Research Paper Report Group 7 - 2

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San Juan River Rehabilitation Program

Philippine School (Bahrain)


Shaikha Garcia

Xian Pasamonte

Micah Gatmaitan

Mathematics, English, Computer, EsP

Submitted to:

Mrs. Josepine Buaron

Mr. Dante Gamboa

Mr. Warren Almarza

Mrs. Pia Katrina Angeles

April 14, 2021



Title Page 1

Table of Contents 2

List of Tables 3

Abstract 4

Introduction 5

Materials and Methods 6

Context of the Study 6

Research Design 6

Respondents 6

Instrumentation 7

Data Collection 7

Data Analysis 8

Ethical Consideration 8

Results and Discussion 9

Conclusion and Recommendations 15

References 17

Appendices 18

Letter of Request and Approval 18

Questionnaire 20

Letter of Permission 28

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Content Factor

Table 2.1 San Juan Rehabilitation Program Process

Table 3.1 Role of the Philippine Government

Table 4.1 Values of the Filipinos Regarding the Program




This study aims to find the reaction of students about the rehabilitation of the San Juan

River. The participants is comprised of 27 respondents all of which were students from grade 10

Mapagkawanggawa. The respondents will be having a short orientation before answering our

survey. They will be answering a variety of questions all about the rehabilitation of San Juan

River and their reaction. It is hypothesized that if the students know of the condition and the

rehabilitation process of San Juan River most of the respondents will be giving positive reaction

about the rehabilitation. After the orientation and surveys, our data showed that most respondents

positively reacted with the rehabilitation but strongly disagreed with having only some selected

areas are monitored routinely. Therefore in conclusion students from grade 10-

Mapagkawanggawa have positive reactions toward the rehabilitation of the San Juan River and

wish that not only some selected areas are to be monitored regularly.

Keywords: reaction of students, rehabilitation of San Juan River, rehabilitation process.



San Juan River is presumably known as one of the minor tributaries of Pasig River, and

it additionally serves as a boundary for a part of eastern Manila. With it being garbage-infested

where people could walk on, definitely raises the critical concern for exposed individuals in how

bad it is. The San Juan government has partnered up with administration agencies and private

sectors to clean up San Juan River and its tributaries. They have planned and initiated various

types of actions to ensure the cleanliness of the river. Primarily focusing on the neutralization of

the toxicity in the river and concerned local administration units regularly monitoring the water

quality in the selected areas of the river. An abundance of people adequately expresses various

reactions to the preferred choices of the local government in what they deem accurate for the

intensive rehabilitation of the San Juan River. This quantitative study aims to distinguish one of

the sections in 10th grade about their reactions to these actions by the government and private

sectors. Are the processes being done acceptable enough for their standards? Is the role of the

government effective enough to ensure the success of the rehabilitation? Knowing their reactions

is extremely beneficial because this is a social issue that could affect if the government's actions

are what is best for the country. We have created a survey form whether or not respondents from

the Grade 10 - Mapagkawanggawa would react to the choices and acts implemented agreeable

for their standards and the environment. We have hypothesized that these respondents would be

able to provide results of satisfaction and approval to the implementations and choices being held

for the San Juan River Rehabilitation.



Context of the Study

In this study, the viewpoints of students towards the San Juan River rehabilitation program

will be researched. This includes the role of the government and the process of rehabilitation. The

study will be conducted online with the use of different applications such as Google Forms to

conduct the survey.

Research Design

The research is quantitative with a survey design. This research method and research

design were chosen to describe the unique and varying characteristics of a large group. Being in

a pandemic and wanting to know how people feel about the rehabilitation of the San Juan River,

it is just relevant to choose a survey as a research design.


Through convenient sampling, the Grade 10 – Mapagkawanggawa of Philippine School

(Bahrain) were systematically assigned to answer the survey. The class has a population of 27


With the use of online sample size calculators such as Survey Monkey and Raosoft, the

sample size for this study was determined to be 20. Since 25 students (92.6%) have responded in

total; 10 students (37%) were male while 15 students (55.56%) were female. The number of

students that answered the survey (25) exceeds the given sample size (20); therefore increasing

the accuracy of the survey results.



We used Google Forms for our web-based survey questionnaire. The contents of the

questionnaire include several questions aimed to answer open-ended questions such as: This

survey has been made in order to fully understand people’s reactions towards the San Juan’s

Rehabilitation Program. In order to assess too on how they’d interpret the effects of the materials

and components used in doing so.:

1. What is the student profile of the respondents?

2. What are the processes of the rehabilitation development?

3. What is the role of the government in the rehabilitation program?

The questionnaire was validated by Sir Linnel E. Novo.

Sources: Vanne Elaine Terrazolaet. al. 2019, “DENR to prioritize San Juan River rehabilitation”,


Data Collection

In order for the study to be conducted, we had to have the questionnaire validated first

before the Google Forms survey be made. We then conducted an orientation for the students of

Grade 10 - Mapagkawanggawa in order for them to properly understand the purpose and

questions of the survey. The data collection had no limitations as the whole class of

Mapagkawanggawa was able to answer the survey.


Data Analysis

In order to maximize the purpose of the research and fully understand the data collected

from the students, the following statistical methods were used: Frequency, Percentages, Mean.

Ethical Consideration

In this study, honesty, responsibility, and respect of privacy were ethics used in the

selection of respondents and the collection of data.

We further emphasized the importance of privacy to the students of Mapagkawanggawa,

as a breach of privacy with their survey results and student information, considering the current

landscape of online learning, can be easily made as a single click of a button is all it takes as the

margin of error in our educational situation is very small.



Results with tables

Table 1.1
Content Factor
(4 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree)


1. The process of San Juan river rehabilitation program 3.49 Strongly Agree

2. The role of the government in the rehabilitation 3.6 Strongly Agree

3. The values of the Filipino regarding the program 3.57 Strongly Agree

COMPOSITE MEAN 3.55 Strongly Agree

Legend: Strongly Agree (3.50 – 4.00), Agree (2.50 – 3.49), Disagree (1.50 – 2.49), Strongly Disagree
(1.00 – 1.49)
Based on Table 1.1, the respondents least consider the topic about the process of the San Juan
river rehabilitation program. This item has the lowest mean of 3.49 with a verbal interpretation
of Agree. On the other hand, the respondents highly consider the role of the government in the
rehabilitation with the highest mean of 3.6 with a verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree.

Table 2.1
San Juan Rehabilitation Program Process

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Variable f % f % f % f %

The use or dropping of

Bokashi balls or dried mud is
the best method in 0 0 1 4 15 60 9 36
neutralizing the toxicity of
water of San Juan River

The “River Cleaning

Machine” which is composed
of necessary equipment and 0 0 0 0 12 48 13 52
materials must be used for
the rehabilitation of the river.

Measurements of flow and

water quality on the rivers,
streams, and creeks within
the San Juan River watershed 0 0 0 0 10 40 15 60
must be conducted in order to
provide baseline information.

Dredging or removing the

sediments and debris from
the bottom or underwater of
the San Juan River must be 0 0 0 0 6 24 19 76
done as a method of
rehabilitating the river.

Regular clean-up programs

along the creeks and rivers
with the residents,
volunteers, NGOs actively 0 0 0 0 6 24 19 76
participating in government-
led plans of action or
programs are required for
(4 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree)

San Juan Rehabilitation Program Process measured the perception of the respondents towards the
process of rehabilitation in San Juan River. The frequencies and percentages for each response is
recorded in Table 2.1. According to these results, 39.2% from the group had a positive response
and chose Agree, while 60% chose Strongly Agree.

Table 3.1
Role of the Philippine Government
(4 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Variable f % f % f % f %

The government should

prioritize the rehabilitation
program through the help of 0 0 1 4 7 28 17 68
the Department of
Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR).

The government’s putting up

of fences between rivers and
illegal settlers who are 0 0 0 0 9 36 16 64
allegedly polluting esteros and
rivers is very necessary.

The Forest Management

Bureau of the Department of
Environment and Natural
Resources provides technical
guidance to the central and 0 0 0 0 11 44 14 56
field offices for the effective
protection, development, and
conservation of San Juan

The government must employ

the "wealth out of waste"
program through a sustainable 0 0 0 0 12 48 13 52
approach on eliminating
wastes of the river system of
San Juan.

The government must often

ascribe a pivotal role in
protecting the environment,
for instance, through the
implementation of 0 0 1 4 7 30 17 68
environmental policies that
protect the environment
directly or solve
environmental collective
action problems.

Role of the Philippine Government

(4 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree)

Role of the Philippine Government measured the perception of the respondents towards the role
of the Philippine government in the rehabilitation of San Juan River. The frequencies and
percentages for each response is recorded in Table 2.1 According to these results, 36.8% from
the group had a positive response and chose Agree, while 61.6% chose Strongly Agree.

Table 4.1 Values of the Filipinos Regarding the Program

(4 = Strongly Agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1 = Strongly Disagree)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Variable f % f % f % f %

This program allows Filipino

people to promote bayanihan
or values of cooperation. 0 0 1 4 7 28 17 68

This program shows the

perseverance of the Filipino
people when met with an 0 0 0 0 11 44 14 56
This program allows Filipinos
to promote communication
between the citizens and the 1 4 0 0 9 36 15 60
This program allows the
independence of the Filipinos
in the community to come as 0 0 0 0 11 44 14 56
they provide assistance.

This program allows Filipino

people to promote
responsibility for their actions 0 0 0 0 8 32 17 68
in ensuring the cleanliness of
the river.

Values of the Filipinos Regarding the Program measured the perception of the respondents
towards the values and feelings of Filipinos in the rehabilitation of San Juan River. The
frequencies and percentages for each response is recorded in Table 3.1. According to these results,
36.8% from the group had a positive response and chose Agree, while 61.6% chose Strongly


This study was conducted to establish the reactions of the student to the San Juan River

Rehabilitation, whether or not they've implemented their tasks and preferred them as the best one

to be done to it. Our results revealed no significant difference in the mean grade point between

students who agree and disagree with the following statements in the survey. These results from

the survey of Grade 10 students in Mapagkawanggawa from Philippines School (Bahrain)

supported the expected hypothesis. It has been recorded that 66.7% of females mainly agree with

the statements being provided as of the rest of the 33.3% of males. In addition, about 44.4% of

individuals not only disagree but have chosen strongly disagree to when it revives just selected

areas of the river were to be monitored regularly.

Our suspected hypothesis was that most of the respondents would agree with the

rehabilitation processes, the role of the government and the values being developed. Previous

studies in terms of the "Mabuhay" or Bokashi balls used in the restoration, individuals have

agreed about the statement that the bacteriological water quality was “excellent.” It is an

extremely effective tool in the restoration of water bodies, but the conclusion demands further

detailed verification. (State Sanitary Inspectorate in Siedlce, 2015) The results from this study

are consistent with how other individuals have reacted to almost similar procedures being done

by other researchers or officials. A study performed by Procedia Environmental Sciences (2011),

about also using a "cleaning technology" utilized to monitor the water resources and cleanliness.

They have provided a variety of information to the people if some problems were convenient for

the experts to make a further decision-making and the public to participation. It was also

discovered that a lot heartily agree with this process and the role these experts were on. In a recent

study, individuals have agreed with the prospect of them for environmental monitoring which

also provided information for sound decision making done by Alexander T. Demetillo, Michelle

V. Japitana & Evelyn B. Taboada (2019).




We conducted our research to get the reactions of students about the rehabilitation of the

San Juan River and the steps that need to be done by doing so. From our survey, we have received

data that shows 66.7% of females along with 33.3% of males from grade 10- Mapagkawanggawa

gave a positive reaction to rehabilitating the San Juan River. Although, 44.4% of the respondents

strongly disagreed with having only selected areas to be monitored constantly.


To help increase the number of respondents of the 10 - Mapagkawanggawa, the following

recommendations are proposed:

(1) Encouragement from Educator

While it is essential to receive and determine the reactions and viewpoints of the students

of 10 - Mapagkawanggawa on the rehabilitation of San Juan River, an equally urgent

recommendation would be their availability. There have been issues with regards to some

students being unable to return our survey which has represented a minor problem to us. To

address the problem next time, the teachers assigned for the 10 - Mapagkawanggawa of the

Philippine School (Bahrain) should encourage their pupils to respond to the surveys being given

to them. In this way, it would ensure that they'd respond to it, and it wouldn't be much of a delay

for the researchers to compile the results.


(2) Design and Clarity

Google Forms, although standard and conventional, has limited choices in survey design

which leads to some cases where students are lost in clarity. Several students have also reported

issues of slow loading times in Google Forms due to the load in Internet traffic and certain Internet

connections being generally slow. Next time, the researches should find a different website to

conduct the survey that is more efficient and consistent than the conventional.


Maniquiz-Redillas, M.C (2010),The Water Quality of the Pasig River in the City of Manila,

Philippines: Current Status, Management and Future Recovery, Pasig City: Research Gate.



Ager, M. (2019). DENR to prioritize clean up of ‘stinky, filthy’ San Juan River. MANILA,

Philippines: INQUIRER.NET



Servallos, N.J (2021), San Juan River rehabilitation underway. MANILA, Philippines: The

Philippine Star.



Terrazola, V.E, Noriega, RDe Vera, E. (2019), DENR to prioritize San Juan River

rehabilitation, MANILA, Philippines: Manila Bulletin.



Letter of Request and Approval



Letter of Permission

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