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Gröbner Bases for Public Key Cryptography

Massimo Caboara, Fabrizio Caruso, Carlo Traverso

Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa

ABSTRACT Boo Barkee, Deh Cac Can, Julia Ecks, Theo Moriarty, R.
Up to now, any attempt to use Gröbner bases in the design F. Ree: “Why you cannot even hope to use Gröbner Bases
of public key cryptosystems has failed, as anticipated by a in Public Key Cryptography: an open letter to a scientist
classical paper of B. Barkee et al.; we show why, and show who failed and a challenge to those who have not yet failed ”
that the only residual hope is to use binomial ideals, i.e. (partially supported by Spectre)
lattices. The title of the paper is a bit misleading; it does not dis-
We propose two lattice-based cryptosystems that will show cuss the undoubtable possibilities of Gröbner bases in crypt-
the usefulness of multivariate polynomial algebra and Gröb- analysis, but only the use of Gröbner bases in the construc-
ner bases in the construction of public key cryptosystems. tion of a public key cryptosystem. More precisely, it just
The first one tries to revive two cryptosystems Polly Cracker shows how any attempt to exploit in a public key cryptosys-
and GGH, that have been considered broken, through a hy- tem the worst-case complexity of Gröbner bases is deemed
brid; the second one improves a cryptosystem (NTRU) that to fail, since computing a Gröbner basis and finding a nor-
only has heuristic and challenged evidence of security, pro- mal form are quite different problems; decyphering cannot
viding evidence that the extension cannot be broken with be more complex than encyphering, in a dense complexity
some of the standard lattice tools that can be used to break model, hence the worst case complexity cannot be used to
some reduced form of NTRU. prevent attacks to the cryptogram based on linear algebra
Because of the bounds on length, we only sketch the con- and partial Gröbner basis computation.
struction of these two cryptosystems, and leave many details The cryptosystem considered (or rather a cryptosystem
of the construction of private and public keys, of the proofs scheme) is the following:
and of the security considerations to forthcoming technical 1. The private key consists in a (multivariate) polynomial
papers. ring R = k[X], a term-ordering, and an ideal I given
through a Gröbner basis G with respect to the term-
Categories and Subject Descriptors ordering, and a set M of power products of R that are
in normal form mod I.
I.1.2 [Algorithms]: Algebraic Algorithms; E.3 [Data En-
cryption]: Public key cryptosystems 2. The public key consists in R, M and a finite subset
F ⊆ I. The term-ordering is not public.
General Terms 3. Messages are linear combinations with coefficients in k
Algorithms of elements of M .
4. A cryptogram c is obtained adding to a message m an
Pthe ideal generated by F , i.e.
In 1994 an article appeared in the Journal of Symbolic c = m + φi fi , φi ∈ R, fi ∈ F .
Computation [2], with a remarkable title, and an even more 5. Decyphering is done computing the normal form
remarkable set of authors: c ⇒G m.
∗Supported by MURST under the PRIN project “Agebra
Cryptosystems of this type should be called Barkee cryp-
commutativa, computazionale e combinatorica”. The re- tosystems, but are rather known as Polly Cracker [6], that
search has originated from the activities of the “Special
semester on Gröbner bases”, held in Linz at RICAM in 2006. originally identified a special subclass independently defined.
These are the concluding remarks of Barkee:
“The high complexity of Gröbner bases is in fact strictly
related with the existence of polynomials in an ideal whose
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for minimal degree representation in terms of a given basis is
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are doubly exponential in the degree of the basis elements. Since
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies such polynomials cannot be used as encoded messages, a
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to cryptographic scheme applying the complexity of Gröbner
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific basis to an ideal membership problem is bound to fail.
permission and/or a fee.
ISSAC’08, July 20–23, 2008, Hagenberg, Austria. “Is our reader able to find a scheme which overcomes this
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-904-3/08/07 ...$5.00. difficulty?
“In particular our reader could think (perhaps with some Since moreover the constants a and b can be seen as addi-
reason) that a sparse scheme could work. We believe (per- tional variables, we can restrict the discussion to binomials,
haps without reason) that sparsity will make the scheme eas- i.e. polynomials being the difference of two power products
ier to crack. We would be glad to test our belief on specific X α − X β , and we can even assume that in k[X]/I the vari-
sparse schemes.” ables are invertible, since this can be handled
Q e.g. adding
It turned out that many other scientists have failed in the one variable T and one polynomial 1 − T Xi .
subsequent years. A recent survey of Franziska Löw ben These assumptions allow to use alternative ideal represen-
Bezalel, Miss Mary Grace Marple, Theo Moriarty, Ludovic tations that do not restrict seriously the class of examples.
Poirot and Cabdulqadir Taher ElGarweyne [13] has shown
that the extreme sparsity is the common weakness of all the 2. LATTICE POLLY CRACKER
Polly Cracker cryptosystems. We detail here the argument,
that is only sketched in [13], and generalizes methods of 2.1 Binomial ideals and lattices
[11]. The argument is also reminescent of the “symbolic
Let I be a binomial ideal. We can associate with each
reduction” phase of the F4 algorithm [5].
binomial b = X α − X β ∈ I the vector vb = α − β ∈ Zn .
Remark that in the computation of the cryptogram c =
P Conversely, given an element v ∈ Zn define αi = max(0, vi ),
m + φi fi , representing polynomials as sum of monomials
βi = − min(0, vi ), and the binomial bv = X α − X β . Clearly,
and applying the distributive law, a finite set S (of moderate
vbv = v, while b = bvb b0 , where b0 is the GCD of the two
size) of monomials appears. If we can bound this support of
monomials of b.
the computation, we can reconstruct for each φi a set of
From a binomial ideal I we obtain a lattice, and from a
monomials containing their support. The φi can then be
lattice we obtain a binomial ideal; going from a binomial
reconstructed by linear algebra. Our aim is hence to find a
ideal I to the corresponding lattice and back, we obtain the
small set S 0 ⊇ S.
saturation I :∗ Xi = k[X, X −1] ]I ∩k[X], that is a binomial
We assume first that every polynomial of F , as well as
ideal. We call a binomial ideal saturated with respect to the
any other polynomial “easily” obtained from F has at least
variables a Lattice Ideal.
three monomials.
A lattice usually is defined as a free Abelian group with a
Because of the sparsity, i.e. the extremely low probability
scalar product. We are rather interested in full-rank integer
that a monomial appars in the support of a polynomial,
lattices, i.e. sublattices of Zn of rank n, and the scalar prod-
whenever we add a monomial multiple µ = xα fi of fi to an
uct is not used explicitly, hence may be changed depending
already constructed polynomial f , it is extremely unlikely
of the problem. The changes of coordinates in Zn have to
that more than one monomial of f and one of µ cancel; the
be unimodular, but not necessarily orthogonal.
exceptions should be part of the design, and in this case the
Given a set of generators of an integer lattice, i.e. a set
design itself has to be public, hence it is likely to introduce
of elements of Zn , we have a corresponding ideal generated
new types of attacks.
by the binomials corresponding to the vectors. This ideal
As a result, the new polynomial contains more monomials
might not be variable-saturated, but if the generating set
than f . This restrictsP the number of monomials in S (and contains a vector α such that all its components are posi-
of steps in the sum φi fi ).
tive, then the ideal contains X α − 1, and this shows that
We construct hence S 0 starting from the support of c, and
every variable is invertible in the quotient, hence the ideal is
enlarge it until we can reconstruct the φi .
variable-saturated, and corresponds to the ideal associated
In the cryptogram c, and hence in S 0 , there will be pairs
to the lattice.
of monomials that also appear in some xα fi ; we add to S 0
A term ordering defines a total ordering on the lattice,
the support of xα fi , and we continue until we succeed in
and a set of elements of the lattice is a Gröbner basis if the
decyphering via linear algebra, or until the procedure fails
corresponding set of binomials is a Gröbner basis.
to enlarge S 0 (or the resources are exhausted).
A Polly Cracker system based on a lattice ideal has some
This reasoning breaks if F contains monomials or binomi-
peculiarities. Since the normal form of a monomial modulo
als. In this case, a reduction may replace one monomial with
a binomial ideal is a monomial with the same coefficient,
another, or even with nothing; encyphering, one can perform
encyphering a polynomial is equivalent to encyphering its
long chains of reductions without exponential growth. An
monomials (no interaction can happen between the mono-
eavesdropper can only assume that every operation has one
element in common with the others, but this does not help:
Because of this, a Polly Cracker based on a lattice ideal
every reconstruction has multiple possibilities, and the pos-
can be seen without any reference to polynomials and ideals,
sibility of long simplification chains entail an exponential
hence we will speak of “Lattice Polly Cracker”.
reconstruction. But another idea is possible.
If F contains monomials or binomials, or if monomials 2.2 Quotient of lattices and normal forms
or binomials can be easily obtained from F , and moreover
the Gröbner basis of the ideal J generated by these “easy” Given a lattice L ⊆ Zn of rank n one wants to represent
monomials and binomials can be computed, instead of using the elements of Zn /L in a canonical form. There are three
k[X] and its monomials, we can use k[X]/J and its standard families of such normal forms:
monomials, and see everything inside it. The attack is hence
Minkowski normal form with respect to a basis B =
easier. n
P i } of the lattice. For a vector v ∈ Z , with v =
The only residual possibility is therefore that F itself is
composed of monomials and binomials, i.e. it is a 2-nomial P ai bi , the normal form is given by µB (v) = v −
āi bi , where āi = dai c, i.e. ai rounded to the near-
ideal (a 2-nomial is aX α + bX β ), and the Gröbner basis is
est integer. Instead of rounding, floor or ceiling can be
difficult to compute.
used, giving variants of the normal form.
Voronoı̈ normal form with respect to a metric. It asso- The GGH cryptosystem can be summarized as follows:
ciates v to the vector β(v) = v − v0 , where v0 is the • Choose V as {s, −s}n for a suitable s ∈ N.
lattice vector closest to v with respect to the metric (a
• Choose L through a basis B such that the elemnts of
sparring method has to be designed when the closest
V are in Minkowski normal form; B is the private key.
vector is not unique).
• Choose B 0 another basis of L as public key. Heuristics
Gröbner normal form with respect to a product-compat- are given to ensure that the elements of V cannot be
ible total ordering τ on Zn . The ordering has to have 0 reconstructed from µB 0 .
as minimum for Nn and is usually computed through a • A message is an element m ∈ L, and a correspond-
Gröbner basis G of L. It is denoted by γτ (v) or γG (v), ing cryptogram is an element c ∈ m + V , obtained
or simply γ(v), and is the τ -smallest positive element obscuring m through a random element v ∈ V .
equivalent to v.
A cryptogram c = m + v is decyphered computing its
It is sometimes useful to consider shifted Gröbner nor-
normal form µB (c) = v, and computing l = c − µB (c).
mal forms, γG,α (v) = γG (v + α) − α.
Any basis B 00 can be used to decypher, provided that most
elements of V are in Minkovski normal form, e.g. if B 00 is
The Minkowski and l2 -Voronoı̈ normal forms coincide if
“almost” orthogonal. The conjectured security of the cryp-
the basis is orthogonal with respect to the scalar product. If
tosystem relies on the difficulty of finding a basis that is
a basis is “almost orthogonal”, the Minkowski and Voronoı̈
almost orthogonal from a suitably generated B 0 .
normal forms may coincide too, on all elements or on a con-
The positions of v and m can be exchanged: take v as
trolled subset; the Minkowsky normal form is easy to com-
message, and add a random obscuring element in L. Clearly,
pute if one knows the basis. The Gröbner normal form is
retrieving v one can find l and conversely, so the two variants
(relatively) easy to compute if one knows the ordering and
are equivalent. See [15] for more details.
the Gröbner basis of the lattice with respect to the ordering.
This remark however (see also [15]) means that, when the
The problem is that the Gröbner basis is often very large,
message is given by v ∈ V , if m + v is sent, µB 0 (v) =
and its size may depend substantially on the ordering.
µB 0 (m + v) is easily computed. This shows that the ran-
An element of Zn is said to be standard if it coincides
domization effect of m is completely illusory: the cryptosys-
with its normal form. The cardinality of each standard set
tem is as (in)secure as the one in which the enciphering is
is of course the same, being the cardinality of the quotient,
done as c = µB 0 (m), without any randomization.
and it is equal to the absolute value of the determinant of a
Our description is not how the system was presented in
matrix whose columns are a basis of the lattice.
[8], where it is stated that decyphering is done through the
2.3 Lattice cryptosystems, GGH Voronoı̈ normal form, but since B and V are chosen in such
a way that they are the same, the two descriptions are equiv-
Many cryptosystems based on lattices have been defined
[17], but most have been broken, and/or are impractical,
GGH has been broken [16] using the fact that all the el-
they are hence a good company for Polly Cracker systems;
ements of V are congruent mod 2sZn ; this can be fixed
their attractive feature is efficiency, something that Polly
taking a different V , but overall the choice of parameters
Cracker can hardly claim. We will consider two such sys-
is so fragile that it was impossible to fix it maintaining the
tems, the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi (GGH) cryptosys-
practicability of the cryptosystem.
tem [8] in this section, and the NTRU cryptosystem [10]
The variant presented in [15] specifies for B 0 the Her-
in the next one.
mite Normal Form (HNF), hence reducing considerably the
Lattice cryptosystems try to exploit the NP-hardness of
length of the public key and the complexity of encyphering.
the SVP (shortest vector problem) and CVP (closest vec-
Since the HNF can be computed in polynomial time, this
tor problem) for lattices. SVP and CVP for the l1 norm
variant is as secure as the original form is.
can be easily reduced to the computation of a Gröbner basis
(SVP, approximated up to a factor of 2) or to the computa- 2.4 GB-GGH aka LPC
tion of the Gröbner normal form (CVP), with respect of a Using the Gröbner normal form instead of the Minkowski
term-ordering compatible with the metric,1 hence it is cryp- normal form for decyphering, and a different set V , we de-
tographically justified to try and use the Gröbner normal fine a cryptosystem that is both a variation of GGH and a
form in a lattice, in a way similar to GGH. bona fide Binomial Barkee cryptosystem, i.e. a Lattice Polly
1 Cracker. This could be called either GB-GGH, BinBarkee
Any binomial corresponds to a vector that has a l1 norm
that is the sum of the degree of the head and of the tail. or LPC (the last being our choice).
Since the ordering is degree-compatible, the degree of the Assume that we have a lattice L, a Gröbner basis G of
binomial is equal to the degree of the head, and is at least the lattice with respect to a term ordering τ , and a set V of
one half of the l1 norm, hence the smallest polynomial has elements in Gröbner normal form. Let B be a basis of the
at most twice the l1 norm of the l1 -smallest vector in the
lattice. lattice. We define the LPC cryptosystem as follows:
The normal form of an element α is the smallest positive • The private key is G, τ, L;
vector equivalent to it. To remove the positivity assump-
tion, add to every variable xi a variable yi , and equations • The set of messages is V ;
xi yi − 1; the normal form with respect to this ideal identifies • The public key is B.
the shortest vector equivalent to α, hence α − γ(α) is the
closest vector. • A message m is encyphered as c = µB (m);
This implies, of course, that computing the Gröbner normal • c is decyphered as γG (c) if γG (c) ∈ V , otherwise it is
form for a degree-compatible ordering in a full-rank integer decyphered as ERROR.
lattice is NP-hard.
One of the main difficulties in defining a LPC instance 2.5 Signing through LPC
is that to decypher one has to compute a Gröbner basis; The decyphering procedure for a lattice ideal can be used
in computing it, a term ordering has to be chosen, and to design a signature scheme, following the usual scheme of
the complexity varies wildly depending on the ordering: we proving the signer identity showing that he can decypher a
will see later that a Lex Gröbner basis of a full-rank lat- random message generated by a hash key. See also [8, 18].
tice of dimension n has n elements and can be computed in There is a small asymmetry between decyphering and
polynomial time, while the Gröbner basis with respect of a signing, caused by the need of concealing the shape of the
degree-compatible ordering of a generic full-rank lattice has staircase of the lattice ideal.
exponentially many elements (the doubly-exponential lower Let us recapitulate the situation. The public key allows to
bound [14] can only happen for lattices that are not of full compute the Minkowski normal form µ(x) of any element x,
rank). and the private key allows to find the Gröbner normal form
The definition of V rules out the possibility of using a Lex γ(x) of any element x.
basis (for suitable choices of V the elements are not in Lex For encyphering, one has to specify a subset M ⊆ Zn such
Gröbner normal form) that x ∈ M ⇒ γ(µ(x)) = x. This means that M has to be
This means that the lattice L should not be generic, and a subset of the elements in Gröbner normal form.
the ordering should be tailored to V and L; but the public For signatures, one has to commit to decypher (i.e. find
presentation B of the lattice should efficiently conceal the an equivalent element in a prescribed region) any element
information on the structure of L that could otherwise allow x; one has to choose a subset S ⊆ Zn where the signature
the computation of a Gröbner basis suitable for decyphering might lie, hence S has to be a superset of the elements in
by an eavesdropper. Gröbner normal form.
Remark that, while a Gröbner basis and γG require to fix One cannot take M = S = Can(I), the set of standard
a coordinate system to represent polynomials, µB is inde- monomials of the private Gröbner basis, since this would
pendent of the coordinates; publishing V however requires reveal informations essential to the security.
a coordinate system, not necessarily the same that is used One can instead take for M (resp. S) a subset (a superset)
to define G. of power products in which the degree of every variable is
We will start discussing the case in which the coordinates upper (resp. lower) bounded by the M IW (resp. M OW ).
are the same, will show that in this case the cryprosystem is We concentrate the discussion on encyphering, and only
insecure, and finally propose a setting in which a change of a few details on signature will be given.
coordinates makes the system more secure. The conclusion
is that an attack to retrieve the change of coordinates might 2.6 Trapdoor lattice ideals
break the cryptosystem, and we study how to make this
In a lattice Polly Cracker, (as in any other cryptosystem)
attack hard to complete.
there are two factors to consider: how to protect the private
The set V should be chosen to avoid to disclose informa-
key, and how to protect the message.
tion on the staircase of G and on the private coordinates.
The private key, that is a Gröbner basis used to decypher a
The natural choice is to define V as the set of monomials
message, should be of moderate size, and easily computable.
in which the degree of each variable is limited by a uniform
The knowledge of the lattice is not sufficient to produce the
bound a, i.e. the set Sa = {0, 1, . . . , a}n , or a subset, to
Gröbner basis: one has to choose the ordering, and start
avoid the possibility of some attacks. V of course has to
from a suitable set of generators (a basis of the lattice) and
be defined in the public coordinates, but has to be used in
of coordinates.
the private coordinates. This is the main difficulty in the
Because of the lattice description, standard lattice tools
definition of the cryptosystem.
can be used, notably the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovász lattice re-
We need that G have the property that every element
duction algorithm [12] and Schnorr’s modifications BKZ [19,
of V is in γg normal form. If there is no change of coor-
20]. These tools, when the dimension is small, can bring a
dinates, this means that there should be no element of G
basis of a lattice to a standard form, that is often conve-
whose leading term has all the variables with degree ≤ a.
nient for some attacks, possibly after choosing a suitable
If a change of coordinates is performed under some restric-
scalar product.
tions we can still safely bound V . We define the maximal
This implies that, to hope to be secure, the dimension of
inner width M IW (G) and minimal outer width M OW (G);
the lattice, hence the number of variables in the associated
M IW (G) = ming∈G (maxi degxi Lt(g)) and M OW (G) =
polynomial ring, has to be large, probably more than 100.
maxg∈G (maxi degxi Lt(g)) respectively. Large M IW allows
Gröbner bases of binomial ideals in hundreds of variables
to use G in encyphering, small M OW allows to use G for
are extremely large (at least exponential in the number of
variables) unless a very special structure is present, in the
LPC with a trapdoor lattice as described below is a Polly
ideal and/or in the ordering. This structure may make the
Cracker cryptosystem that appears to be resistant to the
Gröbner basis manageable, either in general or just for some
known message attacks. The question is whether we can
term ordering. For example, if an ideal is a sum of ideals
build a system that resists also to the attacks to the trapdoor
generated by polynomials in disjoint sets of variables, then
information. This requires a change of coordinates, that
the Gröbner basis will be the union of the Gröbner bases,
might in turn require the use of a shifted Gröbner normal
hence could be manageable with any term ordering.
We will construct ideals such that the Gröbner basis is
We remark that any Gröbner basis G0 with respect to any
relatively small only in a very restricted set of term orderings
term ordering and any coordinate system can be used for
and coordinates, and use this set as part of a trapdoor. A
decyphering, as long as V is composed of elements in γG0
set of coordinates is the other part of the trapdoor.
normal form, e.g. as long as M IW (G0 ) is sufficiently large.
While the protection given by a basis of the lattice is only
A01 0
„ «
marginal, the protection given by the ordering and the choice Since C 0 is non-positive, the leading terms of
of coordinates is much stronger. The dependence of the C 0 A02
Gröbner basis from these data is highly unstable, and small are the same as the leading terms of A01 , because the vari-
variations of the ordering can produce wild differences in the ables of the second block are infinitely small with respect to
size of the Gröbner basis. the variables of the first block; hence the multiplicity of the
A lattice Polly Cracker protocol requires to choose a set ideal generated by the leading terms of the binomials of the
of standard monomials, and not every Gröbner basis can columns of A01 is equal to the determinant of A1 (that is non
ensure that a given set of monomials is standard. zero). The same for A2 . The argument in [21] shows that
We use a block term ordering,2 with DegRevLex ordering the binomials are a Gröbner basis: adding a non redundant
inside of each block, and the key information is the partition element will decrease the multiplicity, that is bound to be
in blocks. A different partition and/or relative ordering of equal to the determinant, hence cannot be further reduced.
the blocks produces a Gröbner basis that is too hard to com- Remark that the Gröbner basis that we constructed may
pute, but, more importantly, it will usually be unsuitable to be non reduced. Reducing it is however simple, being equiv-
allow decyphering, having M IW too low. The blocks are alent to reducing the tail of every basis element.
only apparent in a specific set of coordinates, and, as we Remark also that M IW (L) = min(M IW (L1 ), M IW (L2 )
will show, can be detected with standard tools from the rest and M OW (L) = max(M OW (L1 ), M OW (L2 )
of the information in that set of coordinates. The change of All the arguments of course extend to twisted products of
coordinates is intended to lock this information. several lattices.

2.7 Twisted product lattices 2.8 Attacks to twisted product lattices

Given lattices L1 ⊆ Zn1 , L2 ⊆ Zn2 of full rank, a L ⊆ We show how to disclose a twisted lattice structure if the
Zn1 × Zn2 is called a twisted product of L1 and L2 if the coordinates are known up to the order (shuffled but not
projection of L into Zn1 is L1 and the intersection of L with changed). The attack often allows to find a Gröbner ba-
Zn2 is L2 . The ordering in Zn1 ×Zn2 is a product ordering if sis sufficiently similar to the original.
any element (v1 , v2 ) is positive whenever v1 is positive. We Remark that to break the private key it is not necessary
will show below how a Gröbner basis of a twisted product to recover exactly the twisted product structure, i.e. the
lattice can be computed. original decomposition. Any basis of the lattice would be
A twisted product „ lattice has« a basis being the columns OK provided that we a) can compute the Gröbner basis of
A1 0 the lattice with respect to an ordering; b) the basis computed
of a block matrix ; A1 , A2 are bases of L1
C A2 is able to decypher a message, i.e. all the elements of V , or
and L2 respectively. This basis will be private, and the at least a non irrelevant part of them, are in Gröbner normal
private coordinate system will be chosen compatibly with form.
the product structure; the public coordinate system will hide Indeed, any lattice in any coordinate system allows a
this structure, as we will see later. twisted product decomposition: it is sufficient to compute
Every full rank lattice of dimension larger than 1 allows a the column Hermite normal form; an invertible matrix in
decomposition as twisted product, (e.g. reducing a basis into Hermite normal form is a block decomposition in blocks of
Hermite normal form), but a random decomposition is un- size 1. However, when in Hermite normal form, the deter-
likely to be useful for the purpose of decyphering messages. minant is the product of the diagonal elements. Quite often,
We show that if A01 , A02 are matrices that describe Gröbner many diagonal elements are 1, and this will certainly happen
„ 0 of the« lattices L1 , L2 , then one can build a matrix if the original matrix has a determinant that is a product of
A1 0 few primes, e.g. if the original square matrices have prime
describing a Gröbner basis of L.
C 0 A02 determinant. But this also happens if the matrices are ran-
In order to simplify the description, we assume that A1 dom. Using the twisted lattice decomposition given by a
and A2 contain a column whose entries are all positive. This Hermite normal form has usually M IW = 1, and is hence
is always possible, because L1 , L2 are of full rank, the quo- unsuitable.
tient is finite, hence the lattice contains a vector whose co- We have thus discoverd an important fact: since a ma-
ordinates are all positive. In this case, the Gröbner basis of trix in Hermite normal form is in twisted lattice form, with
the lattice is the Gröbner basis of the ideal generated by the blocks of length 1, the Lex Gröbner basis can be straight-
columns of the matrix. forwardly computed, bringing with column elementary op-
0 00
Consider „ a matrix « M such that A1 M = A1 . „Let C« = eration every element off the diagonal to be negative.
A01 A1 In particular, assume that the lower right corner of the
CM . Then defines the same lattice as .
C 00 C matrix is m, and let z be the corresponding variable; this
Now we can find a matrix M 0 such that C 0 = A2 M 0 + means that z m − 1 is an element of the reduced Gröbner
„ has all«entries that are non-positive. The matrix basis of the lattice, and this means that z is an element of
A01 0 order m in the multiplicative group of k[X]/J, wher J is
once again generates the same lattice of
C 0 A02 the lattice ideal. This remark allows to compute the mul-
„ «
A1 0 tiplicative order of any variable, just putting the variable
. We want to show that this matrix represents as last one, and computing an Hermite normal form. This
C A2
a (non reduced) Gröbner basis of the lattice. method can be extended to any vector, through a change of
i.e. a partition of the variables is defined, and comparison More in general, from a basis of a lattice, one can compute
between monomials in different elements of the partition is the determinant, and the order of any element will be a
lexicographic divisor of the determinant.
Assume that we know that a lattice is a twisted product Up to now, we have strived for feasibility, making some
L1 × L2 . Then the elements of the second block will have reasonable assumptions and some experiments. These con-
order that divides the determinant of the block, while the clusions might be modified after closer security considera-
generic elements have order that divides the determinant of tions.
the lattice. In genericity conditions, this will allow to detect The Gröbner basis of a lattice of full dimension in n vari-
the block decomposition. ables with size of the random entries about 20 with De-
When the blocks of a lattice are identified, the attacker gRevLex ordering has size bounded (experimentally) by 3n ,
is in the position of finding a Gröbner basis of the lattice, and usually one is not far from the limit. The computation
with respect to a block ordering corresponding to the twisted is usually unfeasible for n > 12; n = 8 instead is fairly rapid,
product decomposition, exactly in the same position of the and the Gröbner basis has usually 4000–5000 elements.
designer of the private key. With these lattices a M IW of 20, and a M OW of 100 are
Protecting the block decomposition making it unreadable easy to obtain.
from the orders of the variables seems difficult, hence we Exhaustive search attacks can be performed to the highest
need to protect the coordinates in which we have the original and lowest block, so it is reasonable to protect them with
decomposition. This means that we have to publish the a larger size, while for the intermediate blocks a size of 4
lattice in a basis that is different from the basis in which the (that usually gives a Gröbner basis of size 30; sizes larger
private computations are performed. than 50 are unusual) seems instead reasonable. The size of
To fix the notation, let A be the block matrix, whose the exponents is of course bounded by the M OW .
columns are a basis of the twisted lattice. Changing the A total dimension of the lattice of 128 might be good,
basis, i.e. disclosing AR, R being a unimodular matrix, is although as low as 32 and as high as 512 do not differ much
not sufficient, we need to multiply it to the left too, by a in size of the resulting Gröbner basis, since the bulk of it
unimodular matrix S, obtaining SAR. We will moreover is given by the 10000 elements of the cornerstones; adding
need a shift vector s. This vector should be such that if 120 or 4000 elements for the middle blocks is not that much
m ∈ V then Am + s is in Gröbner normal form. different. The main difference is given by the increase of the
Consider now the enciphering of a message m ∈ V ; it intermediate exponents of the Gröbner reduction, but this
is encyphered as c = m + By, y being a suitable vector too can be tamed.
with integer coordinates, so that By is a lattice element. Of course, reducing a monomial by a basis of 10000 ele-
To recover m one computes the normal form of S −1 c + s = ments is not trivial. We have developed ad-hoc algorithms,
S −1 m + ARy; ARy is in the private lattice, and reduces to making special use of the elements with pure power head,
0, hence if S −1 m + C is in normal form, then m can be that are rather efficient; we can perform a reduction (i.e. a
retrieved through S(γ(S −1 c) − s). decyphering) in less than 1 second, with an unoptimized pro-
The highlighted condition shows that we cannot choose totype, and we hope to improve it at least 100 times with a
a generic unimodular S, we need to choose it carefully to- dedicated implementation. We don’t have (yet) a reasonable
gether with V and s. In practice, it turns out that the complexity estimate on decyphering.
construction of S is more difficult than the construction of We have concentrated on encyphering, it seems possible
the twisted lattice, since the security of the cryptosystem that for signatures the size of the private key can be consid-
relies on S, hence one can choose S and V first, choose s erably reduced, since a partial Gröbner basis is sufficient for
such that S −1 V + s is in the positive quadrant, then build signing, hence a private key of n2 bytes seems possible. The
the private lattice in such a way that S −1 V +s is in Gröbner complexity of signing does not seem however to be radically
normal form. improved with the partial basis.
The tuning of the construction might be delicate, since More technical details on the choice and its reasons will
a matrix S that is too sparse allows attacks to the private be contained in a forthcoming technical paper.
key through the Hermite normal form, while a generic ma-
trix S might allow attacks to the message through LLL and 3. IMPROVING NTRU
Minkowski normal form.
One still has to choose the matrix R. Following the advice 3.1 Introduction
of [15], we might represent the lattice in (column) Hermite
In this section we examine another cryptosystem, NTRU
normal form. However, we rather propose to represent it in a
[10] that can be attacked with lattice methods. NTRU is
slightly different form, defined as the Hermite normal form,
industrially used, but is considered at least with suspicion
but in which the elements off the diagonal are always nega-
for a series of weaknesses. We will show that with the use of
tive instead of positive, and their absolute value satisfies the
multivariate polynomial algebra, and of two Gröbner bases
same bound defining the Hermite normal form. In this form,
that are part of the private key, one can design an improve-
the basis of the lattice is a reduced Gröbner basis for the Lex
ment that considerably strengthens the cryptosystem with-
ordering, and with respect to this basis the Minkowski nor-
out seriously degrading the performance. In particular, the
mal form and the Gröbner normal form coincide, as it is
known lattice attacks to the private key are made impossible
easy to check. The difference is purely æsthetic: we have
since now the key construction has a trapdoor protected by
a cryptosystem in which the secret key and the public key
a private (instead of a public) lattice, and the attacks to the
are Gröbner bases of the same lattice, and encyphering and
message are made more difficult since the message now can
decyphering are made with the same algorithm.
have larger norm.

2.9 Twisted product lattices for Polly Cracker 3.2 Description of NTRU
The choice of lattices for the building blocks of Polly NTRU [10] is a not a lattice cryptosystem, it is a polyno-
Cracker has to be tuned considering efficiency and security. mial algebra cryptosystem allowing a lattice interpretation.
The reason is that if φ is a monic polynomial in Z[X] of of L is not much shorter than the vectors in a large subspace,
degree n, then A = Z[X]/(φ) is isomorphic (as Z-module) and the standard algorithms in that case either do not work
to Zn , and ideals of A can be seen naturally as sublattices or have high complexity.
of Zn . One can remark that the security of the private key relies
In the case of NTRU, φ = X n − 1. This means that on having f and g of sufficiently large norm, the security
multiplication by X is a cyclic permutation of the canonical of the message relies on having r and m sufficiently large,
basis of Zn , and that an ideal is a lattice invariant by this but if they are too large then gr + f m is no longer mod-
action of the cyclic group. erate, hence the message cannot be decyphered. If one has
The setup of NTRU is given by n, two elements q, p of to preserve decyphering, strengthening the key weakens the
A that are coprime (i.e. that they generate (1) in A; to message, and conversely. The path to preserve both is nar-
simplify the description, q is a prime number in the range row, and might require to increase n, hence message length
100-500 and p is 2 or 3, but different choices are possible). and encyphering/decyphering costs.
A polynomial in Z[X] is called small if its coefficients are
at most p/2 in absolute value, and its support is “small” 3.4 GB-NTRU
(the bound depends on the setting and the context, it may Clearly, it is possible to use multivariate polynomials in-
be different for polynomials used differently); it is called stead of univariate in NTRU. This gives no substantial ad-
moderate if its coefficients are smaller than q/2 in absolute vantage, but is essential for our extension. Because of the
value. dimension of A it is unreasonable to use more than 4 vari-
The private key is composed of two small polynomials f ables, and reasonable examples with more than 2 variables
and g, both invertible mod q and with f also invertible mod are exceptional, so we limit the description to 2 variables.
p. The inverses are fq−1 , fp−1 respectively (the inverse of g The ring A will be Z[X, Y ]/(X n1 − 1, Y n2 − 1). In our
is never used). The public key is h = gfq−1 . A message is extension we will need n1 = n2 , so to simplify notations we
a small polynomial m, and is encyphered into a cryptogram take directly n = n1 = n2 . Everything else is unchanged,
c = phr + m mod q, where r is a random small polynomial. except that the lattice is invariant under a group that is not
The parameters are chosen to ensure with high probability cyclic.
that pgr + f m is moderate. One might also consider polynomials different from X n −1,
Decyphering is done as follows: compute f c ≡ pgr + f m but, with the exception of X n + 1, multiplication by X is
and represent it mod q as a moderate polynomial φ ∈ A. not an isometry, and this would just make decyphering much
Assuming that prg + f m is moderate (and this is at least more difficult.
probabilistically granted by the size of the support) then The basic idea of our extension, that we call GB-NTRU,
φ ≡ f m mod p, hence fp−1 φ ≡ m mod p, and because m is is to use a different lattice for encyphering and decyphering;
small it is recovered from its value mod p. more precisely, we define an ideal I ⊇ (X n − 1, Y n − 1)
If p = 2 the only change needed is that the message m is a and keep it secret. It will be used for key creation and
polynomial with coefficients in {0, 1} but, before encypher- decyphering, while the public key is undistinguishable from a
ing, the signs are randomly assigned.3 (bivariate) NTRU public key, and encyphering is performed
in the same way.
3.3 NTRU Lattice attacks Disclosing the private ideal will allow the classic attacks
NTRU can be attacked interpreting its operations in a to NTRU, hence it is vital that exhaustive search for ideals
sublattice of A × A, see [10, 4]. Consider the sublattice L of containing (X n − 1, Y n − 1) in Z[X, Y ]/q is unfeasible; and
A × A generated by (q, 0) and (h, 1). This lattice has dimen- maximizing the number of such ideals just means that xn −1
sion 2n and determinant q n , hence the shortest vector has splits in linear factors in Z/q, i.e. n should divide q − 1.

norm comparable to q, and because of the symmetry there This condition, combined with the condition that q be
is generically a space of dimension n of vectors of minimal smaller than the length of messages (that will be used later)
length. shows that an univariate GB-NTRU is inferior, as well as a
Since f h ≡ g mod q, the lattice contains (g, f ), that is bivariate GB-NTRU with n1 6= n2 .
(because of the smallness of f and g, required to make de-
cyphering highly probable) an element of minimal norm in 3.4.1 Choosing the private ideal
the lattice L. Lattice reduction algorithms are likely to find Under the condition that q is prime and n | (q − 1), any
(g, f ), and indeed some early variants with smaller length ideal of Z/q[X, Y ] containing (X n − 1, Y n − 1) corresponds
have been broken with this method. to a subset S of the set of points (x, y) such that xn =
This attack, if successful, recovers either the private key, y n = 1. A point (x, y) corresponds to the ideal I(x,y) =
or an equivalent key; a similar attack can be attempted to (X − x, Y − y) ofTthe polynomials vanishing in (x, y) and
recover a message, since (ph, r) is the lattice closest vector S corresponds to (x,y)∈S I(x,y) ; moreover (X n − 1, Y n − 1)
(under a suitable norm) to (c, 0). In turn, it is likely that itself corresponds to the set Sn of all solutions of (X n −
the closest vector problem can be solved through the shortest 1, Y n − 1). We will rather use a complementary notation,
vector problem in the sublattice of A × A × Z generated by indicating JT = ISn \T .
L and (c, 0, 1). The shortest vector itself is assumed to be The ideal JT /(q, X n −1, Y n −1) is a vector space of dimen-
(m, r, 1). sion equal to the cardinality of T , and a basis is composed
The attack does not work in practice for the suggested of (X n − 1)(Y n − 1)/(X − x)(Y − y) where (x, y) ∈ T .
parameters, because, fine-tuning them, the shortest vector
Thy need to be deterministically assigned if one wants to
3.4.2 Preparing the public key
reconstruct r; in our extension this is needed to avoid some The preparation of the public key is simple, but good
chosen cyphertext attacks. working keys are not easy to find. If a key works well or
not has to be checked after the preparation, and depends on not satisfy the bounds) one can use the Babai closest plane
the sublattice of the ideal JT . algorithm CPA, [1], but this is usually much more expen-
We choose random small polynomials f and g in A that are sive, and should be avoided if possible; hence only keys for
invertible mod JT . This means that f and g do not vanish which the need of using the CPA has experimentally low
on any point of Sn \ T . The size of the support of f and g probability should be used.
is for now left undetermined, and will be discussed later. From now on, everything proceeds like in NTRU: let h00 be
We check that f is invertible mod p too (the case in which the candidate computed above, reduce h00 mod p, multiply
this assumption is relaxed will be discussed later). by fp−1 ; the result will be m, unless some of the conjectures
Although we have discussed T before f and g, it is useful (the fact that α is the closest vector and that gpr + f m is
to choose f and g first, and T after them. The point is that moderate) are false. But as in NTRU we can tune the pa-
f is invertible mod JT if and only if any zero at a point of Sn rameters to ensure that the conjectures are true with high
is contained in T , so choosing T after f and g makes more probability. At the end, it is advisable to reconstruct r
likely that f and g have roots, and this might be useful. and m, and check that they satisfy the specifications. This
We now build f 0 , g 0 ∈ A, f 0 ≡ f and g 0 ≡ g mod JT ; this might identify decyphering errors, and allow to avoid chosen
means that we add to f, g a random element of JT , and we cyphertext attacks.4
impose that f 0 , g 0 are invertible mod Sn . Now f 0 , g 0 are no
longer small, we compute a moderate polynomial h ≡ f 0−1 g 0 3.5 When fp is not invertible
mod q, and h will be the public key. In some case (for some choices of n and p) it is very difficult
We have to check that the combination of the public key to ensure that a random polynomial is invertible mod p.
with the private key, consisting of (T, f, g), allows decypher- This happens in particular when the splitting field of X n − 1
ing. has low degree over Z/p.
Retrieving f 0 , g 0 or f, g from h through a short element in In that case, identify an ideal J 0 ⊆ A such that f J 0 ⊆
the NTRU lattice is no longer possible, since (g 0 , f 0 ) is not pA—one can take pA : (f ). Then f will be invertible mod
short, and (g, f ) is not in the NTRU lattice: (g, f ) is in a J 0 , the decyphering computations will be mod J 0 instead of
larger lattice that is private, i.e. JT , and if T is sufficiently being mod p.
large, then exhaustive search is impossible. The deciphered polynomial is ambiguous, but restricting
One can always find a T 0 such that h can be factored as a the support of m to a subset of monomials independent mod
product of small polynomials mod JT 0 , but usually with T 0 J 0 , the ambiguity is solved. In practice, this means forbid
too large to give a key allowing decyphering. the few largest monomials, and can be integrated in the
protocol to avoid disclosing informations on f .
3.4.3 Encyphering
Encyphering is done like in NTRU: a message is a small 3.6 Parameters for GB-NTRU
polynomial m, r is a random small polynomial and m is The need of having n prime, n|q and a preference for q <
encyphered as c = phr + m. n2 to increase the message security considerably limits the
Now although we have the same encyphering of NTRU, it set of acceptable n, q pairs.
can be made more robust. We have remarked that the larger We have experimented a few settings; we limited ourselves
is the support of r and m, the more difficult it is to break to two settings, that has proven to be reasonable, for exten-
the message through the NTRU lattice. But in NTRU one sive testing. We chose q = 131 or q = 157, n = 13, p = 2,
cannot increase the support without either weakening the |T | = 8, size of the support of f and g equal to 11 and of
key or making decyphering failures more likely, or even de- the support of r equal to 60. With these choices the density
cyphering almost always impossible. In GB-NTRU instead of successful keys is more than 1/1000. For each a large set
the strength of the public key lies in the private lattice, and of messages have been tested for robustness, and all have
the support of f and g can be kept very small, just what is shown to resist the standard attacks.
needed to protect the private lattice from exhaustive search While GB-NTRU does not improve NTRU with respect
attacks. This allows to increase the support of r and m to provable security, it seems to allow shorter block lengths.

in such a way that (pgr, f m, 1) has norm larger than q, Bivariate polynomial arithmetic in degree n has the same
hence is not a shortest vector in (q, 0, 0), (h, 1, 0), (c, 0, 1). cost as univariate polynomial arithmetic in degree n2 , hence
This means that the attacks to the message will be harder the size of the public key and the cost of enciphering only
than in the original NTRU, hence the same level of security depend on the block length, that is reduced. There is some
might be obtained with shorter lengths. loss of performance because the arithmetic with respect a
prime modulus q is marginally more costly than arithmtic
3.4.4 Decyphering modulo 2m , that is the suggested choice for q in NTRU,
The receiver now has c = ph + m and wants to find m. He but this too is compensated by the shorter block length.
computes f c ≡ gpr + f m mod JT , hence f c = gpr + f m + α, Deciphering is however more costly, and we have not yet
α ∈ JT . α is unknown to the receiver, since it depends on r, tested in deep the probability of decyphering failures, that
and h0 = gpr + f m + α is not moderate (while gpr + f m is— are harder to analize for GB-NTRU than for NTRU.
conjecturally—moderate). We try to guess α, conjecturing
that α is the closest vector to h0 of JT (seen as lattice). If we This is a sketch of a chosen cyphertext attack, and how
have a “good” basis of JT , and this can be checked at key cre- reconstructing the random element used in encoding will
counter it: let c be a cyphertext, and let α = (X n − 1)(Y n −
ation, the closest vector can usually be determined through 1)/(X − a)(Y − b); then (a, b) ∈ T ⇔ c and c + α are
the Minkowski normal form (Babai Round-off algorithm). If decyphered in the same way; this would allow to recon-
JT is not sufficiently good, or anyway the decyphering fails, struct the private ideal, testing all the points. If instead
(this means that h00 = h0 − α, the candidate gpr + f m, does r is checked, c + α is recognized as invalid.
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