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Department of Education

Region 5
Division of Camarines Norte
Labo, Camarines Norte

September 25 – 29 , 2017

A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
a. Explain the meaning of freedom
b. Show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequence of their choices.
c. Exercise prudence in choices.
d. Illustrate with an example that choices have consequences and some things are given up while
others are obtained in making choices.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The human person in their environment
b. Materials: Paper, Ballpen, Manila paper, pen touch, notebook, speaker, music
c. References:
 Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Christine Carmela R. Ramos, PhD
Pages 94 - 116
 Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
 Brenda B. Corpuz, BSE, MAEd, PhD
 Pages 76 - 94

III. Procedures
Time Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Students Activity Instructional
5 mins A. Daily Routine
1.Greetings - Good morning - Good morning Ma’am!

2.Prayer - Everybody stand up for our opening - Yes ma’am


- Samantha, kindly lead the prayer. - (the students will pray)

3. Classroom
Management - Thank you. Now, before you seat - Yes ma’am.
down, look around you and make
sure that your room is clean.
4. Checking of
Attendance - All right please go back to your - ( The students follow the Attendance
proper seat because I will be checking instruction) Sheet
your attendance according to your
seat plan.
5. Checking of
Assignment - Class, do we have an assignment last - Yes Ma’am.

- Please pass it now. - Yes Ma’am.

6. Recall - Class, do you still remember our topic -(Students will raise their
last meeting? hands)

- Yes Danice? - Ma’am, last meeting we

discuss about the human
person in the environment.
- Very good Danice.

- Before we proceed to our proper

lesson, I want you to guess our topic
for this morning.

- The teacher will show pictures of

7. Motivation different philosophers which is related
to their lesson and the students will
guess who’s philosopher is in the

-(Students answer may vary)


-(Students answer may vary)


-(Students answer may vary)


-(Students answer may vary)


-(Students answer may vary)


-Very Good Class.

-Our lesson for this morning is about
“FREEDOM” and with the help of these
philosophers we will be able to
understand more about freedom.

-When you hear the word freedom what

comes to your mind?

-Very Good.

-(The teacher will post and give the

definition of freedom to the students)

-Once the topic has been said by the

students the teacher will now discuss their
objectives about the lesson.

LESSON PROPER -Now, I’m going to divide the class into 6 - (The students listen
Day 1 A. Activity groups. Each group will receive a piece of attentively)
paper containing the task. You will be
given 5 to 10 minutes preparation.
Note: The group should select their
leader and a secretary

(The teacher group the students into 6

and give each group a task. Also the - (The students will do the
teacher will present the rubric to the following)
4- 3- 2- 1-Needs
Excellent Good Fair Improvem GROUP 1:
ent 1. Discuss the Power of
All group All Some Only 1 or Volition by Aristotle.
member group group 2 group
s memb memb members GROUP 2:
participa ers ers participat 1. Discuss the Love is
te partici partici e. freedom by St. Thomas
equally. pate. pate. Aquinas.
Group Group Some Most
member memb group group GROUP 3:
s help ers memb members 1. Discuss Spiritual
each help ers are hard Freedom by St. Thomas
other as each speak to Aquinas.
needed. other clearl understan
as y and d. GROUP 4:
neede are 1. Discuss Individual
d. easy freedom by Jean Paul
to Sartre.
stand. GROUP 5:
All group Most Some All group 1. Discuss Theory of
member group group members Social Contract by
s speak memb memb speak Thomas Hobbes
clearly ers ers clearly
and are speak speak and are GROUP 6:
easy to clearly easy to 1. Discuss Theory of
understa and understan Social Contract by
nd. are d. Jean –Jacques
easy Rousseau
under ( All the groups post their
stand. work)
Informati Infor Infor Informatio
on is matio matio n is
presente n is n may presented
d in an prese be in a
organize nted only disorganiz
d way. in an partial ed way.
organi ly
zed organi
way. zed.
Presenta Prese Prese Presentati
tion is ntatio ntatio on is
visually n is n is disorganiz
organize organi compl ed or
d and zed ete. incomplet
complet and e.
e. compl

Time is up. You can now post your output

on the board and we will now proceed to
the reporting. Each reporter will be given
three minutes for the presentation. Is that
clear class?

(The teacher will facilitate the reporting)

Day 2 B. Analysis All right. Here is how you are going to

report your work. Each reporter will only
consume three minutes to explain the
tasks given to your group.

Do you get it class?

Ok. Let us give now the floor to group 1 Yes Ma’am!

(The report of the group 1

Very good! Let’s give five claps for group may vary)
(Students will clap)
No, let us move on to group 2.

(The report of the group 2

Again, Very good! Let us give another 5 may vary)
claps for group 2.
(Students will clap)
Now, let us move on to the next group.

(The report of the group 3

Very good! Let us give five claps for group may vary)
(Students will clap)
Let us now hear the presentation of group
(The report of the group 4
Very nice! Let us give also group 4 five may vary)
claps for their presentation.
(Students will clap)
Next is group 5.

(The report of the group 5

Very good! Let us give five claps for group may vary)
(Students will clap)
And last but not the least is group 6. Let us
hear their report.
(The report of group 6 may
Very good group 6. Let us give them 5 vary)
claps also.
(Students will clap)
All the groups have a very good
Day 3 C.Abstraction presentation and interpretation about
their assigned topic. You explained it well.
You hit most of the good points and I see -(Students listen attentively)
that you really understand your reports.

Frredom is part of our transcendence. It

consists of going beyond situations such as
physical or economic.

The Power of Volition

-The imperative quality of a judgment of
practical intellect is meaningless, apart
from will.

The will of humanity is an instrument of

free choice.

Love is freedom
God create us all. Human beings have the
unique power to change themselves and
the things around them for the better.

Fourfold classification of law:


Spiritual freedom
As humans, we are both material and
spiritual. We have conscience because of
our spirituality. God is love and Love is our

Individual freedom.
It represents the existentialist. The human
person is the desire to be God, the desire
to exist as a being which has its sufficient
ground in itself.

Theory of Social Contract

A law of Nature or lex naturalis is a
percept or general rule established by
reason, by which a person is forbidden to
do that which is destructive of his life or
takes away by means of preserving the
same; and to omit that by which he thinks
it may be best preserved.

Theory of Social Contract

According to Jean Jacques Rousseau, The
social contract is his theory of human
nature. A new era of sentimental piety
found its beginning.

The will of humanity is as instrument of

I can see that most of you understood our
topic for today. Now, can you give the
importance of knowing or learning about
freedom and all your actions have

Yes Danice?
Very good class! Now, have courage and
take your freedom with responsibility. -(Student answer may vary)

Now that you learned a lot from our

Day 4 D. Application lesson, let us check if you really
understand it well. From the quotation of
Jean Paul-Sartre “Human being is free,
human being is freedom”.

Who among you can give his/her views

about Sartre’s belief?

Yes Allan? -(Student answer may vary)

Very good!


Complete the table below. Write your answer in your notebook.

A student studying his or her lesson

A driver observing a traffic lights

Athletes practicing in the gym

A person taking illegal drugs

Read about Intersubjectivity.

Prepare by:

Teacher II-SHS Checked by:


Approved by:

Secondary School Principal II

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