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Adverbs of frequency

With present simple verb to be:
I´m always late.(siempre llego tarde)

She is never at home before 10 pm

With present simple regular and irregular verbs:

I always go to the park alone.

Always, I go to the park alone.

Circunstanciales de lugar, tiempo, espacio,


Every day, I get up at 7 am(every day)

Every day/week/year: todos los dias, semanas,


Once a day: una vez al dia

Twice a week: dos veces por semana

Three times a week: tres veces x semana

On Mondays, Tuesdays...

In January, February...

In spring, autumn, winter, summer

In the park..... At the cinema.... at work


In the morning, in the afternoon, I go to the

gym. Then/ after that, I return home and I have

a shower.
First, I have a shower. Then, I have breakfast.

At 10 am, I go to work. I work for 8 hours but I

never have lunch at work.

When I return home.....when I´m back home

Terminaciones de los verbos:

She studies English once a week (study)

She cooks every day for lunch (cook)

He finishes working at 7 pm (finish)

He plays football every weekend (play)

He goes to the hospital every Monday. (go)

Verbos terminados en –y: -ies (except Play)

Verbos terminados en –sh o –ch: -es

Verbos terminados en consonante +vocal: -es:

goes – does

Verbos terminados en vocal+ consonante: -s:

work – cookl – visit – speak – eat

Pronunciacion de los verbos según la


Verbos terminados en –sh y –ch y -y: se dice

con -es: watches /wachis/ - studies /stadis/

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