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ICOSTA 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2193 (2022) 012086 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2193/1/012086

The utilization of biomass waste as charcoal briquette to

reduce waste disposal

Safri Gunawan1*, Banu Nursanni2, Suprapto2, Sapitri Januariyansah2

Automotive Engineering Education Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas
Negeri Medan, Jl. William Iskandar, Indonesia
Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas
Negeri Medan, Jl. William Iskandar, Indonesia

Corresponding email:

Abstract. This study focuses on the potential of biomass to be developed becomes charcoal
briquette. Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (North Sumatra Province), the
planted area and total coconut production of North Sumatra Province in 2019 were 110,345
hectares and 99,132 tons. The objective of this research is to obtain the properties of charcoal
briquettes by varying the composition and pressure. The variations of the briquette moulding
pressure are 80 and 100 Bar with composition variations of 1:10 and 1:15, respectively. The
experimental tests were carried out to obtain Young's modulus and wt% of briquette. The results
showed that the value of tensile strength and wt% of briquette depends on the moulding pressure
and duration of drying. The conclusion of this study shows that coconut shell and durian skin
waste are very likely to be used as a renewable alternative fuel energy source as briquette.

1. Introduction
Potential of biomass material in Indonesia has a great potential to be developed as briquette and easy to
get. Based on central Bureau Statistics in North Sumatera Province, the planted area and total coconut
production in 2019 was 110,345 hectares and 99,132 tons, respectively, and the production of durian
reach to 1,004,294 kw/qui in 2020 [1]. From the data, it can be drawn that the waste of the planted
production has a potential to create. The waste of the coconut shell and durian fruit peel can be converted
to briquette that has value of renewable energy and reduce environmental pollution.
Many researchers studied to get more valuable of biomass, palm kernel shell investigated to be
converted to renewable energy to fuelwood and charcoal [2] and used as an aggregate replacement
conducted which may give a positive impact to concrete usage [3], wood pellets that manufactured of
blending sawdust and other materials of logging which produced by sawing milling operations. The
operations to produce wood pellets consist of reducing final size, blending, drying, and pressing ground
(4). Vegetable wastes were collected from markets and corncob [5]. The dried matter transformed into
a pulverized form and converted to briquettes [6]. It is a real solution of protecting the environment and
limiting deforestation by making briquette from biomass (waste) [7]. The biomass is not directly used,
it can be converted to get the fuel with the desirable properties, i.e., the high calorific value, high
durability, and low pollution emission [8]. Briquette from biomass contributes to the energy mix. The
advantage of transforming biomass has highly efficient, and now it becomes research interest [7]. It

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ICOSTA 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2193 (2022) 012086 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2193/1/012086

seems that using the waste in briquettes will reduce some of the waste problem and increase national
energy needs [9].
The tendencies of additives material influence on thermal behavior of briquettes can change the
volume of briquet charge [10]. A novel hot-extrusion method by tempering at 200oC for 3 min developed
to achieve the mixing of plastics and sawdust. The use of plastics significantly enhances the strength of
briquettes and the stability improves with the increase of plastic content [11]. The combustion behavior
of briquette depended on the chemical and physical of raw material of [12].
In producing briquette, there are many characteristics concerned to produce standard briquette with
high carbon content and low ash content [13]. The important thing is the strength [14], pressure and
pressing time [15], and temperature in casting [16], [17]. Adhesive as binder is also important to reduce
ash contain and corrosion effect by controlling moisture content and volatile matter [18]. The larger the
amount of adhesive, the longer the briquette burns [9].
Many kinds of biomass have been researched as briquette to reduce environmental pollution and
increase energy need with some treatment to result better renewable energy in briquette form. This
research aims to investigate the effect of molding pressure and tempering time to evaluate the condition
of briquette. The binder used is starch and sago flour and distinguished composition to get the value of
briquette state.

2. Material and Method

2.1. Coconut Shell

Coconut shells are waste that produced about 360 thousand tons per year in Indonesia and it has around
20-30 MPa for compressive strength [3]. Some results of research on fuel from coconut shells as shown
in Table 1 and Table 2 [2].

Table 1. Coconut shell properties

Coconut shell (wt. %)
Components (wt.%)
Dura (local) Tenera (Agric) Charred Briquette
Moisture 8.50 8.00 6.70 1.08
Volatile 81.00 89.00 69.62 71.80
Asap 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.06
Fixed Carbon 10.46 2.96 23.64 27.07

Table 2. Chemical elements of coconut shell

Component Coconut shell briquette

Carbon (C) 48.90
Hydrogen (H) 7.00
Nitrogen (N) 1.02
Sulphur (S) 0.22
Oxygen (O) 42.86

2.2. Durian Fruit Peel

Durian fruit peel (DFP) is a tropical fruit that grows in Indonesia. Generally, DFP is used as a raw
material for herbal medicine because it contains antioxidants, anti-diabetics, and anti-cholesterol [19].
DFP extract is also used in hand sanitizer mixtures because it contains anti-bacteria that can inhibit the
growth of gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhosa and gram-positive bacteria [20].
In the utilization of DFP on briquettes, it is necessary to dry and burn to obtain biomass charcoal. The
characteristics of DFP can be seen in Table 3.
The water content is related to the quality and storage capacity of the extract contained in the DFP,
the ash content is related to the mineral content contained in the DFP, while the acid insoluble ash

ICOSTA 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2193 (2022) 012086 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2193/1/012086

content indicates the residue obtained from the total ash with strong acids. The low value of total ash
content and acid insoluble ash content indicates low mineral content and soil and sand contamination.
As for the mechanical parameters, durian fibre is influenced by the structure of the cell wall and the
chemical properties of its composition, especially the content of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.
Mechanical properties of DFP determined by changing the length of tensile strength, Young's modulus,
and elongation at break. DFP fibres are stiff and inelastic due to the presence of cellulose. The results
showed that processed DFP has the potential to be used in briquette mixtures [21].

Table 3. DFP parameter

Parameter Percentage (%)

Drying Shrinkage 9.71
Water content 6.12
Total Ash Content 1.78
Acid insoluble ash content 0.18

2.3. Starch and Sago Flour

Starch and sago flour used as an adhesive in briquettes because it good in water absorption, not harmful
to health and easy to get. The various types of adhesive flour as shown in Table 4. [22].

Table 4. Type of binder flour

water Ash fat Protein Rough Carbon

Binder flour
(%) (%) (%) (%) fiber (%) (%)
Tapioca/starch 9.84 0.36 1.50 2.21 0.69 85.20
Maize 10.52 1.27 4.89 8.48 1.04 73.80
Rice 7.58 0.68 4.53 9.89 0.82 76.90
Wheat 10.70 0.86 2.00 11.50 0.64 74.20
Sago 14.10 0.67 1.03 1.12 0.37 82.70

3. Method
In the experiment, the variations in composition were carried out with a total composition of 40 grams
of each coconut shell and DFP, and pressure variations were carried out as shown in Table 5. The dough
mixture is made individually as shown in Figure 1.a and moulded using a moulding machine as shown
in figure 1.b. while moulding, it is detained for 120 second and after it, briquette removed from the
machine mould, it is ready to be dried in the electricity oven for along 5 hours and tested as shown in
Figure 1.c.

Table 5. Variable of Experimental Study

No. Biomass Composition of starch Pressure (bar)

1 Coconut shell 10% 80 100
15% 80 100
2 DFP 10% 80 100
15% 80 100
No. Biomass Composition of sago Pressure (bar)
1 Coconut shell 10% 80 100
15% 80 100
2 DFP 10% 80 100
15% 80 100

ICOSTA 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2193 (2022) 012086 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2193/1/012086

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Flow of the experimental

4. Result and Discussion

The study was conducted by weighing briquettes mass per hour and drying temperature of 100 oC by
using electricity oven for along five hours consecutively. The result shown as figure 2. to starch and
figure 3. to sago flour. The picture shows that the briquette mass decreases during drying period. The
results of drying briquettes for 5 hours showed that the briquettes were visually not so dry inside. It
causes the strength of the briquettes not so maximal. The surface of briquette seems hard and tough, but
a bit damp inside.






0 60 120 180 240 300
Coconut shell 10% 80 Bar Coconut shell 15% 80 Bar DFP 10% 80 Bar
DFP 15% 80 Bar Coconut shell 10% 100 Bar Coconut shell 15% 100 Bar
DFP 10% 100 Bar DFP 15% 100 Bar

Figure 2. Moisture Reduction with Starch Binder






0 60 120 Second 180 240 300
Coconut shell 10% 100 Bar Coconut shell 15% 15 Bar DFP 10% 80 Bar
DEP 15% 80 Bar Coconut sheel 10% 100 Bar Coconut shell 15% 100 Bar
DFP 10% 100 Bar DFP 15% 100 Bar
Figure 3. Moisture Reduction with Sago Binder

ICOSTA 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2193 (2022) 012086 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2193/1/012086

The results of briquette pressure test are shown in figure 4-7. The results shows that briquette with
starch has higher pressure value than sago. It indicates that starch is better in binding coconut shell and
DFP charcoal. Based on the data, coconut shell is better than DFP in pressure test, it may be caused of
coconut shell and DFP density. moulding pressure is also affecting the pressure value of the briquette.
Where the pressure moulding of 100 Bar is better than 80 Bar.

Coconut shell DFP

455 450 625 620

Compression (N)
Compression (N)

445 615
440 610
435 430 605 600
430 600
425 595
420 590
Starch Sago Starch Sago
Binder Binder

Figure 4. Binder composition of 10% and mould pressure of 80 Bar

Coconut shell DFP

630 385
620 380
Compression (N)

Compression (N)

610 375
600 370
590 365
590 365
580 360
570 355
Starch Sago Starch Sago
Binder Binder

Figure 5. Binder composition of 15% and mould pressure of 80 Bar

Coconut shell DFP

450 420 635
400 340
Compresssion (N)

Compression (N)

350 620
300 600
250 570
200 580
150 560
0 520
Sago Starch Sago Starch
Binder Binder

Figure 6. Binder composition of 10% and mould pressure of 100 Bar

ICOSTA 2021 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2193 (2022) 012086 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2193/1/012086

Coconut shell DFP

350 320 350
Compression (N)

300 300

Compression (N)
230 240
250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
Sago Starch Sago Starch
Binder Binder

Figure 7. Binder composition of 15% and mould pressure of 100 Bar

5. Conclusions
The study of composition variation between binder and compression moulding shows that 15% of binder
is better used in moulding pressure of 80 Bar and 10% of binder is better in 100 Bar. Starch has higher
pressure than sago, which is determined as 450N, 620N, 420N, 320N and 10% 80 Bar, 15% 80 Bar,
10% 200 bar and 15% 100 Bar respectively.

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The authors acknowledge Institute of Research and Community Service Universitas Negeri Medan for
awarding this research through DIPA Fund with Contract Number 0112/UN33.8/PL-PNBP/2021.
Finally, we extend our gratitude to mechanical engineering workshop members and our fellowship
students for their valuable contributions.

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