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National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam

B.A., LL.B. (Hons.): III-Year, VI-Semester (Academic Year: 2020-21)
Semester End Examination (June, 2021) :: Online Mode
Subject Code: 6.1 Environmental Law
Time: 2:30 Hrs.
Total Marks: 50
1. Read the questions carefully and answer.
2. Unnecessary queries on the Question Paper shall not be entertained.

Answer any five questions from the following. All questions carry equal marks.
1. The given flowchart portrays certain facets of wildlife crime. You are required to discuss
these facets in the context of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and its subsequent

2. How Gram Sabha determines the individual and community rights of the forest dwellers
under Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional (Recognition of Rights) Act, 2006? What are
the categories of Rights under the said legislation? Also, critically appraise if the said
enactment acts as a potential tool to empower local self-governance and addresses the
livelihood security of the people.

3. Write short notes on:

a. Powers of Central Government under Environment Protection Act, 1986
b. Negative Externalities in the context of Environmental Protection

4. In the context of Environmental Impact Assessment Notifications, answer the following:

a. Terms of Reference of an EIA Studies
b. Procedure for conducting Public Hearing

5. What is the significance of Animal Welfare Board of India v. A Nagaraja & Ors. judgement
in the context of animal welfare.

6. Write short notes on:

a. De-reservation of Reserved Forests
b. Customary Right to Hunt against Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972


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