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Totok Harjanto


Bimbingan Klinis

Bimbingan klinik adalah segala bentuk

tindakan edukatif yang dilaksanakan oleh
pembimbing klinik untuk memberikan
pengetahuan nyata secara optimal dan
membantu peserta didik agar mencapai
kompetensi yang diharapkan
Perbedaan Mentor & Preceptor
Occurs over time Has set time limit
No termination date Termination date
Sought out by mentee assigned
Teaches networking Formalized orientation
Share personal experiences Assists in fine tuning skills
Experiences are personal Offers sugestions
Mentoring relationship may Work-related focus
involve personal, academic, or
work-related focus
Starting Points

Preceptorship involves contact

with an experienced and
Kramer (1974) described how competent role model and a a similar concept is
nursing students were being means of building a supportive used in teaching, law,
taught which include an one-to-one teaching and engineering, and other
illustration of preceptorship. learning relationship.
(Kaviani and Stillwell, 2000, p.
health professions.
• Preceptorship: an individualized one to one learning and
teaching interchange between a student and a staff nurse
who supervise the student and acts as a role model and a
resourse person who is availabel anya atime during the clinical
instruction (Chickerella & Lutz, 1981 cit. Mantzorou, 2004)

• ‘‘involves contact with an experi- enced and competent role

model and a means of building a supportive one-to-one
teaching and learning relationship. This relationship tends to
be short- term [and is aimed at] assisting the newly qualified
practitioner or nursing student to adjust to the nursing role’’
(Kaviani and Stillwell, 2000, p. 219 cit. Billay&Yonge, 2004)
• “A teaching/learning approach of choice for the practicum
experience, used to socialize students into their role as
professional practitioners; contribute to the development of
student confidence and competence; foster critical thinking;
and nurture the use of practical wisdom” (Myrick et al., 2011)
• A guiding and supportive one-on-one relationship between
the learner and the preceptor, both before (Kelly & Mcallister,
2013) and after graduation (Korzon & Trimmer, 2015). The
relationship frequently built upon a short-term arrangement
(Nielsen et al., 2017).
l Experienced and competent staff nurses who may have
receives formal training to function in this capacity and
who serves as role models and resource people to
newllly employed staff nurses, student nurses or nes
graduate nurses
l Preceptor: an experienced nursing professional who teaches,
supervises, and serves as a role mod- el for a student or
graduate nurse, for a prear- ranged period of time, in a
formalized program (Usher et al., 1999 cit Billay & Yonge,
Kualifikasi Preceptor
• Berpengalaman dan expert/ahli dalam tatanan klinis
• Kemampuan kepemimpinan
• Kemampuan komunikasi
• Mampu mengambil keputusan
• Interes dalam pengembangan profesi
• Berkeinginan untuk mendidik dan berusaha berperan sebagai
• Asertif
• Fleksibel terhadap perubahan
• Adaptasi terhadap perubahan kebutuhan belajar individu
• Tidak memiliki sikap menjudgment/menyalahkan
Tanggung Jawab Preceptor
Tanggungjawab Dasar :
lKomitment terhadap peran perseptor
lBerkeinginan untuk mendidik dan berbagi
keahlian dengan co-workers
Tanggung Jawab Preceptor
Tanggungjawab Prosedural :
• Orientasi dan sosialisasi preceptee
• Assessment terhadap kerjasama dengan perseptee,
mengembangkan tujuan preceptee
• Kolaborasi dalam menyusun rencana dan implementasi
terhadap program pembelajaran dalam memenuhi
kebutuhan preceptee
• Menjadi role model
• Observasi dan evaluasi terhadap perkembangan
• Memfasilitasi perkembangan preceptee
Preceptor Roles
• Offer support Panzavecchia L,
Perce R. (2014)
• Offer encouragement Are precepthors
• Encourage development prepared for their
role in supporting
• Increase confidence newly qualified
• Increase knowledge Education Today.
• Offer guidance
• Advise
• Assess and meet needs
• Role model
Preceptor Role (Billay&Yonge, 2004)
Konsep Dasar Mentoring

§ Mentor adalah pengarah, guru dan pemberi saran

(biasanya lebih tua, lebih pengalaman dan lebih senior)
§ Mentee adalah orang yang terlibat (atau orang yang
deberikan mentor) atau student
§ Mentoring adalah proses belajar-mengajar dalam upaya
memperoleh pengalaman pribadi terkait dengan
hubungan antar individu yang saling timbal balik, dalam
upaya pengembangan karir diantara dua individu yang
berbeda usia, kepribadian, siklus hidup, status
profesional dan/atau kredensial
Proses pembelajaran dimana Mentor mampu
membuat Mentee yang tadinya tergantung
menjadi mandiri melalui kegiatan belajar

•Mengalami sendiri •Self confidence

•Menemukan sendiri •Self esteem
•Self awareness

Karakteristik Mentorship
• Sifat hubungan : menguatkan dan memberdayakan
• Menawarkan serangkaian fungsi menolong/membantu untuk
memfasilitasi pembinaan dan memberikan dukungan
• Perannya meliputi keterkaitan antara aspek personal,
fungsional dan hubungan
• Tujuan individu (mentee) dan fungsi penolong ditetapkan oleh
individu yang terlibat
• Bisa saling memilih (siapa mentor dan mentee) dan
diidentifikasi tahap hubungannya
Peran Mentor
§ Komunikasi dan membina hubungan saling
§ Fasilitasi proses belajar
§ Assessment
§ Role Modelling
§ Mempersiapkan lingkungan belajar
§ Meningkatkan kemampuan praktis
§ Berdasar pada pengetahuan
§ Pengembangan pembelajaran
Clinical mentor at the bedside
responsibilities (dobrowolska et al, 2016)
• Programming goal/activities expected in the clinical learning
• Facilitating the students learning an their integration within
the unit environment/team
• Assigning patients/activities to the students
• Supervising the progressive achievement of the competences
• Evaluating the students achievements
• Assuming responsibility for the patients taken care of by
• Assuming responsibility for students achievements
Preceptorship in E-Learning (Myrick et al., 2011)

• the ethos of the online program;

Online learning environments provide an interaction virtual
space in which learners can actively engage in critical dialogue
and discussion

• the virtual space

challenging and engaging at the same time but found to provide
an opportunity to enhance individual skill in the use of
E-Learning in Preceptorship
• professional enhancement;
Preceptors were provided with eleven modules designed
specifically to address various pedagogical issues that potentially
to be encountered

• influence on teaching practice in

The program generated reflection by raising awareness of the
various aspects of preceptorship and by contributing to
individual confidence building
Kerangka Kerja yang Mendukung Faktor Personal,
Fungsional dan Relational dalam Mentoring


Personal Fungsional Relational

Promoting Providing Facilitating

Pengembangan diri Mengajar Hubungan interpersonal
Membangun rasa percaya Melatih Hubuangan social
diri Menjadi role model Jaringan kerja
Kreativitas Konseling Berbagi
Pemenuhan potensi Mendukung Percaya
Berani mengambil resiko Memberi saran
Menjadi sponsor
Menjadi sumber daya
Fase Mentorship

§ Initiation
§ Planning
§ Development
§ Termination
§ Memahami tentang mentoring dan hubungan
dalam mentoring
§ Informasi tentang mentor dan mentee untuk
menyelaraskan dan menyeimbangkan
§ Klarifikasi peran
§ Mengidentifikasi tujuan pembelajaran
§ Meningkatkan komitmen dan harapan
§ Menyelaraskan atau menyeimbangkan antar
mentor dan mentee
§ Menetapkan kebutuhan dan keinginan
antara mentor dan mentee
§ Membantu mentee menetapkan tujuan
§ Menjalin hubungan (frequensi, waktu,
tempat, acara)
§ Menetapkan strategi komunikasi
§ Mengatur kesempatan pembelajaran
§ Memastikan komunikasi yang sedang
§ Menyediakan umpan balik
§ Membuat rujukan bimbingan
§ Menemukan sumber-sumber
§ Meningkatkan pemahaman mentee tentang :
organisasi, stakeholders, penelitian,
kemampuan dalam strategi mengajar,
meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, memperluas
jaringan, dan memberikan kesempatan
§ Mereview pencapaian
§ Menilai aktivitas dan kemungkinan
§ Mendefinisikan kembali hubungan yang
mungkin dapat berupa hubungan informal
diluar hubungan formal
§ Mendiskusikan kemungkinan projek


Evaluasi Mentoring
• The Mentoring Competency Assessment
(Fleming, et al, 2013)
1. Maintaining effective communication (6 items),
2. Aligning expectations (5 items),
3. Assessing understanding (3 items),
4. Addressing diversity (2 items),
5. Fostering independence (5 items),
6. Promoting professional development (5 items),

External Links (Click to View/ Downloads)

Implication for Practice (Myrick, et al, 2011)

• Online preceptor support is a feasible, facilitative and

an accessible medium to provide ongoing
professional development for preceptors.
• The program needs to be developed from a
combination of knowledge of education, an
understanding of learning theory, and an affinity with
modern technologies.
Implication for Practice (Myrick, et al, 2011)

• Preceptors can be afforded the ability to engage with

faculty in discussion about their role in clinical
teaching and communicate with one another
through the virtual medium.
• Preceptors benefit appreciably from participation in
such ongoing support. The preceptors indicated that
their approach to clinical teaching had become more
informed, enhanced and current.
Kelly, J., & Mcallister, M. (2013). Lessons students and new graduates could teach: A
phenomenological study that reveals insights on the essence of building a
supportive learning culture through preceptorship. Contemporary Nurse: A
Journal For The Australian Nursing Profession, 44(2), 170–177.
Korzon, J., & Trimmer, W. (2015). The mutual benefits of preceptorship. Retrieved form
Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 21(8), 14–16
Myrick, F., Caplan, W., Smitten, J., & Rusk, K. (2011). Preceptor/mentor education: A
world of possibilities through e-learning technology. Nurse Education Today,
31(3), 263–267.
Nielsen, K., Finderup, J., Brahe, L., Elgaard, R., Elsborg, A. M., Engell-Soerensen, V., &
Sommer, I. (2017). The art of preceptorship. A qualitative study. Nurse Education
in Practice, 2639–2645.

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