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Gwynedd Mercy University

School of Business and Education

Name: Kelly Rakus Grade/Level: 2nd Grade

Topic: Goals Work with STUDENT 2

PA Core or Academic Standard(s):

1.1 Foundation Skills 1.12 Phonics and Word Recognition
2.4 Measurement, Data and Probability 2 Measurement and Data.

Big Idea(s):
Effective speaking prepare and communicate messages to address the audience and
purpose. Mathematical ideas can be represented and communicated.

Essential Questions:
What do good speakers do? How do speakers effectively communicate a message? How
do mathematical effect communication.

Objective/Performance Expectation: What will students know and be able to do as a

result of this lesson?
Student will be able to tell time by the half hour by using a worksheet. Student will be
able to identify word blends by using pictures.


1. Briefly describe the students in your class, including those with special
needs. Explain how you will meet the needs of ALL learners
(Differentiated Instruction).
There are five students in my classroom, three boys and two girls. Four out of the five
students are non-verbal and communicate with iPads. Two of the students are able to
mobile while the other three have wheelchairs and other walkers. The students also have
multiple seating options so they are not in there wheelchair all day. All students have
multiple disabilities. One of the students has a nurse who assist daily. There are also two
personal care assistants to assist. There is also lead teacher and assistant teacher. The
classroom also has a floor matt for the students to sit on when they need a different
seating option. Students also receive physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech
therapy for 30 minutes once a week. When asking the students to answer a question, the
teacher will go to the correct page on the iPad for the students to communicate.

2. List the specific standard and expectations as outlined in the PA Core/

Academic Standards (SAS).

1.1 Foundation Skills

1.12 Phonics and Word Recognition.
D Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding

2.4 Measurement, Data and Probability

2 Measurement and Data.
A. Tell and write time to the nearest five minutes using both analog and digital
3. Explain the psychological principles/theories you used in constructing this
lesson and explain how it is manifested in the lesson.
I will use zone of proximal development. I will show the student how to complete the
task. Then together we will do the task. Following that, the student complete the task on
there own. For these students, they may need more assistance on the task.


4. Describe the effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in little

or no loss of instructional time.
Students arrive off the bus, enter the classroom and unpack there belongings. Students
who are mobile will unpack themselves. All other students will unpack with there one on
one or nurse. The student or one-on-one will place any notes or paperwork from parents
in the bin on the desk. Students then answer there daily question. The daily question is
posted on the back white board. They all move there name to the yes or no side. Students
may do this individually or with help from a one-on-one. While waiting for all students to
arrive, students may play with any activities or toy they have. Once all students arrive, we
begin morning meetings. Students will know it is time for morning meeting by the music
stopping and the powerpoint being pulled up. We have the daily scheduled posted on the
back white board so they know what is coming. Between activities, there will be a song
and video played. At the end of the day, students pack up there belongs, return to
wheelchairs they arrived in and walk down to the buses.

5. Identify what you will do to set clear standards of conduct and behavior
management of student behavior.
Students are expected to sit nicely during lesson and have nice hands. Nice hands are
considered keep there hand to themselves and not throwing any objects. When they need
a reminder, we say nice hand or hold there hand on there desk. They are expected to use
there iPads to communicate as well.

6. Identify what you will do to establish expectations for student

Student is expected to match blending by picking the correct blend with a clothes pin and
telling time by using a worksheet.


List Materials Needed

- Telling time Folder
- Blending cards and clothes pin

7. Motivation Activities/Strategies: How will you generate interest or focus

your lesson for the students?
I will generate interest by letting him know that we will be able to have 5 minutes of iPad
time after we complete our work. He loves his iPad and goes not get it very often.

8. Prior Knowledge Activities/Strategies: How will you activate prior

knowledge, build background, or review previous lessons?
I will build on background knowledge by reminding him that we did these two
goals on Monday and Tuesday.

9. Sequence of Lesson: What learning activities/strategies will you use to

engage the students in the learning? What will students do to use and
apply new concepts or skills (independent practice if relevant)? How will
you monitor and guide their performance? Include relevant vocabulary.
(Please use bullets to sequence your lesson)
- We will start the lesson by completing his blending cards.
- He will be given a stack go 20 cards. They have pictures of something and he
needs to identify the blend if begins with by attaching the clothes pin to the
correct blend. He does this completely independently.
- If he get ones incorrect, we add it back to the pile and try again. He usually get it
right the second time
- After blending cards, we will complete a time worksheet.
- He can do this independently with some assistance.
- He matches the clocks and times together. If he gets one wrong, I remove the
match and ask him to try again
- Once be completes all his work he will be able to have iPad time.

10. Level of Learning/Assessment Evidence: How will you know if students

grasped the material? What techniques/strategies will you use to assess
learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Identify what informal and/or formal
assessments you will use to monitor student learning. Also identify if this
will be formative or summative.

All assessment will be informal. I will assess the students learned as they complete the
task independently. We track the students goals each time it is attempted. This data will
be send to there teacher at the end of the six weeks. They are sent goals from there school
year and promote the accuracy to hit.

11. What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize
this lesson and preview the lesson that will follow?
I will summarize the lesson by letting him know he did a great job matching his blends
and completing his math problems.

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