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By Angela Black

Holt Social Studies World History


Figure 1: Map of Japan The nation of Japan is made up of four large

islands and many surrounding smaller islands.
It is located in the Pacific Ocean 100 miles
from Korea and 400 miles away from China.
The center of the main islands is very
mountainous with about 20% flat lands along
the coast. Japanese farmed the land for food
and because they lived along the coast they
also harvested the sea for seafood of all types
including sea weed.

Figure 2: The Ainu People of Japan

The first settlers in Japan

are believed to be the Ainu
people (see figure 2). Other
settlers came from China and
Korea. Today the Ainu lives on
the Japanese island of Hokkaido.
Japanese societies first
started as small farming villages ruled by clans or extended families. The head of
the clan was the political and religious ruler. In time clans fought each other to
become very powerful. The Yamato clan emerged most powerful and although
they only controlled the island of Honshu they claimed the right to be emperors of
all Japan. Over the years the political power of the emperor was limited by powerful
clans. The emperor was more seen as a religious figure head. The unbroken line of
the emperors still exists today in Japan.
Shinto is the traditional religion of Japan. This embodies the worship of
nature spirits called Kami. Japanese believes that everything in nature has kami and
that kami protects them from harm. The Yamato clan believed that they were
descendents from the most powerful Kami.
By Angela Black
Holt Social Studies World History

Japanese culture developed in isolation however, by AD 500 Japanese leaders

believed that they could benefit from other cultures. Therefore, they invited people
from Korea and China to move to Japan to teach the Japanese new ways of working
and thinking. The leader who encouraged this most was Prince Shotoku who
served from 593 to 621 as regent for his aunt the empress. China and Korea
influenced Japanese Language, Philosophy, and Religion.

1. Name the four main islands that make up the nation of Japan.
2. Name the islands where the Ainu and Yamato were found.
3. What is the main land form that covers most of Japan?
4. How did Japan’s location both separate and tie it to China and Korea?
5. What is Shinto?
Who is presently the emperor of Japan?
Essay (to be discussed in class)
Discuss THREE ways by which China and Korea influenced Japanese culture.

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