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Table of contents
1. The environment: correction of exercises
2. Pronunciation test
1. The Environment:
Correction of exercises
1.1. Listening – Freegans
Translate the following sentences into English. Mind your grammar! (p. 132):
➢ Il est débrouillard, car il élève du bétail tout seul depuis 10 ans.
He is resourceful because he has raised / has been raising livestock / cattle for 10 years.

➢ Le niveau actuel de la consommation mènera à un épuisement des ressources

naturelles. Donc, essayons d'encourager le développement durable et ayons un
comportement respectueux de l'environnement.
The current consumption level / rate will lead to a depletion of natural resources. So, /
Therefore, / Consequently, / As a result, let’s try to encourage / foster / boost sustainable
development and have an environmentally-friendly behaviour.
1.1. Listening – Freegans
Find synonyms or synonymous expressions (p. 132):
➢ A health hazard (= risque pour la santé)
a danger to health, health risk, risk to health

➢ Cattle (= bétail)
➢ A dustbin (= poubelle)
a dumpster, trashcan
1.1. Listening – Freegans
Write meaningful sentences (at least 15 words) using the following words +
connectives (p. 133):
➢ Windmill + unlike

Electricity windmills, unlike watermills, are mostly found in very windy
places, such as the seaside.
➢ To trigger (= déclencher) + however

Nuts can trigger (off) a violent allergic reaction. However, I have eaten them all my life
without experiencing any ill effects.
1.1. Listening – Freegans
Explain the following words in English. Mind your grammar! (p. 133):
➢ A vegan
A person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese,
silk (= soie), fur (= fourrure) or leather (= cuir).

➢ Renewable (rɪˈnjuːəbl) energy

Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources or
processes that are constantly replenished (= réaprovisionnés)
1.1. Listening – Freegans
Explain the following words in English. Mind your grammar! (p. 133):
➢ A dumpster diver
A person who searches in dumpsters for items of value. These items can be
anything from food to clothing or even expensive electronics or antiques.

➢ Sustainable development
A system allowing the economy to grow and develop while simultaneously
protecting the environment and preserving resources.
1.1. Listening – Freegans
Fill in the right prepositions (p. 133):
➢ Burning fossil fuels is harmful to the environment.

➢ Can you go to the supermarket? We have run out of milk.

➢ Are you responsible for all that mess?

➢ Industrialized countries need to cut down on water consumption.

➢ How can we dispose of all that waste?

1.1. Listening – Freegans
Fill in the sentences with the correct words put in the correct form (p. 133):
➢ Is global warming going to slow down in the next few years?
➢ Roughly two thirds of all our crops have been destroyed by a huge flood.
➢ Hazardous waste is sometimes incinerated.

➢ In Spain, they use tidal energy.

Choose among: feed / roughly / flood / to slow down / hazardous / tidal / diet / crop
2. Pronunciation test
Assignments for class 11
 Environment :
➢ Role-play 4 about Freegans p. 132

 Current issues & Altissia / Wallangues:

➢ See ‘Self-study programme’ sheet.

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