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40 Test 2 READING Test 2 READING Part 1 Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 A There's a basketball match at 1.00 p.m. Bassctoat rato B There's a meeting on Friday. ‘Come to Room 215 at LOO pm. ‘on Friday for information about |, © People must arrange their own transport to the the trenaport we've arranged for game. Saturday's game 2 ‘A Janet wants to go to the cinema. ees B Beth has a spare ticket. My sister’s i11 and can’t go to |f G Charlotte should text Janet the cinema this evening so do you want her ticket? Tf you can’t come, text me and I/11 see if Janet wants to cone. Beth 3 ‘A Have fun and help us develop the school garden. B Plants for sale at the school party. Tiekats £5. Money wil go € Come to our party in the garden. towards buying new plants {or the school gardens. Reading ‘A Mum won't be home for dinner. Bi Ben B_ Mum wants Ben to start preparing dinner. Tim going to be home late from C Mum wants to rest when she gets home. work. Could you put the chicken in the oven when you get back from school? T should be back in time to do the rest. Love, Mum A. The coach will be parked on Jarvis Street. School Trip The coach ull mw be wang outside the school gate at © Arrive no later than 9.00 a.m. 9.00 am, not Jarvie Street. Don’t be late! B The coach might be late. 4“ Test 2 READING Part 2 Questions 6-10 For each question, choose the correct answer. The young people below all want to take part in organised football activities. On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight football activities. Decide which activity would be the most suitable for the people below. Emma is 13 and wants to play football on a Saturday morning. She plays for her school but as it's the summer holiday there aren't any matches. She wants to join a group for girls. Josh is 11 and wants to play football with others of his age. He 7 also has friends who would like to play and they want to enter competitions. He is available on a Sunday morning, Leonora is 9 and wants to learn how to play football. She has never played before so wants to join a beginners’ class. She's free Monday to Friday from 4.00 p.m. Martin is 15 years old and is a keen footballer. He wants to 9 = keep fit over the summer and would like to take part in training 7) events as well as play matches against other teams. He is free at weekends. Frank is 14 and hopes to be a professional footballer. He wants the chance to show his skills to local clubs. He is on holiday from school and available any time except Saturday afternoon. 10 Reading Football activities A Cranfield United Summer Camp We are once again excited to open our training ground to all 11-16 year olds who ‘want to try some of the strength and fitness exercises practised by top professional footballers. And as usual we'll be organising games each week. Join us every Saturday from 1.00-4.00 p.m. B Weekend Soccer This summer, join us on our ‘Weekend Soccer ‘School’. These take place every Sunday from 10.00 a.m. tll 1.00 p.m. at the Welcome Leisure Centre. Our indoor football sessions are designed for boys and girls from six to ten years old. We play inside and all children must wear suitable trainers. © St Peter's Community Forum We're pleased to announce our under 11’s summer activity programme starts again next week with lots for young people of all ages to try. We have football and basketball for children new to the sport as well as other organised activities. Come along and join us on weekday afternoons from 3.00 p.m. D Strafford High School If you're between 8 and 11, join other children your age in our weekend football sessions. We have a trainer from a local club who will organise 15-minute games between teams. All abilities welcome and you're guaranteed to have fun. Open to boys and girls every Tuesday from 6.00 p.m. — Manor Hall Community Centre Are you between 10 and 13 years old? Are you interested in playing football against other teams? Why not come along to Manor Hall Community Centre on Sunday at 9.00 a.m. and take part in our five-a-side football competition? Bring your mates if you'd like to make a team with them. F Shenfield Sports Centre Shenfield Sports Centre will be hosting an event for clubs in the area to watch young players in action and to answer any questions you may have on wanting a career in football. The event is ‘open to anyone between the ages of 14 and 16 and takes place on Sunday at 1.00 p.m. G Celcius Leisure Centre Join us at Celcius Leisure Centre for our summer football programme for 11- to 114-year-olds. Beginners or more experienced players are welcome and will be supported by our qualified sports team. We are running all-girls teams, with games taking place every Saturday from 9.00-11.00 a.m. H Football Skills UK Join us on our popular weekend football ‘camps. A fun way for boys and girls aged 8-12 to learn all about football. Practise important balll skills, keep fit and enjoy making new friends. Weekend camps start Friday and end Sunday evening and run each week over the summer holiday. Test 2 READING Part3 Questions 11-15 For each question, choose the correct answer. The Giraffe Katie Hepworth talks about her love of giraffes Giraffes are definitely my favourite creature in the aiimalkingdom. My earliest memory is of my mum reading me a story about a giraffe ‘and | was s0 in love with the idea that such a wonderful creature existed, | kept asking her to buy me one. | would have been amazed to know that in later life | would spend hours with them every day. | work in a SARSFIBAFR in the UK and I spend alot of my time taking care of the giraffes. Visitors to the park have their own favourites of course, with the monkeys being the ones most people like. But | ‘sometimes think the giraffes are the ones they'll never forget after their visit. Visitors always look amazed when they see the giraffes and watch with interest as they move around the park. I often give talks to visitors about the giraffe and it's true to say that some of the facts about them are surprising, It's hard to believe that despite their long necks, giraffes have the same number of bones in their neck as we do. And it upsets visitors a little when they hear that the animals use their long necks when fighting each other. So | avoid showing videos of this if children are present. Unlike creatures that have to compete with other animals for food and water at ground level, giraffes have the advantage of being able to reach to the top of trees for their food. In their natural environment, they are less likely to suffer from a lack of water compared to other animals. Their favourite tree, the aeaeia, is able to obtain a good amount of water through its foots, with the result that the giraffe can get its daily supply from the leaves. It's really sad to have to tell visitors that, like many of the other animals in the safari park, giraffes also are in danger of disappearing in the Wild, where they belong. Once they could be found in wide areas of Africa, but they are now only found in a limited number of places and in much smaller numbers. This is mainly due to people cutting down trees for farming as well as the burning of wood from trees for fuel. Reading ‘31 When Katie was a child ‘A her mum bought her a toy giraffe. B she couldn't believe a giraffe existed. © she would have been surprised about her future. D she decided then she had to work with giraffes. ‘12 What does Katie say about visitors to the safari park? A The monkeys are the most popular. B They sometimes forget to see the giraffes. © They all have the same favourite creature. D The giraffes don't interest some people. ‘13 What does Katie say about the talks she gives? A Visitors don’t believe some of the facts she tells them. B Visitors are surprised by some of the things she tells them. € Visitors aren't surprised when she tells them about a giraffe’s neck. D She sometimes sells gifts and has a present for children. 14 In their natural environment, giraffes A. prefer to be on level ground. B are in competition with other animals for food. © dislike other animals. D are ina better position than other animals to get water. 15 What would Katie be likely to say? A | The best place for giraffes is in a safari 8 | Giraffes are in danger of losing their park. natural environment. © | Giraffes can be found in large parts of D | Giraffes are causing problems for Africa, farmers. Test 2 READING Part 4 Questions 16-20 Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Memory palace Danny Stephens has some suggestions for improving your memory We have two sides to our brain, the right and the left side. The right side is often used when we're being creative. [MBN] When we want to do this, we tend to rely on the left side of the brain. If you want to improve your memory, one trick is to try bringing the right side of the brain into use. (_ J A memory palace can simply be a place you know well, such as your house or flat, the route to your local shops, your school or your college. Because you know this place so well, it’s easy to plan your journey through it knowing where everything is and what comes next. [HS] For example, let’s use a shopping list to see how it works. With your memory palace organised, you simply place one of the items from your shopping list in each place. Let’s imagine your memory palace is the walk to your nearest supermarket and the first thing on your shopping list is a pair of trainers. So, imagine a pair of trainers waiting at your front door, jumping up and down waiting to go out. It’s good to make the picture in your head funny to help you remember. The next stop is the gate to your house and the next item is a bunch of bananas. So, imagine a row of bananas hanging from your gate, each wearing a pair of sunglasses! And so on. As you follow the route to the supermarket, place one of the items at one of your easy-to-remember places on the journey. It might be hard to see how this can be used to remember some of the subjects you might be studying. [20] | For example, maybe you have to remember a list of dates, the steps necessary in making something or some historical events. Just remember to get that right side of your brain working to come up with scenes that are easy to remember, and put them in a familiar place. Reading Now imagine you have to remember something. However, some things can’t be remembered this way. But why not try? But what if it doesn’t work? Using your imagination like this will make it easy to remember. However, we don’t often use this side to help us remember things. On the other hand, the right side works in a different way. ‘One method of doing this is to create a memory palace. Test 2 READING Part 5 Questions 21-26 For each question, choose the correct answer. 2 22 23 2h 25 26 48 Teeth Baby teeth, also known as ‘milk’ teeth, start to grow before we are born and will usually (21).......... when we're about 6 to 12 months old, Most of us will have around 20 milk teeth, which will start to (22). ‘out when we're § or 6 years old. In the UK, that's when the t66thIFaIFY will come to collect them, in Spain and Latin America it's Perez the Mouse! The outside of our new, adult teeth is (23)... ‘enamel’ and is the hardest part of our body. However, (24) ........ to our bones, which can repair themselves over time, damage to enamel is (25)... and is usually the reason for yellow-coloured teeth or a visit to the dentist. So, (26).......... care of our 32 adult teeth is a serious business. Don't forget that one-third of each tooth is hidden inside the gum, and gums need care and attention too. come B appear € present D deliver make B set € lose D fall called B named © picked D shown different B compared © other D opposite finished B always © permanent D complete watching B doing © making D taking Reading Part 6 Questions 27-32 Fer each question, write the correct answer. ‘White one word for each gap. Cliff Diving i by Jess Andrews ‘We're on holiday in Spain where we've just watched a cliff diving competition. (27) . - events take place all around the world. (28) were judges giving scores for the dives, just like you see in Olympic events like gymnastics. I've been reading about it and cliff diving has a long history. In 1770, a king called Kahekili jumped from a cliff and then told his soldiers to do the same in order to prove how brave (29)... were! You might have seen people (30) . . TV cliff diving in a place called La Quebrada in Acapulco, Mexico. The dives there can be (31). . high as 35 metres. Depending on (32). . high the jump is, the divers will enter the water at really fast speeds. To avoid getting injured, they have to make sure they enter the water in exactly the right position. 49 50 Test 2 WRITING Test 2 WRITING Part 1 You must answer this question. Write your answer in about 100 words on the answer sheet. Question 1 Read this email from your English-speaking friend Robert and the notes you have made. Subject:[ Favourite food Hi, ‘Thanks for your latest email. Congratulations on being picked for the school football team! Have you played yet? Tell Robert I need your help. We're doing a project at school on eating habits in other countries. Do you prefer to eat with your family atthe table or infront of the TV?) J ‘And do you ever go out to eat with your family? If so, what kind of restaurants do you like to go to? Explain | have more questions! Can we chat online?. Write back soon! ~~ Write your email to Robert using all the notes. Tell Robert what you prefer Suggest a time Writing Part 2 of these questions. ‘answer in about 100 words on the answer sheet. notice in an English-language magazine. HAVE YOU GOT HOBBY OR INTEREST? Have you had this hobby for a long time? Do you do it at home or do you have to go somewhere? Write an article answering these questions and we will put it in our magazine. English teacher has asked you to write a story. ‘story must begin with this sentence. ‘to open the smallest present last of all story. Test 2 LISTENING Test 2 LISTENING Part 1 O Questions 1-7 For each question, choose the correct answer, 1. What time did the girl's mum make the appointment at the dentist? ‘g _— —“ =| ea eT aes 2 How has the boy's father been going to work this week? Which event is cancelled? a} Listening Wht does the woman say will be very busy at the weekend? How many cakes does the girl want to order? What has the mother stopped drinking recently? When does the teacher say he can meet the parents? 53 Test 2 LISTENING Part 2 Questions 8-13 For each question, choose the correct answer. 8 You will hear two friends talking about a new shop. What does the girl want to go shopping for? A. There is something special she wants to buy. B She needs to get a birthday present for someone. © She wants to see if she can buy something in a sale. 9 You will hear two friends talking about a football match. What does the boy say about the evening? ‘A. They need to be quiet while they're watching the game. B_ His mum has bought some snacks. C His dad won't be there. 10 You will hear two friends talking about the school holiday. The girl says ‘A they have to go to school on Friday. B she wants to plan some activities for the holiday. © she always gets bored on holiday. 11 You will hear a boy and his mother talking about the evening meal. The mother explains to her son that ‘A. she can't cook because she’s working late. B_ she doesn’t want the chicken to get cold. © she has the spices for the meal. 12 You will hear two friends talking about a mobile phone. What is wrong with it? A It won't connect to the Internet. B Itwon't switch on. © There's a fault with the battery. 13 You will hear two friends talking about a fast-food restaurant. What is the boy's opinion of it? ‘A. The online reviews weren't very good B It's quite cheap. © It's bit too far from school. 54 Listening Part 3 W 14-19 |. write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a '2man talking about activities at a youth centre. Kilbury Youth Centre Please bring (14) .. indoor skiing trip. ‘The workshop on playing the guitar will take place in the (15)... Make sure the room is (16) No more than (17) ‘We need club (18) ‘Meet next Wednesday to help us deliver the (19) ... .-if you are going on the when you leave, ina team for the quiz. . to help with the barbecue. Test 2 LISTENING Part 4 a) Questions 20-25 For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear an interview with a woman called Moira O'Neil, who helps students studying in the UK find a family to live with. 20 Moira says the young students she deals with ‘A. have never been abroad before. B will remember the family for the rest of their lives. © don't feel safe being on their own, 21. Most of the families Moira works with A. have younger children, B don't have lives that are very busy. © are single. 22 What does Moira say about students who are vegetarians? ‘A. They are not happy to have pets in the house. B They don't © Most like to live with other vegetarians. d if the family eats meat. 23 Moira says that families should A tryto learn the student's language. B offer more than food and accommodation. © make sure they know what the student wants from the family. 24 What can the family do to make the student feel at home? A Invite the student to a family celebration. B Give students a map of the local area. © Allow the student to eat in their room. 25 Moira says a family offering accommodation ‘A will need to have a computer the student can use. B_ will need to provide somewhere for the student to work. © should expect the student to keep their room clean and tidy. 56 est 2 SPEAKING and Model answers on pages 183-249. Speaking You are Candidate B. ‘Answer the questions Test 2 SPEAKING Things for a walking trip with the school

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