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Volume 103, Number 12 ■ September 20, 2021

Green Finance: Sustainable Growth

And the Circular Economy
by Antonio Lanotte

Reprinted from Tax Notes International, September 20, 2021, p. 1601

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Green Finance: Sustainable Growth and the Circular Economy

by Antonio Lanotte
• increase the contribution of the financial
Antonio Lanotte
(antonio.lanotte@i- sector to sustainability;; @alanotte23 on • ensure the integrity of the EU financial
Twitter) is a chartered system and monitor its orderly transition to
tax adviser at I.CON sustainability; and
Integrated Consultancy • develop international sustainable finance
in Rome and a member/ initiatives and standards while supporting
delegate of the CFE Tax EU partner countries.
Technology Committee.
The commission will report on the strategy’s
In this article, the implementation by the end of 2023 and will
author explores EU actively support member states in their efforts on
initatives and tools for sustainable finance.
generating green
economic growth A greener economy means growth and job
through the creation of a circular economy opportunities. Eco-design, eco-innovation, waste
using sustainable finance and taxation. prevention, and reusing raw materials can bring
net savings of up to €600 billion for EU businesses.
In recent years, the EU has become Measures to increase resource productivity by 30
significantly more ambitious in tackling climate percent by 2030 could boost GDP by nearly 1
change. The European Commission has taken percent, while creating 2 million new jobs. It also
unprecedented steps toward building the benefits the environment and reduces the EU’s
foundations for sustainable finance. The financial greenhouse gas emissions, according to the
sector will be key in helping to meet the targets of European Commission. However, the
the commission’s “European Green Deal.” commission’s statement on the Green Deal
The current strategy includes six sets of suggests it is also politically motivated.
actions that: The European Commission has adopted a
• extend the existing sustainable finance number of measures to increase sustainable
toolbox to facilitate access to transition finance. First, the new sustainable finance strategy
finance; sets out several initiatives to tackle climate change
• include small and medium-size enterprises and other environmental challenges while
and consumers, by giving them the right increasing investment — and the inclusion of
tools and incentives to access transition SMEs — in the EU’s transition toward a
finance; sustainable economy. The European green bond
• enhance the resilience of the economic and standard proposal, for example, will create a high-
financial system against sustainability risks; quality voluntary standard for bonds financing
sustainable investment. Finally, the commission

1 2
European Commission, “Action Plan: Financing Sustainable European Commission, “A European Green Deal: Striving to Be the
Growth,” COM(2018) 97 final (Mar. 8, 2018). First Climate-Neutral Continent.”


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recently adopted a delegated act on information production processes, goods, services, and value
to be disclosed by financial and nonfinancial chains according to the eco-design criteria
companies on their sustainable activities, based includes:
on article 8 of the EU Taxonomy. • boosting resource and energy efficiency;
These initiatives highlight the EU’s global • eliminating toxic and dangerous chemicals;
leadership in setting international standards for • reducing environmental impacts in
sustainable finance. The commission intends to production, consumption, and end-of-life
work closely with all international partners, management;
including through the International Platform on • increasing products’ reuse, regeneration,
Sustainable Finance, to build a robust and material recycling; and
international sustainable finance system. • preventing waste production and disposal.

Green Growth and the Circular Economy Businesses involved in these activities need to
analyze and modify existing products and
According to the European Environmental production processes. This includes:
Agency, the circular economy is a relevant part of • Verifying and improving scientific and
the green economy that more widely addresses management models — life-cycle
human welfare, lifestyles, and consumption assessment algorithms, environmental
models. The circular economy tries to build management systems, and the certification
extensive and inclusive well-being with natural of products — to make the circular economy
capital, ecosystem resilience, and ecosystem criteria more effective.
services preservation. • Adopting specific models to maximize
The root of the growing interest in the circular resource efficiency toward zero waste.
economy is the inevitable need to protect both • Developing research and eco-innovation. To
renewable and nonrenewable natural resources enable circular economy models to reduce
and to develop more efficiency in their use. Since consumption while improving well-being, it
1900 the world’s population has quadrupled. is important to develop the greatest
Resource consumption has grown by a factor of 10 renewable resource we have: knowledge
and is expected to double by 2030. arising from the reuse, regeneration, and
A circular economy is an industrial model that recyclability of products, components, and
is intentionally regenerative. Products are materials.
designed to facilitate reuse, disassembly, • Developing renewable energy and
restoration, and recycling to encourage the reuse materials. Circular economy models require
of materials. Businesses keep resources in use as businesses to move away from fossil fuels
long as possible to obtain the maximum value, (which are nonrenewable and contribute to
and then recover and regenerate products and global warming) in favor of renewable
materials at the end of their service lives. energy sources.
Eco-design is a key element of the circular • Generating zero disposable waste. In a
economy. New engineering (or re-engineering) of circular economy model, waste is reused as
a resource.
• Addressing inner, multiple, and cascading
circles. Inner circles minimize material
usage by recovering end-of-life products in
3 the value chain close to their consumption
European Commission, Commission Delegated Regulation
supplementing Regulation (EU) 2020/852 by specifying the content and phase. This approach brings a high return
presentation of information to be disclosed by undertakings subject to on collection and treatment costs in
Articles 19a or 29a of Directive 2013/34/EU concerning environmentally
sustainable economic activities, and specifying the methodology to comparison to the costs of disposal.
comply with that disclosure obligation, C(2021) 4987 final (July 6, 2021). • Increasing the efficiency of materials used to
The EU Taxonomy establishes a list of environmentally sustainable
economic activities, providing companies, investors and policymakers facilitate the lowering of production costs
with appropriate definitions for which economic activities can be and prices. This can increase consumption
considered environmentally sustainable. See European Commission,
“EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities.” and the pressure on natural resources.


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Disclosing Nonfinancial Information
amend the NFRD reporting requirements. The
proposal extends the scope to all large companies
EU Directive 2014/95/EU,5 also called the
and all companies listed on regulated markets
nonfinancial reporting directive (NFRD), sets out
(except listed micro-companies). It requires the
the rules on nonfinancial and diversity disclosure
auditing of reported information, introduces
and requires some large companies to disclose
more detailed reporting requirements, and
information on how they operate and manage
mandates that companies report on the adherence
social and environmental challenges. This helps
to obligatory EU sustainability standards.
investors, civil society organizations, consumers,
Companies must digitally “tag” their reported
politicians, and other stakeholders to assess the
information so that it can be read and integrated
nonfinancial performance of large companies and
into a fully digital system called the “European
encourages these companies to develop a 8
6 Union’s capital markets access point.” The
responsible approach to business.
corporate sustainability reporting directive
To address shortcomings, planned NFRD
proposal foresees the adoption of standard
revision seeks to:
sustainability reporting within the EU. The
• ensure that investors have access to standards will be developed by the European
adequate nonfinancial information from Financial Reporting Advisory Group and will be
companies so that they can consider adapted to EU policies in accordance with
sustainability-related risks, opportunities, international standardization initiatives.

and impacts in their investment decisions;

• ensure that civil society organizations, trade The EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities
unions, and others have access to adequate
nonfinancial information from companies To meet the EU’s 2030 climate and energy
so that they can hold them accountable for targets and achieve the objectives of the European
their impacts on society and the Green Deal, redirecting investments toward
environment; and sustainable projects is crucial. The COVID-19
• reduce the unnecessary burden on pandemic has reinforced the need to redirect
companies of nonfinancial reporting. capital flows to sustainable projects to make
economies, businesses, societies, and health
On April 21 the commission adopted a systems more resilient in the face of climate and
proposal for a directive called the corporate environmental shocks.
sustainability reporting directive, which would The EU Taxonomy classifies and establishes a
list of environmentally sustainable economic
activities. It is an important tool for increasing
European Commission, Directive 2014/95/EU of the European
sustainable investments and implementing the
Parliament and of the Council of Oct. 22, 2014, amending Directive 2013/ European Green Deal. In particular, by providing
34/EU as regards disclosure of nonfinancial and diversity information by
certain large undertakings and groups (Nov. 11, 2014). its list to companies, investors, and policymakers,
The objective of the NFRD is to increase the transparency of social the EU Taxonomy can create certainty for
and environmental information provided by companies in all sectors to investors, protect private investors from
the same high level in all member states. EU rules on nonfinancial
reporting apply to large public-interest companies with more than 500 greenwashing, help companies plan for
employees. This covers around 11,700 companies and groups across the transition, mitigate market fragmentation, and
EU, including:
• listed companies;
• banks;
• insurance companies; and
• other companies designated by national authorities as public-
interest entities.
According to Directive 2014/95/EU, large companies must publish European Commission, Proposal for a Directive of the European
information relating to: Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2013/34/EU, Directive
• environmental issues; 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC, and Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 as
• social issues and treatment of employees; regards corporate sustainability reporting, COM/2021/189 final (Apr. 21,
• respect for human rights; 8
• anti-corruption and bribery; and European Commission, “Capital Markets Union 2020 Action Plan: A
Capital Markets Union for People and Businesses” (2020).
• diversity on company boards (age, gender, educational and 9
professional backgrounds). The first set of standards will be adopted by October 2022.


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The Sustainable Grid
Environmental Social Governance

• Mitigation of and adaptation to • Equal opportunities, access to the • The role of administrative,
climate change. labor market, gender equality, and management, and control bodies.
• Water and marine resources. disability. • Ethics and corporate culture,
• Resource use and circular economy. • Working conditions, including including the fight against
• Pollution. wages, social dialogue, and work- corruption.
• Biodiversity and ecosystems. life balance. • Political commitments and lobbying
• Human rights, fundamental activities.
freedoms, and democratic • Management of relations with
principles, with reference to the business partners.
International Bill of Human Rights. • Internal control and risk
• Adequate or equal presence of management.
women in management positions
(boards of directors) and during
meetings (webinars, Zoominars).

ultimately help shift investments to where they main operational characteristics, and
are most needed.10 connects it with the political, regulatory, and
The EU Taxonomy uses the “ESG method,” legal specificities of the company’s
which assesses and monitors a company’s long- jurisdiction.
term strategic position, operational management,
and actual behavior in the areas of society, the Toward a Sustainable Taxation System
environment, and markets.
Shifting toward a circular economy will
Under the ESG method (see table):
involve designing a new sustainable tax system
• “E” stands for environmental strategy
for renewable and nonrenewable resources.
assessment, policy, and management
Sustainable taxation should encourage
system, and the industry-specific
positive activities and discourage negative
environmental impact of production
processes and products; activities. In a sustainable economy, taxes on
• “S” stands for strategy and social policy, renewable resources (including labor) are
which assesses the quality of the company’s counterproductive and should be abandoned. The
relations with its stakeholders (customers, resulting loss of revenue could be made up by
competitors, employees, management, taxing the consumption of nonrenewable
public and regulatory bodies, shareholders, resources and undesired wastes and emissions.
creditors, local government, international Such a shift in taxation would promote a
institutions), market positioning, and circular economy with local low-carbon and
competitor analysis; and low-resource solutions. It would be more labor-
• “G” stands for governance structure and intensive than manufacturing because economies
assesses both market and internal of scale in a circular economy are limited. Taxes
management issues, identifies the on nonrenewable resources could be charged in a
company’s governing bodies structure and similar way to today’s VAT, including on
imported goods. Also, not taxing labor would
considerably reduce tax administration — labor
Corporate responsibility plays a key role in highlighting hidden tax is based on a large number of small incomes —
weaknesses. Indeed, the numerous indicators in annual reports offer a
second key to understanding companies. The indicators render and reduce incentives for work in the shadow
companies comparable in absolute terms within a sector and over time. economy, which accounts for a double-digit
The performance of some indicators offers a complementary analysis
that is often not yet integrated into financial statements. In this context, percentage of many national GDPs.
the European Commission’s “Corporate Social Responsibility” webpage
is an excellent source of information for forecasting the risks and
To get businesses on board with
opportunities facing companies, particularly in their relations with their environmental initiatives, governments should
stakeholders (employees, suppliers, customers, local communities,
shareholders, and so forth), whatever their sector. consider:


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• Changes in depreciation methods. The financed by the bonds. The dubious practices of
development of secondhand product some issuers could undermine the entire market.
markets increases the products’ value and Although the EU’s green bond standard may
prevents them from being depreciated to still be in the future, the commission’s proposal
zero. It also brings up the question of when could go a long way toward steering investors
in the life cycle a reusable resource should toward higher-quality bonds and projects. If used
be taxed. widely, a new asset class could emerge in global
• Changing the VAT system to influence capital markets. Only projects that are in line with
behavior. Lower VAT on labor-intensive the EU Taxonomy of sustainable activities would
services encourages repairs and reduces be eligible for funding. Issuers would have to
waste. provide information at the time of issuance, and
• Increasing the tax on emissions and subsequently through regular reporting on the
technical material consumption. A higher use of proceeds and their impact on the
tax reduces the consumption of environment. Crucially, external auditors
nonrenewable resources. supervised by the European Securities and
The tax system plays a key role in achieving Markets Authority must sign off on a draft EU
an inclusive circular economy. High taxes on labor green bond issue.
push businesses to minimize employees. Green bonds will be a crucial part of low-
Resources, however, tend to be untaxed and are carbon transition financing, given their typically
therefore used without restraint. This causes long duration and repayment structures
unemployment, overconsumption, and pollution. (amortization schedule), which are well suited to
The plan is to put taxes on natural resource usage large infrastructure projects. The use of the EU
and pollution and use the revenues to lower the green bond label will be voluntary, so the extent to
tax burden on labor while increasing social which investors use it and mobilize capital for the
spending. This kind of tax reform would low-carbon transition should be a measure of its
incentivize companies to save resources and the success.
natural world. It would spark job creation and However, the standard described so far is also
support those who need it most. intended to set a framework for green, and
therefore sustainable, assets that are likely to be
European Green Bonds and Carbon Tax more successful in the capital markets. Green
bond funds and securitization of green bank loans
The European Commission’s proposal for an
could also mobilize additional funds, but this will
EU green bond standard, published on July 6,
depend on whether there is a uniform standard
comes at a time when the issuance of so-called
11 across different issuers and member states.
green bonds is booming, with most issuance and
The European carbon tax is expected to come
trading taking place within the EU. A green bond 12
into force in 2026. It will apply to the cement,
is a traditional bond in which the proceeds are
steel, aluminium, fertilizer, and energy
used for a project that meets predetermined
production sectors. Key elements of the tax
environmental criteria like the ESG criteria.
include the following:
However, definitions of sustainable activities are
often confusing or conflicting. The EU green bond • At the border, EU importers of goods
standard would address these inherent problems covered by the carbon tax will register with
with a strict transparency and oversight regime. national authorities and will be able to
purchase carbon border adjustment
Investor demand for these assets is strong, 13
mechanism certificates. The price of the
although there are growing concerns about
greenwashing — particularly with regard to the
environmental impact of the underlying projects
European Commission, Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council, establishing a carbon border adjustment
mechanism, COM(2021) 564 final (July 14, 2021).
11 See European Commission, “Carbon Border Adjustment
European Commission, “European Green Bond Standard.” Mechanism: Questions and Answers” (July 14, 2021).


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certificates will be calculated on the basis of • At the same time, the importer will deliver
the weekly average price of the EU at the border the same number of carbon tax
emissions trading system allowance auction certificates as the amount of greenhouse gas
expressed in euros per ton of carbon dioxide emissions embedded in the products.
emitted. • If importers can prove, on the basis of
• By May 31 of each year, the EU importer will information verified by third-country
be required to declare the quantity of goods producers, that a carbon price has already
and the emissions incorporated in the goods been paid during the production of the
imported into the EU during the previous imported goods, the corresponding amount
year. may be deducted from the final invoice. 


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