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-Good morning thank you for calling to Innovative Services. My name is Alejandra. How can I help

-Hi mi name is Sebastian. I have a problem with the internet package I just purchased.

- I will be happy to help you. Could you give me your ID number, please?

- Yes, of course. It is 100327458

- Ready. Tell me Mr. Sebastian, what is your problem?

- One of the televisions does not have a working modem for the satellite dish and it has been
impossible for my daughter to watch her favorite shows.

- I understand. could you give me a moment and I will check in the system to see what is going on
with your package. please stay on the line.

- of course, thank you

- Mr. Sebastian, we apologize for the inconvenience. Checking in the system I could see that you
do not have a modem enabled, only one modem was enabled and it is working effectively.

On Wednesday morning a technician will be contacting you to solve the problem.

-All right, Miss Alejandra. I will be attentive to the call. Thank you very much for your attention. I
hope you have a happy day.

-Thank you for contacting us. I hope you have a happy day.

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