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Alexis Sinistovic

Lesson Plan Format 

Time of your lesson: 20 mins

Student Make Up: Second grade, age 7-8, demographics varied

Materials: Book; Frog and Toad are Friends

Worksheet; pencils

Seating matts or student preferred seating

Aim: By the end of this lesson students will be able to understand the basic components of a
story and be able to answer question referring to the plot and conflicts of the story. Students will
also learn basic self-emotion knowledge and how to harvest and maintain positive relationships.

Do Now: Students will be given the book on advance and skim through with a partner. Make
note of the characters and basic plot points.

Time allotted: 5 mins

Objectives: Students will be able to answer Who, what, where, and why? questions about the
story. Students will also be able to recall the events of the story in and out of order to
demonstrate their understanding of the plot.

Procedure: Before reading the story together as a class each partnered group will share one thing
they noticed or liked from there skim through of Frog and Toad.  I will read the story once
outload while the students watch and show the pictures as we go. Then read it one more time but
popcorn each paragraph to different students while still presenting the pictures to the class. After
this student will be given about 5 mins to ask questions about the story to clarify any plot points.
Then after all the students have returned to their seats, they will be placed in groups of 3-4
(based on the number of characters in the book) and reenact their favorite scene however they
like. This helps students creatively intercept the story they just read and promote proper
friendship building skills. After the students put on their show there will be a review worksheet
to be started in class and then completed for homework if need be. Answering who are the main
characters, what was the big problem? What was the big solution? Where did the story take
place? How much did you like or dislike the story and why?

Differentiation: To help students who struggle understating verbal instruction all instructions will
be demonstrated and placed on display on a smart board. To help students better understand the
story all pictures will be available in hand by the students as well as in front of them for those
who prefer to see it and read out loud. The activity offer students the option to choose and
delegate their roles according to their personal preference. To ensure proper etiquette when
deciding the roles. All information provided will be available online and in hand.
Exit Ticket: For this lesson the students exit ticket will be to write a guess about the next
adventure Frog and Toad will go on and add one problem and one character. This seems a little
weird, but this exit ticket will be used for an activity later down the line. The students will
eventually receive back their guess and will be asked to write their own version of a frog and
toad story.

Reflection: This lesson could possibly have more intuitive learning competes. I feel that there
isn’t much room for discussion on the book but hopefully students will utilize the question time.

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