Hydraulic Fracturing

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Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a technique designed to recover gas and oil

from shale rock. But how does it work and why is it controversial?

What is fracking?

Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure
water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside.

Water, sand and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which
allows the gas to flow out to the head of the well.

The process can be carried out vertically or, more commonly, by drilling
horizontally to the rock layer and can create new pathways to release gas or can
be used to extend existing channels.

The term fracking refers to how the rock is fractured apart by the high pressure
Environmentalists argue that fracking contaminates ground and surface water 

Fracking is a concern that can ruin our environment. Americans need to stand up against
fracking and demand safer alternative forms of energy. Fracking is a poorly regulated way to
obtain natural gas as we transition from dirty fossil fuels. Also, fracking can cause health
problems because of the toxic chemicals that leak into ground water during the fracking
process. This can have a big effect on those that rely on wells for drinking water. However,
with the detractors that fracking has, there are those that support it. Fracking can help
create jobs in the area where it is taking place, and when done responsibly is a safe process.
There is also a new alternative called hydrofracking which can help reduce environmental
harm. It uses liquefied propane gel instead of water to help release the natural gas

Hydraulic fracturing commonly referred to as fracking, extracts natural gas and oil from rock
that lies very deep underneath the ground. During the drilling process water, sand, and a mix
of chemicals are blasted into the rock and it releases the natural gas. Without this process
very large amounts of natural gas would be left underneath the ground, never to be used.
Many companies use this process because it is very cost effective, even though it may not be
the safest.

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