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Debbie Daluga

Clinical Psychologist

  ✔

altruism investigative concern about people listening

helping others social work with others negotiating
income conventional flexible reasoning

PSY-B 320 PSY-B 307 CLAS-C 205 PSY-B 356

PSY-B 305 PSY-B 310 PSY-B 340 PSY-B 360
PSY-B 203 PSY-B 311 PSY-B 370 PSY-B 365
ENG-W 231 FIS 20500 PSY-B 394 PSY-B 380
PSY-B 303 PSY-B 312 PSY-B 398 PSY-B 386

 

 

 ✔

 

 

Pro: good income, I think I will like it, bright outlook

Cons: lots of schooling, costly

Clinical Psychology Research

  ✔

altruism investigative concern about people listening

helping others social work with others negotiating
income conventional flexible reasoning

PSY-B 320 PSY-B 307 CLAS-C 205 PSY-B 356

PSY-B 305 PSY-B 310 PSY-B 340 PSY-B 360
PSY-B 203 PSY-B 311 PSY-B 370 PSY-B 365
ENG-W 231 FIS 20500 PSY-B 394 PSY-B 380
PSY-B 303 PSY-B 312 PSY-B 398 PSY-B 386

  Pros: something I would

 like to do, same

schooling as my primary

✔ ✔  plan
 

 Cons: lots of schooling,

costly, likely wouldn't
have consistent patients

requires same degrees focused on research instead of

both clinical being a therapist
Psychology Professor

  ✔

altruism investigative concern about people listening

helping others social work with others negotiating
income conventional flexible reasoning

PSY-B 320 PSY-B 307 CLAS-C 205 PSY-B 356

PSY-B 305 PSY-B 310 PSY-B 340 PSY-B 360
PSY-B 203 PSY-B 311 PSY-B 370 PSY-B 365
ENG-W 231 FIS 20500 PSY-B 394 PSY-B 380
PSY-B 303 PSY-B 312 PSY-B 398 PSY-B 386

 Pros: I like teaching, I
 

 could live near a nice
  college campus
✔ ✔

 
 Cons: lot's of schooling,
  costly, varying pay
depending on if I do
research alongside

requires same schooling, surrounds

same subject

not clinical work, teaching

Psychiatric Technician

 
✔ 

altruism investigative concern about people listening

helping others social work with others negotiating
income conventional flexible reasoning

PSY-B 320 PSY-B 307 CLAS-C 205 PSY-B 356

PSY-B 305 PSY-B 310 PSY-B 340 PSY-B 360
PSY-B 203 PSY-B 311 PSY-B 370 PSY-B 365
ENG-W 231 FIS 20500 PSY-B 394 PSY-B 380
PSY-B 303 PSY-B 312 PSY-B 398 PSY-B 386

 ✔
 Pros: less schooling,
✔   patient interaction

✔  Cons: less pay, job varies
 

place to place
 

does not require PhD

same undergraduate degree, patients

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