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Group Members for STAT 12-1 PM

Names: Kaylia Hamilton 620111958

Janell Wilson 620087414
Marica Bailey 620126650
Romesha Ricketts 620120089
Alecia Nicholson 6201228768

1. The waiters in a restaurant receive an average tip of $20 per table with a standard
deviation of $5. The amounts of tips are normally distributed, and a waiter feels that
he/she has provided excellent service if the tip is more than $25. What is the
probability that a waiter has provided excellent service?

Ans. Mean = 20
S.D. = 5
P (X>25)

Z = (25 – 20) / 5

Phi of 1 = .3413

Positive and is found on the right side of the graph

Find tail
0.5 +0.3413 = 0.8413

2. Suppose family incomes in a town are normally distributed with a mean of $1,200 and
a standard deviation of $600 per month. If there are 1500 families in the town,
determine the number of families with incomes between $1,000 and $2,050 per

Ans. Mean = 1200

SD = 600

P (1000 ˂ X < 2050)

Z = (1000 – 1200) / 600 = -0.33 Z= (2050 – 1200)/ 600 = 1.42

Phi of 0.33 = .1293 Phi of 1.42 = .4222

-0.33 > Z < 1.42

0.4222 + 0.1293 = 0.5515

# of families expected = 1500 x 0.5515 = 827.25
= 827

3. Scores on an organic chemistry exam were normally distributed with a mean of 43

and a standard deviation of 7.6. What percentage of students had scores higher than

Ans. Mean = 43
SD = 7.6

P (X > 60)

Z = (60 – 43) / 7.6 = 2.24

Z > 2.24

Phi of 2.24 = .4875

Find tail

0.5 – 0.4875 = 0.0125

Percentage = 0.0125×100= 1.25
Students = 1

4. A bank finds that the balances in its savings accounts are normally distributed with a
mean of $500 and a standard deviation of $50. What is the probability that a randomly
selected account has a balance of less than $600?

Ans. Mean = 500

Sd = 50

P (X < 600)

Z = (600 – 500)/ 50 = 2
Phi of 2 = .4772


All of left + phi of 2

= 0.5 + 0.4772 = 0.9772
5. X is a normally distributed variable with mean μ = 30 and standard deviation σ = 4.
a) P(X > 40) 

Ans. Mean = 30
SD = 4

Z = (40-30)/4 = 2.5
Z > 2.5
Phi of 2.5 = .4938

0.5 – 0.4938

= 0.0062

b) P(X > 21) 

Ans. Mean 30
SD 4

Z = (21 – 30)/4 = -2.25

Z > - 2.25

Phi of 2.25 = .4878

0.5 + .4878 = .9878

c) P(30 < X < 35) 

Ans. Mean 30
SD = 4
Z = (30 – 30)/ 4 = 0 Z = (35 – 30)/4 = 1.25
0 < X < 35
Phi of 0 = 0.0000 Phi of 1.25 = .3944
.3944 – 0 = .3944

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