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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

 I am = Yo soy, Yo estoy.
 You are = Tu eres, Tu estas.
 He is = El es, El esta.
 She is = Ella es, Ella esta.
 It is = Ello es, Ello esta. (animal,cosa)
 We are = Nosotros(as) somos, Nosotros (as) estamos.
 You are = Ustedes son, Ustedes estan.
 They are = Ellos(as) son, Ellos(as) estan. (animales, cosas, personas)

I. Write the short form. (Use contraction)

a) I am : ______ e) It is : ______ i) My name is : ______
b) You are : ______ f) We are : ______ j) That is : ______
c) He is : ______ g) What is : ______ k) I am not : ______
d) She is : ______ h) They are : ______ l) Where is : ______

II. Replace the subject. Use the pronouns and the VERB TO BE. (Use contractions)

a) Maria is a student. j) John and Rosa are not from Canada.

________________________________ ________________________________
b) Jenny and Jasmine are from Russia. k) Maria is not from Chile.
________________________________ ________________________________
c) Mr. Johnston is a teacher. l) Rose and Maria are not my sisters.
________________________________ ________________________________
d) John and Mark are in level 2. m) Peter is not a teacher in Tacna.
________________________________ ________________________________
e) Egypt and Morocco are in Africa. n) The book is American English File 1.
________________________________ ________________________________
f) My friend and I are new students. o) The radio is black.
________________________________ ________________________________
g) Susan and Jeanine are sisters p) The books are red.
________________________________ ________________________________
h) Charles is not from Brazil. q) The cats are in the kitchen.
________________________________ ________________________________
i) You and I are new students. r) The dogs are in my house.
________________________________ ________________________________
III. Write the numbers
a) Ten and one make ___________ g) Two and two make ___________
b) Ten and two make ___________ h) Two and four make ___________
c) Ten and three make ___________ i) Two and six make ___________
d) Ten and four make ___________ j) Two and eight make ___________
e) Ten and five make ___________ k) Two and eleven make ___________
f) Ten and six make ___________ l) Two and one make ___________

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

IV. Complete the text with one word from the box.
I’m My in two English

(1) ______ name’s Rafael Ramos and (2)________a doctor.

I’m 30. I’m married and I have (3)_________children
I live (4)_________a house in Toluca in Mexico I want
to learn (5)_________for my job.

V. Complete the text with one word.

My name’s
Yaling Chen and I’m a student. I (1)_________19.
I’m not married. I have one (2)_________and two brothers.
I (3) ______ in an apartment in Taipei, Taiwan. I (4) ______
to learn English because it’s an international (5)_________.
VI. Answer the questions. Use long answers.
a) What’s your name? e) Is it Monday today?
________________________________ ________________________________
b) What’s your last name? f) Are you a teacher?
________________________________ ________________________________
c) How are you? g) Are you a student?
________________________________ ________________________________
d) What day is it today? h) Are you in room A?
________________________________ ________________________________


a) Yo soy de Perú. ________________________________________
b) El es un alumno.
c) (Ello) es una radio
d) Mi apellido es Smith.
e) Mi nombre es Will
f) Ellas no son de Chile.
g) (Ello) es un libro
h) Nosotras no somos hermanas.
i) Yo estoy bien gracias.
j) Ella es mi amiga.

VIII. Write a similar text about you and tell the class.

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

IX. Write the negative form of the verb To Be. Use the pronouns.
a) Mary Clemens is a secretary. (teacher)
h) The man is English. (French)
She isn’t a secretary. She’s a teacher.
b) The cat is brown and white.(black)
i) Fernando is Canadian. (American)
c) The oranges are vegetables. (fruits)
j) Alejandra is Brazilian. (Mexican)
d) Mexico is a Nationality. (country)
k) Fernando and Alejandra are Scottish. (Italian)
e) My brother is a teacher. (student)
l) The hamburger is from Colombia. (Germany)
f) My teacher is from England. (Peru)
m) My sister and I are Japanese. (Chinese)
g) The people are happy. (sad)
n) The tacos are from Korea. (Mexican)
X. Write the question. Use the word in
Conversation 01
A_______________________________? (Italian)
B: No, I’m not. I’m Peruvian.
A_______________________________? (Teacher)
B: No, I’m not. I’m a student.
A_______________________________? (Twenty-nine)
B: No, I’m not. I’m fifteen years old.
A_______________________________? (On vacation)
B: Yes, I am. I am on vacation.

XI. Answer the questions. Use long answers. e) Where are the Armani sunglasses from?
a) What nationality are you?
b) Where are you from? f) How are you?
________________________________ ________________________________
c) What’s the language in your country? g) Where are the Mercedes Benz cars from?
________________________________ ________________________________
d) What’s your phone number? h) Are you married?
________________________________ ________________________________
XII. Listen and complete the exercises.

Listening 02
Listening 01

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

XIII. Write the questions. Use IS/ARE.

1. (at home / your father?) Is your father at home?
2. (interesting / your job?)
3. (the stores / open today?)
4. (interested in politics / you?)
5. (near here / the post office?)
6. (at school / your children?)
7. (new / your book?)

XIV. Write the questions. READ the ANSWERS first.

(name?) ____________________________ Paul.

(married or single?) _________________________ I’m married.
(American?) ______________________________ No, I’m
(how old?)_______________________________ Canadian. I’m 30.
(a doctor?)______________________________ No, I’m a teacher.
(wife a teacher?)__________________________ No, she’s a
(from?)_________________________________ lawyer. She’s
(her name?) _______________________________ Mexican.
(how old)________________________________ Silvia.
She’s 28.

XV. Write true short answers (Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. / etc.)
1. Are you single? _________________ 4. Are you hungry? _________________
2. Is it hot today? _________________ 5. Is it dark now? _________________
3. Are you an actor? _________________ 6. Are your hands cold? ________________

XVI. Write the numbers. 90: 223:

20 :

21: 91: 224:

22: 92: 225:

23: 100: 300:

30: 101: 623:

40: 102: 795:

50: 200: 888:

60: 220: 900:

70: 221: 1000:

80: 222: 2000:

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

Vocabulary: Countries and Nationalities

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES


I. IV.


III. In pairs, do the quiz.



Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

 I My = mio, mis
 You Your =tuyo, tus
 He His =su, sus (de El)
 She Her =su, sus (de Ella)
 It its = su, sus
 We. Our =nuestro, nuestros
 You Your =su,sus
 They Their =su, sus (de Ellos)

I. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.

a) Fred : What's_______phone number? g) Hello! My name is Liz and this is______brother.
Bill : My number is 7612283. h) That’s Mr. Brown_______first name is Peter.
b) Frederic is married. wife is Anna. i) That boy is very nice and_______brother, too.
c) Frederic and Anna live on Arica Street. j) I’m Robert and this is_______friend Mark.
_____ house is yellow and White k) They’re German, but_______father is French.
d)car is a Toyota. We like it. l) Poor Mary_______mother is in a hospital.
e) Karen is with_______mother in the kitchen. m) Robert : Where is_______coffee cup?
f) Angelica and Lucy are in the same Cindy : Your coffee cup is in the cabinet.
English class_______teacher is Mr. Martinez.

II. Complete the form and write the questions about keesha and John.

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES
III. Answer the questions. Use long answers.
a) What’s your last name?
e) What’s your cell phone number?

b) How old are you? f) What’s your e-mail address?

c) How are you? g) How old are you?

d) What’s your address? h) Are you single?

IV. Listen and complete the exercises.

Listening 03 Listening 04

Listening 05

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES


Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

 I work Yo trabajo
 You work Tu trabajas
 He works El trabaja
 She works Ella trabaja
 It works Ello trabaja
 We work Nosotros trabajamos
 You work Ustedes trabajan
 They work Ellos trabajan

I. Write the he/she/it form of the verbs.

Most verbs add + S
a) play : ____________ e) serve : ____________ i) drink : ____________
b) act : ____________ f) speak : ____________ j) walk : ____________
c) deliver : ____________ g) drive : ____________ k) eat : ____________
d) work : ____________ h) read : ____________ l) sleep : ____________

s,sh,ch,x,o + es
a) go : _____________ d) wash : _____________ g) relax : _____________
b) do : _____________ e) fix : _____________ h) teach : _____________
c) watch _______________ f) pass : ___________ i) brush : _____________

(Consonant) + y = ies Irregular verbs

a) study : _____________ a) have :______________
b) fly : _____________
c) cry : _____________

II. Translate into English. SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT

a) El mira television. ____________________________________________
b) Ella habla tres idiomas. ____________________________________________
c) Mark sirve bebidas. ____________________________________________
d) Ally habla cuatro idiomas. ____________________________________________
e) Ellos entregan cartas. ____________________________________________
f) Ellas trabajan en un banco. ____________________________________________
g) Nosotras trabajamos en un hospital. ____________________________________________
h) John conduce su auto. ____________________________________________
i) Mary tiene mucho dinero. ____________________________________________
j) Nosotros ayudamos gente enferma. ____________________________________________
k) El responde el teléfono. ____________________________________________
l) Ella estudia de lunes a viernes. ____________________________________________
m) Jack bebe vino blanco. ____________________________________________
n) Susan lava su ropa todos los sábados. ____________________________________________
o) John vuela aviones. ____________________________________________
p) John y Jack van al teatro. ____________________________________________

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

III. Complete the sentences with a VERB from the box.

a) He__________four languages.
b) She__________in an apartment in Paris. START – HAVE – GO – STUDY – LIVE – FLY

c) She’s a pilot. She___________all over the world. – PLAY - SPEAK

d) Peter two children.
e) In winter Alice skiing and in summer she tennis.
f) My daughter___________French and Spanish at university.
g) John___________work at six o’clock every day.

IV. Use your dictionary and match a picture with a job.

a) A pilot ( ) 1) designs buildings.
b) An interpreter ( ) 2) cooks food.
c) A nurse ( ) 3) takes care of people in the hospital.
d) A bartender ( ) 4) takes care of people’s money.
e) An accountant ( ) 5) writes for a newspaper.
f) A journalist ( ) 6) translates things
g) A chef ( ) 7) sells things.
h) An architect ( ) 8) flies planes.
i) A sales assistant ( ) 9) serves drinks.
V. The simple present. Use the negative form DON’T /DOESN’T.
a) They (not have) children. f) You________________(not study) at a university.
b) I (not work) in a school. g) My mother_________________(not drive) a nice car.
c) The store_________________(not close) at 11:00 h) Juan_________________(not play) computer games.
i) Susan_________________(not walk) at night.
d) She________________(not like) coffee.
j) You and I________________(not study) Chinese.
e) We_________________(not speak) English and

VI. The simple present. Use the interrogative from. DO/DOES.

a) you serve drinks? d) What____________your brothers do?
b) they speak French?
c) your father work in a restaurant?

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES
e) __________you speak Spanish?
f) What____________your father do?
g) __________ your friend fly a plane?
h) What____________a doctor do?

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

VII. Write affirmative or negative sentences for each picture.

VIII. Complete the conversation with: do, does, is, or are.

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

IX. Make the questions and ask a classmate.

Meeting People
Meet the right person

What / name? NAME:

How old / ? AGE:
Work / study ? OCCUPATION:
Where / live ? TOWN:
/ have a car ? YES NO
what languages / speak ? LANGUAGES:
/ smoke ? YES NO
What music / like ? MUSIC:
What TV shows / like ? TV:
What food / like ? FOOD:
What newspaper / read ? NEWSPAPER:
What sports / play ? SPORTS:

X. Read about David Lee. Translate the text into Spanish.

David is a scientist. He’s from Taipei in Taiwan, but now he lives in

the United States. He works three days a week for a computer
company in the small town of Lake Forest, California.
He speaks three languages: Chinese, English, and Japanese. He’s
married and has a daughter. He likes music and movies but he
doesn’t like sports. He rides his bicycle in his free time.

Daily Routine
XI. Look at Vicky’s typical morning. Match the pictures and phrases. Describe her morning.

get dressed
take a shower

get up
have breakfast

go to (work)
wake up

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

XII. What do you do first in the day? What do you do next? Number the activities in the correct order for

XIII. Complete the sentences about John’s day.

Use the correct form of the verbs.

1. First, John gets up at 7:00.

2. He .

3. Then he .

4. He coffee and toast for breakfast.

5. He his apartment at 8:30.

6. He to work by bus.

7. He works in a bookstore. He work

at 9:00.

8. At 1:00 he lunch in a small café.

9. He leaves work at 5:30 and home.

10. Later he dinner.

11. Then television.

12. He to bed at 11:00 and

a book.

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

XIV. Look at the new words and translate into English.

◻ First = Primero ◻ after that = despues de eso
◻ and =y ◻ (and) finally = (y) finalmente
◻ then = luego ◻ later = mas tarde
a) Primero, El se despierta a las 10:30. __________________________________________
b) Luego El se levanta. __________________________________________
c) Después de eso, El toma un café. __________________________________________
d) Finalmente El toma una ducha y va a trabajar. __________________________________________

XV. Write about your daily routine.

XVI. Look at the newspaper article. Complete with HAVE, GO, TAKE, GET.

A housewife’s life is
very sttressful- or is

Many people think that housewives have a

very stressful life. We ask two, Maggie and
Eve, about their typical day.

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

Subject+ adverb of frequency + verb + complement
He always studies English at home.

Subject+ to be (am, is, are) + adverb of frequency +complement

He is usually on time.

I. Translate into English.

a) Ella nunca va al cine.
f) Yo estoy siempre estresado.

b) El casi nunca estudia Ingles. g) El nunca llega tarde.

c) Yo algunas veces me levanto temprano. h) Yo siempre estoy hambriento.

d) Ellas a menudo se duermen tarde. i) Ellas casi nunca llegan temprano.

e) Nosotras siempre usamos lentes. j) John a menudo esta sediento.

II. Write sentences with adverbs of frequency. Test your memory.


Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

III. Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency.

1. They drive. They don’t have a car.

2. I drink wine. Only on New Year’s Eve.

3. She eats meat. She’s a vegetarian.
4. He doesn’t have a watch, so he’s late.

5. We get up at 7:30, except on weekends.

6. I don’t exercise a lot but I go swimming.

IV. Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency.

1. always / she / at / six / up / gets / 5. morning / in / the / hungry / I / am / never /

. .

2. for / late / always / I / am / class / 6. often / I / read / don’t / the newspaper /

. .

3. talk / ever / hardly / we / 7. restaurants / sometimes / expensive / to / go / we

. .

4. What time / work / you / usually / do / finish / ? 8. tea / good / usually / very / is / this
. .

V. Read about Lila. Translate the text into Spanish.

Lila is a hardworking teacher in Miami. She gets up at six thirty every morning and has
breakfast. Then she makes sandwiches to take for lunch and gets ready for work. Lila usually
walks to work because she thinks it’s important to exercise every day. She sometimes walks
home in the evening, but she usually takes the bus. Lila has dinner at seven o’clock and goes
to bed early. She doesn’t go out during the week, but she often goes out with her friends on
the weekend. Lila eats five portions of fruit and vegetables every day and fish twice a week.
She sometimes eats meat, but she doesn’t smoke. For more exercise, Lila goes to the gym
three times a week. She’s very healthy and is hardly ever sick.

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES


the morning
the afternoon Monday (morning) three o’clock
the evening July 12th noon/midnight
December My birthday the lunchtime
the summer weekend night

1. Complete with IN / ON / AT.

1. July 9th 6. winter 11. Thursday morning
2. 6:30 7. 12. 12:00
3. the evening 2005 13. Sunday
4. the weekend 8. lunchtime 14. fall
5. the 1st of January 9. September 15. Christmas
10. night

2. Complete with IN / ON / AT + a time expression.

1. In the US people usually start work .
five o’clock – July 4th – noon
2. On December 31st many people say “Happy New Year” .
3. In the US people celebrate Independence Day. . – Sundays – the summer –
4. Many people eat lunch .
5. In the US children usually have a vacation . midnight – the afternoon –
6. In many countries stores are closed .
nine o’clock
7. In Spain many people have siesta .
8. Traditionally, British people have a cup of tea .

3. Answer the questions in the YOU column. Then ask the questions to a classmate and write his/her
answer in the YOUR PARTNER column.


When’s your birthday?

What time do you usually get up?
When do you take a shower or bath?
What time do you usually have lunch?
When do you go to English class?
When do you usually read?
What’s your favorite time to watch TV?
When do you usually do sports or exercise?
What’s your favorite day of the week?
How often do you see your friends?
How often do you go to the dentist?
How often do you eat fast food?

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES
4. What does Bobbi say about her weekdays? Complete the text with the correct verbs in the box. Look
up new words in your dictionary.

"Every Breath You Take"
Every breath you take
Every move you m
Every bond you break
Every step you t
I'll be watching you
Every single day
Every word you s
Every game you p_
Every night you s
I'll be watching you
Oh can't you s______
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches with every step you t_____
Every move you make
Every vow you b________
Every smile you fake
Every claim you
stake I'll be watching
Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only s_______your face
Il around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please...
Oh can't you s______
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches with every step you t_____
Every move you make
Every vow you
Every smile you fake
Every claim you
stake I'll be watching
Compiled by Yakeline López
LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES


Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

Vocabulary: Common Objects

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

I. Singular and plural nouns. How do you spell the plural form?

 Most nouns add + S

Singular Plural

a) An apple :
b) umbrella :
d) A country :
c) orange :
e) A nationality :
d) office :
f) A baby :
e) sentence :
g) An ability :
f) wallet :
h) A fly :
g) tissue :
h) key :
 Irregular nouns
 s,sh,ch,x,o + es a) A tooth :
b) A child :
a) A tomato :
c) A mouse :
b) A dish :
d) A foot :
c) A potato :
e) A fish :
d) A sandwich :
f) A person :
e) A glass :
g) A man :
f) A box :
h) A woman :
g) A watch :
h) A boss :
 f / fe R ves
 (Consonant) y + ies a) A leaf :
b) A wife :
a) A city :
c) A life :
b) A story :
d) A knife :
c) A dictionary :

II. Translate into English.

1. El tiene dos diccionarios. 6. Mis pies está n rojos.

2. Ellos nunca usan lentes. 7. El tiene mis llaves.

3. Mi jefe es muy agradable. 8. Las mujeres aman las flores.

4. Esta cuidad es pequeñ a. 9. Los niños odian la sopa.

5. Los ratones comen queso. 10. Ellos tienen tres bebés.

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III. Complete the text with a word from the box.

woman – an – friends – lives – a ] job – private – on – in ] classes – children – in

My name’s Sofia. I’m a single (00) woman . I’m not married but I
have three (01) . They’re 10, 6, and 3. We live in (02)
apartment near downtown. We love our apartment. It’s big and very
close to a supermarket.

My children go to a (03) school. They study (04) the

morning and (05) the afternoon they have tennis and piano (06)
at five o’clock. (07) Sunday we usually go to the
swimming pool.

I’m (08) secretary and I work from Monday to Friday in the

morning. I love my (09) but I think I sometimes work a lot.
My (10) and I usually go to a karaoke bar twice a month to
have a good time and talk about our (11) .

IV. Answer the questions about the text.

1. Is Sofia married?
2. How many children does Sofia have?
3. Where do they live?
4. Is their apartment small?
5. What time do the children go to tennis and piano classes?
6. Where do they usually go on Sunday?
7. What does Sofia do?
8. Where do Sofia and her friends go twice a month?

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

 I am working = Yo estoy trabajando
 You are working = Tu estás trabajando
 He is working = El está trabajando
 She is working = Ella está trabajando
 It is working = Ello está trabajando
 We are working = Nosotros(as) estamos trabajando
 You are working = Ustedes están trabajando
 They are working = Ellos(as) están trabajando


 Most verbs add + ING g) come : _____________

h) live : _____________
a) cook : _____________
b) talk : _____________  Verbs with ONE SYLLABLE: double the last
c) play : _____________ consonant+ING
d) go : _____________
e) do : _____________ a) run : _____________
f) fly : _____________ b) sit : _____________
g) eat : _____________ c) get : _____________
h) watch : _____________ d) shop : _____________
i) buy : _____________ e) get : _____________
j) study : _____________ f) swim : _____________
 Verbs ending with E ING  Verbs that end in IE YING

a) dance : _____________ a) lie : _____________

b) drive : _____________ b) die : _____________
c) write : _____________
d) have : _____________  Verbs that end in EE + ING
e) make : _____________
f) take : _____________ a) see : _____________

Translate into English.

a) El está jugando futbol. f) Nosotros estamos bailando.

b) Ellos están mirando televisión. g) El bebé está llorando.

c) Ella está leyendo un libro. h) El está nadando en la playa.

d) Tu estás escuchando música. i) La profesora está escribiendo en la pizarra.

e) Mis amigos están estudiando Inglés. j) Mis amigos están comiendo en la cafetería.

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

II. What are they doing?

Look at the apartments and write sentences using Present Continuous.

have a
listen to
move party

watch soccer

play the
violin b
ar a
g r
ue k
1. .
III. In pairs, point and ask and answer questions
2. .
about the people in the apartments.
3. .
4. . He’s watching soccer.
5. . What’s he doing? What are they doing?
6. .
7. .
8. .

IV. Put the verbs in parentheses in the Present Continuous.

A: Hello.
B: Oh, hi, Dad. Where are you?
A: I’m in my hotel. I lunch. (have)
It (rain) a lot here. Is Mom there?
B: Yes, but she (talk) to somebody
on the cell phone right now.
A: Oh. What you ? (do)
B: My friend Matt is here.
A: Matt?
B: Don’t worry. We together. (study)
A: Where’s Jenny?
B: She for Kevin to come. (wait)
They a party tonight. (have)
A: Oh. What she ? (wear)
B: Nothing special. OK, Dad, Here’s Mom. Bye

Compiled by Yakeline López

LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

 I can dance = Yo puedo bailar
 You can dance = Tu puedes bailar
 He can dance = El puede bailar
 She can dance = Ella puede bailar
 It can dance = Ello puede bailar
 We can dance = Nosotros(as) podemos bailar
 You can dance = Ustedes pueden bailar
 They can dance = Ellos(as) pueden bailar

I. Read the advertisement and look at the photos.

Who do you think has the “star quality”?

II. Listen to the three people sing, play the guitar, and dance.
Complete the sentences with Jhon, michael, or kelly .
1. Jhon can play the guitar well.
2. can play the guitar very well. Who do you think is the winner? Why?
3. can’t play the guitar.
4. and can dance well.
5. can’t dance.
6. can sing well.
7. can sing very well.
8. can’t sing.

III. Complete the sentences with can/can’t. IV. In pairs ask and answer questions with
+ I sing.

Yes, I can. Can you?

] She sing.
Can you sing?
he sing ? Yes, he
No, he

No, I can’t. Can you dance?

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V. Look at the pictures and complete with the verbs.

VI. Complete the sentences with CAN / CAN’T.

1. I can sing, but I dance
2. I smoke here?
3. I’m sorry. I remember your name.
4. I speak French but not German.
5. you help me? This bag is very heavy.
6. I see you tonight. I’m very busy.
7. Sorry? I hear you.
8. Look! We buy some milk in that store.

VII. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

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Vocabulary: More verb phrases.

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VIII. Find someone who can…

play chess Can you
play chess? Yes, I can
swim very well
cook “Ceviche”
draw I am very bad at ……………
dance salsa I am very good at dancing salsa
ride a bike
play a musical instrument
program a DVD player
read a map

IX. Read the text and write True or False.

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 I was a singer = Yo era cantante
 You were a singer = Tu eras cantante
 He was a singer = El era cantante
 She was a singer = Ella era cantante
 It was a singer = Ello era cantante
 We were singers = Nosotros(as) eramos cantantes
 You were singers = Ustedes eran cantantes
 They were singers = Ellos(as) eran cantantes

I. Look at the pictures of some famous people.

Which are singers and which are actors?

Can you guess their old jobs? Choose from the jobs below.
aerobics teacher English teacher hairdresser
nurse waitress soldier mechanic

1. James Blunt was a .

2. Sting was an .
3. Jack Nicholson was a .
4. Jennifer Aniston and Barbara Streisand were .
5. Morgan Freeman was a .
6. Danny DeVito was a .
7. Lucy Liu and Calista Flockhart were .
8. Tina Turner was a .

Complete the chart.

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II. change the sentences from Present to Past.

present past
1. I’m tired. I tired last week.
2. Today is Saturday. Yesterday Friday.
3. Where are you now? Where you yesterday?
4. We are in Tacna today. We in Ilo yesterday.
5. I’m in Arequipa this month. I in Lima last month.
6. My father’s a pilot. My grandfather a pilot, too.
7. It ins’t open now. It open this morning.

III. Complete the dialogues with WAS, WASN’T, WERE, or WEREN’T

A: Were you and Susan at the party last night?

A: Where you born?
B: Yes, we .
B: I born in Argentina in 1919.
A: Was it good?
A: Were your parents Argentinian?
B: No, it wasn´t . The music awful.
B: No, they weren´t .
Where you?
My mother Italian and my
A: I sick.
father Greek.

IV. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

 When were you born? When were I was born in 1975

you born?
 Where were you born?
 Where was your mother/father born?
 Where were your grandparents born?

V. Look at the sentences.

I was born in Peru in 1973. I could read when I was four.
Match lines in A, B, and C and make similar sentences about the four people and about you.

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 I worked yesterday = Yo trabajé ayer.
 You worked yesterday = Tu trabajaste ayer.
 He worked yesterday = El trabajó ayer.
 She worked yesterday = Ella trabajó ayer.
 It worked yesterday = Ello trabajó ayer.
 We worked yesterday = Nosotros(as) trabajamos ayer.
 You worked yesterday = Ustedes trabajaron ayer.
 They worked yesterday = Ellos(as) trabajaron ayer.


 Most verbs add + ED c) smoke : _____________

a) cook : _____________
d) live : _____________
b) book : _____________
e) die : _____________
c) talk : _____________
f) save : _____________
d) play : _____________
e) watch : _____________  Verbs with ONE SYLLABLE: double the
f) finish : _____________ last consonant+ED
g) clean : _____________
h) stay : _____________ a) stop : _____________
i) start : _____________ b) plan : _____________
j) happen : _____________
k) visit : _____________  Verbs that end in Y IED
l) remember :
a) study : _____________
 Verbs ending with E add D b) try : _____________
c) copy : _____________
a) dance : _____________ d) marry : _____________
b) live : _____________
I. Rewrite the sentences in AFFIRMATIVE FORM of the Simple Past with yesterday.
I visit my friend. I visited my friend yesterday.
1. I use the internet. .
2. I watch TV. .
3. We study French. .
4. He dances Salsa. .
5. The movie ends at 7:00. .
6. I like the movie. .
7. She smokes. .
8. They play tennis. .
9. We finish our homework. .
10. I clean my house. .

II. Make negative sentences.

1. I (like) the movie. It was horrible.
2. She (play) basketball because she was too short.
3. We (stay) in a hotel. It was too expensive.
4. He (save) enoguh money to buy a new car.
5. Susan and I (want) to eat yesterday because we were busy.
6. Don’t worry Mary. He (start) smoking.
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III. Rewrite the text in NEGATIVE FORM. Use didn’t / wasn’t / weren’t. e
b of the game. The soccer players
We watched soccer on TV yesterday . We were happy at the beginning
played very well. My friends loved the game. My mother was at home and she cooked a delicious
dinner. My friends and I danced all night because our team played very well. We talked about other
sports and used the internet to check the next soccer game on TV. We were very happy.

IV. Complete the sentences with a verb in Simple Past.

1. I the TV last night.
2. We in a threedstar hotel last year.
turn on - not stay – lived
3. We were late and they for us.
4. Sorry. I it was your birhtday yesterday. watch – arrived – land
5. I with my parents when I was a student.
6. He late for work and the boss was angry. not remember – not wait
7. When the plane she her cell phone.

V. Number the past time expressions. 1R7.

yesterday morning.
five minutes ago. _1 last April, NOT the last April.
last November. last week, NOT the last week.
I booked the tickets a year ago.
yesterday morning / afternoon / evening
last night.
BUT last night NOT yesterday night.
three days ago.
last week.

VI. What did you do yesterday / last night / this mornig?. Write true + sentences or – sentences.

yesterday last night this morning

play computer games watch TV listen to the radio
use the Internet study English walk to work / school
check my emails talk to a friend wait for a bus

Tell your classmate. Did you do the same things?

I didn’t play computer games yesterday. I used the Internet... I played computer games yesterday...

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VII. Complete the questions. INTERROGATIVE FORM.

1. you soccer last week? (play)
2. you yesterday afternoon? (cook)
3. you last year? (travel)
4. What TV show you last night? (watch)
5. What music you
when you were a teenager? (like)
6. Where you when you were a child? (live) D
VIII. Ask and answer the questions.
Yes, I did
Did you like the movie?
IX. Complete the questions with WAS/WERE or .
DID. +
7. the teachers worried?
1. you cook last night?
8. the classroom full of students?
2. he happy? e
9. my friends stay in a hotel last month?
3. you travel last year? 10.
r the tickets expensive?
4. they hungry? 11. b the plane land in Lima?
5. she book the tickets online? 12. it a long trip?
6. they watch the +
new “Spiderman” movie?
X. Stand up and move around the class. Ask Did you…? Questions, When somebody anwers Yes, I
? Where to?
did, write down their name and ask the next question, e.g.,

Find a person Who….. Name Extra questions your classmates’ answers

traveled by plane last year Where to?

started learning English a long time ago. When?

played soccer last weekend. With who?

studied last night. What?

cooked a meal yesterday. What?

arrived late for class today. Why?

listened to the radio this morning. What program?

watched TV. last night. What program?

Yes, I did
Did you travel by plane last year?

My name’s Juan.
What’s your name?

I traveled to Lima.
Where to?

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XI. What is the past form of these verbs? Listen and practice.


XII. Read and listen to Mattie talking about her past life. Complete the text using the Simple past of
the verbs in exercise XI.

“I (3) all day, from morning until night. Twelve

hours in the farm and I only (4) $4 a day. I (5)
that job but I (6) the poems in my head. I really (7)
to learn to read and write.

When I was 16 years old I (8) Hubert, and soon

there were 6 children: 5 sons, then a daughter, Lily.
Hubert (9) just before she was born. That was 65
years ago. So I looked after my family alone.

There was no time for learning, but my children, they all

(10) to read and write. That was important to me.
And when did I learn to read and write? I didn't learn until
I was 86, and now I have 3 books of poems.”

XIII. Complete the questions about Mattie. Practice the questions and answers with a classmate.

1. When she to work? When she was eight years old.

2. Where she ? In the farm.
3. Who she with? Her mother and sisters.
4. How many hours she ? Twelve hours a day.
5. How much she ? Four dollars a day.
6. Who she ? Hubert.
7. When Hubert ? Sixty]five years ago.
8. When she to read? She didn´t learn to read until she was eighty six.

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Vocabulary: GO, HAVE, GET

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I. Do women go out together in your country? Where do they go?

Look at the photos and read the reports. Where do you think the women are? Write Rio
de Janeiro, Beijing, or Moscow.

II. Match the questions with the women’s answer. Read the reports again. Complete the chart with

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Irregular Verbs

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III. Listen and write the irregular verbs.

IV. Complete the text with the verbs in parentheses in the Simple Past.
Yesterday______________my birthday. (be)
My boyfriend______________me a beautiful jacket. (buy)
In the evening we_____________out. (go)
I______________my new jacket. (wear)
We______________for a Chinese restaurant. (look)
but we______________find one, (not can)
so we______________dinner at out favorite Thai restaurant. (have)
After that we______________a movie. (see)
Then we______________two friends at a nightclub. (meet)
We______________for two hours. (dance)
We______________home until 3:00. (not get)
I______________very tired, (be)
and I______________straight to bed. (go)
V. Complete the quesitons in Simple Past.
1. ______________________ last night? (you/go out)
2. What _________________________? (you wear)
3. Where ________________________? (you/go)
4. What _________________________? (you/do)
5. _______________________with you? (your sister/ go)
6. What_____________________to eat? (you/have)
7. What time _____________________? (you/get home)
8. ____________________a good time? (you/have)

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VI. Complete the questions below. What words are missing? Listen and repeat the questions.

VII. Think about the last time you went out with friends. Look at the questions and plan your
anwers. Interview your partner about their night out. Did they have a good time? How
many points out of 10?
VIII. Complete the story with the simple past of the verbs in parentheses.

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Who knew

IX. Listen to the song and complete the gaps with the past form of the verbs in the box.



You_______my hand I all wrong

You________me how They ______better
You__________me you'd be around Still you forever
Uh huh And ever
That's right Who
I your words and I
in everything you to me Yeah yeah
Yeah huh I'll keep you locked in my head
That's right Until we meet again
Until we
If someone three years from now Until we meet again
You'd be long gone And I won't forget you my friend
I'd stand up and punch them out What
Cause they're all wrong
I know better If someone three years from now
Cause you forever You'd be long gone
And ever I'd stand up and punch them out
Who Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss, I'll cherish
Remember when we such fools Until we meet again
And so convinced and just too cool And time makes it harder
Oh no I wish I could remember
No no But I keep your memory
I wish I could touch you again You visit me in my sleep.
I wish I could still call you friend
I'd give anything My darling, who _____
My darling, my darling
When someone count your blessings now Who , my darling
'fore they're long gone I miss you, my darling
I guess I just_______________how Who , who knew

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

I. Change the verbs from the present to the Simple Past and write them in the grid.
Across Down
1. sit 1. swim
2. run 2. read
4. write 3. go
6. make 5. ride
7. do 8. win
9. dance
8. watch
10. teach
11. sing
12. eat
13. study
13. see
15. play
14. sleep
16. meet

II. Write sentences with some of the verbs from the crossword in Simple Past.
They can be affirmative, negative or interrogative form.


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III. Read and listen to the newspaper article. Why was Russell the burglars’ friend?

IV. Underline the verbs in Simple Past and write them in the chart below.


V. Answer the questions. Use long answers.

1) Why did he wake up? .

2) Where were his parents? .
3) Why did he go downstairs? .
4) How many men were there? .
5) What did they tell him? .
6) Where did her mother keep her purse? .
7) How much pocket money did he give them? .
8) When did the police catch the burglars? .

VI. Ask and answer these questions with a partner. Make more questions using the Simple Past.

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Vocabulary: Vacations

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

Vacation Report

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

 I was working . = Yo estaba trabajando.
 You were working .= Tu estabas trabajando.
 He was working . = El estaba trabajando.
 She was working . = Ella estaba trabajando..
 It was working . = Ello estaba trabajando.
 We were working . = Nosotros(as) estabamos trabajando.
 You were working. = Ustedes estaban trabajando.
 They were working. = Ellos(as) estaban trabajando.

I. Yesterday you went to a party. This is what you saw when you arrived. Make sentences
using the Past Continuous.

When I arrived at the party...

1. Jenny / talk / to Mick

2. Annie and Peter / dance
3. Sarah and Bill / sit / on the sofa
4. Katie / choose / a CD
5. Max / drink / champagne
6. Beth and Dave / eat / potato chips
7. Justin / show / Lucy a picture
8. Harry / smoke / a cigar
9. James / tell / a joke

II. Complete with a verb in the past continuous. Use affirmative, negative and interrogative form.

1. He met his wife when he in Japan. (work)

2. They for us when we arrived. (wait)
3. she a coat when she went out? (wear)
4. What you at 7:30 last night. (do)
5. I when you gave the instructions. (not listen)
6. I when you called me. (drive)
7. It when I woke up this morning. (not rain)
8. She Television. (not watch)
9. They in the office yesterday. (work)
10. they jeans? (wear)

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III. In pairs, take turns answering the questions about yesterday.

Where were you at...? What were you doing?

6:00 p.m

6:30 a.m.

3:00 p.m.

11:00 a.m.


7:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m.

Past Continuous and Simple Past

IV. Put the verbs into the Simple Past or Past continuous.

1. She when we dinner. (arrive / have)

2. I my arm when I soccer. (break / play)
3. you fast when the police _ you? (drive / stop)
4. It when we the theater. (snow / leave)
5. I the game because I . (not see / work)
6. When you me, I to my boss. (call / talk)

V. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.

Last summer I (go) to Los Angeles to stay

with my cousin for a
few weeks. One afternoon we
(have) lunch in a nice restaurant in a
fashionable part of town when my cousin
(get) a call on her cell phone and went outside to talk. While she
(talk) on the phone, I suddenly
(notice) a man in a black hat who
(sit) at the next table. It was the actor
Johnny Depp!

So I got up and (go) to his table. “Excuse me, could I have my photo taken with you?” I
asked. He (say) yes, so I (stop) a waitress who
(pass) by and gave her my camera. She (take) the photo of
Johnny and me. I thanked them both, and then I returned to my table.

When my cousin (come) back, I (smile). “why are you looking so

pleased with yourself?” she asked. “I had my photo taken with Johnny Depp”. “Johnny Depp? Where is he?” “He’s
sitting over there. Look!” She turned around to look and then started to laugh. “That’s not Johnny Depp!” I
(look) at the man in the black hat- He (laugh), too.

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

 I used to wear glasses. = Yo solia usar lentes.
 You used to wear glasses. = Tu solias usar lentes.
 He used to wear glasses. = El solia usar lentes.
 She used to wear glasses. = Ella solia usar lentes.
 It used to wear glasses. = Ello solia usar lentes.
 We used to wear glasses. = Nosotros(as) soliamos usar lentes.
 You used to wear glasses. = Ustedes solian usar lentes.
 They used to wear glasses. = Ellos(as) solian usar lentes.

I. Look at how Katie and Tony have changed. Write six sentences for each person about
what they were like in the past.

1. He used to wear jeans.

2. long hair.

3. a tie.

4. ten cigarettes a day.

5. tennis.

6. meat.

7. a tattoo.

8. glasses.

9. the guitar.

10. dresses.

11. the piano.

12. a motorcycle.

II. Make sentences with USED TO / DIDN’T USE TO / DID...USE TO.

1. you / have long hair. ? Did you use to have long hair?

2. where / you / go t o school

? _________________________________________

3. I / like vegetables when I was a child _________________________________________

4. my sister / hate math in schoo l ? _________________________________________

5. what / you / do in the summer ? _________________________________________

6. they / live near here + _________________________________________

7. this building / be a theater _________________________________________

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8. your brother / study here + _________________________________________

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III. Let’s practice.

IV. Write a name or phrase in as many circles as you can.

1. A sport you used to play but don’t now.

6. Something you used to wear but don’t now.
2. A singer or band you used to listen to but don’t
7. A TV show you used to watch a lot but don’t
3. A kind of food or drink you didn’t use to like but
8. Something you didn’t use to do on weekends but
like now.
do now.
4. A game you used to play a lot but don’t now.
9. An actor / actress you used to like but don’t now.
5. A pet you used to have but don’t have now.
10. A bad habit you used to have but don’t now.

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I. Look at the photo. What does ‘s mean?

II. Match the people in photos 1-6 with their famous relatives a-f. In pairs, ask and answer

questions. Use these words. Listen and check.

1) A: ?

2) A: ?

3) A: ?

4) A: ?

5) A: ?

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III. Write in English.

1. La casa de mi hermana. 9. El tío de John es un gerente de banco.

2. El nombre de mi madre es Mary. 10. Las paredes de esta casa son muy delgadas.

3. La casa de mi prima está en Miami. 11. La tía de Jim es una vendedora.

4. Martha es la esposa de mi hermano. 12. Cual es el nombre de esta ciudad?

5. El enamorado de Barbie es Ken. 13. Los hijos de Paul son arquitectos.

6. Este es el carro de mi primo. 14. El fin de la película es malo.

7. La hija de Peter es Samantha. 15. El comienzo de la canción es buena.

8. El hermano de Philip es un periodista. 16. La ciudad de Tacna.

IV. Circle the correct word.

1. It’s Kate’s bag / bag’s Kate.

2. Do you like Jane’s cats / cat’s Jane

3. I drive my mother’s car / my car’s mother.

4. Amelia is my wife’s sister / my sister’s wife.

5. This is my house’s friend / my friend’s house.

6. A: Who are you? B: I’m Daniel’s brother / brother’s Daniel.

7. He works for his father’s company / his company’s father.

8. She’s the wife policeman / the policeman’s wife.

9. Don’t do your sister’s homework / your homework’s sister!

10. Maria’s cell phone / the Maria’s cell phone is very old.

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Vocabulary: The Family

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Family Tree

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

V. Read about Patrick and write the correct names in the photo.

This is a photo of Patrick, his wife, and his

children. His wife’s name is Brenda. She’s a
teacher. His daughter’s name is Laura.
She’s twenty-one and she she’s a nurse.
His son’s name is Brian. He’s nineteen and
he’s a student. Laura’s boyfriend’s name is
mike. He’s a nurse, too.

VI. Talk to a partner.

brothers and sisters

aunts and uncles
nieces and nephews

VII. Look at the family tree and complete.

a) Ann is John’s wife.

b) Cathy sister.
c) Stephen __________ Davis’s __________ .
d) Ann aunt.
e) George_______________________husband.
f) Mary __________ Cathy’s __________ .
g) Davis __________ Cathy’s __________ .
h) David __________ Ann’s __________ .

VIII. Draw and write about your family tree. Use possessive ‘s.

Good morning teacher and classmates. I’m going to talk about my family. There are three people in my family; my father,
my mother and I. My father’s name is Peter. He’s thirty?one years old. He’s a musician. He plays the guitar in a band. My
mother’s name is Jane. She’s twenty?nine years old. She’s a housewife. She likes pets, soap operas and shopping. Finally
I’m their son. I’m fifteen years old. I’m a student. My best friend’s name is Mark and my girlfriend’s name is Sara. I like
movies and going to the beach on weekends.

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I. Look at the photos and read the story of a classic movie. What movie is it?

II. Look at the higlighted words 1-5.

IV. Complete the sentences with an object pronoun.
Who do they refer to?
Write SAM, MOLLY, or OTA. 1. He’s in love with , but she doesn’t love .
2. It’s a good movie. Do you want to see ?
3. You speak very quickly. I can’t understand .
4. We have a problem. Can you help ?
5. I try to talk to , but she doesn’t listen to .
6. They’re nice people. Do you know ?

III. Complete the chart with these words.

V. Change the highlighted words to pronouns.

1. I know Linda.
2. She lives with her father.
3. I usually see my parents on Sunday.
4. I can’t remember your e-mail address.
5. I don’t like this actress.
6. Can you get tickets for my friend and me?

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VI. Write the name of real places / things / people you love (or hate) for each picture.
For example, 1. A singer you love (or hate).

Take turns. Ask your partner WHAT DO YOU THINK OF...?

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Vocabulary: Birth, marriage and death

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LANGUAGE CENTER_________________________________________MAESTRIA – INGLES

A. When and where were you and your family and friends born? Write sentences about five people.
Example: My mother was born in Buenos Aires on July 4th, 1955.


B. When were these people born and when did they die? Write sentences.
Example: Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)  Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 and died in 1506.

1) Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997)  .

2) Genghis Khan (1162-1227)  .
3) Elvis Presley (1935-1977)  .
4) Joan of Arc (1412- 1431)  .
5) Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)  .

C. Complete the spaces in blank with died, dead, death.

1) Jill’s grandfather last year.
2) His was a great shock to her.
3) Her grandmother has been for five years now.
4) She of a heart attack.
5) Now all Jill’s grandparents are .

C. Find a word or phrase on the VOCABULARY PAGE that means...

1) The name for a woman on her wedding day.

2) The name for a man on his wedding day.
3) What you are if you are not married.
4) What you are if your marriage has legally ended.
5) A ceremony, usually religious, after a person dies.
6) A vacation after the wedding.
7) What you are if your husband or wife dies.
8) To be 100 pounds.

D. Complete the spaces in blank with words from the box.


1997 Anne got married (02) John Smith. Unfortunately, John’s
grandmother, Rose Smith, died (03) a heart attack soon after their wedding. John and
Anne were (04) their honeymoon when she died. Their baby daughter was
two years later. They named the baby, Rose, (06) John’s

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Vocabulary: Parts of the body

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A. Complete these sentences with words from the VOCABULARY PAGE.
1) A hand has five .
2) The is a symbol of love.
3) An adult has 32 .
4) You smell with your .
5) A foot has five .
6) You hear with your .
7) You use your to think.
8) Your type can be A, B, AB, or O.

B. Words of parts of the body are used in different contexts too. Look at the pictures below and answer the

1) A chair has arms, legs, and a back. Which letter do you think label these parts?
2) This is a needle. Where is its eye?
3) This is a clock. Where is its face? Where are its hands?
4) This is a bottle. Where is its neck?
5) This is a mountain. Where is its foot?

C. Parts of the body are often used in compound nouns too. Complete these nouns with a word from the

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I. Look at the pictures, complete the sentences with mine, yours, etc.

1. It’s .
2. It’s .
3. It’s .
4. It’s .
5. It’s .
6. It’s .
7. It’s .

II. Use a possessive pronoun to complete each sentence.

1. I bought a new video game. It is .

2. The jacket belongs to David. The jacket is .
3. The cats belong to Lisa and Sheila. The cats are .
4. This telephone number belongs to Betsy. It is .
5. You and I live in this house. The house is .
6. That skateboard belongs to Jean Paul. The skateboard is .
7. You want the last slice of pizza. The last slice is .
8. Mom and dad's car is in the garage. The car in the garage is .
9. My brother and I have Britney Spears tickets. The tickets are .

III. Circle the correct form.

1. This is my / mine son, David.

2. A: Are these your / yours keys.
B: No, these are my / mine.
3. She’s French, and her / hers husband is American. Their / Theirs children speak French and English.
4. A: I can’t find my / mine cell phone.
B: Is this your / yours?
5. A: Whose car is that?
B: It’s not our / ours. Our / Ours car is in the garage.

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IV. Listen and check the music you hear.

V. Interview a partner with the music questionaire.Are you similar or different?

VI. Listen and complete the song with I, ME, MY, MINE, YOUR.
VII. Listen again and read the song with the
glosary. What does it mean? Circle 1 or 2.
1. I’m happy because you love me.
2. I’m sad because you’re not with me.
VIII. What are your favorite songs from movies?

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Pa i r W o r k
In pairs answer the questions.

I. Read and listen to the beginning of a story and answer the questions 1R3.

II. In pairs, guess the meaning

of the highlighted words.

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 I have been to Lima = Yo he estado en Lima.

 You have been to Lima = Tu has estado en Lima.
 He has been to Lima = El ha estado en Lima.
 She has been to Lima = Ella ha estado en Lima.
 It has been to Lima = Ello ha estado en Lima.
 We have been to Lima = Nosotros(as) hemos estado en Lima.
 You have been to Lima = Ustedes han estado en Lima.
 They have been to Lima = Ellos(as) han estado en Lima.

III. Write sentences

IV. Write the sentences with contractions.

1. I have been to Brazil. .
2. She has not been to the US. .
3. They have not been to China. .
4. He has been to an opera. .
5. You have not been to my house. .
6. I have not been there. .
7. We have been to Madrid. .

V. Write affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences with BEEN.

1. ( + ) She / Italy .
2. ( - ) I / Miami .
3. ( ? ) you / Barcelona .
4. ( - ) Mark / South America .
5. ( + ) My parents / Africa .
6. ( ? ) Ann / Argentina .
7. ( - ) We / Budapest .

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VI. Listen and repeat the dialague.

A: Have you been to Japan?
B: Yes, I have. I’ve been to Tokyo.
A: Have you been to Toronto?
B: No, I haven’t. I haven’t been to Canada.

VII. In pairs, ask and answer the questions in exercise VII . Add your own countries and cities.

VIII. Complete the dialogue.

IX. Listen to the rest of the conversation between Rob and Charlotte. Who calls?

X. Listen again. Complete the sentences with CHARLOTTE, ROB, or JESSICA.

1. hasn’t been to Paris.

2. likes the hotel.
3. ‘s cell phone rings.
4. It is .
5. doesn’t want to talk on the phone to .
6. is angry with and leaves the house.

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X. Stand up and move around the class. Ask HAVE YOU BEEN TO…? until somebody anwers Yes, I
have. Write down their names in the chart.

Find a person Who….. your classmates’ names

has been to a very hot city

has been to a karaoke bar

has been to a stadium

has been to a spa

has been to a fortune teller

has been to another country

has been to a music concert

has been to a museum

Have you been to a very hot city? Yes, I have

My name’s Juan.
What’s your name?

Thank you

XI. Where have these people been? Complete the sentences.

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Pa i r W o r k
In pairs answer the questions.
What is the most popular place to buy clothes in your town? Do you buy your clothes there? If not,

I. Read the text about Zara and answer the questions below.

1. Who is Amancio Ortega?

2. What is unusual about him?

3. What was his first job?

4. When did he open the first Zara store?

5. Where are there Zara stores now?

6. What are the secrets of Zara’s success?

II. Read the text again and underline any words that are connected with clothes.

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Vocabulary: Clothes

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III. Put two clothes words in each column.

Listen and check. Pa i r W o r k

EVER: means 'at any time'. We generally use EVER in questions.

Have you ever been to Paris?

NEVER: means 'at no time'. We generally use NEVER in affirmative questions.

I have never been to Argentina.

IV. Write the sentences or questions with the present perfect.

1. he / ever / be there? V
2. you / ever / buy / clothes from that store?
3. I / not read / the newspaper today.
4. we / never be / to that shopping mall.
5. your brother / live abroad / all his life? d
6. they / go / to live in south America.
7. she / never fly / before. E
8. we / not save / enough for vacation. V
9. you / eat / in / this restaurant before? R
10. she / write / five novels.

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V. Listen and number the pictures 1R4. t




VI. t in past participle. Then Underline YET
Listen again and complete the dialogues with verbs


 YET /iét/ : We use YET in interrogative or negative sentences to talk about things that we expected to happen
before now.

Put YET at the end of the sentence.

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 ALREADY /olrédi/ : We use ALREADY to say that something happened sooner than expected.

before the verb in past participle.

 JUST /yást/ : to talk about actions that happened RECENTLY.

Put JUST before the verb in past participle.

VII. Reorder the words to make sentences.

1. made / have / you / yet / your / bed / ?

2. a cake / Jane / made / has / just

3. gone / already / to / work / she’s

4. yet / we / haven’t / a cup of coffee / had

5. I / found / a job / haven’t / yet

6. We / a new house / have / bought / just

7. to Janet / spoken / I / just / have

8. sent / me / yet / an / he / hasn’t / edmail

9. house / already / sold / they’ve / their

10. he / home / has / gone / already

11. yet / I / his girlfriend / haven’t / met

12. just / finished / I / this exercise/ have

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The present continuous is used to talk about arrangements that you have planned for a fixed time and place.

He's studying in the library. (now)

He's studying in the library tonight. (future)

She's leaving. (now)

She's leaving tomorrow morning. (future)

They're driving to Chicago. (now)

They're driving to Chicago next week. (future)

We're having a test. (now)

We're having a test in two days. (future)

They're playing tennis. (now)

They're playing tennis tomorrow. (future)
J I. Look at Kim's diary for the next week. Answer the questions. Leave out the time expressions
E (see example).
1. What is Kim doing on Monday evening? (to meet Tom)
She is meeting Tom.
I 2. What is she doing on Tuesday afternoon? (look after Carol's kids)
/ .
3. What is she doing on Tuesday evening? (play tennis)
E .
+ 4. What is she doing on Wednesday morning? (see the dentist)
E 5. What is she doing on Wednesday evening? (work late)
B .
6. What is she doing on Thursday afternoon? (pick up Jen from the airport)
n 7. What is she doing on Friday evening? (go to a concert)
g .
8. What is she doing on Saturday morning? (go to the swimming pool with Jen)
9. What is she doing on Saturday evening? (have a party)
10. What is she doing on Sunday morning? (take Jen to the airport)

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II. Now write down what you are doing for the rest of the week.

On Sunday I am going to the supermarket.

 On Monday .
 On Tuesday .
 On Wednesday .
 On Thursday .
 On Friday .
 On Saturday

III. Change the sentences to NEGATIVE FORM.

1. We are having a barbecue on Sunday. .

2. All my friends are coming to my party next week. S .
3. The train is leaving in ten minutes. B .
4. We are going to the zoo tomorrow. E .
5. My teacher is going to school tomorrow. C .
6. Rhonda is staying in on Friday. .
7. I am seeing the manager tomorrow. .
8. He is playing tennis this afternoon. I .

IV. Kim is planning to go on vacation. Ask about her plans. Use the words in brackets to form your questions
(Where go) Where are you going? R
( ’
1. (How long stay) .
- +
) V
2. (When go) E
3. (go alone) S B .

/ +
4. (travel by car) .
A i
R n
5. (Where stay) E g .
6. (What do) .
7. (Who visit) B .

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Going to is used to talk about future plans and predictions.

 I’m going to work in the US.

 We're going to have lunch at the new restaurant.
 When I retire I'm going to go back to Barbados to live.
 When I grow up I’m going to be an astronaut.

I. Write sentences with GOING TO.

1. Sylvie (play) tennis.

2. Paul (travel) around the world.
3. I (spend) a week in Paris.
4. Peter and Lucy (have) B dinner at a restaurant.
5. You (buy) E a new house.
6. We (see) C a movie on Saturday.

II. Write about your plans for next year. +



III. Nadia and her teacher, Ms. Bishop, both have
plans for the future. Read their future plans. Which do
you think are Nadia’s? Which are Ms. Bishop’s? Write N or MB. Then listen and check.


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IV. What is going to happen? Use the verbs.

V. Put a sentence from EXERCISE IV into each gap. Put a check (√) next to the correct sentence.

VI. Read and practice the conversation.

Paul: Hello Sandra, how are you?
Sandra: I’m Ok. And you?
Paul: I’m very happy and excited.
Sandra: Why?
Paul: Because I’m going to travel next month.
Sandra: That’s great! Where are you going to
travel? Paul: I’m going to travel to Argentina.
Sandra: Where are you going to stay?
Paul: I’m going to stay at my sister’s house.
Sandra: What are you going to do there?
Paul: I’m going to visit my sister and her family.
Sandra: Have a good trip Paul.
Paul: Thank you Sandra. Bye
VII. Make a new conversation with a partner. Use GOING TO.

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The future with WILL is used to talk about FUTURE PREDICTIONS and to make decisions, offers, and promises.

 I think I WILL pass the exam.

 I WILL have the steak.

 I WILL help you.

 I WILL love you forever.


 I’ll I’ll be late I’ll be lateB for work.
 You’ll You’ll break You’ll breakE your leg.
 She’ll She’ll miss She’ll miss the train.
 It’ll It’ll rain It’ll rain tomorrow.
 They’ll They’ll lose They’ll lose
L the game.


 I WON’T arrive late. V

 She WON’T play tennis. B

 WILL you be late?

 WILL they go to the movies? WILL + SUBJECT + VERB ?

I. Write sentences and questions with WILL / WON’T. Use contractions where you can.

1. it / be difficult (d)
2. they / win (+)
3. he / get the job (+)
4. the meeting / be long (?)
5. it / be impossible to park (+)
6. you / like the movie (d)
7. there / be a lot of traffic at 6:00 (+)
8. you / see him at the party (?)
9. they / go on vacation (d)
10. I think he / lose the game contest (+)

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II. Complete the predictions with WILL / WON’T + a verb.


III. Complete the sentences with WILL + the verbs from the box.


I don’t have any money. Don’t worry. I you some.

The phone is ringing. Oh! I it.

You are my soul mate. I you forever.

Oh no! I dropped one. I it up for you.

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IV. Match the sentences.

V. Complete the sentences with WILL/WON’T + a verb.

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Vocabulary: ADJECTIVES


 It’s a BIG house.

 A WHITE car.
 an EXPENSIVE car.


 They’re PRETTY flowers.

 Do you like FAST cars?
 They’re NEW boots.

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I. Translate into English.

1. Un libro pequeño. 8. Hombres jovenes.

2. El es un hombre viejo. 9. Perros negros.

3. Ella es una mujer Americana. 10. Son manzanas verdes.

4. Es una bicicleta barata. 11. Son celulares modernos.

5. Es una casa grande. 12. Ellos son niños sucios.

6. Es una casa muy costosa. 13. Ellos son hombres altos.

7. Ellas son chicas inteligentes. 14. Nosotras somos mujeres responsables.

II. Write sentences. Use ADJECTIVES + NOUNS.

1. ________________________ _ 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

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III. Listen and write six sentences.

1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .

IV. Which words have the same sound? Write them in the correct column.

V. Listen and complete the song with the words above.

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Use comparative adjectives to compare two people, places, and things.

A is Bigger than B.
 John is TALLER than Sebastian.
 Tacna is SMALLER than Lima.
 A cell phone is MORE EXPENSIVE than a DVD player.

Spelling rules –ER

a) One syllable adjectives: add –ER

old short new
cheap warm safe
tall cold young
b) One syllable adjectives ending one vowel + one consonant: double the last consonant, add –ER
c) One or two syllable adjectives ending consonant + Y , -IER
easy lazy

d) Two or more syllable adjectives: add more + adjective

famous dangerous
modern delicious
interesting attractive

e) Exceptions:
good = BETTER
bad = WORSE
Write comparative sentences
1. The Nile / the Amazon (long)
2. Canada / Brazil (big)
3. Tessa / Deborah (pretty)
4. Driving / flying (dangerous) .
5. My English / your English (bad)
6. This chair / that chair (comfortable) .
7. He / his wife (young)
8. Buses / trains (cheap) .
9. Your car / mine (good) .
10. Good health / money (important)

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Use superlative adjectives describe the extreme quality of one thing in a group of things.

A is the biggest.
 John is THE TALLEST.
 Lima is THE BIGGEST city in Peru.
 The Cheetah is THE FASTEST animal

Spelling Rules:

I. Write the opposite superlative adjectives.

1. the hottest 6. the easiest
2. the biggest 7. the wettest
3. the lowest 8. the ugliest
4. the cheapest 9. the richest
5. the youngest

II. Complete the sentences with a superlative. Use the adjectives in parentheses.
1. It’s_____________________________country in the world. (dangerous)
2. I am___________________________in my family. (tall)
3. That house is in the street. (old)
4. The French make bread in the world. (good)
5. This is part of the country. (hot)
6. This is ___________________________ building in the city. (famous)
7. He’s_____________________________student in the class. (bad)
8. Chinese is one of __________________ languages to learn. (difficult)
9. It’s_____________________________dress in the store. (pretty)

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III. Read the introduction to the article. In pairs answer the questions.
1) What are the three tests?
2) Do you think they are good ones?
3) Which city do you think will be the friendliest / most unfriendly?

IV. Read about what happened in New York, Paris, and Rome. Answer the questions with NY, P, or R.

1. Which city do you think was the friendliest in the photo test?
2. In which city did he take a photo, too?
3. In the shopping test, where didn’t he get the right change?
4. Where did he buy a souvenir?
5. In the accident test, where did he wait longest for help?
6. In which city were people most helpful?

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V. Read the text and answer the questions.

VI. Put a check (√) next to the correct sentence.

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VII. In pairs or small groups, ask and answer these questions about your country.

What’s the I think it’s

wettest pace?

May / Might
Use might / may and might not / may not + base form to talk about a future possibility

 We MIGHT have a picnic tomorrow, but it depends on the weather.

 I MIGHT NOT go the party. I haven’t decided yet.
 I MAY go to the party. I’m not sure.
 I MAY not have to do everything today.

VIII. Match the sentences halves.

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IX. Complete he sentences with MIGHT + a verb

X. Complete the definitions with the words from the box. Underline the stressed syllable.

XI. Interview your partner with the questionnaire. Ask for more information. Which of you is more

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XII. Listen and complete the conversation. Who is indecisive?

XIII. Practice and make a new conversation using MIGHT / MAY.

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XIV. Read the text and choose TRUE, FALSE or DOESN’T SAY.

Young at heart and in body!

Today people are living a lot longer than they used to, and
their lives are much healthier, too. Older people used to say
that they were "young at heart" when they looked old but
felt young. Now, people want to look as young as they feel,
and they are willing to spend a lot of money on cosmetic
surgery to make their wish come true. If an operation can
give people a younger face or body, then some people will
have it and not worry about the dangers or the cost. People
have always looked for eternal youth, and maybe now they
have found it.

As well as trying to look younger, people can have operations for other reasons. They can become thinner or fatter.
They can have a different nose or more hair. They can even become taller or shorter! In fact doctors can probably
change almost any part of the body that you are unhappy with... for the right amount of money! The number of
people who have these operations is continuing to go up. Last year in the United States, there was an increase of
15 percent! And it is not only women who want a perfect body. Although the majority of operations are performed
on women, more and more men are choosing to have surgery, too. The most popular operations for men include
changing their nose or ears, and fat reduction. It is also worrisome that many young people are having surgery. It is
becoming so popular and cheap that some eighteendyeardolds are getting operations as presents for their
However, these operations can be dangerous, and they can also cause a lot of pain. Sometimes the operations go
wrong, and the person may look worse than before. There are some terrible stories, which have been shown on
some frightening television programs. Although there are problems, people continue to take the risks.
In the past, only the rich and famous could afford to pay for these operations, but today the prices are much lower.
Many more people today have the opportunity to look younger or to look like their favorite celebrity. Although it
costs money and is dangerous, millions of men and women still have surgery because they want a perfect body.

1. People today can change the way they look.

a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
2. People look younger because their diets have improved.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
3. People spend a lot of money on their health.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
4. Some operations can make people thinner.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
5. More men than women have surgery.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
6. More people had surgery last year than the year before.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
7. These operations are completely save.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
8. Some men want to change their ears.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
9. Teenagers under eighteen can have surgery.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say
10. These operations are extremely expensive.
a. True b. False c. Doesn’t say

Compiled by Yakeline López

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