On Finite Noncommutative Grobner Bases

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Algebra Colloquium 27 : 3 (2020) 381–388 Algebra

DOI: 10.1142/S1005386720000310 Colloquium

c 2020 AMSS CAS

On Finite Noncommutative Gröbner Bases

Yatma Diop Djiby Sow
Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Dakar, Senegal
E-mail: yatma.diop@ucad.edu.sn sowdjibab@yahoo.fr

Received 6 August 2018

Revised 26 July 2019
Communicated by Sergio R. López-Permouth (Guest Editor)

Abstract. It is well known that in the noncommutative polynomial ring in serveral

variables Buchberger’s algorithm does not always terminate. Thus, it is important to
characterize noncommutative ideals that admit a finite Gröbner basis. In this context,
Eisenbud, Peeva and Sturmfels defined a map γ from the noncommutative polynomial
ring khX1 , . . . , Xn i to the commutative one k[x1 , . . . , xn ] and proved that any ideal J
of khX1 , . . . , Xn i, written as J = γ −1 (I) for some ideal I of k[x1 , . . . , xn ], amits a finite
Gröbner basis with respect to a special monomial ordering on khX1 , . . . , Xn i. In this work,
we approach the opposite problem. We prove that under some conditions, any ideal J of
khX1 , . . . , Xn i admitting a finite Gröbner basis can be written as J = γ −1 (I) for some
ideal I of k[x1 , . . . , xn ].
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13P10, 13B25, 16Y10
Keywords: natural maps, lexicographic extension, minimal generators, commutators

1 Introduction
The concept of Gröbner bases originated in Buchberger’s work [1] in 1965. He
established among other interesting things a method, known now as Buchberger’s
algorithm, which transforms a set of generators for an ideal of polynomial ring into
an important set of generators called a Gröbner basis. These Gröbner bases par-
ticularly allow us to solve the ideal membership problem and systems of algebraic
equations. Thus, Gröbner bases have become a powerful tool in treating vari-
ous problems. Moreover, the presence of polynomial equations in domains outside
mathematics has expanded the use and the popularity of Gröbner bases.
In the algebra of noncommutative polynomials, Buchberger’s algorithm does not
always terminate (see [4]). This fact renders inefficient its use in the noncommu-
tative polynomials context. Thus, it is important to know whether a given ideal
admits a finite Gröbner basis or not before starting calculations. In other words, it
is important to characterize noncommutative ideals with finite Gröbner bases.
382 Y. Diop, D. Sow

There are not yet many reults about finite noncommutative Gröbner bases in
the literature. In [2], the authors presented a family of noncommutative ideals
which have finite Gröbner bases with respect to some specific monomial orders.
Furthermore, they proposed a method to determine a finite Gröbner basis of any
ideal of this family. In this paper, we treat the opposite problem. Namely, we deal
with the following question: is there any noncommutative ideal admitting a finite
Gröbner basis in this family?
As a main aim of this paper, we show that the answer to this question is affir-
mative for any noncommutative ideal containing all commutators (see Section 3).
To this end, we first present some preliminaries in Section 2, where we also discuss
the main result of [2] and fix its little error.

2 Preliminaries
In this paper, we use the same notations as in [2]. Especially, any concept or result
given in this section comes from [2] unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Let X = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn } and x = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn } be two totally ordered
alphabets. Let khXi = khX1 , X2 , . . . , Xn i and k[x] = k[x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ], respectively,
be the noncommutative polynomial ring and the commutative polynomial ring in n
variables with coefficients in a field k. In what follows we will use the homomorphism
γ : khXi → k[x] defined by replacing Xi with xi . So, for example,
γ(XY Y XZ) = x2 y 2 z,
γ(Y XZ − XY Z + Y Z + X − 1) = xyz − xyz + yz + x − 1 = yz + x − 1.
For any ideal I of k[x], γ −1 (I) is the preimage of I; that is, we have γ −1 (I) =
{f ∈ khXi | γ(f ) ∈ I}.
We will also use the well-defined map δ : k[x] → khXi which replaces xi by
Xi (variables are in increasing order). So, for example, δ(xy) = XY if x ≺ y or
δ(xy) = Y X if y ≺ x.
Notice that, if I = k[x], then γ −1 (I) = khXi. In this case, {1} is a minimal
Gröbner basis of γ −1 (I). In order to avoid this trivial case, we only consider proper

Proposition 2.1. Let  be a monomial order on k[x]. Then the ordering  on

khXi defined by
u  v ⇐⇒ γ(u) ≺ γ(v) or (γ(u) = γ(v) and u ≺lex v)
is a monomial order, called the lexicographic extension of .

The concept of minimal generator is one of the fundamental notions of this

paper. The definition we recall here can be found in [6, Section 1].

Definition 2.2. Let L be a monomial ideal of k[x]. A monomial m ∈ L is called

a minimal generator of L if m
u ∈
/ L for any monomial u 6= 1 which divides m.

Example 1. Let L = hxyz, x2 z, yz 2 i be an ideal of R[x, y, z]. Then xyz and yz 2 are
minimal generators of L but xy 2 z is not.
On Finite Noncommutative Gröbner Bases 383

Now let m = xi1 xi2 · · · xir with i1 ≤ i1 ≤ · · · ≤ ir be a minimal generator of a

monomial ideal L of k[x]. We define the set
n m m o
UL (m) = u is a monomial in k[xi1 +1 , . . . , xir −1 ] u ∈
/ L, u ∈
/L .
xi1 xir
For example, for the ideal L = hxyz, x2 z, yz 2 i of R[x, y, z] with x ≺ y ≺ z, we
have UL (xyz) = {u ∈ R[y] | uyz ∈ / L} = {y n | n ∈ N} and UL (yz 2 ) = {1}.
/ L, uxy ∈
The following result is a formulation of [2, Theorem 2.1] without the leading
monomials of commutators, which are not necessarily minimal generators of in (J )
as we will see.

Proposition 2.3. Let I be an ideal of k[x], J = γ −1 (I) an ideal of khXi and m a

minimal generator in in≺ (I). Then δ(um) is a minimal generator in in (J ) if and
only if u ∈ Uin (J ) (m).

Now we give the definition of Borel ideals (see for instance [3], [5] and [6]).

Definition 2.4. Let L be a monomial ideal of k[x].

(i) L is said to be 0-Borel fixed if for any generator m of L and xi a divisor of
m, xj xmi ∈ L for all xj ≺ xi .
(ii) L is said to be p-Borel fixed if the following condition is satisfied: for any
generator m of L, if xti divides m and xt+1
i does not divide m, then we have
x j s
xi m ∈ L for all x j ≺ x i and s ≤p t.

ai pi
The ordering ≤p is defined as follows: given two natural numbers a = i
and b = i bi pi , we have a ≤p b if ai ≤ bi for all i.

Theorem 2.5. Let J = γ −1 (I) for some ideal I of k[x]. The noncommutative
initial ideal in (J ) is generated by the set {Xi Xj | j < i} together with the set
{δ(um) | m is a minimal generator of in≺ (I) and u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (m)}.
In particular, a Gröbner basis for J consists of {Xi Xj − Xj Xi | j < i} together
with the elements δ(uf ) for each polynomial f in a minimal Gröbner basis for I
and each monomial u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (f )).

Proposition 2.6. The following assertions hold:

(i) If in≺ (I) is 0-Borel fixed, then Uin≺ (I) (m) = {1} for any generator m of
in≺ (I).
(ii) If in≺ (I) is p-Borel fixed for some prime number p, then Uin≺ (I) (m) is finite.

Theorem 2.7. If k is a field of characteristic zero, then after a linear change of

variables, in≺ (I) is p-Borel fixed for any prime number p or 0.

Corollary 2.8. If k is a field of characteristic zero and G is a minimal Gröbner

basis of its ideal, then the Gröbner basis
T = {Xi Xj − Xj Xi | i > j} ∪ {δ(uf ) | f ∈ G, u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (f ))}
constructed by using the method in [2] is finite.
384 Y. Diop, D. Sow

We remark that if J = γ −1 (I), then the set T previously constructed is not

minimal as claimed in [2] even if G is minimal. Indeed, let us consider the ideal
I = hx − 1, y − 1i of k[x, y] with x ≺ y. Then we observe that {x − 1, y − 1} is
a minimal Gröbner basis of I with respect to any monomial ordering ≺ on k[x, y].
Moreover, the initial ideal in≺ (I) = hx, yi is 0-Borel fixed. Theorem 2.1 in [2] claims
that {Y X −XY, δ(x−1), δ(y−1)} = {Y X −XY, X −1, Y −1} is a minimal Gröbner
basis of J with respect to the lexicographic extension of the order we consider on
k[x, y]. But it is easy to check that this Gröbner basis is not minimal. We can verify
that the set {X − 1, Y − 1} is a minimal Gröbner basis of the same ideal J .
We can review [2, Theorem 2.1] to directly get a minimal Gröbner basis of
γ −1 (I) by using the method proposed in [2].

Proposition 2.9. Let I be an ideal of k[x], G a minimal Gröbner basis of I and

in≺ (G) the set of leading monomials of G. Then the Gröbner basis constructed in
[2] is minimal if and only if xi ∈
/ in≺ (I) for all i = 1, . . . , n.
Proof. The only possible case such that there exits a relation of division between
two leading monomials in T is that in≺ (δ(uf )) divides in≺ (Xi Xj − Xj Xi ). This is
equivalent to in≺ (δ(uf )) = in≺ (δ(f )) = xk for k = i, j. So Xi Xj is not divisible by
in≺ (δ(uf )) if and only if xi ∈
/ in≺ (I) for all i = 1, . . . , n. 

We correct [2, Theorem 2.1] by the following result.

Theorem 2.10. Let J = γ −1 (I). Then in (J ) is minimally generated by the

set {Xi Xj | i > j, xi , xj ∈
/ in≺ (I)} ∪ {δ(um) | m is a minimal generator of in≺ (I),
u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (m)}.

Corollary 2.11. If J = γ −1 (I) and G is a minimal Gröbner basis of I, then the

set {Xi Xj − Xj Xi | i > j, xi , xj ∈
/ in≺ (I)} ∪ {δ(uf ) | f ∈ G, u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (f ))}
is a minimal Gröbner basis of J .

This allows us to obtain the minimal Gröbner basis of the previous example. In
fact, the unique commutator was removed by each of the trivial generators x and y.
In the next section, when talking about the procedure or method in [2], we con-
sider the correction we have given. It means that this procedure always constructs
a minimal Gröbner basis.

3 An Approach of the Opposite Problem

In this section, all fields we consider are infinite.
Given an ideal J of khXi admitting a finite Gröbner basis relative to the lexi-
cographic extension of a monomial order on k[x]. Our aim in this section is to show
whether there exists an ideal I of k[x] such that J = γ −1 (I).
It is clear that an ideal J of khXi which admits a finite Gröbner basis is not
necessarily expressed as J = γ −1 (I) for some ideal I of k[x]. A necessary con-
dition for this is that the ideal J contains all commutators. From now on, any
noncommutative ideal we consider contains all commutators.
Throughout the remainder of the paper, the set of all commutators will be
On Finite Noncommutative Gröbner Bases 385

denoted by Com. Let us highlight two important properties of the Gröbner basis
T constructed by the method given in [2]:
P1 Let gi ∈ T . If gi is not a commutator, then the variables of any monomial of
gi are in increasing order.
P2 Let gi ∈ T \Com such that in≺ (γ(gi )) is a minimal generator of hin≺ (γ(T ))i
and uj is a monomial of k[x]. There exists gj ∈ T such that in≺ (γ(gj )) =
uj (in≺ (γ(gi ))) if and only if uj ∈ Uhin≺ (γ(T ))i (in≺ (γ(gi ))).
Our aim is to show that our question has an affirmative answer if the ideal J con-
tains all commutators and has a minimal Gröbner basis satisfying the two properties
P1 and P2.
We give the following example to illustrate the idea.

Example 3.1. We consider the ideal J of khXi generated by

T = {ZX − XZ, ZY − Y Z, Y X − XY } ∪ {XY Z − Y, XZ − 1, XY 2 Z − Y 2 , Y 3 }
with X ≺ Y ≺ Z. Then T is a minimal Gröbner basis of J with respect to any
monomial ordering on khXi. Furthermore, {XY Z − Y, XZ − 1, XY 2 Z − Y 2 , Y 3 }
satisfies the two properties P1 and P2.
Applying the procedure of the construction described in [2] to the ideal I gen-
erated by {xz − 1, y 3 }, we obtain
T 0 = {ZX − XZ, ZY − Y Z, Y X − XY } ∪ {XY Z − Y, XZ − 1, XY 2 Z − Y 2 , Y 3 }
with X ≺ Y ≺ Z. Since T 0 = T , we conclude that J = γ −1 (I). So for this example
the answer is affirmative.

More generally, if the answer to our question is affirmative, it means that if

there exists an ideal I of k[x] such that J = γ −1 (I), then this ideal I admits a
minimal Gröbner basis from which we can reconstruct T by using the method given
in [2]. Thus, the main question can be reformulated to the following one: does there
exist a subset G of k[x], which is a minimal Gröbner basis of its ideal I, such that
T = {Xi Xj − Xj Xi | i > j, xi , xj ∈
/ in≺ (I)} ∪ {δ(uf ) | f ∈ G, u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (f ))} ?
Under the assumption that J contains all commutators, we first prove the fol-
lowing proposition.

Proposition 3.2. If J contains all commutators, then any finite Gröbner basis T
of J can be transformed into one with the properties P1 and P2.
Proof. Let T be a finite Gröbner basis of J and T 0 = RedTot(T, Com, ); T 0 is
obtained by totally reducing T by commutators. Then J = hT i = hT 0 ∪ Comi.
Notice that the inclusion is trivial since Com ⊆ J and TP0 ⊆ J . So let us prove the
converse inclusion J ⊆ hT 0 ∪ Comi. Let f ∈ J , and f = i pi ti qi with pi , qi ∈ khXi
and ti ∈ T .
Using a total reduction of ti by commutators, we have
ti = pk,j (Xk Xj − Xj Xk )qk,j + ri , pk,j , qk,j ∈ khXi, ri ∈ T 0 ,
386 Y. Diop, D. Sow

X X 
f= pi pk,j (Xk Xj − Xj Xk )qk,j + ri qi ,
i k,j
X X  X
= pi pk,j (Xk Xj − Xj Xk )qk,j qi + pi ri qi
i k,j i
0 0
∈ hComi + hT i = hCom ∪ T i, pi , qi ∈ khXi, ti ∈ T.

So J ⊆ hCom ∪ T 0 i.
Now, we prove that Com ∪ T 0 is a Gröbner basis of J . Let f ∈ J . Then there
exists gi ∈ T such that in (gi ) divides in (f ). Let ri = RedTot(gi , Com, ). We
have in (gi ) 6= in (ri ) if and only if in (Xk Xl − Xl Xk ) divides in (gi ) for some
commutator Xk Xl − Xl Xk . In each case, the leading monomial of an element of
Com ∪ T 0 divides in (f ). By rendering Com ∪ T 0 minimal, we obtain a Gröbner
basis {Xi Xj − Xj Xi | i > j, xi , xj ∈ / in≺ (I)} ∪ T 00 which satisfies the property P1.
Let us prove that {Xi Xj − Xj Xi | i > j, xi , xj ∈ / in≺ (I)} ∪ T 00 also satisfies the
property P2. Precisely, we show that for any representative element of T 00 and for
any monomial uj , the following conditions are equivalent:
(a) There exists gj ∈ T such that in≺ (γ(gj )) = uj (in≺ (γ(gi ))).
(b) uj ∈ Uhin≺ (γ(T ))i (in≺ (γ(gi ))).
Let gi ∈ T 00 such that in≺ (γ(gi )) is a minimal generator of hin≺ (γ(T 00 ))i and uj is
a monomial of k[x].
(a)⇒(b) Suppose that there exists gj ∈ T 00 such that in≺ (γ(gj )) = uj in≺ (γ(gi )).
We have in≺ (γ(gj )) = uj in≺ (γ(gi )) if and only if δ(in≺ (γ(gj ))) = δ(uj in≺ (γ(gi ))).
Note that in (gj ) = δ(uj in≺ (γ(gi ))).
Set in≺ (γ(gi )) = xi1 · · · xir and uj = xj1 · · · xjs . Suppose that xj1  xi1 . Since
in (gj ) = δ(uj in≺ (γ(gi ))) is minimal, we get
in (gj ) δ(uj in≺ (γ(gi ))) uj in≺ (γ(gi )) 
= =δ / hin (T 00 )i.

Xj1 Xj1 xj1
u in (γ(g )) 
Then we obtain γ δ j ≺xj i ∈/ γ(hin (T 00 )i) = hγ(in (T 00 ))i. This implies
xj1 / hγ(in (T 00 ))i, but this is a contradiction. Thus, xi1 ≺ xj1 . In the
in≺ (γ(gi )) ∈
same way we can prove xjs  xir . Thus,

ui ∈ k[xi1 +1 , . . . , xir −1 ]. (1)

in (gj ) δ(uj in≺ (γ(gi )))
= δ uj in≺ x(γ(g i ))
/ hin (T 00 )i, which implies

Now,  Xi1 = Xi1 i1

γ δ uj in≺ x(γ(g i ))
/ γ(in (T 00 )) = hγ(in (T 00 ))i. So uj in≺ x(γ(g i ))
/ hγ(in (T 00 ))i.

∈ i1

In the same way we prove that
in≺ (γ(gi ))

/ γ(in (T 00 )) .

uj ∈ (2)
Finally, (1) and (2) imply uj ∈ Uhin≺ (γ(T 00 ))i (in≺ (γ(gi ))).
(b)⇒(a) By uj ∈ Uhin≺ (γ(T 00 ))i (in≺ (γ(gi ))) we see that δ(uj in≺ (γ(gi ))) is mini-
mal in hin≺ (T 00 )i. So there exists gj ∈ T 00 such that in≺ (gj ) = δ(uj in≺ (γ(gi ))). It
follows that in≺ (γ(gj )) = uj in≺ (γ(gi )). 
On Finite Noncommutative Gröbner Bases 387

Let J be an ideal of khXi admitting a finite Gröbner basis T , with the properties
P1 and P2, relative to a lexicographic extension of a monomial order on k[x]. We
consider the set R of elements g ∈ T such that in≺ (γ(g)) is minimal with respect
to divisibility in in≺ (γ(T )). The set R is called the set of representative elements
of T .

Proposition 3.3. The set G = {γ(g) | g ∈ R} is a minimal Gröbner basis relative

to the order on k[x] of which we consider the lexicographic extension on khXi.
Proof. Let f ∈ I. Then f = i hi γ(gi ). Since γ is surjective, there exist pi , qi in
k[x] such that hi = γ(pi ) and 1 = γ(qi ). Thus,
P X X 
f = i γ(pi )γ(gi )γ(qi ) = γ(pi gi qi ) = γ pi gi qi .
i i

Hence, there exists g ∈ J suchPthat f = γ(g). We can now totally reduce g by the
commutators, and we get g = i,j,k pk (Xi Xj − Xj Xi )qk + r, where a monomial of
r is not divisible by a leading monomial of a commutator.
So f = γ(g) = γ(r). In addition, r = g − i,j,k pk (Xi Xj − Xj Xi )qk ∈ J . Thus,
there exists gi such that in≺ (r) = ui in≺ (gi )vi . Since the variables occurring in any
monomial of r are in increasing order, we get
in≺ (f ) = in≺ (γ(r)) = γ(in≺ (r)) = γ(ui in≺ (gi )vi )
= γ(ui )γ(in≺ (gi ))γ(vi ) = γ(ui )γ(uj in≺ (gij ))γ(vi ),
where gij is the representative element of the subset containing gi .
Finally, in≺ (f ) = γ(ui )γ(uj )γ(in≺ (gij ))γ(vi ) is divisible by a leading monomial
of an element of G. We conclude that G is a Gröbner basis of I = hGi. Furthermore,
G is minimal. 

Proposition 3.4. Let J be an ideal of khXi admitting a finite Gröbner basis T ,

with the properties P1 and P2, relative to a lexicographic extension of a monomial
order on k[x], R the set of representative elements of T , G = {γ(g) | g ∈ R} and
I = hGi. Then J = γ −1 (I).
Proof. Let J 0 = γ −1 (I). We show J = J 0 . Since J 0 = γ −1 (I), there exists a
minimal Gröbner basis T 0 of J 0 written as
T 0 = {Xi Xj − Xj Xi | i > j, xi , xj ∈
/ in≺ (I)} ∪ {δ(uf ) | f ∈ G, u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (f ))}.
J 0 ⊆ J : Let h ∈ T 0 \Com. Then h = δ(uf ) for some f ∈ G, u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (f )).
We see that f ∈ G implies f = γ(g) for some g ∈ R ⊆ T . Hence, h = δ(uγ(g)).
So γ(h) = uγ(g) ∈ hγ(T )i. Thus, h = δ(γ(h)) ∈ δ(hγ(T )i) ⊂ hT i. It follows that
hT 0 i ⊆ hT i.
J ⊆ J 0 : Let h ∈ hT i. If in≺ (γ(h)) is a minimal generator of in≺ (γ(T )), then
γ(h) ∈ G and 1 ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (γ(h))). So we obtain h = δ(1 · γ(h)) ∈ T 0 . Otherwise,
in≺ (γ(h)) = u(in≺ (γ(g))) for some g ∈ R and u ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (γ(h))), u 6= 1. Then
h0 = δ(uγ(g)) ∈ T 0 . Since J 0 ⊆ J , we have h1 = RedTot(h, {g}) ∈ J and
in (h1 )  in (h) = in (h0 ). Since h1 ∈ J , there exist g 0 ∈ T and two monomials
w, t such that in (h1 ) = w(in (g 0 ))t. If in≺ (γ(g 0 )) is a minimal generator of
388 Y. Diop, D. Sow

in≺ (γ(T )), then

g0 ∈ T 0 . (3)
Otherwise, in≺ (γ(g 0 )) = u e(in≺ (γ(eg ))) for some ge ∈ R and u e ∈ Uin≺ (I) (in≺ (γ(e
g ))),
e 6= 1. Then e
u h = δ(e
uγ(e g )) ∈ T 0 . Thus, in (g 0 ) = δ(e
u(in≺ (γ(e
g )))) = in (eh). Hence,

in (h1 ) = w(e

h)t. (4)

Relations (3) and (4) imply that we can always reduce h1 by an element g 0 or
ge of T 0 . We get h2 = Red(h1 , g 0 ) or h2 = Red(h1 , ge); i.e., h2 ∈ J . We follow this
reduction, which terminates until we obtain h ∈ hT 0 i. Therefore, J ⊆ J 0 . 

Theorem 3.5. Let k be an infinite field, and khXi and k[x], respectively, be the
noncommutative polynomial ring and the commutative polynomial ring. Let J be
an ideal of khXi. If J contains all commutators and admits a finite Gröbner basis,
then there exists an ideal I of k[x] such that J = γ −1 (I).

Combining the previous theorem and [2, Theorem 2.1], we obtain

Theorem 3.6. Let J be an ideal of khXi containing all commutators and  the
lexicographic extension of a monomial order on k[x]. Then J has a finite Gröbner
basis relative to  if and only if J = γ −1 (I) for some ideal I of k[x].

4 Conclusion
As claimed in Section 1, this paper presents a characterization of a family of non-
commutative ideals which admit a finite Gröbner basis with respect to a specific
monomial order. By using the noncommutative FGLM algorithm, one can turn a
Gröbner basis with respect to a monomial order into a Gröbner basis with respect
to another monomial order. So this work is one more step in the study of the family
of all noncommutative ideals which admit a finite Gröbner basis.

Acknowledgements. We are grateful to the referee as well as Professors Sergio R. López-

Permouth and Driss Bennis for their careful reading and helpful comments which greatly
improved this paper.

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