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In April 2021, Parliament passed the ‘Government of National

Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD) (Amendment) Act, 2021’. Who
should be informed for all executive actions in Delhi, as per the Act?

अप्रैल 2021 में, संसद ने ददल्ली सरकार के राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र (GNCTD)
(संशोधन) अदधदनयम, 2021 को पाररत दकया। अदधदनयम के अनुसार, ददल्ली
में सभी काययकारी कायों के दलए दकसे सूदित दकया जाना िादिए?

A. Chief Minister/ मुख्यमंत्री

B. Home Minister/ ग्रि मंत्री
C. President of India/ भारत के राष्ट्रपदत
D. Lieutenant Governor/ उपराज्यपाल
• ‘Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD)
(Amendment) Act, 2021’ came into effect on April 27, 2021.
According to the legislation, the ‘Government’ in Delhi means the
‘Lieutenant Governor’ and the elected government of New Delhi
have to seek the opinion of the Lieutenant Governor before
taking any executive action.
About UT of Delhi

• Chief Minister – Arvind Kejriwal

• Governor – Anil Baijal

2. Where does Border Roads Organisation (BRO) construct

roads through its oldest project ‘DANTAK’?

सीमा सड़क संगठन (BRO) अपनी सबसे पुरानी पररयोजना

’DANTAK’ के माध्यम से सड़कों का दनमायण किााँ करता िै ?

A. Nepal/ नेपाल
B. Bhutan/ भूटान
C. Myanmar/ म्ांमार
D. Bangladesh/ बांग्लादे श
• Oldest projects of the Border Roads Organisation (BRO),
Project DANTAK established on April 24, 1961 by His Majesty
the Third King and then Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru
has completed 60 years. This project was aimed at
constructing motorable roads in Bhutan.

• India is Bhutan's largest trading partner

3. Which is the 1st country in the World to regulate Self-driving
cars at slow speed on the motorway?

मोटरमार्ग पर धीमी र्ति से ड्राइत िंर् कारोिं को त तियतमि करिे ाला त श्व
का पहला दे श कौि सा है ?

A. United States of America/ सिंयुक्त राज्य अमेररका

B. Germany/ जमगिी
C. France/ फ्ािं स
D. United Kingdom/ यूिाइटे ड् तकिंर्ड्म
The United Kingdom(UK) government became the first country
in the globe to permit self-driving cars on motorways after the
announcement of its plan on April 28, 2021, to regulate the use of
self-driving vehicles at slow speeds on motorways.
4. In April 2021, ________ became the 3rd largest IT firm in India,
while it also announced to achieve Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
emissions by _________.

अप्रैल 2021 में, ________ भारत में तीसरी सबसे बड़ी आईटी फमय बन गई,
जबदक उसने _________ द्वारा नेट-जीरो ग्रीनिाउस गैस (GHG) उत्सजयन को
प्राप्त करने की भी घोषणा की।

A. HCL Technologies, 2050

B. Tata Consultancy Services, 2030
C. Wipro, 2030
D. Wipro, 2040
• Wipro Ltd regained its position of 3rd-largest Indian IT
company by market capitalization(market-cap) of Rs 2.65
trillion by surpassing Noida-headquartered HCL Technologies’
Rs 2.62 trillion market cap. On Earth Day, Wipro, the IT
software major announced its plan to achieve Net-Zero
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 2040.
5. Which are the 2 Indian Companies that were listed among the TIME
Magazine’s 1st-ever list ‘TIME 100 Most Influential Companies’?

2 भारतीय कंपदनयााँ िैं दजन्हें TIME मैगजीन की सूिी 'TIME 100 सबसे
प्रभावशाली कंपदनयों' में सूिीबद्ध दकया गया?

A. Jio Platforms & Unacademy

B. Unacademy & Byju’s
C. Bharti Airtel & Jio Platforms
D. Jio Platforms & Byju’s
• Reliance Industry Limited’s (RIL) technology wing Jio
Platforms and e-learning startup Byju’s have made it to the
TIME Magazine’s first-ever list ‘TIME 100 Most Influential
6. Who was appointed as the Finance Secretary of India in April

अप्रैल 2021 में भारत के दवत्त सदिव के रूप में दकसे दनयुक्त दकया गया

A. Ajay Bhushan Pandey/ अजय भूषण पांडे

B. Ajay Seth/ अजय सेठ
C. T V Somanathan/ टी वी सोमनाथन has sign of finace secretary
rest all notes RBI govorner

D. Debasish Panda/ दे बाशीष पांडा

• The Expenditure Secretary T V Somanathan was recently
appointed as the Finance Secretary by the Appointments
Committee of the Cabinet. He will succeed Ajay Bhushan
7. ___________ successfully conducted the maiden trail of the
Short Range Air-to-Air Missile ‘Python-5’ at __________.

1.DRDO, Rajasthan/ ड्ीआरड्ीओ, राजस्थाि

2.DRDO, Goa/ ड्ीआरड्ीओ, र्ो ा
3.ISRO, Goa/ इसरो, र्ो ा
4.HAL, Goa/ एचएएल, र्ो ा
• Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
successfully conducted the Maiden trial of 5th Generation
Python-5 Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) in Goa. The
missile would add to the air-to-air combat capability of India’s
Indigenous LCA Tejas (Light Combat Aircraft).
• Python-5 is Air-to-Air Missile of Israel origin to be integrated
on Tejas Aircraft.
8. Which country recently launched ‘Tianhe’ the core module of
“Tiangong Space Station” along with ‘NEO-01’ a Space debris
cleaning robot?
दकस दे श ने ’NEO-01’ के साथ “दतयानगॉन्ग स्पेस स्टे शन” का मुख्य
मॉड्यूल “दतयानिे ” लॉन्च दकया, जो अंतररक्ष में मलबा साफ करने
वाला रोबोट िै ?
A. China/ िीन
B. Japan/ जापान
C. South Korea/ ददक्षण कोररया
D. Israel/ इजराइल
• China National Space Administration (CNSA) launched the
Core Module named ‘Tianhe or Heavenly Harmony’ for its
new permanent space station called ‘Tiangong Space Station’.
• Along with the Tianhe Module, ‘NEO-01’, a robot prototype
for cleaning space debris in Low Earth Orbit was also
launched. The robot is designed by Origin Space, a Chinese
Space Mining Company.
• At present, the only current space station in orbit is the
International Space Station (ISS), which is set to be retired
after 2024.
9. Who won individual recurve gold medals in the Archery World
Cup Stage 1 in April, 2021?

अप्रैल 2021 में तीरं दाजी दवश्व कप स्टे ज 1 में व्यक्तक्तगत ररकवय स्वणय
पदक दकसने जीता?

A. Atanu Das/ अतनु दास

B. Deepika Kumari/ दीदपका कुमारी
C. Tarundeep Rai/ तरुणदीप राय
D. Both 1 & 2 दोनों/ 1 & 2
• Atanu Das and Deepika Kumari won the men and women
individual recurve gold medals respectively in the Archery
World Cup Stage 1 in Guatemala on April 25,2021.
10. Who edited the book, “Interpreting Politics: Situated
Knowledge, India, and the Rudolph Legacy”?

पुस्तक, “Interpreting Politics: Situated Knowledge, India, and the

Rudolph Legacy” का संपादन दकसने दकया?

A. John Echeverri-Gent/ जॉन एिेवेरी-जेंट

B. Susanne Rudolph/ सुसान रुडोल्फ
C. Kamal Sadiq/ कमल साददक
D. Both 1 & 3/ दोनों 1 & 3
• The new book titled “Interpreting Politics: Situated
Knowledge, India, and the Rudolph Legacy” pays tribute to
the Padma Bhushan award winners Lloyd and Susanne
Rudolph who elaborated the seminal insights about Indian
• The book was edited by John Echeverri-Gent and Kamal

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