Esy Lesson Plan Morning Meeting

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Gwynedd Mercy University

School of Business and Education

Name: Kelly Rakus Grade/Level: 2nd Grade

Topic: Morning Meeting

PA Core or Academic Standard(s):

16.1 Self-Awareness and Self-Management
A. Managed emotions and behaviors
B. Influence of Personal Traits on Life Achievements
AL.4 Learning through Experience
A. Making Connections
1.5 Speaking and Listening
F. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas - Multimedia
15.4 Computer and Information Technology
A. Influence of Emerging Technologies
9.1 M Production and Performance - Music and Movement
A. Elements and Principles
B. Demonstration

Big Idea(s): Understanding of self and ability to regulate behaviors and emotions are
inextricably linked to learning and success. Active listeners make meaning from what
they hear by questioning, reflecting, responding, and evaluating. Effective speakers
prepare and communicate messages to address the audience and purpose.

Essential Questions: How do I develop positive feelings about myself? How do I express
and manage my emotions? How do speakers effectively communicate a message?

Objective/Performance Expectation: What will students know and be able to do as a

result of this lesson?

Students will be able to identify there current emotion, the date, day of the week, month,
the weather and season by participating in discussions and labeling the calendar.


1. Briefly describe the students in your class, including those with special
needs. Explain how you will meet the needs of ALL learners
(Differentiated Instruction).
There are five students in my classroom, three boys and two girls. Four out of the five
students are non-verbal and communicate with iPads. Two of the students are able to
mobile while the other three have wheelchairs and other walkers. The students also have
multiple seating options so they are not in there wheelchair all day. All students have
multiple disabilities. One of the students has a nurse who assist daily. There are also two
personal care assistants to assist. There is also lead teacher and assistant teacher. The
classroom also has a floor matt for the students to sit on when they need a different
seating option. Students also receive physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech
therapy for 30 minutes once a week. When asking the students to answer a question, the
teacher will go to the correct page on the iPad for the students to communicate.

2. List the specific standard and expectations as outlined in the PA Core/

Academic Standards (SAS). (Early Learning Standards)
16.1 Self Awareness and Self Management
A. Managed emotions and behaviors
2. Examine the impact of emotions and responses on view of self and
interactions with others.
B. Influence of Personal Traits on Life Achievements
2 Understand the impact of personal traits on relationships and school

AL.4 Learning through Experience

A. Making Connections
2. Relate knowledge learned from one experience to another

1.5 Speaking and Listening

F. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
2. Add drawings or other visual displays to presentations when appropriate
to clarify ideas, thoughts and feelings.

9.1 M Production and Performance - Music and Movement

A. Elements and Principles
2. Know and use basic elements and principles of music and movement
B. Demonstration
2. Create and perform different forms of music and dance

3. Explain the psychological principles/theories you used in constructing this

lesson and explain how it is manifested in the lesson.

I will use zone of proximal development within my lesson. I will answer the question first
and then show students on there iPads where the correct words are. As we go through the
morning meeting, I will demonstrate less and have the students answer the questions first.


4. Describe the effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in little

or no loss of instructional time.
Students arrive off the bus, enter the classroom and unpack there belongings. Students
who are mobile will unpack themselves. All other students will unpack with there one on
one or nurse. The student or one-on-one will place any notes or paperwork from parents
in the bin on the desk. Students then answer there daily question. The daily question is
posted on the back white board. They all move there name to the yes or no side. Students
may do this individually or with help from a one-on-one. While waiting for all students to
arrive, students may play with any activities or toy they have. Once all students arrive, we
begin morning meetings. Students will know it is time for morning meeting by the music
stopping and the powerpoint being pulled up. We have the daily scheduled posted on the
back white board so they know what is coming. Between activities, there will be a song
and video played. At the end of the day, students pack up there belongs, return to
wheelchairs they arrived in and walk down to the buses.

5. Identify what you will do to set clear standards of conduct and behavior
management of student behavior.

Students are expected to sit nicely during lesson and have nice hands. Nice hands are
considered keep there hand to themselves and not throwing any objects. When they need
a reminder, we say nice hand or hold there hand on there desk. They are expected to use
there iPads to communicate as well.

6. Identify what you will do to establish expectations for student

Students are expected to respond accurately to questions being asked using there iPads.
Students are also expected to move labels into the correct box if they are able to.


List Materials Needed

- Morning Meeting Powerpoint
- Daily Question

7. Motivation Activities/Strategies: How will you generate interest or focus

your lesson for the students?
I will generate interest by reminding students this is how we start the day. I will also
remind them at the end of the meeting we will go over the daily question. The daily
question is on the back whiteboard.

8. Prior Knowledge Activities/Strategies: How will you activate prior

knowledge, build background, or review previous lessons?
During the lesson, prior knowledge will be activated by reminding students of what
yesterday was to remember what day it currently is. I will also remind students that we
will be using nice hands today.

9. Sequence of Lesson: What learning activities/strategies will you use to

engage the students in the learning? What will students do to use and
apply new concepts or skills (independent practice if relevant)? How will
you monitor and guide their performance? Include relevant vocabulary.
(Please use bullets to sequence your lesson)

- To being our morning meetings I will ask the students how they feel. The verbal student
tell me based on the pictures on the board. Then, I will go to students who use iPads to
communicate and find the area of emotions for them to tell me how they feel today. The
mobile student may also move the express they feel on the smart board.
- Then, they will share what they did over the weekend or the night before. The verbal
students will speak what they did and I will ask one other student to use there iPad to
tell me what they did
- We will watch the Story Bots Month of the Year video that we watch everyday.
- Follow the video, we will decide what month it is. The mobile students will move the
month on the block to the correct spot
- The next video we will watch it Story Bots Days of the Week song. This is another
song we listen to daily.
- I will ask the students what day it is. Together we will move the day into the box.
- I will then ask them what Yesterday was
- What is today? (day of the week)
- What is tomorrow? (day of the week)
- Following that, we will watch the Story Bots Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow video
- I will then ask them what year it is. I will give the non-verbal student two options and
point to which hand it the correct year.
- I will ask what the weather is
- They will pick one of the pictures of which weather matches and drag it to the
- We will then go over the temperature

- They have the options of: cool, warm or hot

- We will watch the Story Bots Four Seasons video, this is another song we listen to daily
- They will then pick which season it is. I will have one of the non-verbal students tell
me on there iPads with assistance if needed.
- I will then ask them what type of clothes they can wear today based on the weather
- We will then go over how many days we have been in school. If they need help with
this then we will count on the calendar that is on the wall.
- I will ask the students tot ell me one color of the clothes they are currently wearing.
- Finally, we will go over the question of the day. Stunted will move there name, which is
on a star, under yes or no based on what the question is.
- Question of the Day:

10. Level of Learning/Assessment Evidence: How will you know if students

grasped the material? What techniques/strategies will you use to assess
learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Identify what informal and/or formal
assessments you will use to monitor student learning. Also identify if this
will be formative or summative.

All assessments will be informal. I will check for understanding by working one-on-one
with the non-verbal students to help them find the correct screen on there iPads. Some
one-on-one and nurses will also help the students find the page with the correct words.

11. What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize
this lesson and preview the lesson that will follow?

I will being the lesson to a close by reviewing the question of the day. Next, we will be
going on our morning walk and then beginning goal work.

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