High Evolutionary Dynamism in 5S rDNA of Fish - State of The Art.

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Cytogenet Genome Res Published online: September 24, 2013

DOI: 10.1159/000354871

High Evolutionary Dynamism in 5S rDNA

of Fish: State of the Art
L. Rebordinos I. Cross A. Merlo
Area de Genética, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, CEI-Mar, Universidad de Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain

Key Words eral distinct fish species. This variability is mainly referred
Birth-and-death evolution · Concerted evolution · to NTSs and includes the presence of other multigene fami-
Horizontal transfer · Multigene family · 5S rDNA lies (mainly LINEs, SINEs, non-LTR retrotransposons, and U
snRNA families). Different types of microsatellites have also
been found to contribute to the increase of variability in this
Abstract region. Our recent results suggest that horizontal transfer
The 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) consists of one transcriptional contributes to the increase of diversity in the NTSs of some
unit of about 120 base pairs, which is separated from the species. Variability in the 5S rDNA coding region affecting
next unit by a non-transcribed spacer (NTS). The coding se- the stability of the structure, but without effects on the func-
quence and the NTS together form a repeat unit which can tion of the 5S rRNA, is also described. Retrotransposons seem
be found in hundreds to thousands of copies tandemly re- to be responsible for the high dynamism of 5S rDNA, while
peated in the genomes. The NTS regions seem to be subject microsatellites acting as recombination hot spots could sta-
to rapid evolution. The first general model of evolution of bilize a wide variety of unusual DNA structures, affecting
these multigene families was referred to as divergent evolu- DNA replication and enhancing or decreasing promoter ac-
tion, based on studies using hemoglobin and myoglobin as tivity in gene expression. The relationship between the high
model systems. Later studies showed that nucleotide se- variability found at molecular level and the low variability
quences of different multigene family members are more found at chromosomal level is also discussed.
closely related within species than between species. This ob- © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel
servation led to a new model of multigene family evolution,
termed concerted evolution. Another model of evolution,
named the birth-and-death model, has been found to be Ribosomal Multigene Families
more suitable to explain the long-term evolution of these
multigene families. According to this model, new genes orig- In eukaryotes, ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is generally ar-
inate by successive duplications, and these new genes are ranged in 2 different clusters (multigene families), each
either maintained for a long time or are lost, or else degener- composed of hundreds to thousands of gene copies. The
ate into pseudogenes. In this review we describe different coding genes for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are 45S rDNA
sources of variability in the 5S rDNA genes observed in sev- (major genes) and 5S rDNA (minor genes), which are or- - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
University of Pennsylvania

© 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Laureana Rebordinos

1424–8581/13/0000–0000$38.00/0 Area de Genética, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales
CEI-Mar, Universidad de Cádiz
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E-Mail karger@karger.com
ES–11510 Puerto Real (Spain)
E-Mail laureana.rebordinos @ uca.es
ganized in tandem repeats. The secondary structure of ary studies and as species-specific or population-specific
these genes, different evolutionary rates among regions markers [e.g. Ferreira et al., 2007; Campo et al., 2009;
and the organization in tandem repeats make the rDNA Merlo et al., 2013b] (fig. 1B). As a consequence of these
a good candidate for species and population characteriza- variations, some pseudogenes can appear. The NTS re-
tion and for studies of phylogenetic and evolutionary re- gions seem to be subject to rapid evolution, which makes
lationships and genome structure [Messias et al., 2003; them important for studies concerning the organization
Jansen et al., 2006]. These 2 rDNA families usually are not and evolution of the 5S multigene family, and also as
linked in eukaryotes [Torres-Machorro et al., 2009], al- markers for tracing recent evolutionary events [Pinhal et
though their linkage as an ancestral feature has been de- al., 2009; Úbeda et al., 2010a, b].
scribed in terrestrial plants [Wicke et al., 2011].
In relation to the number of chromosomes bearing
these 2 kinds of rDNA, in invertebrates every multigene Evolution of the 5S rDNA: Concerted Evolution
family is usually localized in 1 chromosome pair [Gor- versus Birth-and-Death Model of Evolution
nung et al., 2005; Vitturi et al., 2005]. In mammals, how-
ever, the 45S rDNA is often localized in several chromo- Studies of mechanisms governing evolution of multi-
some pairs, while the 5S rDNA is found in 1 chromosome gene families have generated some controversy. The first
pair [Martins and Wasko, 2004]. In amphibians, the 2 efforts to resolve the controversy about the evolutionary
ribosomal families may have multiple chromosome loca- dynamics of gene families date back to the early 1960’s,
tions [Schmid et al., 1987; Lucchini et al., 1993]. with studies using hemoglobin and myoglobin as model
At the present time, there is a lot of data available about systems [Ingram, 1961; Eirín-Lopez et al., 2012]. The first
the chromosomal location of 45S and 5S rDNA in fishes. general model of evolution of these multigene families
This has been made possible by the fluorescence in situ was referred to as divergent evolution. Development of
hybridization (FISH) technique. This technique com- DNA sequencing techniques during the 1970’s helped re-
bines cytogenetic and molecular genetic methodologies, searchers to analyze the patterns of variation in coding
and it has been shown to be very useful for establishing and non-coding regions. The studies showed that nucleo-
cytogenetic maps and conducting genomic studies [Gal- tide sequences of different multigene family members are
lardo-Escárate et al., 2005; Pérez-García et al., 2010]. Ow- more closely related within species than between species.
ing to organization in tandem repeats, which makes it This observation led to a new model of multigene family
easier to determine their location by means of this tech- evolution, termed concerted evolution. Given the success
nique, the rRNA genes have been very useful in genetic of this model, all multigene families were considered to
mapping. In fishes, as in amphibians, the rDNA may be follow the concerted evolution model [Hood et al., 1975;
found in more than one single chromosome pair. The Ohta, 1980].
number of chromosomes bearing these genes depends on Nevertheless, further studies have demonstrated that
family or species. Furthermore, the 2 multigene families concerted evolution does not explain the evolution of
are usually not colocalized, which is similar to other ver- some multigene families, because no apparent homogeni-
tebrates [Martins and Wasko, 2004]. Only 20% of all the zation mechanisms could be detected among the different
species studied until now show colocation of the 2 rRNA units of the multigene family, and a high degree of vari-
genes. ability could be observed [Hughes and Nei, 1989; Nei et
al., 2000; Eirín-López et al., 2004a]. Since then, another
model of evolution, named the birth-and-death model,
Molecular Description of the 5S rDNA has been found to explain better the long-term evolution
of these multigene families. According to this model, new
The 5S rDNA consists of 1 transcriptional unit of genes originate by successive duplications, and these new
about 120 base pairs, which is separated from the next genes are either maintained for a long time or are lost, or
unit by a non-transcribed spacer (NTS) (fig.  1A). Al- else degenerate into pseudogenes [Nei and Rooney, 2005].
though the 5S rRNA gene is highly conserved, even be- Given the apparent homogeneity observed among the
tween unrelated species, the NTSs are variable, both in various copies, 5S rRNA genes have been used to show
length and in sequence. These variations are due to dele- the archetypal example of a gene family subject to con-
tions, insertions, internal subrepeats, base substitutions, certed evolution [Eirín-Lopez et al., 2012]. Moreover, giv-
and pseudogenes, and they have been used for evolution- en the high degree of homogeneity in the 5S rRNA genes - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
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Fig. 1. A 5S rDNA structure showing the coding region (120 bp long) and NTSs. B Schematic representation
showing polymorphisms that can be found in the NTSs. This example shows different types of NTSs observed in
a highly polymorphic 5S rDNA of the fish D. sargus [Merlo et al., 2013b].

usually observed within species, several authors have 2011]. However, they also observed a homogenization
used them as species-specific markers [Manchado et al., process within each different type of 5S rDNA obtained,
2006a]. In other studies, however, intensive dynamism and hence they concluded that a mixed model between
has been observed in this gene, leading to phenomena concerted and birth-and-death evolution is the most
such as pseudogenes [Frederiksen et al., 1997; Martins et probable for the 5S rDNA multigene family. In this sce-
al., 2002; Freire et al., 2010], different types of 5S rDNA nario, the successive duplications of the birth-and-death
[Vierna et al., 2009; Freire et al., 2010; Úbeda-Manzana- model would act to generate new variants, and the mech-
ro et al., 2010a] and linkage to other multigene families anisms of the concerted model (unequal cross-over and
[Drouin and Moniz de Sá, 1995; Manchado et al., 2006b; gene conversion) would homogenize each variant at lo-
Freire et al., 2010]. Recent studies have shown the pres- cus level.
ence of elements such as tRNA-derived short interspersed
nuclear elements (SINEs), long terminal repeats (LTRs)
and microsatellites, among others, in the NTSs of fishes Sources of Variability in the 5S rDNA
(fig. 1B) [Merlo et al., 2012a, 2013b], revealing a putative
main role for these elements in the dynamics of the 5S Linkage between 5S rDNA and Other Multigene
rDNA, as will be discussed in this review. Families
All these phenomena give the 5S rDNA multigene The 5S rDNA is known to be a multigene family which
family a variability which is not known in other tandem- can be found linked with a variety of other multigene
ly arrayed multigene families. Therefore, an increasing families. These linkages include major ribosomal genes,
number of authors have rejected the exclusivity of con- histones, trans-spliced leader genes and small nuclear
certed evolution as the model which explains the 5S RNA (snRNA) genes [e.g. Drouin and Moniz de Sá, 1995;
rDNA evolution [Rooney and Ward, 2005; Fujiwara et Eirín-López et al., 2004b; Manchado et al., 2006b]. A link-
al., 2009; Vierna et al., 2009; Freire et al., 2010; Úbeda- age between 5S rDNA and transposable elements (TEs)
Manzanaro et al., 2010a; Perina et al., 2011; Pinhal et al., has also been demonstrated in fishes. For example, a - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
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High Evolutionary Dynamism in 5S Cytogenet Genome Res 3

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LTR-Gypsy repetitive fragment and a non-LTR repetitive
element [long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) M 1 2 3

CR1–79_HM] were found within a NTS variant in the

fish Diplodus sargus [Merlo et al., 2013b] (fig. 1B). The
role of these elements will be discussed in the following
sections. Recently, in the Haemulidae species Plectorhin-
chus mediterraneus, a tRNA-derived SINE was observed
for the first time in the NTS type α of the 5S rDNA mul-
tigene family [Merlo et al., 2012a]. The presence of ret- 1,400
rotransposable elements (non-LTR retrotransposons) has 1,000
been described in linkage with the 5S rDNA multigene 800
family in the fish Erythrinus erythrinus [Cioffi et al., 2010]. 600
Interestingly, in the sole Solea senegalensis, one 2,166-bp 500
5S rDNA unit was composed of two 5S rRNA genes sepa- 400

rated by NTS-I and followed by a 1,721-bp spacer con- 300

taining the U2, U5, and U1 snRNA genes. They were in- 200
verted and arranged in the transcriptional direction op-
posite to that of the 5S rRNA gene. This simultaneous
linkage of 3 different snRNAs had never been observed
before [Manchado et al., 2006a]. The linkage between 5S
rDNA and snRNA genes had been described previously
in mollusks. In oysters from the Crassostrea genus, the U2
Fig. 2. PCR amplification polymorphisms of 5S rDNA found in 3
snRNA and 5S rRNA genes were closely linked in a gene different individuals of D. sargus (lanes 1–3). M = 100-bp marker.
cluster in the genomes of C. angulata and C. gigas [Cross
and Rebordinos, 2005]. This linkage could be explained
by 5S rDNA retrotransposition mechanisms via an RNA band PCR amplification pattern ever described [Merlo et
intermediate, as found in rats and mice [Drouin, 2000]. al., 2013b] (fig. 2). This multiband pattern was observed
In crustaceans, a linkage between 5S rDNA and the U1 in every sample studied, and the specific pattern varied
snRNA gene has also been described [Pelliccia et al., among individuals. Fourteen variants were obtained
2001]. from 15 bands of 10 different sizes in just 6 specimens
Taking these findings into account, the ability of the analyzed. Many types and variants were interrelated to
5S rDNA to jump to other loci seems evident. Two pos- each other by their NTS sequences with different possible
sible mediators for these translocations are via extrachro- rearrangements, such as inversion, insertion-deletion or
mosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) and via retrotranspo- nucleotide substitution. Only 2 of the types were non-
son. The formation of eccDNA from arrays of tandem functional genes or pseudogenes; and pseudogenes of the
repeats may cause deletions, and the possible re-integra- 5S rRNA gene were observed within the NTSs of 5 vari-
tion of rolling circle replication products could expand ants. Furthermore, microsatellite regions were found in
these arrays in the genome. Examples of eccDNA homol- the NTS of 2 variants.
ogous to 5S rDNA have been detected in Xenopus, Dro- Although the presence of microsatellite repetitions is
sophila, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Brachycome dichromo- not common in the 5S rDNA of fishes, several cases have
somatica [see review by Cohen and Segal, 2009, and refer- been described [Pasolini et al., 2006; Úbeda-Manzanaro
ences therein]. The role played by the retrotransposon et al., 2010a].The presence of large microsatellite arrays is
elements in the evolution and variability of the 5S rDNA a characteristic of the Rajidae family [Pasolini et al., 2006].
will be discussed next. It has been proposed that microsatellites play an impor-
tant role in stabilizing a wide variety of DNA structures,
The Role of Retrotransposons in the 5S rDNA including the structure of the tandemly arranged multi-
Dynamism gene families [Cross and Rebordinos, 2005], since the mi-
A recent study concerning 5S rDNA variability in a crosatellites can act as hot spots for recombinations, and
fish species belonging to the Sparidae family (D. sargus) the homogenizing mechanisms could then be favored
revealed the most intensive multi- and polymorphic- [Chistiakov et al., 2006]. - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
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Finally, retrotransposon elements were found within localized in chromosomes of D. sargus by means of the
this highly polymorphic 5S rDNA of D. sargus. Four out FISH technique [Merlo et al., 2013b], the huge variability
of the 14 types of NTSs showed a LTR-Gypsy (SZ-7A_I) observed in its sequence was not related to the number of
repetitive fragment. A non-LTR repetitive element (LINE loci observed in the chromosomes, since the 5S rDNA
CR1-79_HM) was also found within 1 out of the 14 types probe hybridized with between 3 up to 6 chromosomes,
of NTSs (fig. 1B). The presence of so many variants has with 4 being the modal number (fig. 3). So, just 2 chromo-
never been described before in any other fish species. In some pairs explain up to 14 variants, grouped in 4 com-
Amphychthys cryptocentrus, a high variability in NTSs pletely different groups. The use of probes containing
(indels, microsatellites, duplications) was observed, but several variants could reveal more loci in the chromo-
only 2 different variants were found [Úbeda-Manzanaro somes of this species. However, with the results obtained,
et al., 2010a], while in D. sargus 4 completely different the molecular variability observed in the 5S rDNA was
variants were found [Merlo et al., 2013b]. In D. sargus, the focused on just 2 loci in the genome.
presence of residual fragments of some TEs, such as LTRs The case of P. mediterraneus (Teleostei, Haemulidae)
and LINEs, suggests that the high variability observed in is another interesting example of dynamism in the 5S
the NTS is mediated by TEs [Merlo et al., 2013b]. This is rDNA. Up to 4 variants of 5S rDNA were found in this
not the only species in which a TE is associated with 5S species [Merlo et al., 2012a]. However, in this species, the
rDNA. In the fish E. erythrinus, a non-LTR retrotranspo- localization of the 5S rRNA gene by means of the FISH
son is also colocalized with the 5S rDNA [Cioffi et al., technique showed only a single pair of chromosomes
2010], and those authors proposed this colocalization as bearing this gene (fig. 3). Concerning the molecular anal-
the reason for the high variability observed. ysis, the most abundant variant (α) showed 2 interesting
The 5S rDNA variability found in D. sargus is not ex- features related to its dynamism. The first consisted of a
plained under the concerted evolution model; however, region of 101 nucleotides at the 5′ end of the NTS which
another model, the birth-and-death evolution model, was homologous with NTS regions of several different
may do so. We have theorized that, at genome level, the fish species. The presence of this region could be ex-
mechanism of the birth-and-death model generated the plained by its role in regulating 5S rDNA expression or as
new 5S types in this species; but at locus level, the mecha- an enhancer element, like a D-box of mammals [Hallen-
nisms responsible for concerted evolution are maintain- berg and Frederiksen, 2001].
ing the sequence homogeneity of each type, resulting in a The second interesting characteristic was the presence
‘tandem model’ of birth-and-death and concerted evolu- of a region similar to the glutamine tRNA gene in this α
tion. This mixed model has been previously described by NTS. This gene was probably not functional owing to
other authors [Freire et al., 2010; Pinhal et al., 2011; Vi- polymorphisms affecting the secondary structure of the
zoso et al., 2011], but it is not known why retrotranspo- tRNA. The dynamics of the 5S rDNA suggests that a
sons play this major role in generating high polymor- transposition event occurred in the tRNA gene family.
phism and dynamism in this species. D. sargus includes However, the authors hypothesized that the observed
several subspecies inhabiting differentiated but adjacent tRNA-like gene could be a SINE. The majority of SINEs
geographic areas [Bargelloni et al., 2005]. In the contact derive mainly from tRNA sequences and have some fea-
zone of these subspecies, hybridization events may occur tures present in the NTS α of P. mediterraneus. Hence, it
because those zones increase the interspecies (and sub- is possible that a tRNA-derived SINE was linked with the
species) and interhybrid crossing [Fontdevila, 2005]. 5S rDNA in this variant. From an evolutionary point of
The scenario just described increases genetic variabil- view, it has been postulated that SINE integration into
ity in such populations and in the breeding stock from the new localizations has potential implications, since it can
region near the Strait of Gibraltar (Cadiz Bay, Spain) from disturb gene expressions or serve as a source of genomic
which the samples were obtained. This area is a contact innovation and a factor of genome plasticity [Makalows-
zone of the 2 subspecies D. sargus sargus and D. sargus ki, 2000; Merlo et al., 2012a].
cadenati. According to Fontdevila [2005], a burst of trans- Two of the 4 variants observed in P. mediterraneus
positions follows hybridization and may contribute to the showed a high degree of homology with that of Raja as-
genetic instability observed after that event. Therefore the terias (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae). The putative implica-
fragments of TEs found in the 5S rDNA of D. sargus sar- tion of a horizontal transfer (HT) event and its conse-
gus could be evidence for such a hybridization process quences for the organization, evolution and dynamisms
[Merlo et al., 2013b]. Interestingly, when 5S rDNA was of the 5S rDNA will be discussed in the next section. - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
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A1 A2

1 μm 1 μm

B1 B2

1 μm
1 μm

Fig. 3. Localization of 5S rDNA by FISH on chromosomes of P. mediterraneus (A1, A2) showing hybridization in
a single pair of chromosomes, and D. sargus (B1, B2) displaying multiple hybridization signals. Scale bars = 1 μm.

The Role of 5S rDNA in Horizontal Transfer tion of mutations, so this first hypothesis was considered
P. mediterraneus is, in fact, an interesting species to il- unlikely. The second hypothesis proposed by Merlo et al.
lustrate the dynamics of 5S rDNA. Following the discov- [2012a] was the occurrence of an HT event. After an HT
ery of a type of NTS (1 out of 4) with a tRNA-derived event, the transferred 5S rRNA gene lost its functionality
SINE, another 2 NTS variants (named β and δ) found in and became a pseudogene. It has been postulated that HT
this species showed another relevant feature [Merlo et al., is a very important mechanism, the source for much bio-
2012a]: these 2 variants presented high homology with logical innovation; indeed, some of the most significant
type I of the 5S rDNA from R. asterias [Pasolini et al., events in cell evolution have been associated with HT,
2006], in both coding and non-coding regions. P. medi- such as the origin of the primordial eukaryote cell, and
terraneus and R. asterias belong to different classes: the HT has contributed to the characteristics of multicellular-
former to Actinopterygii and the latter to Chondrichthy- ity [Schaack et al., 2010]. The novel results obtained by
es. The 2 classes separated 527 Mya [Hedges, 2009]. Two Merlo et al. [2012a] have huge implications on the evolu-
hypotheses were examined by Merlo et al. [2012a]: in the tion of the species; and in fishes an HT event like this has
first, the 2 variants (β and δ) could have originated before been described only in 1 other species: the toadfish Halo-
the separation of the 2 classes and could have been main- batrachus didactylus [Merlo et al., 2012b].
tained only in some lineages. This hypothesis was rejected The Lusitanian toadfish H. didactylus is a member of
because the NTSs are very dynamic regions and are con- the Batrachoididae family and lives on the Eastern Atlan-
sidered almost neutral for natural selection, so they can tic Coast. It has traditionally been used as a model animal
be either lost or fixed, causing differences between close- in toxicology experiments [Sarasquete et al., 1982] and in
ly related species. Moreover, the pseudogenization ob- hematology, reproduction and histophysiology studies
served in these 2 variants would accelerate the accumula- [Sarasquete, 1983; Palazón et al., 2001; Desantis et al., - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
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2007]. A study of the 5S rDNA variability showed 2 vari- Another possible mechanism that has been considered
ants, named α and β, in this species [Merlo et al., 2012b]. is sperm-mediated gene transference, since it is well-
The NTSs from the 2 variants were distantly related to known that sperm cells are able to capture exogenous
those of another 4 species of the Batrachoididae family DNA and to transfer it to the oocyte on fertilization
from the Western Atlantic previously studied [Úbeda- [Spadafora, 2008]. Furthermore, exogenous DNA is ac-
Manzanaro et al., 2010a]. This feature indicates that H. cumulated in marine sediments [Dell’Anno and Cori-
didactylus has evolved independently from the Western naldesi, 2004] and its content is 3 or 4 orders of magni-
Atlantic species, which could have contributed to the tude higher than in the water column [Smith, 2002;
greater divergence found between Eastern and Western Dell’Anno and Corinaldesi, 2004]. In the case of H. didac-
Atlantic species. The most relevant result of the 5S rDNA tylus the benthic behavior of the majority of species of the
study obtained by Merlo et al. [2012b] was the high degree Batrachoidiformes order makes the possibility of sperm-
of homology between the β-type NTS of H. didactylus and mediated gene transference more plausible [Merlo et al.,
the NTS of Sparus aurata described previously by Sola et 2012b].
al. [2003]. The analysis with the β-type demonstrated that
this type was present in all specimens of H. didactylus Microsatellites as a Source of NTS Variability
studied, as well as in other species analyzed in that study The size polymorphisms of the 5S rDNA repeats are
belonging to the Batrachoidiformes and Perciformes or- due to the presence of indels, microsatellite elements,
ders, but it was not present in either Pleuronectiformes or duplicated and modified multi-residues, among others
Cupleiformes orders. S. aurata and H. didactylus belong [Gornung et al., 2007]. Among these elements, microsat-
to different superorders (Acanthopterygii and Paracan- ellites are of special interest because of their putative role
thopterygii, respectively), which diverged 55 Mya [Finn in the evolution of the NTSs in the 5S rRNA genes.
and Kristoffersen, 2007]. The same hypotheses explained In a recent work [Merlo et al., 2010], a study on the
for P. mediterraneus have been proposed in this case. variability of the 5S rDNA in 2 fish species belonging to
Taking into account the high degree of dynamics to which the Moronidae family, Dicentrarchus punctatus and D.
the NTSs are subjected, and the time elapsed since the 2 labrax, revealed a size variability in PCR products, main-
superorders began to diverge, the theory of HT, as in the ly due to the presence of a trinucleotide microsatellite in
case of P. mediterraneus, was proposed [Merlo et al., the NTSs and to hexanucleotide duplication which was
2012a, b]. located immediately before the microsatellite region.
HT events have been documented extensively in pro- In the fish D. sargus, out of the 14 variants described
karyotes, and it is a well-known mechanism of gene ex- [Merlo et al., 2013b], two showed a microsatellite region
change [Frost et al., 2005]; but the occurrence of HT in the NTS, too (fig. 1B). In the Batrachoididae family, the
among eukaryote organisms is scarcely documented. molecular characterization of 5S rDNA revealed dinucle-
Some of the most significant events in cell evolution have otide motifs in some NTSs of A. cryptocentrus and Batra-
been associated with HT [Schaak et al., 2010]. All docu- choides manglae, and different types of microsatellites
mented cases of HT between eukaryotes involve TEs, were found: a composite microsatellite, an imperfect
since their ability to mobilize and integrate within a ge- composite microsatellite, a pure microsatellite, and, in
nome makes them susceptible to horizontal transposable the Thalassophryne maculosa species, an imperfect
transference [Kidwell, 1992]. Although the transfer of poly(A) region. Within Rajidae, 2 different NTSs (named
host genes by TEs between different eukaryote species has I and II) have been described [Pasolini et al., 2006]. The
not yet been observed, it is known that TEs are able to NTS-II length showed great size polymorphism, mostly
capture and transduce sequences with considerable fre- related to the length of 3 regions that were constituted by
quency within a species [Morgante et al., 2005]. Therefore the aggregation of numerous simple sequence repeats
HT could be the mechanism responsible for a lateral (SSRs). Di-, tri-, tetra-, and hexanucleotide motifs were
movement of genes between eukaryotes [Merlo et al., found and formed perfect, imperfect, and composite mi-
2012a, b]. The 5S rDNA family is an excellent candidate crosatellite sequences, as in the species of the Batrachoidi-
for this kind of HT, since interactions between retrotrans- dae family described previously.
posons and 5S rDNA have been demonstrated [Kapi- The number and the localization of motifs in the 3 SSR
tonov and Jurka, 2003; da Silva et al., 2011], and this in- regions are highly conserved across Rajidae and Dasyati-
teraction could open the way for a 5S rRNA gene lateral dae NTS-II sequences. The total length of the SSRs rang-
transfer [Merlo et al., 2012a, b]. es from 27 to 43% of the NTSs observed. The unusually - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
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Fig. 4. Secondary structure prediction of 5S rRNA type α (in the box) found in H. didactylus and structural chang-
es produced in 5 additional haplotypes. The free energy (ΔG) of the structures is shown; it is calculated consider-
ing a temperature of 15 ° C (mean seawater temperature).

high frequency of SSRs in the NTS-II of Rajiformes (but ary structure could have effects on the rRNA function. In
not in the NTS-I nor in the NTSs of most bony fish stud- the meagre (Argyrosomus regius), sequence analysis re-
ied) seems to exclude a general function of these elements vealed that 1 monomer unit in the dimer had a deletion
in the 5S rDNA units of fishes [Pasolini et al., 2006]. inside the coding region, which extends from nucleotide
The functional relevance of a significant number of +22 to +25. The secondary structure of the 5S rRNA with
microsatellites includes stabilizing a wide variety of un- the deletion affects the B-loop size and makes the struc-
usual DNA structures, acting as hot spots for recombina- ture less stable [Merlo et al., 2013a]. Similarly, in the Ba-
tion, influencing DNA replication, and enhancing or trachoididae family, deletions have also been found in-
decreasing promoter activity in gene expression [Chis- side the 5S coding region, which affect the C-loop size,
tiakov et al., 2006; Úbeda-Manzanaro et al., 2010a]. Mi- and no variation has been observed either in the coding
crosatellites have also been found at chromosomal fragile region or in surrounding NTSs [Úbeda-Manzanaro et al.,
sites, which are associated with some pathological states 2010a]. Some studies indicate that minor mutations in B-
in humans [Richard et al., 2008]. Cross and Rebordinos loop, helix III and C-loop regions might not affect the
[2005] suggested that the presence of microsatellites functionality of 5S rRNA [Searles et al., 2000].
could also play a role in maintaining tandem arrays. In Zheng and Gerstein [2007] stated that pseudogenes
any case, the direct correlation linking NTS length and are not necessarily non-functional. Therefore Merlo et al.
SSR extension speaks in favor of a structural role of SSRs [2013a] excluded the hypothesis that the deletion form
in promoting easier maintenance and enhanced dynam- of the 5S rRNA gene of A. regius was a pseudogene. Dif-
ics of one of the 2 functional 5S rRNA gene clusters [Pa- ferent deletions have been described in S. aurata [Sola et
solini et al., 2006]. al., 2003], the Acipenseridae family [Robles et al., 2005]
and the Cyprinidae family [Fujiwara et al., 2009], but
Variability in the 5S rDNA Coding Region: Effects on these authors kept the view that deletion forms are pseu-
the Secondary Structure dogenes, despite the low variability found in their coding
The secondary structure of the 5S rRNA is highly con- regions and NTSs [Merlo et al., 2013b]. In D. punctatus,
served among species. This structure consists of 3 do- changes in the 5S rDNA coding sequence affecting the 3
mains named α, β and γ, joined by a hinge structure domains of the secondary structure have been reported
named A-loop (fig. 4). There are 5 loop (A–E) and 5 helix [Merlo et al., 2010]. The stability of this structure was
(I–V) structures [Smirnov et al., 2008]. Variations in the lower, but it did not affect the function of the 5S rRNA.
5S rDNA coding region can affect the secondary structure In H. didactylus, several changes (up to 10 haplotypes) in
and make it more or less stable. Depending on the site in the sequence of the coding regions have been described
the coding region where the polymorphism occurs, the [Merlo et al., 2012b]. These changes modified the sec-
modification in the secondary structure will have a major ondary structure in the γ domain and in the helix III, A-
or minor effect. As a consequence, this modified second- loop and helix II (fig. 4). In P. mediterraneus, the NTS - 9/29/2013 7:24:28 AM
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that showed high homology with the NTS of S. aurata, have shown the presence of elements such as tRNA-de-
presented in 1 case (NTS δ) an anomalous structure in rived SINEs, LTRs and microsatellites, among others, in
the helix III, but the stability was high [Merlo et al., the NTSs of fishes, revealing a putative main role in the
2012a]. dynamics of the 5S rDNA of fishes. Interestingly, events
of HT involving 5S rRNA genes have recently been re-
ported in 2 species of fish. The contribution of all these
Conclusions elements to the maintenance and evolution of 5S rDNA
has been discussed in the review.
Given the apparent homogeneity observed among var-
ious copies, 5S rRNA genes have been used as a showcase
of the archetypal example of a gene family subject to con- Acknowledgements
certed evolution. In several studies, however, intensive
This work was supported by grants from the Junta de Andalu-
dynamics has been observed in this gene, leading to the
cia (group BIO-219) and from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innova-
emergence of pseudogenes, inclusion of different types of cion of Spain – MICINN (AGL2011-25596).
5S rDNA and linking to other multigenes. Recent studies

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