hockey. He was a put-in type pseudo Bihari who
took good care of his pals and a hardcore Aviation optie.
CDT ANUJ KUMAR (AF): This Flyboy was famous for his ever cool and calm attitude. He was very humble and polite
to his juniors. This PT stud of the course believed in putting in maximum in every event and always motivated juniors
with his cheering smile.
CDT SOBIRZODA KAROMATULLOI (A):This Pongo Tajiki also known as “Sobirzaada” among his coursemates. He
was always seen smiling and whistling Hindi songs in corridors. He was a PT stud and good in X-Country but academ-
ics remained his Waterloo.
CDT SONAM PENJOR (A): The chill type Bhutanese Pongo was the monk of the course. Had lots of knowledge
about everything. X-Country remained his Waterloo. He will be remembered as a sensible and mature senior who
cared deeply for his juniors as well as his coursemates. Fond of guitar and had a melodious voice.
CDT PRANJAL KAPIL (A): This Afpian Pongo pseudo -SOSA was the most OG of his course. He really put his heart
out in everything he did. Put-in type and was the only one in his VI Term who didn’t get any punishment. Good in drill,
hockey, public speaking, extremely good in Services, passed out as a Torchie. Hardcore Armoured optie. Found sur-
rounded by pals and a family man.
CDT P K KALIYAR (A):The most carefree and chill-type Pongo from Punjab/UP (still a confusion) was found chilling
& smiling at all times even while making life difficult for his juniors (often in funny ways). Had MRP been a skill he
would have been a Blazer in it. He was very good in X-Country, pack running, PT and remained a potential Torchie.
CQMS AP SINGH (A): This Lucknow ka Nawaab was COP in 'Merit Card Practice'. Took his appointment a bit too
seriously, was often found giving ML to juniors and reiterating the phrase – ‘Samajh me aa rha hai?’ Stud in PT, X-
Country and football but infamous for many kills with his rifle in Drill Square!
CDT ARIJEET KUMAR DEY (A): This Dare 'DEY' with a golden heart was one of the most chilled type seniors in the
squadron. Whether it was basketball, public speaking, boxing, academics or Battalion VE he was always there to give
his best. A put-in type WLL in-charge in his VI term who always took special care of his pals as well as non-pals.
CDT RAMIT PODIA (A): This 'Kunjean' Pongo was the phantom of the squadron. He was COP in English and Blazer
in punishment. His peculiar way of laughing and howling-out in corridors was always a source of amusement for his
juniors. One of the best map readers in Academy, he was nothing less than a GPS for Faulads in camps, and was
excellent in BPET. His div-kids barely survived his Pre-camp training and yet he remained their most beloved senior.
CDT ROHAN KHATTRI (A): This Pongo was the only SOSA of his course. No one ever got to know who his real div-
kid was. He was always ready to be grounded in his VI Term. Best in public speaking. Became a saint in his VI Term.
Always believed in "My Cabin, My Life".


Standing (L-R): Cdt Tushar Sanon , Cdt Akshay Thakur , Cdt Tushar Bansode , Cdt M D Lokesh
Standing (L-R): Cdt B M K Vamsi , Cdt Jordan L Sequeira , Cdt Pratyush Dabral , Cdt Abdul Hamed Naser , Cdt Ravinder Singh
Cdt Nishant Siwach
Sitting (L-R): CSM Atul Sharma , DCC Anmoldeep Benipal , SCC Dhruv Thakur , SCC Hridynsh Ravi Sharma , DCC Sri Vishnu
DCC Vaidhansh Verma , CQMS Shikhar Mishra
CSM ATUL SHARMA (A): This Ghorakhali Gladiator was always worried about two things, squadron per-
formance and his toaster. Stud in power PT and was one of the most approachable seniors of the sqn. Best
CSM anyone could ever ask for.
SCC HR SHARMA (A): This Rimcollian was a very calm person, though he was SCC, he was seen occa-
sionally. Diligent and mentally sharp, he used to speak less but spoke sense. The perfect “My Cabin, My
Life” SCC.
CQMS SHIKHAR MISHRA (A): This 6 Star Torchie, COP in Photography, Russian and “Cabin-Cupboard”,
was a champion in preserving evening eats. He spoke beautiful “Hindi” and kept the WLL hidden. A big fan
of Harry Potter and Emma Watson, he was a terror for his juniors who feared his “mood-swings”.
DCC VAIDHANSH VERMA (A): This Haryanvi Pongo, COP Arts was a chill type VI Termer, mostly seen
doing gymnastics and flexing his muscles. A potential merit card in PT, he missed his torch by a whisker,
but was the first sergeant in the Academy to award an EH for improper squad.
DCC SRI VISHNU (A): An OC-cum-COP PHOTGRAPHY-DCC-cum-Camps IC, was one of the sole rea-
son, sqn took interest in camp activities. Mostly seen shifting his cabin in VI Term, and experimenting with
new hacks to ease his stay in his cabin. His loud haul outs for his div-kids and improvising with their names
will always be remembered.
DCC ANMOLDEEP BENIPAL (AF): A rare Flyboy Khalsa was the only appointment who was seen or
heard when the army cadets had their firing. His appointment to the post of DCC is still a secret even to his
div officer. The first half of his term was spent running in the corridors, and the next, in running from the
Squadron office.
CDT PRATYSUH DABRAL (A): This Doonite was ready to hog anything. Did only what he was required to
do, took less interest in squadron but full interest in div-kids who feared his “Zangetsu”. A brilliant public
speaker and was known for the variety of words he used. His music playlists never ended with new songs
every day.
CDT NISHANT SIWACH (A): The humongous Haryanvi was the map reading captain of the squadron. The
pongo was always interested in the Cabin Cupboard state of the sqn and the word “hoiga”. Blazer in safe-
guarding eats for his flank, especially his academy brother. Always in possession of WLL, he was involved
in sweet talks with someone special.
CDT AH NASER (A): This Afghani Special Forces optee was the PT in-charge of the squadron and en-
sured that everyone passed their PT tests. His child like Hindi accent and choice of words was always the
talk of the town. The head of the FCMSA (FOREIGN CADET MOBILE SEVA ASSOCIATION ). Always
ready to charge on extra chicken from the battalion area.
CDT JORDAN SEQUIERA (AF): This SPI Flyboy was always seen with SCC in Battalion area doing PT.
The moment the SDO went, his night duty over the WLL would begin and last till reveille.
CDT TUSHAR SANAN (A): This SOSA was always high on josh. He was in Academy Team Golf and Bas-
ketball. He became interested in squadron events in VI Term and was famous among his div-kids for the
variation in weapons. His echoing “Haan Bhai” will be remembered.
CDT TUSHAR BANSODE (A): This Ajinkyan Pongo was the Camps in-charge of his div kids and a nasty
nightmare for his div kids who will always be remembered for the long endurance on the heights for CSM.
A good sportsman and an excellent runner on the periphery; motivated juniors to pass punishments.
CDT ASHAY THAKUR (A): This Sujanian Pongo lived throughout his terms following “My Life Mah Rules”.
He though not giving his hundred percent in many events was better than half the sqn. He was frequently
seen outside his cabin in search for ‘ghee’ and also to plan his night endeavours according to the SDO in
Squadron Office.
CDT MD LOKESH (N): This Amaravian was a firm believer of the dialogue “Don’t Angry Me”. He was
never found on the wrong side of his juniors and was an ace volleyball player. Was also the co-chef on the
boiler-special meals for the flank. Worshipper of superstar Rajni and a diehard aviation optee.
CDT RAVINDER SINGH (A): Well! it’s not easy to get a severe reprimand on the very first day of the term
until you are him. Blue in Riding & “OD Visits”, a hardcore believer of “When everything fails, stick prevails”.
Gave inspiring MLs making use of his voracious vocabulary, but his blasting personality was the homecom-
ing of punishments and reprimands.
CDT BMK VAMSI (N): This Saikorian Nevla was always calm and relaxed. Naval “anchor” of the Galahad
fleet, “Dhyan Chand” of his course, motivated juniors by his actions. Always rocked the flank with songs of
Momina Mustehsan. A keen observer of squadron activities and was always interested in advising his jun-
iors rather than threatening them.
SCC DHRUV THAKKAR (A): This swaggy SOSA, Merit card in Sailing and swimming medallist was fa-
mous for his choice of weapons and has seen more water than any naval cadet. With a watch in one hand,
he was always seen extracting reactions and food from juniors with his buddy SOSA. He was a performer
type senior who was very chilled.


Standing (L-R): Cdt Sumit Rana , Cdt Nishant Ranjan , Cdt Arjun Mahajan , Cdt Nitish Saroha
Standing (L-R): Cdt Manoj Choniyal , Cdt Mrinal Telang , Cdt M D Raja , Cdt Manish Sangwa , Cdt Nitish K Badiger , Cdt D Singh
Cdt W D V P Wickramaarachchi
Sitting (L-R): CSM Mahesh Hota , CDT Adarsh Parmar , DCC Manish Maharia , SCC Leo Varghese , DCC Somay Badola
DCC R S Tomar , CQMS Rishabh Joshi
SCC LEO VARGHESE (AF): This Alien Flyboy from Kerala will be known for his Outstanding Comedies (OCs) during
the excessive motivation lectures to the juniors, but off late he was hardly seen outside the NKN room ! A Merit Card in
PT, 1st String Football and COP in Drill, but Chinese always remained a Waterloo. He always led the Squadron from
the front. His scary looks and logical approach will be missed by all.
CSM MAHESH HOTA (A): The chilliest CSM Hunter squadron has ever seen. He wanted to be a terror in his III term
but was always too tired. This Pongo was always found hogging Maggie or getting LIC in his understudy’s cabin. A
true bhand of his course who was always full of josh. He will be missed for his amazing Jam session performances.
DCC SOMAY BADOLA (A): This potential ACC/ACA was a 5 Star Torchie, a Riding Spur, 2nd enclosure, COP in
French and a potential Merit Card PT. However, he ended up being a DCC because of his never ending Sick-leave in
his V Term. His famous flight to Japan got caught in high turbulence of corona. He will always be missed for his good
sense of humour.
DCC ARJUN MAHAJAN (A): An APSite SOSA (aka AUNTY) was a terror for the I Termers in his III Term. This Pun-
jabi from Jammu took pride in being a C4 type during his NDA tenure. Self proclaimed CSM whose hunger for reaction
kept him starving in his VI Term. He was good in sports and PT, but X-Country was his Waterloo. He wasted his en-
ergy on making his understudy lose weight.
DCC V W DON (A): This Sri Lankan Hulk was the josh-box of their course and was even known for carrying three big
packs in Rover. He was famous for his peculiar haircut in his VI Term. He was a squadron pal but was feared among
Sri Lankan juniors. He will be missed because of his accent as it took hours to decode his orders.
CQMS RISHABH JOSHI (A): This pahadi was an all-rounder. He was Torchie, PT stud, 2nd enclosure, great at sports
and athletics medallist. He was also known as half-miler of their course. His flank juniors were used to cold coffee after
dinner. He was deprived of Eats even after being CQMS. He will be missed for his X-Country practices.
CDT NITISH K BADIGER (A): This Pongo from Kerala learned Hindi in NDA. He was so clueless about North India
that he ate Chole Bhature for the first time in NDA. He was never seen in squadron and was not known to the squad-
ron office as well .He was a Torchie in his I term but soon attained Nirvana. His understudy had a gala time because of
his sick leave in his III Term. He was a strict believer of ‘My Cabin, My Life’ policy.
CDT M DEEPAK RAJA (A): This Amravian PONGO was the super-techie of Hunter Squadron. In-charge of all soft-
ware and hardware related problems of squadron. He was a follower of 'My Cabin, My Life' principle and was a proper
type squadron pal. Learned a bit of Hindi during his stay at NDA but he could never gain weight in all those 03 years.
His Movie screening sessions will be missed.
CDT MANISH MAHARIA (N): He had everything it took to become a perfect officer in Indian Army but was a Nevla by
choice. He was a 2nd enclosure X-Country runner and 1st string football player, but academics remained his Waterloo.
He was also known as the Mausi of his Course. A three star CQ-Flanky enjoyed in his junior terms.He was seen inter-
ested only his understudy course but attained nirvana for others. He will be missed for his omnipresence.
CDT ADARSH PARMAR (A): An excellent football and hockey player, the HULK always dominated the fields and of
course had the best music collection in squadron. A true Ranjitian, as academics and X-Country remained his Water-
loo! Weight reduction and then Maggie Social sessions were his favorite combination. This Happy Go Lucky Rimcol-
lion PONGO will always be remembered for his cool and caring attitude.
CDT MRINAL TELANG (N): This “TAANT” Nevla known for his lame but somehow hilarious jokes. Tension of squad-
ron performance led to his severe hair-fall. He was good at academics but running was his Waterloo. The love, care
and passion of this potential GRANDMASTER will always be missed.
CDT NISHANT RANJAN (A): He was called the DUKE of Begusarai by his coursemates. He was the only non-CSM
Kunjean. He had a single rule "stay away from squadron office" .The innocent visage of his face was just a deception
as he was always first in line in any notorious act .He took up the initiative of forming the infamous CO flank. This
Torchie will be missed for his English speaking skills.
CDT DHARAMVEER SINGH (AF): This Punjabi Flyboy was a power PT stud but Cartwheel remained his Waterloo.
His III Term rope session is still a mystery. He was a proper type squadron pal and a good map reader. Grounded in
his V & VI Term because of his extraordinary performance in SSS. He will be missed for his collection of extra bass
CDT ROSHAN SINGH TOMAR(A): This White Tiger was seemingly OG. He was good in academics but PT & X-
Country were his Waterloo. He was the MAP READER of the GREAT HUNTER GREEN. COP in Chinese and a po-
tential COP in drill. He was a potential SCC but only saw DCC tabs for a short time.
CDT MANISH SANGWA (A): This Chittorian Pongo was fond of either cooking or eating. A Josh type squadron pal in
all his six terms. He was the most approachable senior. He was a Course Topper in his V Term. He was great with the
DSLR. He will be remembered for his mouth-watering survival Chicken.
CDT MANOJ CHONIYAL (A): This Pahadi was jack of all trades but master of none. He was the main player of all
Bajrang Dal strings. He was so eager to get Torch that he lost most of his hair but finally became Torchie in his V
Term. He was good in Power PT but his extraordinary technical PT skills made him crib till C1 in his senior terms. He
will be missed for his fiery looks.
CDT NITISH SAROHA (A): This Haryanvi Jatt was a Flyboy at heart and a Pongo by fate. He could be found in corri-
dor lifting dumbbells or charging on eats. His ways of taking charge of juniors was full of innovation. A power PT stud,
good basketball player, unique public speaker but X-Country was his waterloo. Probable SCC of 19th Squadron (MH).
His motivational speeches will be missed.
CDT SUMIT RANA (A): This moody Pahadi was highly motivated. He tried to spread positivity through his looping
speeches. Being a Papa Hunter, he enjoyed in his III term. He loved listening to folk songs. He was also a Blazer in
Cartwheel, he even got a style of Cartwheel named after himself. His innocent looks will be missed.


Standing (L-R): Cdt Dhanajay Chaudhary , Cdt Rishabh Gupta , Cdt Ayush N
Standing (L-R): Cdt Gaurav Gokul , Cdt Y Ashish , Cdt Rahul , Cdt Satish Kumar , Cdt Anubhav Sharma , Cdt A S Rawat , Cdt Vishal
Sitting (L-R): CSM S A Kumar , DCC Kunal , SCC Shivam Rana , ACC Utkarsh Sharma , DCC Abhishek Rajvanshi , DCC Ambreesh
Shukla , CQMS Jayesh Patel
CDT A S RAWAT (A): This calm and composed SOSA Rimcollian was the favourite of Squadron Commander.
He always remained cheerful and led the squadron to victory in the Inter Squadron Squash Competition. He be-
lieved in hardwork and always tried to do his best in any event. Cabin cupboard however remained his Waterloo.
CDT AYUSH N (A): Brand ambassador of Endura Mass was known for his not so melodious voice. Mathematics
was his Waterloo. He was the Quiz In- charge of squadron. Addressed by his friends as ‘SKNAR’.
CQMS J PATEL (A): This Indori was the most matured person in the world. This man always focused on giving
GYAN to his juniors especially the theory of Good senior & Right senior. A good runner with small legs.
CDT KUNAL (A): This proud Jatt killed everyone with his looks. Famous for his Ted talks in Angreezi, he was
always seen instructing others in his blue vest. Travelled a long way from being a Torchie in junior term to a po-
tential Torchie in senior terms. He pulled up squadron in academics and sacrificed his sleep for III Termers COP
CDT A SHARMA (A): This pseudo-SOSA was good at public speaking and was often seen showing these skills
too. Known for his witty 2 liners and his lame jokes. A nightmare for juniors in his IV Term. Followed the princi-
ples of ‘My Cabin, My Life’ after Public Speaking Competition but rope troubled him a lot .
CSM S A KUMAR (A): This Bihari Ajinkyan was a ‘White’ demo and a very put-in type Pongo. He was a PT stud
and a follower of “talk less and work more”. He has never dropped his 2nd enclosure and was highly motivated to
be in the 1st. He tried his best to be a terror type CSM but not a single junior was willing for CSM Bashing.
ACC UTKARSH SHARMA (AF): This Flyboy from Agra rose above the moh maya of taking interest in juniors
way back in his IV Term. COP in drill, Flaggie, Merit Card and ACC, there is little that was left to achieve. He
roamed the squadron in his trademark black T-Shirt. As the ACC he showed special love to V Termers espe-
cially of Lima squadron. Sergeants often waited to get a glimpse of him. A silent josh box and a great dancer.
DCC VISHAL SHARMA (AF): This Flyboy was the muscleman of the squadron, PT stud, josh type cricketer. He
always maintained a good and healthy diet no matter what came in the evening eats. His aim was to stay fit and
keep others fit as well.
CDT A SHUKLA (A): This josh type Ex-DCC Rimcollian was a stud in PT and X-Country. Stories of his smart-
ness was famous in the whole Academy. His cool and calm nature was liked by everyone. He was a Merit Card
in Sailing and was good in Chinese and sports. He was commonly known as ‘Suklesh’.
CDT R GUPTA (A): AKA Captain, this put-in type SOSA from Delhi was the Camps In-charge. He believed in
probation and took his standards to different level in his IV Term. He was good in basketball, X-Country and drill.
He was usually found in cabin doing Techie stuff.
CDT D CHAUDHARY (A): This Pongo was famously called Danny and ended up becoming squadron office’s
favourite cadet. His skills in football were fantastic. Mostly found joking with coursemates or juniors. His advice
and MLs were worth implementing.
CDT G GOKUL (AF): This SOSA Flyboy loved Anime and PSPs much more than his flying. This saint lad from
Kerala got his overall after mid-term break.
CDT S KUMAR (A): This babua hailing from Bihar was famous among all the juniors for his witty one-liners. This
hockey player was dreaded by everyone for his endurance MLs. By virtue of time and experience his level of
‘smartness’ was unparalleled in the Academy, and was admired by his coursemates for the same.
DCC Y ASHISH (A): Hulk Hogan of the Mudgal flank who lived by the motto ‘My Cabin, My Life’ until he became
DCC. A tough PT Captain ensured that everyone passed his PT test in M1 and this is how he became a night-
mare among the PT failures. He was the most calm senior for the AHTPs. This hardcore boxer punched better
with his words than his hands.
SCC SHIVAM RANA(A): This Nevla turned Pongo hailed from Himachal and was in search of lassi but the tabs
came in his way. This Sujanian was almost Merit Card in PT, almost COP in drill and almost Torchie who main-
tained a good sense of humour.
CDT A RAJVANSHI (A): This pseudo-Georgian was a potential COP in drill and almost a Torchie. He wanted
only two things, 1st position in the Drill Competition and next is full rest. This awfully OG guy was Divisional Ca-
det Captain in 1st rotation and WLL Cadet Captain in 2nd rotation for obvious confidential reasons. He was one of
the most reasonable and approachable seniors.
CDT RAHUL (A): This food lover from Chandigarh was known to have a mini NDA Daily stock in his cupboard.
This tactical boy was a combat game lover. He led the squadron well in Public Speaking competition but rope
remained his enemy throughout.


Standing (L-R): Cdt Ajay Singh Garsa , Cdt Prasad Jadhav , Cdt Nayan Nikam , Cdt Sarthak Prakash , Cdt Rohan Pillai
Cdt Awadesh Sharma , Cdt Joel Sajeev , Cdt Rohit Nair
Sitting (L-R): CSM Rahul Diwedi , DCC Patil Viraj Rajgonda , BCC Jagmohan Singh , SCC Parul Yadav , BCA Animesh Chug ,
DCC Ritik Vats , DCC Shivam , CQMS Rajeev Kumar Patel
SCC PARUL YADAV (A): This lad from Haryana was calm and composed. A Course Topper, he en-
joyed his life to fullest till he took charge of squadron. He was a permanent fixture in the Book Prize list,
he possessed a halwai’s dukan in the depths of his cupboard.
CSM RAHUL DIWEDI (A): This chutku Kanpuriya had it all figured out. Left with no understudy to pam-
per, he made the squadron his family and kept everyone motivated and in josh. Night crawler who could
be found terrorising the corridors and IV Termers at night. He collected thin clients as a hobby.
DCC ROHAN PILLAI (AF): This OC-DCC was known for his famous Happydent smile and was always
found in ante-room. The Flyboy was smooth and silent till you laid a hand on his WLL. PT was his Wa-
terloo but he always proved his mettle in X-Country.
DCC SARTHAK PRAKASH (A): Chota chetan of squadron. He was fond of doing PT and masquerad-
ing as Anil Kapoor. One was left with awe at his eloquent English speaking skills.
DCC AJAY SINGH GARSA (A): This barrel chested hunk from Rajasthan, terrorised the juniors and
coursemates alike. His difficult to understand howl-outs left everyone in doubt. Always had a knack for
proving his point by hook or by crook. He was a stud volleyball player.
DCC VIRAJ PATIL RAJGONDA (A): This lad from Maharashtra was always concerned for the basics of
his juniors. A josh type map reader and a terror type senior. He was the Camps In-charge and had a
special place in his heart and flank for IV Termers. He shared a special bond with his understudy and
DCC RITIK VATS (A): Pongo who was famous for his mood swings.WLL was his constant sweetheart
and making life hell for IV Termers was his jam. Mess with his eats and you’ll have hell to face.
DCC SHIVAM (A): Legendary map reader and a Pongo who was a permanent fixture on the periphery
often. A Gating champ who became Torchie in his IV Term. He always believed in passing down the
message rather than the whip. Most sought after repair man for thin clients.
CDT JOEL SAJEEV (N): He was in love with his violin and even more with his fellow Nevlas. He kept
the whole corridor jolly and alive. A humble fellow who guided his juniors and gave them the mantra to
stay cheerful.
CDT PRASAD JADHAV (N): He was a Blazer in bhaand. PT Merit Card who was quite famous in the
squadron for his stunts. Rumours were rife that he unlocked his cabin after semesters. Ante-room was
his bed-bath-bread and butter.
CDT NAYAN NIKAM (A): A category slip for pocket content and a COP in drill as a distant dream de-
fined his life. ‘My Cabin, My Life’ served as his motto till some II Termers failed their DST.
CDT ROHIT NAIR (A): This lanky Pongo was above all moh maya. Appearances can be deceptive but
in his case his sleepy eyes did justice to him. A Book Prize winner and the microphone commentator of
the squadron, he displayed exceptional skills in volleyball. He ensured that every VI Termer got the
messages and eats on time.
CQMS RAJEEV KUMAR PATEL (N): This Nevla was more confused than he looked. Always panicked
for his feedbacks and going to squadron office gave him nightmares. A PT stud, he used his Services
book to lull himself to sleep.
CDT AWADESH SHARMA (A): A helpful and approachable senior who took charge of breaking the
stereotypical NDA cadet mentality. He always strived for more and ensured squadron hygiene as Ship
Shape expert. He took charge of the PT of IV termers with full dedication.
BCC JAGMOHAN SINGH (A): The chota packet bada dhamaka of his course was COP in Arabic and
academics Torchie. He was known for his bhaand and slurping skills. On a horseback, you could mis-
take him for Napoleon, commanding like a martinet.
BCA ANIMESH CHUG (A): Add a squash racket to the hands of an invisible OC and you get BCA of
3rd Battalion. Always high on temper this Rimcollian made a wild card entry in all 1st string games.


Standing(L-R): Cdt Sidharth Shankar Bharadwaj , Cdt Paras Pandey , Cdt M M Akil , Cdt Hardik Shrimali , Cdt P S S Srinivas Cdt
Mohammad Rasheedul Haq , Cdt Sarvesh Kumar Gupta , Cdt Pallav Potbhare , Cdt Gourava Pratap
Sitting(L-R): CSM Anshuman Singhal , Cdt Watan Sharma , DCC Dang Ahn Tuan , SCC Shashwat Bharadwaj , DCC Sahil Kasnia
DCC Malsawmzuala , CQMS Akash Singh
CDT M RASHEEDUL HAQ (AF): This Hyderabadi Flyboy had a terror of heights which only came out during
squadron jumps. He believed that he knew everything about anything. He was good in X-Country and PT and
improved his academics in V Term. His love for juniors will not be forgotten.
CDT WATAN SHARMA (A): This Ambala lad was a Half Blue in shooting and Course Topper. In spite of this,
his unique fundas to life often landed him at the periphery. He was known for his chill attitude, love for WLL and
OD visits. He was the most approachable senior and had a solution to all the problems of his juniors.
DCC SS Bhardwaj (A): This Tillayan ‘Big Brother’ of the squadron was concerned over the Basics and Bearing
of Juniors. He was Camps In-charge who motivated everyone. He ensured his juniors passed PT on time. He
was the last rotation DCC who had more books in his Cabin than Vyas Library.
CDT PSS SRINIVAS (A): This Saikorian believed in ‘My Cabin, My Life’ and was PT In-charge of the squadron.
He was good in PT and academics but X-Country was his all time Waterloo. He was known as ‘Lover boy’ of his
course and was quite often seen with a WLL. His interest in PT improved squadron standards.
DCC SAHIL KASNIA (A): He was a X-Country medallist who took great interest in improving the X-Country
standards of the squadron. He was good in Power PT but Toe-touch always left him hanging. He was loved by
juniors. He was known for the amusing announcements he made on mic. He always lead his juniors with exam-
ple. He was always there to give a motivation pill to anyone who felt low.
DCC MALSAWMZUALA (A): A very silent Rimcollion from the North East, who was always seen smiling in the
squadron. This PT stud was a forever colours aspirant and ensured all juniors passed Cartwheel. He was fond of
either reading novels or sleeping. He was also known as 'Masoom-Zuala'. He was always there for his juniors
and helped everyone with logical solutions.
SCC SHASHWAT BHARDWAJ (AF): This Sujanian SCC was good in Power PT but Cartwheel was his Water-
loo. This Flyboy could be found studying most of the time and never forgot to motivate juniors through his long
MLs. He was always observed thinking for the betterment of squadron.
CSM ANSHUMAN SINGHAL (A): This speco-Torchie had the keeda required to become the CSM. Famous for
using complex Hindi words. He was probably the first CSM to be the Academics In-charge of the squadron .He
was good in PT and X-Country. His interest in academics helped a lot of juniors get a Torch.
CDT M M AKIL (N): This Amravian was a very silent guy who never talked to anyone unnecessarily. He was
either found listening to Tamil songs or playing hockey. He made a lot of hockey defenders in squadron. Naval
subjects brought more silence to his already silent life.
CDT PARAS PANDEY (A): An inflated OG Gorakhali. He could be seen either playing FIFA or checking II
Termers DST rigs. His dream of being put up for COP was fulfilled in his VI Term. He was always seen wearing
immaculate rigs and was mostly found in his Pongos Province. His interest in drill surely helped II termers pass
their DST sooner. V Term Army Cadets understood their Service concepts much better with his help.
CQMS AKASH SINGH (A): This Georgian was the most interested senior in the squadron and was In-charge of
almost all the events in the Academy. He had a really hot temper. His WLL got more lost than his section in
Greenhorn. A multi-talented artist who took so much stress that he started losing his hair. His contribution to the
squadron in all fields were significant and his MLs really motivated juniors to do well.
CDT HARDIK SHRIMALI (N): Ashwathama of his course. This Rajasthani Nevla was a joyful senior but aca-
demics took the joy out of his life. He was the Ship-Shape In-charge of the squadron and taught Naval Subjects
with great interest to his juniors. His interest in Service Subjects helped V Termers’ performance in Service ex-
DCC DANG ANH TUAN (A): This Vietnami was a josh type volleyball and football player. He had a strong affin-
ity towards cold coffee and was either found laughing or shouting loudly in corridors. He was a motivated foreign
cadet who was 1st rotation DCC and always motivated juniors for all events.
DCC SARVESH GUPTA (A): This Bihari DCC was calm and silent. He was an exceptional pack and X-Country
runner. He was a potential Torchie and the only Techie of his course. He was a true Pongo who never said no to
any challenge. Technical PT remained his Waterloo but he taught the same to his juniors with great interest.
DCC GOURAVA PRATAP (A): This Torchie was himself surprised when he became DCC. He was a living ex-
ample of how a DSLR can open the gates of NDA Ball for a junior. He was good in drill and as Public Speaking
In-charge he ensured that the trophy remained in Kilo. His efforts improved communication skills of many juniors.
CDT PALLAV POTBHARE (A): This Taant was seen hanging in the Battalion area chin up bar with Rambo. He
was a very hard worker who was either doing PT or Mugging up précis. A chill type senior who never forgot to
take care of his Flankies. He took a great interest in Service Subjects of V Termers and helped them out.


Standing (L-R): Cdt Abhijeet Kukreti , Cdt Somil Agarwal , Cdt Brajesh Kumar, Cdt Tarang Gupta , Cdt Akhilesh Kumar
Sitting (L-R): CSM Kartikey Kataria , DCC Aakash Hooda , DCC Gaurabh Nagarkoti , SCC Shivang Pandey , DCC Chingangbam
Rakesh , CSM Kola Hardeep , CQMS Puru Saraswat
DCC TARANG GUPTA (AF): This Flyboy had a lot interest in his juniors and especially when he saw
them enjoying. He considered ‘mediation’ to be his jam and offered his services even when it was not
CSM K KATARIA (A): This chill type CSM changed the meaning of being a CSM. ‘My Cabin, My Life’
type of senior. He dealt with juniors calmly. Squadron office had confiscated his WLL for chilling too
much. He was a good volleyball player but his team mostly lost.
DCC C RAKESH (N): This Manipuri Rimcollian was always found with a book in his hand but his juniors
were still confused by the results. A PT stud, he could pass any test just after waking up from his bed.
SCC SHIVANG PANDEY (N): The Ghorakhali SCC who was the only X-Country stud of his course re-
mained a probable medallist. He was a lion who used to motivate juniors with his meaningless
speeches. He was lovingly known as SCC Bhandey.
CDT BRAJESH KUMAR (A): This Discipline Star Pongo was the favourite OC of the Squadron office.
He was a lover of WLL and Cold Coffee. Running was his Waterloo.
DCC AAKASH HOODA (A): This Kunjean Pongo was seen taking interest in every squadron activity.
He took very good care of his pals. He was known for his ‘Anglish’ speaking.
CDT A KUKRETI (A): He was a dormant OC who came out of his cabin at times to give MLs. He loved
WLL as much as he hated X-Country.
DCC KOLA HARDEEP (A): This DCC was very good in drill. The Drill Cadet Captain made life hell for
DST failures till they passed COP test in drill. He had a unique face and voice. His dancing skills were
the next best thing to stand-up comedy.
DCC PURU SARASWAT (N): Famous as ‘ BABA PARU SARAWAT’. He would always advise juniors to
rise above ‘moh maya’. His small height and funny walking style made him unique. He was a PT stud
who had a fiery temper.
CDT SOMIL AGARWAL (A): He had a funny style of marching which got him into trouble in D1 & D7.
CDT AKHILESH KUMAR (AF): This Flyboy from Bihar was the perfect example of ‘My Cabin, My Life’.
He occasionally came out of his cabin to motivate his juniors. He was a very jovial person.
DCC G NAGARKOTI (A): Alpha to Lima, This Pongo was one of the most chill type senior and a great
runner. He became DCC twice. He put in a lot for Camp Rover probably even more than the IV Termers
CQMS WPV ABEYSEKERA(A):The Lankan lion who was always afraid of Sqn Office. A chill type sen-
ior who always took care of his juniors. He was a kind-hearted lion who was fond of eating and was an
almost married Pongo of his course.


Standing (L-R): Cdt V Shabani , Cdt N S Jadon , Cdt Ravi Ranjan , Cdt Aman Negi , Cdt Sparsh Singh, Cdt Arshpreet Singh ,
Cdt Jamyang Tsewang
Sitting (L-R): CSM Sarang More , DCC T T Meetie , BCA Manish Kumar , SCC Preet Singh Narwal , DCC Ankit Kunda , DCC Angad
Bagga , CQMS Satyendra
CDT MS JADON (N): This Nevla Thakur from UP with a huge lung capacity was a great swimmer and
an excellent cricketer. A never ending story teller, he was known for his Punjabi playlist. PT and X-
Country remained his Waterloo.
CDT J TSEWANG (N): This Nagrotian Nevla from Leh was an elder brother to GPS. A great dancer
and good in pack running, he played every game and was good in PT and X-Country. He was always
in a jolly mood.
CSM S MORE (A): This Ajinkiyan was literally a 'Mustang' on the X-Country route. A chill type senior
who eventually became the infamous 'mogambo' CSM. He was a torch bearer but power PT remained
his Waterloo.
CDT ARSHPREET SINGH (A): This Punjabi lad always led the charge on Cold Coffee. He was known
as men-o-crying of the course who had "bearing of squadron" in his AOR. II Termers passed DST only
to save themselves from this Ex-DCC. He was a boxing medalist.
DCC ANGAD BAGGA (A): This typical SOSA passed his PT test in M1 for the first time in his VI
Term. Nevertheless, he was there for the squadron in academics and public speaking. He was a
Torchie, COP in Russian, Commandant’s Silver Medalist in public speaking and an excellent basket-
ball player.
CDT AMAN NEGI (A): He became a PT stud in his III Term after which he attained nirvana. He was a
COP in French and a Torchie. Besides hating Cold Coffee, he showered wisdom and bhand skills. He
was hardly seen outside his cabin.
SCC PREET SINGH NARWAL (A): This Afghani Kunjean Jatt was famous for his well rehearsed
speech amongst his juniors. He got warmed up only after the match was over. A PT stud, map reader,
4 Star Torchie, he tried to become serious only after becoming SCC. His homemade laddos and ghee
will be missed.
BCA MANISH KUMAR (AF): This charming Haryanvi BCA was a very good academician, I Term
Course Topper and COP in Russian. He took keen interest in squadron and juniors and ultimately im-
proved in X-Country. Even corona couldn’t deter his determination to be the first one to charge on
CQMS SATYENDRA (A): Blue in Riding & Polo, this CQMS finally became Torchie in his V Term. An
ideal CQMS who was especially loved by the IV Termers. WLL and cabin was his life in VI Term. He
was known for his sense of humour amongst all and was excellent in drill. He was a 3rd enclosure type
in X-Country.
DCC ANKIT KUNDU (A): This Harayanvi boy was born with a rope, a power PT stud. Vault remained
his nightmare. However it couldn’t stop him from a Half Blue. His logic and English could either be
comprehended by God or himself. MH remained his second home.
DCC TT MEETEI (AF): This charming Imphali Flyboy was a josh type football player and remained a
mystery in junior terms. Jack of all trades, Merit Card in boxing, athletics and Half Blue in cooking. A
chill type senior & a true believer of MRP. Potential Merit Card in PT & COP in drill. He was mostly
mistaken as a foreign cadet.
CDT SPARSH SINGH (A): Double Discipline Star, this star dope SOSA was a chill type senior. He
had a particularly difficult I Term but was least interested in juniors. He was the ’sant’ of the squadron.
A good squash player and a strict follower of ‘My Thin Client, My Cabin, My Life’.
CDT RAVI RANJAN (A): This Bihari Rimcollian was a firm believer of ‘My Cabin, My Life’. He was al-
ways found with a cup of tea or his hockey stick. Academics was his greatest nightmare. His English
came to end with his only dialogue" who are you?"
CDT VV SHABANI (A): This Double Discipline Star Pongo from Tanzania was a PT stud known for
his anti-gravity rope. He was good in academics and a great football player. He was a strict follower of
‘My Cabin, My Life’.


Standing (L-R): Cdt A Ojha , Cdt Shivam Bansal
Standing (L-R): Cdt Harshit Joshi , Cdt Yatan Shanker, Cdt Abdur Rahim , Cdt S K Sadangi, Cdt S C Ramola , Cdt Soe Thet Tun,
Cdt U P Singh
Sitting (L-R): CSM Vikas Mahla , DCC Ankash Mahadev , SCC Prafful (Nishan Toli), SCC Jay Mewara , DCC Taveesh Upadhayay , DCC
Nikshep Vyas , CSM Sahil Deshwal (Nishan Toli)
CDT S K SADANGI (N): This Frogman, who wanted to become CSM became good at PT without
doing PT in squadron as his seniors had different schedule planned for him at all times. Constant
source of entertainment for his understudy course but terror type for other juniors.
DCC NIKSHEP VYAS (A): This ex-sailor, 2nd rotation DCC tortured his juniors by his never end-
ing lectures. Good at Technical PT. Didn’t do much training but was always fond of training oth-
ers. COP in Arabic. He had a special relationship with his Understudy.
SCC J K MEWARA (A): This Swayamsevak Cadet Captain and 4 Star Torchie was OG to the
core. Double Discipline Star, COP in French. He was good in volleyball & PT. Very fond of doing
Public speaking practices on the microphone. He was ever proud of his multicoloured moustache.
Best Captain for Cabin Cupboard.
CSM VIKAS MAHLA (A): This Kunjean CSM had so much potential that he was potential Merit
Card in PT since his I Term. He was a ”Proper Type” CSM who put in a lot for the squadron in all
the activities. Good map reader, he could have joined Google Maps. Popular in his understudy
course as ‘VIKAS GRYLLS’. His PT sessions were dreaded amongst V Termers.
CDT UTKARSH P SINGH (A): This Haryanvi DCC was thinner than his cane. His Haryanvi ac-
cented English was famous among his juniors. He had experienced nearly everything in the world.
He was a good X-Country runner and was the resident IT expert of the squadron.
CDT YATAN SHANKER (A): This hardcore OC believed in ‘My Cabin, My life’. PT remained his
Waterloo. He was an approachable senior. He always got into trouble in his III Term due to his
CDT SHAHIL DESHWAL (A): Drill Captain of the squadron. He was the best in drill in his course.
He had a physique of a Half Blue but PT remained his Waterloo. He always ran ahead of ALS in X
-Country. He was an approachable and sensible senior. He passed out as CSM (Nishan Toli).
CDT ADHARSH OJHA (A): This Rimcollian believed in ‘My Cabin, My Life’. He was boxing
medalist in IV Term and had an understudy double his height. He always functioned on MRP.
CDT SHIVAM BANSAL (A): This Rimcollian was popularly known as Dettol-boy. He remained
underground not only in VI Term but throughout his NDA tenure. He was a staunch believer in
CDT ANKOSH MAHADEV (N): This rowdy anna from Sainik School Bijapur remained silent. His
mysterious smile scared juniors the most. Milk and WLL remained his top priority. Highly unpre-
dictable, good X-Country runner and hockey player.
CDT S C RAMOLA (AF): This COP in Bhand had a special love for bananas. He attained salva-
tion in VI Term. He was a good X-Country runner and football player. Evening eats were his life-
DCC TAVEESH UPADHYAY (AF): This Flyboy from Himachal was good at PT He remained in-
visible for much of his stay at NDA until he became ‘The Accidental DCC’. He was the brand am-
bassador of dumbbell and protein powder. His love for pets was more than anything else.
SCC PRAFFUL (A): He was the most honest and sensible CQMS till date, though he encoun-
tered mood swings at times. He was a true romantic at heart. He was always busy brushing up his
vocabulary. He was a stud in PT, COP in Arabic. Nishan Dhaarak of Nishan Toli and Passing Out
CDT ABDUR RAHIM (A): He was more often found in top floor washroom than his cabin. While
he was DCC, he was squadron office’s favourite. He was a good basketball player, academics In-
charge and Torchie.
CDT HARSHIT JOSHI (A): This Ghorakhali was the chef of his course. A very sensible and ap-
proachable senior. He had a very special relationship with his Academy brother. He was very
good in drill. Academics and X-Country were his Waterloo.
CDT SOE THET TUN (A): This cadet from Myanmar was the most polite person of the course. It
was delightful to talk to him. He was known for his love for chillies. He had a very good bonding
with his coursemates. He was good at PT and was a very good pack runner.


Standing (L-R): Cdt Kumar Divyansh Anubhaw , Cdt Bharath Raj M , Cdt Raju Kumar, Cdt Prabudha Mukherjee, Cdt Kushagra Dwivedi ,
Cdt Saurav Roy , Cdt Amartya Deshmukh , Cdt Sarang Tyagi , Cdt Navjot Singh , Cdt AKshat Chauhan
Sitting (L-R): CSM Athava Bhokare , DCC Dhanajay Sharma , DCC Vidit Biswas , BCC Anmol , SCC Manish Kumar , DCC Anant Singh ,
Cdt Gaurav Dev , CQMS Yogesh Yadav
SCC MANISH KUMAR (A): This Ghorakhali was cool, calm and always a fun loving guy, but was a nightmare
for juniors once things went wrong. This Merit Card in football was a jack of all trades when it came to sports
field but managed to avoid X-Country in his V Term. This mysterious Pongo was famous for his playlists and his
second soul resided in his div-kids. His power PT sessions were dreaded by juniors. His dance moves in jam
sessions were worth watching.
CSM ATHARVA A BHOKARE (N): This Ajinkiyan loved talking about MARCOS with BCC, especially late into
the night. Throughout his stay took good care of his div-kids. This josh type Ajinkiyan CSM was a PT stud and
was M1 till the time run test was conducted. He had special interest in III Termers and took care of their camp
practice till his last breath in the Academy. This CSM was fearful of CSM bashing and gave up easily. He was
most comfortable with BCC 4.
BCC ANMOL (N): Potential ACC was demoted to BCC due to his extraordinary propensity towards scaling the
periphery. He was Blue in riding, COP in drill, Merit Card PT and what not. Only the CSM was fortunate enough
to hear him talking. He was a good senior.
CQMS YOGESH YADAV (A) Ensured that the squadron felt the need of talking to their parents. The distribution
of food in squadron is a testimony to his organizational abilities. This Kanpuriya was famous for his romantic
playlist. He was an OG CQMS and the only academics star of his course.
DCC RAJU KUMAR (A): Raju bhaiyya was the heart and soul of 2nd string football team. He gave the whole
squadron a very big surprise by becoming DCC. He was the least interested senior who believed in ‘My Cabin,
My Life, My Cold Coffee-Pastry’. This Saikorian Pongo was doing much needed ENGLISH Honours in DU – be-
fore turning to honourable ENGLISH in NDA . A great runner who was no less than a DJ when it comes to Bho-
jpuri beats.
DCC AKSHAT CHAUHAN (A): Followed the motto of touch the sky with glory. Had a carefree attitude but took
responsibility after becoming 2nd rotation DCC. This tall guy from Chandigarh was famous for his tilted walk and
awkward neck. He was potential Torchie till his VI Term and had a very irritating voice.
DCC KD ANUBHAW (AF): This Bihari was known as a beast among his coursemates. Blazer in athletics, Merit
card in volleyball. He was a strict follower of’ My Cabin, My Life’. He was famous for his playlists. A cool and
calm guy whose second soul was volleyball.
CDT VIDIT BISWAS (A): This SOSA always wanted to be SCC/CSM but ended up becoming 1st rotation DCC.
A hardcore X-Country runner. The most infantry motivated Pongo who dreamt of holding a khukri someday.
CDT DHANANJAY SHARMA (A): This Saikapian turned Ghorakhali turned public school type was least inter-
ested in juniors. His failure in Cartwheel in his IV Term brought him 21 restrictions. His speakers were used in all
squadron activities. Good in running and a good sportsperson. You could see him in washroom massaging his
face for hours.
CDT ANANT SINGH (A): A Gigantic Nawab with a great penchant for storytelling. “Bhaand” of the highest order
that got him Merit Card in Dramatics. He was jovial in nature. PT In-charge and terror for those weak in PT.
CDT KUSHAGRA DWIVEDI (A): This josh type UPSanian believed in making everyone laugh. His tenure at
NDA would be memorable for juniors and seniors both. He was a stud in chin-ups.
CDT SARANG TYAGI (A): He was known as Lover Boy among his coursemates, for God knows what. This
Meerutiya took very good care of his place-types and realized at a very late stage that he could help the
squadron with camps. He was a stud in PT. This guy was not happy with his chill life and ended at the periphery.
CDT AMARTYA DESHMUKH (AF): This Taant came to NDA only to become a Flyboy. This Quiz Captain was a
cool and calm headed person and had a secret crush on Biswas’s Scarlet. He was a Blazer in side rolling.
CDT GAURAV DEV (A): DEV THE RUNNER as they called him, nobody could stay a minute without laughing
with this man around. Self declared OG but the others knew better. He was always found hanging from one rope
or the other.
CDT BHARATH RAJ M (N): All dialogues from this guy started with ‘mei bata raha huu na’. He was the Ser-
geant whom all feared during his V Term (at least that’s what he wanted). He was good in X- Country but was at
war with academics.
CDT SAURAV ROY (N): This Saikorian was the grand old man of the squadron. Took care of map reading for
generations and was the reason behind several camp trophies. Scared everyone with his skills in hockey and
CDT PRABUDDHA MUKHERJEE (N): The default Public Speaking and Squadron Social In-charge of the
squadron ensured lights extension for public speaking. He was a very caring senior. He was the Basics In-
charge of ground floor II Termers.
CDT NAVJOT SINGH (AF): He was a Blue in Swimming and had the best playlist in squadron. He was the Pe-
riphery King of his course and was a Blazer in ET, Blue in restrictions and Half Blue in EH. He dreamt of a 6
pack but had a big family pack.


Standing (L-R):Cdt Hariyashva Rathore , Cdt Ritesh Tiwari , Cdt Akshit Shahi , Cdt Sameer Kumar Nayak , Cdt Shailesh Dwivedi
Cdt Burhonov Farahmand , Cdt Chirag Chaudhary , Cdt Karambir Singh
Sitting (L-R): CSM Ashank Kanwar , DCC Vishal Bhatt , DCC Mohit Chauhan , SCC Sawan , DCC Himanshu Jakhar , Cdt Bunty
Panchal , Cdt Rishabh Kumar , CQMS Rahul Bharadwaj
CSM ASHANK KANWAR (N): This swaggy Nevla CSM was ready to give his all and more for all squad-
ron related activities. A jack of all trades, he was a source of motivation for the juniors of squadron. He was
good at sports, better at PT and best at his relationships. He was known for his one-liner “MARNA HAI
KYA?” and his good looks.
SCC SAWAN (AF): This 6 Star Torchie Haryanvi Flyboy was five time Course Topper. He had a Merit
Card and COP in Chinese, and was First in Course in B.Tech Stream. He was a potential BCC who be-
lieved in the principle ‘Padhega Panther tabhi toh badhega Panther ’. He was peaceful in nature and an
approachable senior. A put-in type SCC, potential COP in drill, he had his own way of solving problems.
B.Tech types were his favourites.
DCC RISHABH KUMAR (A): This Bihari Saikorian was Merit Card in Arabic, PT stud, Bayonet Pin and
was equally good in running. He finally became a Torchie in VI Term. His understudy was his biggest night-
mare. He realised his real potential after becoming DCC.
CDT MOHIT CHAUHAN (A): This heartthrob with killer looks hailed from Dehradun. He ensured that camp
practices took priority over everything else. A 2 Star Torchie, he was a stud in PT and running. He ensured
that the juniors get rejuvenated on Sundays.
CDT AKSHIT SHAHI (A): He was the second heartthrob of the Proficients who also hailed from Uttra-
khand. He had a COP in French, and followed the principle of ‘nemo resideo’ while running. He loved his
understudy course above everything. He was extremely kind towards his juniors.
CDT VISHAL BHATT (A): This pahadi ‘PT ustaad’ struggled in PT until his III Term but eventually be-
came the PT In-charge of the squadron by dint of his sheer hardwork and dedication. He was BA Course
Topper, and was good in football and boxing. He was COP in Arabic. His Evening PT sessions with
Shailesh Dwivedi were the highlights of Corona time.
CDT RITESH TIWARI (A): This tech savvy Ambikan Pongo was the best flute player of the Academy. He
was a super chill type senior with a great passion for body building. He was the ‘go to guy’ for all sorts of
CDT CHIRAG CHAUDHARY (N): This don hailing from Meerut was famous everywhere from Drill Ustaads
to Instructors. He was good at heart and kind in nature. He maintained a healthy relationship amongst jun-
iors and seniors. He was seen more on the periphery route than his own cabin.
CDT SHAILESH DWIVEDI (A): This Rimcollian was a potential Torchie. The Chota Don of his course was
an idol for everyone. He was a Merit Card in shooting, potential Merit Card PT and was equally good in X-
country. He started the DTT (Dwivedi Training Team) to ensure that his juniors passed PT on time. A po-
tential Appointment, daring in all aspects, had his own philosophy towards life.
CDT BUNTY PANCHAL (A): This Kunjean potential BCC was known for his demo English, witty one- lin-
ers & mic announcements. His last birthday was celebrated as squadron festival. He was volleyball Half
Blue, boxing medalist. He took special interest in the Bearing of juniors. COP in giving doubts and ADOP in
clearing them. He was the Hamla Champion of the squadron.
DCC HIMANSHU JAKHAR (A): This daring Haryanvi Jatt was especially known for his killer jam-session
moves, one-liner announcements, and late night pranks. He took special interest in improving the Bearing
of squadron and kept the squadron’s environment jolly.
CQMS RAHUL BHARDWAJ (A): This OG type Sujanian Pongo was a Course Topper. He was a COP in
Russian, classical music and was also a good runner. He was a fitness enthusiast and had immense love
for his understudy. His announcements for eats and meals made him a memorable CQMS. He took care of
his ultra special flankie juniors.
CDT KARAMBIR SINGH (A): This self proclaimed pop of squadron was a legendary sports person. He
worshiped volleyball like anything and had immense love for AFPIans. He was a Blue in volleyball and ath-
letics, and was known for his fluency in English. Academics was his Waterloo. His complex MLs took hours
to be decoded.
CDT HARIYASHVA RATHORE (A): Rarest of the rare, this lean Pongo hailed from Rajasthan. He was
famous for his name and was the 'IT Cell' of the squadron. A 2 Star Academics Torchie, he was very popu-
lar amongst his coursemates and understudy course. A strict believer of 'My Cabin, My Life'.
DCC SAMEER K NAYAK (N): This saint of the course gained nirvana in his I Term. This PT stud was
found giving medical advice to everyone in squadron. He had the super power of being able to sleep any-
where. He believed in the power of motivation and was an accidental DCC.
CDT BURHONOV FARAHMAND (A): This caring Tajiki was Merit Card in PT and performed extremely
well in X-Country. Boxing was his passion. It was very difficult to comprehend his mood and juniors often
landed in trouble because of the same.
CDT VISHAL KAUSHIK (AF): This old monk of squadron never came out of his cabin during the entire
term. He will be remembered for his funny names. His talent in quiz competition led him to finals all the


Standing (L-R): Cdt Abdulla Hassan , Cdt Sudip Pal , Cdt Aman Jaiswal , Cdt Aditya Gupta
Standing (L-R): Cdt H P Singh , Cdt D P Singh , Cdt Ugyen Wangchuk , Cdt Pulkit Singh , Cdt Vinayak Ganachari , Cdt Ratnala Sandeep
Sitting (L-R): CSM Satyam Singh, DCC Kunal Chaudhary , DCC Divyansh Jain , SCC Akash Rathore , DCC Ankur Rana
CQMS Gursahib Singh
CDT HARSIDDAK PAUL SINGH MAKKAR (A): “Hathi bhai” of squadron was an ever cheerful lad. The biggest
nuke Academy has seen. He had a very different definition of fun. He was loved by juniors for his playlist and
caring attitude.
CDT ADITYA GUPTA (N): The only possible way for this Nevla getting to the end of the rope was if the rope fell
off the hook. He was always found next to a WLL, or in the MH or periphery.
CDT PULKIT SINGH (N): The Kanpuriya kingmaker of squadron was a platinum member of the elite 5th string
club. His PROs (Pulkit Routine Orders) for squadron had priority over AROs and BROs. He was always eager to
give juniors their dues.
CQMS GURSAHIB SINGH (A): He was always found yelling at someone. This cut Khalsa turned out to be an
enemy of the Khalsas. His ideas had their own logic. This one time X-Country medalist was a double Merit Card
in Camp Rover. Even the II Termers were not afraid of him.
CDT DIVYA PRAKASH SINGH (A): This Pongo was the potential CSM of squadron but his love for Maggie
pulled him back. He was never seen out of his cabin from IV to VI Term. He was good in X-Country, potential
Torchie and 1st string type in all games. He was a PT stud since I Term and yet struggled with the rope in his V
CDT SUDIP PAL (AF): This Saikapian Flyboy was known for his love for coffee. His MLs always needed subti-
tles. The Drill Captain of squadron was barely seen at the drill ground but was the first one to call DST failures.
He was good in all games and was fondly named ‘Pulsar’ by his juniors.
CDT AMAN JAISWAL (A): He was a strong believer of ‘My Cabin, My Life’ principle. He was above all ‘moh
maya’ of squadron. Lassi for both himself and juniors remained his priority. Worked on MRP but Quebec made
him a good X-Country runner. He was a cool-minded senior who was famous for mini josh of Camp Rover
among his coursemates.
CDT VINAYAK SHIVAYYA GANACHARI (N): The Bijapuri was the ultimate hogger of his course. Any junior
could get off his clutches by offering him a mere biscuit or a maggie packet. He tried his level best but getting a
girlfriend was just not his cup of tea. He was good in all games but struggled with academics.
DCC KUNAL CHAUDHARY (AF): This Flyboy was OGier than the olive greens. A potiential Torchie since I
Term, he was a put -in type senior. He was a terror during his sergeant days, and the same could be seen in the
dreaded eyes of Romeo juniors. The Drill Instructor of his course was COP in SOPs and NDA GK. He was one
of the most approachable and interested VI termers.
DCC DIVYANSH JAIN (A): He was a Pongo from MP, and was a great bhand and dancer. He was an active
participant in all the Variety Entertainment programmes during his tenure at NDA. He was a part-time player and
a full-time coach who played one quarter and coached the other three in all games. His bhand helped him get
sick leave twice in his tenure. An ever cheerful lad who became very sad after losing his coveted DCC tabs.
CDT RATNALA SANDEEP KUMAR (A): This Thalaiva Pongo had a different swag of his own. This put-in type
senior became a PT stud after his III Term. The most chill type senior who was never seen punishing any I Ter-
mer other than his understudy in his III Term. He led his course in BPET run but X-Country remained his Water-
loo. The dark knight was a heartthrob among girls because of his accent and swag.
CSM SATYAM SINGH PARMAR (A): This old Georgian was good in everything he did and set an example for
his juniors. He had a COP in Chinese, and a Merit Card in boxing. He was a potential Merit Card in PT since his
I Term. He gave up his battalion post for the squadron and for his love of Maggie. He was known for getting
things done by hook or by crook.
SCC AKASH KUMAR RATHORE (N): This Rimcollian dope surpassed most BCCs and BCAs in merit but his
excellent drill and chronic problem of lack of awareness got him SCC tabs bigger than himself. He was the flag
bearer of squadron in X-country, 4 times X-Country medalist, 2 Star Torchie, COP in Russian and Merit Card in
athletics. He was called “track ka badshah”.
CDT ABDULLA HASSAN (A): This alien cadet from Maldives could only be spotted outside his cabin by rover
sent from NASA. The Social Distancing In-charge of squadron could’ve replaced Amir Khan in PK without any-
one noticing. He was hell bent at taking all the Maggie that came from CSD and never missed a chance to check
juniors for their Basics.
CDT UGYEN WANGCHUK (A): This josh type Bhutanese Pongo had a happy go lucky nature. His love for PC
games landed him at Khetarpal Parade Ground many a times. He too was a member of the Maggie gang. He
was loved by his coursemates for his delicious preparations. The JSTP Course Topper was a good football
player and a PT stud.
DCC ANKUR RANA (A): The first ever DCC who was about to get de-tabbed in one month. This Haryanvi was
the Section Commander of his course everywhere though he was late everywhere. A COP in Academy fundaes,
he was always senti about his special friend. He was good at heart.


Standing(L-R): Cdt Abhishek Soora , Cdt Subhanshu Sharma , Cdt Parth Gupta , Cdt Vaibhav Chauhan , Cdt S H Dineshlal Sharma
Cdt Abhishek Jagota, Cdt Kajal Singh , Cdt S S Pathania
Sitting(L-R):CSM Bikram S Bhist , CSM Sparsh Kataria (Nishan Toli) , DCC Gursimran Singh , BCA Dhanajay Jasrotia , SCC Anmol
Kanav , BCC Anirudh Singh , DCC S P Dorjee , DCC Dwifang Narzary , CQMS Arkshit Kapoor
CSM BS BISHT (A): He was always seen thinking for the betterment and success of the squadron while maintaining a
lost look. He was also known as ‘Captain cool’ of squadron and came up with unique ideas and ways to get things
done. His composure was as strong as a diamond, nothing could have possibly ever made him tense. He was a
Torchie and a Course Topper.
DCC GURSIMRAN SINGH BRAR (AF): This Flyboy was a terror for juniors up till V Term. This potential COP in drill
was also an ace in map reading and camps were his top priority. His motivational speeches, love for squadron and
high josh will be remembered by all. According to him what was wrong was wrong and what was right was right no
matter who did it. He became the most approachable senior in his VI Term.
CDT PARTH GUPTA (AF): This Flyboy was never interested in troubling his juniors but always encouraged others to
do so. Academics remained his Waterloo throughout his tenure in NDA. As soon as he got Discipline Star in his V
Term, the periphery and drill square became his regular visiting places.
CSM SPARSH KATARIA (A): He maintained his ‘swagger’ in the squadron whenever he could. He always motivated
the squadron with his josh even under the most adverse conditions. Cheerful and approachable, he worked hard with
dedication throughout his NDA tenure despite of all the injuries he faced. He loved having fun and making memories.
He earned Academics Torch and a place in Nishan Toli with his hard work. He passéd out as CSM (Nishan Toli).
BCA D JASROTIA (A): An all-rounder cadet who was full of josh and motivation. Good in X-Country and public speak-
ing, he was also the Course Topper and COP in Arabic. Doing cabin cupboard was not a compulsion, but a hobby for
him. The most calm and dedicated person of the squadron, he believed in developing correct military bearing. Overall,
he had a very inspiring personality.
CDT ABHISHEK JAGOTA (A): This handsome hunk was very proficient at getting eats from his I Term only but could
never get his Cartwheel right. His everlasting love for Punjabi songs and sensible nature towards his juniors and
coursemates will be missed. He was calm and composed while dealing with his juniors. If one wanted to talk about
missing home this guy would be the first to approach.
DCC KAJAL SINGH (A): This stud was the master of all trades. Merit Card in PT, Athletics, Football and cracking
jokes. A very hardworking and dedicated guy, he will be remembered for his love for pumping. He was always in
search of ‘khane ka maal’. Juniors feared of getting into his grip. He was fond of maintaining his physique and was
also successful in doing so.
CDT ABHISHEK SOORA (N): He was mostly self-oriented and was also quite fond of calling his GHAR WALI. Decent
in academics, he was a goalkeeper for both hockey as well as football. Amicable with all his coursemates, he showed
mature approach in his dealings with juniors.
SCC ANMOL KANAV (A): This cadet was the backbone of his course as well as the squadron. He was a true gentle-
man and the caretaker too. He was a good sportsman and very good in hockey. He was also COP in French. Always
led by example and his words were more effective than ‘ragda’. He always had a solution to all the problems. He was
a nature lover.
CDT SS PATHANIA (A): This dynamic 6 footer took responsibility of almost all the events and always worked hard for
his squadron. A great map reader, this guy was good in volleyball, basketball, public speaking, squash and made sure
that it was passed down to the squadron. His everlasting josh was a motivation for the squadron. An Academy Team
basketball player who also made it to Nishan Toli in his VI Term.
CQMS ARKSHIT KAPOOR (A): This Himanchali was a stud in PT, X-Country and a shining star in academics. A very
humble and ‘put-in’ type guy. He was popular for making people laugh with his antics. He was about to attain nirvana
after III Term but destiny had other plans for him.
CDT D NARZARY (A): This Pongo was an avid footballer and was in the Academy Team. He enjoyed a lot of OD vis-
its because of football which also saved him from many X-Country runs. His Hindi and ‘Relaxxx’ were harmful for
health. He was a Merit Card in football.
BCC ANIRUDH SINGH (A): If you were to give him a dollar for each thing he was good at, he would end up a million-
aire. An ace of all trades and a Silver Torchie, potential COP in drill and potential Merit Card in PT. He was also very
good in X-Country. He could be always found near the WLLs. A great basketball player, he was good in other games
CDT SP DORJEE (A): He was the first foreign cadet of Romeo Squadron and ended up becoming the love of the en-
tire squadron. His calm, composed and humble nature was admired by everyone in squadron. A motivation for every-
one, he was always at the forefront in each and every event. Performer in every aspect, he will be remembered for his
DCC DINESHLAL SHARMA (A): This great Picasso of squadron was an absolute beast in PT. Joined as a Blazer and
passed out as M2. His mere presence in field was a nightmare for other players. What he said was a mystery for the
entire squadron because of his accent. His paintings and cool nature will be remembered by all. He was known as
‘Jadoo’ in squadron.
DCC SUBHANSHU SHARMA (N): How he got DCC tabs was a mystery to both squadron and himself. He was nor-
mally calm and composed but became restless and frustrated after becoming DCC. The Ship Shape In-charge of the
squadron was known for his easy and cool approach. His cabin became a kitchen in his VI Term.
CDT VAIBHAV CHAUHAN (AF): This Flyboy was very popular because of his humorous anecdotes and one-liners.
An ace in Services, he could become a terror for juniors anytime. He was senti about Basics of juniors. His long pend-
ing list of punishments never bothered him.


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