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Charge ordering in thin films: A

new form initiated by strain effects of

Cite as: Journal of Applied Physics 88, 3545 (2000);
Submitted: 25 January 2000 . Accepted: 01 May 2000 . Published Online: 30 August 2000

A. M. Haghiri-Gosnet, M. Hervieu, Ch. Simon, B. Mercey, and B. Raveau


Spectacular decrease of the melting magnetic field in the charge-ordered state of

films under tensile strain
Applied Physics Letters 77, 1023 (2000);

Evaluation of the strains in charge-ordered thin films using Raman spectroscopy

Journal of Applied Physics 104, 063508 (2008);

Microstructure and magnetic properties of strained thin films

Journal of Applied Physics 88, 4257 (2000);

Journal of Applied Physics 88, 3545 (2000); 88, 3545

© 2000 American Institute of Physics.


Charge ordering in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films: A new form initiated

by strain effects of LaAlO3 substrate
A. M. Haghiri-Gosnet,a) M. Hervieu, Ch. Simon, B. Mercey,
and B. Raveau
Laboratoire CRISMAT-ISMRA, CNRS UMR 6508, 6 Boulevard du Maréchal Juin,
14050 Caen Cedex, France
共Received 25 January 2000; accepted for publication 1 May 2000兲
The growth of 关101兴 epitaxial films of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 on LaAlO3 substrates has been achieved. The
structure, nanostructure, and magnetotransport properties are reported and compared to those of the
bulk material. The electron diffraction study evidences, at RT, a monoclinic cell with a⬇c
⬇5.4 Å, b⬇7.6 Å, and ␤⬇91°. The monoclinic distortion is assumed to be due to strain effects. At
92 K, a system of extra reflections is observed which implies an incommensurate modulated
structure. The component q of the modulation vector along a * ranges between 0.35 and 0.40. The
lattice images show that the modulation is established throughout the whole film. The q value
observed in the film is significantly lower than the one of the bulk material. This effect is correlated
to strain effects of the substrate, limiting the cell distortion induced by charge ordering. An unusual
insulating-ferromagnetic phase is observed with a critical temperature of 240 K, close to the T CO .
© 2000 American Institute of Physics. 关S0021-8979共00兲08415-2兴

I. INTRODUCTION transition. It is of importance to test the effect of the cell

parameters constrain 共at least, two of them兲 for a given com-
The properties of thin films of magnetic oxides are very pound, i.e., keeping unchanged the cation size and mismatch.
sensitive to the nature of the substrate, due to the strains, One of the signatures of the CO is the modulated superstruc-
which can be imposed by the latter.1–4 In this respect, the ture, which takes the phase below T CO in the Ln1-x Cax MnO3
colossal magnetoresistance 共CMR兲 manganites, for which compounds. Electron microscopy is a perfectly suited tech-
application-driven studies have been carried out on thin nique to characterize such structural phenomena. We focus
films5 these last years, are of great interest. The CMR prop- our attention on the structural and nanostructural features of
erties of those films can indeed be strongly influenced by a the film at room temperature, in one hand, and on the modu-
small distortion of the structure induced by the substrate. lation vector below T CO in the other. The effect of the strain
This may explain the large discrepancies sometimes ob- induced by the substrate is also analyzed from the magne-
served between the magnetotransport properties of bulk ma- totransport properties.
terials and thin films having the same composition.
The role of charge ordering 共CO兲, and its competition
with ferromagnetism 共FM兲 in the CMR properties of manga- II. THIN FILM DEPOSITION
nites, although well established, is so far not completely un- Dense targets of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 共PCMO兲 were synthe-
derstood. In the case of thin films, the influence of strains sized via the standard ceramic synthesis methods. CaCO3 ,
due to the substrate upon CO has not been investigated to MnO2 , and Pr6O11 were mixed in the appropriate ratios and
date, in spite of the important role of this phenomenon in the intimately ground using a semiplanetary ball mill. The pow-
CMR. The half doped manganite Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 , whose der was annealed at 900 °C for 24 h and then at 1100 °C for
structure and especially charge ordering properties have been 24 h, with intermediate grindings. The pellet was isostati-
extensively studied in bulk materials,6–9 can be used as a cally cold pressed 共900 kg cm⫺2兲 and sintered at 1220 °C for
model material for a thin film study of the charge ordering 72 h. To avoid crack formation during heating and cooling
substrate interaction. The advantage of this oxide is also that stages, slow temperature variation rates were used. The as
the calcium and praseodymium distribution should not influ- synthesized target is 5 mm thick and has a diameter of 2 cm.
ence the structure since these two cations have the same size. X-ray diffraction has been used to check the single-phase
We report herein on the growth, structure, and magne- nature of the target.
totransport properties of epitaxial films of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 The pulsed laser deposition 共PLD兲 apparatus is described
共PCMO兲 on LaAlO3 substrates. Since the temperature varia- elsewhere.10,11 Briefly, a Lambda Physics excimer laser:
tion of the substrate is small and linear, whereas bulk PCMO ␭⫽248 nm with a pulse rate of 3 Hz was used. The laser
exhibits a strong and rather abrupt distortion at the CO phase beam was focused to obtain a power density of 2 J/cm2. The
transition, the epitaxy should induce a modification of this substrate target distance is about 5 cm. Films were deposited
on single-crystal substrates of 关001兴 LaAlO3 , which was
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: held during deposition at constant temperature ranging from 540 to 620 °C in a dynamic vacuum of 0.3 mbar. Before

0021-8979/2000/88(6)/3545/7/$17.00 3545 © 2000 American Institute of Physics

3546 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 6, 15 September 2000 Haghiri-Gosnet et al.

for the bulk 共d 101⫽3.803 Å and d 020⫽3.82 Å兲, suggests that

a compression has been induced by the substrate in the film
plane, leading to an expansion along the perpendicular direc-
tion, in agreement with previous studies on manganites.1–4
The actual orientation of the film cannot be determined un-
equivocally from the x-ray pattern, as already shown for
other manganites crystallizing in the Pnma space group.12
The close relationships between lattice parameters of the
bulk material combined with the condition 0k0:k⫽2n, al-
lows two possible orientations of the film with respect to the
substrate plane to be proposed. Either the film is 关101兴 ori-
ented and the two observed reflections are 101 and 202 re-
flections or the film is 关010兴 oriented and the reflections are
020 and 040. The small difference between lattice param-
FIG. 1. X-ray diffraction of a Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 film grown on a LaAlO3
eters of the film with respect to those of the bulk does not
substrate. S denotes the reflections from LaAlO3 . allow us to decide between the two possibilities, but the elec-
tron diffraction 共ED兲 study allows the real orientation to be
determined without any ambiguity.
deposition, the optical quality substrates were ultrasonically For the electron microscopy 共EM兲 study, the samples
cleaned in acetone, then in alcohol, and were glued to the were prepared according to two different methods to get
heater block using silver paste. The temperature, which is complementary information. In the first one, the whole film
referred to as the deposition temperature, was measured via a was smoothly taken out from the thick part of the substrate
K-type thermocouple, mechanically attached to the heater and crushed without any ion milling. Characterizing many of
block close to the substrate. At the end of the deposition the as-obtained fragments gives a good idea of the crystalli-
process, the chamber was filled with 500 mbar of oxygen and zation, composition, domain size, and other microstructural
the heater block was cooled to room temperature at 20 °C/ information along the different crystallographic orientations
min. of the material. In the second one, a cross section was pre-
For the above conditions, 1000–1500 Å thick pared by ion milling. This technique provides essential infor-
Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 films were deposited on LaAlO3 . The x ray mation on the film/substrate interface and on the nature of
diffraction and electron microscopy characterization showed the film along the deposition axis; however, only the milled
that the films are well crystallized and single phased. area is characterized, contrary to the first method.
Four point resistance measurements were carried out as a The ED study, carried out with a JEOL 200CX electron
function of magnetic field and temperature. Contacts were microscope and energy-dispersive x-ray 共EDX兲 analyses
made to the films using thermal evaporation of silver through show that the film composition is homogeneous. Its actual
a mask; gold wires were then ultrasonically bounded to the cationic composition Pr0.5⫹⑀Ca0.5⫺⑀Mn is identical to that of
contacts. Temperature dependent four point resistance mea- the target in the limit of the accuracy 共⑀⫽0.02 is the maxi-
surements were performed using a Quantum Design PPMS mum observed deviation兲. The reconstruction of the recipro-
system, for temperatures ranging from 4 to 400 K in a mag- cal space, carried out by tilting around the crystallographic
netic field applied along the direction of growth and varying axes, confirms that the cell parameters are a⬇a p 冑2, b
between 0 and 7 T. Magnetization of the film was measured ⬇2a p , and c⬇a p 冑2. The intense reflections obey the
with a Quantum Design dc semiconducting quantum inter- hk0:h⫽2n and 0kl:k⫹1⫽2n conditions of reflections,
ference device for temperatures ranging from 4 to 400 K 共H which are consistent with those observed in the bulk mate-
in plane兲. rial. The 关101兴 and 关010兴 ED patterns are given in Figs. 2共a兲
and 2共b兲, respectively.
In order to determine the film orientation with respect to
the substrate, large areas of the film ⫹ substrate fragments
were examined. They show that the film is mainly 关101兴
The x-ray patterns registered at room temperature with a oriented 关Fig. 3共a兲兴 but 关010兴-oriented domains are locally
Seifert x-ray diffraction 共XRD兲 300 diffractometer, using present. The surface proportion of 关010兴 oriented domains is
Cu K ␣ 1 radiation shows that the best crystallized films are roughly estimated to be 10%. Note that such a 关101兴 orien-
obtained at 600 °C. A typical XRD pattern is shown in Fig. tation is in agreement with our previous results obtained for
1. Besides the two peaks labeled S, corresponding to the 001 other manganite films crystallizing with the Pnma space
and 002 reflections of the substrate, two other peaks are ob- group.12 The high-resolution electron microscopy 共see Sec.
served, which fit with perovskite-like reflections. They allow I V兲 showed that the width of these 关010兴-oriented domains is
us to calculate the thin film interreticular distances along the highly variable, from a few to several hundred nanometers.
direction perpendicular to the substrate plane. For films de- The ED patterns recorded with the electron beam per-
posited at 600 °C, this distance is refined to 3.85 Å and does pendicular to the substrate normal 共cross section兲 confirm
not vary with the temperature deposition in the range 540– that the film is mainly 关101兴 oriented. Figure 2共c兲 presents
600 °C. This value, significantly larger than those measured such a pattern where the substrate and film reciprocal planes
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 6, 15 September 2000 Haghiri-Gosnet et al. 3547

FIG. 3. Schematical representations of the majoritarily orientation of the

PCMO film on the substrate.

agreement with the 3.85 Å distance determined by XRD.

Thus, one observes the 关101兴 direction of the Pnma cell
(d 101⫽3.85 Å) perpendicularly to the substrate plane in
agreement with XRD. Taking into account the different ori-
entations of the film substrate and the cross section, the in
plane directions are 关101̄兴 and 关010兴, in agreement with the
observed parameters which are close to those of the substrate
共3.79 Å兲. The geometrical relationships between these differ-
ent parameters 关Fig. 3共b兲兴 determine that the cell is mono-
clinic. This distortion is clearly observed in the 关010兴 ED
patterns 关Fig. 2共b兲兴, which show that a⬇c⬇5.4 Å and
␤⬇91°. The theoretical parameters of a monoclinic cell, cal-
culated considering the relations d 101⫽3.85 Å, d 101¯
⫽3.79 Å, and 关101兴⬜关101̄兴 are: a⬇5.403 Å, b⬇7.58 Å, c
⬇5.403°, ␤⬇90°9, which perfectly fit with the experimental
Note that these calculations are carried out for a cubic
LaAlO3 , although the actual cell is slightly distorted 共rhom-
bohedral: a⫽5.357 Å and ␣⫽60°6兲. In fact, in the course of
our investigation, we did observe that the LaAlO3 single
crystals exhibit twinning domains, generated by this distor-
tion. The width of these twinning domains is on the order of
a few tens of nanometers. They do not influence the film
orientation, so that they have been neglected in the calcula-
tions, considering only the average as and bs parameters.
FIG. 2. 共a兲 关101兴 and 共b兲 关010兴 ED patterns of the PCMO thin film deposited The first important results of this ED characterization is
on LaAlO3 . 共c兲 Superposition of the film and substrate ED patterns of a the fact that the substrate transfers a strain to the epitaxial
cross section sample.
film. The Pnma structure type is retained but the
Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 film cell is monoclinic.13
are superimposed. The reflections in the rows parallel to the
substrate are very sharp, indicating a perfect matching be-
tween the film and the substrate along that direction, which is
关101̄兴 of the film and as of the substrate. Along the direction The HREM study was carried out with a TOPCON elec-
perpendicular to the substrate plane, one observes a weak tron microscope operating at 200 kV (C s ⫽0.4 mm) and
splitting of the high order spots; this indicates that the cs equipped with an EDX analyzer. The 关010兴 and 关101兴 images
parameter of the substrate 共3.79 Å兲 is slightly smaller than of this thin film are very close to those recorded for the bulk
the interreticular distance d101 of the as deposited film, in manganites, indicating that the average structure of the ma-
3548 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 6, 15 September 2000 Haghiri-Gosnet et al.

FIG. 4. 关101兴 HREM image of defective areas. The defective layers appear
as the rows of the brightest dots. The white arrows show example of defects
in the form of short segments. ‘‘0212’’ and ‘‘0223’’ indicate the local for-
mation of n⫽2 and n⫽3 members of the Ruddelsden–Popper series, re-
spectively. FIG. 5. 关010兴 ED pattern and corresponding dark field image recorded at
92 K.

共b兲 Two of these defects are often associated, separated

terial is similar to that of the bulk materials. An example of by two or three perovskite layers, and are often only locally
a 关101兴 HREM image is given in Fig. 4. In fact, the main stabilized 共see arrows and labels 0223 and 0212 in Fig. 4兲.
nanostructural difference between the film and bulk material 共c兲 Most of the defective boundaries do not extend over
is the formation of extended defects. This enlarged image the whole film along the direction perpendicular to the sub-
clearly shows that they consist of additional 关 AO兴 ⬁ layers strate, but run only over a few nanometers long and are ac-
共see white and black arrows in Fig. 4兲. They involve the commodated by the film without any drastic strain. This
formation of two adjacent 关 AO兴 ⬁ layers, ⬇2.3 Å spaced means that the structural mechanism of formation of addi-
along b and in which the A and O atoms are in staggered tional 关AO兴 layers is also engaged in the third direction,
positions, i.e., the local formation of one 关 (Ca,Pr兲O兴 ⬁ rock equivalent to the ap direction of the perovskite subcell.
salt 共RS兲-type layer. The intergrowth of RS layers and per- However, most of the crystals display very large areas
ovskite layers is a well-known structural mechanism, which with a perfect structure, the defective areas such as those
is the basis for the Ruddelsden–Popper series: shown in Fig. 4 being in fact uncomment events.
An⫹1 Mn O3n⫹1 . 14 It is also observed in bulk15–17 and film18
manganites. In our film, the tiny Mn deficiency evidenced by
the EDX analyses in the defective areas with regard to the
perfect matrix suggests that these RS layers are mainly built The ED study versus temperature and the bright/dark
up from Pr3⫹ and Ca2⫹ cations as illustrated by the huge field imaging were carried out with a JEOL 2010 EM fitted
number of manganites characterized by such intergrowth with a double tilt cooling sample holder 共⫾40°兲 for 92 K
structures. ⭐T⭐300 K. The sample was cooled down to 92 K in the
Several remarks can be made about the formation, dis- microscope, under a magnetic field estimated at 1.5 T. All
tribution, and frequency of these defects. the ED patterns were recorded at this temperature, with a
共a兲 The perovskite/RS intergrowths could, theoretically, constant current density, which is maintained during warm-
be formed along any one of the three equivalent ap axes of ing of the sample. The ED patterns of the 92 K form system-
the perovskite subcell. In fact, due to the 关101兴 orientation of atically exhibit additional reflections in incommensurate po-
the film and cell distortion, the defective layers are mainly sitions as observed in the inset of Fig. 5. Similar satellites
perpendicular to the b axis. Only short perpendicular defec- have been observed for the bulk composition.9,19 They are
tive segments are observed along 关101̄兴 forming small rect- the signature of the charge ordering between the Mn3⫹ and
angular islands of perovskite, bordered by perpendicular de- Mn4⫹ species and of the orbital ordering. However, the
fective RS layers 共see small white arrow in Fig. 4兲. modulation vector q which is parallel to a * is significantly
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 6, 15 September 2000 Haghiri-Gosnet et al. 3549

TABLE I. PCMO: parameters and inter-reticular distances 共in Å兲.

Bulk Film 共calculated兲

a⫽5.4052 (2) d 101⫽d 101¯ ⬇3.82 a⫽5.403 d 101⫽3.79

RT b⫽7.6064 (2) d 020⬇3.803 b⫽7.58 d 020⫽3.79
c⫽5.3949 (1) c⫽5.403 d 101¯ ⫽3.85
10 K a⫽5.4348 (2) d 101⫽d 101¯ ⬇3.843
b⫽7.4819 (2) d 020⬇3.741
c⫽5.4335 (2)

This is more important information and different hypoth-

eses can proposed to explain the significant differences be-
tween the bulk and film modulations. They are likely corre-
lated to either the oxidation state of manganese or strain
effects. Let us analyze the two effects.
Keeping in mind that the cation composition is
Pr0.5Ca0.5Mn, as in the bulk, the smaller q value of the modu-
lation vector could be due to the presence of excess of
Mn4⫹ . Concerning the excess Mn4⫹ , it has been shown that
if one considers the Ln1⫺x Cax MnO3 series, q decreases as x
increases and is approximately equal to 1⫺x, 19 so that if we
keep the ‘‘O3 ’’ stoichiometry, q⫽0.35 would correspond to
the formula Pr0.35Ca0.65MnO3 . Such a hypothesis is in con-
tradiction with the EDX analyses and consequently can be
ruled out. Another possibility would be the existence of cat-
ionic defects, symmetric on both A and Mn sites as for
LaMnO3 , 20,21 leading to the formula
(Pr0.5Ca0.5兲1⫺␦Mn1⫺␦O3 , with ␦⬇0.025. Although it cannot
be definitely ruled out, such a nonstoichiometry has not been
observed for bulk PrMnO3 and is still less probable when a
large amount of calcium is introduced into the structure.
Moreover the bulk phase Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 was not found to
be as sensitive to oxygen since an oxygen pressure of 100
FIG. 6. 共a兲 The magnetization of the film vs temperature measured with an
applied field of 1.45 T applied parallel to the film. The magnetization of the bar only reduced the q value to 0.44. Also taking into ac-
substrate was here subtracted. 共b兲 Evolution of the q vector vs T in the count the fact that the film deposition is made at rather low
Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 bulk sample 共open symbols兲 共Ref. 9兲. The black symbol oxygen pressure, the hypothesis of an overoxidation appears
corresponds to the q value measured in the film. 共c兲 Evolution of the cell to be less probable.
parameters of the bulk sample from neutron diffraction data from Ref. 8.
Let us now consider the distorted monoclinic cell of the
film, the average in plane parameter of the substrate (ā
⫽3.79 Å) and those of the bulk. At room temperature, as we
smaller than the one observed for the bulk material: it ranges discuss above, the strain effect is so intense that it involves a
from 0.35 to 0.40, instead of 0.48 for the ceramic. monoclinic distortion of the film, although the deviation
The dark field lattice images recorded at 92 K display a from ā⫽3.79 Å is 0.03 Å maximum 共see Table I兲. By cool-
system of gray and bright fringes 共Fig. 5兲 which provide ing the bulk sample, one observes 共Fig. 6兲 an abrupt increase
some interesting information. One indeed observes two in- of the d 101 (⫽d 101¯ ) and a coupled abrupt decrease of the b
terfringe distances, which correspond to two periodicities parameter of the bulk. On the contrary, the substrate param-
along a, namely 2 a p 冑2⬇10.8 Å and 3 a p 冑2⬇16.2 Å. The eter decrease is small and smooth. From RT observations,
fringe spacings are randomly distributed; this is consistent one should also note that the substrate prevents the evolution
with the incommensurate character of the modulation and the of the film parameter vs T. Such a ‘‘lock-in’’ will oppose the
q value 共intermediate between 0.5 and 0.33兲. The modulation structural transition to the charge ordering, which cannot be
is established throughout are observed fragments of the film. achieved, i.e., the full development of the CO which would
While warming the sample from 92 K up to room tem- induce the expected limit value q⬃0.5 (0.48) cannot be
perature 共RT兲, one observes that the intensity of the satellites reached.
decreases. Finally the satellites vanish at 220 K, which can If we superpose the q vs T curve with that of the param-
be considered as corresponding to the T CO temperature. At eters 共especially d 101 and b兲 in the bulk 共Fig. 6兲, we can
the same temperature, the magnetic susceptibility exhibits a observe that for a ‘‘lock-in’’ value of 3.79 Å 共and the per-
peak which is known to be characteristic of the charge or- pendicular direction slightly inferior to 3.85兲, the corre-
dering 共Fig. 6兲. sponding q value is close to 0.38 for a T close to 220 K. This
3550 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 6, 15 September 2000 Haghiri-Gosnet et al.

with a Curie temperature of 240 K. This strongly contrasts

with the case of the bulk compound which exhibits 共by neu-
tron scattering兲 a CE type antiferromagnetic 共AF兲 up to
170 K.
The number of ordered moments is difficult to determine
accurately in thin films because of the presence of a strong
additional paramagnetic background, which was subtracted
to obtain this figure. This also explains the relative uncer-
tainty of the absolute values of this curve. This ferromag-
netic component can be evaluated to about 1 ␮ B /Mn. In the
absence of any possibility of detecting an AF phase in thin
films 共the signal will be too small in both magnetization and
neutron scattering兲, the interpretation of these results should
be rather speculative.
There are several possibilities, such as:
FIG. 7. The resistivity of the film measured at 0 and 7 T with the field
applied perpendicular to the film.
共i兲 An electronic phase separation with the coexistence
of a metallic ferromagnetic phase 共observed in the magneti-
zation measurements兲 and a nonmetallic modulated phase
value of 0.38 fits the experimental one in the film. These 共observed in electron microscopy兲 exists, in which the me-
results clearly evidence the close relationship between the tallic phase does not percolate 共to explain the resistivity re-
in-plane cell parameters and the electronic instability, which sults兲.
is at the origin of the charge ordering.22 共ii兲 The ferromagnetic phase is in fact a phase that is
modulated and canted in which the antiferromagnetic com-
VI. MAGNETOTRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF THE ponent is not observed. This type of structural and magnetic
FILM ordering was not observed in any bulk manganites.
The resistivity of the compound is presented in Fig. 7
with and without 7 T applied perpendicular to the film. In VII. CONCLUSION
both cases, the behavior is semiconducting. This is similar to
The PLD deposition of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 films on LaAlO3
the behavior of the bulk sample in which a magnetic field of
substrates allowed us to obtain a strained Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3
28 T is necessary to collapse the charge ordering phase.23
structure in which the CO distortion cannot fully develop. As
Since the low temperature structure is very different
a consequence, the modulation vector q cannot reach 0.5 and
from that of the bulk sample of similar composition, the
the CE–AF cannot be obtained. Instead of that, an
magnetic properties should also be very different. In particu-
insulating-ferromagnetic phase was found with a critical
lar, the q value of the modulation vector 共0.38 instead of 0.5兲
temperature of 240 K.
is not compatible with the charge exchange 共CE兲 antiferro-
magnetism which imposed q⫽0.5. The magnetization mea-
surements 共Fig. 8兲 indeed present a clear FM component 1
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