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Legislative intent is determined principally from the language of the statute

Ramirez vs CA

Anti wiretapping

Verba Legis Plain meaning rule 47

It is a rule in statutory construction thatif the statute is clear, plain, and free from ambiguity, it must be
given its literal meaning and applied without interpretation

CA vs Judges 47

Longevity pay


Labor Code

Dismissed unjustly

When tha language of the law is clear, it should be given its natural meaning

Basbacio vs DOJ 53

Unjustly accused and imprisoned

This is a case of malpractice


Abecia, respondent, was the counsel of Daroy, complainant, who won a case on forcible entry. Daroy
was able to acquire a land through bidding which he alledgely entrusted to Abecia his counsel. Both the
complainant and the respondent had done the process of deed of conveyance and was notarized legally.
However, time passed, the complainant, Daroy, charged Abecia of forging documents because they
were able to be the sole owner of the land which according to the complainant violates a civil code and
the code of professional responsibility rule 1.02 which says A lawyer shall not abet activities aimed at
defiance of the law.


whether or not the Lawyer’s act violated the code of professional Responsibility.

No, he did not violate the code of professional Responsibility.

There are evidence that the complainant entrusted and signed the contracts relating to the conveyance
of the land. The respondent evidently showed due diligence in his part as he did not violate any civil law
and other code of professional conduct relating to forging of documents. Therefore, the court ruled that
the case shall be dismissed, and that the respondent shall not be suspended nor disbarred.

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