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Exercise: Write Sentences with Time Expresions

What time do you do these activities?

Write a sentence with each verb according to your routine. Add in all the sentences the
person (I), a frequency adverb before the verb, and the preposition at before the time.


1. Get Up

Write Sentence with… Sentence

2. Take a shower I always take a shower at half past eight


3. Get dressed I always get dressed at ten o'clock (10:00) a.m.

4. Have breakfast I sometimes have breakfast at half past ten (10:30)


5. Go to I always go to school at half past twelve (12:30)

work/school p.m.

6. Star work/school I sometimes start school at one o'clock (1:00) p.m.

7. Have lunch I always have lunch at half past three (3:30) p.m.

8. Finish work I always finish work at five to eleven (11:55) p.m.

9. Arrive home I always arrive home at twelve o'clock (12:00) a.m.

10. Have dinner I always have dinner at half past ten (10:30) p.m.

11. Watch TV I seldom watch TV at ten o'clock (10:00) p.m.

12. Go to bed I always go to bed at half past twelve (12:30) p.m.

Exercise: Write Sentences with Time Expresions

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Remember, the name of the file should be:
Last Name_Given Name_E_Time_Expressions

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