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Institute of Management Studies & Research

Sub :- Maslow Theory Of Motivation

Name :- Muskan.H. Bhojani

Roll No :- 22

Class :- DIT

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Maslow Theory Of Motivation
 Maslow first introduced his concept
of a hierarchy of needs in his 1943
paper "A Theory of Human
Motivation" and his subsequent book
Motivation and Personality. This
hierarchy suggests that people are
motivated to fulfill basic needs before
moving on to other, more advanced
 As a humanist, Maslow believed that
people have an inborn desire to be
self-actualized, that is, to be all they
can be. In order to achieve these
ultimate goals, however, a number of
more basic needs must be met such as
the need for food, safety, love, and

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Maslow Theory Of Motivation
 Maslow proposed that motivation is the result of a person’s attempt
at fulfilling five basic needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem
and self-actualization.
According to Maslow, these needs can create internal pressures that can
influence a person's behavior.

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What is Motivation?

 Motivation is the characteristic that help you achieve your goal it

is the derived that pushes you to work hard,
It is the energy that give you the strength to get up and keep going,
even when things are not going in our ways.

 What motivates human behavior? Maslow's hierarchy of needs is

one of the best-known theories of motivation.

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Maslow’s Hierarchy

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Physiological Needs- Level-1
 1.Food

 2.Water

 3.Shelter

 4.Breathing

 5.Exercise.

 6. Clothing
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Safety/Security Need- Level-2

 Financial Security

 Insurance Policy

 Job Security

 Living in safe area.

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Love belonging/ Social Need-Level 3
 Family

 Social groups

 Group Identity

 Giving and Receiving Love.

 Attention.
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Esteem Needs- Level-4
 Internal Need.
1. Self Respect
2. Power
3. Confidence

 External Need
1. Individual Status
2. Identity in Society

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Self Actualization-Level-4
 Understanding internal Power

 Boost Your internal power

 Understanding your self emotion

 Know your self

 Inner Talent.
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Explanation of theory

 High Level

 Low Level

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Thank You!!

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