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What was India’s Natural Gas production in FY21 as per the

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas?
पेट्रोलियम और प्राकृलिक गैस मंत्रािय के अनुसार FY21 में भारि का
प्राकृलिक गैस उत्पादन क्या था?

A. 15.93 BCM
B. 28.67 BCM
C. 30.50 BCM
D. 44.48 BCM
• According to the data of the Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas(MoPNG), the crude oil production of India fell by
5% to 30.5 million tonnes in FY21 from 32.17 million tonnes in
2019-2020. The data also shows that Natural Gas production
has also fallen by 8% to 28.67 billion cubic metres (BCM) in
FY21 from around 31BCM in FY20.
2. What was India’s GDP growth for 2021 as per the recent
projection of Oxford Economics?

ऑक्सफोर्ड इकोनॉलमक्स के हालिया प्रक्षेपण के अनुसार 2021 िक

भारि की जीर्ीपी वृद्धि क्या थी?

A. 11.8%
B. 12.5%
C. 10.2%
D. 8.67%
• Oxford Economics, Global forecasting firm has revised down
India GDP growth forecast for 2021 from 11.8% to 10.2%.
3. Which organisation launched the 1st of its kind initiative
‘Restore Fund’ worth $200 million to remove carbon from the
वायुमंर्ि से कार्डन लनकािने के लिए लकस संस्था ने अपनी िरह की
पहि “पुनस्थाडपना लनलि” $ 200 लमलियन की िॉन्च की?

A. Apple/ एप्पि
B. Microsoft/ माइक्रोसॉफ्ट
C. Google/ गूगि
D. SpaceX/ स्पेसएक्स
Apple in partnership with Conservation International and
Goldman Sachs launched a first-of-its-kind carbon removal
initiative called the Restore Fund of $200 million, to make
investments in timber-producing forest properties to remove
carbon from the atmosphere and in turn generating a financial
return for investors.
4. Who recently became the Chairman of Bajaj Auto?

हाि ही में र्जाज ऑट्ो के अध्यक्ष कौन र्ने?

A. Sanjiv Bajaj/ संजीव र्जाज

B. Rishab Bajaj/ ऋषभ र्जाज
C. Jamnalal Bajaj/ जमनािाि र्जाज
D. Niraj Bajaj/ नीरज र्जाज
• Bajaj Auto has named Niraj Bajaj, the non-executive Director
of Bajaj Auto as its new chairman. He will succeed Rahul
Bajaj with effect from 1st May 2021.

• The company has also named Rahul Bajaj as Chairman

Emeritus for a period of 5 years with effect from 1st May 2021.
5. Who became the 1st Indian-American Associate Attorney
General of the United States?

संयुक्त राज्य अमेररका के पहिे भारिीय-अमेररकी एसोलसएट् अट्ॉनी

जनरि कौन र्ने?

A. Vivek Murthy
B. Gautam Raghavan
C. Vanita Gupta
D. Kristen Clarke
• Indian-American Vanita Gupta has been appointed Associate
Attorney General of the United States.

• With this she became the first Indian-American to serve in this

6. Name the rover that produced Oxygen from Mars using an
instrument called ‘MOXIE’.

MOXIE ’नामक उपकरण का उपयोग करके मंगि से ऑक्सीजन

उत्पन्न करने वािे रोवर का नाम र्िाइए।

A. Curiosity
B. Pathfinder
C. Opportunity
D. Perseverance
NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Rover
‘Perseverance’ landed on Mars in February, 2021. It has
produced Oxygen from Mars using an instrument called
‘MOXIE’ – Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization
Experiment. It is the 1st time that Oxygen is being produced on
another planet.
7. Who won the gold medal in 50m backstroke swimming with a
National record timing at the Uzbekistan Open Championship?

उज्बेलकस्तान ओपन चैद्धियनलिप में राष्ट्रीय ररकॉर्ड समय के साथ 50

मीट्र र्ैकस्ट्र ोक िैराकी में स्वणड पदक लकसने जीिा?

Srihari Nataraj/ श्रीहरि नटिाज

Sajan Prakash/ साजन प्रकाश
Kushagra Rawat/ कुशाग्र िावत
Virdhawal Khade /वविधवाल खाडे
Indian swimmer Srihari Nataraj won his 2nd Gold in 50m
backstroke swimming and made a national record in the
Uzbekistan Open Championship.
8. Who authored the e-book “Climate Change Explained – For
One And All”?

ई-र्ुक "क्लाइमेट् चेंज एक्सप्लेन - फॉर वन एं र् ऑि" के िेखक कौन

हैं ?

A. Licypriya Kangujam/ िाइसेंसलप्रया कंगुजम

B. Disha Ravi/ लदिा रलव
C. Ravish Kumar/ रवीि कुमार
D. Aakash Ranison/ आकाि रालनसन
• The e-book titled “Climate Change Explained – For One And
All” authored by climate activist-author, Aakash Ranison was
released on the occasion of Earth Day 2021.

• The book is focused on topics like climate change and its effect
on the lives of individuals.
9. Which organisation annually celebrate the International Jazz
Day on 30th April?

कौन सा संगठन सािाना 30 अप्रैि को अंिराडष्ट्रीय जैज लदवस मनािा

है ?

A. International Theatre Institute अंिराडष्ट्रीय रं गमंच संस्थान

B. International Music Council अंिराडष्ट्रीय संगीि पररषद
C. UNESCO यूनेस्को
D. Intercultural Theatre Institute इं ट्रकल्चरि लथएट्र इं स्ट्ीट्यू ट्
• International Jazz Day is annually observed across the globe
on 30th April to highlight jazz and its diplomatic role in
uniting people across the globe. The year 2021 marks the 10th
anniversary of International Jazz Day.

• The International Jazz Day is celebrated by The United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
10. When is the International Dance Day annually celebrated by
the International Theatre Institute?

अंिराडष्ट्रीय रं गमंच संस्थान द्वारा प्रलिवषड अंिराड ष्ट्रीय नृत्य लदवस कर्
मनाया जािा है ?

A. 29th April
B. 28th April
C. 30th April
D. 27th April
• The International Dance Day is annually celebrated across the
world on 29th April by the International Theatre Institute
(ITI) on the birth anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre, the
creator of modern ballet.

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