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UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN DNCV2DE2 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2. Cover to reinforcement 3. Spacing of reinforcement 4. Minimum areas of reinforcement o° 5. Maximum areas of reinforcenent 6. Area tables of reinforcement 7. Design introduction 8 ae Limit states 11, Strengths of materials = 12. Loads 13. Load factors 14. Combined loads and moment envelopes Continuous beams moments Beams, spans, slenderness Properties of materials, flange width Analysis of sections, rectangular beams T and L beams Shear failure Shear design Bond, anchorage, bearing, laps, joints, bends 77-81 Span/d ratios 82-86 peer part Exetel PEO mre Structural engineering is the science and art of designing and making, with economy and elegance, buildings, bridges, frameworks, and other similar structures so that they can safely resist the forces to which they may be subjected [\L Cree HE BP Pract on CALWwercon_|(\ UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ENCV 2DE2_: REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN. INTRODUCTION. Consider a plain concrete beam bending under a uniformly distributed load. ‘The maximum bending moment occurs at mid-span, and if the concrete is assumed to be elastic, the following distribution of bending stress is obtained :~ comrpessivs z ae Benoa STRESS po N . } Ae : WT ‘a CEST armecs . EROsS ~SECTION AND BENDING SteESsES AT Mp: SPAN. The tensile bending strength of concrete is only about one tenth the compressive bending strength. ‘The bottom of the bean will crack and fail vhen the tensile bending stress reaches the bending strength. At this stage the compressive bending stress is still well below the compressive bending strength. DENP ING MOMENT DIAG mM AT MAl In order to utilize the compressive bending strength at the top of the beam more economically, steel reinforcing rods are cast into the bottom of the beam to carry the tensile bending stresses. 2 us compression (feb) : —_——— 7 N S : : A conezate ceaces> {7 AND IGNORED =~ Turoned ae ta Tastes RENPOESSESD (Sst) zone: ceoss -20eT1oNn For large bending moments, steel reinforcing rods are also provided in the top of the cross-section to assist the concrete in carrying the compressive stresses. Concrete Cover. 2 To be most effective, the steel rods are positioned as close as possible to the top and bottom faces of the bean. It is important, however, to prove some concrete - “cover” to the rods to prevent corrosion of the steel; to protect the steel rods in the event of fire, dnd to provide a bond between concrete and steel. The miniaun cover to reinforcement should not be less than the diameter of the reinforcement, nor less than the following covers dependent on the conditions of exposure and grade of concrete (28 day crushing strength). ‘TABLE 19 - NOMINAL COVER ‘10 REINFORCEMENT h 213 14 [5 |6 jominal cover (mm) Exposure conditions (Defined in Part II of the code} Concrete grade 20] 25] 30 40 | s0¢mes) Mild 20] 20] 15) 15) 15 Moderate ~ | 40} 30] 25 | 20 Severe = | 50| 40] 40 | 35 Very severe - -[- 60 | 50 fin > o d ravst ales adda be cng 1 Likes SA Pi00 ceckion T) Eder EXPOSURE CONDITIONS Mild condi Conditions under which the concrete is protected and exposed only to air. Moderate conditions. Conditions under which the concrete is a) sheltered fron severe rain and is not subject to freezing when wet; or b) buried in non-ageressive soil; or ¢) continuusly under water (other then sea water). Severe conditions. Conditions under which the concrete is exposed or subject to any of the following: a) Driving reia; >) alternate wetting and drying out; c) freezing when wet; a) fresh water (at the waterline); e) splashing or spraying with fresh water; £) corrosive fumes or heavy condensation of water; 8, aggressive soil; ) salt-laden air. ery severe conditions. Conditions under which the concrete is exposed to any of the folloving: a) Sea water (below or at the water-line); b) sea water spray or windborne salts; ¢) water containing sulphates or chlorides; @) Highly corrosive funes. oo] : Spacing of reinforcement in beans. (mmimum) The spacing of bars must be sufficient to avoid obstruction to the largest aggregate in the concrete during casting so that the concrete can be well ¢ compacted in order to ensure complete bonding between reinforcement and concrete. Bars may be used individually; in pairs in contact, or in bundles of three 7 or four bars in contact. In the case of pairs of bars or bundles of three or four, the equivalent diameter ¢, is that of a single bar with the same total area as the bundle of bars. The clear spacing between adjacent bars or bundles of bars must not be less . than the following : = (Individual bars. Horizontal spacing not less than the bar diameter, nor less than the aaximun size of coarse aggregate (he) plus faa, Vertical spacing aot less than the B88 dfaneters or Less than 2/3 hy. (ii) Pairs of bars. (@) Horizontal spacing not less than the equivalent bar diameter, nor less = than hay, 7 5 mm. : cbyWertical spacing When pairs vertical $, not less than the equivalent bar dieneter, nor ess than 2/3 hy... When pairs horizontal @®, not less than the equivalent bar diameter, nor less than +3 mm. Page + 5 mm ies Bundled bars, three $e or four $B Horizontal and vertical spacing not less than the equivalent bar a @ianeter, nor less than hy, + 15 mm. 0-16 mw Gone Far lage elee PS CinetationS) | awe for most reinforced concrete Rime Gr smother thin ebruts (precast) section BB The minimum area of reinforcement in a beam should not be less than prmannctgpeans, > pt conbablewe jons Table 23 — Minimum percentage of reinforcement 1 2 3 4 Situation Definition of Minimum percentage percentage 4=250MPa_| = 450 MPa Tension renforeament wid eel | Wi enale Sections subjected mainly to tension 1004, 1A, 08 048 Sections subjectad to flexure 2) fanged beams, wed in teasion: 1) by Ib<04 100A, Jb ose 0.18 - 2) by (20.4 oon cw 026 0.13 - b) fianged beams, flange in tension over a continuous support 1) T-beam 100A, 184 0.48 0.28 2) Lbeam 10045 10h 0:36 0.20 €) rectangular section (in sol slabs, this minimum should be provided in both directions) 1004, Ag 0.28 013 ‘Compression reinforcement —— {hare such reinforcement ¥s roguired for tre ulimate lit state) Goneral rule 100A Ace 04 04 Simplified rules for particular 4) rectangular column or wa 100A MA, 04 04 ») flanged beam: 4) flange in compression | 100A, /6h o4 04 anager = ee 2)web in compression | 100A, /b4h 02 oz ‘omer eascrm q | €) rectangular beam 100A,, /Ay 02 02 Hl [ onalg . | Transverse reinforcement in { flanges of flanged beams Pr (Grovided over Tul effective | Mange wicth near top surface to resist horizontal shear) 100A g yf 01s 018 j vrcgnmm Hel Sho coukiol eas pe fein spec! cache aS byclatin, comes S at leat oli ec of bar 7 crudhy bo sheel bers : 17 2% Pcie tag . A pyle 0 Maximum areas of Reinforcement _in Beams In a beam, neither the area of tension reinforcement nor the area of compression reinforcement should exceed 4% of the gross cross sectional area of the concrete. For flanged (T and L) beams gross cross section = h.l 2 Cracking Crack widths may be calculated, but generally this will be avoided and cracking controlled by using Table 2S., which gives the maximum distance between bars near ‘the tension face of a beam, - Table 25 — Maximum clear distance between bars (new fens 1 ioe etecoesa| arg et | ee eeg eee [ese jee eles] extOie at neste Clear distance between bers 7 Characteristic strength of mm. - reinforcement, f, Percentage redistribution to or from section considered a MPa a0 | 25 | 20 | 15 | 10 | 0 | «10 | +15 | +20 | 25 | +30 | 250 ~Uedl] 215 | 230 | 245 | 260 | 278 | 300 | 300 | a00 | 300 | 300 | 300 a 450 nrsed | 120 | 130 | 135 | 145 | 165 | 170 | 185 | 195 | 205 | 210 | 220 485 t10 | 120 | 128 | 135 | 140 | 155 | 170 | 120 | 190 | 195 | 205 4, The clear horizontal distance between adjacent bars or groups near the tension face of a beam should net exceed the value given in table 25, depending on the amount of redistribution carried ‘out in analysis and the characteristic strength of reinforcement. Instead of using the values given in table 25, assess the clear spacing from the following relationship: 4 300 > clear spacing < 47000 ts where f, is the design service stress in the reinforcement, which may be obtained from Minimum size of bars near side faces of beams of overall depth exceeding 750 mm In order to control cracking, bars provided near side faces of beams should be of diameter at least fs,bit,., where s, isthe bar spacing and b the wid of the section at the point considered (tne Nimiam value of b acceptable for the formula is 500 mm). The bars should be distributed at a spacing not exceeding 250 mm near the side faces of the beam and the distribution should be done over & rds of the overall depth of the beam, measured from its tension face. SABS 0144-1978 APPENDIX B. TABLES OF AREA AND MASS OF REINFORCING BARS TABLE EO. AREA / T T T ae ese [ese | ese) eee aa |ece [ene ee ef eee - |e ea) Te Te te7 - "Ate of tee per metre, mim? tr - umn, gem to | 1 | 120 | 0] veo | 100 | m0 | a0 | oo | ow | | wo | wo , tae] a [tae eng | aad ces [ea [ecee oe (os ennes|iten| eelte - a Baring wn - once, cme | wo | 100 | v2 | 1 | veo | wo | 20 | m0 | wo | ow | | oo | wo = @ | «| mm] ae) a0] am zr] zr] vee] ame] vas] va] son wo | otal mee] ase | Stl day feo| du] ae ate] tos] vs] is rc , 3 | vasa] sts] Sea] ano] 7 | | Go| S| a8] a] ey 1s | 2sta| 2011] sere | s4ae | sasr] ss17 | voce | aoe | m0] sve] soa) ar | aor . 2 | deny] Ssea| zene | 2ave | sea | te | tort | vasr | sour | ase | Jee | oan | sao - 3 | G36] 4oos | Sonn | Soe | 060 | 27ar | 2ase | tea | eae | 24cz | 1227 | voor | ose 32 [soos] eoea | e000 | Sus | Sex| aass | dom | 2217 | zeat | ame | 2011 | 17a” | 1505, . ea] e05] eae] ev] ao) a| ae] am] oe] ze m/e] 10] uo rai | rie] Sse | Jon) coe] soo| sm] ae] ae ge) ae[ 200] 70] ter - 2446 | toea] rs7r | xa00/ size! oma| em | mee | aoe | sxe] aao| aoa] Sao] ate | ~ ys 20 | 9220/2570 | 2147] 1210] 15:0] 1431 | 1206 | 1020 | eso] ra6| oat] 72] 518 eas | sant| coos | 3ase | 2ers | 2506 | 22ae| 201s | vero | 132 [1120 | 1008] aoe | bos 258.32 | 5005] 64 | sage | 4625 | 027 | 3508 | 3228 | 2800 280 | reso | 110 | 1432 | 1285 ‘TABLE E-2. MASS AND AREA i 2 3 [4fsfef]7 te |e | a Mass ‘Area, mm? : Bar per Fn ~ diameter, | unit ‘No, of bars ‘mm length, alm epee) gee [it gata eg res|e gueai ng cee erg tat L 8 0,395 so| 101] 1s] 201] 251] 302] 352/402 ee 10 0617 7| 157] 236] 314] 303] 471] 850/628 12 ges | 113] 226] 330] 452] 565] 679] 792) 905 Ss 16 1.58 201] 402] 603} 04] 1005} 1206| 1407/ 1608 at 20 247 314] 628] 942| 1257| 1571] 18a5| 2199] 2513 25 385 a | 962] 1473 | 1963| 2454] 2948] 3436) 3927 . 32 6.31 aoa} 1608 | 2413| 3217| 4021 | 4925] 5690) 6.434 a 40 96 | 1257] 2513] 3770 | 5027 | 6283 | 7540] 8796] 10059 50 1540 | 1963] 3927} 5890] 7254 | 9617 | 11781] 13744) 15 708 = si DESIGN. For many years the design of reinforced concrete was based on a purely elastic behaviour in ancordance with Hooke's Law under normal working loads. This approach to design is covered in British Standard C.P.114 : Part 2 : 1969 ~ "The Structural use of reinforced concrete in buildings". The design is referred to as “working stress design" or “modular ratio design" since the design method assumes elastic (and proportional) behaviour and a uniform ratio of elastic moduli between steel and concrete. In this design method, working stresses (f) calculated from the actual expected loads must not exceed the permissible stresses (p) in concrete and steel. These permissible, or safe, stresses (p) are determined by reducing the failure strengths of the materials by a suitable factor of safety (F.0.S.) ise. Stresses from) actual loading ) a _ (wax.permissible) _ Failure strength fer “stresses =) F.0.5. One problen with this design method is that it assuues there is a constant ratio of elastic moduli (a) between steel and concrete. This is not the case since the modulus of elasticity of steel (E,) is almost constant in the elastic range, but the modulus of elasticity of concfete (E) is variable over its elastic range. This means that the greater the bending woneSt on a section, the wore the conpressive bending stress distribution will deviace from a triangular shape. come. come Tension Tension SMALL Moment Laece momen. This effect means that the factors of safety used in modular ratio design are mot accurate when compared with the true ratio of collapse moment to working moment. ‘These problems were partly overcome in the 1957 edition of C.P.114 which allowed the use of the load factor method of design. In 1972 a completely new British Standard C.P.110 was published which introduced the concept of limit state design. This code handled strengths, stresses, loads, and factors of safety in a far mote realistic and logical way than C.P.114. ‘The South African Code of Practice SABS 0100 : Part 1-1980, followedfairly closely the concepts given in C.P.110. In 1986 the British Standard CP110 was revised and replaced with BS 8110. The South African Code SABS 0100 : Part 1 - 1992 incorporates some of the revisions of BS 8110 and has been revised to accommodate revisions to the South African Code SABS 0160-1989 covering general procedures and loadings. LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE The purpose of design is the achievement of reasonable probabilities that the structure being designed will not become unfit for the use for which it is required. og 2 A condition of a structure when it becomes unfit is called a "init state", There are many of these limit states within which the design, construction and performance of a structure must be contained. Some limit states are shown in the following sketch:- COLLAPSE DESIGN , CONSTRUCTION & PERFORMANCE oF sTRUcTURE- r amon @& ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE “ 1, Collapse (Ref cl 3.2.2) Neither the whole structure nor any part - of the structure should collapse or become unstable under foreseeable - . Qverload or remote effects such as explosive presssure or impact. This is an important limit state of strength and stability which must be considered in all structures. : # SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATES (i.e. behaviour of the structure under normal 17 use) ~~ > 2 Deflection (Ref cl must be controlled to avoid excessive | : flexing and possible cracking of finishes and partitions, and to J Prevent an unsightly sagging appearance. This is usually controlled | by Limiting span/depth ratios of members. Refer to SABS 0160-1989 I Methods for calculating deflections are given in Annex. A2. | 3. Cracking (Ref cl Unsightly cracking must be avoided. Generally a crack width of up to 0,3 mm is acceptable except in ro members exposed to aggressive environments. Cracking can lead to = Corrosion of reinforcement and damage to finishes. Cracking is controlled by limiting span/depth ratios and size and spacing of reinforcement. A formula for assessing crack widths is given in Annex..A3. 4, Vibration (Ref cl set up by wind or plant must be controlled to avoid damage to the structure and discomfort to its occupants. a : 5. Insulation may be a factor in the design of structures adjacent to hot or cold environments (e.g. weatherconditions, boilers, cold rooms). © “ 7. Waterproof. structures are required for storing, or keeping out, water or other fluids or the weather. Reduced design stresses and special concrete mixes are often required. Cracking must be carefully controlled. Appearance. A designer must endeavour to provide a structure which is not only functional and economical but also aesthetically acceptable. The shape, colour and surface texture of a structure is extremely important. OTHER LIMIT STATES 8. Fire resistance is essential. The structure should be able to withstand minor fire exposure without serious damage. In the case of @ serious fire, the structue should assist in preventing the spread of the fire, and must remain standing for as long as possible to enable evacuation of occupants and extinguishing of the fire. Factors that influence the fire resistance of reinforced concrete are:- 1. Size and shape of member - «7 2. Type of concrete 3. Type of reinforcement 4. Concrete cover to reinforcement 5. The load supported 6. The conditions of restraint These factors are discussed in section 6. Corrosion and Durability The design of the structural elenents and the concrete environments of Liquids and gases, and abrasive environments of waves, fluids, vehicles, transported and contained materials. {5 oF apie ny MW i: LOADS AND STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS (a) <7" Strengths In SABS 0100, the strength of a material is referred to as its je "characteristic" strength. Clause 33.21 states:- = Unless otherwise stated, the characteristic strength of materials means 2) the cube strength of concrete fay : Panty 5% C ee ») the yield or proot stress of reinforcement f,, and - «) the ultimate strength of a prestressing tendon f,,{below which not more than 5 % of the test results Qa eae Statistical methods are ‘used to analyse the results of strength tests on materials such as cube tests on concrete and tensile tests on reinforcement . The statistical method may be briefly set out as follows:- A normal set of n results or observations, such as %, %» scatter. X_ shows @ The mean is K =£x,/n The standard deviation of a set of observations is defined by:~ hen the standard deviation of a population is to be estimated from a sample, the mean of the sample will, in general, differ from the true mean. An estimate for the standard deviation is given by:- ae zx, - Vy Sioa leeameciees The standard deviation gives a measure of the extent of scatter. If the results are grouped in intervals, the frequncy or probability density for each interval is obtained by dividing the number of results that fall in that interval by the total number of results. A histogram is obtained by plotting the density against the interval as shown below. If the interval is made smaller, the histogram becomes 2 continuous curve called the frequency distribution curve. In general this is found to follow a normal distribution. Mean Frequency ‘DISTRIBUTION reonas Disreisur InTexvaL. t 8 + 8 ° WiSTOERAM PROBABILITY curve The area under the curve between any two ordinates gives the probability that any result falls in that interval. For the characteristic strength (f,) condition that only 5% values may be less, it can be shown that this corresponds to a strength of the mean (f,,) less 1,66 times the standard devition(s). = 1,64 5 Atay Peequency ‘STRENGTH 5% rawures 13a. SABS 0160-1989 27 (As amended 1993) (spuesspuei Arodus 0 s8690930 hquese “un £2 pee posed UE 0 one ep sonora pon 0 sacuatin eyo 0 aed fa pea. am ood Josue wm uly Lin £ 58 $Hae8 iodo e104 sCuyeot 000 05 35 wed eu ct a0, “eruedrose (uSINSU PVE ae me reuoteange uy siyor fue swoon yeusuauen“sueLDiK's80UNCY 5 oe “jueuiiba jus pu Bussosors wen @ sv0xseo ° iz i se oer) ¥ ° Gina aie sosnap Bunoeis 19 bupad ROUEN i ne voy 5000786 OuprDH® NX Sz VEU 5 aon 19, #0018 Cuzed pUE SABEIED € os oz 2 voxvo 4 ayo pue sia04 * s syeudsou “supa yevoeanpe 8x01 PUB SBOE je =005508 suyano #01 sgt pun sums “soquno Gapriou ay GiysouD eu on Dune = S400 IY . wpe sruineg | ; Nts uur ee fo woo! jo uous a0 420000 0 va? Joo 19 Buggin 2 swe AouEToN 7 ‘Bowrano voiy | Peel Poteswsaven ununin 1gy99 8 8 0 5 ¥ e z oi ROYHOLS ONY WIYLSNON! NHL USHLO S3IONYéNDD0 HOS SAVOT BOOTS GASOdHl "PINION 40 ALISNALNI - 7 376V2 are eee eee eee eet eae eee yee eg se eee cee ecg ee) te Neer eee ett ee i 13 (by cic series en fda ey ees 108: pois ox sejpun6in ago 4 ed ha ve oF 0041 50 ewes au “ (penunuos) ¢ F7avL : : : Ze % % aes ; ae 28 mimaae fetes a: aaa an By 2 rat roa os r e @ D NE : as 3 G8 FRequency (b) Loads The loadings to be adopted in the design of buildings are given in SABS 0160. The "nominal" load is “a load, the value of which has a probability of being exceeded of 5%" If this is considered in a manner similar to that of strength, the following frequency distribution curve may be drawn:- Ste overroa> FREQUENCY 16a Ss Loaps For the nominal load (F,)condition that only 5% of loads may be greater, it can be shown that this corresponds to a load of the mean (F,,) plus 1,64 times the standard deviation (s). Le. F, =F, + 1,645 If both distributions are plotted together we get:~ STRENGTH Fanurs Conprtion! SteenatH cueve mean TeAD Li .S God | 164.5 Gi Fm Fah fa (c) Practical considerations and safety factors The material characteristic strengths take into account the expected variations in the results of test specimens i.e. concrete cubes made, cured and tested in accordance with standard Procedures, and new unworked reinforcement samples with no visible flaws. There are however, variations between strengths of test specimens and strengths of the materials as they finally end up in the structure. To allow for this, the characteristic strength f, is divided by a partial safety factor for strength 7. fk Le. Design strength = Tr wihen assessing the strength of a structure (ultimate limit state of collapse), clause gives the following values for +, 1,5 for flexure or axial load (1/y, 1,4 for shear and bond (An Ym Steel = 1,18 (1/4 = 0,87) = 0,67) sg concrete =f 0.7 Note that properties of materials relevant to deflection assessment i.e. modulus of elasticity, creep, shrinkage, etc., are those associated with the characteristic values (1.e. q = 1,0) as given in the tables in SABS 0100. (Ref cl Also, when assessing crack widths, the values of y,, are taken as 1,3 for concrete and 1,0 for steel. (Ref cl The design loads to be used in analysis are the nominal loads F, given in SABS 0160 multiplied by an appropriate partial safety factor for loads x». fi zal - 3.3.1 Loads Nominal load “The following nominal loads should be used in the design of a structure: 2) nominal Seitweight load G, (Le the weight of the structure complete with finishes, fhtures and partitions); b) nominal imposed oad Q,; ) nominal wind load W,; and 4) earth and water pressure. e “The nominal load values should be taken as defined in and calculated in accordance with SABS 0160. : Partlal safety factors for load ‘The design load for a given type of limit state and loading is obtained from: — G,2y = design selt-weight load, i — Q,74 = design imposed load, — Wary = design wind load, where 1s the appropriate partial safety factor for load, which is introduced fo take account of 2a) possible unusual increases in load beyond those considered in the derivation of the nominal loads, b) inacourate assessment of the effects of loading, ©) unforeseen stress redistribution within the structure, Lo 4 «) the variations in dimensional accuracy achieved in construction, and ] ¢) the importance of the limit state that is being considered. 4 | Load during construction ‘The loading conditions during erection and construction should be considered in design and should be |, such that the structure's subsequent compliance with the limit state requirements is not impaired. SABS O1GO- 1989 The design load effect Q pertaining to the ultinate and i Fecvicssbility limit Hates is obtained from equation 4(e) or = GCE), aa the case may be, by multiplying the effects of the : nominal loads by the partial load factors given in Coluns 2 or dof Table 2, as applicable, and by the relevant load conbina- tion factors given in Colunn 4 of Table 2 or derived from the J Feconnendations given in Table 3 (depending on the time- dependent nature of the additional load and ite correlation to the dominant load). | 16 O= Yin Ae) Oe ViPn + YE Ong +E (VViOna) 4(e) 45 where Yj = the partial load factors given in Table 2 = the nominal permanent load effect : = the dominant imposed load effect for the load combinations and limit state under consideration Oni = additional imposed load effects relevant and significant to the load combination and limit state under consideration ~ 2+ “ma Y; = the load combination factors given in Tables 2 and 2 -csacing ete chon @ Re eee ee TABLE 2 - PARTIAL LOAD FACTORS AND LOAD COMBINATION FACTORS 1 Z 3 4 Partial load factor Y4 Type of load oad, conbinat fon uitinate [Serviceabitity Limit 'state | Timit state | factor ¥ wanent_ loading a) Maximum self, acting in isolation (ean 4(6))] 1,5 7 - weight Toad — viShactnas selfenetghe Toad ee ae . other loads (eqn 4(f)) ge 1. 1,0 Se eee a i i Imposed loading oo 6) Wind toad 4,3 8 ° ‘ 8 tongs 8h rtoor (ether than 2 garages, filing or storage areas) 1,6 1,0 0,3 1) Loads on floor tor a rages, f1ling or storage 1,6 1,0 0,6 9) Loads on roof (other ‘than those in (d) and ()-)) 1) Inaccessible root 1 2) Accessible roof 1 h) Earthquakes: 1, 4) Loads ‘from riuids ay J) Imposed defornat fons 1) Temperature, settlenent, ete 2 See Table 3 1,0 : 1 2) Prestressing 1,0 1 k) Accidental toads 10 - o Other types of imposed loads not considered above (e.g. material loads, cranes) in the absence of more detailed information 1,6 1,0 s Table 3 { *h:Syfor flender non-redundent structures such as chimneys and free- standing towers that exhibit significant cross-wind response. w= ca “] 7 It is necessary for the designer to assess the degree of de- pendence or correlation between the dominant load and the addi- tional load, and the variation of the additional load with time. For example, for a single crane where horizontal crane load is the dominant load and vertical crane load an additional lead, a value of ¥ = 0,75 would frequently be appropriate. For ‘two cranes working in tandem, Y = 1 would apply. For cranes in adjacent bays thet operate completely independently, ¥ = 0,5 may be applied to the additional load from the second crane- Examples of the influence of the time variation of loads are implied by the values of ¥= 1 in Table 2, for imposed loads of a semi-permanent nature such as storage loads or loads from fluids, where the additional load is assumed to be uncorrelated to the dominant load. In addition, it is expected that the designer would not include as additional loads those types of joad that, when factored, contribute in an insignificant manner to the total load. TABLE 3 - RECOVMENDED LOAD COMBINATION FACTORS FOR OTHER TYPES (OF IMPOSED LOADING een tana aeatantateeeeeeeeeee 2 2 3 correlation between | Vartation of additions! toad | Load seeeraettmpores’” | ‘with tine, tue, the ratio: | eosbination Qoeg ond oat” | Arbitrary potnécin-tine value |” fagtor 110887 GMposed Toad |"titettae nextous varue | Yi None 05 0,5 10 10 partial 0,5 0,75 Fant 08 io ete aceon | eee eeeeeee eee eee 18 Examples of the use of tables 2 and 3 applied to the ultimate limit state and expressed in the form of equations 4(e) and 4(f) Je. load = Permanent load + dominant imposed load + [other inposed loads] (or moment) 1. Considering Self-weight D,, Imposed load Q,, Wind load Design load or moment is the maximum effect of: 150, + o+fo] wy Ae nd deer 1.20, + 1,6, + [0,013 wy] (1) coi donscnond J 120, + 13m +[(0,3 x 1,69) ied domnak & a 7 n F U2, + 1,34, +[o5a,J (2) wind ewinadY 9.9 4 1,3 MH, (3) Note (1) Wind is omitted from "other imposed loads" (i.e. ¥; = 0) (2) In the case of garages, filing areas and si age_areas the term 0,5, must be replaced with 06x 1,6@, = 1,0 @, and in the” case of inaccessible roots nust be replaced by 0,09, (3) This is usually used to check stability or overturning. ee Mee tere] ele (ea) oe eal taal km 4 19 Considering: Self weight D, Imposed floor loads Q, Imposed roof loads (inaccessible) O,,, — evn Crane vertical load C,, | Crane horizontal load Cy, cea =— Ch Wind load W,, _ Dp (Note there is partial correlation between Wr. |, Dat Qn C,, and Cy, if either is a dominant load, then y; = 0,75) oe Ultimate design load or moment is the maximum effect of: a) 1,5D, b) 1,2D, + 1,60, + [0,0 x 1,6,, + 0,5 x 1,6(C,, + Call = 1,20, + 1,60, + [0,8C,, + 0,8C,,] c) 1,2D, + 1,60,, (0,3 x 1,60, + 0,5 x 1,6(C,, + C,,)] + = 1,20, + 1,60,, + (0,50, + 0,8C,, + 0,8Cq] 4) 1,2D, + 1,3W, + [0,3 x 1,60, + 0,0 x 1,60,, + 0,5 x 1,6(Cy, + Cyl) + = 1,20, + 1,3W, 0,50, + 0,8C,, + 0,8Cy,] e) 1,2D, + 1,6C,, + [0,3 x 1,60, + 0,0 x 1,60,, + 0,75 x 1,6Cyq) = 1,2D, + 1,6C,, + [0,50, + 1,2C,,1 ff 1,2D, + 1,6Cyy + 10,3 X 1,60, + 0,0 x Q,, + 0,75 x 1,6C 9] aE 1,2D, + 1,6C,, + [0,50, + 1,2C,,] 9) 0,9D, + 1,3W, (Stability Condition) For some configurations of loading it may be necessary to consider 0,90, in place of 1,20, to achieve maximum stress or stability conditions. O @ @ @ Zo MAXIMUM MOMENT ENVELOPES CONSIDER A Two- SPAN CONTINUOUS BEAM Low DING. SELF-WT UD... 4 SELF-wr BL SELF-WT UD SELE-wT PL. SELF-wr wpe. SELE wT SELF -WT IF THE FoLLowing Impose LomD PL. IS Cons pened LMPoseD LOAD PL, Sevr-wr © ude. 1 e POINT LOAD CAN VARY FRom 0 To max. P BENDING MomENT DIAGEAM dee on 93 sess BENDING MOMENT Coucp BE ANY OF ABOVE DIAGRAMS, WHEN COMBINED , THE HEAVY LINE GIVES “THE MAXIMUM BENDING Moment ENVELOPE —_—ESE——=—eeee ee" ai la La VIMILARLY FoR BEAMS WITH cANTILevers :— t boapinre BENDING MOMENT DiAceAm, heavier BENDING MOMENT DIRE AM ® t SELF-wt wpe e c 4 . A 8 a] Seater 5 Oe ae S€UF-WwT Je ce @® See we | ae ey ie : fl a HE Povvownsg 1s comsrmpeeen:— Imrosep Inrose> vend Lon> me Pe S Seur-wr i onnt Mou e A & & Tou MT LekD CAN VARY FROM Rote yaa P vawve . COMBINING GIVES :- S MAxisum BENDING MOMENT ENVELOPE (sroon bY HEAVY ouTLMe ) EFFECT 18 OBTAINED wiTH A VARIABLE UDL. shown “x' mm 6.m.>@ | te BEAM coud “SX EITHER A PosiTIVe oR NEGATIVE BENDING Perenpinrs ON THE Loaping, IMPOSED LomDs ARE MUCH LARGER THAN THE “®aps | case © coun ave NEaaTIVe BENDING Teeoun#ouT THE BEAM i= Cue “ENVELOPE A c becomes :- 2z @ Foltowin, BEAM + Flu. t udh 2m Gm A B ¢ NominaL Lonps + tid Cas. pe UDDL = I keN/ ote lord UDLE = 4 lew /ud 13 kw § kN wa Pe. os = i Ce THREE LOADING, CONPITIONS HAVE TO GE consipegeDd, MAX. LORD THROU HOUT DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2DE2 Name: WT Page No. UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DESIAN Date: 22 tem Calculations Resutt Examrue| DETERMINE THE ueTimMATE BENDING ——) ue eae Aang -M = Mow. Med 4 ood tact Moe $M iw BHO ‘ s Nox. tM a oe > Max. OA Nr Ay sewn bee , | (suid ‘{ AN ULT, SHEAR FoRcé ENVELOPE may bE Deavn U2 depron (85,1 EN 83,6 kN 1ol,S kn MZ tend B3,6EN = 20,9 ki) 4 8b 97,1 eRe 5,32m 73,4 kn 27 Bending moments and shear forces in continuous beams Clause states that the ultimate design bending moments and shears in a continuous beam may be obtained from an elastic structural analysis of a beam as part of a frame (see 3rd year notes), or as continuous over its supports and capable of free rotation about them (clause In this case, the following arrangements of loads must be considered: 1, ALL spans loaded with the total ultimate load 1,26, + 1,69, . L2Gn+ GQ, > A B © D € 2. All spans loaded with the ultimate self-weight 1,2, and altemate spans loaded with the ultimate imposed load 1,60, Wee, 2G, Le. A < 8B ee z < +M a tM ee. 1GQ, x A B c € AX EM These loading patterns must be analysed and the bending moment and shear force diagrams superimposed to obtain the maximum envelopes for design purposes. 28 CHART OF COEFFICIENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF CONTINUOUS BEANS OF UNIFOK AND EQUAL SPANS. ae M = Coefficient x Total load x Spon = coeFF x WX L (eit ceva tua: zons UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED. com) rene) cated =o109 = o100 Wy perm cee a con A San (erie 078) (@-01) ---¢ - con A oon A oon & oon (0-100) (0.081) (0.081) (0-400) We (w.t) Soe [ oon boon A 00 A oon A oon (ere) (eors) ~ (o.086) (2-079) (on100) 2. LOAD AT ors, 4 os? CENTRE POINT [ A ono -o6 cous @insy a3) 1 E Le ee ee ub “cn * om * im tam [ oz 183) ol 2.200 ¢ ons é Sie) sous 019 =o ose Rona com kon kon & ov [ o.2n) Con (om) (o-1B1) (oz) ook LOAD AT THIRD POINTS om (ous) (139) a =o =o ROR om oon om (@148) (0100) (e144) - sos 00 omy CATS -out = 0108 on, o-080 OOH 3050 ono. (o1gs) (0-108) (0-184) (ote) (e148) th j Coefficients without brackets‘are for all spans loaded. Coefficients with brackets are for'alternate spans loaded. ++ - Total load is the total load on one span. Span is the distance between centres of adjacent supports. DEPARTMENT OF CIVILENGINEERING Course: 2DE 2 Name: WT IK Page No. 7 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DESIGN Date: 29 | Hem Calculations Resutt ~ | EXAMPLE DETERMINE THE MAXIMUM ULTIMATE a @ BENPINA MOMGNT ENVELOPE FoR T : - HE Fovvowina §=BERM Upp = | 10 kd/mn ude = Ph En /w ~ P free Situs nie ae e ee p : t t t Gu . Oh Caen ec ~~ Nominal LomDS Sttewn DL * SeLr-wT _ Le = LMPOSe? |LoAdD SELF-WT (PERD LOAD) ULTIMATE Lond-S ce Z 2.20 = 2yeHI 12.10 =12 |b 2 ‘ TL ¢ 2 Gee Oe ee ee Mow : - Dae fo wAL, Me a ee eee (ine) = 432.0 Dee etc “Fe. Wh.G) = Mhbe’ 2 ietesep Lemp Cee Arr) , WeTIMATE Lends —_— Wane a Wo. Whe aly paren 7 2 ID FAG EN : bro eA ne (13 | \ \ ( Ae Cee > € - Mawunts 5 ( ) . De ud Me x Lond x span = ¢.(22,4,6).6] = 800,4.¢ Iba to PL 2h Tt i C142. ce [ttre DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2 DE2 Name: Art KL Page No. UNIVERSITY OF NATAL Desian Date: Bo ttem Calculations Result SELF, Wwe WAL coel 2 ~ | 0,077} =;107 | 0,036] ~0,271| 0,036 | -9107( 0,077| © 432.6 © *| 33,3|-46e,2| 15,6]-30,7] 15,6 |-46,2] 33,3 | O | knw Pan coeff © 1/170} -0,161 | O16 |~%107] 0,116 }-0,161] 170 | o ley ee 26,5 |-23,2] 16,7 | 15,4) 16,7 |-23,2| 24,5] © | enum IMPOSED Lend uaL caek © [(0, 100} 0,107 |(0,081)}-0,071 |(0, 08)))~0,107(0, 100)| 0 $064. c | O | 8o,6|-86,3} 65,3] -57,3] 65,3 |-86,3] 80,6] Oo | Enum PL oth © (o,2r2}-2,161 1, 183} 21197 |(6, 153) ~ 0,101 | (0,210) Ns\2 Fe. O | 2H A] 18,S) 21,1 ]-12,3/ 2H [-igs | 24,2 knw MAX MOMENTS O | 162,6|—17H,2] 118.9 |-115,7) 8,7 |-17%4 L62,6 | © kaw a INE Ny, 2 ULTIMATE BENDING MOMENT ENVELOPE cm 4 31 ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR THE DESIGN OF CONTINUOUS BEAMS WITH UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS Clause table 4 which provides values for determining the moments and shears in continuous beams which conform to the following conditions :- a) Loading consists of the same u.d.1. on all beams. b) There are not less than three spans. ¢) The spans do not differ by more than 15% from the longest span. 4) Qy $ GX 1,25 ‘Table 4— Ultimate bending moments‘) and shear forces es 1 2 3 Position Moment Shear ‘At outer support ° O45F Near mise of end span 2 = fn : See : [At fiat interior supports A ° P 3 o6F = ‘A mide ofntrice spans | BL - a : aw) ‘At interior supports A : 2 OssF “Do not redistribute the moments obtained from the table. NOTE — Fis the total utimate load (1,2G,, + 1,60,) and {is tho etfocive span. 32 Effect of a Cantilever on a Continuous Beam. NO LoaDinE on WTERAL SPAMS. My = cantilever Moment. i he ne cy 40, 268M, EFFECT Arte Bras is 40,08 Ma Necuiciece $0,007 = e ¢ =) ~ 0072 Ay BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM DUE 2 ONY TO CANTILEVER MOMENT Me My aes ae These moments must be added algebraically to the moments obtained previously for the loading on the internal spans. Note that a cantilever moment causes + moments at supports B and D which reduces (or if large enough completely overcomes and changes the sign of) the negative moments obtained previously for the loading on the internal spans. ¢ essere ceseee ee peemeer cee eeeee ee ecco epee Important. The effect of imposed load on a cantilever must only be considered if it increas moments existing in the internal part of the beam, or changes the sign of any moments. If cantilevers at both ends, treat separately then add results algebraically. DA a Me TT a hove Twa eo AT THE Kemore | Ms 4008: ee oN : A 8 ic > 3 srans MOMENTS 1 See ede deh ce eed DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2DEZ Name: WK Page No. UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DESIGN Date: 33 tem Calculations Result EXAMPLE | ConsiDeR ExamPLle @) wit THE © FOLLOWING CANTILEVER ON THE RIGHT END ‘e’;: peo pou = 20 N UDP = 10 ln ¢ P flpec = iz ea UDEL = Ih kvl SELE-WT (sea> Lome) ut. Loan Y= 12-20 =2y t 1,2. 10 = IZ Em & . ~ een SELE-wt ULT. Me= 2.18 + 12.18.04 >| CANT. MOMENT Imposed Lompiny (Live vomrs) , utr Load Wee lee= UG. ME = 22,4 in | apo z ante LotoseD Leap tm = 192.184 2,4.1,8.0,1 JUST. cant, manent 2 ea ec 8m NOMINAL LonDS SHOWN + DL = SELF-uT LL = LMPose> Loa. len 62,6 bm tare 14,2 kd 70,4 lad rrr DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Course. 2DEZ Name: WK age No] & UNIVERSITY OF NATAL DESION Bu Item Calcutations Resott a MOMENTS Feom Ex@| 2 [teat |-ie,2/+6,2 /-115,7 feue.7 |-1ne,2]4i42,6] © | btn CantiLevee:| FAVE . + CoEFFS © |#d,0095| +0, 04 |-0,027| ~0,072|+0,048|+0,268 |- 0,366] -1, 00 r w De: 62,6.¢] oO |+oe +6,1 | +16,8|-224] -62,6) ENw lee |e $6,919. 04725,9) -70,4 | enn v LL? 204.61 o +0,7 | MAX. Moments O — /+163,9]~173,0] +117,0] -125,3) +131,7]~157,4) ie VALUES IN CIRCLES FoR . ‘ SED Lond MOMENTS. (fee TREE MNPOSED Lo mie men’ CSeane ro] zero FoR Hh on ras “TWESE ChrsES / +163,4 +137 Sau) a meme ULTIMATE BENDING MOMENT ENVELOPE more = 4.2.4 Redistribution of moments >2.2 e/a +" Redistribution of the moments obtained by elastic analysis or by the simpltied methods glven in 4.2.2 fnd 4.2.3 may be cartied out, provided the following conditions are satisfied: 2) condition 1: equilirium between intemal and external forces is maintained under all appropriate combinations of utimate load. ) condition 2: where the design ultimate resistance moment of the cross-section subjected to the fargest moment within each region of hogging or sagging is reduced, the neural axis depth xshould not exceed (By:0.4)0 where dis the effective depth; and fy = Moment at section after redistribution) <4 '» = (moment at section before redistribution) from the respective maximum moments diagrams. NOTE Unless the column axial load is smal, condition 2 will generally rule out reduetion in column moment. ¢) condition 3: the utimate resistance moment at any section of an element complts with the appropriate value obtained from the final envelope of redistributed elastic moments on the element, se eo timate resistance moment at any section is at least 75 % or 80 %, as relevant, of the ae momont at that particular section, obtGined from elastic maximum moment diagrams covering Si appropriate combinations of ufmate joads. The value ot 75 % is applicable In the Case of unferm Saori cross-section considered does not change along the element) The value of 60 % is applicable in the case of non-uniform elements. 4) condition 4: in structures exceeding four storeys and in which the structural trame provides the fetal stability, the redistribution of moments is limited to 10 % and the value given in condition 3 teads 90 %. ¢) condition 5: in the case of linear elastic analysis being used, the relative sttness of the elements ig not based on the transformed sections. 35 4.3 Beams 4.3.1 General Design limitation Beams of normal proportions are the subject of this subolause. In the case of beams of depth exceeding half of their clear span, specialist Iterature should be consulted. Effective span of simply supported beams ‘The effective span of a simply supported beam is the smaller of ) the distance between the centres of bearings, and b) the clear distance between supports plus the effective depth. Effective span of a continuous beam ‘The effective span of a continuous beam is the distance between the centres of supports. In the case of an embedded end, the centre of action of support should be taken to be halt the effective depth trom the face of the support. Effective length of a cantilever ‘The effective length of a cantilever should be taken as its length to the face of the support plus hatf the effective depth. Ifa cantilever forms the end of a continuous beam, the effective span should be taken. as its clear length plus the distance to the centre of the suppor. Slenderness limits for beams To ensure lateral stability, the clear distance between lateral restraints should not exceed the following: 2) for simply-supported and continuous beams, the lesser of 60b, and 250b7/d; and ») for cantilevers with lateral restraint provided only at the support, the lesser of 25b, and 1006.3 where ‘, is the width of the compression face of a Beam midway between restraints, or width of the compression face of a cantilever; and is the effective deptn. For Parapet beams, lateral restraint may be assumed to be provided by slabs attached tothe tension zone. provided that the slab thickness is at least one-tenth of the effective de 5 live depth of the parapet beam ‘and the parapet beams themselves do not project above the siab by more than ten times thelr wich, For the relationship between slenderness limits for b t eams and tI th of, Specialist literature should be consulted, eae De sen of cone oe se ae 1, fl’ ‘a Tr ped 36 Mess emoale Contemk) Z5KNYin? povcmol (E08 concethe 2 tr fon? @ 3.4.2 Properties of materials san atnkt Hews foo canal us p/n? Modulus of elasticity (concrete) 4.21.1 Unless better information is available for normal density concrete, use the relevant short term ‘modulus of elasticity given in table 1, appropriate to the serviceability limit states. Table 1 — Values for modulus of elasticity of concrete, E, bs 1 2 = Modulus of ‘concrete at the elasticity of S appropriate age or stage | concrete, Ep : under consideration - MPa GPa 20 25 ae 25 26 30 28 40 a = 50 34 a 60 36 For concrete of low density aggregate that has a density in the range 1 400 kg/m? to 2 300 ko/m?, ed rmutiply the values given in table 1 by 7°S—. , where Deis the density ofthe low densty aggregate Ss concrete, in kilograms per cubic metre. > Concrete made from certain aggregates (such as certain sand-stones, limestones and granites) could have a modulus of elasticity significantly lower than the values given in table 1. Test 7 such aggregates in order to obtain an appropriate modulus of elasticity for use in design calculations. a (Further information on the modulus of elasticity of concrete is given in annex C.) dl ‘ For sustained loading conditions, make appropriate allowance for shrinkage and creep. Polsson’s ratio (concrete) For the serviceability limit states, take Poisson's ratio as 0,2. Modulus of elasticity (steel) cy For reinforcement, take the modulus of elasticity for all types of loading as &, = 200 GPa. For prestressing tendons, take the short-term modulus of elasticity as pa — E, = 205 GPa for high-tensile steel wire, — E, = 195 GPa for 7-wire strand, — E, = 165 GPa for high-tensile alloy steel bars. For sustained loading conditions, make appropriate allowance for relaxation. A ae EF 37 3.4.3 Analysis (ultimate limit state) Analysis of structures The primary objective of structural analysis is to obtain a set of internal forces and moments throughout the structure that are in equilibrium with the design loads for the required loading combination. A redistribution of the calculated forces may be made if the members concemed possess. adequate Guctity. Generally, twill be satisfactory to determine envelopes of forces and moments by linear elastic analysis of the structure or.of any part thereof and to allow for redistribution and possible buckling effects, using the methods described in clauses 4 and 5, When slabs are being considered, the yield line or other appropriate plastic theory may be used. When linear elastic analysis is used, base the relative stiinesses of the elements throughout on the Properties of any one of the following sections: a) the concrete section: the entire concrete cross-section, ignoring the reinforcement; ») the gross section: the entire concrete cross-section, including the reinforcement on the basis of ‘modular ratio; and ©) the transformed section: the compression area of the concrete cross-section combined with the reinforcement on the basis of modular ratio. (But see 4.2.4(¢).) Analysis of cross-sections seeks ake The strength of a cross-section at the ULS, under both short-term and long-term loading, may be taken from the short-term design stress strain curves, as follow: a) for normal density concrete, from figure 1 with y_, having the relevant value given in; 58 ') for reinforcement, from figure 2 with 7, having the relevant value given in; ©) for prestressing reinforcement, from figure 3, with y, having the relevant value given in The strain distribution in concrete and the strains in reinforcement are derived from the assumpticn that lain sections remain plain. The tensile strength of conerete is ignored. For prestressing tendons, make appropriate allowance for relaxatior allowance for shrinkage and creep. i for concrete, make appropriate Effective width of flanged beam |n the absence of a more accurate determination, ensure that the effective flange width a) for a T-beam does not exceed the:lesser of Le 1) the web width plus L/S and Su erode tate i 2) the actual width of the flange, and = -2/ x distance belsacen beans ») for aniL-beam does not exceed the lesser of 41) the web width plus L/10 and 2) the actual width of the flange, Nejaamina " . . where L, is the distance between points of zero moment (considering the bending moment envelope on spans). For a continuous beam, L may be taken as 0,7 times the effective span. Cee fist 5 S, er ee Ly 16 dist behwten ero mommies eA I «[ 4 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2 D572. Name: WTR Page No. ~ UNIVERSITY OF NATAL cxamere & Date: 33 ~ Item | Calculations Resutt ~ | = DETERMINE THE EFFECTIVE FLANKE wifPTrs ~ OF THe FeLrLowinn BEAMS 2 - xb 7 (A Zak im Continuous BEAM ,| STAN Bay : 300 Nore. Le é - b f= by + Serr srw) = one (0,7. fers) | #120 mm - abe . ) Cae i Pt conTINuons § GENM | SPAN Gm 7 a0 Nore. . b Jp by + i CEFF stan) = 250% 4 (017, e000) = 670 wm 4 ty be ae = Lever TolEFF Stans) = ARR = 70hn 2 TOOTSO + OF Do s/csar spacing BETWEEN) = Copmu = BEAMS +®© ) —=- - = 9804600 = NSOmm EAM ope - Geeta. s feiant sive) = ob + tert sme +(Ricn a essenS (EFF Span) = JOP . ees Lesser § B(E 2a! Pena) ge (ccene Sraenks) [2 STU mm PS eer Beem - = eed wn Characteristic strengths of concrete and reinforcement Concrete Clause gives the various grades of concrete with the characteristic strength f., (28 day strength) and strengths tnat may used at later stages. Table 2 — Strength of concrete ; 2 aa [geese equedsvengt alr ages sven bg cade hoe 36 ‘ MPa months og sd 3 pe ~ | wm | = | | ee | ee | oe S| 3 | 2] 2] 8 Se le | a |e : oe le |e | | le || es Reinforcement The characteristic strength fy of various types of reinforcement are given in Cl. Table 3— Characteristic strength of reinforcement, f, 1 2 3 Designation of reinforcement Nominal sizes CCharactoristc strength {, mm. MPa. Hot-olled mild stool piesean All sizes 250 ease o20y Al sizes 450 Cold. work high eld steak a (SABS $20) o ca Hard-drawn steel wire Up to and including 12 435 a a 40 Analysis of sections (Cl. The strength of a section should be assessed on the short term stress strain curves given in Figures 1 and 2 shown below. For normal design the appropriate values of y, are 1,5 for concrete and 1,15 for steel. Parabolic, curve Stress 7 0,0035 Strain 0,00024 NOTES 1 The coefficient 0,67 takes into account the difference between laboratory and site strength of concrete. 2 fey is in megapascals. ae Cuvee Hoo) 3 For non-linear analysis, specialist literature should be consulted. Figure 1.- Short-term design stress strain curve for normal density concrete \ jee! 43 uy 6 oe patel 08S ee) Tension pee tot we” 40 gretontee Compression F/ Aq + fy/2000) = 196 Me pup steer S52250M> 5 fye™ 19 : NOTE - f, is in MPa vgn vengue Fytbse mM, fyye 327 MS Figure 2 - Short-term stress strain curve for reinforcement 41 c ae + ao Me Cr? U Resistant moment of beams (C1. 4.3.3.) =Tx2 Analysis of sections To shyess + even. In the design of beams the elastic assumption that sections plane before bending remain plane after bending still holds. However the relations between stress and strain are given above in Figure 1 for concrete and in Figure 2 for reinforcement. Note the limiting strain of 0,0035 in concrete, irrespective of strength. In the case of beams reinforced only in tenson the maximum depth of the concrete in compression is half the effective depth. A) From the above the conditions of stress and strain assumed at the ultimate limit state are shown in the following diagrams. max a eee seg dar slscomesaate! 7 a. Slop cone ia | Ae < ie et y Feee i WA, ‘ \ Neuraas ek * 1 rr 2g tee PaRRBoe ite fs 5 * . 2,87 28 4 ote y 23 TENSION 32 ‘10 RAIN STRESS mm sraess iN iz Seerion toneneree Aeinrone man. 2 a Design Formulae (Cl 4.3.34) 0 Clause also allows for the stress in the concrete to be taken as 0,447 f,,, over the compression zone as shown in the diagram below. It is from this distribution that the design formulae have been derived. OAT £ See per fo x T < xlg faacanae eel oa oo steal : Bbove . doplloF NA =x degha. oF aporre ee = Qaxt Staece N Design formulae are given in Cl., These are not necessarily in the right form for all uses but will be noted in the derivations given below. 2) ~ Sections without compression reinforcement Payee a ~ O9.X MLZ. 22% leek : oat fet ape [d-2) = 0,45.% I € (= a7 fb. 0,9.) Lever Aem |z © d-045x) fees) i { | As . ae | = iT G 0,87.fy. As) 1 Feet oe yee “ay wottoet oes The ultimate moment capacity of the section if the concrete stress is ] li ting occurs if the stress zone is taken to its maximum depth of X =0,5 d. Under this condition the leveramz= a - 0,454 = 0,775A The Concrete M, = C. 2 : (o,e41fgy-b- 29.4 ) 0,775 Myc = O1S6.Fcy-bod? —= AB =>_ t 1 = (ce Met Ke fb > i where K'= 0,156 fee digle, - cleporels oF sme of foe meh cover ee tee hoc | ] My L. ins y ey 3 ;, g 2 L 43 rc If the applied maximum factored moment is M, then, - Mos MJ, means tension reinforcement will be imi r limiting. A “tf mae d TO" Jee onsa. fe.X<$, Z>0775¢ zal i Le 7 [ M Mae balanced section al M > M,, .. means that the concrete alone cannot carry M and compression reinforcement E will be required. Ke ll = 3 = pt jes red, In the first case, with the tension reinforcement limiting, the ie ultimate moment capacity of the section will be:- Myo TZ = (0,87 fy.A,) If M is the applied maximun factored moment, then this expression may be rearranged to read:- ‘> [ a M fe + uae [ L LE $ell ow? Come 44 This is the basic equation for the design of tension reinforcement but the value of Z is required. Consider balancing horizontal forces:~ ca: 1-0, OSPF eysb-2(d - 2) = 0,87.Fy As ante y As cu Solving for Z = (1 dd This is not very useful because it contains the unknown A.. = 4 Substitute AS = uate OV . eee togivez=(1- gga yg BIT Multiply through by 2 and rearrange terms to get:- Gy 2 Uw 2g cu Solve quadratic for 2 to get:~ 20,5 but ed bd? = M,-/0, 156 uae i M oie = 0,5 + ¥0,25— o7H6 g e Mac This expression will give the value for lever arm Z. il The maximun permitted value of 2 is 0,95.4@ Vi Aid, The range of 2 is therefore:~ Zz A Gow ge» OTS 656 0,95 - mr Om Zoe (Refer to graph on page 45 of notes.) oto Les d 46 b) Sections with compression reinforcement iL 0,47 Fi. pe ++ d’ \ a cs + A we TE S 2 = 945d ; a 7 oe sl = a! hy a cans [O-4) | As | a ot TT 7 L Rol TEC ot Te rey Msce +€5. Cat!) If Mom then compression reinforcement is required. The depth of compression will be d/2 and 2 = 0,775 ob Taking moments about the centroid of tension reinforcement gives M 2C.0,75d+C. (¢-@) lev 7 a aver nn =(oavrgb.cesdjamsd + (f,.8 Jie-e) Aten oF omy tet. Cee fom. (d= ¢) (But see ® below) jens i Re from this, the area of compression reinforcement A, ‘may be obtained:- (But see © below) 8 ez To calculate the tension reinforcement, consider balancing horizontal forces 47 Titel Contin = Tole” Connpriosin. oe 9,87 Fy Ay =(441F oy. gusa) + a 0.87 fy As =(0201F—y bd) + (fycA,) This may be rearranged to give:- O,201-Fgy bd a ae ee ae ee aeeee Ailal wea of ore ee + fre oo ‘oe s* URTTy one oa7f, S - Reinforcement Reinforcement required for to balance : M, concrete comp. reinf. @ Note however that clause!. states that when d'/d is i: greater than 0,2, do not use equation @ but calculate the moment be of resistance using fig 2. r This is because in shallow sections the strain gradient is : Steep and the strain may have reduced to below 0,002 in the E Compression reinforcement (refer stress-strain curve) and hence a ‘the compression reinforcenent may have a lower stress capacity. i a a a > 0,2 DEEP SECTION a <%? SHALLOW SECTION a’ 0,0035 a’ -e,0035 - come. - ENF. i STRAIN > 0,002 7 = SCAN USE WNAX. fre lhe jak a STRAIN < 0,002 fo ste na fe Caer. re. 38) TENS. ae > STRAIN DIAGRAMS REIN. J : DEPARTMENT OF CIVILENGINEERING |Course: 2De2 |Name: wre Page No. UNIVERSITY OF NATAL ExAMPLe 7 |Date: 48 Item Calculations Resutt Ww b clans lop HS Fan LoaDING (4) BMD. Cult) Tren ab Mae HAS To SUPPORT THE FoOLLowin% FoR BENDING IN EACH CASE + UPDL = 15 EN/w "NOMINAL DLEZ IT ENiw UP Ke (service) Gu ~ LOADS pub neler = DESIGN WLT. LoAD = .IS. Sao Rouah CALCULATION | atreox Ags A = 987 $5 = (efor Ae TRY CovER TO MAIN BARS F 50mm = 2s 2 500-309 - = 8 . 2 = 0,156 fu. bal™ = 0,156.25. 300. 457541 APPLIED “MOMENT = 2OB,UkNm Mu A S00 x 300 REINFORCED conceeTe BEAM Lonpinas ON A Gum SIMPLY~ SuPPORTED ser. DESUN THE REINFORCEMENT RqQuIRED urs Use = 25 Ma f = bso May Nae ? ) fye 327 ha = ne : a> Getrore hasg 19 ww ) MILD EXPOSURE]? OR INCLUDES SELF-WT) 300 RY 3x No — COMPRESSION REINF. REQUIRED. Two 60) i cea) 457,5 wm = 245 lam eS ZS lw DEPARTMENT OF CIVILENGINEERING Course: 2DeEz |Name: WTK | Page No; UNIVERSITY OF NATAL EX. 7 (Cont) | Date: 45 Item Calculations Result Iiletcell ss OS + |9,25- 0,746 =] Oey ; & a Mue M e203. 19 : = one a on f,e 0,89, U50. 0,82. us7s| 1378 snag : 6 = ee o 1473 eon oft! : fo bs| = 19-1418 /500.. 300 0,48 7o 2 eae y pusit oe — & % v Lines 300 aw z cover f Bp e ij ueie | 2 elo a Sou W112 TO LINES t eo ea i Ae g (mid exe) [eves] cen wee 20 mm > pew MAIN STEEL eae ee oe (ap exe) Spach C . b- 2 .cover (man) — 1. b (tn) OF BARS n-l = B-2.30- 3. 3-1 Bil Sear oe la V PF Wage +5 |= (TES = Dip og 4 35 > < MAK Se | KD drok oe leks LJ te Imbel Comabl, we . Gino) bans onl = 3 Ode & a | ee _Meveal {DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING | Course: ZLDEL Name: WT Page No. 1 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL EX 7 Ceont.>) | Date: So : item Calculations Resut = een CO | Uppe = 22 enim 300 | LORD INA (b) ee 26 bin NominAt - 4 (service) Suv : Gu Lorps ~ . . wife ut wad =/22) yc +e ib = [68 EN/m He u = bmp CG { Le Mae = ee = [306 bnm | Colt) = A | (assume Yrs Bars AS berore d= [EST S wee (as BEFORE) = 24S bmw < M =| 306 bn , REQUIRE Comrerssion REINF. ! MaMa 2 Coen es) 8) pT me Goo (A- ') BOT (4575 — #059) Exval(os) 2 As |= Mee + pl By o Bete + Det w] 2 ares 0.87 £, oS A “aia 987.450. 0,775. ¥S7,S] ORT = CS : i = 2st ae . : i a 7 | (z¥s4) : sb : : 2 > 01% 1+ | sons stot, fy | = too. tusy /se0.500 Sabie. : a Ae) , = % * ' ie « |eeme el Dy Kgl = Wea. 628 J 50, ayo sy 0ur% 70,24 YO) < Ho ai CoveRs AS REFORE LINKS . Seq: ie sara Be) cover 4 Sey ~ Gwe br2) gen! - ae Pgrw gequser ase] SPACING, = Seo BIOS TS = 28/75 wy Shagt ~ |yo ResTeAIN s-l BS = 110" + Lecomte. steel won = -4 att WOTTOPY Durban t fae bend PPP ETE Fanta 51 AND L BEAMS The design for bending of T and L beams depends on whether the depth of compression stress block 0,9x lies within the compression flange, or extends below the flange. The design is then handled as follows: a) Depth of compression stress block lies within flange: ea i.e. 0,9% ¢ h, \e (also 0,9x § 0,45 d) where 0,9x = 2 (d - z) i | Omer t, wl z / LLL ot Fo ° bw In this case the beam is designed as @ rectangular bean with compression width equal to the effective flange width b. *\% b) Depth of compression stress block extends below the flange: i.e. 0,9x > hy (also 0,9x < 0,454) In this case the method is simpler and slightly conservative if the compression stress block is taken as 0,45d. 0,44) 52 Area 1 = by. 0,45d = 0,45 bid Area 2 = (b-b,). he sere c, =f 447 4.) 0,45 bd = 0,201f bd cu w cuw stiess G =£0,447 Foy. (b-b, Ihe The ultimate moment capacity of the concrete (without compression reinforcement) is: peoruonke aboot” Mor Gd + Gh C controrel + (d - 0,5.0, E a (d= 0,5h, 0,210 f, bd - (4 - 0,5.0,45d) + 0,447 f,, (b-b Ih, .(d - 0 5h) H. = 0,156 f,8,d? + 0.447 fy hg(b-b,)(d - 0.5 he) Conercke. caprce' ley of eee i 2 bas (or can use SABS 0100 expression M,. = Bpf, with table 5) (i) If M, then compression reinforcement is required for the excess moment, as for rectangular beams: To get tension reinforcement consider: Chat +0, 0,87 FyA = 0,201 Feydyd + 0,447 Eyhg(d ~ by) + Ag = 0,201 foyb,d + 0,447 Fiyhe(b-! 0,87 fy If d'/d> 0,2 * Ref. page 47 Fis et oe J DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2S €2 Name: WwTK Page No. 4 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL examece § Date: s+ ; faa Calculations Result - T z \20o eet A \so T fe > 20 ha i Glo = fy = uso me o bd a ot fy = 327 AM ‘| 300 5 (@)| Th pectic Winte distr wement = | 650 karen és Myfe 0166 fF. ba” = 0,1. Lo. 1200 1550 Yo = | 132 ene uy M 2 680 = 6,574 <|10 2 My 132 : z = a ae from re (ey 4S ) = 0,887 | sis 4 Pssst ohuaine)s insite ees licitents sti] Ws b= iz00 - 04x < he vse (pitts) inte = Ee ae Rie Cope (a yh Duantan Re ea ramntetng bem undtt, b & ILoe me | Tews. eee NA bso .10" feel oe ee s Tae As O87fy.% 087.480, 0,887. SF° = [3403 wm | a (50.1900 € 225 (Fev ] =| Frias Be8) (262) Ase) (wort) eat i 4 Crake Jy spacey, Cover ah. i ea) t | \ ‘ UA nbc Armin wrmemenl =| BSO led we et 6 before = 32 bw 4 mM « 8 2 9,751 |euo E et i Mac Se \ 2 = | | 3) + ee oth Cees) = |o,8us : ] Cea 2 (Ss0- ous. Sse) 2 Boel 04x > hh ee Ul. tee) ae Te bean : cw Nee TR anata Aseria 96 tem DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2 DE 2 UNIVERSITY OF NATAL Name: WTK Date: EXAMPLE $ (conn Page No, SS Calcutations T-beAm TENS. Ay RENE (ae TENS REINE Ps (%>) Resut ee ol ee 8) em Ue ee (22 Mae = 0156 Fy by A™ +7 fhe (bebalid-as lig) Ge) “GIG. 20.300. 5507, + 4447.20, 150. Joo, US) -. No tome, sted, 0° Me BS okdad Tio - wo % LE prio ulinetle deere -pewuah + Cnch fh, spring lehey ve. fe L C. c E L E cL. 2 Mt Of, bd (ous zhe) _ $50.10" + 0,1, 20.3p0.5so(aus Soe] 0,87 fy (A- 2,5 iy) ~ 0187.50 (sfo-o,5°, 1) : e 2 YY nom eye) of (¥8rs ) Bay wien (0D Age 200 Aye (eh py #) “hy 2 0,201 fn bua) +( 0.047. fu by (bebsd) aioe! 0.87 fy oat = 0)20/.20, 300.550 + 0,447.20.180, 400 + 327: 207 EIS ue 300. b10 ver +p = 400 kim Then My. (Ao abeve) = 8564 Wan Med | c. Come. REINF IS REQUIRED - oe = Mo Mu 2 (S00 ~ su4). 10° A aie Fy. (A-A') 327.(S$0-S0) Ua Oy Wee, 150 oe ne S000 mm rc ping O81. USO 0,87.489 ae “oe FYUS | fs e Yio-300% fone (s180) an re aoe f he = oto = 18s 108 (i.e. 8 < 0,9) ~ ay wt tedstn > Py -ow 4 In this case the maximum depth of the compression zone is limited to:~ . max x = (p) - 0.4) 4 OMY feu z ow —> (A-2) = 0,48 (B- 0,4) 4 \ 4 OA max T oA Le Ga c 2, = [A a48 (B,-84)4 T : = 2 In this case:- M,, = C-2 = 0,447.0,9 (p, - 0,4)(1 - 0,45(8, - 0,4))f,, bd ———— bd? Mc = 10,402 (8, - 0,4) - 0,18 (8, = O.4)°2 Foy G) TF Mg My, No compression reinforcement is required and 4 and A, are calculated as for beams with Bg > 0,9 (i) Tf M> My, Comp. reinf. is required as follows:- (out refer Page 47 if $.> 0,2 \ . Mue fre gs : oe * 0,87 Fy (1-0,45(6,-0,4))¢ 9874, § 57 RECTANGULAR — CROSS-SECTIONS bY gltmeke ding 6 SABS o100 mak FRom sTeveTuRae DETERMINE M AND BL LiF any) ANALYSIS 2 My. = 5156 £, bd Yes RequizeD No come street aot (B,-0¥) - 010(,-0,8)] fb come. sree. is Zz Required TOs + fors - oi7ye | come. steeL is Required | { Fon STH cases use Mae O)1565,. 64" ) Y o ~ Damn’ 7 BEAM 0.K IN BENDING Benm 15 yes 1S Arf, > 104 NO! pur ensuee twat : prim ek Ay, > 010% eee tiara) a \ spaces @® Rerer Pace 47 Se vee (it) ie a > 0,2 mc r L cm DESIGN 58 Cengage asks Beams ( B REDISTRIBUTION 0/2 5d LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE IN BENDING AND SHEAR TO SABS 0100 DESIGN FOR SHEAR In SABS 0100, design for shear is carried out at the ultimate limit using the ultimate shear force obtained from factored loading as described on page IG- In the design of concrete structures, it is generally desirable to ensure ‘that ultimate strengths are governed by flexure rather than shear. Failures in bending are accompanied by cracking, yielding and appreciable deflection before collapse. Shear failures however, are usually characterized by small deflections and lack of ductility and yielding. There is often little warning before failure occurs and this makes shear failures particularly undesirable. It would seem prudent therefore to handle shear in a conservative way. The approach to shear design in CP114 was found to be unsafe in some applications and did not take account of some important aspects of shear behaviour of @ reinforced concrete beam. With this in mind, the Institution of Structural Engineers set up a shear study group, in 1965 - "To consider the available information on shear in concrete, to decide what further tests are required, and to put forward a research programme which will eventually enable a relationship to be established between design formulae and modes of failure that can occur". Subsequently, the group was asked to make proposals for clauses to be incorporated in the Unified Code of Practice CP110. The procedures set out in the relevant section in CP110 have been adopted in SABS 0100/1980. Shear failure of beams without shear reinforcement The loading used in the testing was generally of the following form:- v Vv BENDING REINF. SHEAR : Force te DiRGRAM 1 BENDINE, MOMENT + Dinaran This produces an almost constant bending moment over the central portion with negligible shear, and almost constant shear over the ‘shear span’ zone ay. el The shear behaviour of the beam was found to vary for different ay/¢ ratios. For a beam with 2% tension reinforcement and 30 MPa concrete the following was observed: ~ a) ay/d > 6 This resulted in pure flexural failure due to the concrete at the top of the beam crushing or reinforcement yielding. b) 2,5 ay/d < 2,5 ie ¥ € ’ ts iA > ay/a os In this case the diagonal crack often forms independently and not as a development of 2 flexural crack. The beam will usually remain stable after such cracking. Further increase in the force V will cause the diagonal crack to penetrate into the concrete compression zone at the loading point, until eventually the concrete crushes and bursts at this point. This failure mode is usually called shear-compression failure. For this mode the ultimate load is sometimes more than twice that at diagonal cracking. ay/d <1 cm aoe 1 elite acl reece apeinre rae tert) ie Herre ie gute 63 The behaviour now approaches that of a deep beam or corbel. The diagonal crack forms approximately along a line joining the loading sedi. and support points. It forms mainly as a result of the splitting “s action of the compression force that is transmitted directly fron the loading point to the support. The ultimate load is often several times that at diagonal cracking. Mechanics of shear transfer Consider the following diagram of a beam reinforced longitudinally and in shear: U yee taaion Ye is the shear resistance due to compression in the concrete is the shear resistance due to aggregate interlock Vg 18 the shear resistance due to dowel action V, is the shear resistance of stirrups /ii,is) From tests that have been carried. out, the contributions made by the elements (excluding shear reinforcement) are:- V, 20 - 40% Vv, 33 - 50% Vg 15 - 25% From these investigations it is apparent that the shear resistance of a section does not disappear even when the section is cracked. 6+ From many tests carried out by varying concrete strength (affecting V, and V,) and percentage of tension reinforcement, table was compiled. This ives the ultinate shear stress vq that may be carried by the crosssection (b xd) taking account of the three components V., Y, and Vy. cols | ‘Table 6 — Maximum design shear stress, y, for grade 25 concrete 4 ir ater | oa awe Jea aa) teal Maximum design shear stress of concrete, ¥, ‘cee wa A ae e mea, Etective depth, @ i le ye mtaepree AE ~~ wales 125 150 175 200 225 250 300} 400 sais | o40 | 098 | 037 | 038 | os | 024 | 092 | 020 025 | 047 | 045 | 044 | 042 | 041 | 040 | 08 | 06 0.50 | o60 | os7 | 055 | os4 | ose | 080 | 048 | 0.45 075 | 069 | 065 | 063 | 061 | 050 | oss | oss | ost | or satlow x00 | 075 | o7z | ozo | cer | ces | ces | ost | ose ves 1,50 087 | 082 | 0.79 | 0.77 | 074 072 0,70 0,64 vse ey WOK 200 | 095 | 1 | oss | oss | ose | 070 | o77 | on | fees 23.0 | 1.00 | 104 | 100 | ose | 02s | oor | ome | cet ) Skene re Ken NOTE — Allowance has been made in these figures for a Yq, of 1.40. o& The following graph shows the curve for 30 MPa concrete compared with test results. 1s . 10 ee [tvestt base got Se atte eee arrears aerere teeta : ee log sa tte) timmy | de 2 bel lt nee ests bee _ pe fey = 31810385 N/mm % tensile reinforcement Test rests for ultimate shear stress in beams (Taken from Report by Shear Study Group of the Institution of Structural Engineers) 1 4.3.4 Shear resistance of beams NOTE — All formulae given in this subclause include allowances 10r yy 4.3.41 Shear stress and shear reinforcement In beams The design shear stress vat any cross-section of a beam should in no case exceed a value - of the lesser of 0,75 fg, oF 4,75 MPa, regardless of any shear reinforcement provided. ~ inbs - ve ove ee - Ba iad Toy = where town aN highs Siew Vis the design shear force due to design maximum loads for ultimate limit state; gh nent : is the width of section (tor a flanged beam, should be taken as the rib width); and d is the effective depth. a lable € 4.341.2 Where the shear stress exceeds v, as calculated from equation (2), provide shear reinforcement in the form of links or links combined with bent-up bars (but see for minimum - area of links). ine Do not space bent-up bars at more than 1,5 times the effective depth of the beam. Calculate v, from: ee pe v - V3 We WA vg = 278 [fas] 19 [100 Au) 8 (400) @ - Ym (2 by a a where for sheer) ae - 2 Yim is the partial safety factor for materials (see, and a fey is the characteristic strength of concrete (but not exceeding 40 M should not be taken as greater than 3, where ” ‘Ag. is the area of properly anchored tension reinforcement (in the case of prestressed concrete the stressed and unstressed reinforcement should be considered), and is the width of section (for a flanged beam this should be taken as average width of the rib i below the flange), aS —F - Besnoclthnotbetakercas-tessthan-t- i. \ where d_ is the effective depth. ee provides values of v, for 25 MPa conerete, for a typical range of steel contents and effective cloasnid Wty 3 more 6G when shear reinforcement is necessary the shear strength of the beam is calculated on the basis: Total shear Shear resistance Shear resistance Shear resistance Strength = of beam without + of vertical + of inclined shear reinforce- shear reinforce- shear reinforce- ment ment ment, ay Veonerete + “inks * Vinclined bars Link Reinforcement To calculate the contribution of links it is assuned that @ diagonal tension crack is generated at an angle of 45° to the tension reinforcenent for the full depth of the beam. This gives results which compare relatively well with experimental results. ity a The number of links crossing the crack, given by d/Sy must provide the Shear resistance due to vertical reinforcement. Therefore resolving forces vertically the shear resistance provided by vertical links is a Bye cecsve 6? ‘Therefore for a beam containing vertical reinforcement, Total shear resistance ¥ = V concrete + V links ice. d Agy fF, SV Uyv Nee Sy sVotoae Rearranging gives: Agy _ Blve¥e) Sy TET where fyy = characteristic strength of the link reinforcement which must be taken as not exceeding 450 MPa Agy = the cross-sectional area of tyo legs of a link. Sy = the spacing of links along the member which must, not exceed 0,75 d in the direction of span and at right angles to it. It may be convenient to use the expression as follows:- 1000 b (v- Blatt: Agy/metre/no. of legs of Link = where n= number of link legs (e.g. (4 n= 2, CLD n=4). tis enables suitable intensity of links to off slab steel ares tables. Clause that links are not required in beams of minor structural importance (e.g. lintels) or where the maximum shear stress < 0,5 Vo. 68 In all other cases, the minimum area of links should be provided throughout the span such that: for high yield links ou = 0,012 by 7 for mild steel Links el = 0,002 by ve where Acy = the cross-sectional area of the two legs of a link im the breadth of the beam at the level of the tension reinforcement. jy = the spacing of the links (see page 64. for maximum spacing) errr Pete PPO ace feeeee sca eerste These may be rearranged as follows:~ Agy/metre/leg = 1,2 b,/n for H.Y. Links E Agy/metre/leg = 2b,/n for M.S. links © i where n = number of link legs (see page 7.) r Clause, also gives the minimum requirement for Links supporting . compression bars as follows:~ 4.11.45 Minimum area of links! r In a beam or column, where part or all of the main reinforcement is required to resist Compression, provide links of ties of diameter at least one-quarter of the diameter of the largest r compression bar at a maximum spacing of twelve times the diameter of the smallest compression bar. So arrange links that every comer bar and attemate bar or group in an outer layer of reinforcement is. supported by a link passing round the bar and having an included angle of not more than 135°, Ensure r that all other bars or groups within a compression zone are within 150 mm of a restrained bar. In the case of circular columns, where the longitudinal reinforcement is located round the periphery of a circle, Provide adequate lateral support by using a circular tie that passes round the bars or groups. Link Piemeter > Lager Lenn tuloed ber dawachor © Crake Spacna < smallhcl longebvdanal lone Homete x (2 bs ct ts cs to J 62 Inclined bars. Up to 50 % of the shear reinforcement may be In the form of bent-up bars, which are ‘assumed to form the tension members of one or more single systems of lattice girders in which the canerete forms the compression members. The maximum sess in any bar shoul be takon as 0.87, ‘The shear resistance in any vertical section Is the sum of the vertical components of the tension ‘compression forces cut by the section. ‘Check bars for anchorage and bearing (see 4.11.6). To resist the shearing forces, bars may be bent up near the supports as shown in figure 5.3. The bent-up bars and the concrete in compression are considered to act as an analogous lattice girder and the shear resistance of the bars is determined by taking a section XX through the girder. From the geometry of part (a) of the figure, the spacing of the bent-up bars is Sp = (d- d') (cot a +cot 6) and at the section XX the shear resistance of the single bar is V=0.87 fyAg sina (6.4) where Agp is the cross-sectional area of the bent-up bar. Anchorage | Lie x] sb: {d-d'Iicotascotp) (a) Single System (>) Multiple System Figure 5.3. Bentup bars as in part (b) of the figure, the shear For a multiple system of bent-up bars, Hence resistance is increased proportionately to the spacing, Sp- anesthe ta + cot V=087 fyAgp sina (a-4') (cota cotB) (6.5) Sb ‘The angles « and f should both be greater than or equal to 45° and the code requires that the spacing sp has a maximum value of 1.5d. With a= 6 = 45° and sy = (d — d’), equation 5.5 becomes V=123 fee (6.6) aennnamant ie enmmonly referred to as a double system. Concentrated loads near supports of beans If a large concentrated load is applied within 2 4 from the face of support the shear failure mode tends towards cases (c) and (d) on pages 62 and 636 loads as illustrated in the following graph:- Under these conditions the concrete is able to carry higher shear Influence of shearlspan effective depth ratio om the shear strength of rectangular ‘members without shear reinforcement (Taken from report by Shear Study Group) Lo eed tee 4.3.42. Shear In sections close to supports 43.421 Enhanced shear strength of sections close to supports ‘Account may be taken of the enhancement in any situation where the section or concentrated load under consideration is closer to the face of a support than twice the effective depth d. This enhancement is particularly useful for corbels (see or pile caps (see 4.10.4). ‘Shear failure at sections of beams and cantilevers without shear reinforcement will normally occur on a plane inclined at an angle of about 30° to the horizontal. ithe angle of failure plane is forced to be inclined more steeply than this (because the section under consideration (x-x in figure 6) is close to a ‘support, or for other reasons), the shear force required to produce failure is increased. ‘This enhancement of shear strength may be taken into account in the design of sections near a support by increasing the design concrete shear stress ¥,, to v, 2d /a, (dis the effective depth and a, is as ‘shown in figure 6), provided that v at the face of the support remains less than the lesser of 0,7 Vu and 4 MPa (this limit includes a Yq, of 1,4). Shear reinforcement for section close to supports Mf shear reinforcement is required, the total area of this is given by D Ay = & by (V2 Bday) | OB7hy 2 0.4, a, / 0.87, where a, and dare as in; b, is the wieth of section (for a flanged beam, this should be taken as average width of the rib below the flange); vis the design shear stress at a cross-section; is the design shear stress of concrete (see; and is the characteristic strength of the link reinforcement (but not exceeding 450 MPa). fw This reinforcement should be provided within the middle three-quarters of a, . Where ay is less than d, horizontal shear reinforcement will be more effective than will vertical, and both should be used. 4, Enhanced shear strength near supports (simplified approach) The procedures gWven in 4: and may be used for all beams. However, for beams ‘carrying a generally uniform load or where the principal load is located further than 2d rom the face of support, the shear stress may be calculated at a section a distance d from the face of the support. The value of ¥, is calculated in accordance with, and the appropriate shear reinforcement assessed. If this amSunt of shear reinforcement is provided at sections closer to the support, no further check for shear at such sections is required. Page No. _ DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2 DEZ Name: WK UNIVERSITY OF NATAL Limit state DESIGN |Date: ~ | ae tem Calculations Resutt iC) cb) BENDING ese Mare M A SIMPLY SuPpeRTED T-BEAM WITH THE CROSS-SECTION Stown BELOW SPANS Jum AND CARRIES THE NOMINAL LOmPING grroun DESIGN THE GENDING REINFORCEMENT AND SHEAR REINFORCEMENT ASSUMING IM ALL SHEAR REINFORCE MENT TO BE LINKS LINKS AND INCLINED BARS - use 42 450 Men, f. 225 MPa , covers usee = 51 EN © a WDdLE 7 38 Ki 4 Ton 350 Sia sla 2 sees gi G = - Neate /6 = : See ews. : ba = 350+ = = Gre - 70 $ 2 | : 2 Le ose fi ba® = 9186.25. 950.530 Aon = MeMoe , iO) Sic 0,25- 017402 : = 2(A-2) = 2(Ss0- of7. 530) = : eee Mie V> ve, 2. Reaves Sterna Reibrorce meu, (| Bie SHEAR ON LINKS Comte Of Ase /onfans = Were.) “ on? ee Sah = lov. $50(2,22-0,68)) wi 2:87, #50. oi? fe Yir.@ te0%) | i G2) | DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Course: 2>€2. Name: WTK UNIVERSITY OF NATAL LIMIT Srare pesian [Dai em Calculations dpe Meme Spaced = OS 20S. 5uq) = LIZ mm L Mun Bev/m fag > Vi be fn = 1,2. 380/> = a Asv/uu/ = 224 = levo.380 (ar-066) 2 087. #50. we uve ie, capac, eubaA = 116.380. 844 / [- Conceeté with NominAL LINKS | ¥a7. . Naas ze Stee 223 bed Pose DiRGRAM x GT Nom. LINKS ~S 7 Yio= 3509 Cennids pout X , 0/85 from Spe Vase oss vie 3243.10°/ 350. sua . Aow/on / 4 * lore: 380 (ut6 - 966) 067. yse 2 t Yit-we, | Yio-teo Yio- 350 SSR rea arene maar “Pei $00 ‘to G00" Ibo 323,31en 1,68 rrfe 4ST mm, Yie = leek (4a) T Page No. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Course: 2 DEL Name: Wtit UNIVERSITY OF NATAL LIMIT STATE DEsiGn |Date: 715 tem Calculations Result (by L USING INCLINED SARS + LINES ae Yous bars are hank a ad a oo a 0,37. hy Ay Sunee = 0,87. SO. 442, Sm HS = |272 ews 2 Bur, embenn eee lo Sima ty Sot 4 sluae “enpernnt : o : pe tl Yk = - : eee as (Shine fora = comer: eo enpachy) ~ oS (427 - VE bd) eoasCyn-- 0,66. 390-544) = ISo kN creed Tree fore Vad mp ao chowlele talon aca’ 2 sth $28 S23 a faa’) ee To ee cepacia = Mad: Ase fy = Us. 498. ESO s |= 27% EW. Bu Semed to | 150 vo (Sth Dodane dud mr eebo terete = | ur7 - 15° z v |= 277 ww. Esra oe 2 2 uy ade a Vv aes 7 Pu [om [sey = Mere be (tut Ort) 344 wen 0,87. 450.0% Te ses eo DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING |Course: 2>E7 Name: Y= [Page No. UNIVERSITY OF NATAL LIMIT STATE DESidas |Date: 76 Item Calculations aaa Shee fre MW ark do wrdeed bev - Bp) = 42}: — ose. ne = | 298 kn. : 3 This epee a ow = 298 ote 55 Wa 350. BA t- ie = . 30 (USE - 0,66 1 ce hom ing + lord 380 (USE ONE) a8 sn O07. 4SO 1D Cee) | Yio -180 Yio - 380 Gees Nome om aaa age A221 bbl ag Mddg i gsebeg a ccpeebeal | caprnnege ccegevve ct peta ce PM ee Meee POMC eeent te ere Piet: 4.11.6 Bond, anchorage, bearing, laps, Joints, and bends In bars 4.41.61 Local bond stress =n: Loe mech ah e pabew At both sides of any cross-section, the force in each bar should develop as a result of an appropriate embedment length or end anchorage. Provided this happens, local bond stress may be ignored. Anchorage bond stress Anchorage bond stress is assumed to be constant over the effective anchorage length. it may be calcu- lated as the force in the bar divided by its effective surface anchorage area (see 4.11.63). It should not exceed the values for ultimate anchorage bond stress f,, given in table 24. In beams where minimum links in accordance with 4.3.4 have not been provided, the anchorage bond stresses used should be those appropriate to plain bars, irespective of the type of bar provided. This does nat apply to slabs. ‘Table 24 — Ultimate anchorage bond stress f,, 1 2 2 4 5 a Bar type Ulimate anchorage bond stress fy, ca ach MPa yey! Concrete grade wi 20 25 | 20 | s0ormore t Plain ba in tension 14 | ts 19 Plain bar in compression v7 | 49 23 Deformed bar’ in tension 25 | 29 34 Deemed bar" in ar | as 42 compression “As defined in SABS 920. TSBSR Veeeiaig eae NOTE — Reduce the values by 30 % for deformed top bars and by 50 % for plain /\ ea eeae top bars in elements of depth exceeding 800 rm ys Design anchorage bond stress ‘The design anchorage bond stress is assumed to be constant over the anchorage length and is given by the following equation: = Afb s ty where ~ Svat fy is the bond stress; > fcve /aces ‘ Fis the force in bar or group of bars; 1 is the anchorage length; is the effective bar diameter (for a single bar, the actual bar diameter and for a group of bars contact, equal to the diameter of a bar of equal total area); and fou is the ultimate anchorage bond stress given in table 24.

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