App Project

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Kelly Rakus

App Project

Name of App: Geo Walk by Veto Technology Inc

Description: This app includes ares around the world with articles about about places related to the
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: This can be used when leaning about different parts of the
world. It allows students to explore areas without leaving the classroom. Students could also use this
while on vacation or traveling to learn about a place they are in.

Name of App: World Book - This Day in History by Software MacKiev

Description: This is a calendar that shows what happened in history on each day including events and
important people. They also include fun facts for events.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: This can become a daily activity for students each
morning. It allows students to see what is special about today in history. It will also spark conversations
about what happened on this day or why someone is important for that day.

Name of App: Kids Planet Discovery! By Planet Factory Interactive

Description: This app includes games, videos and activities about the planet. This includes information
about different culture including music, clothing and traditions in different parts of the world.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: This could be used in the classroom when learning about
cultures. Students could pick an area in the world to learn about a culture and then present it to each other.
They could also look at areas from where there family is from to learn about there own culture.

Name of App: Constitution for iPad by Clint Bagwell Consulting

Description: This is a full copy of the constitution with pictures .
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: This can be used when teaching about the constitution. I
would allow the students to explore the app before breaking down what each sections about. This can
spark questions about what a section means or why we have this in the constitution.

Name of App: Stack the States by Free cloud Design

Description: This app is all about the states. Each state has a little face on it and can be place onto the
map. When you click on each state you learn about the float, capital and location.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: This can be used when learning about all the states. It
makes the states animated which looks more exciting and inviting. Students also learn the shapes of the
states and how they all fit together.

Name of App:Stack and Countries by Free Cloud Designs

Description: Similar to Stack The States, each country has a face it. They are able to be places on a map.
When looking at each country, it shows pictures and facts about it.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: I would use this as an introduction to different countries. It
would allow students to explore areas no there own and develop there own interest.

Name of App: Google Earth by Google

Description: Google Earth is an interactive map. You can have a 3D view of any part of the world that
makes it seem like you are standing there.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: I would use this as introduction to maps. I would have each
student show there own neighborhood on Google Earth. They will be able to show peers what they see
everyday. Then, they will also be able to see area they have always wanted to visit.

Name of App: National Park Trail Guide by Adventure Projects

Description: This is a trail description from all Nations; Park Trails. It includes hiking guides and sites
hikers will see.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: This can be used in a classroom by exploring National
Parks. National Parks are known for being pretty but not super known as places to hike. This would show
students what a hiking trail would look like, how long it would take, how hard it would be and the sites
they will see.

Name of App: Barefoot World Atlas by Barefoot Books

Description: This app is a 3D version os the gold. There are little avatars on the globe to show the culture
of the area. There is also sounds to go with the area of the world and quizzes about the area.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: This is another introduction to the globe that I would use. I
would also use this when talked about different cultures in the world. It would allow them to observe
themselves the areas has different cultures to way of living.

Name of App: New - O - Matic: Reading for Kids by Press4Kids

Description: This app has daily news articles with articles about science, history, world events,
technology and more. This is a very interactive way to read news. The article are places on a globe to
show there the location is about an article.
How it can be used in or out of the classroom: I would include this as an everyday activity students can
do doing free time. They can learn about different areas in the world and learning what is happening
around them. This could also be used at home. Kids like to copy what parents do and this is an age
appropriate way to do it.

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