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ŠKOLA: JU OŠ „Ćamil Sijarić“ Nemila

Školska godina: 2022/2023. Broj: 27


Nastavni predmet: Engleski jezik Razred: IV

Nastavna jedinica: My country

Tip časa: a) obrada novog nastavnog sadržaja, b) vježbanje, c) ponavljanje, d) utvrđivanje, e) sistematizacija

Nastavne metode: a) razgovor, b) usmeno izlaganje, c) demonstracija, d) ilustracija, e) rad na tekstu, f) diskusija,

g) pismeni radovi, h) laboratorijski i praktični radovi, i) grafički radovi, j) ______________

Nastavna sredstva i pomagala: a) slike, b) karte, c)knjiga-udžbenik, d) grafoskop, e)makete-modeli, f) CD player,

g) crteži-šeme, h)prirodni materijal, i) Notebook PC, j) multimedija, k) testovi

Oblici rada: a) frontalni, b) grupni, c) rad u paru, d) individualni, e) _____________________

Cilj sata: razvijati ljubav prema domovini i usvojiti novi vokabular kroz čitanje i prevođenje teksta te različite

Zadaci nastavnog sata:

a) Obrazovni: usvajanje novog i proširivanje postojećeg vokabulara, sticanje znanja o BiH kroz čitanje i
prevođenje teksta

b) Funkcionalni: razvijanje analitičkog mišljenja, razvijanje vještine čitanja i slušanja sa razumijevanjem; ,

razvijanje sposobnosti primjene stečenih znanja, razvijanje pamćenja, mišljenja
c) Odgojni: razvijanje ljubavi prema domovini i njenim prirodnim ljepotama; motivisanje učenika na dalje
usvajanje i korištenje engleskog vokabulara


1. UVODNI DIO SATA: The teacher greets students and invites them to prepare their
homework. Students show a picture of a costume they would wear for a costume party.
Teacher tells students she has a riddle for them. She will show them photos and they
need to guess what the soultion is based on those pohotos. T display photos (ćevapi,
burek, traditional uniform, Mostar, Edin Džeko, flag) and help them by asking questions
Where can we see this uniform?; Where can we eat ćevapi? Burek?; Where is Edin
Džeko from? ; Where is Mostar? Children guess it is Bosnia and Herzegovina. T says
they are correct and writes the solution on the board ( the title My country) saying they
will talk about Bosnia and Herzegovina. Students copy the title in their notebooks.
2. GLAVNI DIO SATA: T tells students they will read a text about B&H while handing out
the paper with the text. Before reading, T displays picture cards of new words on the
board and invites students to repeat after her.

village- selo sea- more

mountain- planina triangle- trougao
hill- brdo river- rijeka
lake- jezero south- jug
heart- srce flag- zastava
forest- šuma
They translate the words and T assists if necessary. T reads the text and students listen and
follow on their papers. T then invites 3,4 students to read and translate the text. T praises
students for good work.

T asks some questions about the text: T: Is B&H small country?- S: Yes. It is. ; T: Is it
interesting?- S: Yes, it is. ; T: What is the name of the city on the sea? – S: Neum ; T: What is
the most popular food?- S: Burek, ćevapi....

T praises children for being active. T explains to the children they will work in pairs while
handing out papers. Each pair gets a paper with sentence/ sentences they need to fill and
photos they need to stick. They will stick their filled papers on the poster displayed on the
board. Each pair will come to the board and read their sentences after they stick them on the

Pair 1- This is our flag. It is blue, yellow and white.

Pair 2- Our traditional food and sweet are ćevapi, burek and baklava.
Pair 3- It is a green heart of Europe. It has got many mountains, hills and forests.
Pair 4- People in B&H like sport. The most popular sport is football.
Pair 5- The capital city is Sarajevo. 3 million people live here.
Pair 6- B&H is rich in lakes and rivers.

After all the pairs finish, T asks some questions regarding papers on the poster: T: What are
the colours of our flag?- S: They are blue, yellow and white. ; T: What is the capital city?-
S: The capital city is Sarajevo. ; T: Why is B&H called the green heart of Europe?- S: It has
got many mountains, hills and forests. ; T: What is the most popular sport?- S: The most
popular sport is football.

3. ZAVRŠNI DIO SATA: T praises students for good work and being active and hands out
papers with new words to students to stick them in their notebooks. T tells the students
they will get a worksheet with a crossword. They need to write new words in the
crossword. After the children finish their worksheets, T will check their work and give
some marks. If children don't finish in time, T will check their work in the next lesson.

CROSSWORD: 1- mountain; 2- village; 3- hil; 4- sea; 5- lake; 6- river; 7- triangle; 8-heart

Homework – students write short essay - Why do I like Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Dodatna aktivnost: activity book, pg 32, excersise 3- find the words in the crosswords




Napomena: Priprema za ogledni čas; Bistrica; 28.10.2022

Nastavnik: Edna Karić

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