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Mathematical Modelling and Applications

2020; 5(1): 16-38
doi: 10.11648/
ISSN: 2575-1786 (Print); ISSN: 2575-1794 (Online)

A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for

Streptococcus Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force
of Infection
Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah, Uche-Iwe Ruth Nwaugonma, Inyama Simeon Chioma, Omame Adrew
Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

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To cite this article:

Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah, Uche-Iwe Ruth Nwaugonma, Inyama Simeon Chioma, Omame Adrew. A Mathematical Model and Analysis of
an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection. Mathematical Modelling and Applications.
Vol. 5, No. 1, 2020, pp. 16-38. doi: 10.11648/

Received: October 16, 2019; Accepted: November 28, 2019; Published: February 19, 2020

Abstract: In this paper, the dynamics of SVEIR model with saturated incidence force of infection and saturated
vaccination function for Streptococcus pneumonia (that is, model that monitors the temporal transmission dynamics of
the disease in the presence of preventive vaccine) was formulated and analyzed. The basic reproduction number that
determines disease extinction and disease survival was revealed. The existing threshold conditions of all kinds of the
equilibrium points are obtained and proved to be locally asymptotic stable for disease-free equilibrium using
linearization method and Lyapunov functional method for Endemic equilibrium. Qualitative Analysis of the model was
obtained and the positive of solution obtained. It was revealed that the model is positively –invariant and attracting. Thus
the region is positively invariant. Hence, it is sufficient to consider the dynamics of the model (1) in the given region. In
this region, the model can be considered as been epidemiologically and mathematically well-posed. The governing model
was normalized and also Adomian Decomposition method was used to compute an approximate solution of the non-
linear system of differential equations governing the model. Maple was used in carrying out the simulations (numerical
solutions) of the model. Graphical results were presented and discussed to illustrate the solution of the problem. The
achieved results reveal that the disease will die out within the community if the vaccination coverage is above the critical
vaccination proportion. The study indicates that we should improve the efficiency and enlarge the capacity of the
treatment to control the spread of disease.
Keywords: Mathematical Model, SVEIR Model, Streptococcus Pneumonia, Saturated Incidence Force Ofinfection

Investigations also revealed that about 50–60% of service

1. Introduction personnel may be carriers. The time frame of carriage
Streptococcus pneumonia is a facultative anaerobic differs among different age group as it tends to be longer
in children than adults. Furthermore, it is still unclear for
bacterium, gram-positive which have the shape of a lancet.
researchers on how carriage and individuals’ ability to
It exists in more than 90 serotypes. Most of these
develop natural immunity are related.
serotypes can originate from different diseases, with little
Most of the serious infections that are community-
of serotypes being the major factor of pneumococcal
infections [6]. Research showed that this gram-positive acquired (like; meningitis and bacteremia) has been traced
to Streptococcus pneumonia being one of the primary
bacterium “Pneumococcus “inhabits the respiratory tract
cause among children who are below the age of 5 years,
and perhaps can be secluded from the nasal part of the
[20, 36]. Among patients who are HIV positive, Sphas
pharynx, lying behind the nose of about 5–90% among
also be linked to be the major cause of sepsis and
individuals who are healthy, relatively on the population
and setting. Adults forms about 5-10% carriers while 20– bacteremia, [22]. The infections instigated by S.
60% of school-aged children are probably carriers. pneumonia are one of the principal causes of death among
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 17

children in Nigeria today, [13]. This is recorded due to the  r, I > 1

poor access to adequate healthcare and can also be h( I ) =  (2)
attributed to high endemicity of HIV infect, [4]. Studies 0, I < 1
have associated children who are colonized with S.
That takes care of some fraction of individuals who are
pneumonia to have higher chance of being hospitalized
successfully treated and the rest unsuccessful, [43]. Further,
compared those who are not colonized, [12].
Wang considered the following piecewise linear treatment
A large number (especially young children) of people are
still battling with infections caused by these bacteria, the
elderly or patients with low immunity irrespective of the  rI , 0 ≤ I ≤ 1
efforts to ensure that rate of mortality and morbidity among h( I ) =  (3)
children in developing countries is reduced, [5]. Research  yI 0 , I > I 0
have revealed that S. pneumonia is the most popular bacteria
isolated from blood and sputum samples of children with We agree this to be more reasonable than the usual linear
severe S. pneumonia, [33]. Pneumococcal disease is function. This revealed that if treatment is delayed for
generally preceded by asymptomatic colonization, which is infected individuals, the efficiency will be drastically
mainly high in children, [5, 22]. Depending on the considered affected. Furthermore, the continuous and differentiable
case, invasive pneumococcal diseases occurs immediately saturated treatment function was introduced and used given
after colonization, and it has been revealed that the as h (I) = rI/(1 +kI), where r>0, k>0, r implies rate of cure,
streptococcal nasopharyngeal carriage prevalence in and k estimates the treatment delay level of the infected
unvaccinated children is similarly high in Africa ranging individuals. This reveals that if Iis small, then the treatment
from 7–90%, [3, 4, 9, 21, 22]. function tends to rI, while it tends to r/k if I is large, [10, 45].
The threat of Sp infection has been increasing despite In the maximum amount because the dynamics of SIR or
interventions by widely available antibiotics, due to the SIS epidemic models with the saturated incidence rate are
increasing presence of multiple antibiotic-resistant Sp strains, recurrently utilized in several literatures. We have a tendency
[35, 31]. to still have very little researches regarding the saturated
There is an urgent call for a better informed intervention treatment operate even within the SEIR epidemic models.
targeted in mitigating the early occurrence of Sp-mediated Other works which we looked at in this work are: [8, 15, 18,
pathology through vaccination and treatment with little 28, 34, 25, 29, 45, 46, 47].
antibiotics [37, 38]. Formerly, proposed mathematical
models considered Sp infections in the lung which is a 2. Model Formulation
normally sterile site of the airway epithelium. There have
been numerous epidemic models designed and explored, also 2.1. Assumptions of the Model
many vaccination campaigns to prevent eradicate or mitigate
the speed transmission of the infectious childhood diseases The assumptions of the model are stated below:
(for example measles, tuberculosis, and flu). Bilinear 1. We assume that the saturated incidence force of
incidence rate β SI has been frequently applied in many βI
infection rate is
epidemic models according to [1, 2, 30, 39, 40, 41]. The 1+ α I
saturated incidence rate β SI (1+αI) was introduced by [11]. 2. People in the Vaccinated compartment can be infected.
3. People can be infected only through contacts with
This reveals that if βI (which estimates the infection force at
infectious people except those who are immune.
time of disease total invasion in the susceptible population) is
4. Recovered individuals may go back to the susceptible
large together with 1/(1+αI) (which estimates the reacting
effect out of the behavioral change of the susceptible
5. The population is homogeneously mixed (A population
population at the time we have a crowding effect of the
that interacts with one another to the same degree
infected population), then the model is certainly to be
saturated. It comes up with the concept of continuous
treatment in an SIR model as follows: 2.2. Symbols and Parameter of the Model
r, I > 1 Below are the symbols and parameters of the proposed
h( I ) =  (1)
0, I < 1 model.

Table 1. Symboles and parameters.

Symbols and Parameters Description
S Susceptible Individuals at time t
V Vaccinated Individuals at time t
E Exposed individuals at time t
I Infectious individuals at time t
R Recovered individuals at time t
µ (Mu) Per capita natural mortality rate (Natural death rate)
β (Beta) Contact rate
18 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

Symbols and Parameters Description

ℜ0 Basic reproduction number
ξ (Xi) Effectiveness of vaccine
(1 − ξ ) Rate at which vaccines get waned
N Total population
P Fraction of recruited individuals into the vaccinated population
σ (Sigma) infectious rate of exposed individuals
γ Gama Recovery rate of infected individuals
ω (Omega) Susceptible rate of vaccinated individuals
Λ (Capital Lambda) Recruitment rate into the susceptible compartment
λ= Saturated incidence force of infection
1+ α I
ρ (Rho) Per capita rate of recovered individuals going back to the Susceptible class.
Α Death as a result of the infection
Fi The rate of appearance of new infection in compartment I
ν i+ The rate of transfer of individuals into the infected compartment
ν i− The transfer of individual out of the infected compartment

Now we have

N (t ) = S (t ) + V (t ) + E (t ) + I (t ) + R(t )

2.3. Flow Diagram of the Model

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Model.

2.4. The Model Equation

Applying the symbols and parameters, assumptions and flow diagram, we now formulate the model equations as follows:

dS βI 
= (1 − p ) Λ + ωΛ + ρ R − S − µS 
dt 1+ α I

dV β (1 − ξ )VI 
= pΛ − − ( µ + ω )V
dt 1+ α I 
βI β (1 − ξ )VI 
dE 
= S+ − (µ + σ )E  (4)
dt 1 + α I 1+α I 
dI 
= σ E − (µ + ε + γ )I 

dR 
= γ I − (σ + ρ ) R
dt 
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 19

Where λ = is the saturated incidence force of infection.
1+α I

3. Qualitative Analysis
3.1. Positivity of Solutions
We prove the positivity of the solution by stating and proving the Theorem 3.1 below.
Theorem 3.1:
Suppose we have the initial solution of our model to be {S (0), V (0), E (0), I (0), R (0) ≥ 0} ∈ ϕ . Then for all t ≥ 0 the solution
set {S (t ), V (t ), E (t ), I ( t ), R ( t )} the system (3) remains positive
From the first equation of (3) we have

dS dS
≥ −µ S ⇒ ≥ − µ dt
dt S

⇒ ln S ≥ − µ t + c ⇒ S ≥ e − µ t + c = S 0 e − µ t ≥ 0 where S 0 = e c

From the second equation of (3) we have

≥ − ( µ + ω )V

⇒ ≥ ( µ + ω ) dt ⇒ ln V ≥ ( µ + ω )t + c ⇒ V ≥ e ( µ + ω ) t + c = V0 e ( µ + ω ) t where V0 = e c

From the third equation of (3) we have

dE dE
≥ −( µ + σ ) E ⇒ ≥ − ( µ + σ ) dt
dt E

⇒ ln E ≥ − ( µ + σ )t + c ⇒ E ≥ e − ( µ + σ ) t + c = E 0 e − ( µ + σ ) where E 0 = e c

From the fourth equation of (3) we have

dI dI
≥ −( µ + ε + γ ) I ⇒ ≥ −( µ + ε + γ )dt
dt I

⇒ ln I ≥ − ( µ + ε + γ )t + c ⇒ I ≥ e − ( µ + ε +γ )t + c = I 0 e − ( µ +ε +γ )t where I 0 = ec

From the fifth equation of (3) we have

dR dR
≥ −(µ + ρ ) R ⇒ ≥ − ( µ + ρ ) dt
dt R

ln R ≥ − ( µ + ρ ) t + c ⇒ R ≥ e − ( µ + ρ ) t + c = R0 e − ( µ + ρ ) where R0 = e c

Hence the solution set {S (t ), V (t ), E (t ), I ( t ), R ( t )} of the system (3) is positive for all t ≥ 0 .
Remark 1: > 0 for all real values of k.
Theorem 3.2 (Invariant Region)
The following feasible region of the model (3)

 Λ
Ω = ( S , V , E , I , R ) ∈ R 5+ : S + V + E + I + R ≤ 
 µ
20 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

is a positive invariant region and attracting.

Proof: From model (3),

dN dS dV dE dI dR
S +V + E + I + R = N ⇒ = + + + +
dt dt dt dt dt dt

= Λ − µ S − µV − µ E − µ I − µ R = Λ − µ ( S + V + E + I + R ) = Λ − µ N

∴ = Λ − µN

dN dN d Λ ce − µ Λ
⇒ = Λ − µN ⇒ + µ N = Λ ⇒ ( µ N ) = Λ + ce − µ ⇒ N = + ⇒ N ≤ ≥0
dt dt dt µ µ µ

 Λ
∴ Ω = ( S , V , E , I , R ) ∈ ℜ 5+ : S + V + E + I + R ≤ 
 µ

is positive invariant and attracting.

Thus Ω is positive invariant. Therefore, it is very significant to study the behavior of our model (4) in region Ω , because in
this region, the model is epidemiologically and mathematically meaningful, [14].

3.2. Existence of Steady States

The existence of steady state of the model occurs at

dS dV dE dI dR
= = = = =0
dt dt dt dt dt

(1 − p ) Λ + ω Λ + ρ R − S − µS = 0 (5)
1+ α I

β (1 − ξ )VI
pΛ − − ( µ + ω )V = 0 (6)
1+α I

βI β (1 − ξ )VI
S+ − (µ + σ ) E = 0 (7)
1+ α I 1+ α I

σ E − (µ + ε + γ ) I = 0 (8)

γ I − (σ + ρ ) R = 0 (9)

Solving (7)—(11) we have

From (7),

βI (1 − p)Λ + ωV * + ρ R*
(1 − p)Λ + ωΛ + ρ R − S − µS ⇒ S* = (10)
1+ α I (λβ I * + µ )

From (8)

β (1 − ξ )VI
pΛ − − ( µ + ω )V = 0 ⇒ p Λ (1 + α I ) = β (1 − ξ )VI − ( µ + ω )(1 + α I )V
1+α I

⇒V* = (11)
λβ (1 − ξ ) I * − ( µ + ω )

From (9)
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 21

βI β (1 − ξ )VI λβ I *[ S * + (1 − ξ )V * ]
S+ − (µ + σ )E = 0 ⇒ E * = (12)
1+ α I 1+ α I (µ + σ )

From (10)

σ E*
σ E − (µ + ε + γ ) I = 0 ⇒ I * = (13)
(µ + ε + γ )

From (11)

γ I*
γ I − (σ + ρ ) R = 0 ⇒ R* = (14)
(µ + ρ )

Summarizing we have that the disease-free steady state is

ξ 0 = S * , 0, 0, 0, 0 ) (15)

and the endemic steady states is

ξ E = S * , V * , E * , I * , R* ) (16)

where S * , V * , E * , I * , R* are as defined below.

(1 − p)Λ + ωV * + ρ R* 
S* = 
(λβ I * + µ ) 

pΛ 
V* =
λβ (1 − ξ ) I * − ( µ + ω ) 

λβ I *[ S * + (1 − ξ )V * ]  (17)
E =

(µ + σ ) 

σE *

I* = 
(µ + ε + γ )

γI *

R* =
(µ + ρ ) 

generation operator method on the system.

3.3. Disease Free Equilibrium (DFE) of the Model The basic reproduction number R0 is defined as the
The model system (1) has a steady state at a given period effective number of secondary infections caused by an infected
where there is no S. Pneumonia in the population under individual during his/her entire period of infectiousness, [42].
consideration. That is; when E 0 = I 0 = 0 . Hence, the When R0 < 0 , it implies that each individual produces on
disease-free equilibrium (DFE) denoted as ξ 0 , of the model average less than one new infected individual and hence the
disease dies out with time. On the other hand, when R0 > 0 ,
system (1) is obtained by Substituting E 0 = I 0 = 0 into (18)
Hence the disease free equilibrium of system (1) of the it means each individual produces more than one new
model equation is given by infected individual and hence the disease is able to invade the
susceptible population. However, R0 = 0 is the threshold
 Λω + Λµ (1 − p) Λp
( )
ξ 0 = S 0 ,V 0 , E 0 , I 0 , R0 = 
 µ (µ + ω)
µ +ω

, 0, 0, 0 

below which the generation of secondary cases is insufficient
to maintain the infection within human community? The
basic reproduction number cannot be determined from the
3.4. The Model Basic Reproduction Number structure of the mathematical model alone, but depends on
the definition of infected and uninfected compartments.
The local stability is established by using the next This definition is given for the models that represent
22 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

spread of infection in a population. It is obtained by taking straightforward calculation gives

the largest (dominant) eigenvalue or spectral radius of
 λ ( S + (1 − ξ )V ) 
( x ) = 
( )
f 
−1 
ρ FV
i  0 

 (σ + µ )E 
 ∂f (ξ 0 )   ∂v (ξ 0 )  v( x) =  
Fi =  i  and Vi =  i   ( µ + ε + γ ) I − σ E 

 ∂X j   ∂X j 
Then F and V which are the Jacobian of f andv evaluated
fi is the rate of appearance of new infection in at the DFE ξ 0 respectively becomes
compartment i and vi = vi − − vi +
0 β ( S 0 + (1 − ξ )V 0 ) 
vi − is the transfer of individuals out of the compartment i , F (ξ 0 ) =  
0 0 
vi is the rate of transfer into compartment i by any other
means, σ + µ 0 
V (ξ 0 ) =  
ξ 0 is the disease free equilibrium  −σ µ +ε +γ 
Then by linearizing fi and vi , and evaluating at the
Hence we compute V −1 and obtain
disease free equilibrium point we obtain the associated
matrices Fi and Vi respectively.
The infected compartments are, E and I hence a

1 µ +ε +γ 0 
V −1 (ξ 0 ) =  
(σ + µ )( µ + ε + γ )  σ σ +µ

 σβ ( S 0 + (1 − ξ )V 0 ) β ( S 0 + (1 − ξ )V 0 ) 
1  0 β ( S 0 + (1 − ξ )V 0 )   µ + ε + γ 0   
FV −1
=   
= (σ + µ )( µ + ε + γ ) µ +ε +γ
(σ + µ )( µ + ε + γ )  0 0  σ σ + µ   

 0 0 

The basic reproduction number is given by R0 = ρ ( FV −1) , that is, the highest eigenvalue of FV −1 is

σβ Λ[ µ (1 − pξ ) + ω ]
R0 = (18)
µ ( µ + ω )(σ + µ )( µ + ε + γ )

3.5. Local Stability of the Disease-free Steady State

Theorem 3.3: The disease free equilibrium (ξ 0 ) is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1 and unstable if R0 > 1
We prove the locally asymptotically stability of the disease free equilibrium ( E 0 ) of model (1) using linearization approach.
We linearize the model equation to obtain the Jacobian matrix:

 (λβ + µ ) ω 0 −λβ S ρ 
 
 0 −λβ (1 − ξ ) I ( µ + ω ) 0 λβ (1 − ξ )V 0 
J=  λβ I λβ (1 − ξ ) I −( µ + σ ) λβ S + λβ (1 − ξ )V 0 
 
 0 0 σ −( µ + ε + γ ) 0 
 0 0 0 γ −( µ + ρ ) 

At the DFE J becomes;

Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 23

 (1 − ρ ) ω 0 −λβ S ρ 
 
 0 −λβ (1 − ξ ) I ( µ + ω ) 0 λβ (1 − ξ )V 0 
J =  λβ I λβ (1 − ξ ) I −( µ + σ ) λβ S + λβ (1 − ξ )V 0 
 
 0 0 σ −( µ + ε + γ ) 0 
 0 0 0 γ −( µ + ρ ) 

Hence the characteristics equation of the above Jacobian is

 −β 
λ + k1 ω 0
µ 1
k −ρ 
 
 0 −( µ + ω ) − λ 0 β k1 0 
 
J − λI =  −β =0
0 0 −( µ + σ ) − λ (k1 + µ k1 ) 0
 µ 
 
 0 0 σ λ + (µ + ε + γ ) 0 
 0 0 0 γ −( µ + ρ ) − λ 

where I is 5 × 5 identity matrix

That implies that

Λω + Λµ (1 − ρ ) (1 − ξ )Λp
k1 = , k2 =
(µ + ω ) (µ + ω )

where (k1 − λ )[( µ + ω ) − λ ][( µ + ρ ) − λ ][λ 2 + (2µ + σ + ξ + γ )λ + ( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) − (k1 + µ k2 )] = 0


λ1 = k1 , λ2 = −( µ + ω ), λ3 = −( µ + ρ ) and λ 2 + (2 µ + σ + ξ + γ )λ + [( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) − (k1 + µ k2 ) = 0]

Letting A2 = 1, A1 = 2µ + σ + ξ + γ and A0 = ( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) − (k + µ k2 ), we obtain the equation
µ 1

A2 λ 2 + A1λ + A0 = 0

Using the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion according to [32]which state that all the roots of the characteristics equation (19)
above have negative real parts if and only if the co-efficient Ai are positive and matrices Hi > 0 for i = 0,1, 2
Hence from (18) we see that

A2 = 1 > 0; A1 = 2µ + σ + ξ + γ > 0


σβ [ ∧ω + λµ (1 − ξρ )]
A0 = ( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) −
µ (µ + ω )

⇒ A0 = µ ( µ + ω )( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) − σβ ∧ ω − σβ ∧ µ + σβρξ
= µ ( µ + ω )( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) + σβρξ − σβ ∧ (ω + µ )
= ( µ + ω ) [ µ ( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ )] + σβρξ > 0

Again, the Hurwitz Matrix

A 0 
H = 1 
 A0 A2 
24 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection


H1 = A1 = A1 > 0
A 0
H2 =  1  = A1 A2 > 0
 A0 A2 

This therefore shows that all the eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the system have negative real parts. Hence, the DFE is
locally asymptotically stable.
3.6. Global Stability of Disease-free Steady State

Theorem 3.4: If R0 ≤ 1 for the model (4) then the infection-free equilibrium state (ξ 0 ) is the only non-negative equilibrium
state of the model (4) and it is globally asymptotically stable.
Let L = c1 E + c2 I be the Lyapunov function, where c1 and c2 are constants

dL dE dI
= c1 + c2 (*)
dt dt dt
dL σ dE 1 dI
⇒ = +
dt ( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) dt µ + ξ + γ dt
[ λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ )VI − ( µ + σ ) E ] +
( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ ) (µ + ξ + γ )
[σ E − (µ + ξ + γ ) I ]
σ σE σE
( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ )
[λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ )VI ] − ( µ + ξ + γ ) + (µ + ξ + γ ) − I

At the D. F. E λ = 1

dL σβ  ∧ω + ∧ µ (1 − ρ ) (1 − ξ ) ∧ ρ 
⇒ =  + I −I
dt ( µ + σ )( µ + ξ + γ )  µ ( µ + ω ) (µ + ω ) 
dL σβ ∧ [ω + µ (1 − ρξ ) ] I
= −I
dt µ ( µ + σ )( µ + ω )( µ + ξ + γ )

But dL
R+5 except the points where =0
σβ ∧ [ω + µ (1 − ρξ )]
= R0 By Lyapunov-Lasalle asymptotic stability theorem, this
µ ( µ + σ )( µ + ω )( µ + ξ + γ ) implies that the largest invariant set of the system is globally
asymptotically stable.
dL The global stability of the D. F. E. state means that; any
⇒ = R0 I − I
dt initial level of S. pneumonia infection, the infection will
= I ( R0 − 1) gradually die out from the population when R0 ≤ 1 .
R0 > 1 means that one infected individual living in an
≤ I ( R0 − 1) entirely Susceptible population will cause an average more
than one infected individual in the next generation; in this
Hence by Lyapunev-Lasalle asymptotic stability theorem in case, S. pneumonia invades such a population and persists.
[24], when R0 ≤ 1 it implies that the disease-free equilibrium Basic reproduction rate R0 is greater than 1 implies that
state ( E * ) is globally asymptotically stable in R+5 . the D. F. E. is unstable.

Because ( E * ) is the only point in R5 where dL = dN = 0 3.7. Global Stability of Endemic Steady State
dt dt
that is the derivatives of both N and L are equal to zero, Theorem 3.4: The unique endemic equilibrium of mode (1)
then is ( E * ) unique. given by E** is globally asymptotically stable in Ω if
This completes the proof. R0 > 1.
dL Proof:
Remarks: R0 ≤ 1 implies that < 0 holds everywhere in
dt Consider the following non-linear Lyaponuv function
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 25

  S   E    V    I 
L = c1  S − S ** − S ** ln  **  + E − E ** − E ** ln  **   + c2 V − V ** − V ** ln  **   + c3  I − I ** − I ** ln  **  
 S   E    V    I 

With the Lyaponuv

dL  S **  *  E ** *  V **  *   I **  * 
= c1  1 −  S +  1 −  E  + c2  1 −  V  + c3  1 − I
 I  
dt  S   E    V   
 S **   E **  
 ( (1 − ρ ) ∧ +ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S ) +  1 −  ( λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) E ) 
= c1  1 −
dt  S   E  
 V **  
+ c2  1 −
  ( ρ ∧ −λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V ) 
 V  
 I **  
+ c3  1 −
  (σ E − ( µ + ξ + γ ) I ) 
 I  

At the steady state;

(1 − ρ ) ∧ = λβ S ** I ** − ωV ** − ρ R** + µ S **
ρ ∧ = λβ (1 − ξ ) V ** I ** + ( µ + ω ) V **

That implies that;

 S **   E **  
= c1 1 −
 
S 
λβ (
S ** I ** − ωV ** − ρ R** + µ S ** + ωV + ρ R − 2β SI − µ S + 1 −
 
E 
( λβ )
SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) E ) 
dt   
 V **  
+ c2 1 −
 V 
 λβ (1 − ξ ) V I + ( µ + ω ) V − λβ (1 − ξ )VI − ( µ + ω ) V
** ** **

 I **  
+ c3 1 −
 
I 
(σ E − ( µ + ξ + γ ) I )
 

Collecting all the terms without ** in the infected classes and equating them to zero ( 0 )
−c1λβ SI − c1λβ S ** I + c1λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − c2 λβ (1 − ξ ) VI + c2 λβ (1 − ξ )V ** I + c3σ E = 0

c1   λβ (1 − ξ ) V + λβ S **  + c2  λβ (1 − ξ ) V ** − λβ (1 − ξ )V  I 
    
λβ (1 − ξ )V − λβ (1 − ξ ) V **  c2
c1 =  
λβ (1 − ξ ) V + S ** 

(1 − ξ ) (V − V ** ) c2
c1 =
(1 − ξ )V + S **

c2 = (1 − ξ ) V + S ** ⇒ c1 = (1 − ξ ) V − V ** ( )
26 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

c3σ E = 0; σ ≠ 0 ⇒ c3 = 0

( 
)  S   E    V 
L = (1 − ξ ) V − V **  S − S ** − S ** ln  **  + E − E ** − E ** ln  **   + (1 − ξ ) V + S **  V − V ** − V ** ln  **  
 S   E   
  V 
 * S ** * * E ** *   * V ** *   * V ** * 
= (1 − ξ ) V − V **  S − ) S + E− E  + (1 − ξ ) V V − V  + S ** V − V
dt  S E   V   V 
 * 
 * S ** * * E ** * V ** *
  * S ** * * E ** *   * V ** * 
= (1 − ξ ) V  S − S + E− E +V − V  − (1 − ξ ) V **  S − S + E− E  + S ** V − V

  S E   V 
 

 S ** 
(1 − ρ ) ∧ +ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S −
( (1 − ρ ) ∧ +ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S ) 
 
 E ** 
= (1 − ξ ) V  +λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + σ ) E −
( λβ SI − λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + σ ) E ) 
 
 ** 
 + ρ ∧ −λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V −
( ρ ∧ −λβ (1 − ξ ) VI ( µ + ω ) V ) 
 V 
 S ** 
(1 − ρ ) ∧ +ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S − ( (1 − ρ ) ∧ +ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S ) 
− (1 − ξ ) V ** 
S 
 E ** 
 +λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ )VI − ( µ + σ ) E −
 E
( λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + σ ) E ) 

 ** 
+ S **  ρ ∧ −λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V −
( ρ ∧ −λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V ) 
 V 

 λβ S ** I ** − ωV ** − ρ R** + µ S ** + ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S 
 ** 
 S
( )
 − S λβ S I − ωV − ρ R + µ S + ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S + λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + σ ) E 
** ** ** ** ** 
 
= (1 − ξ )  E ** 
− ( λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + σ ) E ) + λβ (1 − ξ ) V I + ( µ + ω )V − λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V 
** ** **

 E 
 V ** 
 V
λβ (1 − ξ ) V I + ( µ + ω ) V − λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V
** ** **
) 

 
 λβ S ** I ** − ωV ** − ρ R** + µ S ** + ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S 
 ** 
**  S
− (1 − ξ ) V  −
λβ S I − ωV − ρ R + µ S + ωV + ρ R − λβ SI − µ S
** ** ** ** ** 
 )
 **

 
 +λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + σ ) E − E ( λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + σ ) E ) 

 λβ (1 − ξ ) V ** I ** + ( µ + ω ) V ** − λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V 
 
+ S **  V ** 
 V
λβ (1 − ξ ) V ** I ** + ( µ + ω ) V ** − λβ (1 − ξ ) VI − ( µ + ω ) V ) 

µ S ** , ( µ + σ ) E, ( µ + σ ) E** , ( µ + ω )V
Collecting all the terms with ** in the infected classes including all the and
( µ + ω )V **
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 27

 2
VS ** **
V ** S ** ** V ** S ** ** 

 λβ VS I − λβ
** **
I + λβ I − λβ I 
= (1 − ξ )  S S V 
 
 +λβ (1 − ξ ) VV I − λβ (1 − ξ ) V I
** ** **2 **

 E **
E **
E **
E ** 
+ (1 − ξ ) λβ SV ** I − λβ SIV + λβ (1 − ξ ) VV ** I − λβ (1 − ξ ) V 2 I 
 E E E E 
 V µ S **  
µV ** S **  

+ (1 − ξ )  2V µ S ** − V µ S −  −  2µV ** S ** − µV ** S − 
 S  
 
S 

 
( )
+ (1 − ξ ) V ( µ + σ ) E ** − E + V ** ( µ + σ ) E − E ** 
 (
 )
( )
 **2 ** 

+ (1 − ξ ) ( µ + ω ) 2VV − V − V **2  ** V S
 (
** 2
+ µ + ω )  2 S V − VS −
** **

  V 

 V V S ** S ** V ** V V ** 
= λβ (1 − ξ ) S **V ** I **  ** − ** + − + (1 − ξ ) ** − (1 − ξ ) ** 
 V V S S V S S 
 V ** V ** V  E **
+ λβ (1 − ξ ) SVI  − 1 + (1 − ξ ) − (1 − ξ ) 
 V S S  E

 S   S S **  **  E 
+ µ (1 − ξ ) VS **  2 − **  − µ (1 − ξ ) V ** S **  2 − ** −  + (1 − ξ )( µ + σ ) VE 1 − ** 
 S   S S   E 
 V V **  ** **  V V ** 
+ (1 − ξ )( µ + σ )V ** E **  2 − ** −  + ( µ + ω ) V S  2 − ** − 
 V V   V V 

It can be shown that

V (1 − ξ )V **
(1 − ξ ) − =0
S ** S **

V ** V
(1 − ξ ) − (1 − ξ ) = 0

Hence we have

dL  S S **  ** **  S ** S 
≤ µ (1 − ξ ) VS **  2 − ** −  − µ (1 − ξ ) V S  2 − − ** 
dt  S S   S S 
 E   E 
+ (1 − ξ )( µ + σ ) VE ** 1 − **  + (1 − ξ )( µ + σ ) V ** E **  ** − 1
 E  E 
 V V **  ** **  V V ** 
+ (1 − ξ )( µ + ω ) VV **  2 − ** −  + ( µ + ω ) V S  2 − ** 
 V V   V V 

Finally, since the arithmetic mean exceeds the geometric mean, then

 S ** S 
 2 − − **  ≤ 0
 S S 
 V 
 2 − V − **  ≤ 0
 V 

Furthermore, since all the model parameters are non-negative, it follows that
28 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

≤ 0 for R0 > 1. Thus L is aLyapunov function of system (4) on Ω .
Therefore, it follows from Lasalle’s Invariance Principle that

lim S ( t ) = S **
t →∞

lim V ( t ) = V **
t →∞

lim E ( t ) = E**
t →∞

lim I ( t ) = I **
t →∞

lim R ( t ) = R**
t →∞

3.8. Basic Concept of Variational Iteration Method

We consider the general nonlinear system

L[u ( x)] + N [u ( x)] = ψ ( x)

Where L is linear operator, N is nonlinear operator and ψ ( x ) is a given continuous function.

According to the variational iteration method He (1999) and He et al. (2006), we can construct a correction functional in the
uk +1 ( x) = uk ( x) + ∫ λ (s) L[u (s)] + N[uɶ (s)] −ψ ( x)ds
k k (20)

Where u0 ( x) is an initial approximation with possible unknowns, λ is the Lagrange multiplier which can be determined
optimally via variational theory, the subscript k denotes the k th approximation and uɶk is considered as a restricted variation
such that δ uɶk = 0 . It is shown that this method is very effective and easy for a linear problem, its exact solution can be obtained
by only the first iteration because λ can be exactly identified.
Hence to solve the above equation, we proceed by considering the stationary condition of the correction functional, then the
Lagrange multiplier λ becomes,

( −1) m
λ (s) = ( s − x) m −1 (21)
( m − 1)!

where m is the highest order of the differential equation.

As a result, we have the iteration formula as;

t ( −1) m
uk +1 ( x) = uk ( x) + ∫ 0 ( m − 1)!
( s − x) m −1 L[uk ( s )] + N [uɶk ( s )] −ψ ( x)  ds (22)

3.9. Implementation of Variational Iteration Method on SVEIR Model

First we consider the SVEIR model (4), we then apply Variational Iteration Method (VIM) by constructing the correction
functional of each of the equations of the system, and we obtained the following;

t  dS n β Sɶn Iɶn 
S n +1 = S n + ∫ λ (t )  dt
1 − (1 − p ) Λ − ωVn − ρ Rn +
1+α I
+ µ S n dt

t  dVn β (1 − ξ ) I nVn 
Vn +1 = Vn + ∫ λ (t )  dt
2 − pΛ +
1+α I
+ (ω + µ )Vn dt


t  dEn β I n S n β (1 − ξ ) I nVn 
En +1 = En + ∫ λ (t ) 

1+ α I

1+α I
+ (σ + µ ) En dt

Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 29

t  dI n 
I n +1 = I n + ∫ λ (t )  dt
4 − σ En + ( µ + ε + γ ) I n dt


t  dRn 
Rn +1 = Rn + ∫ λ (t )  dt
5 − γ I n + ( ρ + µ ) Rn dt


Where λi , i = 1, 2,...5 are the Lagrangemultiplier which can be identified optimally via variational Theory.
we now obtain the optimal values of λi

( −1) m
λi (t ) = (t − x) m −1 , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (28)
( m − 1)!

m is the highest order of the differential equations.

x is the compartments
Hence we have

( −1)1 −1
λ1 (t ) = (t − S )1−1 = (t − S ) 0 = − 1
(1 − 1)! 0!

( −1)1 −1
λ2 (t ) = (t − V )1−1 = (t − V )0 = − 1
(1 − 1)! 0!

( −1)1 −1
λ3 (t ) = (t − E )1−1 = (t − E )0 = − 1
(1 − 1)! 0!

( −1)1 −1
λ4 (t ) = (t − I )1−1 = (t − I ) 0 = − 1
(1 − 1)! 0!

( −1)1 −1
λ5 (t ) = (t − R )1−1 = (t − R ) 0 = − 1
(1 − 1)! 0!

Therefore, our iteration formulae become;

t  dS β Sɶn Iɶn 
S n +1 = S n − ∫  dt
− (1 − p ) Λ − ωVn − ρ Rn +
1+α I
+ µ S n dt

t  dVn β (1 − ξ ) I nVn 
Vn +1 = Vn − ∫  dt
− pΛ +
1+α I
+ (ω + µ )Vn dt


t  dEn β I n S n β (1 − ξ ) I nVn 
En +1 = En − ∫ 
0 dt

1+α I

1+α I
+ (σ + µ ) En dt


t  dI n 
I n +1 = I n − ∫ λ (t )  dt
4 − σ En + ( µ + ε + γ ) I n dt


t  dRn 
Rn +1 = Rn − ∫ λ (t )  dt
5 − γ I n + ( ρ + µ ) Rn dt


With the initial approximation S0 (t ) = 25 , V0 (t ) = 20 , E0 (t ) = 15 , I 0 (t ) = 10 , R0 (t ) = 0 which satisfy the initial conditions,

to give;
30 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

S1 ( t ) = 25 + 7.57218t
V1 ( t ) = 20 + 1.8944104t
E1 ( t ) = 15 + 0.4470096 t
I1 ( t ) = 10 − 3.8516 t
R1 ( t ) = 0.714 t

S2 ( t ) = 25 + 7.57218t + 3.428031601t 2 + 0.0133925719t 3

V2 ( t ) = 20 + 1.8944104t − 0.01980016004t 2 + 0.003283546738t 3
E2 ( t ) = 15 + 0.4470096t − 0.05587241364t 2 − 0.01667611864t 3
I 2 ( t ) = 10 − 3.8516t + 0.7758508925t 2
R2 ( t ) = 0.714 t − 3.89337352t 2

S3 ( t ) = 25 + 7.57218t + 3.428031601t 2 − 10.95779782t 3 + 0.02528127049t 4

− 0.0007185722909t 5 − 0.000002385690683t 6
V3 ( t ) = 20 + 1.8944104t − 0.01980016004t 2 − 0.003199072356t 3 − 0.0005840314321t 4
0.0000075626666608t 5 − 5.73214805 × 10−7 t 6
E3 ( t ) = 15 + 0.4470096t − 0.05587241364t 2 + 0.01507381852t 3 − 0.001898403052t 4
+ 0.0007110096243t 5 + 0.000002958908163t 6
I 3 ( t ) = 10 − 3.8516t + 0.7758508925t 2 − 0.104064693t 3 − 0.0004569256508t 4
R3 ( t ) = 0.714 t − 3.89337352t 2 + 10.9640184t 3

3.10. Basic Concept and Implementation of ADM on SVEIR Model

In this section, we determine the solution of model (4) using Adomain Decomposition Method (ADM).
Let us consider system (4) in an operator form;

LS = (1 − ρ )Λ + ωΛ + ρΛ − λβ SI − µ S 

LV = ρΛ − λβ (1 − ξ )VI − ( µ + ω )V 

LE = λβ SI + λβ (1 − ξ )VI − ( µ + σ ) E 

 (34)
LI = σ E − ( µ + ε + γ ) I 

LR = γ I − ( µ + ρ ) R 

d 
where L =
dt 

∫ (.) dt on both sides of (**), we have

By applying the inverse operator L =
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 31

 t t t t 
 0
∫0 0

 S (t ) = S (0) + (1 − p)Λt + ω Vdt +ρ Rdt − λβ SIdt − µ Sdt 
 ∫ ∫
 
 
 t t 
 
 0

V (t ) = V (0) + pVt − λβ (1 − ξ ) VIdt − ( µ + ω ) Vdt

 
 
 t t t  (35)
 0
∫ 0

 E (t ) = E (0) + λβ SIdt + λβ (1 − ξ ) VIdt − ( µ + σ ) Edt

 
 
 t t 
 I (t ) = I (0) + σ Edt − ( µ + ε + γ ) Idt 
 ∫ ∫ 
 0 0 
 
 t t

 
 0

 R (t ) = R (0) + γ Idt − ( µ + ρ ) Rdt
∫ 

Applying Adomain Decomposition Method, the solution of the equation (35) above becomes sum of the following series;
The linear terms
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
S= ∑
S n ;V = ∑
n =0
Vn ; E = ∑
n =0
En ; I = ∑
n =0
In ; R = ∑E

And we approximate the non-linear terms as follows

SI = ∑ A (S ,..., S
n =0
n 0 n; I 0 ,..., I n )

VI = ∑ B (V ,...,V ; I ,..., I )
n =0
n 0 n 0 n


  ∞  ∞ 
dn 
1   n =0
Sk λ k 
 ∑ Ik λ k  


An =     n =0
 λ =0 (36)
n!  dλn 
 
 


  ∞  ∞ 
dn 
1  

Sn λ k 

Inλ k  

Bn =   (37)
n!  dλk 
 
  λ =0

Are the Adomain polynomials

Now, substituting An , Bn and the linear terms in (20), we have
Hence from the above equation (21) we define the following initial conditions and recursive formula
32 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

S0 = S (0) + (1 − p) ∧ t ,V0 = V (0) + p ∧ t , E0 = E(0), I 0 = I (0), R0 = R(0)

t t t t

∫ ∫ ∫
Sn +1 = ω Vn dt + ρ Rn dt − λβ An dt − µ Sn dt
0 0 0

t t

Sn +1 = λβ (1 − ξ ) Bn dt − ( µ + ω ) Vn dt

t t t


En +1 = λβ An dt + λβ (1 − ξ ) Bn dt − ( µ + σ ) En dt


t t

∫ ∫
I n +1 = σ En dt − ( µ + ξ + r ) I n dt
0 0
t t

∫ ∫
Rn +1 = r I n dt − ( µ + ρ ) Rn dt
0 0

We compute the Adomain polynomial with help of Maple; and obtained

A0 = S0 I 0
A1 = S0 I1 + S1 I 0
A2 = S0 I 2 + S1 I1 + S2 I 0
A3 = S0 I 3 + S1 I 2 + S2 I1 + S3 I 0
A4 = S0 I 4 + S1 I 3 + S2 I 2 + S3 I1 + S4 I 0
A5 = S0 I 5 + S1 I 4 + S2 I 3 + S3 I 2 + S4 I1 + S5 I 0

B0 = V0 I 0 ,
B1 = V0 I1 + V1 I 0
B2 = V0 I 2 + V1 I1 + V2 I 0
B3 = V0 I 3 + V1 I 3 + V2 I 2 + V3 I1 + V4 I 0
B4 = V0 I 5 + V1 I 4 + V2 I 3 + V3 I 2 + V4 I1 + V5 I 0

S1 = 0.8926t + 0.059216635t 2
V1 = −1.5160096t + 0.1.1292557365t 2
E1 = 0.4470098t + 0.06903010054t 2
I1 = −3.85160t
R1 = 0.7140t

S2 = 3.368814965t 2 + 0.008862406378t 3
V2 = 0.1094555764t 2 + 0.009177100611t 3
E2 = −0.1249025142t 2 − 0.01829162969t 3
I 2 = 0.7758508926t 2 + 0.0002521899673t 3
R2 = −3.493373520t 2
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 33

S3 = −10.96666022t 3 − 0.001596915911t 4 − 4.641197940 × 10−7 t 4

V3 = −0.01237617297t 3 − 0.001236686070t 4 − 2.322281588 × 10−7 t 5
E3 = 0.03336544822t 3 + 0.002883733653t 4 + 6.963479520 × 10−7 t 5
I 3 = −0.1043168833t 3 − 0.00007543893886t 4
R3 = 11.04999716t 3 + 0.00002531987271t 4

others from noted secondary sources to showcase the

4. Simulation (Numerical Solution) and analytical results. The simulation of the S. Pneumonia was
Results done using MATLAB with the sole aim of investigating the
effect or the contribution of the different parameters to the
Here in this section, we present, the numerical simulation spread of the S. Pneumonia infection and their mitigation.
using some estimated parameters from the literature and
Table 2. Parameter estimates for S. pneumonia model under interventions.

Symbols & Parameters Description Value Source

S Susceptible Individuals 25 Estimated
V Vaccinated Individuals 20 Estimated
E Exposed individuals 15 Estimated
I Infectious individuals 10 Estimated
R Recovered individuals 0 Estimated
µ Per capita natural mortality rate 0.2 Estimated
β Contact rate 0.0287 Mohammed and Tumwiine (2018)
ξ Effectiveness of vaccine 0.3 Estimated
p Fraction of recruited individuals 0.32 Mohammed and Tumwiine (2018)
σ Infectious rate of exposed individuals 0.01096 Mohammed and Tumwiine (2018)
γ recovery rate of infected individuals 0.0714 Mohammed and Tumwiine (2018)
ω The rate at which vaccines wane 0.0621 Mohammed and Tumwiine (2018)
Λ Recruitment rate into the susceptible compartment 10.09 Mohammed and Tumwiine (2018)
α Proportion of antibody produced by individual in response to the incidence
2 Liu and Yang (2012)
of infection
ρ Per capita rate of recovered individuals going back to the Susceptible class 9.4 Mohammed and Tumwiine (2018)

Figure 3. Susceptible Population againsttme.

Figure 2. Plot of Population against time.

The graph below shows the trend of all the population

against time when the basic reproduction number is less than
one. The result show that; as can be seen from that the
infected class I (t) is drastically reduces to zero (0) in the
long run when the basic reproduction number is less than
unity (that is ℜ0 = 0.1154 < 1 ). While the vaccinated V (t) Figure 4. Vaccinated Pop. against time.
and susceptible S (t) remains in the population.
Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 35

Figure 5. Plot of Exposed Pop against time. Figure 8. Susceptible Popu. Againsttime.

Figure 6. Plot of InfectedPop. against time.

Figure 9. Vaccinated Pop. Againsttime.
The graphs above explicitly describe the trend of each of
the classes against time when the basic reproduction number
is less than unity. It is clear from the above trend that both the
exposed population and the infected population are reduced
to zero. This shows that our system is stable when the basic
reproduction number is less than one (1).
While the vaccinated population decrease but remain
constant at a particular time. The explanation to this is as a
result of fear and lack of awareness of the vaccination
campaign against S. pneumonia. But after sometimes people Figure 10. Exposed Pop. Against time.
are aware of the vaccination which maintains the population
at that static level.

Figure 11. Infected Popu. Against time.

In the above simulation, we describe the trend of each of

the classes to understand exactly what happened in Figure 9
and it reveals that, if the basic reproduction is greater than
one, S. pneumonia becomes endemic in the population and
Figure 7. Plot of Population against time. persist since the exposed and infected classes were not
reduced to zero, see Figure 10 and Figure 9.
Here in this graph we have the five classes and their trend Here we simulate the effect of proportion of antibody
over time when ℜ0 = 1.1864 > 1 , it was revealed from the induced by the vaccine. Our simulation reveals that increase
simulation that the infected population decreases but did not in α which is proportion of antibody produced by individual
get to zero, which means that there are individuals who are in response to the incidence of Infection, reduces the infected
still living with S. Pneumonia in the population. Our population.
simulation further shows that within the period of 10days, the
number of infected individual reduces drastically and then
increases within 45 to 50 day slowly.
36 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

Figure 12. Plot of Infected population against time for different values α.

Figure 13. Plot of Infected population aginst time for different values of ω.

Figure 14. Plot of Infected population against time for different values of Λ.

Figure 15. Plot of Infected pop againsttime for different values of γ.

Mathematical Modelling and Applications 2020; 5(1): 16-38 37

Our simulation in the two graphs above, we observed that 5. Summaries, Conclusion and
ω and Λ little or no variation in the infected population. The
implication of this is that as more individuals with high Recommendation
proportion of antibody against S. pneumonia is recruited into
5.1. Summary
the population, there is no need vaccinating them again, since
their immune system is already in fighting against S. In this paper, the dynamics of SVEIR model with saturated
pneumonia. That is to say that an individual needs incidence force of infection and saturated vaccination
vaccination before he/she will be introduced into the function for Streptococcus pneumonia (that is, model that
population. Also, we see from the simulation above that monitors the temporal transmission dynamics of the disease
increase in recovery rate γ reduces the number of infected in the presence of preventive vaccine) was formulated and
individual over time. analyzed. The basic reproduction number that determines
disease extinction and disease survival was revealed. The
existing threshold conditions of all kinds of the equilibrium
points are obtained and proved to be locally asymptotic
stable for disease-free equilibrium using linearization method
and Lypanov functional method for Endemic equilibrium.
Qualitative Analysis of the model was obtained and the
positive of solution obtained. It was revealed that the model
is positively –invariant and attracting. Thus Ω is positively
invariant. Hence, it is sufficient to consider the dynamics of
the model (1) in Ω . In this region, the model can be
considered as been epidemiologically and mathematically
well-posed, Hethcote (2000). The governing model was
normalized and also Adomain Decomposition method was
used to compute an approximate solution of the non-linear
system of differential equations governing the model. Maple
was used in carrying out the simulations (numerical solutions)
of the model. Graphical results were presented and discussed
Figure 16. Plot of Population against time for VIM. to illustrate the solution of the problem. The achieved results
reveal that the disease will die out within the community if
the vaccination coverage is above the critical vaccination
proportion. The study indicates that we should improve the
efficiency and enlarge the capacity of the treatment to control
the spread of disease.
5.2. Conclusion
It is revealed that the DFE is globally asymptotically stable
while the endemic equilibrium is not feasible which implies
that the disease will be eradicated out of the population If
ℜ0 < 1, . Furthermore, we can also see that if ℜ0 > 1 and
H > 0 , then endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically
stable. In order to regulator the disease, it will be strategical
to decrease the BRN to barest minimum. From the
manifestation of BRN ℜ0 , it is obvious that the rate ξ
representing vaccine efficiency, the rate/transfer of individual
Figure 17. Plot of Population against time for ADM.
out of the infected compartment ν i− and (1 − ξ ) revealing the
Figure 16 and Figure 17 shows the simulation for the rate at which the vaccine get waned directly or indirectly
Variational iteration Method (VIM) and Adomian impact the value of ℜ0 . Obviously, if ξ , ν i− or (1 − ξ )
Decomposition method (ADM) respectively. It was seen that increase, implies ℜ0 decreases. Therefore, the need for
in Figure 15, within the first 3 days the infection is still in the
public health interventions to control the epidemic by
population until, the 4th day when the number of infected
ensuring these parameters ξ , ν i− or (1 − ξ ) are increased to
individual is reduced to zero. While Figure 17 shows that
from the 1st day the infection is completely out of the reduce ℜ0 can never be over emphasis.
population. Hence, it shows that the ADM converges faster
than the VIM. 5.3. Recommendation

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a major public health problem for under aged children
38 Opara Chiekezi Zephaniah et al.: A Mathematical Model and Analysis of an SVEIR Model for Streptococcus
Pneumonia with Saturated Incidence Force of Infection

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