Final Reflection Paper For Phil Lit.

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Submitted by:
Shiela Mae D. Godito

Submitted to:
Dr. Jane C. Paderog


Bulosan illustrates his experiences through his tactful imagery of his

childhood, describing in detail of his family and home, which serves as
symbolic markers of his Filipino identity, shaping his goals and values as a
young man.

Through his observations living a life of peasantry in Binalonan,

Pangasinan, he expresses that “I was determined to leave that environment
and all its crushing forces, and if I were successful in escaping unscathed, I
would go back someday to understand what it meant to be born of the
peasantry.” He continues, stating that “I would go back because I was a part
of it, because I could not really escape from it no matter where I went or what
became of me. I would go back to give significance to all that was starved and
thwarted in my life.”

The passages convey a message of his escapism and why he must

leave as it is part of his identity and growth as an individual in understanding
serious global and societal issues. Transitioning the desire to escape, Bulosan
mentions his dreamer-like attitude, exploring his aspirations to one day get an
education to a become a doctor or a journalist, featuring his goal in migrating
to America.


Footnote to Youth, was written by Jose Garcia Villa in 1933.

When Dodong decided to marry Teang, his decision was so sudden, and he
ended up with his son doing the same thing. It was like the old stereotypical
sayings “History repeats itself” and “An eye for an eye”.

Dodong did not consider the pessimistic possibilities when he

gets married at early age. He just thought everything would be fine, that he
could handle stuff but the consequences made its way to brag Dodong’s
life.We’ve seen a whole lot of worse or even worst versions of this kind of
mistake in our present society.

Youth now a days are fragile and sensitive. There are lot of bad
things that could influence us. People around us can influence us its either
positively or negatively. Its our decision what choice we will take. As a youth
we should not rush things up. We should enjoy our teenage life first and think
deeper in making decisions in life that could affect our future. We should shout
out or speak out our opinions in life. We should not just keep our opinions
especially if that opinion of ours can change the mistakes of others.We should
always think first before doing or taking on uncertain step in our life to avoid
superb consequences which may come or even get worst due to wrong
decision making.

And there are perfect time for everything. You just need to wait
and decide carefully. Think the possibilities in every decision we make. Listen
for the advises given to you. Just like Dodong, he did not listen to his father.
So, his selfishness leads to hardships, but not only to his life but also to his
wife and children. So wait for the perfect timing, because in the end it is still
you who will face the consequence.


  The story is about the little girl who almost got molested by his tutor. His
name is Vicente. He is a conductor and volunteered as a tutor for extra
money. The father of the family is very busy he usually don’t talk too much
with the children. It is usually the mom who is there but then when it is tutor
time they are left by their mom.It shows here in this story that sometimes you
need to give more time for the children. Maybe if the father is just more
observant about the people around him and not too busy with his job maybe
he will notice something.

For me this is what Estrella Alfon wants to tells us. Let’s be

observant with the people that goes inside our hearts. There are people that
will try to take advantage of us. Like in this situation, they didn't even bother to
check his background why he seem so fond with the kids. Maybe he love the
kids but is there something that more that he wants. I can see the urge of the
mother to slap Vicente. As a mother she protected her daughter. She don’t let
any mosquito bite her daughter. Then this guy tried to molest her daughter.
But then after that the mother was still there. He really make sure that her
daughter will feel well.  

Overall I can say that this is a good story. This can be read by
parents for them to realize that you need to maybe check on the people that
you trust your child with. You cannot trust everyone around you. Your children
are very precious. As a parent you want them to be always safe with the
people around.  


The story entitled “The Mats” was written by Francisco

Arcellana, one of the admirable literary Filipino artists. The story talks about a
typical Filipino family culture, that portrays the close family relationship,
respect for the elders and remembering the family members who passed

            The story begins with the homecoming of Mr. Angeles who came
from Mariveles. He wrote a letter for his family about the real weaver artist
who make a marvelous mats. Apparently, he would bring home his family
some mats from this mat weaver.

           Knowing that the rest of the family members will receive their own
personalized sleeping mats, they became excited about the news. It was not
just an ordinary mat that they would receive but a personalized mat with their
names and a color depending on their birthstone. I can sense here, how much
joy the kids felt when they heard the news. Giving gifts is part of our tradition
when some come back home. This shows how much Mr. Angeles love his
            The mat plays an important role to Emelia and Mr. Angeles, for Nana
Emelia received a mat by her mother when she got married to Mr. Angeles. It
shows in this story that Filipinos are naturally sentimental. Filipinos always
treasure the things we received from our special someone, family, friends, etc.
It shows how Filipinos care for that certain thing they received from others.

            Finally, Mr. Angeles arrived and the kids were excited to received
their personalized sleeping mats. Mr. Angeles distributed the mats to his
children as he calls the names that’s on the mat. Now they were all done but
there are three mats left. Those mats were for their kids who passed away.
This only show that even though they’re dead they remain in the heart of their
father. So, the story taught us that we should not forget our loved ones no
matter how many years had passed. The sleeping mats used as an outlet to
pay as a tribute to his three kids who were not with them anymore.


The story entitled “bread of salt” simply Filipinos call, pan de sal
eaten during breakfast. The story revolves in the reality of the protagonist’s
awareness in his present social class that hinders his adore of a girl named
Aida whom is the old Spaniard’s niece. He’s a boy full of aspirations yet deep
and innocent intentions to Aida, but he was a teenager and still studying.

Just like the pandesal which was still being molded in the bakery
shop, likewise the young boy. There are still many things in life that he must
learn and what should he do is just wait for the right time where he can finally
prove himself worthy.

And this story pictures also how our society looks like. It shows
how differences make gaps between individuals where there are poor and
rich. Social status continue to define us for who we are and where we belong.
People every day are striving hard, so that they can buy their needs and
wants in life, but sadly there are people that no matter how hard they try, it’s
still going to be difficult for them to get what they need, because they are not
given the same privileges middle or higher class can attain, like being able to
eat three times a day, an access to a quality education and a lot more that are
hard to reach mostly if you are poor and belong to a lower class.

As students, we have to know that our society needs our

understanding. That love, dreams, and hope is not only for the elite but for
everybody. Let’s start spreading equality for everyone regardless of the status,
gender, etc. and keep reminding ourselves that we are all equal in this world,
let’s stop turning a blind eye on the horrible things that are happening around
us and never isolate anyone.


‘Wedding Dance’ written by Amador Daguio is a story about

Awiyao and Lumnay, a long married couple. They’ve been married for seven
harvest periods yet the couple weren’t able to produce any child. Awiyao, who
in spite of being in love with his wife, Lumnay, feels the need to marry another
woman in order to have a son. Awiyao couldn’t bare the sadness seen in
Lumnay’s face anymore. He has to decide between himself and his beliefs or
culture. On the other hand, Lumnay was very sad because of the situation
they’re in. She doesn’t want Awiyao to left her. But later in the story, as Awiyao
have decided to marry another woman just to have a child, leaving Lumnay
behind; Lumnay also decided to let go of him. Even though it’s painful for her
part, Lumnay sets him “free” because she loves him.

    On reading the story, I felt pity for Lumnay. I think it’s not right for
Awiyao to leave Lumnay just for the sake of having a child. But in Awiyao’s
part, he just can’t do anything so he just did the ‘right’ thing- to follow his
beliefs and culture, so he could redeem himself and have a child. It is indeed
a complicated thing. Since the culture of the characters shows that a man
should have a child of his bloodline for the society to accept him and
recognize him. But really, Lumnay is the most affected in the story. She was
left by her husband thus she returns again to her parents. Just letting Awiyao
to follow what he has decided. Because in her heart, she will still love Awiyao.

We can say that these situations still happen in the present times.
Even with great innovations and advancements, if Awiyao and Lumnay will
live in today’s era, they can still experience the same situation, but perhaps
presented in another way. There are a lot of “BARRIERS” that make different
versions of Awiyao and Lumnay’s tragic love story through time. But I believe
these barriers can’t hinder great love that continually grows and is felt for life
even with barricades blocking it, like that of Awiyao and Lumnay. They may be
separated eternally: his body would not anymore be hers, but his heart would
still be—-FOREVER!


The virgin by Kerima Polotan Tuvera is a good story stating the

experience of Miss Mijares, a 34 year old virgin lady who spent most of her
life taking care of her family. Miss Mijares was an independent woman,
focusing only on her job and family, with her world evolving around her
independence. She spent most of her time at work, receiving and hiring
contractual employees to get jobs for the company where she was working.
Her world was completely normal for her, until a man came, the man that
changed her principles in life.

The title itself suits the character of Miss Mijares. At 34, she was still
unmarried and childless, completely single. The story was just a little bit
unpredictable, since its ending was not clearly stated. The readers will still
have to predict her next move the moment after the guy confessed to her.

But it was clear that the man made her realize that the life which
she thought was normal was no longer normal for others. The guy made her
realize that she needs to get married. It seems that she finds the guy
irresistible, since she was showing interest towards him. She suddenly
switched from female to feminine, the thing that made the story quite

For me, out of biblical reason, staying “The Virgin” is an

achievement. It is because you have so and too much control, discipline and
value in yourself that you do not fall to temptation. Conserving, preserving and
reserving your body, not just it but your whole being, your soul like that is a
rarity in our society today.But, I have this belief that your body is the temple of
Christ so you must purify it.


Stupid is forever is written by the late Senator Miriam Defensor

Santiago which is know for her speeches that incorporates funny lines to get
the attention of the listeners then will eventually follow it up with inspiring
The book is filled with funny, clever and witty quotations, pick-up
lines, punch lines and anecdotes about Philippine politics, economy, and
educational landscape or, basically, the daily Filipino life in general from the
senator. The book also includes Santiago’s privilege speeches and press
conference and graduation rites speeches where the serious tone of the book
is. And it also has, again, illustrations from Filipino artists illustrators like Adam
David, Andrew Drilon, Eugene Madayag, Apol Sta. Maria, Josel Nicolas,
Julius Villanueva among others.

Stupid is Forever may elicit a few laughs, perhaps even during

the most depressing and frustrating times. It's a perfect book to read while
sitting on the toilet, taking a bus to school or work, or waiting for your flight at
the airport. Just make sure you don't laugh too hard, though, to avoid the
embarrassment of people looking at you.

Another good thing about the book is that it isn't fiction, so it doesn't
really have a plot. You don't have to really devote your time into reading it just
to understand its content; you can enjoy reading the book as long as you like.


At the beginning of the poem, the poet outlines how the

Philippines is dependent on other nations, and must work towards becoming
independent in the future in order to support its citizens. Like The Molave also
highlights the importance of the younger generation, and how they must fight
for their country and improve the Filipino way of living. The poet believes this
will grant the nation freedom. 

   Like The Molave also talks about heroes and how they inspire regular
Filipinos to be great themselves and join them on the quest to make the
Philippines a more prosperous place. The poem states that whilst many
Filipinos are achieving great things for their country, there is still much more to
be done and more residents must contribute to the efforts. In short, Like The
Molave is about inspiring the Filipino nation to improve their country and make
it self-sufficient.

This poem also inspires all the Filipinos to stand firm and to be
brave enough to make a change to our own mother nation. The poem
emphasizes the Filipinos to make a move and to fight back to claim the
Philippine Freedom that we want. It also tells us that we have much time to
change our life that we want by putting a little bit
effort,willingness,determination and hard work of what we do . This poem also
celebrates of national Pride, acceptance to other and peace .

As a youth of this country, we are the future leader of this land.

yet, we need to right things that we like. We are compared to a molave tree,
firm resilient and staunched. Meaning, we need to learn how to make change
for our country and have enough brave and determination of our work and
decision's to do in life.


The play "The World is an Apple" is one of the most famous Filipino
play by famed playwright, Alberto S. Florentino. In the story, it was shown how
the main character Mario was forced to choose a path that he has long
promised to not walk through again because of poverty.

The scenario of the story is not far from what's happening with
members of our society now that due to limited educational attainment that
would qualify them for a proper-paying job that would be adequate for their
families' needs. Mario decided to come back to his old life of crime when he
lost his job when he tried to steal an apple for his daughter. He keeps on
insisting that his priority is to provide what his wife and daughter needs. He
left with Pablo, his old crime buddy, even if Gloria pleaded very hard for him
not to go with the man.

This is a sad representation of what is happening in the society

today. Due to lack of better opportunities to heighten one’s standard of living,
some become entangled with the wrong crowd. By doing so, these individuals
do not help their family at all; instead, they end up worsening their family’s

But one major point stands out: no matter what circumstances you
are facing in life (failed marriage, infidelity, illness, poverty) you have a role
and responsibility and you have the power to choose the right thing.

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