Gold Experience A2+ SB Unit 7

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7 Food for thought READING Sum up Bich places from the article are these Power up peopletalling bout? Which one would you Ike to goto? Why? Hl hat do you thinks the ink between these pictures and eating in a café or restaurant? Share your ideas withthe cass. G) Rwosntmate me gee rear need a fee meal to be kind to another person. It would be OK to try once, just for fun. But it ‘wouldn't be a great way to get fit or to enjoy your lunch every day. Read on Bi read te articte quickly and check your ides from Ex 1. Why do you think the witer wrote theatcle? 1 to eplain that most places to eat are too expensive B torecommend interesting places to et and drink Speak up € to eiplore a new idea in eating in cafés and restaurants Workin pais. Which ofthese facts do you thinks false? Eire the article again. Five sentences have been removed from the article. For each question, choote the correct answer, There ae three extra sentences which you do not need to use ‘A. Although this isn’t completely free, you only pay for how long you spend in the cafe B Customers who ordered at certain times ofthe day didn't need money. |) Achicken and burger restaurant in € Itisn't a good idea to exercise straight after eating cles alg c.count to pene) So maybe fastfood can be friendly, too, : . Fl i i. i @ Arestaurant in Las Vegas, USA, offers E Japanese food is getting alot more popula. iran ancersccool F Soafter wortng out onan exec bke arden tps customers (OREO CGE IM . London put butter and jam on people's G Some cafés ace too expensive for young people to go to Renee earner PcG ETS H Customers can poy for th food nthe nal way or get itor nothing gyoup of young inven inthe USA by helping a5 a waiter orin the kitchen have come up with a way to print faces conice cream. Ei ind words/phrases inthe article that have these meanings @ Teenagers ot o schoo! in east London were gWven a three-course lunch made 2 bevery expense pera: paca 3 anumber of restaurants, cafés, etc. owned by the same people (para iii) 11 when you don't have enough money to buy things (para): 4 Dplace to St tats thereon fra short time (para a) Imagine you are gain to start pop-up café 5 something the owners af a restaurant, café, etc. do to get more customers for your school What.foad lll youservez, Gane 2 How could people pay? Present your ideas to the class and vote for the best café. 6 pice to eat (para) 17 putting your arms round someone (para) 2 Paying for a hamburger with a Ng It's something people do all over the world: go ‘out for a meal with Family or friends, enjoy the food and give the waiter cash or a card at the end. ‘Actually, not always. Some businesspeople are letting customers pay in more creative ways. Sekai Kobayashi is one of these businesspeople. She's the woman who owns the Mirai Shokudo restaurant in Tokyo. Sekai has a system which offers good food to everyone, even if they're short of money. They can {get a free meal If they work in the restaurant for Just fifty minutes. 50 far about 500 people, including students, have worked For their meal. Imagine a coo! café that doesn’t cost a fortune. That's 2iferblat, a chain of cafés which started in Russia, Here time is money because you pay by the minute. You can. hang out with your friends, have a drink and a snack use the wifi and play board games. It's a system that seems to work as there are now fourteen of these cafés in diferent places. Have you ever thought about mixing food and fitness? Run for your Bun was a pop-up café in London which Gid just that. A chicken burger didn’t cost six pounds. but six minutes of fast and hard training! ® Although they didn’t use any notes or cains, they certainly used a lot of energy. Even the bill showed that you paid in movement, nt money! And one of the most popular burger chains has also been playful when people pay. It had a special promotion in the US. + Instead, they had the chance to win a tasty meal by being nice to another person ~ by saying ‘hello’ giving someone a hug or sharing a sei. © IF you're someone who likes eating out, who knows haw you might pay for Food in the future! 7 Food for thought GRAMMAR Read the grammar box and choose the correct words to complete the rules, ee uae relative clauses with who and which She's the woman whe owns the Mirai Shokudo restaurant in Tokyo. If you're someone who likes eating out, who knows how you ‘might pay for food in the future! Sekai has a system which offers good food to everyone. Ziferblat isa chain of cafés which started in Russia, Who and which are examples of relative pronouns. We use them after a noun to make it lear which person or thing we are talking about. We use "who / which for people and 2who / which for things and animals. With relative pronoun, we repeat / don't repeat the subject pronouns he she it oF they BIE)? Listen and match the speakers (1-3) withthe Guestions they are answering (A-D). You donot need dhe of the questions A tsanyone you know a professional chef? B What things would you never eat or dri? © Who isthe best cookyou know? D Which smell really make you want to eat? 072.complete the sentences with wht or "whlch Listen agan and check your answers. 4A The person _- rakes the most delicious food is my mim B Shes someone 2 A One thing of fresh bread B Another thing the smell of popcorn. 3A Imaperson B Sothe one food likes parties, too. ‘makes me hungry is the smell makes me want to eat is cares about animals. Tenever ets meat Ti connect the sentences with ‘who! or which Are the sentences tr (1) or false (FP? Guee 1. isha food, can hep you seep beter 2: Aveganis a person. He/She doesnt eat mest but ets age and cheese 3 A piece of cake'is an expression. It means that something isvery easy, 4 Honey is a food. It never goes bad ‘Accooker isa person, He/She prepares food as their job 6 Scarlett Johansson is a famous American actress. She owns ‘a popcorn shop in Paris. 84 game on Work in pairs. Write six quiz questions about foot: three with which and three with who. Then workin groups. Can the other students answer your questions? What isthe thing which heats food very quickiy? What do we calla person who grows vegetables? EX Bice the artice and foreach question, write {he correct answer Write one word foreach g9P Nathan John-Baptisteis a fifteen-year-old student fram east London. He's also a young man * loves sweets; not eating them, but seling them. When he was just twelve, Nathan came up 2, ‘ business plan to sell sweets and drinks to his schoolmates. He started with just £5 and made money by buying cheap sweets and seling them during ‘the school day. Over time, he became much 3 ‘ambitious and he took on Students to Work for him in three diferent schools During that time, Nathan * earning about £200 a day from sweets and another project * ‘made bath products. Then his sweet business ended. It wasn't because the products became * expensive to bbuy ~ the school found out about his business ‘and closed it dawn. But by then Nathan had ‘made £250,000! [i wiite who’ or which nthe gaps. Then complete the sentences with yur own ideas Workin pats and compare ‘your sentences, 1 Nathan John Baptiste a student, 2 The person... 3A good businessperson is someone... 4 Selling sweets at school is something. 5 6 closed Nathan's business is Anactivity _can make alot of maney is Learning about business i asl Speak up Ed wy do you think Nathan’ school stopped his business? VOCABULARY talking about food Bl Match the food in the photos (A-6) with these adjectives. You can use the adjectives more than once and you can match each photo with more than one adjective. bummed cooked crispy dry hard juicy raw saly soft sour spicy sweet The toast is burned and hard, Hive an example of something delicious and something horrible you have eaten, Use the adectvesin Ex 1 | ate some burned steak once. It was avfull OCR lerols) Lola d using the correct word Itcan be helpful to remember adjectives in pats of opposites, eg. ra cooked. But sometimes the adjective you need depends on the context. a dry day ~a wot day 2 dry steak -ewetsten a juicy steak Note down adjectives in context to help you remember the correct one, Ei read the vocabulary box and complete the questions with ajectives from Ex 1 Work in pals and ask and answer the questions, 1 Do you prefer bold eggs to be hard o ? 2. Which nicer sweet or popcom? 3 Why Isroastehclen sometines very dryandother times ee 4 Do you preter or cooked vegetables? TELE. tsten and match the conversations (1-4) with the Problems (AF. You do not need two ofthe problems AA The plaza was burned B The yoghurt wasnt sweet enough The frult wasnt uly enough D The fast food was too expensive E The food wasrt vegetarian, F The burger was too dry Put the letters in brackets in the corect order to complete the food blog Whats better than a film with your friends and a takeaway pizza? | always order cheese and ‘tomato with a nic ,. ‘fusing apologising Ed waite the missing parts of the emailin Ex 4 [Which ofthese phrases aren't appropriate for your reply to Ms Roberts? Why? Starting the email Ending the ematl 4 Hi Roberts 5 Lotsof ov 2 Dear Roberts 3 Doar Ms Roberts 4 Hin, Write on Ed Biwi your own epy tothe emaiin Ex3 in about Too words 6 See you later, 7 Cheers, & With best wishes, Improve it [check your emai Did you 1 Include Information fora four notes the task? 2 [use the conect language to exress theless the notes? 3 sean appropriate phase to bein and end your emai? 4 check yourspeling? 89 INDEPENDENT LEARNING Listening skills TB took back at units 1-7. which istening tasks i you enjoy most? Which did you find the most difcult? Why? Share you ideas with the lass Brut these listening tasks in order ial), Understanding SWITCH ON @ » Ghersusemsinclas + Seco with thre or mor speakers + sar recording with two spats Extreme cake-makers + alonger recording with two speakers... De ree eerie re * [reonicg mend enetinapaie have seen? Why was it interesting? + arecording about a new subject EAD wrorkin pairs, watch the cip. Which do you think s the best eres cake? Why? for the most and least difficult tasks in Ex 2. EX Diwratch again. are te sentences true (1) or false (F? Wry are some tasks more dificult than others? 41 Nastassa created the sculpture cake to celebrate the opening i write two tis for each situation to help you of a football stadium UF improve your listening sil. 2 Nastassas cake i ficult to make because ithas hole inthe midal of UF Top Nps for understanding 3 Karisha's wedding cake isthe smallest cake she has ever made. T/F 4 Molly wants to make a cow cake because the show isin the the teacher/classmates countryside VF 5 Molly makes the cow's body out af chocolate fudge cake WF Be quiet so you can hear! Project recordings in class Ei workin small groups. You are party planners, Choose one ofthese fer eee celebrations: + a New Year's party + asports vietory party + an end-of schol party + aparty for a new student Pian your party. Think about these things. videos online + location look atthe speakers’ body language + food and drink at : + quests + decorations + clothes + extreme cake Ei Present your party tothe cas. %0 UNIT CHECK Wordlist Adjectives to describe Food food burger (n) burned butter (r) ‘cooked ‘chilli (n) crispy cupcake (r) dry ‘curry (7) hard ‘curry powder (n) juicy fast food (n) raw fish (o) salty (riedroast) chicken (0) soft, fries (n) sour frit (0) spicy jam (0) sweet kebab (n) lemon (n) marshmallow 0) Vocabulary 1 EM 79 Lter tosicserterces Whenyoubeara eee esr toe fee re tocdeserbe food section of he wordlist S paella (9) delicious (ad) pasta (n) ‘ive someone a hug (phy) peanut (n) pop-up can) pineapple (n) promotion (n) popcorn (7) raw (ad) scone (n) roast (a) steak (r) takeaway (r) sushi (n) tasty (ad) toast (n} vegetarian (ad) tortilla (n) Extra vegetable (n) bill(o) yoghurt () cook (n) Other cooker (7) be short of money (phr) recipe (n) chain (r) ‘costa fortune (phr) Bil choose the correct words to complete the sentences This dish is not burned / vegetarian, so | can't eat it. don't eat meat. I'ma ttle short / hard of money at the moment, so I can't come to the concert with you. twas a simple but very sour {tasty dish liked it. 4 Goon, give / make your grandma a hug and say’thank you' for 1 4 2 5 3 6 5 Ell 710 Listen and check your answers ‘ Find these things in the Food section of the wordlist, 1 two types of fruit: 2. two types of cake: 3 something sweet you can put on bread A: Yes, they're expensive, but they're’. 4-a dish that is made from raw fish 55 something we put in food to make it more spicy: 6 avegetable with a strong, hot taste: 7 a very soft sweet that is often white 18 around piece of cooked meat your present. | made some ice cream and put some kebabs / peanuts on top. Yur! Would you like some fries / jams with your burger? EB choose the correct answers to complete the conversation Do you think yourea good "...? I'm not bad but lke to read a*__. before make anything, ‘What was the last thing you made? Some ._..with chocolate and cream on top. Everyone liked them and ‘they were cheap to make. The ones in the local shop ....a fortune. 1 love sweet things but my ‘mum wants us to eat more healthily <0 for dessert we just get fruit ‘A cooking B cooker © cook Arecipe —B bill © menu A fries B cupcakes kebabs A payfor B pay € cost Aroast —B delicious € raw A yoghurt B curry © steak 1 UNIT CHECK Review RW cree eeereeterte ee reeeriererree 1 Pasta is fod who [which we ea everyday in my fami Ba re ene eee ener er ena feclsck 3 I've got a friend who / which writes a food blog, 4 Everyone enjoyed the cake who / which my dad made. 5 | can’t cook | don’t know anyone who / which likes my food! 6 Abarista isa person who / which prepares coffee, hires the article and foreach question, write the correct answer Write one word for each gop. A robot estaurant Finding a great place to eat can be dificult. The food right be good but often the pace just isn't exciting for you to enjoy yourself. Well, how 2 trying Huis Ten Bosch, @ theme park in Japan? And one of the» ‘unusual things about the restaurant in the park isthe chet. I's a robot “ makes food in front of the customers, Infact, this restaurant has thirty robots and just seven humans. Ikki Nakahirl is the man 5 came Lp with the idea of the robot chef. i's part ofa project tofind out how * can do, different jobs robots 92 EAE 211 steno» food podcast and complete the sentences + The date of World Chocolate Day is * + To the ancient Mayans, cocoa beans were more valuable than, ‘+ The world ‘chocolate’ was first used in English in the year = + On average, the British, Swiss and Germans eat kilos of chocolate each year. + ABritish chocolate company made a bar weighing 5,792 kilos to celebrate its § + Artists have made chocolate sculptures of people such as the Queen of * Hi complete the biog post with adverbs formed from the adjectives in brackets, BB imagine you went to one of the restaurants or cafés inthis unt. Wrteashort blog post about your experience. Would You recommend the place to other people?” GRAMMAR FILE UNIT 7 REFERENCE relative clauses with who and which Who and which are examples of relative pronouns. We use them after a noun to makeit clear which person or thing we are talking about. ‘She's the woman whe owns the restaurant. ‘There's the café which sells delicious burgers. We use who when we are talking about people ‘A baker is someone who makes bread and cakes ve gota friend whe loves spicy food, Ie wasn’t Thomas who liked fish, it was Sarah, ‘We use which when we are talking about things and animals, Pizzas a food which is popular round the world This isthe dog which we've had for years. This is the toy which has been with me since | was litte Remember that with a relative pronoun, we don't repeat the subject pronouns (he, she it, etc) Do you know the git! who she won the cooking competition? twas Jonathan who he asked for more ice cream, adverbs of manner Adverbs of manner are words like quickly, slowly, simply, etc They describe verbs and they say how we do something Iwas hungry so! ate my lunch quickly. ike to eat my breakfast slowly. | don't understand, Please explain it to me simply. adjective most adjectives, Quiet, quick, careful adjectives ending ina consonant +y easy, happy. healthy adjectives ending in le change le toy terrible, horrible, possible terribly horribly, possibly irregular 9004, fast, hard adverb [addy quietly, quickly, carefully J drop the y, add ily easily, happily, healthily wel, fast, hard Remember that fast and hard have the same form for both the adjective and the adverb, The service at the café wasn't very fast. (adjective) Don't eat fast You'll get stomach ache. (adverb) This steakis really hard. | can’t eat it. (adjective) fm studying hard for my exams. (adverb) This isthe usual word order with adverbs: verb + adverb She cooks well. verb + object + adverbs He ate hislunch quickly, PRACTICE relative clauses with who and which choose the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 tm not een on food who whch ver spe Act isorneone who which sto worklong hours | met aboy who / whichis fod blogger Have you eaten the cake who f which wasinthe ge? Avegn ka person who wich doer at anima products, Currys ash who / which popular allover the world “omplete the article with ‘who or ‘which’ ‘Alysse Kopasi isa student from New York *, os is doing something special She's developing an app aims to help other students. The app is Caled Foodie tovgh aa on app people can use to pay for their kids! lunch, But they ‘can also donate an extra two or three dollars for each ‘meal. This money buys something to eet for students _can'tafford it All this is done without giving names, so a hungry student gets lunch without feeling embarrassed. At the moment, Alyssa is working ‘on the app with four of her classmates. They are al trying ‘to make life a bit better for young people 5, need help. Connect the sentences with ‘who! or ‘wich. 1 Pizzas food. I’s popular ll over the word 2. Frutarins are people They eat ona and nuts, 3 ihavea Wend. Herealy enjoys cooking, 4 Percy Spencer was an American engineer. He invented the 5 |watchad a video. It halped me prepare food for the party, 6 Ben ate the sandwich. It was on the table. adverbs of manner Choose the correct words to complete the conversations. |A: Would you lke a sweet? They'te really nice / nicely, B: No, thanks. I've got toothache, It hurts rally ad / badly! [A Oh no, You'd better see the dentist quick quickly ‘A: How iseverything golng with our brother at univers? B: Well he's mising Mum and Dad terol erly becouse hesmakeghis own mete Aish good /welloot? B: Well he only ever cooked once at home We waited ‘patieny / patiently for hours but everything was burned! Ei compete the second sentence so that ithas a sina mmearing tothe frat sentence Useon adverb in each 1 ike tobe a good cook Ile to 2. The rece Want very enn tonal We cult 3 You need tobe shard worker to become chef Yelineed tobecomea che 4 opped the kif ana goto bod cot on my hand | dropped the knife andeut 5 Youre a slow eter, You Complete the post with adverbs formed from these oeetves careful fast hard healthy honest immediate slow terrible A food diary ‘Our science teacher asked us to keep a fod diary It ‘was important to give the information °. ‘and not le or leave anything out So, for a week 2 _.wrote down what | ate and at what times. ‘The diary showed that eat quite, with los of fresh fruit and vegetabies every day. But | always eat very’ = my lunch is usually finished i five minutes! So an hour after each meal, often feel® ‘hunry again. From the diary, | could also See that leat 3 lot of snacks, When Im studying my favourite things are biscuits and crisps. Keeping the diary was interesting I's taught me ‘to take mare time over food. I now eat much more 139

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