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SHORT QUESTIONS 1. What is the one important difference between the characteristics of a simple switch and those of an ideal diode? 2. What is the one important difference between the characteristics of a simple switch and those of an ideal diode? 3. Describe the characteristics of the ideal diode and how they determine the on and off states of the device? 4. Describe how you will remember the forward- and reverse-bias states of the p-n junction diode. That is, how you will remember which potential (positive or negative) is applied to which terminal? 5. What is half wave rectifier? 6. What is full wave rectifier? 7. What are the advantages of full wave and half wave rectifier? 8. Define ripple factor. What is the ripple factor of HWR, FWR? 9. What is clipper ? 10.What are the applications of clipper? 11.What is clamper? 12.What is BJT? Draw the configuration of CE,CB,CC. 13.What is FET? Explain the types of FET. 14.How self bias circuit is used as constant current source? 15.Define stability factor. 16. What are the differences between BJT and FET? 17. What biasing conditions are required for BJT to operate in active or linear region? 18.What are the differences between JFET and MOSFET? 19.What is the important relationships in BJT and FET? 20.Explain about MOSFET handling.


(a)Assuming an ideal diode, sketch vi, vd, and id for the half-wave rectifier of Figure 1.1. The input is a sinusoidal waveform with a frequency of 60 Hz. Repeat Problem with a silicon diode (VT _ 0.7 V).

Figure 1.1 (b)For the network of Figure 1.2, sketch vo and determine Vdc.

Figure 1.2 (c)Sketch vo for the network of Figure 1.3 and determine Vdc.

Figure 1.3


(a)Determine vo for each network of Figure 1.4 for the input shown.

Figure 1.4

(b) Determine vo for each network of Figure1.5 for the input shown.

Figure 1.5 (c) Sketch vo for each network of Figure1.6 for the input shown.

Figure 1.6

3. Define voltage multiplier circuits? Explain briefly about types of voltage multiplier circuits.

(a)Explain briefly about operating point of BJT. (b) For the fixed-bias configuration of Figure 1.7, determine: (a) IBQ. (b) ICQ. (c) VCEQ. (d) VC. (e) VB.

(f) VE. (g) saturation current

Figure 1.7


(a)Explain emitter stabilized bias circuit. (b)For the emitter-stabilized bias circuit of Figure 1.8, determine (a) IBQ. (b) ICQ. (c) VCEQ. (d) VC. (e) VB. (f) VE. (g) saturation current

Figure 1.8


(a)Explain the types of voltage divider bias (b)Given the information provided in Figure1.9, determine: (a) IC. (b) VE. (c) VB.

(d) R1.

Figure 1.9

(a)Explain briefly about transistor switching network (b)Using the characteristics , determine the appearance of the output waveform for the network of Figure 1.10. Include the effects of VCEsat, and determine IB, IBmax, and ICsat when Vi _ 10 V. Determine the collector-toemitter resistance at saturation and cutoff.

Figure 1.10
8. 9.

Define MOSFET.Explain briefly the types of MOSFET. (a)For the fixed-bias configuration of Figure 1.11: (a) Sketch the transfer characteristics of the device. (b) Superimpose the network equation on the same graph. (c) Determine IDQ and VDSQ. (d) Using Shockleys equation, solve for IDQ and then find VDSQ. (b)For the self-bias configuration of Figure 1.12: (a) Sketch the transfer curve for the device. (b) Superimpose the network equation on the same graph. (c) Determine IDQ and VGSQ.

(d) Calculate VDS, VD, VG, and VS.

Figure 1.11

Figure 1.12

10. (a)For the network of Figure 1.13, determine: (a) VG. (b) IDQ and VGSQ. (c) VD and VS. (d) VDSQ.

Figure 1.13 (b)For the self-bias configuration of Figure1.14, determine: (a) IDQ and VGSQ.

(b) VDS and VD. (c)For the network of Figure1.15, determine: (a) IDQ. (b) VGSQ and VDSQ. (c) VD and VS. (d) VDS.

Figure 1.14

Figure 1.15


SHORT QUESTIONS 1. What are the features of two point network? 2. Define the term model. What are the two types of model? 3. What is re model? 4. What is h-parameter model? 5. Draw the re model of CB of BJT and explain. 6. Draw the re model of CE of BJT and explain. 7. Define the terms: Zi,Zo,Av,Ai. 8. Define four h-parameter model of BJT and explain the same? 9. Draw the approximate h-parameter model of CB of BJT. 10. Draw the approximate h-parameter model of CE of BJT. 11. What are the advantages of h-parameter model? 12. Express the voltage and current gain of CE fixed bias configuration? 13. Draw the re equivalent circuit of voltage divider bias. 14. Draw the emitter follower configuration and re model of the same. 15. Express input and output impedance of FET? Calculate gm0 for a JFET having device parameters IDSS = 15 mA and VP=5 V.

Determine the pinch-off voltage of a JFET with gm0 =10 mS and IDSS = 12 mA.

18. What is the high frequency model of BJT?

19. What is cascade amplifier? 20. What is darlington amplifier? 21. Distinguish between cascade and darlington? 22. What are the types of differential amplifier?

LONG QUESTIONS 1. For the network of Fig. 2.1: (a) Determine Zi and Zo. (b) Find Av and Ai. (c) Repeat part (a) with ro =20 k. (d) Repeat part (b) with ro =20 k.

Figure 2.1 2. For the network of Fig. 2.2: (a) Determine re. (b) Calculate Zi and Zo. (c) Find Av and Ai. (d) Repeat parts (b) and (c) with ro =25 k.

Figure 2.2 3. For the network of Fig. 2.3: (a) Determine re. (b) Find Zi and Zo. (c) Calculate Av and Ai. (d) Repeat parts (b) and (c) with ro =20 k.

Figure 2.3 4. (a)Determine Zi, Zo and Av for the network of Fig. 2.4 if IDSS =10 mA, VP= -4 V, and rd =40 k.

Figure 2.4 (b) Determine Zi, Zo, and Av for the network of Fig. 2.5 if yfs = 3000 micro sec and yos = 50 micro sec.

Figure 2.5 5. Explain the small signal analysis of CE emitter bias configuration with neat diagrams and derive the expressions for Zi, Zo,Av,Ai 6.Explain the small signal analysis of emitter follower configuration with neat diagrams and derive the expressions for Zi, Zo,Av,Ai. 7. Draw the ac equivalent circuit of JFET. Derive expression for input impedance, output impedance, voltage gain? 8.Explain : cascade amplifier, darlington amplifier, differential amplifier, tunned amplifier. 9.Discuss in detail the operation of emitter coupled differential amplifier with necessary diagrams and derive expression for common mode gain. 10.Describe the effects of RS and RL on the gain of BLT amplifier. Explain with suitable diagrams.


SHORT QUESTIONS 1. What are the types of feedback? 2. Discuss about the blocks in feedback system. 3. Discuss about the effects of negative feedback on amplifier parameters. 4. Distinguish between series and shunt feedback. 5. What are the advantages of using negative feedback amplifier? 6. Draw the equivalent circuit of voltage amplifier. 7. Compare positive and negative feedback. 8. What are the conditions for sustained oscillations?

Draw the circuit of wein bridge oscillator .

10. What are advantages of crystal oscillator? Give its applications? 11. Mention the feature of crystal oscillator. 12. Brief the barkhausens criteria for oscillation in oscillator. 13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wein bridge oscillator? 14. Discuss how oscillations are produced in crystal oscillator. 15. List the types of multivibrators. 16. What is meant by Schmitt trigger? 17. What is astable multivibrator? Give its application. 18. What is univibrator? Give its application. 19. What is bistable multivibrator? Give its application. 20. What is audio oscillators? Explain its types.

LONG QUESTIONS 1. Explain briefly about the block diagram of feedback system. 2. What are the types of feedback amplifier, explain with necessary circuits. 3. Explain hartley oscillator and also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and sustained oscillation. 4. Explain colpitts oscillator and also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and sustained oscillation. 5. Explain wein bridge oscillator and also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and sustained oscillation. 6. Explain RC phase shift oscillator and also derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and sustained oscillation. 7. What is crystal oscillator? Explain characteristics of the crystal and types of resonant frequency. 8. Explain briefly about bistable multivibrator with advantages and applications. 9. Explain briefly about astable multivibrator with advantages and applications. 10. Explain briefly about monostable multivibrator with advantages and applications.


SHORT QUESTIONS 1. Define power amplifier. 2. What are the types of power amplifiers? 3. Define class A amplifier with necessary waveform. 4. Define class B amplifier with necessary waveform. 5. Define class AB amplifier. 6. Define class C and D amplifier. 7. What is the need for heat sink? 8. What is the advantage of class B over class A amplifier? 9. What are the differences between class A series fed and transformer coupled type? 10. What is push pull amplifier? 11. What are the different ways to obtain push pull input signal? 12. What is crossover distortion? 13. What is the maximum efficiency of class A series fed amplifier? 14. What is the maximum efficiency of class B amplifier?

A class A transformer-coupled amplifier uses a 25:1 transformer to drive a 4ohm load. Calculate the effective ac load ( seen by the transistor connected to the larger turns side of the transformer). Calculate the transformer turns ratio required to connect four parallel 16 speakers so that they appear as an 8-k effective load.



Draw the circuit diagram of a class A transformer-coupled amplifier using an npn transistor Draw the circuit diagram of a class B npn push-pull power amplifier using transformer-coupled input.



Calculate the input and output power for the circuit of Fig. 3.1. The input signal results in a base current of 5 mA rms. Calculate the input power dissipated by the circuit of Fig. 16.35 if RB is changed to 1.5 k. What maximum output power can be delivered by the circuit of Fig. 3.1 if RB is changed to 1.5 k? . If the circuit of Fig. 3.1 is biased at its center voltage and center collector operating point, what is the input power for a maximum output power of 1.5 W?

Figure 3.1

For a class B amplifier providing a 22-V peak signal to an 8 load and a power supply of VCC =25 V, determine: (a) Input power. (b) Output power. (c) Circuit efficiency. For a class B amplifier with VCC =25 V driving an 8 load, determine: (a) Maximum input power. (b) Maximum output power. (c) Maximum circuit efficiency.

3. Draw circuit for class A series fed amplifier and explain its operation. Derive an expression for maximum efficiency. 4. Draw circuit for class A transformer coupled amplifier and explain its operation. Derive an expression for maximum efficiency. 5. Draw circuit for class B amplifier and explain its operation. Derive an expression for maximum efficiency.

6. (a) Compare amplifier efficiencies. (b) Explain class C amplifier 7. Explain briefly about complimentary symmetry with necessary diagrams. 8. What is the need for power amplifier? What are the types of power amplifiers? Explain briefly with advantages and disadvantages. 9. Compare and contrast class A and class B amplifier. 10. What are the different ways to produce push pull input? Explain various push pill amplifier onfiguration.


SHORT QUESTIONS 1. What is voltage stabilizer? 2. What is the need for voltage regulator? 3. What are the advantages of voltage regulator over rectifier and filter? 4. What are the types of transistor voltage regulator? 5. Define series voltage regulator. 6. Define shunt voltage regulator. 7. Describe and analyze the operation of shunt feedback regulator. 8. Discuss the need for overload protection in a shunt feedback and the means by which it is provided. 9. Describe the means by which short-circuit protection is provided for a passtransistor regulator. 10. Describe and analyze the operation of the pass-transistor regulator. 11. Compare series and shunt voltage regulator. 12. How current limiting is achieved by voltage regulator? 13. Why are series regulator preferred over shunt regulators? 14. Define SMPS. 15. What are the advantages of SMPS? 16. What are the four parts of the basic switching regulator ? 17. Describe the operation of current limiting circuit.

18. List the disadvantages of using series voltage regulators. 19. List the disadvantages of SMPS. 20. What is ripple rejection ratio rating?


Give an overview for voltage regulation and explain briefly about the types of voltage regulators.

2. Draw the block diagram of shunt voltage regulator. Explain the operation of shunt voltage regulator and various forms of shunt voltage regulator. 3. Draw the block diagram of series voltage regulator. Explain the operation of shunt voltage regulator and various forms of shunt voltage regulator. 4. Compare and contrast series and shunt voltage regulators with necessary circuit diagrams. 5. Explain (a) series feedback regulator (b) shunt feedback regulator 6. Explain briefly about SMPS. 7. Explain (a) short circuit protection (b) overload protection 8. Explain briefly about linear IC voltage regulators and describe the various types of linear IC voltage regulators. 9. Explain (a) current limiting circuit (b) DC to DC converter 10. Compare and contrast linear and switching regulator, in terms of their advantages, disadvantages and applications.

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