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Curriculum in Cardiology
History of Medicine

Story of the Gene

Soumi Das, Amitabh Biswas1
Department of Cardiology, AlIMS, New Delhi, India, 1College of Natural Sciences, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia

A lot of people believe that Watson and Crick discovered DNA, but it is not the case. Rather, it was first identified by Friedrich Miescher
who coined the term nuclein for this unknown substance. Later, a series of researchers carried out further work which revealed the details
of DNA. Franklin’s Photo‑51 is one of the major clues for Watson and Crick for discovering DNA double helix. Without the work done
by earlier scientists, Watson and Crick could not get into the conclusion of 1953 that DNA exists as a three‑dimensional double helix.
This discovery was a turning point which had significant impact on science for years to come. In this review, we aim to discuss how gene
discovery has moved from the early theories to gene and finally to DNA.

Keywords: Alkaptonuria, codon, inheritance

Introduction pangene from each somatic cell get collected in the gametes
and then get passed to the zygote. Gradually, this theory lost
In the era when there was no concept and proof of evolution
popularity when biologists replaced the theory of pangenesis
and inheritance, two great scholars Hippocrates and Aristotle
with germ‑plasm theory and then with chromosomal theories
hypothesized inheritance. According to Hippocrates, all the
of inheritance and finally the concept of gemmules by genes.
parts of a human came together in a man’s seed and forms into
a human being inside a womb. Later, his theory was criticized Here, we aim to discuss how gene discovery has moved from
by Aristotle and a new theory was given, i.e. the theory of the early theories to gene and finally to DNA.
transmission of information which made a better sense. In
the Charak Samhita, ancient medical practitioners wrote that Early Studies by Charles Darwin
the characteristics of any child are determined by mother’s
Charles Darwin [Figure 1] was born on February 12, 1809,
reproductive material, father’s sperm, diet of any pregnant at Shrewsbury. At the age of 22, he went for a voyage on
woman, and people around the pregnant woman. HMS Beagle with Captain Robert Fitzroy. Captain Robert
In the early 18th century, people started having better knowledge Fitzroy wanted a young companion who could share his
of plants and animals. Agriculturists started developing hybrid responsibilities. Being a budding naturalist, Darwin was
plant and animal species, but till then, they did not have a flooded with opportunities as the ship was equipped for
theoretical knowledge of inheritance. They knew that the cause scientific purposes, [1] so he accompanied the captain.
of variation is hidden in the process of sexual reproduction. Darwin during the voyage read his Grandfather’s Zoonomia
George Mendel was the first to show the inheritance patterns and derived the hypothesis that species change with time.
in pea plants where he observed dominant and recessive traits Charles Darwin after returning from his 5‑year voyage
which were following simple statistical rules. He was lucky started outlining the Origin of Species in 1842. The Origin
in selecting those traits, the gene for which was present on of Species was published on November 1859. Darwin
different chromosomes. His conclusion was ahead of his time,
but was not accepted for 34 years by the scientific community. Address for correspondence: Soumi Das,
Department of Cardiology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
Charles Darwin in 1868 gave the theory of pangenesis, E‑mail:
according to which minute particles called gemmules or

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10.4103/jpcs.jpcs_28_18 How to cite this article: Das S, Biswas A. Story of the gene. J Pract
Cardiovasc Sci 2018;4:132-8.

132 © 2018 Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Das and Biswas: Gene story

Figure 1: Charles Darwin. Figure 2: Gregor Mendel.

himself says that the origin of species is the “mystery of the same place in the natural economy of this archipelago,
mysteries.”[2] that strikes me with wonder.”
In the Origin of Species, the key component is the concept These finches were the best example of evolution on the
of evolution by natural selection. According to Darwin, islands. The finches of the Galapagos Islands gave an example
advantageous variations within living systems are more likely of adaptive radiation, which is the formation of new species
to survive and reproduce at a higher rate. Natural selection from ancestral species. Finches which got adapted to the
is a process that obtains in the adaptation of a being to its environment survived and the rest died off.
environment by means of selectively reproducing changes
Thus, it can be concluded that individuals who adapt to their
occurring in its genotype.[3] In natural selection, Darwin said
environment can only survive and reproduce. These variations
that man chooses only for his desired thing and which is useful
when inherited by the offspring cause selection to occur in
for them, but nature selects only those individuals which is
the population, thus maintaining the advantageous variations.
useful for variation and are best adapted for environment, and
others which are less fit for environment they are rejected by Darwin wrote “If during the long course of ages and under
nature. varying conditions of life, organic beings vary at all in the
several parts of their organization, and I think this cannot be
Galapagos Islands disputed; if there be, owing to the high geometrical powers
of increase of each species, at some age, season, or year, a
Charles Darwin spent 5 weeks in the Galapagos Islands. severe struggle for life, and this certainly cannot be disputed;
Galapagos Islands were named after the large tortoises that then, considering the infinite complexity of the relations
were endemic to the area. This is an archipelago of volcanic
of all organic beings to each other and to their conditions
islands which are situated around the equator in the Pacific
of existence, causing an infinite diversity in structure,
Ocean. The Galapagos Islands are a group of islands of
constitution, and habits, to be advantageous to them, I think
different sizes lying on the equator almost 1000 km west of
it would be a most extraordinary fact if no variation ever
Ecuador. These islands seemed to be a little world within itself.
had occurred useful to each being’s own welfare, in the same
Darwin noticed that the finches on the different islands are way as so many variations have occurred useful to man. But
similar to each other, but they showed differences in their size, if variations useful to any organic being do occur, assuredly
beaks, and claws from island to island. Darwin hypothesized individuals thus characterized will have the best chance of
that these species had a common ancestor which later evolved being preserved in the struggle for life; and from the strong
into 13 different species. These finches adapted themselves principle of inheritance they will tend to produce offspring
according to their environment and habitats, thus becoming similarly characterized. This principle of preservation, I have
progressively more different from the original population. called, for the sake of brevity, Natural Selection.”
He wrote, “The distribution of tenants of this archipelago Gregor Mendel [Figure 2] was born on July 20, 1822, at Austria.
would not be nearly so wonderful, if for instance, one island has He was known as the Father of Genetics. On the basis of his
a mocking‑thrush and a second island some other quite distinct experiment on work with pea (Pisum sativum) plants, Gregor
species. But it is the circumstance that several of the islands Mendel postulated the principles of inheritance. Mendel chooses
possess their own species of tortoise, mocking‑thrush, finches, the pea plant because of frequent availability and their offspring
and numerous plants, these species having the same general are easily and quickly reproduced. Gregor Mendel’s deliberate
habits, occupying analogous situations, and obviously filling idea and calculations made his experiment with pea (P. sativum)

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Das and Biswas: Gene story

plant successful. Experiment on plant hybridization was Later, he crossed pea plants differing in two characters and
presented by Mendel in a journal “The proceeding of the Brunn such crosses are called dihybrid crosses. He crossed round
society of natural history” in 1865,[4] but his work was ignored by and yellow characters with wrinkled and green characters
scientists at that time, because at that time, scientists were busy in and the F1 generation was round and yellow. When he
the controversy arisen by Darwin’s theory of Origin of Species.[5] selfed F1 generation, the F2 progeny showed four different
Finally, his work got published in 1866. Later, in 1900, Hugo phenotypes in 9 (round yellow seeds):3 (round green seeds):3
de Vries, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak rediscovered (wrinkled yellow seeds):1 (wrinkled green seeds) ratio.
Mendelism and slowly the significance of Mendelism and Reciprocal cross gave the same results.
genetics was understood around the world.
Thus came the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent
Mendel’s Experiments
With these experiments, Mendel for the first time laid the
Gregor Mendel studied seven types of traits in garden pea.
foundation of new science called Genetics. For 35 years, his
He selected garden pea (P. sativum) for two reasons: (1) Peas
were available in distinct shapes and color and (2) Peas can work was being ignored until it was rediscovered by 1900 Hugh
self‑pollinate or cross pollinate.[6] Mendel chooses each de Vries, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak.
character and grew them for about 2 years to know that they Friedrich Miesche [Figure 3] was born on August 13, 1844,
were pure or not. Mendel was fortunate enough to get only two in Switzerland in an intellectual family.[7] His father was a
phenotypes for a particular character. The word phenotype was physician and uncle was a well‑known embryologist.
neither coined nor been used by Mendel during his experiments.
Miescher wanted to work in the field of research, but due to his
These seven characters are summarized in Table 1. father’s wish, at the age of 17, he started his medical studies
Initially, he started his experiments with flower colors: purple and got specialized as an otologist. Due to his poor hearing
and white flower colors. Purple‑flowered line: when crossed (ear infection during childhood), he had to face problems in
with purple‑flowered line, the offspring were all purple; examining his patients; therefore, he decided to pursue his
similarly, white‑flowered line produced only white line. When career in research. Miescher then went to the University of
he did the reciprocal cross, i.e., reversing the sex of the plant, Tubingen, Germany, to study histochemistry where he worked
he obtained the same results. in the laboratory of Adolph Strecker and Hoppe Seyler.[8]
Now, when he crossed purple‑flowered plant with Hoppe Seyler’s laboratory was one of the first in Germany to
white‑flowered plant, the first filial generation had all purple focus on “physiological chemistry.”
flowers. Mendel then self‑pollinated F1 plants and interestingly They had started the work on isolating the molecules
the white phenotype reappeared in some of the plants and that are made up of cells and introduced the term proteid
the ratio was 3 (purple):1 (white). Then, he did the same which later became protein.[9] Miescher started working
experiment with other six characters and found the same 3:1
on lymphoid cells, but working on lymph nodes was very
ratio in F2 generation.
difficult. So, he started collecting fresh surgical bandages
Such cross where only one character is involved is known as from the nearby surgical clinics and washed off the pus.
monohybrid cross. Initially, he was working on proteins, as cells are composed
of proteins and lipids. During these experiments, Miecher
With this finding, the blending inheritance theory was getting
discarded and Mendel introduced the term dominant and
recessive character. He proposed that the purple phenotype was
dominant over white phenotype and the F1 generation receives
both the dominant and recessive characters from their parents
which later on get expressed in F2 generation.

Table 1: Traits studied by Gregor Mendal

Characters Dominant Recessive
Stem length Tall Dwarf
Flower position Axial Terminal
Flower color or, seed coat color Purple White
Grey White
Pod shape Inflated Constricted
Pod color Green Yellow
Cotyledon color Yellow Green
Seed form Round Wrinkled Figure 3: Friedrich Miescher.

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Das and Biswas: Gene story

observed that an unknown substance was getting precipitated to air and contained homogentisic acid (HGA). In 1899, he
when acid was added and was getting dissolved in the postulated that alkaptonuria was due to errors in metabolism
presence of alkali. Further, it resisted protease digestion, pathways but not due to any infections. Later on, Bateson
thus indicating the unknown substance was not protein. He and Garrod together found that alkaptonuria was common
wrote “In my experiments with weakly alkaline solutions, among congenital parents.[11] In 1902, he has stated in his
when  neutralising the solution, I could obtain precipitates publication that “there seems to be little room for doubt that the
that could not be dissolved either in water, acetic acid, very peculiarities of the incidence of alkaptonuria and of conditions
dilute hydrochloric acid, or in solutions of sodium chloride, which appear in a similar way are best explained by supposing
and which thus could not belong to any of the hitherto known that, leaving aside exceptional cases in which the character
proteins.”[10] Further analysis showed that this substance usually recessive assumes dominance, a peculiarity of the
contained large amount of phosphorous and no sulfur. gametes of both parents is necessary for its production.”[13]
Serendipitously, Miescher discovered DNA. Since he had
Alkaptonuria is caused due to deficiency of HGA oxidase
isolated it from nucleus, it was known as nuclein. After
deficiency leading to excretion of HGA in urine. In earlier
discovering nuclin in leukocytes, he examined it in different
age of life, there are no symptoms, but in later ages, there are
cell types: testes, kidney, nucleated erythrocytes, and yeast
symptoms of severe ochronotic spondyloarthropathy, ocular
cell. There also he could find nuclin.
and cutaneous pigmentation, and genitourinary obstruction by
However, getting this published was not easy for Miescher ochronotic calculi.[14]
as Hoppe Seyler himself wanted the experiments to be
replicated for further confirmation. In 1870, there was a war
between Germany and France leading to further delay in the Phenylalanine hydroxylase
publication. Finally, the article got published in 1871 entitled Tyrosine
“Ueber die chemischeZusammensetzung der Eiterzellen”
  Tyrosine aminotransferase
(On the Chemical Composition of Pus Cells) along with P.
4 HydroxyphenylpyruvicAcid
Plo ́ s article.[8]
Hydroxyphenylpyruvic Acid Hydroxylase
Sir Archibald Edward Garrod [Figure 4] was born on November
Homogentisic Acid
25, 1857, to Sir Alfred Baring Garrod. He got educated as a
physician but was more of a scientist. Garrod himself said Homogentisate 1,2 dioxygenase Alkaptonuria,
“Clinical medicine is not really my main interest, I am a wanderer Maleylacetoacetic acid
down the by‑paths of medicine.”[11] He pursued his doctorate
Garrod has stated “… the administration of tyrosine by mouth
degree on rheumatoid arthritis from Oxford University.[11] Garrod
to … an alcaptonuric subject … caused a very conspicuous
was the first to conclude that rheumatoid arthritis and gout are
increase of the output of homogentisic acid…. A corresponding
two different disorders and patients diagnosed with gout have
increase follows an augmented intake of protein food,
increased uric acid in blood.[12] He has been recognized as “the
and especially of such proteins that are unusually rich in
father of biochemistry” by the Royal Society of Medicine for
the aromatic fractions … the tyrosine and phenylalanine
his work on “inborn errors of metabolism.”
of proteins are the only parent substances of the alcapton
In 1897, for the first time, he observed a patient of alkaptonuria, acid (homogentisic acid)…. It will be obvious … that the error
a condition when the urine turns to dark color when exposed of metabolism, which is the basis of alkaptonuria, is a failure
to deal with the aromatic fractions of proteins ….”[15]
In 1901, Garrod for the first time expressed “inborn errors of
metabolism” in his Croonian Lectures at the Royal College
of Physicians in London[16] and explained that the disease
was inherited in recessive form due to defect in metabolic
pathway. During this time, he did not had much knowledge of
Mendelian genetics, but for the first time, the relation between
biochemical and genetics was coming into light. Finally, in
1902, his observations got published in The Lancet.
Oswald Theodore Avery [Figure 5] was born on October
21, 1877, in Halifax, Canada. His father was a Baptist
minister. At the age of 22, he was graduated with a degree
in humanities.[17] Later in 1900, he decided to enter medical
school and in 1904 he was graduated as a physician from
Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons
Figure 4: Sir Archibald Edward Garrod. in New York.[17] After doing few years of medical practice,

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Das and Biswas: Gene story

Figure 5: Oswald Theodore Avery.

Figure 6: Erwin Chargaff.
he found medical research more interesting and joined the
Hoagland Laboratory in Brooklyn as an assistant director Substance Inducing Transformation of the Pneumococcal
and started working on bacteriology. Most of his patients Type,” in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. During that
had pneumonia or tuberculosis for which there was no time, many of the scientists did not support Avery’s work.
proper treatment.[18] Indeed, his mother also died because Many of the scientists still continued believing genes were
of pneumonia. proteins. Later, in 1945, Avery received Copley Medel from
the Royal Society of Landon and in 1947 he received Lasker
Avery published his work on tuberculosis which made Rufus Award but was never awarded Nobel Prize for his work.
Cole, the then Director of Rockefeller Institute, interested in it
and in 1913 invited Avery to join Rockefeller Institute where Erwin Chargaff [Figure 6] was born on August 11, 1905,
he started working on Pneumococcus. in Czernowitz, capital of the easternmost province of the
Austro‑Hungarian Empire, Bukovina, to Hermann Chargaff
In 1928, Frederick Griffith from London reported an amazing and Rosa Silberstein Chargaff. In 1928, Chargaff obtained PhD
finding where virulent strain of Streptococcus pneumonia even in analytical chemistry from the University of Vienna followed
if dead can transform the nonvirulent strain into virulent strain by a 2‑year postdoctoral research with R Anderson, an editor
and the change was heritable. Neither the heat‑killed virulent of the Journal of Biological Chemistry at Yale University
nor nonvirulent strain alone could infect. Avery got interested where he learned bacterial chemistry.[20] His dissertation was
in Griffith’s experiment but had some doubts that it may have on organic silver complexes and with the action of iodide
happened due to contamination. So, one of his laboratory on azide.[20] In the 1930s, he started working on the lipids of
members Lionel Alloway repeated the experiment and found Bacillus Calmette–Guerin and fat and phosphatide fraction of
the same results.[18] Soon, they concluded, for transformation diphtheria bacteria.[20] With the rise of Nazis in 1933, Chargaff
rat was not needed, the nonvirulent can get converted into felt the need of leaving Germany and joined Pasture Institute in
virulent even in the test tube. Now, the big question was what Paris. After working for 2 years in Paris, he went to Columbia
is leading to the transformation. University, United States. For the work of Oswald Avery, he
Later, Avery was joined by Colin MacLeod followed by stated that “Avery gave us the first text of a new language, or
Maclyn McCarty. They started creating cultures of virulent rather he showed us where to look for it. I resolved to search
bacteria and then heat killed. This filtrate was then treated with for this text. Consequently, I decided to relinquish all that we
enzymes to remove proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. The had been working on or to bring it to a quick conclusion.”
remaining filtrate when analyzed was a white fibrous substance After the work of Avery, the challenge for Erwin Chargaff was
which had the same chemical property as that of DNA.[19] to develop a method to analyze the nitrogenous components
Further, it was treated with enzymes for removal of protein and sugar of DNA in different species. For this, he took
and RNA and then infected the nonvirulent bacteria which got 2 years to develop and identify the minute quantity of organic
transformed into virulent bacteria. Later, when DNA‑digesting substance.[20]
enzyme was added to it, it lost its property of transformation.
In 1950, when Chargaff published his findings on chemistry
Thus, it became clear that DNA was the substance which
of nucleic acid, the tetra nucleotide hypothesis by Phoebus
was leading to the transformation among bacteria and thus a
Levene got disproved. According to the tetra nucleotide
material of genetic inheritance.[19]
hypothesis, DNA is made up of equal amounts of adenine,
Later, in 1944, Avery with Colin MacLeod and Maclyn guanine, cytosine, and thymine. According to Chargaff rule,
McCarty published “Studies on the Chemical Nature of the any double‑stranded DNA, the number of pyrimidine are

136 Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences  ¦  Volume 4  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  May‑August 2018
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Das and Biswas: Gene story

equal to the number of purines but DNA composition among coaxial nucleic acid chains per helical unit and having the
species varies.[20] phosphate groups near the outside.”
Chargaff’s finding along with Rosalind Franklin’s X‑ray Later, in early 1953, one of her colleagues Maurice Wilkins
diffraction showed that in DNA base pairing occurs between showed Photo 51 to Watson without her knowledge when
adenine and thymine and between guanine and cytosine. Franklin was planning to leave King’s college and join Birkbeck
College in London. Seeing the picture, Watson later stated “The
Later, in 1952, he discussed his work with Watson and Crick
instant I saw the picture my mouth fell open and my pulse began
and also about his theory which gave them a hint of DNA’s
to race. the black cross of reflections which dominated the picture
structure. In 1953, Watson and Crick published their famous
could arise only from a helical structure. mere inspection of the
work on double helix structure of DNA in Nature where they
X‑ray picture gave several of the vital helical parameters.” This
have cited Chargaff’s paper.
was the only evidence which Watson and Crick did not have and
Like Avery, he was also not awarded Nobel Prize, but had been this picture helped them conclude the double‑helix structure of
awarded with Pasture Medal, Carl Neuberg Medal, Charles DNA. Finally with this evidence, Watson and Crick published
Leopold Mayer Prize, Heineken Prize, George Mendel Medal, the double‑helix nature of DNA in Nature in 1953.
and the National Medal of Science.
In Birkbeck College, she again started working on coal and
Rosalind Elsie Franklin [Figure 7] was born on July 25, 1920, closed the work on DNA as the head of King’s college allowed
in London to a Jewish family. She attended St. Paul’s School her to leave on the condition that she would not work on DNA
for girls and later at the age of 18 she enrolled herself to at Birkberg College. Later, she started working on viruses
Newnham Women’s College at Cambridge University where where she revealed the hollow center of tobacco mosaic virus
she studied physics and chemistry. In 1941, she was awarded with the help of X‑ray crystallography.
the graduation degree. Following in 1942, when the World War
Franklin died at the age of 37 due to ovarian cancer possibly
II was on, Franklin joined British Coal Utilization Research
due to extensive exposer to radiations. In 1962, Watson, Crick,
Association (BCURA) where she worked independently on
and Wilkins jointly shared the Nobel Prize, but Franklin’s work
microstructures of coals and was able to identify and measure
was hardly appreciated. Lewin Sime had later said “Hers is
these microstructures for the first time. In 1945, she received
perhaps one of the most well‑known and shameful instances
her PhD degree from Cambridge for her work done in BCURA.
of a researcher being robbed of credit.”
For the next 2 years, she worked at State Chemical Laboratory
in Paris where she learned X‑ray diffraction technology. Francis Harry Compton Crick, mostly known as Francis
Crick [Figure 9], was born on June 8, 1916, at Northampton,
In 1951, she moved to Biophysics Laboratory at King’s
England.[21] In 1937, he was graduated in physics from University
College, London, where she worked as a research fellow.
College, London, and started working under Prof. EN da C.
Here, she started applying her knowledge of X‑ray diffraction
Andrade, but due to the World War II, he could not carry on his
to study DNA. In May 1952, one of her students, Raymond
thesis. During the World War II, he worked as a physicist for
Gosling at King’s College, took a photograph of DNA often
British Admiralty and developed magnetic and acoustic mines
known as “Photo 51” [Figure 8], which revealed the double
for naval warfare. In 1947, he left Admiralty and started having
helix structure of DNA. She stated in a report submitted to
interest in life sciences. In the very same year, he started working
Medical Research Council in February 1952 that “The results
in Strangeways Research Laboratory, University of Cambridge,
suggest a helical structure…containing probably 2, 3 or 4

Figure 7: Rosalind Elsie Franklin. Figure 8: Photo 51.

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Das and Biswas: Gene story

as a biologist. In 1950, he again started as a PhD fellow and Conclusion

obtained his degree in 1954.[21] In 1951, Crick met James Watson
Most of the credits for the discoveries of DNA have been given
at Cambridge. Both of them together worked on the model of
DNA and in April 25, 1953, got it published in Nature and the to Watson and Crick, but their work was directly dependent on
title of the article was ”A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic the work of lots of scientists before them. All these researches
Acid.” The order of the author’s name was decided by a coin flip. together helped us to know a great deal about genetic structure
and finally understanding the human genome, which has helped
James Dewey Watson [Figure 9] was born on April 6, 1928, in us to decode the reason of a number of diseases.
Chicago. In 1947, he was graduated in zoology from Indiana
University in Bloomington and later in 1950, he was awarded Financial support and sponsorship
PhD degree. His thesis was on the effect of hard X‑rays on Nil.
bacteriophage multiplication. In 1951, he started working on
Conflicts of interest
the structure of DNA along with Crick. Finally, in 1962, Watson,
There are no conflicts of interest.
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138 Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences  ¦  Volume 4  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  May‑August 2018

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