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University of Technology

College of Health Sciences

Caribbean School of Nursing
Kimberley RK Hibbert
Lesson Plan outline

Topic: Natural Remedies and Treatments

Audience: CSON Nursing and Midwifery Students

Number of Persons: 140 Students

Venue: Zoom

Date & Time: February 22, 2021

Duration: 10 minutes

Teaching Method: Lecture/ Discussion

Resources: Multimedia (PowerPoint), Handouts, Video Presentation


Specific Objectives:

By the end of this presentation, students should be able to:

1. Define the following terms in their own words.

a. Natural Remedies

b. Herbal Medicine

2. Identify selected herbs used in Jamaica for medicinal purposes.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using herbal or folk medicines in health promotion.

Learning Theory:

1. The Sensory Stimulation by Laired postulates that learning can be enhanced by stimulation of the senses especially visual and auditory (Dunn, 2000).

2. Mayer (2001) postulated in his Cognitive Theory of Multi-Media Learning that there are two main learning channels, auditory and visual. Learning via these channels can

be used separately, but when combined, students cognitive learning process can be more richly enhanced. This is as a result of the brain taking advantage of its ability to

process information through multi modes using technology. Therefore, students will both listen to the lecture, watch the video and participate in the discussion.

Goal: For students to appreciate the appropriate use of herbs as a form of natural medicine used in health promotion in Jamaica

Evaluation: Following the presentation, students will placed in groups and given one of the herbs to summarize in 3 minutes (creative format).


Dunn, L. (2000). Approaches to training and development. Retrieved from

Grunert, J. (nd). Advantages and disadvantages of herbal remedies. Received from

Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia learning. New York. Cambridge University Press.

Natural Remedies. (nd). In The Free Dictionary by Farlex. Retrieved on February 17, 2016 from

Soumyanath, A. (2006). Traditional medicine for modern times: antidiabetic plants. Boca Raton, FL : Taylor & Francis Group.
Time Specific Objectives
Content Teacher Learner Evaluation
Activities Activities
5 min Teacher will: Learner will:

Greet Class and Respond

introduce self appropriately to
greetings and
By the end of this Ask students to define Define terms in own Students should be able
5 mins presentation, students should Natural Remedies appropriately in own words. to define at least one
be able to: Substances of claimed medical value derived directly from words at least one of the term appropriately in
plants or other natural sources. terms. Listen attentively to own words
1. Define the following comment from other
terms in their own words. A health care practice that does not follow generally  Listen attentively to students and teacher
a. Natural Remedies accepted medical methods andmay not have a scientific  students definition.
b. Herbal Medicine explanation for its effectiveness Listen attentively to
Compare definitions definition presented
Herbal Medicine with those on on powerpoint
The use of medicinal herbs to prevent or treat disease or powerpoint.
promote health Observe any
Clarifiy any difference with
Plant-derived materials or products with therapeutic or misconceptions definitions of terms
other human health benefits which contain either raw or given by students
processed ingredients from one or more plants. - WHO with those presented
2014  in power point.

35 2. Identify selected herbs Leaf of Life: Leaves are often used for colds. A decoction Students should be able
mins used in Jamaica for (method of extraction) may be used, or the juice, alone or Ask three students to Three students will to identify one herb
medicinal purposes. with goat’s milk or salt, is taken. share one herbs use in share one herb used from the presentation
Dressing for insect bites, bruises, boils and ulcers. Leaves Jamaica and how it can in Jamaica and how it and at least one of its
are tied to the forehead to relief headache. Remove harmful help to promote health can be used to uses use in health
bacteria from the intestines and bladder. promote health. promotion

Guaco Bush: Used as a cold remedy. Decoction of the Listen attentively to Listen and value
leaves is also used to bathe the skin for itch or the fresh students’ contributions contribution made by
leaves are merely rubbed on. classmates
It is also used for diarrhea and stomach pain (leaves boiled Value students’
and mixed with honey). A heated wad of leaves is used to contributions
relieve local pain. Is used in Africa and South America as
antidotes for snake bites, venereal disease, ophthalmia, Share information from Listen attentively to
rheumatism and gout and dysentery. powerpoint presentation powerpoint
and ask for additional presentation and
Bissy (Cola Nut): Cola nuts are used for stomach pains contribution from make additional
and as a purge when poison is suspected. The nuts are students. contributions where
grated and boiled like coffee or taken with strong rum. A necessary.
little cola is sometimes added to country chocolate to allay Students will be asked
hunger. Africa the nut is chewed to promote digestion, to give one herb
is considered to be a tonic, stimulating and antiperiodic, identified in the
and is also used in dysentery. Most recent use as a presentation and at least
treatment for Chik V. one of its uses in health
Chamomile: A soothing tonic and a stimulant The tea is a
pleasant tasting traditional herbal medicine with a long
history of use dating back to ancient Greece and Clarify any
Egypt. Flowers and the oil are used for medicinal purposes. misconceptions
Use to treat stomach and intestinal cramps, anxiety,
treating skin problems such as eczema, regulates monthly
period, good for kidneys, spleen, cold, bronchitis, bladder
trouble, to expel worms, for ague, dropsy, jaundice,
venereal diseases and nervous disorders.

Marijuana: Cannabis is used as a liniment (rub, lotion) for

sprains, arthritic pains. Also said to treat asthma, bronchitis
and migraine headaches. Cannabis will stimulate hair
growth and get rid of dandruff and other scalp problems. It
can be used as a final rinse or tea rubbed into the scalp.
Can also be used as a seasoning as the seeds contain a very
nutritious oil. It can also be sprinkled in soups and other

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a one of the oldest and most

popular household herbs in use in Jamaica today. The herb
is found in its powdered form in almost all kitchens across
the island. Cinnamon powder is very effective for diabetics
when sprinkled on food daily. Boiled to make a tasty
porridge. Cinnamon can be used as an astringent, appetite
stimulant and anti-clotting. Said to have anti-fungal and
anti-infective properties. Cinnamon is also used to treat
nausea, vomiting, cold, diarrhea and digestive problems.
So in general, cinnamon tea is a good way to bring relief
from various stomach ailments. The astringent property
which the herb possesses makes it useful in stemming nose
bleeds and heavy bleeding associated with menstruation.

Aloe Vera: The leaf is boiled to make tea for biliousness

and colds. For colds the peeled leaf is cut up and steeped in
proof rum, half a wineglassful being taken in the morning
for several days and followed the next day with a dose of
salts and senna. The split leaf is applied to wounds and tied
on for headaches. In the past aloes has also been used to
improve the digestion and appetite, for worms, and to
promote menstrual flow. Cleanse bladder, intestine,
kidneys and stomach.       

Sorrel: Jamaican Sorrel is high in Vitamins and Minerals

with powerful antioxidant properties. It helps lower blood
pressure, bad cholesterol and detoxify the entire body.
Sorrel leaves help cure urinary tract infections, scurvy,
chronic catarrh, and hemorrhages. Helps prevent premature
aging. The leaves are dried and used for the treatment of
ringworm, itchy skin, and seasonal fevers . The tea is a
natural cure for kidney stones and jaundice. It is also a
natural laxative that helps in treating problems like
constipation The leaf juice is applied topically for the
treatment of ulcers, boils, and malignant tumors
Fever Grass: For Fevers: Use with with ginger, sugar,
cinnamon. You can also use a tea or decoction made from
the leaves as a diaphoretic in fever. For disordered
menstruation, for congestive and neuralgic forms of
dysmnorrhoea, chronic malaria: Use herb with black
For vomiting and diarrhea: It is a tonic to the intestinal
mucous membrane. For colic, flatulence, fever, catarrh

Cerassee: Cerassee is one of the most commonly used

Jamaican folk medicines. Brought to the island and
cultivated by African slaves, it is used for diabetes,
malaria, worms, colds and hypertension, and as an overall
health tonic. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition
in April 2003 found that bitter melon extract improved
insulin resistance and raised glucose (blood sugar) in rats
(Soumyanath, 2006).

Tamarind: The pulp of the tamarind fruit is used in

Jamaica in the making of sweetmeats, in chutneys and to
prepare a cooling drink.
It is known and used as a laxative and to prepare a gargle
for sore throat. The presence of citric acid seems doubtful.
The leaves are made into a tea for treatment of measles.
The pulp or leaves are used to make poultices for sore.
Using a mixture of tamarind decoction and water can help
children dealing with stomach worms.

Guinea Hen Weed: Promotes healthy immune system

Shown to actively kill leukemia cells and prevents the
formation of tumors
Acts as a reproductive aid, promoting healthy
Acts as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals in the body.
Offers a mild sedative action, thus making it a good herb
for anxiety.
Expels harmful organisms from the body, and prevents
yeast infestations.
Acts as an anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis and the
reproductive system.
Acts as a general pain reliever. Reduces muscle spasms and
nervous tension.
Acts as a strong anti-bacteria
When mixed with rubbing alcohol, it is used for nasal
15 3. Discuss the advantages Advantages Discuss with students Add value to Students should be able
mins and disadvantages of the advantages and discussion by their to state one advantage
using herbal or folk Reduced risk of side effects:  Herbs typically have fewer disadvantages of using participation. and one disadvantage
side effects than traditional medicine, and may be safer to herbal medicines in of using herbal
medicines in health
use over time. health promotion medicine in health
promotion Effectives with chronic conditions: Herbs tend to be more promotion.
effective for long-standing health problems that are not
responding well to traditional medicine (Grunert, nd).
Lower cost: Another advantage to herbal medicine is cost. Ask one student to state One student will state
Herbs cost much less than prescription medications. Herbs an advantage , and one advantantage and
tend to be inexpensive compared to drugs. another student to state a another will state a
Widespread availability: Herbs are available without a disadvantage of using disadvantage of using
prescription. You can grow some simple herbs, such as herbal medicine in herbal medicine in
peppermint and chamomile, at home. In some remote parts health promotion health promotion.
of the world, herbs may be the only treatment available to
the majority of people.

Disadvantages Value student’s

Inappropriate for many conditions: . An herbalist would
not be able to treat serious trauma Clarify any
Lack of dosage instructions:  Many herbs do not come misconceptions
with instructions or package inserts so there is a very real
risk of overdose.
Poison risk associated with wild herbs:  There is a real
risk of poisoning if the herbs are not correctly identified or
if the wrong part of the plant is used.
Medication interactions: Herbal treatments can interact
with medications.
Lack of regulation: The quality of herbal products may
vary among batches, brands or manufacturers. This can
make it much more difficult to prescribe the proper dose of
an herb (Grunert, nd)

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