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-All are humans-

... Chapter 1 We watched as they Carlisle and Esme took Edward, Emmett, and Jasper to they're new home they bought in Phoenix.They were taking my boy.Our boy's.I always thought of Carlisle and Esme as my parents. But, Was it even possible to feel this much hate towards them right now? I looked over at Alice who was sobbing into Rosalie's Shoulder.I rubbed my hand up and down her back and told her Jasper would come back for her.That they would all come back for us. But they never did. ________________________

I looked down and saw no sign of Carlisle or Esme. So much for a perfect life. This would never have happened if we stayed in Forks, but my dad had been promoted and had to move across the state to work there. I wrapped my arms around myself tighter and kept walking down the street with Emmett and Jasper. We'd been walking around for two days or more now and were all tired and hungry. As I neared the corner,cops were everywhere and an ambulance too. 'That must be Mom and Dad..' I said and tried to hold in the sob that threatened to escape me. I pushed Emmett and Jasper into an old, beat up cottage that was near the corner and said, "If they see us we'd become-"

"Hello boys. I see you've decided to get comfy in my home." I turned around slowly and faced a woman with bright red-orange hair and coal-black eyes. black eyes that scared the living crap out of me. She held her hand out towards me and said, "Im victoria. And you are?" She flashed her bright white teeth and took my hand into hers. I was surrounded by cold skin. She couldn't be human. "I-Im Edward.." She pierced her eyes into mines. "Edward? Such an uncommon name. I used to know an Edward. Unfortunately, He died." She gave a fake pout. Emmett and Jasper were all tense behind me. I looked at them and mouthed 'Dont worry, we'll find our way out of this.' I shivered. I had a feeling she had only ever met one Edward. Me. "We are really sorry for disturbing you..Uhh, Victoria is it? We will be leaving now." I gave her a fake smile and stepped forward. In a second she was infront of me, blocking the door. "I'm afraid you wont be going anywhere." ...

...4 Years Later...

I walked out of my room and ran down the stairs, where Emmett and Jasper sat on the couch, watching the sports game. "Oh Fuck no!" Emmett Yelled as the opposing team he was rooting for got a score.Same old Emmett. We recently just moved to Chicago and were starting high school again today.

I looked into the mirror on the wall and looked into my eyes. Still green. We weren't fully vampires. I mean, we could hunt human blood, but you could also survive on human food.We weren't nearly as strong as full vampires, but I really didn't think it mattered. We aged, but stopped aging when you became 25 years old. We were hybrids. Half human, half vampire. She Passed that on to us. I despised her. We didn't have a choice. This was my fault. I was a monster. And my past memories were faint. I barely could remember any of them. All I could remember was these really nice girls,some young adults who I think were my parents and a girl named Bella. Bella. Isabella. I could never stop thinking about her, and I couldn't put my finger on it. ... We arrived at school a while later, drawing attention towards ourselves. "Oh my god, sex hair over there is so sexy!"Some blonde chick squealed to her friends and pointed at me. I had a smug look on my face and gave her a smile as I passed by. She nearly fainted and I laughed to myself. I grabbed my schedule and walked over to Emmett, Were he was standing next to this strawberry blonde girl. She seemed familiar. "Well I'll see you later, Rosalie!" Emmett waved at her and walked away. I stood frozen in my spot next to were she was standing.

Rosalie.. If she's here.. I started running towards her, trying to catch up with her. Rosalie! Umph! I bumped into something and looked up angrily. "Im in a hurry don't yo-" I looked at the girl that had her hands on my chest. "I'm Sorry, I didn't see where I was going..." She had auburn hair and brown eyes.I found myself lost in them for a second,before I continued studying her.She had plump pink lips and my mind wandered off to how her lips would look wrapped around my cI need to stop thinking about that, this wasn't the right place for that. "Hello??" She waved her hand around in my face and I laughed. "It's alright. Im edward. Your are?" I held out hand out to her and she hesitated,before taking my hand into hers.I took my hand back quickly as something shocked me. Did she feel it to?? "Call me Bells."

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