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The idea for an ion-replacement health drink in Otsuka emerged in 1973, from
the person in charge of the company's beverage development at the time, Rokuro
Harima. this idea arose from his own experience.He was in Mexico at the time
looking for ingredients for a drink his company was developing. In the middle of
his official trip, he got diarrhea which was severe enough that he was admitted to
a small hospital nearby. Unfortunately, the hospital lacks clean water while his
body fluids continue to decrease due to diarrhea. To replace the body fluids, the
doctor gave soda water instead of clean water. Actually, the problem of lack of
clean water in hospitals can be solved if there are infusion facilities at the
hospital. He also remembered seeing a doctor who, after hours of surgery, drank
intravenous fluids to replace the fluids that were depleted in his body. However,
although this infusion fluid can be felt by drinking directly, why almost no one
consumes IV fluids after activities? The cause of people's reluctance to consume
intravenous fluids is the bitter taste. From that problem, he thought to create an
infusion drink that is easy for everyone to consume. From here, a product called
Pocari Sweat was born. Although the road to success is still long. There are still
many challenges that need to be overcome. But this is the beginning. This
product stems from the problems he faces and of course the people around him
face. To be a solution to existing problems so that our lives become better. Later,
a product called Pocari Sweat was born. Although the road to success is still long.
There are still many challenges that need to be overcome. But this is the
beginning. This product stems from the problems he faces and of course the
people around him face. To be a solution to existing problems so that our lives
become better. Later, a product called Pocari Sweat was born. Although the road
to success is still long. There are still many challenges that need to be overcome.
But this is the beginning. This product stems from the problems he faces and of
course the people around him face. To be a solution to existing problems so that
our lives become better.

After returning from Mexico, Harima met with his boss, Akihiko Otsuka,
grandson of the founder of Otsuka Pharmaceutical, to share an idea for a new
product the company should develop, namely a drinkable infusion fluid. In
addition to telling the events that caused him to want to develop this drink,
Harima also confirmed the fact that his company was already competent in
producing infusion fluids so that it would be easier to develop drinks based on
infusion fluids. To Harima's surprise, Akihiko thought that it was not the time for
the company to develop this drink. For that time, the company should wait until
the time comes. Three years later, 1976, there was a changing trend in Japanese
society. People began to care more about health. Seen by the number of people
who like to exercise, especially jogging. Akihiko Otsuka saw that Japanese society
was starting to need health drinks. He also called Harima and a researcher,
Akihisa Takaichi, to start developing a health drink. Akihiko also gave directions
to the two researchers, namely a health drink to replace the ionic content that is
lost with sweat. Therefore, it takes a drink that has the same composition as
sweat. In addition, this drink should not make people bored of drinking it,
although taken every day it should still feel good in the throat. which is a health
drink to replace the ionic content that is lost with sweat. Therefore, it takes a
drink that has the same composition as sweat. In addition, this drink should not
make people bored of drinking it, although taken every day it should still feel
good in the throat. which is a health drink to replace the ionic content that is lost
with sweat. Therefore, it takes a drink that has the same composition as sweat. In
addition, this drink should not make people bored of drinking it, although taken
every day it should still feel good in the throat.

The task of developing the drink was left to Takaichi, to nurture the young
researcher. Akihiko translates the problems that will arise into the needs of the
community. Generally everyone has a problem, but not everyone acts to solve the
problem. The difference between people who act and those who don't is that
people who act have a need to solve the problem. By creating a body ion
replacement drink according to the composition of sweat, Otsuka Pharmaceutical
will be able to solve society's problems. But people don't necessarily want to eat
it (read: don't need it) because it tastes bitter and doesn't taste good. People will
feel the need if this drink feels useful and tastes good. With this simple recipe,
Otsuka turns an existing problem into a potential need. Potential of course,
because people at that time did not agree. The struggle is still long but the little
feet are starting to walk.

The idea initiated by Harima and supported by Akihiko still needs to be followed
up so that it becomes a product that is beneficial to the community. It was
Takaichi's job to translate the vision. Takaichi started his potion research with a
simple experiment. It takes two kinds of sweat itself. The first sweat he took
when he walked in the hot sun. While the second he took while in the sauna. He
checked the two sweats for their ionic content, especially sodium as the cause of
the salty sweat. Because the drink that will be made is intended for everyday life,
he decided to make a drink using the composition of sweat from walking, which
has a lower salt content. Armed with a drink with the composition of sweat,
Takaichi proposed his 'potion' to Harima. In making the 'potion', Takaichi just
thought about the ingredients, the beneficial effects. Replace lost body fluids.
Despite its bitter taste due to the presence of potassium and magnesium, the
drink is still difficult to swallow. Because the goal is to create a soft drink that is
easily accepted by the public, not a drug that does not care about the taste,
Harima asked Takaichi to rethink the recipe for the potion for Pocari Sweat. Not
inferior to Colonel Sanders, more than 1000 types of potions were tried by
Takaichi. More than 3 years he used to develop the potion of Pocari Sweat, but
the taste is not satisfactory. Harima and Akihiko were instrumental in supporting
this Takaichi beverage project. Although the research results are not satisfactory,
the company still supports this research. The clues came by chance. A
coincidence that only the prepared person can catch. While tasting the last
ingredient, which was still bitter, Akihiko also tasted the orange powder drink.
Both drinks are not perfect.

But it crossed Akihiko's mind to mix the two drinks that were not yet 'worthy' to
sell. As a result, the natural bitter taste of oranges can neutralize the bitter taste
of the ions. The vision of health drinks has also been turned into action, in the
form of health drink products that taste good. Now just one more problem. There
are several ingredients to choose from with the same ingredients but different
concentrations of sugar. The question is: How much sugar is needed to be
suitable for a health drink? The company also conducted a small trial. As a result,
respondents chose drinks with a higher concentration of sugar. But Harima was
not satisfied with the result. How to make sure the good taste isn't boring? How
to make sure the taste is suitable for people who are active? Harima believes that
trials should be carried out on people who drink it after activities. Therefore, he
invites his team to exercise, climb mountains. With the condition of the body that
is tired after the activity, the taste of our tongue changes. The researchers
became more like drinks with lower sugar content, the taste is more refreshing.
Trial research becomes more in line with the target consumers later, people who
are active. On this basis, a concoction was determined which would later be
marketed under the name Pocari Sweat. The potion has been set, but the journey
isn't over yet. There is still a need for sacrifice so that this drink can be accepted
by the wider community. Therefore, he invites his team to exercise, climb
mountains. With the condition of the body that is tired after the activity, the taste
of our tongue changes. The researchers became more like drinks with lower
sugar content, the taste is more refreshing. Trial research becomes more in line
with the target consumers later, people who are active. On this basis, a
concoction was determined which would later be marketed under the name
Pocari Sweat. The potion has been set, but the journey isn't over yet. There is still
a need for sacrifice so that this drink can be accepted by the wider community.
Therefore, he invites his team to exercise, climb mountains. With the condition of
the body that is tired after the activity, the taste of our tongue changes. The
researchers became more like drinks with lower sugar content, the taste is more
refreshing. Trial research becomes more in line with the target consumers later,
people who are active. On this basis, a concoction was determined which would
later be marketed under the name Pocari Sweat. The potion has been set, but the
journey isn't over yet. There is still a need for sacrifice so that this drink can be
accepted by the wider community. Trial research becomes more in line with the
target consumers later, people who are active. On this basis, a concoction was
determined which would later be marketed under the name Pocari Sweat. The
potion has been set, but the journey isn't over yet. There is still a need for
sacrifice so that this drink can be accepted by the wider community. Trial
research becomes more in line with the target consumers later, people who are
active. On this basis, a concoction was determined which would later be
marketed under the name Pocari Sweat. The potion has been set, but the journey
isn't over yet. There is still a need for sacrifice so that this drink can be accepted
by the wider community.

Finally, April 1980, 7 years after the idea of a health drink emerged, Pocari Sweat
began to be marketed. Although the plan to market Pocari Sweat was rejected by
the company's directors, with confidence in the benefits offered, Akihiko was
determined to sell Pocari Sweat. The company's marketing team also distributes
products through various distribution channels. Starting from being entrusted to
mini markets to opening sales stands. The Japanese community at that time
apparently responded negatively to the arrival of Pocari Sweat. The taste of
Pocari Sweat which is "bearable," sweet, not salty or not, caused the new product
to be scorned by its buyers. "It doesn't taste good," he said. Needless to say, no
retailer is willing to accommodate Pocari Sweat. When receiving reports of
rejection from consumers for his new product, Akihiko did not give up. When no
consumer wanted to buy Pocari Sweat, he decided to distribute it for free. He
strongly believes that the advantages of Pocari Sweat can only be felt after
consumers drink it repeatedly. He does not want to be half-hearted, he applies
the principle of complete work. The number of cans of Pocari Sweat that the
company distributes is not limited. In terms of balance sheet, Pocari Sweat at that
time had made the company lose money. However, Akihiko, who has an
entrepreneur mentality, thinks that Pocari Sweat is targeting an unprecedented
market. So it is quite natural that initially it cannot be sold. Therefore, the most
important thing is to properly socialize the product concept rather than selling it.
He strongly believes that the advantages of Pocari Sweat can only be felt after
consumers drink it repeatedly. He does not want to be half-hearted, he applies
the principle of complete work. The number of cans of Pocari Sweat that the
company distributes is not limited. In terms of balance sheet, Pocari Sweat at that
time had made the company lose money. However, Akihiko, who has an
entrepreneur mentality, thinks that Pocari Sweat is targeting an unprecedented
market. So it is quite natural that initially it cannot be sold. Therefore, the most
important thing is to properly socialize the product concept rather than selling it.
He strongly believes that the advantages of Pocari Sweat can only be felt after
consumers drink it repeatedly. He does not want to be half-hearted, he applies
the principle of complete work. The number of cans of Pocari Sweat that the
company distributes is not limited. In terms of balance sheet, Pocari Sweat at that
time had made the company lose money. However, Akihiko, who has an
entrepreneur mentality, thinks that Pocari Sweat is targeting an unprecedented
market. So it is quite natural that initially it cannot be sold. Therefore, the most
important thing is to properly socialize the product concept rather than selling it.
In terms of balance sheet, Pocari Sweat at that time had made the company lose
money. However, Akihiko, who has an entrepreneur mentality, thinks that Pocari
Sweat is targeting an unprecedented market. So it is quite natural that initially it
cannot be sold. Therefore, the most important thing is to properly socialize the
product concept rather than selling it. In terms of balance sheet, Pocari Sweat at
that time had made the company lose money. However, Akihiko, who has an
entrepreneur mentality, thinks that Pocari Sweat is targeting an unprecedented
market. So it is quite natural that initially it cannot be sold. Therefore, the most
important thing is to properly socialize the product concept rather than selling it.

He believes that consumers will understand the advantages of Pocari Sweat. By

not thinking about the numbers first, sales will increase later. Akihiko's decision
sparked the spirit of the company's marketing department. The marketing team
also analyzes the people who should get the product. They also promote the
product by distributing it to those who sweat. Not only handing out, each
marketing staff explained the concept and benefits of this product. With this,
socialization becomes more effective. The number of products distributed
throughout 1980 reached 30 million cans. As a result, consumers began to
understand the benefits of Pocari Sweat. However, product sales are still poor.
Otsuka posted a loss of 4 billion yen. In 1981, when the sales team began to give
up, the seeds that were sown were ready to be harvested. When consumers
realized the advantages of Pocari Sweat, nature began to support it. The summer
of 1981 arrived, the high ambient temperature caused Japanese people to crave a
refreshing drink. The marketing team was in a panic, distributors and retailers
suddenly ran out of stock. Sales increase. The sacrifices during the 1980s paid off,
sales in 1981 reached 26 billion yen. As of this writing, Pocari Sweat dominates
the health drink market in various countries. sales in 1981 reached 26 billion
yen. As of this writing, Pocari Sweat dominates the health drink market in
various countries. sales in 1981 reached 26 billion yen. As of this writing, Pocari
Sweat dominates the health drink market in various countries.

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