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Name Strategies to Avoid Communication Score:

Section: Parent’s Signature:

A. Match Column A with the best answer in Column B.

_________ 1. It refers to the use if simple A. Keep focused
and precise words
_________ 2. The speaker should identify B. Be Specific
his/her purpose for speaking.
_________ 3. He/she must pay attention to C. Do not jump to
the verbal and non-verbal conclusions
_________ 4. He/she must find closed D. Speak Intelligibly
areas or quiet places to
avoid communication
_________ 5. He/he must have an E. Listen with ears and
appropriate speaking eyes
volume, speech rate, and
acceptable enunciation
F. Minimize distractions

B. Think of another helpful expression for each of the following expressions

below to avoid communication breakdown.

Time-gaining expression

Give positive remark or comment

Ask for a repetition

Check for understanding

C. Identify the 7C’s to Effective communication is being described.

Completeness Courtesy Concreteness

Conciseness Clearness Correctness

1. It helps to increase the credibility of the speaker and

__________________ reduce negative impact to the audience.
2. It conveys all pertinent details to listener or audience will
__________________ be able to grasp the intended meaning.
3. It is expressed in the least possible number of words and
__________________ straight to the point.
4. It implies good choice of words and language and a
consideration of the audience’s perspectives and
__________________ feelings on the part of the sender.
5. It is backed up by facts, figures, and real-life examples or
__________________ situations.

D. Write 5 tips on how to avoid communication breakdown. Include a brief

explanation of each tip.
Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Poor Needs
Content Shows very Show Enumerates Lacks No details
meaningful meaningful significant evidence that provided
content, content, points related connects to
explanation, complete with to the topic the provided
and relation to explanation topic
the real-world
Mechanics Sentence Insignificant A few errors in Some errors in Sentence
structures are errors in sentence sentence construction is
well-defined, sentences structure, structure, incorrect,
accurate, and structure, grammar, grammar, and grammar is
clear with no grammar, spelling, and spelling and poor, and errors
spelling, spelling, and punctuation punctuation in spelling and
punctuation, punctuation are noted are present punctuation
and grammar are noted abound
Organization Ideas are very Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are No evidence of
well organized; focused and slightly loosely organization of
coherence directed organized organized ideas
and cohesion
are very

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