Funrelationship Quizzes 1

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For a relaxing evening in 



Fun relationship quizzes 

You might think that you know your partner pretty well, but how sure are you 
really…? The person you met, whenever that was, will have changed since that 
first day! 

Every conversation and experience you each have, every programme you 
watch, everything you read and every course or seminar you attend changes 
something in you. 

So, here are some fun relationship quizzes to keep you and your partner 
entertained for a while. 

Getting started 
As a couple counsellor I often encourage people to set aside one evening a 
fortnight (at the very least!) to spend quality time together. That means the 
children (if you have any) are sent to their room with a tray of 'goodies' or if 
possible you arrange a babysitter. 

If you're staying in, make sure the TV and doorbell are switched off and the 
phones are left on voicemail and/or silent. 

All of these fun and punchy relationship quizzes have questions to spark a 
‘good old natter’ and create a laugh whilst you’re closely cuddled up on the 
sofa, out at dinner or maybe even out on a picnic.  

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Don't argue about the answers though - each one of you is entitled to your 
opinion and you can't change your partner, however vigorously you argue your 

Just the two of you 

Imagine yourself snuggled up with you partner. You've lit some candles, 
poured a glass of wine or wrapped your fingers around a mug of hot 
chocolate. Whichever way is right for you - make it special and use these fun 
relationship questions to create a memorable conversation! 

You might think some of the questions are just too simple, while others may 
seem impossible to answer for either one or both of you. Be sure to keep it 
light and just move on to the next question if you haven't a clue on how to 
answer. Answer the questions by telling a story 

You can answer some questions just briefly, but those that ask you to recall a 
memory on the whole lend themselves to telling a story.  

Let’s take the example of having the worst meal you’ve ever had in a 
restaurant (in the hope that you can now look back on it without becoming 

Describe the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, feelings of… 

… how the idea of going there came about… who you went with… the 
anticipation of what it would be like… eating the meal… everyone’s reaction… 
what you (and others) did next… etc 

Imagine yourself at the actual event - see what you saw then, hear what you 
heard then, feel what you felt then. 

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One caution! Do this only with funny or enjoyable memories. Don’t put yourself 
back in that position if it was a very stressful or even traumatic event!  

Asking “Why?” 

To further deepen the conversation, if you’re the one listening to the other’s 
story, you could ask “Why?” at appropriate moments to help the other expand 
and explore their story. 

Be careful how you ask that question though. In a certain tone it could sound 
accusatory (you’re wrong), derogatory (intentionally offensive, belittling) or 
contemptuous (I’m better than you). 

So, ask the ‘why question’ in a way that conveys curiosity, genuine interest or 
concern and at appropriate moments that won’t be taken as interruptions. 

You may want to say/ask instead… 

… “Tell me more!”… “Can you say a little more about that?”… “Wow! I’m 
interested.”… “So, you mean…?”… “How did that happen?” 

Ready to go? 
Be sure to make it memorable. All of the funny and interconnected moments 
you share while exploring these questions will help build credit in your 
‘emotional bank account’. Having a healthy credit means that if there is trouble 
between the two of you, it’s much more likely to be easily repaired. 


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What if you had no choice but… 

... you were told to swap your car for a bike? 

... you had to hand over your computer/laptop for a month? 

... you had to hand over your mobile for a month? 

... you suddenly earned five times as much as you do now? 

... you were chosen to become the next president/prime minister? 

... you were invited to go on a television show? 

... you became a successful entrepreneur? 

... you were offered the opportunity to travel abroad? 

Other people 
Which politician would you most like to meet and why? 

What would you ask them? 

Which celebrity would you most like to meet and why? 

What would you ask them? 

Which sports person would you most like to meet and why? 

What would you ask them? 

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If you could spend a day with each of these people, what would you want to 

Which experienced professional would you most like to spend time with and 

If you could be an actor in a film, which film would it be? 

What role would you most like to play in the film? 

If you could be a character from a book, which book would it be and who 
would be the character? 

If you were on a desert island, which comedian would you want to share the 
experience with? 

Who was your best teacher and why? 

Who do you most admire at work and why? 

Who most influenced your life and how? 

What would you do? 

What would you do - or be tempted to do - if you were left to look after 
someone else's... 

... kids 

... car 

... business 

... wife/husband 

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... house 

... mobile phone 

... computer…? 

You can make these fun relationship questions even more entertaining by 
coming up with the most ridiculous or creative answers you can think of! (But 
only legal/moral actions count…!) 

The worst 
What’s the worst meal you’ve ever had in a restaurant? 

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? 

When did you have your worst hangover? 

What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had? 

What was your worst holiday ever and why? 

The happiest 
What was your happiest moment at work? 

What was your happiest moment at home? 

When was the very happiest time in your life? 

What is your happiest childhood memory about the person you love or loved 
the most? 

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The most embarrassing 

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you? 

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever witnessed? 

What’s been your most embarrassing wardrobe failure? 

What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have ever said? 

The funniest 
What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you? 

What’s the funniest thing you ever witnessed at school, at work or anywhere 

What’s the funniest film or play you’ve ever seen? 

The best 
What are you really good at? 

What’s your best achievement so far? 

What would you like to get better at? 

What do you like best about your body? 

What do you like best about your life in general? 

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In what areas are you most optimistic? 

What are your best daydreams about? 

Who was your best childhood friend? 

If money and time were plentiful, what kind of travelling would you want to 

What would be your idea of a 'nightmare' holiday? 

What would you do if you were asked to accompany your very best friend on 
such a holiday? (Not going is not an option!) 

What would you do if your life depended on eating the local delicacies: 
sheep’s eyes, kangaroo testicles, grubs etc.? 

How would you organise the best holiday, but spend the least amount of 


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Could you make your own 

Of course you could! 

But, what if you wanted to talk about more serious stuff - what questions 
would you ask then? 

I have help for you with that too… 

Want a more in-depth conversation about your 

The above questions were mostly just for fun. However, you may want to 
encourage a much more in-depth conversation about things that really matter 
to the health of your relationship.  

If so, then my ​Comprehensive Relationship Test​ absolutely makes that 


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