Contact Information Personal Statement: Master of Arts in Teaching

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Contact Information Personal Statement

Every student deserves an education that provides him or her with the space and opportunity to
grow both personally and academically. Within me, there is a passion and devotion for the “heart-
work” that embodies teaching, lifelong learning, and growing students. I have a positive attitude
Master of Arts in Teaching with the willingness to work above and beyond the call of duty. I have also built a solid a
Belhaven University reputation of a compassionate, hardworking, and excellent role model.
Jackson, MS
B.S. in Computer Science Professional Experience
Tougaloo College 2018 – Present Mathematics Instructor
Tougaloo, MS Memphis Shelby County Board 2018 – Present
of Education  Educated and managed classes of 30+ students
Personal through engaging technology-infused lessons and a
Accomplishments clear communication style
 Seniors and Juniors in  Helped increase Algebra 1 EOC scores and raise
effectiveness from a level 1 to a level 4 compared to
Tech – A program
data from the previous year.
developed and  Taught 2 EOC math courses (Algebra 1 and Algebra
implemented to teach 2) including, voluntarily, teaching the classes of a
students to refurbish former colleague that resigned prior to the end of the
computers and gift them year
Senior Citizens that  Adhered to district and zone wide mandates of
successfully completed a teaching and learning using various methods such as
tiered instruction with differentiation, utilization of
computer literacy course.
the direct teaching model, and implementation of
 Bolivar County College blended learning using various methods and sources
and Career Summit – A  Utilized technology to collect and track data for the
youth summit aimed to purpose of planning and individualizing instruction
educate the youth of  Conducted district wide professional development
Bolivar County on various on standard math practices and how to implement
topics such as college and them in the classroom
career readiness, resume
writing, FAFSA Freshman Academy Lead/Math Department Chair/ILT
completion, scholarship  Coordinated and led PLC meetings
essay writing, 1st year living  Conducted small group training sessions for Teams
on campus, healthy and Canvas
relationships, and a  Mentored and trained new Algebra 1 teachers on
plethora of other topics. best practices in the classroom, data driven planning
and instruction, classroom management, and using
technology as an advantage to meet the needs of all
 Collaborated with the admin and other member of
the Instructional Leadership Team to analyze and
resolve school-wide challenges and issues, school
programs and goals related to instruction and student
achievement, professional staff development, and
special services to determine priorities for the
2017-2018 Developmental Math Adjunct Professor
Coahoma Community College Provided instruction to students enrolled in evening
and summer courses
 Created, organized, implemented, and maintained
courses using Canvas LMS
 Maintained records of student attendance and course
 Developed individualized action plans to improve
student performance in the course
 and utilized a course syllabus following college
guidelines to convey student expectations and
increase understanding
2007 – 2018 2007-2018
JFK Memorial High School Mathematics Instructor
 Taught 7 grade math, 8 grade math, Algebra 1,
th th

Algebra 2, Geometry, Algebra 3, and STEM

 Educated and managed students through engaging
technology-infused lessons and a clear
communication style
 Developed a curriculum and action plans that were
tailored to the individual academic and learning style
needs of the students that I serviced in Rural
 Maintained at least a 70% passing rate on the
Algebra 1 MAAP for every year that I taught the
 Helped to increased Algebra 1 scores the year after
the implementation of common core
 Provided after school tutoring to help students faced
with academic challenges in the classroom

21 Century Program Manager

 Planned and implemented a site program that

prepared the youth for academic success while
promoting safety and program quality
 Demonstrated flexibility and ability to manage
challenging situations, including helping to monitor
and supervise students during the afterschool
 Maintained routine contact with principals, teachers,
after school staff and volunteers to discuss issues,
challenges, and opportunities for collaboration
 Developed and maintained partnerships with
parents, community leaders and organizations

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