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 Movement, muscle control, relating to the ability to move
 Capacity to do something well, technique, ability. Skills
are usually acquired or learned, as opposed to abilities,
HBSc SPORT SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT which are often thought of as innate.
 Display of Art; exercise of ability
 The act or process of acquiring or gaining.
By Mr. V. Mbayo  Area, sphere of activity, influence or expertise or a group
of related items.
DipEd PE &GEO (UZ), Bcom BM Mktng (MSU), BSc Honours Sport Science(NUST),  Gathering of skills or accumulated knowledge through
ADSM (ICM), Dip HAPM(CBCA), M.Phil. Sport Science (UKZN). study or experience.

Domains of Learning 1. Cognitive Domain (intellectual/mental)

 Learning can been defined as “an internal change in the  Mental function, logic, process of thinking
individual (student or player) that is inferred from a
 This refers to intellectual activities and involves learning.
relatively permanent improvement in performance of the
individual (student or player) as a result of practice”  Studies show that education within an exercise or physical
(Magill, 1980) activity programme improves motivation,
 The word ‘practice’ is particularly relevant in the teaching  Therefore, remember to include information as an integral
and coaching of exercise or skills. part of your instruction.
 As a coach or teacher you will notice when learning has  Diagrammatic presentation:
taken place by improvements in ability or more consistent
and repeatable movements.
 There are three domains of learning:

1. Cognitive Domain (intellectual/mental) Levels of cognitive domains

a. Knowledge
b. Comprehension
c. Application
d. Analysis
e. Synthesis
f. Evaluation


2. Affective domain

 Influenced by emotions, behaviour

 Feelings, attitudes towards physical activity
 This involves emotional behaviours
 Motivation depends to a large extent on how a person
feels about physical activities
 Diagrammatic presentation:

3. Psychomotor domain (techno motor) 3. Psychomotor domain (techno motor)

 Use of motor skills, coordination and physical movements

 Functioning of the muscles under the control of the brain
 This domain is fundamental to all physical training;
 it refers to activities requiring movement and includes the
learning of motor skills.
 Diagrammatic presentation:

Benefits of teaching / coaching Skills fulfilling the Cognitive, Benefits of teaching / coaching Skills fulfilling the Cognitive,
Affective and Psychomotor domains of learning Affective and Psychomotor domains of learning
Benefit of teaching or coaching motor skills involving the Cognitive Domain Benefit of teaching or coaching motor skills involving the Affective Domain
 It nurtures children’s kinaesthetic intelligence  Builds self-esteem, consistent positive mood, social success and positive
relations with peers
 Children engaged in motor skills development activities acquire superior
motor fitness, academic performance and attitude towards school work  Nurtures competence, achievement and confidence in performing the
motor skills and in life situations.
 Acquire problem solving, self-expression, socialisation and conflict
resolution skills  Inculcates positive attitudes, habits, feelings of joy, accomplishment and
perceptions towards physical activities.
 Acquire knowledge through interaction with the environment.
 Enhance feelings of well-being and efficacy.
 Motor skills activities provide learning experiences essential to the
formation of mental schemes (mental patterns that describe the ways  Fosters the unique opportunities for demonstrating leadership,
people think about the world which are the building blocks of thinking) socialisation and goal setting.
 Children from more effective schemes by physical interaction.  Motivates students to continue taking up physical activity for health
 Exploration of movement in various contexts enhance acquisition of
knowledge.  Encourages students to work cooperatively towards a common goal and
achieving personal goals
 Understand the mechanical, physiological and social-psychological
aspects of physical activities.  Helps students achieve self-realisation, guide personal choices,
becoming self-directed in satisfying physical activities.
 Fosters the growing ability to compare and contrast, analyse and
synthesize information allowing for application of movement skills and  Empowers students’ commitment and dedication to achieving success.
principles into new and meaningful ways.
 Help students understand accept specialised preferences based on
 Encourages assimilation of healthy lifestyles for lifelong health abilities and interests in activities and life in general


Benefits of teaching / coaching Skills fulfilling the Cognitive,

Affective and Psychomotor domains of learning
Benefit of teaching or coaching motor skills involving the psychomotor Domain
 Develop all round fitness
 Fosters awareness in safety and injury avoidance
 Develop fundamental locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative
 Attain a movement framework that develops, expands and refine
students’ range of motor skills and awareness (jumping, running, Each PE lesson or coaching session involving skill
throwing, skipping, hoping, catching and kicking)
acquisition for students or athletes should positively
 Increases like hood of continued interest to participate in physical influence or have a lasting effect on the cognitive,
 Acquire fundamental skills for application I a wide variety of
affective and psychomotor domains of the students or
movements, sports, adventure activities, lifetime and leisure activities. athletes.
 Pivots students to explore after school opportunities for specialisation
and competitive physical activities.
 Increases decision and choices in taking up responsible physical
activities for themselves
 Provides conceptual and practical understanding of health related
physical fitness throughout life

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