Packaging Research

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Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells. In many countries it is fully integrated into government, business, institutional, industrial, and personal use. Package labellin is any written, electronic, or graphic communications on the packaging or on a separate but associated label.

The purposes of packaging and package labels

Packaging and package labeling have several objectives

Physical protection - The objects enclosed in the package may require protection from, among other things, mechanical shock, vibration,electrostatic discharge, compression, temperature, etc. Barrier protection - A barrier from oxygen, water vapor, dust, etc., is often required. Permeation is a critical factor in design. Some packages contain desiccants or Oxygen absorbers to help extend shelf life. Modified atmospheres or controlled atmospheres are also maintained in some food packages. Keeping the contents clean, fresh, sterile and safe for the intended shelf life is a primary function. Containment or agglomeration - Small objects are typically grouped together in one package for reasons of efficiency. For example, a single box of 1000 pencils requires less physical handling than 1000 single pencils. Liquids, powders, and granular materials need containment. Information transmission - Packages and labels communicate how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product. Withpharmaceuticals, food, medical, and chemical products, some types of information are required by governments. Some packages and labels also are used for track and trace purposes. Marketing - The packaging and labels can be used by marketers to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product. Package graphic designand physical design have been


important and constantly evolving phenomenon for several decades. Marketing communications and graphic designare applied to the surface of the package and (in many cases) the point of sale display.

Security - Packaging can play an important role in reducing the security risks of shipment. Packages can be made with improved tamper resistance to deter tampering and also can have tamper-evident features to help indicate tampering. Packages can be engineered to help reduce the risks of package pilferage: Some package constructions are more resistant to pilferage and some have pilfer indicating seals. Packages may include authentication seals and use security printing to help indicate that the package and contents are notcounterfeit. Packages also can include anti-theft devices, such as dyepacks, RFID tags, or electronic article surveillance tags that can be activated or detected by devices at exit points and require specialized tools to deactivate. Using packaging in this way is a means of loss prevention. Convenience - Packages can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, and reuse. Portion control - Single serving or single dosage packaging has a precise amount of contents to control usage. Bulk commodities (such as salt) can be divided into packages that are a more suitable size for individual households. It is also aids the control of inventory: selling sealed one-liter-bottles of milk, rather than having people bring their own bottles to fill themselves

Packaging types

Various household packaging types for foods Packaging may be looked at as being of several different types. For example a transport package or distribution package can be the shipping container used to ship, store, and handle the product or inner packages. Some identify a consumer package as one which is directed toward a consumer or household.

Packaging may be described in relation to the type of product being packaged: medical device packaging, bulk chemical packaging, over-the-counter drug packaging, retail food packaging, military materiel packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, etc. It is sometimes convenient to categorize packages by layer or function: "primary", "secondary", etc.

Primary packaging is the material that first envelops the product and holds it. This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact with the contents. Secondary packaging is outside the primary packaging, perhaps used to group primary packages together. Tertiary packaging is used for bulk handling, warehouse storage and transport shipping. The most common form is a palletized unit load that packs tightly into containers.

These broad categories can be somewhat arbitrary. For example, depending on the use, a shrink wrap can be primary packaging when applied directly to the product, secondary packaging when combining smaller packages, and tertiary packaging on some distribution packs.

Statement of Problem
The study aims to explore the impact of packaging on sales, price, labelling and consumer buying behaviour.

Research Objectives
To determine the impact of packaging in customer buying behavior. To identify the characteristics of a packaging that help in brand loyalty. To investigate the reasons for brand preference with respect to packaging. Customers perception of product packaging. To make recommendations for developing customer loyalty through packaging.

Research Design
Primary and Secondary Data Analysis.


Interviews with key informants. The questionnaire consisted of 12 questions related to research

objectives. The population for the research was the general public because to

study the impact of packaging on the buying behaviour of the general public i.e. consumer. In primary research, a structured questionnaire was developed and it

was used as the survey tool for the study.

Data Collection
Data Collection was done through Questionnaires. The questionnaires design contained both open and close ended questions. The questionnaire comprised more of close ended questions to encourage the contribution from the respondents.

In such a way the data collected was richer in respondents real opinion. For data collection I used convenience sampling technique.

Population & Sample Size

Population included general public and students. Sample size was of 11 buyers who were involved in the process of day to day purchasing.


Analysis of the survey

1.In what condition do you generally prefer to buy consumer goods? With packaging Without packaging

11 0

100% 0%

Analysis: The above pie diagram represents 100% respondents prefer buying consumer goods with packaging.

2.List some of the goods that you had not bought because of poor packaging? Food Items Beverages Other

10 1 0

91% 9% 0%

Analysis:The above pie diagram represents 91% respondents prefer better packaging when it comes to food items followed by beverages.

3.Please rank the following characteristics that you look for when you buy products according to your preference. Give 1 to most preferred and 3 to least. - Quality 1 8 73% 2 3 2 1 18% 9%


3.Please rank the following characteristics that you look for when you buy products according to your preference. Give 1 to most preferred and 3 to least. - Packaging 1 2 18% 2 3 5 4 45% 36%

3.Please rank the following characteristics that you look for when you buy products according to your preference. Give 1 to most preferred and 3 to least. - Price 1 2 18% 2 3 5 4 45% 36%

Analysis:The above 3 bargraph represents that majority people give importance to quality then packagin and then price. 4. Have you ever purchased product on the basis of good packaging?

Yes No

10 1

91% 9%

Analysis:The above pie diagram represents that 91% respondents purchase products on the basis of good packaging.


5.How did you first discover that packaging plays a vital role in the buying of product?

TV Advertisement Newspaper Family/friends In the store

5 0 1 5

45% 0% 9% 45%

Analysis:45% respondents discover via television that packaging plays a vital role.45% respondents discover through stores that packaging plays a vital role.

6.Are you loyal in buying your brand mainly because it is a well packed product?

Definitely Most probably Definitely not

3 6 2

27% 55% 18%

Analysis:55% respondents will most probably be loyal to the brand which is well packed.


7.How much are you willing to pay more if you get good packaging? 3% 5% 7% Not willing to pay

8 1 0 2

73% 9% 0% 18%

Analysis:73% respondents are willing to pay 3% more for a good packaging. 8.To what extent advertising plays role in promotion of the product?

To great extent To some extent No effect

8 3 0

73% 27% 0%

Analysis:73% respondents feel that advertising plays important role in the promotion of a product 9.Does any product attract you because of its look?

Yes No

11 0

100% 0%

Analysis:100% respondents get attracted to the product because of its look.


10.Do you think good packaging of a product enhances promotion? Yes No Maybe

9 0 2

82% 0% 18%

Analysis:-82% respondents feel good packaging enhances the promotion of a product.

11.How likely are you to recommend the well packaged product to others? Definitely will Probably will Not sure Definitely will not

5 5 1 0

45% 45% 9% 0%

Analysis:45% respondents will definitely recommend a well packaged product to others and remaing 45% will probably recommend.



100% respondents prefer buying consumer goods with packaging.

91% respondents prefer better packaging when it comes to food items followed by beverages

Majority people give importance to quality then packagin and then price. 91% respondents purchase products on the basis of good packaging. 45% respondents discover via television that packaging plays a vital role.45% respondents discover through stores that packaging plays a vital role.

55% respondents will most probably be loyal to the brand which is well packed. 73% respondents are willing to pay 3% more for a good packaging. 100% respondents get attracted to the product because of its look. 82% respondents feel good packaging enhances the promotion of a product. 45% respondents will definitely recommend a well packaged product to others and remaing 45% will probably recommend.

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Packaging plays a vital role on the buying behavior of an individual as well as on the sale of any kind of product. Develop innovative packaging. As per the facts from our questionnaire concluded: 100% of sample respondents preferred to buy products with packaging. Analysis shows that majority of the people prefer packaged products. So this analysis supports my research objective that packaging enhances sales because majority of people preferred packaged products. There are certain characteristics of packaging that add to the factor of brand loyalty. The characteristics included are: 1) Physical Protection. 2) Information Transmission. 3) Convenience and Marketing etc. For e.g. in Physical Protection the objects enclosed in the package may require protection from other things such as shock, temperature and vibration etc. Similarly Information Transmission i.e. package that communicates how to use, transport, recycle or store also helps in maintaining brand loyalty. Convenience on the other hand also helps in maintaining brand loyalty because packages can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling, opening, using and reusing. The above mentioned features are some of the reasons for brand preference with respect to packaging and they also add up positively to consumers perception of product packaging. The research work has been successfully completed and it has helped me to understand the mindset of the consumers regarding the packaging of product and the ways in which packaging should follow to always retain and acquired the customers.

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Maximum focus should be given to maintain the quality level of packaging to make the customer more loyal in buying their brands.

Attention should also be given to increase and maintain the level of comfort and durability to increase the customers loyalty.

Continuously work on innovative designs in order to retain customers. Price of the branded packaged products should be reduced to gain sustainable competitive edge.

In order to make customer loyal in buying their brand and to keep in touch with customer, company should focus on advertising using effective packaging communication.

Packaging should develop a good image in the minds of customers by continuous focusing on its core competencies so that it may have a good word of mouth.

More focus should be on identifying and satisfying the needs in packaging wanted by the target customers.

Label information accurately as consumers would like it, if simplified.

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Introduction taken from wikipedia.

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