Docks of Deepshore

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Written and Illustrated by Matt Forsyth

A short adventure to introduce new players to Dungeons and Dragons.


This adventure is in a neutral setting. Although the names of Avalore and Deepshore have been used,
they can be swapped out for any city near a shoreline. The town (known in this adventure as Deepshore)
is relatively new and may not even appear on your campaign settings map. At the end of the adventure it
is effectively destroyed and abandoned.

Matt has been a professional illustrator for the

past ten years, producing work for Wizards of the
Coast and Magic The Gathering, Pathfinder and
also working as a Senior Concept Artist in the
games industry.

Matt has been playing Dungeons and Dragons

since he was 10 years old and has run countless
campaigns over his longish life. He is also an avid
reader of all things fantasy and is currently on
his 3rd runthrough of Steven Erikson’s “Malazan
Book of the Fallen” series (and is still not quite
100% sure of what is going on.)

See more of his work here:

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and
all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Matthew Scott Forsyth and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Overview Running This Adventure
A young assistant from the Arcana Academy has The Docks of Deepshore is an introductory 3
been asked by their mentor to travel to the small hour adventure for 3 players (With the flexibility
harbour town of Deepshore and exchange spell to add more).
books with another school who are delivering
their book by boat. This will introduce new players to the basic
mechanics of a Dungeons and Dragons game.
The assistant has been advised to hire an escort
for the two day journey and will find a couple of Alternatively a Dungeon Master (DM) can use the
mercenaries to help them. adventures framework as a side quest in their own
When the trio arrive at Deepshore they will find
the small village has been invaded by orc raiders. If players are new to the game it might pay to
The boat the assistant is supposed to trade with is impart the following information:
under heavy attack.

Can the trio help save the beleaguered crew who

are valiantly making their last stand? For this adventure you will be playing
premade characters but normally you
would come up with your own character
idea, including race, class and skills as
well as their background and personality.
Then you would work with the DM
before the adventure begins to get a rough
understanding of your place in the DMs
world. Once the adventure begins your
character’s story will continue to evolve.

Your characters will be level two for this

adventure. This is to give them a bit of
survivability but not too many extra skills
to have to understand.

Being a short adventure, this will feel

quite linear, as though you are being
shepherded in a certain direction.
Normally, in a long term campaign, you
will have much more freedom. You might
decide to follow any number of story
lines or potential side quests that could
grow into their own storyline, or you
might convince your party to help you
resolve one of the story line threads from
your background. The DM has a whole
world ready for you to explore and they
will hopefully be flexible and match the
whims and decisions of your party.
The Characters Do not tell the other players the following:

There are 3 main characters to this one shot. They The pouch that Grandmaster Jarvid will give you
can be of any gender (alternative artwork has been contains 10 gold pieces.
You are deeply afraid of the water having nearly
You can of course create your own characters for drowned in 3 feet of water on a regular basis. You,
this adventure and add extra characters. Typically of course, are far too proud to tell anyone of this
you would have a combination of some of them fear. You must make a wisdom saving throw of 15
working for the Arcana Academy and others or more if you ever wish to cross a body of water
acting as mercenaries. deeper than 3 feet, even if it is, for example, over a
rickety bridge or gangplank. If you fail the saving
The players will be provided the following throw you freeze in terror for that turn.
descriptions on their character sheets.

Dunk’s Character Description

Jak x Character Description Your name is Duncan, but everyone calls you
You are Jakx Jobbly, assistant to Grandmaster Dunks. They’ve called you that ever since you
Jarvis at the Arcana Academy. joined the army as a gangly young buck who lied
about his age to get in. You’ve seen a lot since
You are destined for great things but for now you then, watched good friends die, enemies survive,
are kept down by men who are too dim or too seen battles won and wars lost.
jealous to see your unlimited potential.
Through it all you managed to survive. That’s
But you will show them. You will show them all…. Dunks. A good soldier. A survivor.

You constantly butt heads with your mentor, Now in retirement you’ve found out the only
Grandmaster Jarvid. He is an old man, well past thing you can really do is hold up a shield and
his prime and you are sure he has been holding swing a sword. So here you are, sitting on a wagon,
you back from any sort of promotion. You need escorting all types along a road you know well,
an opportunity to prove yourself, to show the looking as mean as you can. It’s easy work, if a
Academy your worth. Then you can finally step little boring. You keep it simple. You do enough to
out from the shadow from the old wizard. survive, like you have always done.
You have a partner, a halfling called Quip. He’s gold per day. The bandit activity has increased, he
a good scout but the kid is young and full of could easily charge 2 gold a day, even more if the
himself. You know he wants to run the show, turn customer looks scared enough.
it into a profitable enterprise. Thinks he’s got all
the answers. He’ll learn, keep your head down or But he’s a washed up soldier and his heart isn’t
get an arrow in it. really in it. You’ve seen this type before, too many
wars, too many failures. You’ll need to move on
You generally charge your services out at 1 gold from this guy pretty soon. He’s going nowhere.
piece a day. Quip thinks you should charge more.
Maybe he’s right. Your wagon needs repairs You’ll keep your eyes out for the next big
and you could get a second horse to save poor opportunity, like any good scout would.
Buttercup from doing all the work.

The only thing you really care about is your horse,

Buttercup. You two have been through a lot.
She even saved your life once and you will never
put her in harm’s way. She’s your best friend. Of
course you wouldn’t admit that to anyone. You’re
a soldier, tough as nails.

Quip’s Character Description

You’re far too clever to be a caravan guard, this is
just a stepping stone until you figure out how to
make the big money.

You’ve tried a lot of things, you were a scout in

the army for a stint but there was far too much
discipline there and far too much risking your life
for very little pay. Before that you were studying
magic here at the Arcana Academy, but you didn’t
really take to it, and the study took far too long
and for what? So you can teach magic
to the next lot of students. No, there
must be an easier way to make coin
and live a life of luxury.

Probably crime, you’re leaning heavily

towards crime.

But a smart young whip like yourself doesn’t

rush into these things. You will need a plan.

So for now you sit in the wagon with Dunks and

ride back and forth between the nearby cities
escorting various folks too scared to ride
alone. It’s easy work and gives you lots of
time to think, you might even make a bit
of money doing this if you could get Dunks
to charge more. At the moment he’s charging 1
Chapter 2 : The Adventure Begins
PART I: Jakx is given a task become Grandmaster Jarvis’s favored assistant.
Jakx is relegated to janitor duties and is destined
The DM will work with whoever is playing as Jakx
to fade into obscurity. You can have the player
in this quick opening scene. The other two players
now play as the more eager Lunas (Use Jakxs stat
are welcome to watch although their characters
will not participate in this scene.
Lunas’s main motivation is to prove himself and
The DM reads the following:
supplant Jakx, who seems rather full of himself.
Here is your first lesson to players. There are
consequences for your actions and bad decisions
will lead to bad outcomes.
You are Jakx Jobbly and you work at
the Arcana Academy in the city of
If Jakx answers the bell, he will find himself
Avalore. You are a lowly assistant to one
dealing with Grandmaster Jarvid. Grandmaster
of the school’s Grandmasters. You see
Jarvid thinks Jakx is a lost cause, a magic user of
yourself destined for greater things but
middling skill who greatly overestimates his own
unfortunately the Grandmaster you serve
abilities. It will be up to Jakx to prove him wrong.
holds a fairly low opinion of you.
As a DM, play Grandmaster Jarvid as an elderly
mage who has seen students come and go. He
This could be due to any number of
knows exactly who Jakx is. A young upstart who is
reasons, perhaps he is jealous of your
doomed to fail.
unlimited magical potential, maybe he
resents your good looks and youthful
Read the following to Jakx:
vigor or possibly he’s still mad of that
time you accidentally turned him into a
sheep…and then you had him shaved…
and that you continue to wear a hat that You make your way up to Grandmasters
you had made from his wool. Jarvid’s study. It sits at the top of a tall
tower and by the time you navigate the
You are studying your spellbook when
sprawling spiral staircase you are breathing
you hear his damn bell summoning you
heavily and are a little bit dizzy.
for some menial task. Grandmaster Jarvid
wants to see you. Grandmaster Jarvid is sitting at his huge
wooden desk, delicately mixing a potion
with a glass stirrer. He already has a red
potion bottled. A burnt book sits on your
Let the player decide their response. If he delays side of the table. A small bone wand leans
or ignores the bell, let it ring again with more across it.
urgency. Eventually a voice will sound in Jakx’x
“Ah Jakx, finally, come in, come in.” says
head. “I know you can hear my bell, you little
Grandmaster Jarvid. You notice a slight
menace. I’ve got a quest for you, something to
scowl as he glances at your woolspun hat
get you out of the school. If I don’t see you in 5
“I have an errand for you, a minor errand
minutes i’ll give the task to Lunas instead and I’ll
I must say. I think even you are up to the
have you cleaning out the student’s privvy for the
task, probably…”
rest of your life.” Jakx knows of Lunas, a janitor elf
with high ambitions who wants Jakx’s job.
“We’ve been chatting to another school of
magic, magically of course, quite beyond
Of course Jakx could still refuse. If this happens
your abilities i’m afraid, and we have
let the player know that Lunas does indeed take
up the task and if he performs it admirably will
and here is the book, lots of fire magic, a
agreed to start exchanging resources. They
bit advanced for you I’m afraid. One day
are going to send us a rare spellbook and
maybe. But not likely”
we in turn will give them one of ours,
then of course we copy them and swap “Now get out of here, I’ve got work to
them back. Simple! Knowledge shared is do, these healing potions won’t make
knowledge doubled as they say. I think themselves.” and with that he swivels his
that’s what they say…” chair and starts rummaging through a
set of drawers. He has turned his back on
“Anyway, I need you to meet their courier
you. It is time to go. The charred book
and give them our book and of course take
lays in front of you on the table. It is
theirs. Don’t forget that part! Repeat that
titled “The Grimoire of Burnt Words”.
back to me…”
There is a bone wand leaning on it and a
premade healing potion sits nearby.
Let Jakx repeat what he has heard so far and
roleplay accordingly.

The player might consider stealing/borrowing

these other items or even asking Grandmaster
“Good, good. Sharp as a tack. “ He says Jarvid if he could borrow them. The stealing
sarcastically. “Their courier is a soldier would require a sleight of hand check versus
known as Cale Rhine and he will be sailing Grandmaster Jarvids passive perception of 10. The
up from the southern lands on a ship called check will be made at advantage (As Grandmaster
the Bloated Barnacle. It will be easy to spot Jarvid is quite engrossed in his rummaging
- it supposedly has a huge blue sail. Imagine and making a lot of noise.) This would be a
that! You will meet him at the docks of good moment to introduce new players to the
Deepshore and give him our book. And take advantage / disadvantage mechanic.
theirs! Then come back here with their book
and then job done!” If the player fails the check, Grandmaster Jarvid
will swivel around and catch Jakx in the act. He
“Here’s a coin pouch,” will say “No, not those you idiot, just the book!”.
If Jakx simply asks if he can borrow them he
will roll a persuasion check at a DC of 15 (As
Grandmaster Jarvid does not like Jakx.). If Jakx
Let the player know that the amount in the coin disobeys the Grandmaster and tries to forcibly
pouch is shown on their character sheet (coin take them, Grandmaster Jarvis will cast all
pouch contains 10 gold pieces). This is kept secret manner of spells to detain him and then fire him.
to make sure that Dunks and Quip doesn’t know (and Lunas can take his place).
how much coin Jakx actually has when they
negotiate. If he obtains the items he can make an Arcana
check (DC 10) to recognize the wand as a wand
of magic missiles. (He will recall Grandmaster
Jarvid talking about it in one of his long winded
“You will need to hire some burly men lectures.) It has 2 charges left. The potion is a
to protect you on the road. Bandits will potion of Greater healing (Consuming it restores
go for a little fellow like you. We’ve got a 4d4+4 hps).
contractor named Dunks that works for us.
You’ll find him at the “Last Stand Inn”. This
coin should cover his costs. It will take you 2
days to reach Deepshore, best get going! Oh
PART II: Part Iii:
Introducing Dunks and Quip The Negotiation.

Read the following to Jakx:

The two of you lean back on your wagon
outside of the Last Stand Inn waiting for
the day to begin. This is how you start most You’ve made it to the Last Stand Inn, you
days, sitting around until someone needs an see only one wagon parked out front. It’s
escort to the next town. Talk is pretty sparse obviously an escort wagon. There’s a large
between the two of you, Dunks doesn’t say man wearing heavy chainmail sitting in
much at the best of times and Quip gets the front seat of the wagon. He wears a
bored with the grim warrior quickly. sword and there’s a large shield strapped
over his back. He’s watching you approach
The DM can ask if there is anything the two with a steady, level gaze. There’s something
mercenaries wish to discuss as they begin their unsettling in his eyes, they hint at the
day. Quip may broach the subject of charging promise of violence. He is obviously an ex
more or adjusting their negotiation strategy for soldier, a veteran of past wars.
clients. The DM may ask Jakx the player to leave
There is a halfling dozing next to him with
the room for this conversation so as not to be in
his wide brimmed hat tipped over his face.
on the strategy. The two mercenaries may just
There is a quiver of arrows and a short bow
wish to exchange a bit of small talk. Leave them
sitting in the wagon behind him.
to have space to try out a bit of roleplaying and
establish their character’s personality.
You approach the wagon, ready to negotiate
your price. You need an escort to the Docks
of Deepshore, the roads at the moment are
Business has been fairly steady lately, seems
too dangerous to travel alone, and these two
to be more bandits on the roads. Probably
look mean enough to deter most bandits. It
due to the farms of the north freezing over
as the recent winters have grown harsher. should take about 2 days to get to the docks,
You’re not complaining. The winters don’t swap books and another 2 days to get back.
really reach down here and bandits that
were farmers aren’t much of a threat. They You draw yourself up to your full height, 2ft
tend to avoid you. 11inches, square your narrow shoulders and
clear your throat
Dunk’s eyes narrow as he sees a gnome
scurrying his way. The little guy is wearing
the robes of the Arcana Academy. Good.
Let the negotiation begin, this is mainly an excuse
They always pay well.
to get the characters interacting and introducing
“Customer coming.” says Quip. new players into the roleplaying elements of the
Dunks scowls and glances at Quip. The
halfling has leaned back far into the wagon Here Jakx will approach the two mercenaries and
seat with his big bare feet propped up over secure their services while agreeing on a price.
the front rail. He has a wide brimmed hat Motivations might be shared, personalities might
tipped over his face as he pretends to be clash and friendships may be formed. Give the
dozing. He’s showing off again. players space to come to an agreement while
developing their characters’ personalities.
Too clever for his own good that one.

“I’ve seen him” growled Dunks as he

As a DM you can introduce the concept that
scratched at his unshaven chin. He watches characters might be more intelligent, perceptive
the young gnome approach. etc than the players are. (It gives you a chance to
subtly insult Jakx’s player by saying “Of course
Jakx in his world is far more intelligent than
“players name” is in this world, so if you think keeping a few gold from the pouch Grandmaster
there is something he could figure out that you Jarvid gave him.
as a player cant, ask the DM if Jakx can make
an intelligence check to solve a riddle etc) In Once the price has been set and the terms of
this situation characters might want to do service agreed upon, Dunk’s will give Buttercup
insight checks to see if someone is lying (against a gentle nudge and start the small wagon on its
persuasion or deception checks etc). way. Ask the players to describe how they are
placed on the wagon. This will have little impact
Normally everyone comes away from this in this adventure but it pays to get the players in
negotiation thinking they have won so it the habit of describing what they are doing and
shouldn’t be too intense or deal breaking. Dunks where they are positioned as they travel.
is happy with 1 gold a day, Quip might push for 2
gold per day and Jakx might agree and still end up
Chapter 3 : The Journey
The group sets off for the 2 day trek to the
frontier town of Deepshore. dusk starts to set in you pull off to the side
of the road to set up camp.

You set off in Dunk’s small wagon, pulled At this point let the players describe how they
along by the steady “Buttercup”. The day is set up camp, if they set up a watch etc. It is up to
overcast and the air still holds the crispness of the DM as to how detailed they want to make
autumn. Winter is not far away. this part of the journey. If you wish the session
to take less than 3 hours it is recommended that
The road is fairly busy as travelers move
the night passes uneventfully and the players find
between your city of Avalore and the port city
themselves approaching Deepshore near the end
of Yore. You will turn off the road long before
of the second day.
you reach Yore and make your way south to
the small seaside town of Deepshore. You Of course you could have a small bandit raid
have two days of travel ahead of you. during the night if you wanted to introduce the
players to a basic combat encounter. This may
The first day passes without incident and as
mean running the adventure over two shorter
Chapter 4 : Arriving At Deepshore

You set out on the second day and make good The Opening Scene
time. By mid morning you arrive at the side
From the vantage of the hilltop you can
road that leads to Deepshore. You make your
see a village on fire. The building nearest
way along the rough track through rolling
to you is under attack by three orcs. These
hills and sparse woods. By mid afternoon you
hulking brutish creatures stand close to
can catch sight of the ocean on the distant
seven feet tall and are dressed in a ragged
southern horizon.
mix of leather and fur. Their broad faces
By late afternoon you can smell the ocean air . are smeared with rough white war paint
and their black dreadlocked hair is tied
and start to see the smoke rolling from the
back with torn cloth and leather cord. They
town of Deepshore.
brandish viscous iron axes. One is banging
his shoulder against a heavy door and it
Let Dunks and Tripp make a perception check at is buckling quickly. The other two stand
DC12. A success means they recognize that the smoke behind him, roaring in encouragement and
is too thick for chimney smoke. It matches the volume ready to run in. Even at the top of the hill,
they have seen before. That of a village burning. you can hear a female scream coming from
inside of the building.

The day is almost done when you crest the The rest of the village appears to be on fire.
last hill and see the small fishing village of Thick smoke billows through the buildings
Deepshore. It is on fire. You can hear screams giving only glimpses of the battle. You can
and the sound of battle. There are long boats make out longboats leaving a rocky beach
pulling out from the beach. Even from this shoreline in the distance , they are moving
distance you can make out the powerful swiftly, being rowed by teams of powerful
forms of the green skinned oarsmen. Orcs. orcs. You can make out human figures
Lots of them. held on the boats. They are screaming and
It seems you are arriving at the tail end of
the raid. Through the flaming buildings Further down the village the beach turns
you can still see the silhouettes of the last into rough rickety docks as the harbour
of the orc raiders. Through the thick black deepens. The billowing black smoke clears
smoke you make out the blue sailed boat at briefly and you make out one large boat at
the docks. There is a battle going on there the docks. Its sails have been taken down
though it is hard to make out. but you can still make out its main blue
sail furled tightly to the boom. There is
heavy fighting taking place here as the
Lay out the map to the party and explain what they
crew on board appears to be holding off
see. They will have the advantage of surprise for their
the tail end of the orc raiders. It is hard to
first turn and then will roll for initiative as they enter
tell who has the upper hand. There are a
round 1 of the combat.
lot of orcs gathered on the docks. A gust of
This combat has been arranged by rounds and wind stokes the burning buildings and the
different groups within the village will achieve dark smoke lifts again, covering the village
different goals each round e.g. The Ogre will take in a thick blanket.
several rounds to break through a building, get the
smoked pig, eat it and then head back to its crew on
the long boat.
Map Of Deepshore
The L ayout The vill age l ayout at ROUND 1
The scene shows where the different factions Position X: This is where the party has pulled
are at the start of the encounter. This will up to with their wagon.
change each round. The sequence of rounds
outlined below will unfold if the party of Group A: The orc raiders.
adventurers do not interact with the village.
Group B: The goblin archers.
As a DM you will have to adjust the factions
responses as the party moves through the Group C: The orc runner.
village and interacts with them. You do not
have to describe all the different groups in the Group D: A lone goblin archer
village to the players when they arrive, just
what the players can initially see. For the most Group E: A slow witted Ogre
part this will be just Group A to start.
Group F: The last of the orc raiders

Group G: The crew of The Bloated Barnacle

Group H: The longboats on the beach.

The following information outlines the locations,
group size and motivations of the enemies and Two hooded goblins sit on the pillars of the
allies in this encounter. This has been balanced for rickety bridge like ragged crows, their leather
a party of three 2nd level characters. If you have hide cloaks snap in the wind. These scrawny
more characters then adjust the enemy count as creatures are holding short bows made of
follows. gnarled wood. You can see their sharp jagged
teeth pulled back into a vicious smile as they
Per character added. Add 1 orc to Group A, 1 take aim at you.
goblin archer to group B, increase the Ogres hit
points by 5 and add a goblin archer guarding the
longboats at Group H. Group C: The orc runner .
A lone orc has caught a young girl and is running
Group A : The orc raiders. her back to the longboats at Group H. At this
stage he is leaving Group A and making his way to
These 3 orcs have stayed behind to try and find
the bridge. (The players will see him but from this
more loot. They have pushed their way to the
distance he will be hard to stop).
furthest building (Building 1) from the docks and
are trying to break in. A lone female is trapped
inside and has barred the door. She is screaming. A lone orc has a small, screaming child
thrown over one shoulder and a rough long
axe in his other hand. The orc is taking his
The building nearest to you, is under prize and making his way to the docks in
attack by three orcs. These hulking brutish the distance.
creatures stand close to seven tall and are
dressed in a ragged mix of leather and fur.
Their broad faces are smeared with rough
white war paint and their black dreadlocked Group D: A lone goblin
hair is tied back with torn cloth and archer
leather cord. They brandish viscous iron This sniper is hiding out on a second storey
axes. One is banging his shoulder against a balcony in building 3. He oversees the bridge and
heavy door and it is buckling quickly. The is covering Group B. He will have partial cover
other two stand behind him, roaring in from the low railing. A player needs a perception
encouragement and ready to run in. Even roll of 16 or higher to spot him before he fires
at the top of the hill, you can hear a females on a character. If a player spots him they can roll
scream coming from inside of the building. initiative to see who acts first, if they fail then
the goblin takes the first ranged bow attack with
advantage (From being unseen).
Group B: The goblin archers.
He can be surprised if someone sneaks into
These 2 archers have fallen back to provide cover building 2 and makes their way up the stairs. He
to group A. They have perched on the posts of will attack anyone trying to cross the bridge. If
the bridge and are keeping an eye on the 3 orcs. he sees people trying to get into building 2 to
Players will not see these goblins directly from the attack him he will climb down from the balcony
hilltop at Position X. (Due to building 2 blocking (Needs to roll 8 or higher on a d20 to take no
the view) If the 3 orcs are attacked the goblins will damage from dropping down, otherwise he takes
move into tactical positions to shoot arrows at the 1d6 damage. He has 6hps so could potential die
attackers. If pursued they will try to retreat to the from the leap) and flee to the longboats (While
longboats (at Group H) while using their action returning fire with his actions).
to return fire at the attackers.
Group E: A slow witted Ogre
clad in chainmail. The rest of the orcs seem
This brute is attempting to knock down a wall in
to be trying to find other ways aboard. The
building 6 to get to a huge butchered pig hung
sailors and soldiers are holding spears out to
on a hook inside. He will ignore everyone unless
keep the orcs from leaping on to the side of
attacked. This monster is a bit of a dangerous
the ship.
distraction to the players, they might assume he
is trying to grab a helpless villager trapped in the
building and come to the rescue. If a player sneaks
up and peeks through a window of the building, Group G: The crew of The
they will see the pig carcass the ogre is trying to Bloated Barnacle
grab. Cale Rhine and 3 of his soldiers stand with 4 crew
members to defend the Bloated Barnacle against
A hulking ogre is trying to break into a the orc raiders. The 4 crew members are not
burning building. He is leaning heavily warriors and are terrified but have spears ready to
against a buckling wall, his arm buried up to push off any orcs that try to board.
the shoulder as he tries to grab something
(Still standing at round 1: 10 orcs, 3 soldiers, 4
inside. You can hear him grunting in
sailors and Cale)
frustration. He throws his weight against
the wall and some of the planks splinter. He
ignores you and is fully engrossed in trying to Group H: The longboats on
break into the building. the beach.
There are 5 longboats pushed up on the rocky
shore. Their oars have been pulled in. Here the sea
Group F: The l ast of the orc
water is quite shallow. It drops away quickly into
a deep harbor at the docks. Two of the longboats
10 orc raiders have spread across the docks have been loaded and are being pushed back out
surrounding the “Bloated Barnacle” as they to sea by Orc raiders. Each of these boats carries
attempt to board the ship. There is a thick 6 armed orc raiders and 4 prisoners (of all age
gangplank that they have lowered onto the side groups) and an array of loot (Worth around 15
of the ship (10). One of them has crossed this and gold each). There is little chance that the party
is battling against a tall warrior clad in chain mail would reach these boats before they make their
(Cale Rhine). Three more orcs are lined up behind way out to sea. If they do manage to engage with
the lead orc trying to get aboard. these two boats before they push out to 30 feet
to sea, the orc raiders will leave the longboats and
The other six have spread out along the dock (13),
attack the party. (12 orcs should prove too much
trying to find another way on board. Some are
for the over confident party). Otherwise the two
considering leaping on to the side of the boat but
boats will continue to row out to sea and then
there are defenders lined along the boat’s railing
steer westward.
(12), ready to repel them. One of the orcs has
spotted another gangplank leaning against a far There are three longboats that are empty and
post (9). waiting for those that haven’t finished looting the
village yet (Including one heavier long boat with
huge oars for the Ogre (4)).
A fat merchant ship sits low on the docks
of Deepshore. Close to a dozen brutish orcs
surround it, seeking a way aboard. They are
being held at bay by a few soldiers and sailors
that battle valiantly aboard the ship. A huge
orc has fought his way across a gangplank and
has locked swords with a tall human warrior
Chapter 5: Combat Begins
The party has a chance to ascertain the situation If the party succeeds on the stealth check the
and then act. For the purposes of this adventure defenders are surprised. Still roll Initiative, but the
let the party strategize for a time before beginning defenders lose their first action (and will only be
the round count. Technically they would get 6 able to act in round 2 as per their initiative order).
seconds to plan before all the groups in the village The attackers will also have advantage on the
move into round two but for new players it will attack roll as they are attacking from an unseen
be fun to give them a chance to discuss tactics. If position (Also note that Quip will get a sneak
they drag on too long then let them know that attack because he is attacking with advantage.)
the situation in the village is changing. (e.g. The
door that the orcs are hammering at in Group A Once the party has begun moving in to the village
is beginning to buckle…”. and had an attack round (Or the DM thinks they
have stalled for long enough). The whole village
When first engaging with another group the will move into round 2.
players have a chance to surprise the group they
are attacking. All of the raiders at the village The following Rounds timetable is what would
either think they have cleaned it out and are not happen if the party never showed up. It is up
facing any other opposition or are fully focused to the DM to adjust the actions of the different
on their current task. Roll for initiative for all groups in the village depending on the party’s
involved. Each party member must make a stealth interactions with them (e.g. If the party attacks
check versus the other groups passive perception group A, Group B would be alert and moving into
(for the orcs in group A their passive perception position to provide cover fire. The lone archer
is 10) in Group D would also be alert and looking for
targets from his balcony position).
If any of the attackers fail the stealth check, the
defenders are not surprised. Roll Initiative!
Chapter 6: How Each Round Unfolds
Round 2 breached and rush to join the 3 orcs fighting Cale.

(Still standing 9 orcs, 3 soldiers, 4 sailors and Cale)

Group A
The 3 orc raiders break down the door and rush Group H - 2 of the longboats are leaving, being
into the building. One pursues the screaming rowed at a speed of 20ft. There are 3 empty
woman inside. The other two start searching the longboats left on the shore.
building for loot.

Group B Round 3
The 2 goblin archers stay in the bridge and watch
Group A break into the building. If they see the
Group A
orcs being attacked they will move into range to
The orc raider captures the female, throws her
return fire.
over his shoulder and exits the building. He
Group C
will make his way to the longboats. The other 2
The orc carrying the screaming child will continue to ransack the building.
continue his run to the longboats at group H. He
Group B
moves at 20 feet with the struggling child and will
The 2 goblin archers stay in the bridge and watch
also use his action to move if not engaged. This
Group A break into the building. If they see the
should carry him over the bridge.
orcs being attacked they will move into range to
Group D
return fire.
The lone goblin archer continues to oversee the
Group C
bridge. If he can shoot any of the party from his
The orc carrying the screaming child will
position he will do so.
continue his run to the longboats at group H. He
Group E
moves at 20 feet with the struggling child and
The Ogre continues to heave against the wall of will also use his action to move if not engaged.
the burning building. He approaches the longboats and puts the child
in one of them. The orc ties the child to the boat.
Group F and G The orc will then look around for threats. If he
The Orc battling Cale takes a mortal wound and sees any party member he will leave the child to
falls off the gangplank. The next in line surges attack them. Otherwise he will secure his prisoner
forward, throwing his weight against Cale. The and guard the boat.
warrior takes a step back. (To position 11). Two
Group D
more orcs cross the gangplank and leap aboard
the ship. Cale finds himself facing off against 3 The lone goblin archer continues to oversee the
orcs. 2 of Cale’s soldiers join his side and engage in bridge. If he can shoot any of the party from his
the fight. The other soldier stands back, ready to position he will do so.
fill in if a soldier falls.
Group E
The orc that saw the other gangplank on the pier The Ogre continues to heave against the wall of
moves towards it and gathers it up. He moves the burning building. The wall buckles heavily.
towards the ship. Two of the other orcs gathered
Group F and G
on the docks leap on to the side of the ship. 4
Cale kills another orc, but takes a hit from one
sailors with spears rush to repulse them. One
on his flank.(Cale now has 24 hps). The third orc
manages to sink a weak spear thrust on to one of
kills one of the soldiers, another soldier steps in.
the orcs.
The two orcs who crossed the gangplank join this
Two others see the main gangplank has been fight, making it 4 orcs against Cale and 2 soldiers.
The orc that gathered up the other gangplank lays exchange.
it on to the ships side. It takes him some time to
steady it. One orc stands with him, ready to run The orc that gathered up the other gangplank has
aboard. successfully stabilized it and he and another orc
board the ship, They help the 2 orcs under attack
The two orcs that had leapt on to the side of the from the 4 sailors.
ship are trying to climb over the rail. They take a
number of spear wounds from the 4 sailors, one The orc that was badly hurt by the spears of
orc is badly hurt, but they scramble aboard and the sailors falls dead after more spear thrusts,
engage with the sailors. unfortunately 2 of the sailors are killed. The last 2
terrified sailors face off against 3 orcs.
(Still standing 8 orcs (one badly wounded), 2
soldiers, 4 sailors and Cale (24hps)) (Still standing 6 orcs, 1 soldier, 2 sailors and Cale
Group H
2 of the longboats are leaving, being rowed at a Group H
speed of 20ft. There are 3 empty longboats left on 2 of the longboats are leaving, being rowed at a
the shore. speed of 30ft. They are now about 60ft out at sea
and will not turn around if attacked. There are 3
empty longboats left on the shore.
Round 4

Group A
Round 5
The orc raider carrying the screaming woman
will make his way to the longboats. He should Group A
be crossing the bridge at this point. Moving 20ft The orc raider carrying the screaming woman
walking speed and also using his action to Dash. will make his way to the longboats.. He should be
The other 2 continue to ransack the building. approaching the long boats at this point. Moving
20ft walking speed and also using his action
Group B to Dash. The other 2 have finished looting the
The 2 goblin archers stay in the bridge and watch building and carry a few valuables. They exit the
Group A break into the building. If they see the building.
orcs being attacked they will move into range to
return fire. Group B
The 2 goblin archers stay in the bridge and watch
Group C Group A break into the building. If they see the
The orc has tied the child to the boat. The orc orcs being attacked they will move into range to
looks around for threats. If he sees any party return fire. They cover the 2 looters and will join
member he will leave the child to attack them. the orc looters to return to the longboats when
Otherwise he will guard the boat. the looters cross the bridge.

Group D Group C
The lone goblin archer continues to oversee the The orc has tied the child to the boat. The orc will
bridge. If he can shoot any of the party from his then look around for threats. If he sees any party
position he will do so. member he will leave the child to attack them.
Otherwise he continues to guard the boat.
Group E
The Ogre continues to heave against the wall of Group D
the burning building. The wall buckles heavily. The lone goblin archer sees the 2 looters leave
the building and thinks his job is done. He leaves
Group F and G the building and goes downstairs and exits the
The 4 orcs square off against Cale and his 2 building by the bridge.
soldiers. A soldier and an orc are killed in the
Group E will attack any party members he sees. The other
The Ogre breaks the wall and the building 2 cross the bridge. The goblins on the bridge
partially collapses, he roars in triumph and pulls (from Group B) and the sniper from the building
out the carved pig carcass. He sits down and (Group D) will join them to retreat to the long
begins eating it. He is engrossed in this feast and boats.
will ignore everything else.
Group C
Group F and G The orc has tied the child to the boat. The orc
The 3 orcs square off against Cale and one of his looks around for threats. If he sees any party
soldiers. An orc is wounded and so is the soldier. member he will leave the child to attack them.
No one is killed. Otherwise he will guard the boat.

The 3 orcs easily dispatch the last 2 sailors. They Group E

turn to Cale and the last soldier. The Ogre has sat down and is eating the pig
carcass. He is almost finished. He is engrossed in
(Still standing 6 orcs, 1 soldier and Cale (24hps)) this feast and will ignore everything else.

Group H Group F and G

2 of the longboats are leaving, being rowed at a The 3 orcs square off against Cale and one of his
speed of 30ft. They are now about 90ft out at sea soldiers. The wounded orc is killed by Cale but
and will not turn around if attacked. There are 3 his last soldier falls. The other 3 orcs join the fight
empty longboats left on the shore. and one of them hits Cale with his axe, snapping
chainlinks. Cale now has 18 hps.

Round 6 (Still standing 5 orcs and Cale (18hps))

Group A , B and D Group H

The orc raider with the captured female arrives at 2 of the longboats are leaving, being rowed at a
the long boats and ties her up with the captured speed of 30ft. They are now about 120ft out at sea
child. He will keep watch from the boats and and will not turn around if attacked. There are 3
empty longboats left on the shore.
Round 7 (Still standing 5 orcs and Cale (8hps))

Group H
Group A , B and D
2 of the longboats are leaving, being rowed at a
The orc raider with the captured female guards
speed of 30ft. They are now about 180ft out at sea
her at the long boats. He will keep watch from
and will not turn around if attacked. The orcs and
the boats and will attack any party members
goblins with prisoners are leaving and are 20 feet
he sees. The other 2 looters and the 3 goblins
out to sea. The Ogre is pushing out his boat. One
approach the long boats.
boat is left on shore.
Group C
The orc has tied the child to the boat. The orc
Round 9
looks around for threats. If he sees any party
member he will leave the child to attack them.
Group A , B, C and D
Otherwise he will guard the boat.
The orc raider with the captured female leaves
Group E in the boat and the 2 looters and 3 goblins (and
The Ogre finishes up his meal and looks around. possibly the other orc with the child prisoner)
If he sees any party members he will attack them. join him. They are 50 feet out to sea and will not
Otherwise he will make his way back to the long turn around if attacked.
Group E
Group F and G The Ogre rows out his long boat he is 20 feet out
Cale fights defensively against 5 orcs using his to sea..
dodge action. He takes one hit and drops to 14hps.
Group F and G
(Still standing 5 orcs and Cale (14hps)) Cale fights defensively against 5 orcs using his
dodge action. He takes another hit and drops to 2
Group H hps.
2 of the longboats are leaving, being rowed at a
speed of 30ft. They are now about 150ft out at (Still standing 5 orcs and Cale (2hps))
sea and will not turn around if attacked. If there
Group H
are any orcs here with prisoners who do not see
any party members, they will decide to leave and One boat is left on shore.
start pushing the boat out, leaving 2 longboats
(Including the large one for the Ogre).
Round 10

Round 8 Group A , B, C and D

The orc raider with the captured female leaves
Group A , B, C and D
in the boat and the 2 looters and 3 goblins (and
The orc raider with the captured female leaves possibly the other orc with the child prisoner)
in the boat and the 2 looters and 3 goblins (and join him. They are 80 feet out to sea and will not
possibly the other orc with the child prisoner) turn around if attacked.
join him.
Group E
Group E
The Ogre rows out his long boat he is 50 feet out
The Ogre finds his long boat and starts to push it to sea.
Group F and G
Group F and G
Cale is killed in battle as the 5 orcs overwhelm
Cale fights defensively against 5 orcs using his him. They loot him, taking his backpack (Which
dodge action. He takes another hit and drops to 8 contains the ivory bound Spell Book known as
hps. “The Weaving of the White”. This is the book that
Cale would be exchanging for “The Grimoire of Burnt
Words”). They make their way to the last long boat at
Group H

(Still standing 5 orcs)

Group H
One boat is left on shore.

Round 11

Group A , B, C and D
The orc raider with the captured female
leaves in the boat and the 2 looters and 3
goblins (and possibly the other orc with
the child prisoner) join him. They are
110 feet out to sea and will not turn
around if attacked.

Group E
The Ogre rows out his long boat he
is 80 feet out to sea.

Group F and G
The last 5 orcs board the last longboat
and push it out to sea. They begin
rowing. They are 10 feet out at sea. They
are rowing hard and will move at 30 feet
per turn. They will not turn around if
attacked and will attempt to escape out of

If they are killed while escaping (Each orc

killed reduces the row speed by 5 feet per
turn) the boat will come to a standstill
and then the tide will slowly bring it
back to shore. Dunks or Quip could
swim out to pull it back in if its around 60
feet out. Cale’s backpack can be recovered
from the longboat.

Round 12 And
The boats move further out of range
each turn and start to head west.
There will come a point (Approx
when the last boat gets 120 feet out
to sea) that the longboats get out of
range from the party and the mission
of exchanging books is considered a
complete failure.
Chapter 7: The Conclusion
There can be a variety of ways this one shot will Partial Success
end. The party could fight through and rescue
Cale has been killed but the book has been
Cale and save the day, they could be overwhelmed recovered.
by the orcs, goblins and ogre in the village, they
could be too late to save Cale but recover the The party can return the recovered book to the
book or they could be too late to stop the orcs school. The school will be disappointed that an
from leaving with the book. exchange hasn’t been made and that the other
schools envoys have been slain but grateful
At this point it is up to the DM to bring the story that no books were lost. Grandmaster Jarvid
arc to a close. After describing the consequences will consider it a failure that Jakx must put
right. He will tell Jakx that he must take “The
of the outcome, let each player outline what
Grimoire of Burnt Words” to the other school to
their character does next and where they want
the south to complete the exchange. Jarvid will
to take their story arc. The DM can then sum up fund the expedition and let Jakx once again hire
the overall story and bring this small chapter in a mercenaries.
distant land to a close.
This puts Jakx in a difficult position due to
Here are descriptions for some of the possible his crippling fear of water and also his ego
endings. that wouldn’t want to admit to the fear. Let
him decide how he will face this as part of his
character arc. (He might seek a cure for his fear,
Successful Outcome! turn down the job or just take the money and go
see the world.)
You rescue Cale, drive the orc raiders off and
possibly even save 2 of the prisoners. Also let Dunks and Quip flesh out their story
arc and what they do next. This may depend on
The book exchange is made. Cale will be very whether Jakx hires them again or not.
grateful and will make sure to tell the school
of your deeds. In time Jakx will be promoted to
manage the book exchange program and move
out from under Grandmaster Jarvids shadow. He The party is killed and the orc raiders loot them
can now send envoys out to other schools or make and also steal Jakx’s book.
the visits himself. His reputation grows.
The Arcana Academy will hire a new group of
adventurers to try and figure out what happened
Word of Dunks and Quips heroics will raise
at Deepshore (They might find a map on one of
demand for their services and the school will sign the dead orcs left at the village that shows where
them up to a lucrative long term contract. There the raiders base is found.) and recover the lost
could be future adventures for the trio as Jakx books. A DM could start a whole new adventure
travels to far off schools. with player made characters from this point.

If Cales crew was killed he will travel back to the If the party survives but Cale Rhines book is lost
school to raise a new crew so he can sail back to the orc raiders then find out what the party
to his home in the south. If some of his crew wants to do from this point. They might find a
map of the raiders base location on one of the
survived he will set sail that day to return to
dead orcs. They might decide to recover the lost
his school. He will be an influential ally for the
book, or return to the school to report the failure.
players. They might decide to move on and start a new life
elsewhere. Dunks and Quip might shrug it off and
Go around the room to have each player give a go back to their own life.
small conclusion to what their character will do
in the near future. Use this as an opportunity to Go around the room to have each player give a
expand on the story arc of these characters. small conclusion to what their character will do
in the near future. Use this as an opportunity to
expand on the story arc of these characters.
Chapter 8: Monsters Statistics

Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil CHA 8 (-1)

Armor Class 13 (Hide Armor) Skills Stealth +6

Hit Points 12 Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 9

Speed 30 ft. Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage
or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 12 (+1)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
CON 16 (+3)
ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
INT 7 (-2)
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
WIS 11 (+0) reach 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) piercing
CHA 10 (+0)

Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 10

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move OGRE STATS

up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it
Large giant, chaotic evil
can see.
Armor Class 11 (Hide Armor)
Hand Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Hit Points 40
5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Speed 40 ft.

STR 19 (+4)


Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
CON16 (+3)
Armor Class 13 (Leather Armor)
INT 5 (-3)
Hit Points 7 (2d6)
WIS 7 (-2)
Speed 30 ft.
CHA 7 (-2)
STR 8 (-1)
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 8
DEX 14 (+2)
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
CON 10 (+0)
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning
INT 10 (+0) damage.
Character Sheet: Jakx

You are Jakx Jobbly, assistant to Grandmaster out from the shadow from the old wizard.
Jarvis at the Arcana Academy.
Do not tell the other players the following:
You are destined for great things but for now you
are kept down by men who are too dim or too The pouch that Grandmaster Jarvid will give you
jealous to see your unlimited potential. contains 10 gold pieces.

But you will show them. You will show them You are deeply afraid of the water having nearly
all…. drowned in 3 feet of water on a regular basis. You,
of course, are far too proud to tell anyone of this
You constantly butt heads with your mentor, fear. You must make a wisdom saving throw of 15
Grandmaster Jarvid. He is an old man, well past or more if you ever wish to cross a body of water
his prime and you are sure he has been holding deeper than 3 feet, even if it is, for example, over a
you back from any sort of promotion. You need rickety bridge or gangplank. If you fail the saving
an opportunity to prove yourself, to show the throw you freeze in terror for that turn.
Academy your worth. Then you can finally step


On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed and Many class features and other abilities provide additional
take one action. You decide whether to move first or take options for your action.
your action first. If you can’t decide what to do on your turn, consider taking
Common actions are : Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash (Move your the Dodge (Take a defensive stance) or Ready (Hold your
speed again), Disengage (Step away from combat), Dodge, action until something triggers it e.g. an enemy steps into
Help, Hide, Ready, Search, Shove and Use an Object. range.) action.
Jak x the 2nd Level Gnome Wizard



WISDOM 12 +1 +3 HISTORY +6


SPEED 25 ft

Robe Mage Armor PERFORMANCE +1
Quarterstaff (Range5ft) +1 Hit, 1d8-1 damage RELIGION +6
CANTRIP SPELL : Fire Bolt (Range 120ft) +6 Hit, SLEIGHT OF HAND +2
ATTACKS 1d10 damage
CANTRIP SPELL : Ray of Frost (Range 60ft) +6
Hit, 1d8 damage SURVIVAL +1

Features And Traits And Spells

A cantrip is a spell that can be cast at will, without using a spell slot and without being prepared in advance.

Fire Bolt scream. It can be your voice, someone else’s voice, a lion’s
On a hit, the target takes 1d10 fire damage. A flammable roar, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose)
object hit by this spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or or an image of an object (It must be no larger than a 5-foot
carried. cube) within range that lasts for 1 minute. The illusion
R ay of Frost also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell
On a hit, it takes 1d8 cold damage, and its speed is again. again.
reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. Poison Spray
Minor Illusion Range 10feet. You project a puff of noxious gas from your
Range 30ft. You create a sound (from a whisper to a palm. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw of 14 or take 1d12 poison damage.

1st LEVEL SPELLS - Casting these spells costs a spell slot. You have 3 spell slots.

Charm Person - range 30ft Mage Armor

You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within A protective magical force surrounds you for 8 hours. The
range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw of 14, and target’s base AC becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
does so with advantage if you or your companions are
fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you Magic Missile - range 120ft
for 1 hour or until you or your companions do anything You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each
harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within
friendly acquaintance. range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The
darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to
Grease - range 60ft
hit one creature or several.
Slick grease covers the ground in a 10-foot square
centered on a point within range and turns it into difficult
terrain for the duration. When the grease appears, each
1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack.
creature standing in its area must succeed on a Dexterity
An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects
saving throw of 14 or fall prone. A creature that enters
you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus
the area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a
to AC, including against the triggering attack.
Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Character Sheet: Jakx

You are Jakx Jobbly, assistant to Grandmaster out from the shadow from the old wizard.
Jarvis at the Arcana Academy.
Do not tell the other players the following:
You are destined for great things but for now you
are kept down by men who are too dim or too The pouch that Grandmaster Jarvid will give you
jealous to see your unlimited potential. contains 10 gold pieces.

But you will show them. You will show them You are deeply afraid of the water having nearly
all…. drowned in 3 feet of water on a regular basis. You,
of course, are far too proud to tell anyone of this
You constantly butt heads with your mentor, fear. You must make a wisdom saving throw of 15
Grandmaster Jarvid. He is an old man, well past or more if you ever wish to cross a body of water
his prime and you are sure he has been holding deeper than 3 feet, even if it is, for example, over a
you back from any sort of promotion. You need rickety bridge or gangplank. If you fail the saving
an opportunity to prove yourself, to show the throw you freeze in terror for that turn.
Academy your worth. Then you can finally step


On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed and Many class features and other abilities provide additional
take one action. You decide whether to move first or take options for your action.
your action first. If you can’t decide what to do on your turn, consider taking
Common actions are : Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash (Move your the Dodge (Take a defensive stance) or Ready (Hold your
speed again), Disengage (Step away from combat), Dodge, action until something triggers it e.g. an enemy steps into
Help, Hide, Ready, Search, Shove and Use an Object. range.) action.
Jak x the 2nd Level Gnome Wizard



WISDOM 12 +1 +3 HISTORY +6


SPEED 25 ft

Robe Mage Armor PERFORMANCE +1
Quarterstaff (Range5ft) +1 Hit, 1d8-1 damage RELIGION +6
CANTRIP SPELL : Fire Bolt (Range 120ft) +6 Hit, SLEIGHT OF HAND +2
ATTACKS 1d10 damage
CANTRIP SPELL : Ray of Frost (Range 60ft) +6
Hit, 1d8 damage SURVIVAL +1

Features And Traits And Spells

A cantrip is a spell that can be cast at will, without using a spell slot and without being prepared in advance.

Fire Bolt scream. It can be your voice, someone else’s voice, a lion’s
On a hit, the target takes 1d10 fire damage. A flammable roar, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose)
object hit by this spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or or an image of an object (It must be no larger than a 5-foot
carried. cube) within range that lasts for 1 minute. The illusion
R ay of Frost also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell
On a hit, it takes 1d8 cold damage, and its speed is again. again.
reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. Poison Spray
Minor Illusion Range 10feet. You project a puff of noxious gas from your
Range 30ft. You create a sound (from a whisper to a palm. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw of 14 or take 1d12 poison damage.

1st LEVEL SPELLS - Casting these spells costs a spell slot. You have 3 spell slots.

Charm Person - range 30ft Mage Armor

You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within A protective magical force surrounds you for 8 hours. The
range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw of 14, and target’s base AC becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
does so with advantage if you or your companions are
fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you Magic Missile - range 120ft
for 1 hour or until you or your companions do anything You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each
harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within
friendly acquaintance. range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The
darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to
Grease - range 60ft
hit one creature or several.
Slick grease covers the ground in a 10-foot square
centered on a point within range and turns it into difficult
terrain for the duration. When the grease appears, each
1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack.
creature standing in its area must succeed on a Dexterity
An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects
saving throw of 14 or fall prone. A creature that enters
you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus
the area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a
to AC, including against the triggering attack.
Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Character Sheet: Dunks

Your name is Duncan, but You have a partner, a halfling called Quip. He’s
everyone calls you Dunks. a good scout but the kid is young and full of
They’ve called you that ever since himself. You know he wants to run the show, turn
you joined the army as a gangly young it into a profitable enterprise. Thinks he’s got all
buck who lied about his age to get in. the answers. He’ll learn, keep your head down
You’ve seen a lot since then, watched good or get an arrow in it.
friends die, enemies survive, seen battles won
and wars lost. You generally charge your services out
at 1 gold piece a day. Quip thinks you
Through it all you managed to survive. That’s should charge more. Maybe he’s right.
Dunks. A good soldier. A survivor. Your wagon needs repairs and you
could get a second horse to save poor
Now in retirement you found out the only thing Buttercup from doing all the work.
you can really do is hold up a shield and swing
a sword. So here you are, sitting on a wagon, The only thing you really care about is your horse,
escorting all types along a road you know well, Buttercup. You two have been through a lot.
looking as mean as you can. It’s easy work, if a She even saved your life once and you will never
little boring. You keep it simple. You do enough put her in harm’s way. She’s your best friend. Of
to survive, like you have always done. course you wouldn’t admit that to anyone. You’re
a soldier, tough as nails.
Dunks the 2nd Level Human Fighter



WISDOM 13 +1 +1 HISTORY +0


SPEED 30ft
Chainmail & Shield

Light Crossbow (Range 80ft / 320ft) +2 Hit, 1d8 RELIGION +0

Longsword (Range 5ft)) +5 Hit, 1d8+3 damage

Features And Traits And Spells

BONUS ACTION - Second Wind

Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 2 HP.
A Short Rest is a period of Downtime, at least 1 hour long, during which a character does nothing more
strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds.

SPECIAL - Action Surge

You can take one additional action on your turn. This can be used 1 time per short rest.

PASSIVE - Heavy Armor Master

While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from nonmagical
weapons is reduced by 3.


On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed and Various class features, spells, and other abilities let you take an
take one action. You decide whether to move first or take your additional action on your turn called a bonus action. (Usually at
action first. higher level). You can take a bonus action only when a special
ability or spell states that you can do something as a bonus
Common actions are : Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash (Move your
action. You otherwise don’t have a bonus action to take.
speed again), Disengage (Step away from combat), Dodge, Help,
Hide, Ready, Search, Shove and Use an Object
You can communicate however you are able, through brief
Many class features and other abilities provide additional utterances and gestures, as you take your turn.
options for your action.
You can also interact with one object or feature of the
If you can’t decide what to do on your turn, consider taking the environment for free, during either your move or your action.
Dodge (Take a defensive stance) or Ready (Hold your action e.g. opening a unlocked door or drawing a sword.
until something triggers it e.g. an enemy steps into range.)
Character Sheet: Dunks

Everyone calls you Dunks. They’ve a good scout but the kid is young and full of
called you that ever since you joined himself. You know he wants to run the show,
the army as a gangly young she wolf turn it into a profitable enterprise. Thinks
who lied about her age to get in. You’ve he’s got all the answers. He’ll learn, keep
seen a lot since then, watched good friends die, your head down or get an arrow in it.
enemies survive, seen battles won and wars lost.
You generally charge your services
Through it all you managed to survive. That’s out at 1 gold piece a day. Quip
Dunks. A good soldier. A survivor. thinks you should charge more. Maybe he’s right.
Your wagon needs repairs and you could get a
Now in retirement you found out the only thing second horse to save poor Buttercup from doing
you can really do is hold up a shield and swing all the work.
a sword. So here you are, sitting on a wagon,
escorting all types along a road you know well, The only thing you really care about is your horse,
looking as mean as you can. It’s easy work, if a Buttercup. You two have been through a lot.
little boring. You keep it simple. You do enough She even saved your life once and you will never
to survive, like you have always done. put her in harm’s way. She’s your best friend. Of
course you wouldn’t admit that to anyone. You’re
You have a partner, a halfling called Quip. He’s a soldier, tough as nails.
Dunks the 2nd Level Human Fighter



WISDOM 13 +1 +1 HISTORY +0


SPEED 30ft
Chainmail & Shield

Light Crossbow (Range 80ft / 320ft) +2 Hit, 1d8 RELIGION +0

Longsword (Range 5ft)) +5 Hit, 1d8+3 damage

Features And Traits And Spells

BONUS ACTION - Second Wind

Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 2 HP.
A Short Rest is a period of Downtime, at least 1 hour long, during which a character does nothing more
strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds.

SPECIAL - Action Surge

You can take one additional action on your turn. This can be used 1 time per short rest.

PASSIVE - Heavy Armor Master

While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from nonmagical
weapons is reduced by 3.


On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed and Various class features, spells, and other abilities let you take an
take one action. You decide whether to move first or take your additional action on your turn called a bonus action. (Usually at
action first. higher level). You can take a bonus action only when a special
ability or spell states that you can do something as a bonus
Common actions are : Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash (Move your
action. You otherwise don’t have a bonus action to take.
speed again), Disengage (Step away from combat), Dodge, Help,
Hide, Ready, Search, Shove and Use an Object
You can communicate however you are able, through brief
Many class features and other abilities provide additional utterances and gestures, as you take your turn.
options for your action.
You can also interact with one object or feature of the
If you can’t decide what to do on your turn, consider taking the environment for free, during either your move or your action.
Dodge (Take a defensive stance) or Ready (Hold your action e.g. opening a unlocked door or drawing a sword.
until something triggers it e.g. an enemy steps into range.)
Character Sheet: Quip

You’re far too clever to be a caravan So for now you sit in the wagon with Dunks and
guard, this is just a stepping stone until you ride back and forth between the nearby cities
figure out how to make the big money. escorting various folks too scared to ride alone. It’s
easy work and gives you lots of time to think, you
You’ve tried a lot of things, you were a scout in might even make a bit of money doing this if you
the army for a stint but there was far too much could get Dunks to charge more. At the moment
discipline there and far too much risking your life he’s charging 1 gold per day. The bandit activity has
for very little pay. Before that you were studying increased, he could easily charge 2 gold a day, even
magic here at the Arcana Academy, but you didn’t more if the customer looks scared enough.
really take to it, and the study took far too long and
for what? So you can teach magic to the next lot of But he’s a washed up soldier and his heart isn’t really
students. No, there must be an easier way to make in it. You’ve seen this type before, too many wars,
coin and live a life of luxury. too many failures. You’ll need to move on from this
guy pretty soon. He’s going nowhere.
Probably crime, you’re leaning heavily towards crime.
You’ll keep your eyes out for the next big
But a smart young whip like yourself doesn’t rush opportunity, like any good scout would.
into these things. You will need a plan.
Quip the 2nd Level Halfling Rogue



WISDOM 12 +1 +1 HISTORY +1


SPEED 25ft
Leather Armor

Shortbow (Range 80t / 320ft) +6 Hit, 1d6+4 RELIGION +1

Shortsword (Range 5ft)) +6 Hit, 1d6+4 damage

Features And Traits And Spells

SPECIAL - Sneak Attack

Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage
on the attack roll. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

BONUS ACTION - Cunning Action

You can take a bonus action on each of your turns to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action


When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must
use the new roll.


On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed and Various class features, spells, and other abilities let you take an
take one action. You decide whether to move first or take your additional action on your turn called a bonus action. (Usually at
action first. higher level). You can take a bonus action only when a special
ability or spell states that you can do something as a bonus
Common actions are : Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash (Move your
action. You otherwise don’t have a bonus action to take.
speed again), Disengage (Step away from combat), Dodge, Help,
Hide, Ready, Search, Shove and Use an Object
You can communicate however you are able, through brief
Many class features and other abilities provide additional utterances and gestures, as you take your turn.
options for your action.
You can also interact with one object or feature of the
If you can’t decide what to do on your turn, consider taking the environment for free, during either your move or your action.
Dodge (Take a defensive stance) or Ready (Hold your action e.g. opening a unlocked door or drawing a sword.
until something triggers it e.g. an enemy steps into range.)
Character Sheet: Quip

You’re far too clever to be a caravan guard, So for now you sit in the wagon with Dunks and ride
this is just a stepping stone until you figure back and forth between the nearby cities escorting
out how to make the big money. various folks too scared to ride alone. It’s easy work
and gives you lots of time to think, you might even
You’ve tried a lot of things, you were a scout in the make a bit of money doing this if you could get Dunks
army for a stint but there was far too much discipline to charge more. At the moment he’s charging 1 gold
there and far too much risking your life for very little per day. The bandit activity has increased, he could
pay. Before that you were studying magic here at the easily charge 2 gold a day, even more if the customer
Arcana Academy, but you didn’t really take to it, and looks scared enough.
the study took far too long and for what? So you can
teach magic to the next lot of students. No, there must But he’s a washed up soldier and his heart isn’t really
be an easier way to make coin and live a life of luxury. in it. You’ve seen this type before, too many wars, too
many failures. You’ll need to move on from this guy
Probably crime, you’re leaning heavily towards crime. pretty soon. He’s going nowhere.

But a smart young whip like yourself doesn’t rush into You’ll keep your eyes out for the next big opportunity,
these things. You will need a plan. like any good scout would.
Quip the 2nd Level Halfling Rogue



WISDOM 12 +1 +1 HISTORY +1


SPEED 25ft
Leather Armor

Shortbow (Range 80t / 320ft) +6 Hit, 1d6+4 RELIGION +1

Shortsword (Range 5ft)) +6 Hit, 1d6+4 damage

Features And Traits And Spells

SPECIAL - Sneak Attack

Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage
on the attack roll. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it
and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

BONUS ACTION - Cunning Action

You can take a bonus action on each of your turns to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action


When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must
use the new roll.


On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed and Various class features, spells, and other abilities let you take an
take one action. You decide whether to move first or take your additional action on your turn called a bonus action. (Usually at
action first. higher level). You can take a bonus action only when a special
ability or spell states that you can do something as a bonus
Common actions are : Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash (Move your
action. You otherwise don’t have a bonus action to take.
speed again), Disengage (Step away from combat), Dodge, Help,
Hide, Ready, Search, Shove and Use an Object
You can communicate however you are able, through brief
Many class features and other abilities provide additional utterances and gestures, as you take your turn.
options for your action.
You can also interact with one object or feature of the
If you can’t decide what to do on your turn, consider taking the environment for free, during either your move or your action.
Dodge (Take a defensive stance) or Ready (Hold your action e.g. opening a unlocked door or drawing a sword.
until something triggers it e.g. an enemy steps into range.)
Process Sheets

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