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Anastacia Giron-Tupas

“Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses. We must be learning all of our lives”

- Florence Nightingale

From my understanding, being a nurse is not only caring for patients and saving people's lives, but also
learning and implementing the knowledge and skills you've acquired throughout your life and continuing
to learn and gain knowledge until the end. Not only for saving lives but also for understanding how to,
because this will allow you to catch up with the changing environment and be a hero who is
knowledgeable enough to protect and serve humanity.

Anastacia Giron-Tupas, who went on to become a pivotal figure in nursing history, lived up to this quote.
She played an essential role in rescuing and upgrading nursing history, she assisted in setting a high
standard for the nursing department for future nurses, she saved nursing during its dark period, and she
faced nursing difficulties that we future nurses are unable to experience yet. It's as though she opened the
nursing field to us, future nurses, and provided us with a clear and wide path to follow. After reading the
article about her life, I believe she is a legendary nurse and a hero not only for the people she saved, but
also for us young people who aspire to be like her.

I now fully see why she became such an important figure in nursing history; she firmly thought that
nursing is more than simply a typical profession or career, but that it can be as powerful as it can be. All
we know is that this employment genuinely saves lives and provides care for people. But that is not all
that nursing is about; after reading about her life, I realized that nursing is also about everything;
nursing can give you knowledge that you did not expect to learn or gain in this field. Nursing, in my
opinion, drove her to assist other aspiring nurses completely comprehend this; she battled nursing for us
Filipinos, for us aspiring Filipino nurses. She studied extensively in order to assist us in improving our
knowledge about this field. She studied not only for herself but also or us Filipino.

Anastacia Giron-Tupas became a hero to me, as well as an inspiration to us future nurses. Fighting for
our dreams, being excited about being a nurse, and grasping the future we are about to experience.
Reading her life motivates me and gives me more reasons to fight for what I want to achieve.

- Cherry May Agda Tolipas


Florence Nightingale Quote:

Anastacia Giron-Tupas Biography/Life:

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