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Hi, we just have a little bit of an IV discussion here for our final assessment in the

course, how critical reflection task, this task has been designed to get you to critically reflect
funny that, but it is designed as opposed to or an exam. So if we were to approach the final
task as an exam, you would work for you, your readings and your notes, and really trying
to consolidate some of that learning. So that's valuable. But it tends to be high stress
situation on a lot of that knowledge tends to drop off very quickly after the exam. So this
approach, this critical reflection, is designed to work through a similar process where
you consider your learning within the course. But by processing and working through in this
analytical and critical framework that we've got in this reflection task, it's hoped that this
learning will stick with you for longer. So it's really about trying to cement some deep
learning sets in your minds. So that's the purpose of our task. I hope you find it useful in that
regard. So please pay attention to these particulars, making sure you look through the
guidelines and really understanding the weighting word limits, referencing, et
cetera. Crucially, this is a critical thinking task. This is designed to get you to really reflect an
in-depth consideration of marketing strategy. Considering where you started, what you
went through, and what you now know that would influence the way you act in terms of a
mock data in the future. So importantly, this is not a opportunity for you to vent and express
your disdain for the goals. That or alternatively, you won't get extra marks by telling you
how much you love them in this task. This is a much more analytical and theoretically
biassed reflection. If you want to evaluate the course, do that please. But do it in the
appropriate place that we have the student evaluations. So this particular task is about
evaluating your learning, your particular acquired knowledge around marketing strategy. So
really working through that process of what you've learned and how this changes your view
on marketing. So some tips here are, don't leave things to the last minute. This task does
require some fermentation. You have to think through, consider, explore, acquire new
knowledge, and then reflect again. So it does take a bit of time to work through this
process. The other point is, you should have done the simulation. You should have
actively contributed as part of your team. If you have not, you could find yourself in a
difficult situation. Students who don't make strong contributions to the simulations
generally do not perform very well in this task. Really making sure that you're a member of
a team. You're contributing, as you showed week to week, will enable you to work through
this topic. And then when you actually come to reflecting on it, you will understand
the actions that you took. You will understand the reasons you made those choices. And
you will be able to better analyse the outcomes and the alternative paths that you could
take. So I haven't gone through in this overview, every little component of the task in terms
of the structure, you need to set that structure. So I would expect to see an introduction
and conclusion and your headings made within that then reflect these headings with prior
assumptions, marketing literature, etc. But it's up to you really about that structure. So don't
forget good writing. Good communication is crucial to any content that we submit. So then
what do we mean by prior assumptions? In early weeks in the course, you are actually asked
to highlight, to make some notes about what you currently perceived marketing strategy to
be. So this was your prior assumptions that you brought into the course. What I've asked
you to do in this task is clearly identify what those prior assumptions are. These relate
specifically to those notes you made early on in the course. Reflect on those, be
very specific about what that assumption was. And then I want you to consider where that
assumption came from. What is your understanding of marketing strategy informed by
previous study is informed by your view as a consumer. He said informed by your view
of business and your experiences in the business environment. So have a think about
where those assumptions have come from, where the derived. Then consider how accurate
they are. Definitely in this area, you would start to bring in some theory and evaluate the
accuracies of those assumptions against some of the theory that we've talked
about through the course and some of the knowledge that you've built to see how accurate
they were from the outset, it's okay if they were completely accurate, It's okay though
completely incorrect. We just want to see what through that process of considering what
those assumptions were, where they've come from, and how accurate they were initially
rot, rot from this perspective of private assumptions you will be analysing, you'll be pulling
apart what those ideas are and ensuring that you critique them. And critique doesn't
mean necessarily being critical. It means that analysis that identifying the best and the worst
components of it, or the accuracy and inaccuracy of those. So it's about pulling things apart
a little bit and taking that step back to consider what that actually means next to you or to
critically reflect set topic which this semester is pricing. So what you need to do here
is critically reflect on how the execution of pricing was implemented in your simulation
and the resultant outcome of this. This ultimately could be around competitive responses
to pricing or any key pricing choices that you made in the simulation. Next, you should
explore the literature, really identifying some major learnings. So I would encourage you
here to pick a particular area of pricing and your choices, maybe your pain points in the
simulation to really fine tune your discussions on pricing. So we don't want to say general
discussions of pricing influencing customer decision-making. We want to see precise
considerations of pricing strategy and the theory relating to that. So really dive deep
into some specific theory and consider how that then could be executed in your
simulation. What you've learned having worked through detailed discussions of price
wars, product, price adjustment, high pricing, low pricing, whatever it would be. I have a
consideration of how you could do things differently in the marketing simulation. With that
new insight you have around pricing. That then connects them with this final area here, in
relation to your marking criteria, you should still conclude, as I've said before. But in relation
to your marking criteria, you need to address the evolution that evolve perspective of
marketing strategy. So to do this, it's useful to reflect back on where you've started, what
would that initial perception was and how has it changed? What have you added to that
initial perception? I would expect everyone has added something to that initial perception. If
not, that is a concern and you should get in touch with me to discuss that. Everyone should
have a greater depth to their awareness of marketing strategy by this point, whether it's in
a specific topic or whether it's an overall view. You can determine. But definitely there
should be some evolution of your perspective by this point in the course. You should discuss
how that has changed. What specific LEA is new in that regard. What is that current
perspective now? What's really important is in reflection, one of the things we've noted is
that, yes, we need to look back when you think about where we've come from and where
we are now, but we need to do so, so we understand where we need to be in the future. So
you need to then link that with how this new knowledge, this new view that you have, will
influence your marketing actions. So how will this change the way that you view marketing
in the future? How will this change the way that you manage yourself or action marketing
strategy in future? So be mindful of that future consequences that's really important in
reflection. It is discussed in those reflection articles on how to address that. So keep, keep
that future-focused really prevalent in this area. Again here, consider where your marks
come from, make sure you look at the full criteria. I also encourage you when you go to
submit, before you submit, take a moment and evaluate yourself on the marking criteria can
be very profound in determining where you will end up. It helps you identify gaps and issues
you may be able to resolve prior to getting to the mockup. So the mocking is obviously
made up of those prior assumptions. And it's not just listing those prior assumptions. It is
that analysis and evaluations of the origin and accuracy that's really crucial that they are
evaluated against theory, against what we know about marketing strategy, not just listing
prior assumptions. The simulation experiences more of a description with some evaluation
of your outcomes. Then you move into that theoretical exploration where you really
conducting more of a literature review in this area, really examining crucial theory in this
topic, you then consider how this applies to the simulation and what actions you could take
to ultimately improve your outcomes or at least sustain quality outcomes. Finally, the
evolution they're really considers more broadly moving away from the simulation, but more
broadly your future marketing behaviour. And how you will have a new viewpoint of
how marketing strategy is maintained or executed or whatever it be in that domain. How
will you consider marketing differently in the future because of the knowledge that you
have acquired? Again, quality informed discussions are essential and the writing
mechanics also gives you an opportunity to perform well. Finally, here, I highlight that
you absolutely have to read in the assessment folder, there's a heading right at the top that
says submission instructions. Read it and follow those precisely, exactly as the stated or
there will be issues with your marking. So please do that. It's not a complicated
process. There might be a few steps, but just read what the rules are around each step, what
the guidelines instructions are, and it is simple to follow. Please ensure you do that. That is
a very basic request and something that you're all absolutely capable of doing. So thank you,
That's how final task for the course. I hope that you all found it, find it a really useful tasks
to work through. We'll be discussing it more throughout the semester, but for now this
should be enough for you to pick it up, to understand the motives behind it, to understand
how to approach it. And hopefully you can start working through it and find it valuable
learning tool. So thank you very much and enjoy.

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