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Background of the Study

One of the most common problems has seriously faced by the Department of Education
for the past few years and it’s still facing of the students reading difficulty. Though there
are students population cannot comprehend a reading text. The worst case is that there are
still those who cannot even read simple words (nonreader). They are in failure to
recognize words in most cases laid them to fail in their subjects. The scenario only shows
how critical reading skill is important / essential towards effective learning, which is
many cases deficiency in this area is often at the roots of gaps in learning. Lack of this
skills results in students failure and not moving to the next grade level.

A study conducted in 2002 among public school students of the Philippine national
Capitol region (NCR) revealed that after completing first grade forty percent (40%) of the
students were still nonreaders. Almost of the seven and eight years old year period
(measuring simple literacy is part of national census taking once a decade there has been
a disturbing occurrence. Nine (9) or (15) regions (under the old regional configuration)
showed a slight decline in simple literacy from 1994 to 2003. These include of two of the
three Visayas regions (VII and VIII) and all of the Mindanao regions. Overall simple
literacy for the entire country fell by 0.5 percent from 1994 to 2003.

Reading with comprehension is one of those seemingly simple concepts that rewards
students well for digging deeper. There has been an outbreak of attention for reading
comprehension in the last effective learning. Similarly, many teachers have difficulties in
reading and comprehension as well as in slow decoding skills and are poor in reading. It
is enlightening to closely study the students reading errors. Teachers can learn much
about the students reading difficulty and the skills they seem to lack from the types of
mistakes they made. However, students do not understand why they are experiencing
reading difficulties, for them, reading is hard and they would naturally make mistakes.
Unfortunately, the existence of this problem is not prevalent only in other secondary
school of selective among elementary learning institutions. The same dilemma is also
faced in Catarman National High School, where in many students are struggling with
reading difficulties. In the population of the first year 2010-2011 out of 134 students, 34

students were poor readers. The data truly reveals that reading is difficult for many
individuals in the case of Catarman National High School.

In the certain class during reading activities students who are under frustration level and
those that were identified non-readers had a hard time in the three areas in reading which
are the word recognition, reading speed and reading comprehensive. In reading
comprehension when the teachers asked to pass their paper, those who were under
frustration and non-reader submitted their paper late and got the lowest score, worst is
that they got zero, which justifies that these students had a low comprehension skill.
These students did not even meet that time limit which the English teachers gave to them
during the comprehension check.

One of the programs of the department of education is the phil. IRI (Philippine informal
reading inventory) for the elementary pupils. Due to the reading problems that the
secondary level is facing particularly the Catarman National High School. Said reading
program in elementary was adapted to minimize the reading problems following the
procedure in conducting the reading program and the reading assessment. It covers word
recognition reading speed and reading comprehension in order to identify the different
level or readers (frustration, instructional and independent). However, in uses different
content for the assessment and materials and strategies in conducting the reading classes
as remediation strategies to minimize the number of students under frustration level and
the non-readers. This study aimed to help reading teachers sustains emphasis on reading
difficulties covering all types of readers. This research offers reading teachers on
manageable range of options to help them provide differentiated instruction for reading

Objective of the Study

This study investigated the reading difficulties of the students in Catarman National
High School and described teachers reading remediation strategies in addressing reading

Specifically, this sought to answer the following:

1. What is the reading level of the students of Catarman National High School?

2. What are the reading difficulties encountered by the students in Catarman National
High School in terms of:

A. reading behaviors;

B. word recognition;

C. speech/ fluency; and

D. comprehension?

3. What reading strategies minimized the respondents reading difficulties?

Significance of the Study

From the standpoint of quality education this study will be useful in giving variable
information for the improvement of students reading comprehension. This likewise
beneficial to the following.

Department of Education (DepEd). The result of this study is important to the

department, most especially on how reading programs can be improved. Identified
problems that will benefit both the reading teachers and the students for a better and
quality education output that is towards eradicating non-readers.

Local government unit (LGU) . The result of the study is expected to provide the LGU
a good basis for planning and supporting in the implementation of the reading program.
Also the LGU may make use of the findings of this study as a basis in helping the school
reading program by pounding logistic and technical assistance.

Catarman National High School Administrator. The results of this study will be a
ready reference for the administrator to improve, strengthen and / or design innovation
ways for further reading program, and this will provide a guideline in evolving a school
reading program towards of the teaching about reading instructions that will develop the
students reading ability.

Teachers/ Reading Teachers. Since the school views that all teachers are reading
teachers. The findings of this study will help them initiate solution to the different
reading difficulties of students that they meet in their reading classes. This will also help
English teachers in Catarman Nationak High School to know their students awareness
level of reading strategies, the type and frequency of use of reading provide instructions
on reading strategies for some students who can recognize or have never learned, thus
helping them improve their abilities as strategic readers.

Parents. The parents will be aware of the reading difficulties that the students
commonly encountered to cooperate with reading teachers and to support their

Students. The students in reading class will benefit from this study if the process and
strategies intervention in reading classes are found effective and practical.

Future Researcher. The findings of this study will provide some insights about the
utilization of reading strategies which can be used as instruction in the future. Moreover
this world will be very helpful in teaching students who are facing difficulties in reading.

Scope and Limitation

The research and tittle Reading Difficulties and Teacher Strategies of Students in
Catarman National High School. The study is conduct during pandemic of period school
year 2021-2022 in Catarman National High School for students.

This said study is intended to the student on how reading difficulties and teachers
strategies effective and what factors and hindrance are ineffective in reading difficulties
and teachers strategies to the students. To prevent misperception and misunderstand rise
up in this study, by determining the scope and limitations, the researcher will easily find
out the main reason of problem.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored Bondy’s multi-perspective reading theory. This theory posits that
the learner’s perspective about classroom reading influences on how they interpret
learning via reading within the classroom context. Thus, the multi-belief system creates
varied learning needs among the learners which results in differences to multinational
learner needs for multifaceted teaching process and strategies. Varied strategies and
process are crucial to the learner’s level of comprehension in reading as different reading
needs and/or perspective need to be properly appreciated by the teacher with the use of
varied reading comprehension process and strategies.

Bondy enumerated the different beliefs of learning about saying word correctly; reading
is school work; reading is a source of status; reading is a way to learn things; and reading
private pleasure.

The initial three perspectives on reading are common among students in lower-reading
groups and the remaining three are common among higher-ability reading groups. Thus,
reading can be viewed as a “personally meaningfull activity.” Teachers should support
this by means of using multiple multi-level approaches in teaching reading especially in
the use of reading strategies. While it is a must that teachers approach should incorporate
all the six benefits. It should be in a way that learners in the lower groups receive heavier
emphasis on word based reading experience while learners in the higher group should
emphasize meaning personalization and sharing of information which the teacher should
initiate the facilitate in every reading activity.

Murray’s interactive theory postulate that reading is an interaction involving the reader
and the text being read. meaning it is not only in the mind of the person during the
reading act non it is only in the next read and the reader’s various sources that determine
the amount and the type of comprehension that takes place.

Ehri’s four phases of reading theory enumerate the various information sources
as;1)knowledge of language which enables the readers to recognize sentence and
syntax,semantics;2)background knowledge including both encyclopedia and experiential
knowledge which supply readers with background understanding ideas;3) metacognitive
knowledge which enables readers to monitor their own comprehension to ascertain
whether the information makes sense meet specific purpose,and4)knowledge of the
alphabetic-phonemic (letter sound) system that involves knowing how the spelling
system represents speech, including how to transfer graphemes into phonemes, the
smallest unit of sound.”

Another reading theory which this study anchors upon is that of gunning. He identifies
three main theories of reading comprehensive. These theories are schema theory, mental
model and propositional theory, as follows:

Scheme theory involve an in interaction between the reader’s Own knowledge and the
text, which result in comprehensive. According to gunning each schema is “field” in an
individual compartment and stored there. In attempting to comprehend reading material,
student can relate this new information to the existing information they have
compartmentalized in their mind, adding it to these “files” for future use. Based on the
scheme theory, depending on how extensive their “files” degree of reading
comprehension may vary.

Scheme theory describes the process by which readers combines their own background
knowledge with the information in a text to comprehend that text or an organize
knowledge that one has already has. It means that a man has organized knowledge that
one already about the people, place, things and it involves interaction between the reader
own knowledge and the text which result to reading comprehension may vary.

Metal model theory is constructed most often when student is reading fiction. The reader
focuses in the main character and creates a mental model of the circumstance in which
the character finds him or herself. The mental model is reconstructed or updated to reflect
the new circumstance as the situation changes, but the items important to the main
character are kept in the foreground according to gunning.

Moreover, the proposition theory forwards that the students are forming a mental model
in their mind as they are forming the macrostructure. Forming a schema is the most basic
comprehension tools used by students. As they become view or the developmental
theory. The teacher will be aware that student most focus his/her attention to the reading

material. Teacher must not only introduce new word and how it is pronounced properly
but also the meaning of the word for comprehension.

Conceptual Framework

Based on actual observation, the grade VII emerald students of national high school have
difficult in reading comprehension specifically in reading English text. These difficulties
in reading hinder them in attaining communicative competence and the command of the
English language in reading comprehension is of prime importance towards 1.2
acquisition. By means of utilizing appropriate strategies in reading based on the
identifiable causes and types of reading comprehension difficulties so as enhance their
reading skill.

Further, the researchers conceptualized that the reading difficulties of the respondents can
be drawn on these bases: reading behavior, word recognition, and comprehension check.
Overall impression about reading difficulties, strategies used by the reading teachers
provided a basis in drawing inputs to reading strategies for a reading program in
Catarman National High School

Paradigm of the Study

Student reading level and

Reading behavior Teacher’s
Word recognition Reading
Speech/ fluency Strategies

Inputs on strategies for a reading program in Catarman

national high school


There is significant relationship between the Reading Difficulties and Teacher Strategies
of Student in Catarman National High School.

Definition of Terms

Some of the terms are herein conceptually and operationally defined.

Fluency, according to Merriam Webster Dictionary apps v4.1.1, fluency is defined as the
ability to speak easily and smooth. In this study, it refers to the level in reading progress
where readers are able to read quickly and accurately without effort.

Frustration readers. This refers to those student in which comprehension is low and
classified as low reader.

Independent reader. This refers to those type of advanced reader who reads fluently and
comprehend text with little or no difficulty.

Instructional readers. This refers to those type of readers whose current skill can be rated
as average and whose comprehension skill is moderate.

Nonreader. This refers to pupil who is unable to recognize and sound out letter sound
connections for single consonants, letter connections for some consonants blends, vowels
in simple one word (cvc,ccvc,cvcc) patterns and distinguish among long and short vowels
that follow rules.

Phonemic awareness. This refers to the ability to isolate, identify, and manipulate the
individual sounds phonemes in spoken words.

Reading comprehension. This is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to
integrate with what the reader already knows (grade, 2009). Refers to students reading
skills wherein they read selections and able to answer questions related to the text being

Reading is a deficiency in a person’s fluent use and comprehension of

written language (medical dictionary 2009). This refers to the problems in reading,
caused either by disabilities associated with psychological processes or by such factors as
physical or sensory impairments, cultural background, low ability, etc.



As regard types of reader, is the level in which a student can read successfully without
assistance. Oral reading should be fluent and free from behaviors such as finger pointing
and overt signs of tension. The student accuracy in word recognition while reading orally
should 97% to 100% and in comprehension is from 80% to 100%. Silent reading should
also be free from finger pointing.

For the oral and silent reading, comprehension should be excellent. The reader should
able to answer 90% or more of the question currently.

On the instructional level, this is the level at which a silent reader should be free from
behavior that often indicate serious difficulty, such as finger pointing or tension.
Although oral reading may be less fluent at this level than at the independent level, it
should retain some sense of rhythm and expression. The examiner should use a criterion
of 95% accuracy when counting only those miscues that changed the meaning of the
passage. The student under instructional level must reach 90%-96% in word recognition
and 59%-79% in reading comprehensive.

At frustration level, the student is completely unable to read the material with adequate
word identification or comprehension. Sign of difficultly and tension are evident. Oral
reading lack fluency and expression; a word-for-word, halting style is common. Accuracy
of word recognition is less than 90%, and less than 70% of the questions are answered
correctly. Teachers should avoid material at are level.

The foundation of good reading is the same for all children. All readers, regardless of
their age, gender, or attitude, need to develop fluency, comprehension, and the motivation
to develop in order to become successful readers. Children who experience reading
difficulties are no exception.

They too must develop the basic foundation for reading, and they require the same types
of learning experience to do so.

Fluency is ‘fast’ or ‘automatic’ reading. Fluent readers are able to read quickly and
accurately without effort. Fast oral reading with proper expression is a trademark of
fluent reading. Fluent is build word by word and initially dependent and repeated,
accurate phonologic processing essential of developing ‘fast’ neural pathway.

Struggling readers to do not convert print to sound using phonologic processing

pathways, without this, reading remains slow and takes much effort. Students who face

this difficulty needs to provide guided practice to repeated sound and individual word
consequently expanding the student’s storehouse and rapid retrieval neural model,
allowing to read more and more words quickly and effortless. Fluency is developed
word-by-word and is dependent or repeated accurate print to sound out words.

Good readers often continue to reflect on the meaning of a text long after they have read
it. Finally, good readers use strategies flexibility depending on the type of text they are
reading and their purpose for reading it.

Pressley and Wharton-McDonald discussed that good readers of all ages engages in
conscious, active comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading. Before
reading, for instance, the students may define their goals for reading and consider what
they already know about the topic and a structure of a text. During reading, learner’s
typically active relevant prior knowledge, make connect among important ideas,
construct the test hypothesis, paraphrase key points, and try to resolve any
comprehension difficulties that arise.

When one has read a text with understanding, one is said to have comprehended it.
However, comprehension is probably better regarded as a process- rather interacts with a
text to construct meaning. This view of comprehension emphasize the deliberate,
strategic, problem-solving processes of the reader as he or she engages with a text.
Hence, the meaning a reader derives from a text is influence by his or her own knowledge
including knowledge of language and print, experience, and perceived purpose for
reading. This meaning-making process is what Durkin terms ‘the essence of reading’.



Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Catarman National High School in Catarman, Northern
Samar. It is a government institution which operates through HB# 418.sponsors by
Assemblyman Ediberto A. Del Valle. Catarman National High School was established
under the Batas Pambansa Bilang (National Law Number) 418 which was signed in June
10, 1983.

Catarman National High School is a DepED managed Monograde Public Secondary

School located at the 4th District of Northern Samar.

Catarman National High School acquired own school site with an area of 2.8 hectares
situated near the Tamburusan Beach. It is being found easily using the specific
boundaries as North; Pacific Ocean, South; National Road, West; Tara Subdivision, and
East; Purok 1, Brgy. Dalakit, Catarman, Northern Samar. It offers K to 12 curriculum,
Science Technology Engineering, Special Program in Sports and Senior High School
Program (SHS). There is also Special Program in Arts (SPA) and in connection to this,
there were workshops conducted by several artist for a cultural exchange program.

Catarman Natioal High School offers Boy Scout of the Philippines and Girl Scout of
the Philippines Organization. The school conducts a scouting which is participated in by
every student who likes to have a peaceful environment. By the learning you will going
to have a presence of mind what is going on right now.

Research Design

This study will utilize descriptive-correlational research method because the researchers
determines the relationship of the variables.

On the other hand, the purpose of correlational is to test the hypothesis, if there is a
significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and reading difficulties and
teacher strategies of the students and if there is a significant relationship between factors
that influence students to practice their reading skill.

The Variables

The independent variables of this research are the student’s profile, teacher’s profile,
and teacher’s profile in terms of: professional attribute and personal attribute.

Sampling of Materials

Since the respondents of this research were the students and teachers in Catarman
National High School. There were 70000 High School students in Catarman National
High School

Research Material

The profile of all student in Catarman National High School was gathered using a
survey-questionnaire answered by the students: profile includes sex, number of siblings,
educational attainment of parents, occupation of parents, and monthly income of parents.

The level of exposure of reading is measured by determining how long the

respondents practicing reading in a day.10 hours and above, 6-9 hours, 3-5 hours, 1-3
hours or 1 hour below

As to the academic performance of the student researchers gathered the data given by
students on the first and second quarter of the school year.

90 – 100 (5) outstanding

85 – 89 (4) very satisfactory

80 – 84 (3) satisfactory

75 – 79 (2) fairly satisfactory

74 below (1) did not meet expectations

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher made a letter for the approval to conduct the study at Catarman, Northern
Samar. After asking permission to the principal, Senior High School coordinator,
research adviser and to the barangay’s of catarman. The researchers will formally
distribute the questionnaire to gather data.

The researchers will personally collect the questionnaire and the data will tallied and
interpreted. The result would hopefully be the basis for the reading difficulties and
teacher strategies of student in Catarman Natonal High School.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In the data processing the following statistical techniques were used:

Frequency counts, percentage distribution and weighted mean were employed to

describe the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, number of siblings, socio-
economic status, and educational attainment of parents, family monthly income; and the
reading performance of the students in Catarman National High School.

Relationship between the variables was analyzed using multiple regression

analysis through the use of computer software known as the statistical package for social


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