ENGLISH MCQ With Competitive Exam

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ENGLISH MCQ with Competitive Exam

1. He was walking very quickly when I met him yesterday.

2. I am afraid he’s rather stupid, and won’t understand what you mean.
3. You will pass your examination. If you work hard.
4. We have a friend who plays the piano.
5. The antonym, of ‘Fortune’, is ‘Misfortune’.
6. One who sees the bright side of things is an optimist.
7. He has already lodged a complaint against her.
8. Passive voice of “she cast her vote” is “Her vote was cast.”
9. Invite him to the marriage (change the voice)— “Let him be invited to the marriage”.
10. Plural form of half is “Halves”.
11. The speaker adjourned the house Sine die.
12. The boy had finished his homework when I called him.
13. Would you mind posting this letter?
14. The older he got the happier he became.
15. The lady said, “I saw the culprit”. Change into indirect— “The lady said that she had seen the culprit.”
16. The idiom ‘A white elephant’ means — A useless one.
17. The tiller was standing stationary in the field.
18. Nehru was fond of children.
19. The synonym of ‘disburse’ is — Payout.
20. It’s late. I must go now.
21. The sound of coins—Jingling.
22. Let Kamala and him try their luck.
23. ‘Alter ego’ means: Intimate friend.
24. The collective noun for ‘ladies’ is ‘Bevy’
25. One of the teachers is teaching the students.
26. One-word word substitution for “A person with no belief in religion”— “Infidel”.
27. Choose a suitable interpretation for the idiom ‘to blaze a trail’— “To initiate work.”
28. Fill in the suitable comparative form of the adjective: “Have you heard the latest news”
29. Fill in the suitable preposition: “My mother told me to never cry over spilt milk”
30. Pick out the adjective from the following sentence: “Neha comes here every day”
31. The place where public, government or historical records are kept is called Archives.
32. “If you don’t keep quiet, I shall shoot you”, “he said to her in a calm voice”. Change into indirect speech
Answer: He warned her calmly that, he would shoot her if she did not keep quiet.
33. I know him. Change into passive voice. Answer: He is known to me.
34. My uncle is working in this factory at present.
35. He came across the street to meet me.
36. Taj Mahal is the most beautiful building in India
37. I have lived here for three years.
38. I have a girlfriend; whose father works in England.
39. Leave on time, lest you should miss the train.
40. Let’s go, shall we?
41. That which cannot be believed – Give one word. Answer: Incredible
42. He continued to sleep on the park bench in order to economically as many ways as possible.
43. Brito usually reads till midnight.
44. The employees decided to call off the strike as their demands have been accepted by the Prime Minister.
45. The correct passive voice of the sentence ‘Raju has written a novel’ is
46. It is time you completed your lessons.
47. Cry of a goose is called honk.
48. The patient is cured of his old illness.
49. The Latin phrase ‘abinitio’ means “from the beginning.”
50. Time heals all sorrows.
51. Let us go for a walk, shall we?
52. Take an umbrella in case it rains.
53. A lion may be helped even by a little mouse, Is the active form of “Even a little mouse may help a lion.”
54. Add suitable preposition, I sat in an armed chair.
55. Complete the proverb: One swallow does not make —
56. He declared that the book was not —
57. Which part of the sentence is wrong?
58. What is the plural form of ‘Bureau’?
59. The young one of a Kangaroo is called—
60. Select a suitable phrasal verb, If you — a single detail, you will be punished
61. I said to my brother, “Let us go to some hill station for a change”
62. The average weight of 24 students in a class is 35kg. If the weight of the teacher is included, the average is
risen by 400 gm. The weight of the teacher is?
63. 100 oranges are bought for ‘350 and sold at the rate of ’48 per dozen. The percentage of profit or loss is?
64. Two trains one 160m and the other 140m long are running in opposite directions on parallel rails, the first
at 77km/hour and the other at 67 km/hour. How long will they take to cross each other?
65. A trader marks his goods at 20% above the cost price. If he allows a discount of 5% on the marked price,
what profit percent does he make?
66. A watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes low at noon on Monday and is 4 min. 48 sec fast at 2 p.m. on
the following Monday. When was it correct?
67. A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 25. He multiplied it by 52 and got his answer more than
the correct one by 324. The number to be multiplied was?
68. If 60% of A’s income is equal to 75% of B’s income, then B’s income is equal to x % of A’s income. The
value of x is
69. 56% of a number is less than its 72% by 56. What is the 70% of that number?
70. Product of two numbers is 252. If their HCF is 2, Find thei LCM?
71. If the C.I on a certain sum for 3 years at 10% per annum be Rs. 331, what would be the simple interest?
72. The opposite of the word ‘synthetic’ is
73. If he had applied for the post,—
74. This is the matter — I am proud
75. The Government is confident that the standard of living will begin to
76. —?
77. A great change has come — the world since the war?
— under repair, I have to take the deviation?
78. My father is a doctor. So I know much about medicines (Use the absolute construction)
79. Neither the soldiers nor their Commander — to be blamed
80. The policeman asked me where —
81. Animal that feeds on its own species called
82. The door must have been opened —a key
83. The opposite of ‘Appoint’ is
— book you want is out of print
84. The feminine gender of ‘Lad’
85. This is the boy — pocket was picked
86. Continuing fighting between parties, families clans etc
87. The fruits were ripe,—?
88. Pick up the correct form
89. If I had gone for the interview—
90. The strike was — after the Minister’s assurance
91. Find the error part
92. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word? EMACIATED
93. I — in western music
94. Iron is more usefull then gold – Change the degree
95. I — this novel by the time you come back?
96. Barking dogs seldom bite,—?
97. one who compiles dictionaries is called a?
98. They want to — a baby
99. The phrase ‘called on’ means
100.What is the collective noun for a group of whales?
101.If the driver— the brake, the car would have hit the oldman
102.It was with great difficulty he gained entry to the auditorium but he made a sudden —
103.The thieves not only robbed the travellers—beat them up
I— him the truth, if I were you
104.Would you mind— the door?
105.I wish he — settle the issue soon
106.One must always be careful in —dealings with others
107.Ram said do you enjoy cricket? [Change into indirect speech]
108.Meaning of the phrase ‘Ad hoc’
109.Opposite of the word ‘rigid’
110.Nothing could be worse —
111.The synonym, of ‘laud’ is
112.The boy — book I borrowed was absent
113.I — all the rooms before I left the house.
114.Anil is the — of my threesons
115.The child — his new dress on his birthday party
116.We have been waiting for you — two hours
117.What is the collective noun for parrots
118.He scored twenty runs : change into passive voice
119.Thea antonym of ‘Alleviate’
120.Nothing was known about him,—?
121.You can trust her she — not cheat you
122.A person who under takes a commercial/ venture is a/an —
123.“The moon shines at night” is an example of?
124.The reported speed of “He said. I have done my home work” is:
125.Pick out the singular form from the given words?
126.The word nearest in meaning of the word ‘endeavour’ is?
127.Choose the incorrectly spelt word?
128.The school is now assembled — the morning prayer
129.We can not go out now because it —
130.Neither Seena nor Reena — well
131.We should always — the meaning of new words in the dictionary
132.This is the house — i was born
133.Opus- magnum” means
134.How long have — here?
135.I hope you will excuse — early
136.That work is — for any man to do single handed
137.If you had worked hard, you — a first class
138.The word ‘clandestine’ means:
139.Complete the saying “well began is—“
140.It is important to understand what makes one type face — than another
141.It was a step — into the cave
142.The old man was over whelmed — grief at his son’s death
143.Someone — swimming in the sea
144.I am going — the document last evening.
145.The problem was — difficult that I could not solve it.
146.Antonym of ‘fidelity’
147.Lions: Roar::Mice:—
148.Which word is correctly spelt
149.Correct the sentence : I would pay up If I was you
150.Fill in the space using the correct form of the adjective, He is the — person I have ever met
151.Convert into passive voice They are rebuilding the school
152.In which part of the sentence is the mistake
153.I am extremely sorry I can’t talk to you now, I am —
154.He was standing — her
155.The British council awarded him a scholarship,—?
156.It was two years — that I first met Gopal
157.Opposite of Assemble
158.Bread is made in a bakery, then film made in a
159.Which of the following sentence is correctly given?
160.Use with correct preposition. The class will end — 3’O clock
161.The foreign word for the meaning ‘in law’?
162.The word which is similar to ‘polite’
163.Which word in the following is correct?
164.The policeman asked him whether he — give him the information
165.The officer — out five minutes ago
166.Animal that feeds on its own species is called
167.If you — me, I would have come
168.Post with little work but high salary
169.what is the one word for ‘talk big’
170.Everyone will be fine, —?
171.Choose the correct phrasal verb of the underlined word The government ‘rejected’ all the demands
172.There is not — milk in the pot
— does he go to school
173.I want to meet the poet — has written this poem
174.Stop there, —?
175.It is ten years since I — him
176.One who has no death
177.Which one of the following word is not identical to its plural
178.Veluthampi Dalawa — a brave fight against British Army
179.The train was coming, the supervisor — the workers to stop working on rail
180.It — rain this evening
— the suspected causes for earthquakes is the construction of dams
181.There were — telephone booths around, so that the old one is closed
182.‘Mona was writing a letter to her father.’ Change into passive voice
183.My cousin said ” My room -mate snored through the night”. Change into indirect
184.Choose incorrect sentence
185.The antonym of Plummet
186.The synonym of Audacious
187.If I had won the lottery, — a millionaire (conditional)
188.I was happy — the appointment
189.I met J.K Rowling —, they say, is the richest person in the world
190.(relative clause)
191.The student leader explained why he had to leave the panel discussion forum (adverbial of anger)
192.She — tomorrow to attend the wedding(model verb)
193.I have never met Osama Bin Laden — do I want to (neg conjunction)
194.Give the plural form: sheep
195.Change the Gender – Goose
196.Give the synonym: Predict
197.Use of collective Noun : Bald
198.When he came into my room, I— a movie
199.If my mother had given me cash, I — a new dress for my birthday party
200.It is high time I — my office
201.He had better — a T.V set now
202.If you do not tell him the story, he will not come back. This is a —
203.The atmosphere in the state was not favourable — business man?
204.The foreign phrase ‘Intra vires’ means—
205.The idiom ‘eat humple pie’ means —
206.“Are they watching film’ Give passive form
207.It has been raining — morning
208.My friend stood — me during my difficult times
209.Bring out the meaning of the idiom in the sentence ‘We shall fight tooth and nail for our rights’.
210.Find the other gender of ‘horse’
211.Change into indirect speech: He said to me. “you alone can save her’.
212.Chocolate cake contains a — amount of calorie
213.Which word is spelt wrongly?
214.This is the servant — I was telling you
215.He is as proud as —
216.Either Syam or his brother — done this
217.John — to Bombay tomorrow
218.Many students indulged — malpractice
219.One should obey — parents
220.The accident took place two days —
221.Choose the correct option for the following ‘A dark horse’ is
222.I was born — Mumbai
223.Convert the sentence into indirect speech “You may leave the room” said the principal
224.There weren’t any hotels nearby,—?
225.The word ‘Sub rosa’ means?
226.I proposed to Rani but she — the offer of marriage?
227.My shirt is very —.
228.How —?
229.Much of the furniture — old fashioned.
230.This food is deficient — vitamins.
231.I wish I — for the job.
232.An event that will happen soon.
233.Choose the antonym of the word ‘Malice’
234.Choose the correct spelling.
235.Write suitable meaning of the idiom “to sell for a song”.
236.You will have finished this work by tomorrow. Change into passive voice.
237.I don’t want you to be disappointed — me
238.He said ‘I must gto at once’. Change into indirect speech
239.He became a Philosopher;—?
240.I ment — year attention to this matter
241.The car pulled — before the front door
242.The opposite of vice is?
243.The Idiom ‘Storm in the tea cup’means
244.I — prefer coffee
245.The closet meaning of the word benevolence is?
246.Find the word that is wrongly spelt
247.He speaks as if he — a doctor
— gold is a precious metal
248.By next year I — English for 7 years
249.The cat is jumping — the table
250.Choose the word which correctly spelt
251.The speaker adjourned the House —
252.Baby of Kangaroo
253.Murderer of sister?
254.‘Euthanasia’ means?
255.I can never do it right,—?
256.One day you will repent — your sins
257.This dress is made — silk
258.Neither the soldiers nor their commander—— to be blamed.
259.Inspire of having many — Jack was a good man at heart
260.A large crowd — expected at the function
261.She could have gone there, —?
262.Vallathol is known as —Valmiki of Malayalam literature
263.By this time tomorrow, I — the job
— love is such a beautiful thing
264.Synonym of ‘Compassion’
265.One or two men — murdered
— of lions
266.Things haven’t changed — over the past few years
267.She lives in Mumbai—
268.It’s time we — the house
269.My sister is very good — cooking
270.Would you mind— me some money
271.I can’t remember his — a single day off work
272.He comes to my house whenever he — money
273.Flies ‘buzz’: wolves —
274.One of my colleagues — attended the function
275.Age and experience — wisdom to man
276.Feminine gender of Bull
277.One who is neither intelligent nor dull
278.You had better — the book
279.Mahesh used to see her —?
280.Synonym of quiver
281.A book in its original handwritten form is called?
282.The whole project will fail — we put in more money
283.Neither of them — telling the whole truth
284.Antonym of Drowsy
285.You should — yourself to changing circumstances
286.‘What a stupid fellow you are’ he angrily remarked: Change into reported speech
287.The passive form of ‘give him the book is’?
288.The idiom ‘to eat the humble pie’ means
289.The young one of a ‘Swan’
290.Give the correct spelling
291.Antonym of ‘adversity’
292.Give one word for- A person who is bad in spelling
293.Give the feminine gender of ‘bachelor’:
294.The orator and poet — dead
— you ring the bell, they won’t open the door
295.Between captain and major, — is the highest rank
296.They availed themselves — every opportunity to speak English
297.Children built Sand Castles (Change into Passive voice)
298.The indirect form of ‘Do you like comics?’ She asked me is:
299.Pass me the newspaper —? (Add a proper question tag)
300.If you pass this difficult examination, ‘it will be a feather in your cap’. Choose the correct meaning of the
given idiom
301.The antonym of word Garrulous is,
302.Change into passive voice: I saw him leaving the house
303.No other vehicle is so fast as aeroplane (Rewrite using comparitive degree)
304.He — TV since morning
305.He said, “What a beautiful Scene!” Change into indirect speech
306.Choose the incorrect sentence:
307.One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil
308.Jacob together with his children — gone for picnic
309.An add – valorem duty is a tax on the basis of?
310.Mahesh is born — very rich parents
311.Someone gave her a bull dog; Change into passive
312.Pinki said to Gaurav, “will you help me in my work just now’? Change into indirect
313.Choose the correct sentence
314.One word substitute Surgical removal of stone from bladder
315.If Rani does not study well she will not win, —?
316.A good many tourists — come
317.The synonym of the word ‘Conspicuous’
318.The antonym of ‘Probity’
319.I could scarcely — his writing
320.The syllabus of the exam was published —
321.More than one person — feared to be drowned
322.After the party most people were ‘inebriated’; only a few were —
323.The gate keeper would let them in, —?
324.You are placed under suspension until — orders.
325.We resumed the game — it stopped raining
326.The teacher said to him, ” do not read fast”. Change into indirect speech
327.He felt remorse — his misdeeds
328.Change into Passive Voice ‘The boy broke the window’
329.Pride goes — a fall
330.Joining together, to chat others is?
331.Cry of an ass is called
332.What — you usually do on sunday’s?
333.Sujith — to Bombay tomorrow
334.‘Excuse’ means
335.He is so old — he couldn’t walk
336.Neither the boys — the girl were happy
337.The Minister — this stone in 2015
338.The stranger — with the stolen currency
339.Neither Johnn nor Mary — applied for the post
340.Mr. George asked her why she —for yesterday’s presentation
341.It is obvious from the leader’s mumbling that he does not have affair— public speaking
342.Which part of the question is mistake?
343.Plural form of “poetry”
344.Only — teachers attended the meeting
345.Ramu is very angry— me
346.‘Chatter’ is the sound of
347.‘Camel’ are collectively known as
348.Select the correct sentence:
349.Could you — me your pen?
350.Everyone is liable to make mistake —?
351.Hardly had I reached home — it began to rain.
352.The paths of glory lead but to the —
353.Neither of them, — invited to the party
354.The meaning of euthanasia:
355.If you take rest, your health —
356.How do you — your new neighbour?
357.Opposite of the word ‘confident’
358.Find out the wrongly spelt word:
359.The passive form of ‘He issued the orders’ is
360.In which part of the sentence is error
361.I have lived here — 2010.
362.He is 80 years old, —
363.Choose the apt word showing the meaning of the underlined words in the sentence: The landslide and
heavy rain “caused much damage and misfortune” in Amboori near Kattakada.
364.One-word for ‘the practice of those in power of favouring relatives’
365.“Don’t drive too fast” Meera said to her husband. ( Change the speech)
366.The appropriate meaning of the phrase ‘en bloc’ :
367.A little progress has been achieved —?
— rose is — beautiful flower
368.I never buy detective stories. In this sentence the adverb is —
369.The object in the sentence ‘I must get my shoes mended’ is:
370.In the sentence, ‘India has started producing atomic bombs’ the gerund is :
371.We set out our journey when the rain stopped. The principal clause in the sentence is :
372.‘Poaching’ means:
373.He is reconciled — my loss.
374.My mother has wealth, fame,rank and power. This sentence is a — sentence
375.He is not a person — I would trust.
376.A river flows — its banks
377.What do you think is — happiest hour of the day for you?
378.There is — sugar in the jar
379.Identify the incorrect sentence
380.Change into passive voice I saw him crossing the road
381.Convert the sentence into direct speech . He asked if I knew who was coming.
382.He should have done it —?
383.You can park the car — you like
384.As Ravi — not there, I spoke to his mother.
385.If you invited him —
386.I couldn’t sleep — very tired
387.Because of the — handling of the dyer the entire stock of silk had to be discarded
388.Plural form of ‘Basis’
389.Young one of Goose is called a
390.Antonym of ‘Enrich’
391.Synonym of ‘Ordeal’ is
392.The new committee will — next Monday.
393.He came late — he missed the train.
394.In which part of the sentence is mistake?
395.Don’t park your car — the gate.
396.Everybody said that — at the party.
397.I — television a lot but don’t any more.
398.A few girls know his house —?
399.Neither the students nor the teacher — come.
400.His house is — the lake
401.He has burnt his fingers by attacking a constable:
402.They opposed the motion — was proposed by the rival group
403.The correctly spelt word is :
404.The synonym of plagiarize is:
405.The opposite of the word ‘acquitted’ is
406.If your friend hates women,you will call him —
407.If you invited me I —
408.The wrongly spelt word is —
409.“They will have to examine you tomorrow”. Change the voice.
410.Can he meet you at the office —
411.How — they beat an innocent child?
412.I am — half of my salary every month to buy a house.
413.This house needs repainting —
414.The children — since morning.
415.My mother usually cooks food in the morning , but today she — in the evening.
416.Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the phrase ‘break down’:
417.Which word has the equivalent meaning as ‘candour’?
418.Water is composed — hydrogen and oxygen.
419.He’s got a car — a motorbike.
420.There won’t be any trouble —?
421.Fish is reared in :
422.Which word is wrongly spelt?
423.“Are you happy”? This is an — sentence
424.“vis-a-vis” means:
425.Which of the following is a correct plural form
426.The antonym of ‘deficit’ is
427.We won’t go out unless it — raining.
428.Choose the correctly spelt word from the alternatives
429.I advised him —
430.“Where have you been all day? I have been looking for you high and low”. Here ‘high and low’ means.
431.The meaning of ‘From hand to mouth’ is
432.No other girl in her class is as clever as Anjana. Use the superlative form of ‘clever’ and write the sentence
433.The clouds would disperse. That is our Hope. Our Hope was cheering . Combine the sentences without
changing the meaning
434.Hand written copy of a book is called :
435.The pen is mighter than —
436.The doctor gave him an injectionto — the temperature,
437.The expressionwhich denotes ‘unprincipled methods adopted to win support’;
438.Select the correctly spelt word:
439.The idiom that means “Face the problem” is:
440.I would have tickled you, if you —
441.Antonym of ‘ Felicitate’
442.The summary or outline of a book, play etc is known as —
443.Find out the meaning of the word ‘duel’ from the alternatives given below.
444.Spot the error a) The Headmaster said/b) that as the boy behaves/c) very badly/d) he would be sent out of
the school
445.. . — playing football, he plays cricket.
446.He took — with his work
447.Which among the following words means’understand’ fully’?
448.It is time —
449.He filled the glass with water to the —
450.Too many cooks spoil—
451.You are twenty years old—?
452.Hand written script of a book
453.Opposite of the word latter
454.When I met her last year, —
455.By this time next year she — her course.
456.She — three languages. Now she — a fourth.
457.When he — the room, his son — in his chair.
458.She has great affection — the baby.
459.I would rather you — home now.
460.I am not accustomed to — personal information about myself to strangers.
461.Which of the following word is wrongly spelt?
462.They have completed the work, ( Turn into passive)
463.Bird: Cage (Select the pair that best expresses similar relationship)
464.She said to Ahmed, “I’ll be late”. ( Change to indirect speech)
465.Neither of them knew the answer, —?
466.The two girls like — very much.
467.The idiom ‘To stand one’s ground’ means
468.One swallow does not make—
469.Your son is — young to understand your problem;
470.“Twinkle twinkle little star” This line is an example for:
471.A bone of contension means
472.‘Happiness’ is an example for
473.Would you mind waiting for — minutes?
474.E-mail is a relatively new — of communication
475.Historic means
476.Blow up means
477.His conduct is extremely —
478.What — for your breakfast?
479.If I had a typewriter I — it myself.
480.He is the servant — I was telling you.
481.Which one of the following words is wrongly spelt word?
482.Unless she comes —
483.Work hard lest you will fail. ( Choose the correct usage)
484.The police reached the spot much —
485.What is the time — your watch?
486.He dared to open the window—?
487.She said, ” I saw a procession” ( Select the correct indirect speech)
488.The news is too good to be true. ( select the correct order of so— that)
489.The plural form of criterion
490.The correct opposite of ’emancipate’
— we have no work, we can go out for a walk.
491.One word for ‘Partial or total loss of memory’ is:
492.To haul over the coal means
493.Antonym of the word boring
494.All creatures breathe. Here breathe is a/ an —
495.A habit —
496.Pick out the collective noun in the following sentence. The police have caught the thief
497.Nom de plume means
498.A polytheist is one who believes in
499.A — satement is an implied comparison.
500.He has been working here — 1990
501.Everyone is liable to make mistakes, —?
502.Time once sold cannot be —
503.Which of the following is correct?
504.Following is not the from of secondary storage
505.The following is a non nonvolatile memory
506.Auxilary storage is-
507.An error in a computer programme is referred to as –
508.The city known as Manchester of South India is?
509.Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is located in which of the following river?
510.Give one word for the following: Person who is made to bear the blame due to others
511.It was almost impossible for him to put out of his mind the
512.—words which he heard from his clever father-in-law
513.I was born in Culcutta but I — most of my child-hood in Trivandrum.
514.The house-owner can throw you— of the house any moment .
515.A huge area was burned — in the forest
516.which is the imperative sentence
517.Spot out the correct meaning of the word preposterous
518.A person who talks very little is called.
519.Choose the wrongly spelt word:
520.Nobody knows how these things —
521.Most of the people in India live from hand to mouth. The closet meaning to this idiom is.
522.His actions had — pain & suffering on thousands of people.
523.They sell — dresses in that store.
524.Translate it into English. (Change the voice)
525.Have some more rice, —
526.The greater the size the more it costs,because the price — on size.
— she had many misfortunes, she is always cheerful.
527.I suppose we — before.
528.This is the first time I — a typewriter.
529.The antonym of the word ‘frivolous’ is
530.He wanted to help — poverty
531.One word for a group of elephants:
532.What is sound of Mice?
533.The young one of a cow is called—
534.The principal is superior — the lecturers
535.You will go there, —?
536.That is the poet I was reffering —
537.Every one goes to library, —?
538.This is the man — pocket has been picked
539.What do we call a man who kills his brother
540.The Prime Minister — the president yesterday.
541.Foal’ is the young one of:
542.I have been working in this office— 2004
543.If I were you, I — that old scooter.
544.‘To make off’ means:
545.Neethu and Nithya — now
546.I look forward to —
547.A wide road with trees on either side is called—
548.Choose the word oppoiste in meaning to the word ‘CALLOUS’
549.The correctly spelt word
550.The cat jumped — the table
551.If I called her she — come
552.Spot the error. It is true (a)/ that the poor is unable (b)/ to get nourishing food even today (c)/ No error
553.Mohan works hard, —?
554.I want to meet the artist — has painted the picture
555.Choose the correct meaning of the keyword ‘Vacillate’
556.One who compiles dictionaries
557.Which is the plural form of ‘alumna’
558.Raju is good— english Grammar
— one of us should tell them the sad news?
559.The Masculine Gender of ‘Czarina’
560.Home is — sweetest place on earth
561.Frogs —
562.If she were a bird, she—
563.The principal is supervior— the lectures
564.The officer asked the assistant to— the file?
— the dog, the boy ran away
565.If I had not seen him smoking, I — believed it
566.She is the — of the two sisters
567.There is no exception — this rule?
568.This is the person — wrote the novel?
569.By this time tomorrow, I — the job
570.Either Rama or his brother — done this?
571.Heera’s house is — a farm?
572.The speaker disallowed the discussion as it was ——?
573.A person in charge of a museum or art gallery etc
574.Prices —— during war
575.We all liked him, for he had a — simplicity about him
576.People began to — when he got very rich overnight?
577.Beggar must not be ——
578.The dramatic monologue was Browning’s forte as a poet ‘forte’ means?
579.There are some birds that — every year
580.While travelling, don’t take—?
581.Go to the dogs means
— his popularity, he didnt win the election
582.You had better,—
583.One strong tea was caused by the— .. On the part of the driver
585.A fleet of 20—
586.Have you got an electric blanket— Your bed
— Good exercise
587.To make able means
588.He told me that he— Visit UK next year
589.My brother is going—
590.There are— Best collection of books, i have
591.Ramu is— Nothing to all
592.Opposit of courage
593.Young one of goat
594.The thief— By the back door
595.It is time we— The work
596.Tinu is good— solving problems in maths
597.A person who sufferd for a noble cause is called—
598.The phrase LET OFF means
599.It was delighted — his unexpected arrival
600.The collective noun for mountains
601.A girl or women who flirts, that is, try to attract people and make advances in love to simply satisfy her
602.Our first impression of— are most lasting
603.Compleate the proverb : all lay load on a willing—
604.Of the four alternative words nearest in meaning to REMOTE is
605.She often. — with her husband
606.The opposit of humble
607.The summary of books, play etc is known as
608.When I came in, the cat — in my chair.
609.I — her for a long time.
610.By the end of the next month we — here for seven years
611.I spoke to her —
612.A place where coins are made is called
613.The counting votes has been going on since morning but no results have been announced —
614.How is that brother of—
615.I have — money than a clerk
616.One word substitution for: A portable case for holding papers or drawings
617.The visitor was given a warm welcome on his —
618.It is natural — man to make mistakes
619.Give the meaning of the phrase GET AT
620.Synonym of Magnanimous is
— birds seen in the cage were killed by a cat.
621.The police was uncertain about the motive— the crime
622.fill in the blanks with suitable verb form They — to the market
623.Everest is the — mountain peak in the world
624.. Scarcely had gone to bed— the telephone rang
— man cannot live by bread alone
625.. I asked the boy—
626.Every morning father — the dog for a walk
627.The temples of south India are bigger than— North India
628..Neither of them— hard working
629.Which of the following word is wrongly spelled?
630.Synonym of weak
I— here for almost half an hour
631.Slow and steady — the race
632.I am right, —?
— the Panchayath president nor the members attended the meeting
633.If you had given the money, I —
634.The economics depression dealt the — to his business
635.Manu uses internet for two hours daily. (change the voice of the verb)
636.. Many people — the poor a. looked ahead to b. looked forward to c. looked on to d. looked down on
637.One who speaks many languages
638.You are panting —
639.Mary is — Sophia by two years
640.He hits the sack late in the night. The words underlined means
641.Antonym of insert
642.Neelima — had been missing since tuesday has been found safe and well
643.I told the candidates that we will publish the results tomorrow
644.Save her please – begin with Let
645.This is — car that hit me
646.The plural form of Hero
647.That was not a wonderful idea, —?
648.The chief minister — the minister of finance yesterday
649.. — little knowledge is — dangerous thing
650.Students stood up as the teacher entered — the class
651.If I had wings I —
652.The chief guest arrived — the venue
653.I used to — when I was a child
654.Young one of the camel
655.Either the Prime Minister or his ministers — blamed for the 2010 common wealth games scam
656.Pick out the adjective form of the following sentence Neha comes here every daY
657.A person who trains someone for a sport
658.He won’t distub you, — Add the question tag
659.A — of termites
660.Close all the doors. Chooe the passive voice
661.Antonym of Ripe
662.Choose the misspelt word
663.Will you join for lunch? he said to me choose the indirect speech
664.The synonym of commence
665.I listen to music — I drive
666.He would call the police —
667.Dead letter means —
668.. Find out the correctly spelt word
669.She wishes she — a new car
670.Find out the error part
671.They elected him —
672.The adverb of timid
673.Did you see — blue sky
674.Their conversation finally changed into a —
675.Find out the one word. For the following Murder of King
676.The cat killed all the — in the house
677.A synonym for ‘barren’ is
— they may say, most countries normally do not like to change
678.It is two months — I went to the doctor
— you invite him, he will not come
679.I can’t — your rudeness any more
680.Raju is a veteran in this field but his brother is only a —
681.One word substitute for ‘Wild and noisy disorder or confusion’ is
682.Find out the correct spelling
683.The pen is — than the sword
684.She is — .always going to meetings and organizing parties
685.Last year he — the SSLC Examination with Distinction?
686.Nothing will happen, —?
687.The man — writes the book is a friend of mine
688.Mount Everest is — peak in the world
689.He would buy a car —
690.It is impossible to separate belief — emotion
691.The corporation is spending a lot of money to — the city
692.Would you mind — me a pen
693.Neither the girl nor her brother — passed
694.You are sometimes unwise means
695.The teacher congratulated the student — his success
696.They laughed at him. He became angry. The more they laughed at him, — he became
697.The man became nervous because it was the first speech delivered by him. Select one word for the words
698.Alien is a synonym of
699.Eulogistic is the antonym of
700.Don’t be late for the class,— Add proper question tag
701.A baker’s dozen means
702.The economic depression dealt the — to his business
703.Kerala is blessed with — vegetation
704.If you had given the money, I — a car
705.The word platonic means
706.Visakh is the — boy in the class
707.He would have overcome his difficulties by his hard working nature. Use a phrase with similar meaning
708.They are organising an excursion. An excursion — (Select the passive form)
709.The court punished the traitor. select the feminine gender of the word underlined
710.I look forward to — from you
711.He speaks — English language fluently
712.One of the district players — selected to the state team
713.Which of the following is correctly spelt?
714.Inscription on a gravestone called
715.arpe diem means
716.The opposite of the word persuade is
717.The prime minister winds up the Srilankan visit . Here ‘winds up’ means
718.Which among the following is a verb?
719.A bridge was being built by them’ The active voice of the sentence is
720.He said ‘I bought a house in Mumbai’. The indirect speech of the sentence
721.He is as— as a bee
722.He took revenge — his foes
723.He admitted his—
724.If you had been more polite,—
725.We— all yesterday
726.I am not all satisfied, —?
727.It is a very wonderful opportunity’. The sentence is—
728.Choose the incorrect part of the sentence 1 2 3 4 Much water/has flown/under/the bridge
729.The feminine gender of ‘Milkman’ is:
730.The idiom ‘hot under the collar’ means
731.complete the saying ‘well begun’ is—
732.The science of meanings and effects of words is called —
733.‘bonafide’ means —
734.Correctly spelt word is
735.The opposite of stagnant is —
736.To show white feathers means —
737.It was a nice idea of you — that house
738.The guard — by the loud noise of the burglar’s alarm
739.The Prime Minister — the President to clarify the matter in detail
740.Oh! she was treating the strange boy — he was her own son
— we were very busy with the rehearsal we didn’t have enough time to meet you
741.This year monsoon has been — in the last two decades
742.Which part of the sentence is incorrect she has just completed a five years integrated PG Course
743.They — the same mistake four times this month
744.Drivers must conform — traffic rules to avoid accidents
745.If you had gone there, you — the clear picture of the incident
746.When was — Radio invented
747.The news — really going to shake the Government to the roots
748.The Project was highly rewarding to the rural People,—?
749.The rider swirled the whip and the horse jumped up — a white cloud of dust
750.Ten thousand rupees — a large sum
751.None of them attended the function —
752.A — of cattle is passing through the forest
753.he workers built a bridge
754.She speaks French very good. Correct the sentence
755.The high price surprised him (The underlined word belongs to which parts of speech)
756.Tom said I am leaving for Madras tomorrow (Report the sentence)
757.Correct word among the following series
758.I couldn’t tolerate her behaviour. Find out the appropriate phrasal verb for the underlined word
759.My brother works in a large office— I work on my own at home
760.She sits — an arm chair
761.She was hit the nail on the head while speaking to her relatives. Find out the meaning of the underlined
762.I — a lot of friends, while I was working in Bombay
763.Had I known this —
764.The old man who lives in my neighbourhood is —University Professor
765.The prefix ‘anti’ is used to denote which of the following word?
766.They are plans to rebuild the town hall, but it — not happen for another five years
767.Ram and Syam are friends, the former is short, but the — is very stout
768.Either Rajesh or his friends — come
769.The meaning of the term Notabene
770.The bomb —near the busy vegetable market
771.Choose sentence with correct order
772.Let us read a new story,—?
773.he deeper she studied—
774.Choose the correctly spelled word
775.We live in — big house with a white door
776.If you throw the knife,—
777.Synonym of kind hearted is
778.Dutch courage-means
779.The police asked
780.Antonym of compulsory is
781.Teacher should—their students to be responsible members of society
782.The band troupe is— the performance last independence day celebrations
783.The editor was editing an important news. The passive form of this sentence is
784.My daughter was rejoiced — hearing the result
785.Robert was inattentive— he had a car accident
786.The white car is — more expensive than the green
787.Peter— his homework before the teacher arrived
A— of monkeys entered from forest and destroyed the crops
— the weather forecasts the city was hit by huge sand storm
788.Can you give him exemption — the rule
789.An animal who walks on two feet
790.They — on the bench
791.Past tense of ‘Chide’ is —
792.What is tar made —
793.The collection noun for cattle is —
794.India — her independance in 1947
795.Work out means — a.
796.Dolphins —
797.Sin die means —
798.Every one was right —?
799.Which is — the two
800.Report the following sentence He said why are you late?
801.Would you mind —
802.Who married her? Change Voice
803.Alien is the synonym of
804.The synonym of ‘Forgive’
805.. A fool and his money — soon parted. Choose the appropriate verb
806.. He — his departure for a week
807.If I were a teacher, —
808.This is the spot — I left my car
809.You can help me, — Add Question Tag
810.Don’t — your money
811.In July it rains — Use the correct phrasal verb
812.When I was young, I — swim. Use model auxiliary
813.. My brother is in — army. Use the right article
814.A leaf is green. Change this sentence into plural
815.Which of the following is a compound noun
816.The other gender of Nun
817.The Idiom ‘keep an eye on’ means
818.I — reading since morning
819.She has washed the clothes. The passive form is
820.Take medicines — you will not get well
821.I am living in Delhi’ Amal said the indirect speech is
822.A place of shelter for ships
823.. One must always set — ambition high
824.The police — keen to maintain law and order. Use the apropriate verb
825.Choose the right word
826.The past tense of ‘Spend’ is
827.If the weather is fine, —
828.A — of birds. Choose the right collective noun
829.No other fruit is as sweet as mango. The superlative degree is
830.They sell vegetables here. The passive voice is
831.Add suitable suffix to the noun ‘Wonder’ to form its Adjective
832.The man said I can do magic Change into indirect speech
833.A fire — during the night
834.The plural form of Life
835.You — obey your elders. Fill up the blank Choosing Model Auxiliary Verb
836.I finished the work early — I can go home. Use appropriate conjunction
837.The other Gender of Landlady
838.The idiom Miss the bus means
839.No one expected him — use infinitive
840.He won’t be late, —
841.Office buildings went — all over town a.
842.It has been raining — yesterday
843.Everyone is present —?
844.It is no good — Binu. He won’t be at home yet
845.He said ‘My father is reading the newspaper
846.Paradise Lost’ is Milton’s —
847.Arun usually — till night
848.Nandu had — money with him
849.. The teacher as well as the students— coming now
850.Where is the book — I gave you?
851.Which of the following is wrongly spelt
852.Plural of Son – in – law is
853.Rama and Krishna are brothers. In this sentence ‘and’ is
854.The scientific study of interpretation is?
855.If I win the lottery, I — buy you a very big car as a present
856.. Hundred Rupees — enough for a taxi fare
857.. Don’t be afraid — facing your opponents
858.One of the pupils — selected for the competition a. are b. were c. is d. have
859.‘We were enchanted by him’ Choose the active voice of the sentence
860.Tony received rich — for his recitation
861.Mrs. Rani — her children to be truthful
862.Give the plural form of ‘story’
863.. I want to meet the man, — has written this novel
864.He looks forward to — from her
865.Both these books — useful
866.. Find out the abstract noun of ‘Patriot’
867.. It isn’t very warm today, —?
868.. The opposite of ‘accelerate’ a. stop b. start c. decelerate d. modify
869.The boy’s attention was diverted — his studies
870.. Choose the opposite of ‘Bold’
871.Which one is an example of feminine gender
872.He is senior — me, though he is younger
873.The collective noun for ‘ cattle’
— funny you are!
874.. The synonym of ‘Apex’
875.the audience — at the end of the drama
876.. Inscription on a gravestone is called
877.Raju is the best speaker — available
878.The one word substitute for ‘Wild and noisy disorder or confusion is
879.His Handwriting is Shabby, I cannot — what he has written
880.Which of the following is an antonym for ‘humility’
881.The thief ran away from the crowd— he should be attacked
882.He — the examination in 1995
883.Raju and Gopi passed the examination but the — got a first class
884.. Neither the teachers nor the headmaster — the programme
885.If you go there, you — meet him
886.Hardly had he seen the police — he ran from the scene
887.Report; Who wants a new phone? said Ann. Ann —
888.. If we knew your arrival, we — the railway station
889.The man claims to be a — citizen of India
890.I’ve spent the whole day cleaning the house and I’m
891.Every candidate has to poll a minimum number of votes inroder to avoid— of his security
892.The tiller was standing — in the field
893.The appropriate meaning ‘Felo de se’ —
894.Find the word that is rightly spelt
895.Study of skulls
896.The phrase ‘Take in’ means—
897.Antonym of ‘Zenith’ is —
898.The synonym of ‘Plethora’ is —
899.Most of the bananas in the basket — ripen
900.Rahul is fond of eating chocolates. Find out the gerund in the sentence
901.Hardly had he finished the exam — the bell rang Fill in the blank using correct adverb
902.Spot the error in the sentence
903.I — shimla last week
904.None of the players came in time?
905.Students should obey the rules of the school Change the sentence into passive voice
906.The lady said, I saw the culprit’. Change into reported speech
907.She invited me — her son’s birthday
908.I got — opportunity to go to London
909.Rahul is senior — all other collegues in his office
910.Every candidate has to poll a minimum number of votes in under to avoid — of his security?
911.We have to pay for this,—?
912.It seems everybody is aware — these problems
913.I don’t think that the meeting — long as there — enough members
914.The Chief Minister — the prizes to the winners
915.If I had gone there, I — him
916.He came to attend the function at the eleventh hour
917.He wore a mask so that nobody — him?
918.Syria is now currying favour with USA meaning of the idiom underlined is
919.Report: He said I am disappointed
920.The mother as well as her two children— taken to the hospital
921.He had — money with him and was starving
922.Of all the late comers, he was the —
923.. At first he denied the charge but later he had to — them
924.Either the boys, or their leader — to be blamed
925.That old house is — with rats
926.Nobody clapped for the speech — bored us stiff
— it was safe; the owner left the car unlocked
927.The antonym of ‘adapt’ is —
928.If my father were there —
929.The deeper she studied, —
930.The custom of having more than one husband at the same time:
931.The lady said, I saw the culprit
932.I cannot— what he is saying.
933.When I reached the station, the train:
934.He doesn’t like geography, —?
935.A — is a fully grown male horse.
936.I hate sitting — her.
937.This is — unusual matter
938.Having, found nothing to eat, I made an —
939.I — English since 1995
940.The passive voice of People speak English all over the world is
941.The plural of calf is —
942.Person having profound knowledge
943.Get the better of’ means
944.Spinster’ means
945.His handwriting is — than any other student in the class
946.The opposite of amalgamate
947.Children can usually — their parents
948.He said that he — to market
949.I have lived here — 1990
950.Add — sugar to the tea
951.Start early, — you will miss the flight
952.Every thing will be fine, —?
953.The feminine gender of a drone
954.If you utter a word, I — you
955.I wish I — his address
956.Run fast, lest you — out of the race
957.What is the meat of a deer called?
958.. The latin phrase ‘inter alia’ means
959.Which is the mis – spelt word
960.What prevented you — into the matter
961.One of my sisters — in England. Choose the right verb.
962.The idiom ‘One smart Cookie’ means:
963.The President was specially happy to visit the school because it was his:
964.The authority turned down the proposal. The italicised phrase means—
965.She sang well, —
966.The passive form of The secretary garlanded the chief guest is —
967.I appreciated her — in her studies
968.What is the matter ? he said to me.
969.I have been staying here — 2005
970.I have never known so wet — summer
971.My mother asked me — I had not finished the work.
972.Which of the following words are wrongly paired?
973.. — the panchayat President nor the members attended the meeting
974.Ultra Sonic waves — able the bats to locate objects
975.Glass is transparent whereas wood is —
976.This is the man — pursue was lost on the bus
977.The master was angry — his servant
978.Pick out the past perfect tense from the following
979.He spoke as if he — a doctor
980.Fill in the blanks with suitable article can I have — omelette and
— apple with my tea
981.Replace the underlined phrase with one word: I did not expect such childish talk from a grow – up man
982.Business has now become very dog eat dog. Choose the meaning of the idom ‘dog eat dog’
983.Hundred dollar — a high price to pay
984.Mr. John — letters every day
985.What is the comparative form of the adjective bad
986.Tom received rich — for his recitation
987.Prince – Princess : Duke – —
988.Children hardly ever speak English, —?
989.I prefer chocolates — nuts
990.Tom asked the stranger ‘Where did you go’? The sentence can be reported as Tom asked the stranger
991.A synonym of pleasant
992.Success and — are two side of a coin a
993.One who hates mankind is
994.A letter of
995.Choose the antonym of the italicised word from the sentence: After months of drought the farmers began
to despair that they would lose everything.
996.Jessie waited with — breath for news of her success
997.Find the appropriate reported speech for the following: “Keep quiet said the mother to the child, The
mother asked the child—
998.The universe—continuously ever since the beginning of time and the galaxies— away from one another at
great speed
999.Give a one word substitute for: A person who does not believe in God
1000. It is obvious from the leader’s mumbling that he does not have a flair—public speaking.
1001. Correct the statement Each of the boys were given a pen
1002. Change the voice: Did the blast terify the children
1003. The passive form of This shop sells all the vegetables. Is:
1004. It was raining when I — home yesterday
1005. I was going — the documents last evening
1006. Germany is — European country
1007. In which part of the questions 77 and 78 is the mistake?
1008. Milk is — in proteins and minerals
1009. Identify the correct spelling from those given below:
1010. Fill in the blank space with the correct phrasal verb: When the bomb — everyone ran helter skelter.
1011. Identify the antonym of the underlined word: The young gallant, Lochinvar rode in on his steed.
1012. Substitue one word for the underlined phrase: He joined the College to study the branch of science
that deals with the study of heavenly bodies;
1013. Complete the proverb: An idle mind is the —
1014. Arrange the following words and phrases in the proper sequence to create a meaningful sentence: 1.
plenty 2. there are 3. of fish 4. in the river
1015. Fill in the blank with the correct tense form: “John and his friend —
— for ten minutes:
1016. Fill in the blank spaces with suitable articles: —Rajdhani is one of — grandest trains in India
1017. What is the term used to describe a group of fish?
1018. Fill in the blank space with a suitable answer from those given below: Either my shoes or your coat —
always on the floor
1019. Which is the Antonym of the word ‘comfort’
1020. A person who loves mankind
1021. Sumitha said to her boss, “please grant me leave for two days”. Change to Reported Speech
1022. He used to come daily, —?
1023. He is the best player — is available
1024. The Foreign Phrase ‘Carpe diem’ means:
1025. Let us keep this —you and me
1026. Change to passive: We are singing a song
1027. Bee : Larva :: Cockroach : —
1028. He works eight hours — day
1029. A synonym for “gradual” is
1030. A person who knows many language is called
1031. What is a ‘black sheep’
1032. He is married —
1033. ‘Dog’ is to ‘Puppy’ as ‘Goat’ is to
1034. The cattle — grazing in the field
1035. . His plea for — was rejected by the magistrate
1036. Keep quiet, —?
1037. The building comprises — sixty rooms
1038. ‘People always admire this portrait’ is the active form of
1039. The antonym of ‘ALIGHT’
1040. The branch of medical science which deals with problems of the old
1041. Correct the sentence into indirect speech ‘You may leave the room’ said the principal
1042. One word for group of Islands
1043. The convict was an incorrigible criminal. Here the word incorrigible mans
1044. Raju leaves this palce, —?
1045. Pick the antonym ‘Sharp’
1046. What is the passive form of People elected him leader
1047. Pick the correct spelling
1048. He attributed his success — sheer luck
1049. Show us the way and we will —
1050. What does Hobson’s Choice” mean
1051. Which is the antonym of bold
1052. Ravi speaks English —
1053. Prevention is — than cure
1054. The police — no idea
1055. ‘To put up with’ means —
1056. Find out the passive form of : Does she know me? a
1057. Identify the sentence: Look before you leap
1058. Change the Gender:
1059. I am the messenger of India’s ancient thoughts world over, —?
1060. None of the students — their assignments
1061. Which is the passive voice form of: They have not yet reported to me
1062. Meaning of two confusable words: premier/premiere
1063. If dogs bark then sparrows
1064. Which are the places to visit — Italy?
1065. Each of the students — working hard
1066. The Royal Group of hotels have a unique collection of imported
1067. —
1068. He talked — he were the leader
1069. In the list of synonyms given below which one is incorrect?
1070. Correct the proverb meaningfully by replacing the verb slow and steady is the race
1071. The stranger said to me, which is the shortest route to the railway station? Turn to indirect speech
1072. The opposite of the word ‘oriental’ is
1073. What is the active form of : The criminal was arrested by the police
1074. A stones throw approximately means
1075. In which part of the following sentence is the mistake?
1076. Hundred rupees —enough for the taxi fare
1077. Choose the correct one word for the phrase given below. Play games of chance for money, especially
for high stakes.
1078. Killing of one human being by other
1079. Antonym of “reject”?
1080. Convert into passive They are rebuilding the school
1081. Report : “Where are you going”? asked the policeman
1082. As they had no children, they — an orphan
1083. If she — a bird, She would fly
1084. He— the task entrusted to him
1085. The sound produced by a cow is —
1086. I think I had better — in training
1087. A beautiful girl is always — of other girl’s beauty
1088. Ravi Said. ” I am going back next week”.
1089. What is the antonym of predecessor
1090. Rahul is very rich. He can buy a car. Combine the sentence using ‘enough’.
— problem facing us is — Universal one.
1091. He has — his habit of smoking
1092. He stayed at home yesterday because he — a bad cold
1093. If he went there, —
1094. Change into indirect speech: “oh dear! I’ve lost my purse”, She said
1095. The quality of bats — not good
1096. The book is not only interesting but also —
1097. Select the correct passive form:
1098. Fill in the blanks with a suitable Idiom: “The policemen came to my house and accused me of stealing
a necklace but i told them that they were —“
1099. The students — some money for their future purposes
1100. The British Council offered him a Scholarship,—?
1101. find out the plural of the word “louse”.
1102. The earth — around the sun.
1103. Give a one word substitute for: One who believes in the existence of God
1104. Sheena — visit her uncle when he was here
1105. We all look forward to — a picnic is the park
1106. You must attend — his instructions
1107. We have plenty of time, —?
1108. The girl was wearing — yellow frock with red frills at the cuffs
1109. The meaning of the idiom ‘Parish Pumps’ is —
1110. Who is a person who helps another to do something wrong or against law
1111. Every boy and girl — the offer tendered by the sales executive
1112. What is the opposite of ‘Anomaly’
1113. He ordered his servant:
1114. The park was — the river
1115. Let’s read a new story ,—?
1116. Which of the following is similar in meaning of the word ‘bestowed’
1117. Have they attended the meeting
1118. A — of Cards
1119. The word ‘Exorbitant’ means
1120. Which is the past participle of ‘flow’
1121. The opposite of ‘Succulent’ is
1122. I would enjoy life, if I — you
1123. It is time — your decision
1124. Do you like tea? he said – change this sentence into indirect speech
1125. He has written a letter (change voice)
1126. You must abide — your promises
1127. The word ‘verb’ is an example for
1128. No one knows the answer,—?
1129. Mini said to Kiran, please don’t disturb me. Change to indirect speech
1130. We had lunch together, —
1131. Find the meaning of ’emphasis’?
1132. The town council is repairing this road Change to passive voice
1133. She is far a head — the others in Science
1134. Neither of them — the answer
1135. He was wearing — yellow cap
1136. Find the meaning of ‘Apple of discord’
1137. Find the opposite meaning of ‘esteem’
1138. This is the older — the two buildings
1139. At the end of his speech the leader wished — to all
1140. He is the finest man — ever lived
1141. Our team — won the match
1142. Let’s us go for a movie, —
1143. Spot error
1144. Find the meaning of ‘lament
1145. While in Chennai, he — at the five star hotel
1146. The fire has destroyed a lot of property Change to passive voice
1147. If I have money, I — a house
1148. We give them salary — cash
1149. Neither my brother nor my parents — come to the party
1150. Kiran said to Anil, I shall buy a car. Change to indirect speech
1151. Find the meaning of ‘a chip of old block’?
1152. A — of ladies
1153. Find the opposite meaning of flamable
1154. I handed the job — to a collegue
1155. Find the one word of ‘one who persues pleasure as way of life’
1156. Hitler — the Jew’s as a whole
— information he had was not quite reliable
1157. He visits his home town once in a blue moon meaning of the Underlined idiom
1158. Would you mind — for a minute?
1159. The word ‘delicacy’ means
1160. Do you have any progress— your studies
1161. Convert the sentence into indirect speech you may leave the room, said the teacher
1162. The police — questioning the suspects
1163. Have you heard the — news?
1164. Gopal is an illiterate, but his son is studying —a University
1165. What is the meaning of ‘proscribe’
1166. When I first met him, he — at the hospital
1167. I go to school — Raju’s bike
1168. Can you find three — in the picture
1169. Find the meaning of ‘to get wind fall’
1170. Have they killed the snake. Change to passive voice
1171. The conductor as well as the passengers — to blame for the trouble
1172. He has some books,—
1173. Where will you — the bus?
1174. He is a — person
1175. A — of ants were found on the floor
1176. Choose the correct form of adverb from the given alternatives They seemed to have acted in haste
1177. The phrase Pull out means
1178. Synonym of obsolete
1179. Antonym of sacred
1180. Pick out the wrong word from the following
1181. Fill in the blanks with suitable idiom’The policeman came to my house and accused me of stealing a
necklace but I told them that they were—
1182. I am new to this place. I have not — adjusted to the climate
1183. Arun filed a — in the high court
1184. Which of the following is wrong
I— nothing in front of me
1185. His ‘Eagerness to know’ is superb:
1186. She’s got an — friend
1187. He is a man — you can trust
1188. English still remains the — in India
1189. Man is the only animal — can talk
1190. . Pick out wrongly spelt word
1191. The suitcase is made — leather
1192. One word for deliberate destruction of valuable property is?
1193. Which of the following is the collective noun of bees
1194. Which of these words means a form of art;
1195. I did — I could, which was not much
1196. Nothing is serious, —?
1197. He has been living in Bombay— 10 years
1198. One who can be easily duped or fooled Give one word
1199. A work published after a writers death is—
1200. Choose the correct alternative from those given I — him last Sunday
1201. The noun form of ‘educate’ is
1202. One of my cousins— in America
1203. Don’t make any noise,—
1204. Reshnu plays cricket ,change voice (active/passive)
1205. I am not accustomed to — long distance
1206. Synonym of ‘Emolument’
1207. A person who lives a wandering life’
1208. Wolfish eye means
1209. Find out the correct spelt word
1210. Antonym of adept
1211. I asked the porter where—
1212. I asked him a — of paper
1213. Which word is not spelt correctly
1214. ‘To be in the red’ means —
1215. My mother — me to school everyday
1216. I have lived in Delhi — 5 years
1217. Why did your sister write such a letter (Give the passive voice)
1218. Does he — hard to win the first rank in university assistant
1219. Change the sentence into indirect speech What is your name? Asked the Policeman
1220. Opposite of ‘affluence’
1221. The one word Substitute for one who studies river is
1222. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence I enjoy leading a
— life
1223. Which of the following pair is wrong?
1224. The correctly spelt word below
1225. Carpe diem’ means?
1226. The meaning of ‘dilapidated
1227. The Idiomatic expression ‘Hair’s breadth escape’ means
1228. The bus stopped to — the passengers
1229. Ganesh — come here every morning
1230. .Find the word which is not a synonym of ‘modest’
1231. The masculine gender of ‘Duck’ is
1232. By age four, Varsha won — brown belt —first degree in Karatte
1233. To lead somebody to do something
1234. The employees decided to— the strike as their demands have been accepted by the minister
1235. I am elder to you,—?
1236. One who believes in God
1237. Which of the fol lowing is a synonym of diminish
1238. One who collects stamps is
1239. Which is a part of your body
1240. Fill in the space using the correct form of the adjective He is the
1241. —person I have ever met
1242. Choose the correct form
1243. Many —are grazing in the field
1244. Change into indirect speech He said: please, let me go
1245. Replace the underlined phrase with one word: I did not expect such childish talk from a grown-up
1246. Choose the correct verb form The minister along with his bodyguards—killed in the riot
1247. When I saw my old friend, I was—
1248. Change the voice One may accomplish anything with a little effort
1249. The passive voice of Most people opposed this is
1250. In which part of the question’s is the mistake
1251. Most of the film stars have passion —fashion:
1252. Choose a suitable interpretation for the Idiom ‘hand and glove’
1253. I would rather you — in bed
1254. One word for one who runs away from justice or the law
1255. She could have gone there, —?
1256. This dress is made — silk
1257. Collective noun of turtles
1258. If Ass- bray, snake—
1259. The Masculine gender of Nun
1260. Either John or Jacob— taken my book
1261. Big gun means
1262. My mother as well as my sisters — good at making idlies
1263. Satheesh is rich enough — pay more
1264. The boy — got the highest mark is my brother
1265. I wished I — a football player
1266. Have a cup of tea, —? Add suitable question tag
— Hindi is the official language of India Add suitable article
1267. Bread and butter — not sold in this shop
1268. My uncle — to USA 10 years ago
1269. . The plural form of taxi
1270. Synonym of the word Colossal
1271. Neither of us was present,—?
1272. The director and the actor — coming
1273. If I were in Qatar, I — watch World Cup?
1274. Synonym of the word Affront
1275. modus operandi means
1276. Change into passive voice They are rebuilding the bridge
1277. I — don’t want to speak to him again
1278. The idiom Bull in a China Shop means:
1279. The government has decided to — the Onam celebration in Kerala
1280. Call the doctor, —?
1281. Some one found a pair of shoes near the staircase Change to passive voice?
A— of snakes
1282. Manu said to Arun, I shall buy a car. Change to indirect speech
1283. Find the meaning of wet blanket
1284. Find the one word for a State of being unmarried
1285. Find the opposite meaning of lethal
1286. We must abide — his decision
A. ‘dark Horse’ is
1287. The police —questioning the suspect
1288. Antonym of Abbreviation
1289. Select the apt passive form of ‘Release the prisoner’
1290. The temple is —down the lane
1291. Pick out the correct reported form Ravi Said ‘I am going back next week’
1292. The— of Anne is a classical work that depicts the callousness of the Holocaust
1293. ‘Nocturnal’ relates to
1294. The higher you climb a Himalayan peak, — you feel
1295. One word for a collection of ships
1296. Choose the apt word showing the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence. Ernakulam is a
very populous city in Kerala
1297. The book you are looking — is here
1298. Synonym of ‘Ameliorate
1299. The indirect form of ‘Do you like comics’ ? She asked me
1300. His chappals — stolen
1301. Change into passive form: Rani wrote a letter to Raju
1302. Add suitable question tag He used to go there, —?
1303. I would rather you — in hotel than in a lodge
1304. Choose the antonym of the word Laconic
1305. Find the wrongly spelt word
1306. A — of dolphins
1307. plural form of facsimile is
1308. What is the meaning of the foreign word au fait?
1309. Synonym of the word Brevity is
1310. A couple of years ago I — my uncle in Paris. I had a great time with him.
1311. Hobson’s choice means
1312. Do you want chicken or beef for dinner ? —, thank you. I’m vegetarian.
1313. Synonym of Dexterity :
1314. A group of fish is called —
1315. Choose the word with correct spelling
1316. I — an old school – friend at the mall.
1317. We seldom see them now a days, —?
1318. The correct passive voice of the sentence ‘Babu has written a novel
1319. Manoj is a good samaritan. Here the underlined word means:
1320. Identify the sentence which is in passive voice?
1321. Fill in the space using the correct preposition I was born — Mumbai
1322. I am the President of India, —? (Question tag)
1323. She spoke as if she — the ghost
1324. Find the meaning of to fan and flame?
1325. The opposite meaning of obvious?
1326. A — of lions
1327. Neither of them—gone?
1328. He is as handsome as his brother The sentence shows—
1329. None was correct, —?
1330. past tense of slit
1331. The phrase to give out means:
1332. The poem in the form of an address is:—
1333. OBLIGATORY-antonyms
1334. The synonym of absurd
1335. Plural of son – in -law
1336. One who compiles dictionary is called
1337. When I reached there, everybody —
1338. If you had ordered, I — it
1339. Correctly spelt word
1340. This is the — news a
1341. Which of the following phrase has meaning Explode
1342. One who is incapable of making errors
1343. If you had given the money, I — a mobile phone
1344. Change the voice The team members are wearing a yellow jersey
1345. The meaning of the idiom call a spade a spade
1346. The antonym of the word callous
1347. Add suitable phrasal verb The terrorists tried to — the bridge
1348. Teacher said to him, why did you come late? Change into Indirect speech
1349. The foreign phrase vox populi means
1350. Plural form of the word Dynamo
1351. The synonym of the word Antithesis is
1352. Add suitable question tag Let them play football, —?
1353. His Physics — good
1354. Change into indirect speech He said, I have written a poem
1355. Psychology is — science of mind
1356. A number of students — studying here
1357. He might not have fallen, if he — careful
1358. Change into passive voice: Show me your marks
1359. Find the meaning of the foreign word ex gratia
1360. A swarm of —
1361. The teacher rather than his pupils, — anxious about the examination
1362. A lot of boys — standing near the notice board
1363. Do you know any body — can play the piano?
1364. Find the error part I was / treated / as if an / old friend
1365. A group of boys — playing in the ground
1366. Teenu is sitting — an arm chair
1367. Change the voice They are building a bridge across the river
1368. Killing an enemy is —
1369. Feminine gender of wizard?
1370. Young one of a bear is
1371. You have a brother,—?
1372. He was the tallest man — has ever lived?
1373. The antonym of Agony is?
1374. He — is explore the country side
1375. No sooner did he entered these words— (complete the sentence choosing the correct alternatives)
1376. The child could — lift the bag
1377. Rohit’s house is — Tilak Nagar
1378. The young one of a pigeon is called
1379. Spider is related web. Bee is related to
1380. If you invited —
1381. You had better — a doctor
1382. Pick out the correct sentence from the following
1383. I am not crazy,—?
1384. They are building a house (passive voice)
1385. When the chief guest at last came, the audience—
1386. He said I am unwell
1387. The antonym of Alleviate:
1388. He scarcely visits his village; —?
— you like another Cup of Coffee?
1389. Choose the antonym of the underlined word She is having a malignant tumour
1390. I am fond — music
1391. Choose the right collective terms A — of keys
1392. The leader of the terrorist group is — one eyed man
1393. Either she or the boys — made a mess in this room?
1394. I wish I — a hundred rupees
1395. Report is your book on Shakespeare he asked her
— you start now, you will miss the train
1396. Killing of a human being is
1397. ‘Get out of the room’ is a / an — sentence
1398. One of the boys — this window?
1399. The feminine gender of Friar
1400. The past tense of seek is
1401. Hardly — see the picture
1402. Mary declared that the book was not —
1403. Antonym of obscure
1404. A person who readily believes others is — one
1405. This brand of motor cycle is quite inferior — that one
1406. The noun form of ‘invest’
1407. The synonym of ‘Pandemonium’
1408. You will come with us,—?
1409. They rowed — the river
1410. The collective noun for ‘stars’
1411. His offer of help was — by the family
1412. The feminie gender of ‘Drake’
1413. He spoke as if he — the subject
1414. A group of birds is called a
1415. what prevented you — asking for help?
1416. Antonym of ‘Fragrance’
1417. Parents pay through their nose for their children’s education
1418. (underlined idiom means)
1419. You used to work here, —?
1420. Find the error part many people (a)/ have stopped (b)/ To take opium (c)/ Because of its harmful
1421. I — him lately
1422. I — my sister every monday
1423. The word ‘Pseudonym’ means
1424. He is taller than —
1425. The opposite word of Benevolent
1426. The synonym of Apparent
1427. Neither I nor my sister — to temple
1428. The teacher said that slow and steady — the race
1429. Would you mind — the some money?
1430. Neither he nor his brothers — attended the function
1431. I wish I — a teacher
1432. The plural form of bureau is?
1433. The antonym of ‘enmity’
1434. Which word is correclty spelt?
1435. Unless you — , you will fail
1436. Darjeeling grows tea
1437. The sage said, “God helps those who help themselves”? Change into indirect speech
1438. A sea abounding in Islands
1439. She — her grandfather, she has blue eyes
1440. We are planning a trekking trip — Munnar — our vacation?
1441. The weather forecast predicts a cloudy day. Pick out an adjective from the above sentence
1442. You are my close friend, —?
1443. After the security check, the flight —
1444. When we reached the stadium, the players — the playground.
1445. Which one is right?
1446. He said to her Don’t read so fast change into indirect speech
1447. The owner of these houses – in Dubai
1448. A careful preservation and protection of wildlife is the need of the hour
1449. The Elephant, unlike tigers and lions, — not eat flesh
1450. I have been living here — 2000
1451. Find out the masculine gender of ‘Nun’
1452. A lot of vacancies — reported
1453. What is the one word for ‘One who breaks the established traditions and images’
1454. Add a suitable preposition I have acquaintance — Karnatic Music
1455. What does the idiom ‘At the eleventh hour’
1456. Which of the following is the antonym of ‘comply’
1457. Which of the following is an incorrectly spelt word
1458. Fill in the blank with a suitable collective noun A — of judges is deciding the case
1459. Few people came to the party, —?
1460. Rewrite the following in reported speech Arun said, “Rain fell last night”
1461. He — finished his work before he went away
1462. Pick out the odd one
1463. Please take the phone, —?
1464. Sonu with his friends — going to the party
1465. One word substitution for ‘a person who is indifferent to pleasure and pain’
1466. Fill in the blank with correct phrasal verb I — an old school friend at the shoping mall
1467. What is the term used to describe a group of flies?
1468. Foreign phrase ‘Carte blanche’ means:-
1469. “Do you like coffee?” she said – change this sentence into indirect speech?
1470. Charity begins at —
1471. Does he — hard to win the first rank in LDC?
1472. In which part of the sentence is the mistake He /has delivered/ a best speech/
1473. Neither Nimi nor her brother — to college
1474. The famine was — severe for a lot of people to survive
1475. Choose the correct passive voice form of Who will win the match?
1476. A — of owls
1477. Choose the one word substitution for A deliberate act of deconstruction of machinery etc by workers
1478. I need the scissors, where —
1479. Plural form of menu
1480. Sunil Chethri is the — member of the Indian football team
1481. Use suitable phrasal verb: We — but we weren’t able to find the car part we needed
1482. Give the synonym of ‘Intensify’
1483. The chappals — stolen
1484. The Prime Minister along with the ministers — attending the meeting
1485. Let me use your mobile phone, —? Add suitable question tag
1486. Choose the odd one out
1487. The expression ‘A bed of roses’ means
1488. Which among the following is correctly spelt
1489. Add appropriate preposition: This building is suitable — library
1490. Choose the correct word for the reported speech version of the given sentence Sitha asked Sona, “is
your brother an advocate” Sitha asked Sona whether her brother — an advocate
1491. There are a number of public — in the park
1492. Please share these sweets — three students
1493. No one was injured, —?
1494. The army fell on the besiegers. Underlined phrase means:
1495. He wrote a story — red ink
1496. A person who is irreverent towards God
1497. You had better not — from him
1498. Mohan besides his family — gone to UK
1499. The more you drive,— petrol the car uses
1500. Change into Indirect Speech “Narendra Modi will arrive China on Monday”, he said
1501. The meaning of the idiom ‘ break the ice’
1502. The antonym of the word ‘Spurious’
1503. Write the one word substitution for ‘one appointed to settle dispute between two parties?
1504. Find the misspelt word
1505. Sound of Hyenas is
1506. . I am familiar — this locality
1507. Vishnu is the — boy in this class
1508. Don’t play at night is a/an — sentence
1509. He is — honest man
1510. We — each other for five years
1511. She — succeeded if she had worked hard
1512. The match — by their team
1513. Of the two sisters, Gayathri and Theertha, Gayathri is —attractive
1514. . The feminine gender of nephew is
1515. The adjective of please is—
1516. The synonym of curiosity is —
1517. The antonym of barbarian is —
1518. . The authority turned down the proposal. The underlined phrase means
1519. Identify the word correctly spelt
1520. Ab initio means —
1521. Arts college is a/an — word
1522. Add suitable article Nobody can solve so difficult — problem
1523. Ram enjoys — the novels of R.K. Narayan
1524. Meenu in the company of her friends — playing
1525. Change into Indirect Speech: Ramesh said to his mother, ” I saw two snakes in the garden”
1526. I would rather you — a mobile phone than a laptop
1527. Killing a friend?
1528. The idiom ‘As keen as mustard’?
1529. A litter of —
1530. You need not go there,—?
1531. One who knows everything
1532. Use the appropriate question tag for the sentence given below-They live in the town, —?
1533. Joining together to cheat others is
1534. I have — more letters for you to write
1535. If you had come in time, you— the Minister.
1536. Reverence relates to:
1537. ‘How can I help you’? She asked him. Change into reported speech
1538. Raju is hater of learning and knowledge choose the apt substitute for the underlined words
1539. If he resigned it would be tantamount—admitting that he was guilty.
1540. Postmortem means examination of dead body. Another word with the same meaning is
1541. I — all the books to the library last week
1542. He insisted — my going there this weekend
1543. We were late and by the time we reached the theatre, the cinema—
1544. It is pleasant— children playing
1545. Change the voice: Have your coffee please
1546. Which of the following is not a compound noun?
1547. Cheap products are often—
1548. She explained ‘What a beautiful child”
1549. Choose the synonym of ‘innocent’
1550. Choose the antonym of ‘Mundane’
1551. A person who arrange funerals is called
1552. The begger —crying in horrible voice
1553. The foreign word ‘noel’ means
1554. Among the four sisters, Leena is the —
1555. Diabetes — a lifestyle disease
1556. The word ‘Barbarous’ means
1557. . —a good film on TV yesterday
1558. The opposite of ‘dense’ is
— European has taken over the film when I work
1559. Choose the correct spelt word
1560. The noun form of ‘succeed’ is
1561. It is not easy to — Civil Service Examination
1562. . You should abide — the rules
1563. —is the synonym of ‘Chide’
1564. Correct spelling
1565. “Close the window” change the voice
1566. He says, “I am very busy”. Change into reported speech
1567. ‘A short narration of a single incident of Private life is called’
1568. I — something burning
1569. Young one of a deer is called
1570. Many ships cross — Atlantic Ocean
1571. I am sure he will — from this crisis
1572. The players in addition to their coach — gone for the sportsmeet
1573. One word substitution for ‘ Concluding part of a literary work’
1574. Change into indirect speech “What is the matter?” he said to me
1575. ‘Don’t wander about there’ is an example of
1576. Ram had finished his office work when —
— lucky people got the tickets at the last moment
1577. Keep quiet,—? Add suitable question tag
1578. The phrase ‘bolt from the blue’ means
1579. Each of the players — played well
1580. If I were in Russia,I— watch FIFA World Cup?
1581. I — to Chennai last year
1582. We ought to help — poor
1583. Add suitable question tag? There are a few tigers in the forest,—?
1584. The passive form of ‘Will the Government build a bridge’?is
1585. Doctor sat — the patient
1586. One word substitution for ‘ One who draws plans for building’
1587. Choose the antonym of ‘Calm’?
1588. Profound means:
1589. Venu together with his sisters — to Taj
1590. Look me — when you are in India next year
1591. We’ve met before, —?
1592. Ramu said ” This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother”. Who is Ramu to the girl?
1593. ahmed’s age at present is equal to the total ages of his four children, after 20 years his age will be
only one half of their total ages. How old is Ahmed?
1594. What decimal of an hour is a second?
1595. amal is as older than Bhanu as younger than Chandu. The difference between the ages of Bhanu and
Chandu is 10 years. The sum of ages of Amal and Bhanu is 29 years. Find the age of Chandu?
1596. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
1597. Which of the following words came into English from Malayalam?
1598. ‘Chicken hearted’ means
1599. Edward died — his own hands
1600. It is so dark that —
1601. He is intelligent enough — first class
1602. The train was coming , the supervisor —
1603. Which one is singular form?
1604. The idiom A man of this word means
1605. Iron as well as coal — in India
1606. Use suitable article — college has — new look
1607. Use correct form of the verb Raju enjoys — the drama of Shakespeare
1608. Mr. Shah played well, —? (Use suitable question tag)
1609. Synonym of ‘Concise’?
1610. antonym of ‘adapt’
— is the word which means ‘natural ability’
1611. I was shocked by his — behaviour?
1612. Plural form of ‘saga’?
1613. The juice is made — oranges?
1614. Would you mind — me the lunch box?
1615. The patient has responded to the treatment — better than expected
1616. antonym of ‘Sublime’?
1617. I wish I — the work
1618. The poet and the dramatist — dead
1619. The conductor as well as passengers — to be blaimed for the trouble
1620. Find out the mascuiline gender of ‘Nun’
1621. If asses bray, snakes —
1622. ‘To make clean breast of’ means
1623. The phrase ‘go off’ means
1624. One word for ‘One who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge and skill’
1625. Could you close — door, please?
1626. One of the teachers —— teaching the students
1627. Majority of the boys — the football?
1628. Young one of an Antelope is..
1629. Pick out the transitive verb from the following options
1630. The phrase ‘give out’ means
1631. Somebody has picked my pocket (change the voice)
1632. If you insulted her, she —— you
1633. I wish I — the answer
1634. I would rather you — in bed
1635. This is the first time I — a meeting.
1636. Heera made him —— there
1637. They found their way — too easily
1638. More than one person — feared to be drowned
1639. Synonym of Abate
1640. The word red tape means
1641. Sariga kept — about her schooldays
1642. The kid was shivering — cold
1643. Correct the sentence:
1644. Young one of zebra is —
1645. Too many cooks spoil the —
1646. One word for ‘that cannot be rubbed out or removed’
1647. A person who is between eighty and ninety years old
1648. The beauty of thousands of minarets — enchanting
1649. There isn’t — in the bottle
1650. This is Hareesh — I met in USA
1651. Hari said, ” I have bought a pen’ (Change to indirect speech)
1652. She saw the film (Change to negative)
1653. Ravi — the newspaper when the phone rang
1654. The opposite of the word ‘transparent’
1655. Delhi is — capital of India
1656. I am using my pen (Change to passive)
1657. ‘Industrious people’ should be rewarded (Choose the word which is closest to the meaning of the
italicized word?
1658. Don’t put your feet— the table
1659. The government has decided to — all unauthorised buildings?
1660. I wouldn’t jump off that rock —
1661. Will you wait —I return
— you are called, you may step into the room
1662. Donkeys—
1663. At loggerheads approximately means
1664. My aunt has lived in Australia — ten year
1665. Do you like —?
1666. Midhun said ‘Do you enjoy cricket’? (Change into indirect speech)
1667. Mahatma Gandhi appealed to the people to — the cruelties of British authorities
1668. Arya is very good —english.
1669. You had better — in time.
1670. Plural form of goose is
1671. She — the books on the table
1672. The antonym of the word ‘fragrance’.
1673. I am healthy,—
1674. The young one of the deer is called
1675. Manu as well as Deepu — going to the library.
1676. I will show you a house — you can buy
1677. The older he got — he become.
1678. I met — European in the temple.
1679. Hari refused — obey the commands.
1680. Call the witness, said the judge. Change into indirect speech.
1681. The synonym for ‘disgrace’ is?
1682. She — the bus.
1683. Take —your health.
1684. He came — for the function yesterday.
1685. It was two years — that I first met Gopu.
1686. There is — Eucalyptus tree infront of — Church
1687. I hadn’t expected any, but — friends turned up for the party
1688. They Speak French and German in Switzerland- Change into passive voice
1689. Replace the underlined phrase with one word in each case I believe that God is present every where
1690. You should be prepared to comply — the rules of the club
1691. When you are in a foreign country, you have to — yourself to its customs and manners
1692. The social activists protest against injustice and corruption proved to be —
1693. The feminine gender of ‘ram’ is
1694. Choose the correct plural form of the word in italics: Criterion
1695. Obstinate (Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word given)
1696. Are there exhibits — sale?
1697. My aunt has lived in Australia — ten years?
— a good film on the TV yesterday?
1698. Darkness —
1699. Replace the underlined word’s with a suitable single word The doctor said that the wound on the
patients head was one that would cause death
1700. She did not smile — I apologized
1701. I am indeed Lucky —
1702. None of the people arrived in time for the meeting, —
1703. This is one of the rooms that — damaged
1704. The antonym of queer
1705. The place where rabbits are kept is termed as
1706. If you don’t study, you —pass
1707. Plural of knife
1708. They negelected teacher’s —
1709. A pair of scissors — to be bought today
1710. Our children go to — school by bus
1711. He is elder — me
1712. The teacher gave them a good advice. [Change into passive voice]
1713. Change into reported speech ‘you are cheating me’, she said to him
— a car, he has a new bus.
1714. An Englishman — my office last year.
1715. A Rolling stone gathers —
1716. She who is — is my wife.
1717. Plural of “proof”.
1718. Where do Eskimos live —?
1719. Choose the correct synonym of ‘Brazen’
1720. I had just finished lunch when the phone —?
1721. If you had come on time, you — the minister.
1722. You like tea without sugar,—?
1723. Hardly had he reached the station — the train arrived.
1724. It was two years — I first met Arjun.
1725. The principle is superior — the lecturer.
1726. It is high time we — the office
1727. The water tank — and much water was wasted?
1728. The idiom ‘Kick the bucket’ means?
1729. Arjun had been living here — 5 years
1730. If I had won the lottery,— a millionaire
1731. There is a cat in the kitchen — is drinking milk
1732. The mansion was pulled down, to make way for a housing complex, the words underlined mean
1733. The idiom ‘Flog a dead horse’ means?
1734. A person who knows many languages is called
1735. The comparative form of: ‘Rani is one of the cleverest girls in the class’
1736. The passive form of the sentence ‘They have built a bridge’ is
1737. Go away,—?
1738. He is standing — her
1739. Would you mind — me a message
1740. Meet me at the new building —at noon
1741. He reported that he — the vacation in Goa
1742. The market is at the — end of the city
1743. Meaning of this foreign word. Modus operandi
1744. This juice is made — fresh oranges
— you apologize, he won’t forgive you
1745. The mother as well as her three children — taken to the hospital
1746. To surprise somebody greatly
1747. Neither the leader nor his friends — found guilty
— European was killed in an accident
1748. Antonym of convict
1749. Which of the following is the correct spelling
1750. You had better — home
1751. If I had not opened the door, the cat —
1752. As I have — friends, I often feel lonely
1753. They — living here since 2000
1754. The word which is nearest in meaning to the word ‘profound’?
1755. The old man was too weak to travel — himself
1756. Roshan was so absorber — his work that he didn’t even raise his head
1757. It — heavily when I work up Yesterday
1758. Few students knew the answer, —?
1759. Bulls —
1760. The juice is made — fresh oranges
1761. Our Chief Minister is a person of long experience in politics (use one word for the words underlined)
1762. Everyone looked up to him (Change into passive voice)
1763. Fill in the blank with suitable preposition. My friend stood — me during my difficult times
1764. Give one word substitute for ‘things of different nature’:
1765. Complete the following sentence using appropriate adjective He is the — member of the club
1766. I save money by — smoking
1767. Mark stands well with his boss. stands well closely means:
1768. He is quite at sea. At sea means
1769. He said, ‘I must go at once’. Change in to indirect speech:
1770. Choose the correct preposition for the sentence. The thief hid all his loot — a stone
1771. Select the word meaning small branch
1772. The old testament tell of the — the jews made with God
1773. Horse is related to hay is the same way as cow is related to —
1774. Jayan said something (choose the question)
1775. It is five years — I retired
1776. Choose the Crying sound of the ‘Ducks’?
1777. Choose the young ones of ‘cow’?
1778. Choose the correclty Spelt word
1779. Choose synonyms for the word ‘Hostility’
1780. Give meaning of the word ‘Childish’?
1781. Give the meaning of the phrase ‘At an arm’s length’
1782. Choose the antonyms of the ‘Blasphemous’
1783. I have — oranges. So I can give one to the child
1784. The verb form of the noun ‘Beauty’
1785. Stop Smoking,—?
1786. He is — enough to believe any story
1787. She went to the office after her friend
1788. Opposite of the word ‘Conceal’ is
1789. My friend and room mate — coming
1790. Synonym of ‘ Laconic’ is
1791. It was a grand party and I enjoyed —
1792. Collective noun of ‘puppies’
1793. The thief attacked the man — a knife
1794. Murder of a human being is called?
1795. Spot the error
1796. put — the light, please
1797. I am sorry — being late
1798. Iron is more useful than gold. Change the degree
1799. My teacher said to me “Work hard to win the first prize’?
1800. He — by his uncle
1801. She never visited her grandparents, —
1802. If you had gone there in time, —
1803. Change into reported speech The boy said, “I like sweets”
1804. He set out — six o’ clock
1805. This is really — enchanting scene
1806. Your story is — than grandma’s
1807. Ram or his brothers — home every week
1808. Find out the adverb in the sentence: ‘Clean your room carefully’
1809. He — tea every morning
1810. Identify the correctly spelt word
1811. Suja — her new saree for the function
1812. Select the word which means the opposite of the word – Boon
1813. Select the meaning of the underlined idiom It’s ‘raining cats and dogs’
1814. Find out the synonym of the word ‘Peer’
1815. Lacking in quantity or quality is —
1816. The crop was attacked by a — of locusts
1817. “Meet me at the new building — at noon.” The architect said
1818. Artists must be — otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear
1819. A Latin word which means ‘the most important work of an artist, writer etc’
1820. Choose the most appropriate word: The — of a railway engine is almost deafening
1821. Use the correct conditionals She would buy a pony, if — enough money
1822. Find the phrase that best fits into the blank in the sentence. The occasion — prompt action
1823. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom: “To show the white feather”
1824. The boy, along with the tourists — gone
1825. Find out the passive form of : “Does she know me”?
1826. Which sentence is correct
1827. Choose the correct tag question Don’t make any noise, —?
1828. Complete the sentence meaningfully : Seeing that the child was ill, the:
1829. Select a word synonymous with ‘INTEGRITY’
1830. Each of these apartment buildings has — own swimming pool
1831. Use the correct adverb to replace the groups of words in bold letters He was appointed Principal,
1832. We agree — most things
1833. Put the adjectives in right order The house was — building
1834. Choose the correct plural form of “Basis”
1835. The noun “SPONTANEITY” belongs to which category
1836. Many a man — tempted by gold
1837. Select the word which is opposite to “STERN”:
1838. I look forward — from you
1839. Which is the infinitive form of the noun ‘Choice’
1840. It is time the children —
1841. I would rather you — a song
1842. Scarcely had I reached the station — the train started
1843. Hardly had he finished the exam — the bell rang
1844. She made me —
1845. The noun form of ‘atrocious’ is
1846. “Rani, why were you absent yesterday?” Teacher said Teacher asked Rani why —
1847. “Don’t sleep late and miss the bus” said Mr. Varma. Change into reported speech
1848. “I saw this car here a week ago”, she said. Report the sentence
1849. Delhi is one of the biggest cities in India, means —
1850. Elephant is — than most other animals
1851. Nepalese climber Min Bahadur Sherchan is the oldest man to scale Mt. Everest (Change into
comparative degree)
1852. The weather today is — than yesterday
1853. I have — pens than you
1854. If he invited —
1855. If my mother had not grabbed my arm, I —
1856. She would buy a pony, if — enough money
1857. Pick out the correct sentence from the given options
1858. Had the driver been alert, the accident —
1859. He walks as if he — a drunkard
1860. He looks as though he — for days
1861. The child cried as if it — the ghost
1862. She dressed as if she — rich
1863. I wish I — a millionaire
1864. I wished I — a doctor
1865. Change the voice: Mr. Gupta will be invited
1866. They are building a bridge (change the voice)
1867. The company’s workforce is gradually —
1868. Change the voice: He opened the door
1869. Change into active voice: We were kept waiting by her
1870. What is the correct passive voice form of: “Do the hounds kill the fox?”
1871. Change the voice: I bought the baby a doll
1872. The passive form of the sentence They put off the meeting due to the inconvenience of the Minister
1873. Change the voice : Who taught you to sing?
1874. What is the feminine gender of ram?
1875. Killing one’s father is known as
1876. The occasion — prompt action
1877. The agitation by the workers for higher wages has —
1878. The super star plays a — role in the film
1879. She proved herself very — at playing chess
1880. The word which means “innocent” is
1881. One word substitute for ‘a room where the food supplies of a household are kept’
1882. A person who works for the good of others
1883. One who walks in the streets and sells small articles is a
— goes before a fall
1884. I am not familiar — his officer
1885. Raji — to Wayanad tomorrow
1886. He was as proud as —
1887. Let’s go for a walk, —?
1888. He is the — member of the club
1889. Neither food nor water — to be found there
1890. It took fire fighters for hours to — the fire
1891. The reported speech of : he asked, what the time is?
— Ganga is — sacred river
— mother would like to see you
1892. The Ganga is —sacred river
1893. It was — unanimous decision
1894. She made — attempt to cross the bridge
1895. Use the correct form of article. There were several battles between English and French in India
1896. Capital punishment is considered — ultimate punishment for any crime
1897. When she plays — piano, she seems to be in heaven
— iron is a useful metal
— college has — new look
1898. Pick out the wrongly used article
1899. He is on — high duty
1900. The man jumped — the pond
1901. She accused me — poisoning her dog
1902. Latha has trouble — remembering people’s names
1903. Suresh was born — 1961
1904. Never try to rely — foolish people
1905. Don’t pry — other people’s secretes
1906. He takes pride — his son
1907. She has no taste — music
1908. Every citizen should abide — the laws of the state
1909. My camera is superior — yours
1910. The child was unwilling to part — his toys
1911. He has a deep distrust — his neighbours
1912. I usually arrive at school at ten minutes — nine
1913. He died — his own hands
1914. He was cured — cold
1915. The girl is very keen —
1916. We would have seen it, —?
1917. One should not be too strict, —?
1918. Neither of the brothers knew the answer —?
1919. Hema: close the door, —?
1920. Get the phone for me, —?
1921. Nobody was present in time, —?
1922. I am a little nervous, —?
1923. Nobody knows how to operate the new machine, —?
1924. You would come if I needed help, —?
1925. Your brother is here, —?
1926. Let’s have a game of cricket, —?
1927. It’s fine, —?
1928. ‘Sumit is a very good painter’. In this sentence the word very is
1929. He left the room open, the underlined word here is
1930. I am — happy and depressed
1931. Choose the correct word to fill the blank in the sentence: King Harishchandra was a — ruler
1932. You can meet me at a — time
1933. I took a shower — and got into the car
1934. There is — water left in the pot
1935. Raju could not get — sugar
1936. My mother’s — words motivate me to greater efforts
1937. The speech was — worded
1938. We have had — wet days this week
1939. She is the one — we can trust
1940. His eyes caught a heap of letters. They were lying on the table.
1941. (Combine using a Relative clause)
1942. My father — home when I reached there
1943. Elephants — eat flesh
1944. For him — back was unthinkable
1945. My younger son has just — a letter
1946. The plane was crashed and the passengers —
1947. The sick person — on the bed
1948. A bird often — egg and hatch the chicks
1949. Raju — (wait) for the bus for one hour before he hired a taxi
1950. She — tomorrow to attend the wedding
1951. The boy along with his parents, — to the park
1952. One of the officers — on leave
1953. A good deal of information — been collected
1954. Choose the phrasal verb which means ‘demand’
1955. When did the accident —?
1956. A make — shelter was made for the refugees
1957. Do not look down — your poor relatives
1958. I — the examination, but my brother failed
1959. When he was about to be arrested he — the police
1960. Replace the underlined word with suitable phrasal verb. I ‘found by chance’ an interesting picture in
that magazine
1961. For all her reticence and modesty, it was clear that she was a — expert in her field
1962. I looked — in the mirror
1963. Each of these apartment building has — own swimming pool
1964. He walked as if he — millionaire
1965. The trip was — exciting that we did not feel any sense of boredom
1966. I have never met Osama Bin Laden — do I want to
1967. The shopkeeper offered to exchange the goods. The shopkeeper offered to refund the money
(Combine using ‘either – or’)
1968. Select the compound word from the following
1969. Mark out the correct sentence from the given?
1970. The passive voice of the sentence is:- ‘Raju has written a novel’
1971. He is very popular — employee
1972. ‘birds’ are collectively known as?
1973. The word meaning to :- One having unusual habits is
1974. Which one of the following is a synonym of ‘Delusion’
1975. Plural form of mouse?
1976. He —his father
1977. It — Since 10’O clock this morning
1978. My father — his sister last week
1979. A Cartographer makes—
1980. ‘Judicious’ means
1981. The early bird catches—
1982. He seldom visits the library, —
1983. Passive voice of ‘He made his wife do the work’ is
1984. The opposite of the word ‘carnal’ is
1985. A government by one person’s is
1986. You can swim well, —?
— camel is the ship of the desert
1987. Anitha is very clever —cooking
1988. Find the error
1989. Not only did he teach her free — helped her financially
1990. He congratulated me — my success in the selection test.
1991. He confessed his crime. Give the synonym of the word underlined
1992. No sooner has the theif seen the police
1993. Give the antonym : Hereditary
1994. By age four, Varsha won — brown belt, — first degree in Karate
1995. Rahul is very rich. He can buy a car (combine using enough
1996. I meant — your attention to this matter
1997. The word which means false reports that damage the reputation of a person
1998. The closest meaning of the word benevolence is
1999. I shall be there — 4 pm on friday
2000. Tom — finished his work
2001. The tiger moved — its prey
2002. Either you or I — mistaken
2003. The right to Self government
2004. I ate an Ice cream
2005. The more you get — you spend
2006. Nobody wants, —?
2007. The place where pigs are kept
2008. Choose the in correct word
2009. ‘Hue and Cry’ means
2010. Either Reema or her friends —made a mess
2011. The dead body was taken to the— for an authority
2012. I look forward to — you again
2013. When I reached the railway station, the train — left
2014. Antonym of ‘Praise’
2015. Father was angry — what I had done
2016. A person who wants no formal or official organisation to society
2017. His handwriting is shabby, I cannot — what be has written
2018. The richer you are, —
2019. When Thomas came to the bank 2015 Biju — there for two years
2020. I have my bedroom—
2021. Rarely — my college mates
2022. The reported speech of : He asked what is the time? is
2023. The plural of ‘Commander in chief’ is
2024. The boy prefers coffee — tea
2025. The latin phrase ‘malafide’ means
2026. Spider is related to web. Bee is related to
2027. Would you mind — some money?
2028. Find out the masuline gender of ‘Nun’
2029. I — for the last one week
2030. Kerala is more beautiful than — in India?
2031. What time — to bed last night?
2032. The first person to congratulate me — my success was my teacher?
2033. I am too impatient —?
2034. Babu, — parents are both teachers, won first prize in the competition?
2035. Bricks are made in?
2036. The opposite of “elevate” is?
2037. The earlier you get up —?
2038. Select an uncountable noun from the following?
2039. My mother is twice as old as my brother, I am 5 years younger than my brother but 3 years older than
my sister. If my sister’s age is 12 years, how old is my mother?
2040. He isn’t in London now because he—to India?
2041. This page consists — five paragraphs?
2042. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition: Divide this — the servants?
2043. Mary decided to — the post in the face of protests against her nomination?
2044. ––––– stitch in time saves nine?
2045. Find mis spelt word?
2046. The girl — her father last year?
2047. If—since eight O’ clock this morning?
2048. Though he — enough money he does not intend to buy a car?
2049. Plural form of brother-in-law is—?
2050. A person who is very careful about details?
2051. Mahatma Gandhi — in 1948?
2052. ‘Latent’ means?
2053. The baby — all morning?
2054. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word EXTERNAL?
2055. Twelve inches make —?
2056. Choose the word which is more or less opposite in meaning to barren?
2057. What is the —event in this short story?
2058. Unless you go there–––––?
2059. The antyonym of sympathy is?
2060. Come in and —off your coat?
2061. He spoke —softly to be heard by the people at the back of the hall?
2062. Give the adjective of the following word ‘eat’?
— people don’t know what it is like in other countries?
2063. You are a nice girl, —?
2064. He would not have written this if he — the news?
2065. India — (become) free in 1947 [Use the correct form of the verb given in bracket]?
2066. I prefer dogs — cats?
2067. When your friend is not an optimistic person, he is?
2068. This glass is full — water?
2069. “—” “She is tall and clever”?
2070. Water—at o’centigrade?
2071. Write the synonyms of the following words: Mild?
2072. Adjective of ‘quarrel’ is?
2073. Choose the meaning of the following idioms Thick as thieves?
2074. As a boy Edison — newspapers for a living?
2075. He is senior—me in service?
2076. Use correct articles — umbrella is — useful thing?
2077. I have been waiting for him — morning?
2078. Which is the correct sentence?
2079. If I meet him –––––?
2080. A journey by sea is called?
2081. Opposite of the word ‘erase’ is?
2082. He will not come here—?
2083. Fill in the blanks with correct reported speech Rani asked the girl
2084. —?
— the work done?
2085. He will not come now, —?
2086. Familiarity breeds—?
2087. A brave man doesnot boast — his great acts?
2088. The original inhabitants of a place?
2089. The bird — away a short while ago?
2090. Director is to drama as — is to magazine?
2091. I haven’t had my lunch yet —?
2092. The hen has—five eggs?
2093. A small percentage of the grain— ruined by the prolonged rain?
2094. Nobody answered it,—?
2095. . Mary — French very well?
2096. The elections are fast approaching and it is time we set the ball?
2097. The teachers day is celebrated — september 5?
2098. A list of all kinds of food available for a meal in a restaurant?
2099. Find the correct one?
2100. He has been in prison— ten years?
2101. He chose sometimes from Shakespeare’s Sonnets as the
2102. —for his essay.?
2103. The thief — his house last night?
2104. He embarked — some new business?
2105. My first lesson—forgiveness came from my father?
2106. A group of men — creating trouble?
2107. A place where nuns stay?
2108. There were —cars on the road when I was a child?
2109. The meaning of “incessant” is?
2110. I don’t think he will ever agree—such a plan?
2111. One word for “the condition of self government”?
2112. Either the students or their teacher — come?
2113. The officials of the Tourism Department are waiting at— railway to greet a new batch of American
2114. Stay —?
2115. By the end of next month we—here for seven years?
— the elections there was great excitement in the town?
2116. Unless you work hard, you — high marks?
2117. It is such —useful article?
2118. Women is different –––––man?
2119. Choose the synonym of the word ‘aromatic’?
2120. Opposite of the word ‘glory’?
2121. “Can you lend me a pound, —?
2122. The mispelt word is?
2123. The synonym of bright is?
2124. He died — Tuberculosis?
2125. She said she wouldn’t refuse him if he — her out again?
2126. I am suffering — fever?
2127. They—help you?
2128. I have been visiting Guruvayoor—my childhood?
2129. The child is — ill?
2130. Passed away means?
2131. The antonym for ‘similar’ is?
2132. “Give it to me, will you?” “—“?
2133. ‘Combat’ means?
2134. There is—hope of his recovery?
2135. Killing of one’s own brother?
2136. The boy failed — the home work?
2137. The meaning of ‘genuflect’?
2138. Opposite of the word ‘veteran’?
2139. I’am late, —?
2140. If it—nice tomorrow, we’ll go to the zoo?
2141. Either John or Gopal — taken my book?
2142. The police are on the — for the runaway prisoner?
2143. Please open your book — page twenty?
2144. He asked me —?
2145. ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means?
2146. Summons — issued against the murderer?
2147. It is fourteen years since I — him?
2148. The percentage of car owners—higher in 2010?
2149. She perfers to watch movies—make her cry?
2150. “Ostentatious” means?
2151. Now it is very late. It is time we — the work?
2152. All his schemes fell — for want of money?
2153. Her remarks seemed—and we chose to ignore them?
2154. The opposite of ‘native’ is?
2155. Hari has a strong resemblance — his elder brother?
2156. Our neighbours have been living here – 1996?
2157. As you pass the house, you’ll be able to see Mr Watson’s garden
2158. —.?
2159. My views are in accordance with—of yours?
2160. Select a word similar in meaning to ASSIMILATE?
2161. Fill up the blanks using the suitable choices. He dares to face him
2162. ,—?
2163. Babu — that book from the library?
2164. Opposite meaning of BRIEF?
2165. I — letters since 10 O’ clock this morning?
2166. You will do it, —?
2167. Translate this from English — Hindi?
2168. They are living — now?
2169. Use the correct tense forms. Slow and steady —the race?
2170. He was born — the fifth of April, 1976?
2171. We sympathise — those in distress?
2172. Of the two leading parties — party got a majority in the election?
2173. The lady asked—?
2174. Use suitable alternative: He takes delight — his duties?
2175. The situation in the riot – torn district is now —?
2176. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition You have to subscribe — this monthly?
2177. Favouritism shown to relatives, especially in appointment to desirable positions?
2178. I — him seven years ago?
2179. “—I open the window? yes, please”?
2180. There will be no rain — atleast an hour?
2181. The synonym of obstinate is?
2182. ––––– honest man is ––––– noblest work of God?
2183. It takes—time than you think to do the crossword puzzle?
2184. Radios are sold — this shop?
2185. Some of the votes—to have been miscounted?
2186. Now a days — children requires a lot of money?
2187. How much longer—this dictionary?
2188. I am fed up –––– staying at this place?
2189. Don’t bother –––– trivial matters?
2190. The opposite of abound is?
2191. Let me acquaint you—these facts?
2192. Each affirmative sentence given below is followed by two forms of its negative. Choose the correct
one. We had a meeting yesterday?
2193. There –––– plenty of opportunities for the talened people?
2194. She enjoys — to his stories?
2195. A book containing information about all branches of knowledge?
2196. Choonse one word for “Incapable of being reachable”?
2197. “How many eggs have we got”—?
2198. Ravi goes to college — foot?
2199. By the time the doctor came the patient?
I— volleyball in several months?
2200. The quality of these mangoes — not good?
2201. Write the past participle form of broadcast?
2202. Write Plurals of Tooth?
2203. There is no harm—him?
2204. We congratulated him — his success in the test?
2205. Choose the right synonym from the options given below for ‘Counsel’?
2206. When I was postd to the Cochin office after the training in Madras, I asked my Bank in Madras to —
my account to Cochin?
2207. “What do you do?” “—“?
2208. Why didn’t you apply—a bank loan?
2209. Have another cup of tea, —?
2210. God helps those — help themselves?
2211. They — such a hot news last week?
2212. Choose the right spelling?
2213. This is—useful piece of information?
2214. His father — angry if he failed in the examination?
2215. The boy resembled his father. (The word resembled means)?
2216. One who helps poor people, especially by giving them money?
2217. Do you agree — what I say?
2218. Kerala will soon—the electricity shortage?
2219. One of my teachers — a famous novelist?
2220. Can I have —, please?
2221. The meaning of ‘bring to light’?
2222. Which one is in the plural form?
2223. She is accustomed to — in big cities?
2224. My brother – in – law, — is a computer engineer, is in New York at present?
2225. A person having an excessive attachment to foreign living is known as —?
2226. Your son has promised to call you to USA,—?
2227. In a democracy everyone — obey the laws of the country?
2228. I am older than you, —?
2229. The PrimeMinister—graciously at the crowd?
2230. She was accustomed — the moods of her husband?
2231. ‘He hurt his leg in an accident’ is the active form of?
2232. Don’t be late for dinner —?
2233. This young man can get along not only with girls, but also with
— parents.?
2234. He is the person— saved the child?
2235. Being an — speaker, he — the mob to violence?
2236. There are two buses standing there, Number 19 and Number 23;
— bus will take you to the railway station but they go by different routes.?
2237. The policeman warned the photogrpaher —too near?
2238. It is no use — about that?
2239. Choose suitable sentence as passive form of the given sentence: The Romans expect to conquer
2240. The room is full of —?
2241. She is — untidy girl?
2242. He is very — in winning such crises?
2243. The publishers are — my new book next month?
2244. He prefers coffee — Tea?
2245. The clerk— helped us didn’t expect anytihing in return?
2246. A place where milk is kept and butter is made?
2247. ‘White paper’ means?
2248. Whom do you want to speak —?
2249. I love—?
2250. Lata read the story, —she?
2251. With—did you see Janet?
2252. Gallop?
2253. Our college is ‘within a stone’s throw’ from here?
2254. The past participle of ‘lie’ is?
2255. Feminine gender of ‘colt’ is?
2256. Henry arrived—station at 9 O’ clock?
2257. You are suspended until — orders?
2258. He is —best of the three?
2259. Choose the word which means most nearly the same as the word given in capital letters LETHAL?
2260. It — rain this morning?
2261. This is the man — the painting?
2262. I thanked him — his kindness?
2263. If we provided better comfort, we — more tourists?
2264. A manhunt may also be for a —?
2265. Many people have died — Malaria?
2266. Fill up the blanks using suitable alternative: It is time the six year old — how to read and write?
2267. The word ‘decorum’ means?
2268. The meaning of ‘Prodigal’ is?
2269. VSSC is a/an?
2270. The opposite of the word ‘Confess’?
2271. He manages to live — the earnings from gambling?
2272. Only — children like thrillers?
2273. He — in Trivandrum since 1980?
2274. Ram and —went to meet the Prime Minister?
2275. She always says that we — go and see her more often?
2276. He insisted on —?
2277. The correct spelling is?
2278. Please look— this word in the dictionary?
2279. I did not expect to see you today. Your friend said you — ill?
2280. She was absent — the class?
2281. The umbrella is —?
2282. There are too many girls— the bus?
2283. My grandfather — ten years ago?
2284. Each of the architects (1) / were convinced (2) / that the building (3)
2285. / was not properly planned (4)?
2286. I should say that you don’t grumble — such silly things?
— is my favourite sport?
2287. She was married — a doctor?
2288. I say my prayers — I sleep?
2289. Find proper question tag Your son had promised to call you to USA
— ?
2290. I have met — one eyed man today?
2291. I watch television ––– I have nothing to do?
— are you waiting for?
2292. See that you —— for the meeting in time?
2293. A trusted person to whom one speaks about one’s private affairs?
2294. I have been awake—five hours?
2295. The meaning of “linger” is?
2296. The roses he bought—?
2297. He did — useful thing, but — one man tribunal gave — verdict against it?
2298. Rewrite as directed:You must shut these doors. (Change into passive)?
2299. It is time — home?
2300. He is —?
2301. He is the best speaker ––– is available?
2302. Calcutta University is older than — universities in India?
2303. Be ready to put up—any difficulty?
2304. None of the workmen arrived on time, —?
2305. Everybody wanted to stay longer —?
2306. With such low wages the workers find it difficult to make — ends meet?
2307. If I ever find my glasses, I think I’ll have—replaced?
2308. The word ‘deadlock’ means?
2309. This is the village –––– which he was born?
2310. She was quite overcome — emotion?
2311. Please use my knife to cut it —?
2312. The antonym of include is?
2313. The opposite of ‘Artless’ is?
2314. HAPHAZARD means?
2315. I cold scarcely — his writing?
2316. By this day next year, my brother — his course?
2317. I shall avail — of your advice?
2318. Choose the apt word showing the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence: The landslide and
heavy rain caused much damage and misfortune in Amboori near Kattakada?
2319. Tea — by Mary?
2320. One who mends shoes?
2321. The opposite of ‘Ascend’ is?
2322. Make out’ means?
2323. He hopes—first prize?
2324. He always quarrels — his classmates?
2325. The synonym of plain is?
2326. He has spent his life — America?
2327. The baby began to relax when it sat —?
2328. The synonym of ‘remorse’ is?
2329. I have no —for food?
2330. Hard words means?
2331. I will catch the man who hurt you — be the price?
2332. Choose the correct one word Liable to be easily burned?
2333. I attended the meeting — him?
2334. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen him, —?
2335. Vasu gets up late every day, —?
2336. Talking disrespectfully of sacred things is called —?
2337. Use the correct tag: Let’s have a cup of tea —?
2338. When I reached his house he —?
2339. If we go to London we— the Tower?
2340. She—us about the time of the test?
2341. He was fined by the police for driving too—?
2342. Fill in the blanks using proper question tag Everybody wants to be rich —?
2343. I will — you next Sunday?
2344. The passive form of ‘I read two books last month’ is?
2345. Macaroni and cheese —my favourite dish?
2346. ‘Make the best of’ means?
2347. The opposite of ‘wander’?
2348. My uncle and my guardian — me to go abroad for further studies?
2349. We have to stay here — he comes?
2350. Find out the misspelt word?
2351. General Motors will probably recall most of —four wheel drive vehicles?
2352. Find out the word nearest in meaning to the key word ‘Scam’?
2353. Ordance?
2354. They—once a week?
— did you say — called?
2355. The opposite of ‘gratitude’ is?
2356. The synonym of accuse is?
2357. It wasn’t an old car —?
2358. Coaches Spinoza and Calhoun coach different sports. Neither Spinoza nor Calhoun scheduled—team
for the gym this afternoon?
2359. The correct sentence is?
2360. Opposite of the word ‘chaos’ is?
2361. You should —two hours for the journey?
2362. I have decided to recompense him — his trouble?
2363. That can’t be true, you are pulling my—?
2364. Choose the apt word showing the meaning of the italicized word in the sentence: The angry students
took stones and threw violently at the police?
2365. Better to reign in hell than —?
2366. ‘Exhort’ means?
2367. The suggestion was accepted by — unanimous vote?
2368. I often listen to — radio?
2369. Write the noun form of the word: Succeed?
2370. Is there a — near here?
2371. It is easy to—but difficult to follow?
2372. The study of the origin and history of words?
2373. In international business and politics, English is virtually a
— language.?
2374. Opposite of the word ‘admonish’?
2375. I have lost my—of keys?
2376. Had he worked harder, —?
2377. All the candidates — the list have reported?
2378. If Mary had warned him, Tom— kept his word?
2379. Provide suitable prepositions. I am eligible — promotion?
2380. None of the arrived in time, —?
2381. You can —?
2382. One who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge and skill?
2383. Write the synonyms of the following words: Approve?
2384. The passive voice of the sentence ‘Someone has locked the room’ is?
2385. Take an umbrella with you lest it — rain?
2386. It is a lovely day —?
2387. The man you spoke ––––– is a doctor?
2388. Which one of the following is a masculine gender?
2389. The higher you climb a Himalayan peak, ––– you feel?
2390. They don’t work hard—?
2391. The train passes— a long tunnel?
2392. The tourists were looking forward—the London gallery?
2393. The teacher made him — his work?
2394. ‘Gas’ is to ‘gaseous’ as ‘water’ is to?
2395. This is my last year at—school?
2396. When Raju came to the class very late, the teacher asked him where —?
2397. She was married — she was sixteen?
2398. Write one word for the following group of words One who breaks established customs or beliefs?
2399. He shall fail — he studies well?
2400. What is a person called when he is ‘recovering from an illness’?
2401. Choose the word having nearly the same meaning. Admonish?
2402. Mark out the correct sentence?
2403. The meaning of “rectify” is?
2404. A place that a user can create to store files?
2405. Opposite of the word ‘sober’ is?
2406. Which of the following words is wrongly spelt?
2407. He said that his mother — it?
2408. He will come tomorrow’. She told me that he—tomorrow?
2409. The film— by the time we got to the cinema?
2410. Use appropriate tag: ‘To play fast and loose’ means?
2411. She hasn’t written to me — we met last time?
2412. The noun form of assume is?
2413. The meeting has been — to 4 p.m. tomorrow?
2414. I’m more experienced than you—?
2415. Is there — hospital in your village?
2416. Select the word or phrase opposite in meaning to the given word Myopic?
2417. Jane loves listening to—radio?
2418. The children — the cricket match since morning?
2419. I’m — in the news?
2420. Write the Antonyms Generous?
2421. Mr. Manoj — working in November last year?
2422. Would you mind— to him?
2423. A yogi’s mind is not attentive — the noises around?
2424. God helps those who —?
2425. When the Minister — the function started?
2426. He hasn’t got — manners?
2427. One who studies antiquities is?
2428. I know nothing — him?
2429. Which word is synonymous to “recollect”?
2430. Picasso is a painter — paintings are well known?
— come to my rescue I would have been killed by the bandits?
2431. Where ignorance is bliss, It is folly to be —?
2432. The opposite of ‘Abundance’ is?
2433. This room is — lager than the other?
2434. My son is only one and a half years old but he can already—?
2435. The burglar jumped — the compound wall?
2436. Collection of things kept in a hall for public show?
2437. One who does not believe in God is?
2438. You would look better if ——?
2439. I cannot bear people — are always complaining about this or that?
2440. I — here for the last two hours?
2441. The correctly spelt word below is?
2442. A hater of women?
2443. Alice is as old as—?
2444. Choose the antonyms IGNOBLE?
2445. The opposite of the word “DUMB”?
2446. When I went to see the collector he — a conference?
2447. Everyone in my class— to learn computer programming?
2448. “SARDONIC” means?
2449. ‘Effluent’ means?
2450. Find the Antonym GARBLE?
2451. A brood of birds — seen always near the river?
2452. ‘Turn up’ means?
2453. The meaning of “salient” is?
I— not like this song?
2454. Everyday I go —bed at 11’0 clock?
2455. I shall do it — pleasure?
2456. They don’t come here everyday -?
2457. I prefer coffee—tea?
2458. A drug in the market?
2459. The adjective form of simplfy is?
2460. My brother is very good—singing?
2461. Couldn’t you go a little faster? I’m — a hurry?
2462. The adjective ‘august’ means?
2463. Atlanta is the city — Olympic Games were held in 1996?
2464. Which is the correct spelling of the adjective ‘pleasant’ when it becomes an adverb?
2465. They —each other since 2002?
2466. Ask him—?
2467. The boys have been playing — a long time?
2468. My friend John, — works in Gulf, earns much more than I do?
2469. The adjective of obey is?
2470. Pick out the correct spelling?
2471. This is —best fruit available?
2472. Choose the antonyms EFFERVE SCENCE?
2473. Find the Antonym MEAN?
2474. The expression ‘I beg your pardon’ means?
2475. —we work hard we will not be successful?
2476. Provide suitable prepositions: He is thirsting — revenge?
2477. He was arrested, and now out on —?
2478. I can only see—?
2479. We shall come back — an hour’s time?
2480. ‘Brevity’ means?
2481. This car is more — than that one?
2482. In his spare time he works—a salesman for and insurance company?
2483. Find out the feminine gender of Horse?
2484. Choose the correct one word One who doesn’t make mistakes?
2485. Alcohol is injurious — health?
2486. Pick out the right question tag. She had some bitter experiences —
— ?
2487. The word ‘make out’ means?
2488. It was a bit careless — you to leave your bag at the bus station?
2489. Let’s meet him, —?
2490. The patient was breathing — difficulty?
2491. The noun form of ‘endure’?
2492. I can’t help you — you tell me the truth?
2493. He told her that?
2494. Since your handwriting is practically — I can hardly read it?
2495. When the telephone rang, she— a letter?
2496. The story that he told me is not —?
2497. One who abstains from alcoholic drinks?
2498. Take care lest —?
2499. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives: I have no — cash with me?
2500. Sam is very clever — cooking?
2501. He works — to pass the test?
2502. Choose the correct one word One who is specialised in cancer related diseases?
2503. They won’t do that,—?
2504. She has been here — Monday?
2505. Do you object — my opening the window?
2506. Everybody cannot come in first,—?
2507. He left for Chennai — train?
2508. I met him—year ago?
2509. Mary is –––– front of the class?
2510. CAPTIOUS means?
2511. He is—FBI agent?
2512. He made very careful plans but all of them fell—?
2513. One of my relatives — in London?
2514. Tom is very clever— physics and mathematics?
2515. It is high time — driving?
2516. The antonym for prosperity is?
2517. Mr. Jones is an uncle of —?
2518. The rain was — heavy?
2519. The study of diseases is—?
2520. Give the synonyms QUIT?
2521. Many people want to learn English—they think it will help their career?
2522. A story in which ideas are symbolised as people?
2523. Choose the opposite of Despair?
2524. Give the meaning of the word “Infertile”?
2525. He looked— the word in the dictionary?
2526. Anyone will be able to do this if—tries?
2527. Meaning of the word ‘destitute’ is—?
2528. The synonym of ‘condense’ is —?
2529. I asked him how —?
2530. Give one word of the following Habit of saying in many words what can be said in few words?
2531. Deepa enjoys — the novels of Jane Austen?
2532. Rewrite as directed: “Have a bone to pick with somebody” means?
2533. I have played—piano since I was eight years old?
2534. I shall call — you in the evening?
2535. ‘swarm’ is?
2536. Little progress has been made—?
2537. If you helped me—?
2538. You are John,—?
2539. It is not uncommon to — an oasis in the desert?
2540. The opposite of ‘native’?
2541. ‘Sagacious’ means?
2542. The — of the lion is lion is loud and fearsome?
2543. There was — a sound to be heard in the room?
2544. As Maithily was walking too fast, I could not — with her?
2545. John is tall and Peter is short, but the—is stronger?
2546. Mumbai’s climate is better than—of Chennai?
2547. Thestudy or collection of coins and medals. The study?
2548. ‘Deaf’ is to ‘ear’ as’lame’ is to?
2549. The workers went out of the factory — to hold a protest rally?
2550. Which of the following sentences is wrong?
2551. The officer exonerated him from the charges, but he was — again.
2552. (Fill in the blank with the opposite word)?
2553. The — of directors of the company met yesterday?
2554. —the good reviews, the film was a box office failure?
2555. What is the adjective of beauty?
2556. Rao is 53. He’ll be retiring from his job — two year’s time?
2557. Pick out the word which is not an adjective form?
2558. As black as —?
2559. Swarna, together with her team mates, — a formidable opponent on the basket ball court?
— is he upto?
2560. Some students spend a lot of money—looks?
2561. This is the place — I was born?
2562. Poets compare life — a long journey?
2563. Kalidasa is regarded as — Shakespeare of India?
2564. This job is similar — my old one?
2565. In the sentence ‘I have seldom seen such large dophins’, the word seldom means?
2566. He came here two months—?
2567. I saw—one eyed beggar?
2568. Kerala is most literate State in India. Its positive degree is?
2569. Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator—going to have to make a decision?
2570. An ‘oncologist’ is?
2571. She — them good bye yesterday?
2572. ‘Castigate’ means?
— he studied well, he did not pass?
2573. They are always late , —?
— the two friends Ramesh is more intelligent?
2574. Tomorrow is a holiday —?
2575. The headmaster with the members of the teaching staff — to attend the meeting?
2576. This item of food is deficient — vitamin D?
2577. Choose the apt word showing the meaning of the italicized word in the sentence:Lincoln put an end
to slavery in America?
2578. Had India played well, —?
2579. The mechanic is good –––– repairing machines?
2580. Choose from the options the antonym of the word given: PARSIMONIOUS?
2581. It is obvious that he doesnot know what to talk —?
2582. You have only half an hour left, so you’d better — the most of it?
2583. Select the word or phrase opposite in meaning to the given word Sumptuous?
— is not the synonym of ‘impertinent’?
2584. A person who helps someone to do wrong is called an —?
2585. The opposite of ‘abide’ is?
2586. Can you — me your pen?
2587. Give the one word Murder of one’s own father?
2588. A person who sacrifices his life for a cause?
2589. One should — oneself to changing circumstances?
2590. If I were you, I—that old house?
2591. Choose the compound noun?
2592. The letters — already been sent?
2593. Rohit said that the book was not—?
2594. He said to Ahmed, “I’ll be late”. (Change to indirect)?
2595. If winter comes can— be far behind?
2596. A stitch in time saves—?
2597. ‘Valetudinarian’ means?
2598. I am not older than you, —?
2599. It gives me immense pleasure — you to the party?
2600. Which is the correct form of the idiom used in the sentence?
2601. Abstract noun form of ‘see’ is?
2602. Find the synonyms: VENGEFUL?
2603. My friend Arun—a lot of sports?
2604. The synonym of rich is?
2605. Having earned a lot of money in business, Mr. Sharma — his poor cousins?
2606. I’m too busy today, I’ll be glad to answer your questions on — occasion?
2607. The past tense of ‘begin’?
2608. —liquids like juices and butter milk, cold drunks have no nutritive value?
— do you get up in the morning?
2609. Her hair — black?
2610. Oranges — vitamins?
2611. The opposite of the word “Veteran” is?
2612. I am sorry— his misfortune?
2613. The synonym of enormous is?
2614. Much water — flowed under the bridge?
2615. I am not — sure of the success?
2616. Which of the following sentences is not wrong?
2617. Here is a boy — is good at sports?
2618. I am feeling — better today?
2619. If I lose my job, I—for a new one?
2620. The opposite of “obligatory” is?
2621. People —want to learn foreign language must practice often?
2622. There is —hourly bus from here to the capital?
2623. The workers — it since yesterday morning?
2624. A period of two weeks time?
2625. The more he works—he becomes?
2626. One word for a group of people having control of a country?
2627. Spot the error The man who had admitted (1)/ to the hospital following the accident (2)/ has been
identified (3) /as Rajan, a native of Nedumangadu (4)/?
2628. The message — be sent only if his father dies?
2629. She doesn’t like — television?
2630. This record-shop — be a book-shop a few years ago?
2631. I found him leaning —the wall?
2632. Stubborn means?
2633. Inspite of repeated failure he did not give — his attempt?
2634. He delayed replying — my letter?
2635. Plant eating animal?
2636. The bags are on the table-?
2637. Study of statistics of births, deaths, diseases etc. to show the state of community?
2638. A student who stays away from the class without permission?
2639. A period of thousand years is?
2640. They have finished the work,—?
2641. The operation was successful— the patient died.
2642. The foreigner had — get foot on the street when he was knocked down by a car?
2643. I would have helped my neighbour if ——?
2644. Give the opposite of ‘FACT’?
2645. While Suma was reading her lesson, her friend — a word?
2646. They live — cheating others?
2647. Nobody but—was present?
2648. It — since 8’0 clock in the morning?
2649. Sophy’s father did not consent— her marriage to a peon?
2650. The word ‘imbibe’ means?
2651. Use suitable prepositions: I saw him in Chennai two months —
2652. ?
2653. The key is ––––– the lock?
2654. Write the synonyms of the following words: Serious?
2655. He did not ask us — question?
2656. Choose the correct preposition : His mother did not approve— his marrying a poor girl?
2657. I am looking forward to — from you?
2658. Tom should work hard, and so —Fred?
2659. Convert into passive voice.I cannot accept your offer?
2660. Statutory means—?
2661. We try to keep the President—of recent developments in the economy?
2662. If you’d written earlier, I’d have known when you—to go on holiday?
2663. ‘Chaos’ means?
2664. He takes after his father. (In this sentence ‘takes after’ means)?
2665. Water — at a temperature of 100º C?
2666. Add suitable tag : Let’s play Tennis, —?
2667. That which cannot be taken by force of arms is —?
2668. If she agrees I — inform you?
2669. If she comes I — call you?
2670. He works —to pass the examination?
2671. An acid test?
I— the manager at seven O’clock tomorrow morning?
2672. Words that sound the same but have different meaning and spelling are called?
2673. You will — your new duties tomorrow?
2674. You can see all the information — the screen?
2675. When the players returned home after an unsuccesful overseas tour they were greeted— catcalls?
2676. Which of the following words wrongly spelt?
2677. The evil that men do lives after them, the good is often — with their bones?
2678. I think that she can — solve such difficult problems?
2679. Give one word of the following Tendency to maintain a state of affairs without much change?
2680. Geriatrician is a doctor specialising in?
2681. Many accidents— by rash driving?
2682. You are still young, so don’t lose heart, you will come to understood things?
2683. Leela has been appointed as a substitute — Mary?
2684. Comely, means?
2685. —loves beautiful things?
2686. Give the opposite of ‘latter’?
2687. Rabia could not— her fear of spiders?
— to the cinema to night?
2688. Keep your hand on the wound—the nurse asks you to take it off?
2689. The synonym of ‘mild’?
2690. ‘TERSE’ Means?
2691. Rama’s house is bigger than —?
2692. She said that her husband — her a gold necklace?
2693. Noun form of the word ‘accelerate’ is?
2694. The synonym of ‘frugal’ is?
2695. No one can — in life without hard work?
2696. She takes — her father?
2697. Between you and—, I don’t trust him?
2698. The mother is— by nature?
2699. The correct spelt word is?
2700. He came—train?
2701. One who deals in flowers is called?
2702. My sister speaks impeccable French?
2703. Be — and always look to the comfort of others?
2704. The opposite of ‘bravery’ is?
2705. The antonym of ‘antecedent’ is —?
2706. Copper is — useful metal?
2707. Nocturnal means?
2708. It’s very late. We have —now?
2709. Either — have come?
2710. He as well as his friends — to blame for it?
2711. I will write to her when I — time?
2712. As clear as —?
2713. I cannot put up — this nonsense?
2714. We have a holiday — Christmas?
2715. I saw — one eyed man?
2716. Something that calms the nerves?
2717. Seeing is —?
2718. He — the room and sat on the chair?
2719. It was past midnight, so there were — people in the street?
2720. “Continual” means?
2721. I came — my grandfather’s photograph in an old magazine?
2722. When we — oxygen through this liquid a blue precipttate is obtained?
2723. The Chief Minister laid — his office yesterday?
2724. ‘Emanicipate means?
2725. I wish I — rich?
2726. The opposite gender of pussy – cat?
2727. Put the right question tag: I met him a year ago, —?
2728. He was angry — he listened to me?
2729. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: NURSE?
2730. You—cross the road when the lights are red?
2731. He said that he — come?
2732. Let—finish this work as soon as possible?
2733. Pass me the salt, —?
2734. Please write this — ink?
2735. Mary is rich —?
2736. No one has offered to let us use—home for the department meeting?
2737. The opposite of the word ‘sharp’ is?
2738. As—as glass?
2739. I need—rice?
2740. Alladin had — wonerful lamp?
2741. He is the best batsman — is available?
2742. A stitch in time saves –––––’?
2743. No thanks, I — lunch?
— must always do one’s duty?
2744. I want to avoid — him?
2745. Write the passive form of ‘shut the door’?
2746. Select the corrrectly spelt word?
2747. He arrived — you were asleep?
2748. The labourer has been working — 9 AM?
2749. She is very tall. She can touch the ceiling. ( Combine the sentence using enough)?
2750. They can do it—?
2751. Pandemonium means?
2752. There was an —settlement after the dispute?
2753. The poor villager was taken — by the rogue?
2754. Sandeep speaks English —?
2755. The child— very much since 1 last saw her?
2756. Get me a glass of water, —,?
2757. Just as I — on my rain coat the rain stopped?
2758. The opposite of “encounter” is?
2759. “What are you going? “I —to find my watch”?
2760. If I had time, I — the exhibition?
2761. If you tickle me I —?
2762. This PC is as good as new, it has — been used?
2763. She would have prepared the notes if she — arrived in time?
2764. Preposterous means?
2765. Write the meaning of the idiomatic expression To blow one’s own trumpet?
2766. It is the time of power cut, so don’t — the candle?
2767. The house is empty. — lives there?
2768. Select the sentence with the most appropriate order of modifiers?
2769. Give one word for the following That which can be easily broken?
2770. For the last six months he — Ayurvedic treatment for his Asthma?
2771. ‘To bring to book’ means?
2772. He took a shower and — went to bed?
— this word in your dictionary?
2773. ABDICATE means?
2774. I have no faith— this man’s story?
2775. The servant — the children when the parents were away?
2776. Will you do me a favour if—you?
2777. He was waiting for my brother and—?
2778. How long — the journey take?
2779. You — a telegram, a letter would have done?
2780. Scintillating’ means?
2781. “Hold your Horses” means?
2782. Choose the word having opposite meaning Worry?
2783. Give suitable prepositions: He is going to sit — an examination
2784. .?
2785. The pen is mightier than the —?
2786. The word opposite to the word ‘balance’ is?
2787. Milk is good –––– drink?
2788. —you welcome it?
2789. He was accused — murder?
2790. The synonym for ‘hate’ is—?
— is the science of weather and climate?
2791. There is — telephone at — gate of my house?
2792. His term in prison is conditional — his behaviour?
2793. Feminine of Drake?
2794. The burglar — before the police arived?
2795. All were invited—dinner?
2796. You should speak to children — gentleness and kindness?
2797. A government of few?
2798. He was sorry — the poor beggars?
2799. A child has — trust in its mother?
2800. The phrase ‘at sea’ conveys more or less the same meaning as?
2801. Oen who compiles a dictionary is?
2802. Rome was not built in a —?
2803. One who loves and helps mankind?
2804. “Where is my umbrella?” she asked (change into indirect)?
2805. Give the one word: A lover of humanity?
2806. Scarcely—started when the rain came pouring down?
2807. I regret—made so many promises?
2808. The room is filled with smoke, —?
2809. Radio was invented — Marconi?
2810. ‘Jurisdiction’ means?
2811. When the teacher came to the class the students?
2812. The opposite of ‘pride’?
2813. Give the meaning of Industrious?
2814. Children are sitting — rows?
2815. Bread and butter — my favourite dish?
2816. No sooner did he touch the switch — the motor began to hum?
2817. You are — poor health?
2818. I have — that fellow somewhere before?
2819. Time –––– all sorrows?
2820. We passed the shops — windows were decorated for Christmas?
2821. Vocation means?
2822. The synonym of contrary is?
2823. The best candidate should be appointed — the post?
2824. He reached — his destination in time?
2825. Children’s clothes — for sale?
2826. Poor people hardly get loans from nationalised banks—?
2827. I was delighted ––––– his unexpected arrival?
2828. I’m afraid the soup is — cold?
2829. Fill up the blanks: One of my brothers — a minister?
2830. Find the synonyms TRANSIENT?
2831. The opposite of ‘lethal’ is?
2832. This—note is mutilated?
2833. The opposite of the word “wary” is?
— the prohibitory orders, the crowd is growing?
2834. The murder of a newborn child by or with consent of a parent?
2835. Which of the following word is misspelt?
2836. I shall say what —?
2837. A person who is a great lover of his country?
2838. The plural form of ‘Ox’?
2839. Choose the synonym of the word AMBIGUOUS?
2840. The family lost their money on gambling so they’re unable to buy—?
2841. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition He has been here with me — last Friday?
2842. The accused man was soon out on —?
2843. It rained —, all the day?
2844. When they went home late they found that burglars — into their house?
2845. No matter—you must keep trying?
2846. What do they object —?
2847. A person who is mad is called—?
2848. The terrorists blew — the bridge?
I— drive a car when I was twelve?
2849. The opposite of the word ‘Acquit’?
2850. The head quarters of the Kerala University is — Palayam — Trivandrum?
2851. If drama : Audience, then writing?
2852. If you tease the dog, it— you?
2853. The book was such — he could read?
2854. A block head?
2855. Which of the following is in singular form?
2856. This beach is usually closed — a rainy day?
2857. The essay sets — the author’s views?
2858. A person who writes or speaks several languages?
2859. My uncle and guardian — me to study medicine?
2860. We usually have— dinner at 7 o’clock?
2861. I will find you— you may be hiding?
2862. We don’t get — rain here?
2863. Everybody is coming to the wedding, —?
2864. We are going to see my cousins on —sunday?
2865. “Must I take my umbrella?” “No, you —. It’s not going to rain.”?
2866. Her brother is working —?
2867. Choose the antonyms: MALEFICENT?
2868. We had hardly sat down for supper —the bell rang?
2869. A pair of shoes—found near the place of accident?
2870. At 12.30, Janaki and I went to the cafeteria to buy— some lunch?
2871. My sister is very good —-——-— cooking?
2872. That line is straight —for the end?
2873. We —meet you at ten o’ clock?
2874. The murder of a human being is known as?
2875. A — of wolves attacked a deer?
2876. I — my examination yesterday?
2877. Geetha is — as Rema?
2878. If it rains the programme —?
2879. Neither of us—able to predict the outcome of yesturday’s game?
2880. Identify the wrongly spelt word?
2881. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘Menace’?
2882. I have not seen my brother — six months?
2883. The word which is nearest in meaning to the word ‘Economical’?
2884. To be extremely interesting?
2885. It — heavily when I woke up yesterday?
2886. It was with great difficulty he gained entry into the auditorium, but he made a sudden —?
2887. Roshan was so absorbed —..his work that he didn’t even raise his head?
2888. Since 1980 women’s fashions—a lot?
2889. The thieves not only robbed the travelers —., beat them up?
2890. My brother is good —..boxing?
2891. The opposite of the word ‘Cheap’ is?
2892. What —..you— when I knocked at the door?
2893. I shall come —..Easter?
2894. The —of the ass is not sweet at all?
2895. The family had lived — for several years?
2896. The pride of the —..is the glory of God?
2897. The word which is more or less similar in meaning to ‘FOREFEITURE’ is?
2898. A manhunt may be also for a —?
2899. He — in the middle of the speech?
2900. I will catch the man who hurt you —.may be the price?
2901. I’m afraid that the soup is —.cold?
2902. The Indian cricket team was in a tight spot, but their bowlers —..to the occasion?
2903. The opposite of ‘Artless’?
2904. The opposite of the word ‘chaos’?
2905. The synonym of ‘Salute’ is?
2906. A car and a bike — my means of transportation?
2907. Choose the correct sentence from the following?
2908. One who abstains completely from alcohol?
2909. Personal belongings, or equipments needed for a particular activity such as a trade or hobby?
2910. The box of books —..yesterday?
2911. The Ex-Prime Minister exchanged some reminiscences with his former aides (Select the word that is
closest in meaning to the underlined)?
2912. The factory — twenty thousand metres of cloth every day?
2913. Which word means ‘rough or wild person’?
2914. ‘One should never live beyond one’s means’-What does means in the sentence mean?
2915. An ideal community or society possessing a perfect sociopolitico- legal system?
2916. I have borrowed this motor bike —.a friend?
2917. I have MALICE towards none (Select the antonym of the word given in CAPITAL letters)?
2918. The phrase that means ‘have little or only observational involvement in something’?
2919. The synonym of ‘Wrath’?
2920. To lead a simple life?
2921. —..enough food for all?
2922. Monkeys enjoy —..on the branches of tree?
2923. Rumours —.very fast?
2924. She bought a present for her mother. The direct object in this sentence is?
2925. Sheela swam — the river?
2926. Ten kilograms of rice —..over two hundred rupees?
2927. The snake crept into a —?
2928. The synonym of ‘frugal’?
2929. The word ‘anticipate’ means?
2930. Everyone knows that she is very intelligent—is a?
2931. He — to climb the coconut tree?
2932. If I were a bird I —..fly?
2933. Opposite of the word ‘Perilous’?
2934. She was surprised by his amiability (Choose the word which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
underlined word)?
2935. The antonym of ‘honest’ is?
2936. The weather is —.hot?
2937. Which is the correctly spelt word?
2938. Which of the following words correctly spelt?
2939. He failed — his best efforts?
2940. She — wearing a blue saree yesterday?
2941. She is bent — mischief?
2942. The — window was repaired?
2943. The opposite of ‘Sharp’?
2944. The sun —..when I got up?
2945. This is the car — my brother bought last week?
2946. We should help — poor?
2947. What time—?
2948. Which is the sentence similar in meaning to “The Ganges is the holiest river in India’?
2949. Even though it was hard at first, I came — the work in the factory?
2950. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘REWARD’?
2951. I went to my native village with the — of starting a school for the poor?
2952. Which word is mis-spelt?
2953. The meaning of ‘EMPHASIS’?
2954. The past participle of ‘Ring’?
2955. Policy of a political party?
2956. Fit words are better — fine words?
2957. Our country is committed to — peace all over the world?
2958. The dacoits — to the police after much resistance?
2959. Some people — from voting?
2960. Epilogue is?
2961. This is a holy shrine and not a place for every Tom, Dick and —?
2962. The art of elegant speech or writing?
2963. Finding fault — others is a bad habit?
2964. I do not speak with Raju.I’ve fallen — with him?
2965. They fought — the last man?
2966. His friends didn’t go on vacation, —?
2967. David likes — to music in the evening?
2968. It took the dancer two hours to — her make up?
2969. I — forgotten to set my alarm clock, so I was late for my train?
2970. ‘Avocation’ means?
2971. One engaged in fighting?
2972. He was the court appointed lawyer for fifty-six INDIGENT defendants (Select the synonym of the word
given in CAPITAL letters)?
2973. Gopi had to stand on his feet very early in his life (Choose the alternative which best expresses the
meaning of the idiom/phrase underlined)?
2974. Which part of the sentence has an error?
2975. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘MEEK’?
2976. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘ACCOMPLISH’?
2977. They — that house when I was here last year?
2978. The synonym of ‘plain’?
2979. The doctor found the patient INERT (Select the antonym of the word given in CAPITAL letters)?
2980. It started to rain while we — cricket?
2981. There — no showers since last month?
2982. One who can speak two languages?
2983. ‘Alias’ means?
2984. Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word IDENTICAL?
2985. The referee ordered two players — the field?
2986. In every locality some people are always —?
2987. One who hates mankind?
2988. Would you please rectify the mistake?’Rectify’ means?
2989. ‘Sweet are the uses of —‘?
2990. When I failed in the examination my dad was—?
2991. The belief that God is everything and everything is god?
2992. The antonym of ‘Deserter’?
2993. Ramu — nothing at all?
2994. One who pretends to be what he is not?
2995. Commencement of words with the same letter?
2996. Many a life — lost in the ship wreck?
2997. Father shall return — an hour?
2998. I cannot agree — your proposal?
2999. Velu Thampy Dalawa — a brave fight against British Army?
3000. The adverb of ‘brave’ is?
3001. The meaning of ‘Make out’?
3002. Come what may I shall adhere — my principles?
3003. The collective noun for ‘robbers’?
3004. Please wait — I am ready?
3005. Which pair is incorrect?
3006. Which one of the following is not a synonym of ‘Abridge’?
3007. Loss of power to move in any or every part of the body?
3008. He takes interest — film making?
— he is the most intelligent student, he is not at all proud?
3009. The noun form of ‘eccentric’ is?
3010. Cigarette smoking is injurious — health?
3011. Scarcely had I gone to bed — the telephone rang?
3012. ‘Mull’ means?
3013. ‘Bona fide’ is?
3014. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others?
3015. He has a habit of ‘building castles in the air’ (Choose the word nearest in meaning of the underlined
3016. The antonym of ‘Barren’ is?
3017. She told— me an interesting story?
3018. The sound made by jackals?
3019. The ship waited till the storm — before sailing out to sea?
3020. The boy was unwilling to part —his toys?
3021. The firm progressed —?
3022. The opposite of the word ‘Arrogant’?
3023. John usually goes to work — bus?
3024. She proved herself very — in Chess?
3025. The housewife — the cakes burning, and ran to switch off the oven?
3026. We had a discussion — what we should do?
3027. Sony tried to conceal the package, i.e., he tried to — the package?
3028. After a long delay, the plane finally —?
3029. The synonym of ‘Superb’?
3030. In the UK many people learn to drive —17?
3031. Girish is not very popular. He has — friends?
3032. Detaining and confining someone?
3033. The proud king turned a deaf ear to the — of his wise counsellors?
3034. Do you believe in love — first sight?
3035. One who criticizs popular beliefs which he thinks are mistaken or unwise?
3036. Something that relates to everyone in the world?
3037. I read some magazines — I was waiting to see the doctor?
3038. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘EMANCIPATE’?
3039. He earns his living by working in a factory. The gerund in this sentence is?
3040. My mother has wealth, fame, rank and power. This sentence is a
— sentence?
3041. ‘Gruesome’ means?
— Satabdi train is the fastest train in India?
3042. The opposite of ‘infeasible’?
3043. A — of musicians?
3044. He ran away very —?
3045. Sheela is not — as her sister?
3046. Strike the iron — it is hot?
3047. One who changes sides?
3048. Mary acted — her mother’s advice?
3049. The meaning of ‘Morose’?
3050. ‘To have the advantage’ means?
3051. The opposite of ‘Peace’ is?
3052. The Arabian Nights — lots of interesting stories?
3053. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘INCLEMENT’?
3054. He is the friend — I trust most?
3055. Health is too important to be —?
3056. Which is opposite in meaning to ‘Relinquish’?
3057. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘IMPROVEMENT’?
3058. To suspend proceedings to another time or place?
3059. The meaning of ‘COVERT’?
3060. Of outstanding significance?
3061. Choose the word that is most opposite in meaning to ‘SUBHUMAN’?
3062. A standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces or factions?
3063. The authorship of the book is wrongly ascribed — him?
3064. The meaning of the word ‘TERSE’?
3065. The idiom/phrase that means “A skeptic who needs physical or personal evidence in order to believe
3066. I can see — his lies and deceptions?
3067. Take this bottle and pour some milk — that jug?
3068. The word ‘fame’ rhymes with?
3069. A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons?
3070. I went to a Korean restaurant on Thursday even though I had eaten Korean food three days—?
3071. A drawing on transparent paper?
3072. Find out which part of the sentence has an error?
3073. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc?
3074. I tried to keep the child away from the pool. In this sentence ‘keep away from’ means?
3075. The meaning of ‘Confidential’?
3076. My brother is taller — my sister?
3077. One is incapable of being tired?
3078. The opposite of ‘Transient’?
3079. She plays — chess extremely well?
3080. A — of rooms?
3081. A person who gives sympathy and help to people in trouble?
— an old legend, King Shirham lived in India?
3082. The Headmaster — to speak to you?
— you leave now, you will be late?
3083. The synonym of ‘CORRESPONDENCE’?
3084. You will find the sports results — the back page of the news paper?
3085. Plans to build a new bridge have been — because of the Government’s financial problems?
3086. Have you ever been to Mumbai?’Yes.I’ve been there — times?
3087. One who uses fear as a weapon of power?
3088. He has the habit of finding — everyone?
3089. I am very — to meet you?
3090. One who sells sweets and pastries?
3091. Its a — that young people are inspired by the celebrities?
3092. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘Prerogative’?
3093. The spelling of which word is not correct?
3094. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘Instant’?
3095. My sister has gone to — school to bring back her daughter?
3096. Choose the word opposite in meaning to ‘STRICT’?
3097. One who watches over students taking an exam?
3098. The word opposite in meaning to ‘VIRTUOUS’?
3099. Man must — now to stop pollution?
3100. I play games on — computer in the evenings?
3101. The General climbed the hill to get a bird’s — of the battlefield?
3102. He has good — over English and South Indian languages?
3103. They want to visit England — they like British culture?
3104. Horticulturist is one?
3105. Don’t let the teacher catch you —?
3106. The meaning of ‘to steer clear of’?
3107. I’d to make — with you?
3108. A medicine for producing sleep?
3109. Even a — glance will reveal the mystery?
3110. Which is opposite in meaning to ‘Unpredictable’?
3111. Fate smiled — him in all his ventures?
3112. This sort of situation will not be allowed to last — long?
3113. Half the people of the village were carried off by the epidemic
3114. (Choose the meaning of the idiom underlined) ?
3115. My friend like — work on extra projects?
3116. A poor man — I knew nursed the orphan?
3117. Oil is good — burns?
3118. Pending under judicial consideration?
3119. A place where bees are kept?
3120. Which one is not singular?
3121. He is proficient — mathematics?
3122. Which word means ‘To treat cruelly’?
3123. ‘To spill the beans’ means?
3124. Which of the following is synonymous to the word ‘Conjecture’?
3125. His father often connives— his follies?
3126. What a — picture! (Complete the sentence with the appropriate form of the word ‘FASCINATE’)?
3127. He — (begin) his speech before we — (arrive) : Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs?
3128. She ran — the room?
3129. In the fierce attack, the enemies were completely wiped —?
3130. Choose the word that can be substituted for ‘that which lasts for ever’?
3131. If you requested him, he — you?
3132. The phrase ‘Root out’ means?
3133. Papparazzi means?
3134. A bird in hand is better than two in the?
3135. The idiom ‘To make both ends meet’?
3136. The judge finds him guilty — murder?
3137. The word “Extempore” means?
3138. I am fond of — to jass?
3139. Would you mind — the window?
3140. If you had invited him he — come?
3141. My younger brother has just — a letter from his girl friend?
3142. Raju is displeased — his wife?
3143. I assured him— my support?
3144. We ran as — as we could?
3145. Equal in rank, merit or quality?
3146. The plural of ‘leaf’?
3147. Murder of a king?
3148. Deliberate damage to property?
3149. The sound made by Ducks?
3150. ‘To leave no stone unturned’ means?
3151. The opposite of ‘Tentative’?
3152. Everybody claims to be right, —?
3153. The opposite of ‘derange’ is?
3154. A book fell — the shelf?
3155. Idleness and luxury — poverty and want?
3156. List and explanation for several words?
3157. The illicit partner of a married man or woman?
3158. Political leaders should think of the people — they are accountable?
3159. Something that cures any evil or trouble?
3160. A lot of time — wasted?
3161. Few girls know his house, —?
3162. Select the word opposite in meaning to ‘right’?
3163. When Raju reached the hall, the meeting — already —?
3164. A system of naming things?
3165. The meaning of ‘Lethargy’?
3166. Either of the alternatives — good?
3167. We shall be ready — a few minutes?
3168. The antonym of ‘Diffident’ is?
3169. Which one of the following words spelt correctly?
3170. The girl — fainted?
3171. I don’t mind going — car, but I don’t want to go — your car?
3172. The antonym of ‘Knowledge’?
3173. She could not help — tears?
3174. Devote more attention to — consumers?
3175. These photographs were taken — a very good camera?
3176. ‘Improvident’ means?
3177. That was the — question in the paper?
3178. ‘Efficacious’ means?
3179. There are some differences — British and American English?
3180. They were not aware of his magnanimous act.(select the word which conveys almost the same
meaning as italicized word)?
3181. Although he was tired, he — working?
3182. What did you have for — break fast?
3183. Choose the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the word ‘MASK’?
3184. Use the proper form of the word given in bracket: Krishna shows great — in his work (sincere)?
3185. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘ADVANCE’?
3186. Since we brought a cat to the house, all the — have disappeared?
3187. I wanted to lend Rajiv some money, but I hadn’t got —?
3188. A child of unusual or remarkable talent?
3189. Which is most nearly similar in meaning as the word ‘DIFFERENCE’?
3190. Which is most nearly opposite in meaning as the word ‘ENDEAVOUR’?
3191. The injured passenger — profusely before the ambulance arrived?
3192. The price of electricity is going up — October?
3193. Gandhiji was a humble man known for his —?
3194. One who cannot die?
3195. A subsequent edition — in 1976?
3196. A great deal of money — on repairs?
3197. ‘The tempest’ is supposed to be Shakespeare’s swan song
3198. (meaning of the phrase underlined) ?
3199. There is no cure — common cold?
3200. I am too tired to help you (Use so —that)?
3201. Scarcely —had an umbrella with him?
3202. The noun of ‘Obey’?
3203. The noun form of ‘perform’?
3204. Ramu — a snake yesterday evening?
3205. The place where bricks are baked?
3206. ‘To save one’s face’ means?
3207. The synonym of ‘Promptly’?
3208. He —to all his friends that he was getting married?
3209. The song had a SOPORIFIC effect on the child (Select the synonym of the word given in CAPITAL
— beautiful she is!?
3210. A new series of hundred-rupee notes — been issued?
3211. Kindly allow me to say — words?
3212. Hundred years is called a —?
3213. The antonym of ‘Diligent’?
3214. The synonym of ‘Vigilant’?
3215. I wish I — how to make cakes?
3216. The noun of ‘succeed’ is?
3217. My sister speaks to me (use never at the appropriate place)?
3218. Advertise the notification (Change into passive voice)?
3219. I don’t mind helping you with your home work. The gerund in the sentence is?
3220. The number of girls — very low?
3221. Choose the word opposite in meaning to ‘ADVERSE’?
— told you that story?
3222. The meaning of ‘Pacify’?
3223. Our electricity was — for about ten hours today?
3224. Whenever he — his mouth he says something foolish?
3225. The sound made by doves?
3226. I understand — you want to learn English?
3227. The opposite of ‘HOST’?
3228. They said that he was —?
3229. I — go to cinema at the weekend?
3230. ‘Ex parte’ means?
3231. Be careful not to — your money?
3232. She wants to — with you?
3233. Poets often draw their — from nature?
3234. RADAR is —?
3235. He got a loan sanctioned by greasing the palm of the officer concerned (replace the underlined words
by a suitable single word)?
3236. He dares not — a murder?
3237. He has promoted to — highest post?
3238. I had a swim — the river?
3239. Both Mr. Anand and his wife — teachers?
3240. Please shut the door — you?
3241. ‘Cereal’ means?
3242. Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted?
3243. Which is nearly opposite in meaning to ‘Absurd’?
3244. Sales have been so poor this year that we will have to — some of our staff?
3245. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘Aristocratic’?
3246. A vegetarian — not eat meat?
3247. ‘He replied that he will come’-which is the incorrect word in the sentence?
— the Gods love, die young?
3248. Somebody — the book?
3249. The synonym of ‘Manifest’ is?
3250. An area in the desert where there is water and where plants grow is called?
3251. The country’s economic growth was adversely — by political instability?
3252. Jack cannot come out to play just now as he — his home work?
3253. The antonym of ‘Vacate’?
3254. ‘Bon Voyage’ means?
3255. Artists and writers are normally very —?
3256. His ‘eager to know’ is superb: The underlined phrase means?
3257. Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word DEPLORABLE?
3258. The minister arrived — time?
3259. ‘To err is human; to forgive is divine’- Here ‘to err means’?
3260. ‘Take in’ means?
3261. Which of the following is opposite in meaning to ‘likely to happen’?
3262. The man that you spoke — is a doctor?
3263. ‘Crank’ means?
3264. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘GLOOMY’?
— School has — new look?
3265. A — of bees?
3266. When we — oxygen through this liquid, a blue precipitate is obtained?
3267. He neither drinks — smokes?
3268. The candidate was eager — for an interview?
3269. He always — his work on time?
3270. A — of asses?
3271. The synonym of ‘Drenched’?
3272. Sympathetic criticism has a SALUTARY effect (Select the synonym of the word given in CAPITAL
3273. All care is FUTILE in a cureless case (Select the antonym of the word given in CAPITAL letters)?
3274. My friend turned a deaf ear to my tale of loss and refused to help me (Choose the alternative which
best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase underlined)?
3275. Dr. Sharma concluded his speech — stressing Buddha’s teachings on importance of charity?
3276. The milkman came when the sun rose. The principal clause in the sentence is?
3277. I expressed the hope that he might — recover?
3278. The mis-spelt word among the following?
3279. I have acquaintance — Carnatic music?
3280. The captain announced that he — from the game?
3281. Please use my knife to cut it —?
3282. He went to the meeting in spite of —?
3283. Business had been liquidating inventories at the rate of five billion dollars a year (Select the word that
is closest in meaning to the underlined)?
3284. The room — yesterday?
3285. Use prefix and suffix?
3286. Non interference of the government in the economy?
3287. He is quite good — Mathematics and weak — English?
3288. The antonym for ‘Perdition’?
3289. I smell something —?
3290. I have been ill — three days?
3291. When we arrived, they — having their lunch?
3292. ‘Censure’ has the meaning?
3293. Varanasi is on the banks of — Ganga?
3294. Give the synonym of ‘Predict’?
3295. He is an honest man — I know?
3296. It is I who — the defaulter?
3297. He gave a gift to my wife and —?
3298. Only a few oranges — left?
3299. One who does not make mistakes?
3300. None came but —?
3301. You had better — the truth?
3302. A person fond of moving around a fashionable social circle?
3303. The meaning of ‘Defy’?
3304. The aeroplane was flying — the clouds?
3305. To get a windfall means?
3306. A Government by the Nobles?
3307. ‘In high spirits’ means?
3308. Keep the stool — the bed?
3309. Be practical. Stop living in the world of —?
3310. Choose the word that is most nearly the same in meaning to the word ‘Particular’?
3311. ‘Locus standi’ means?
3312. That through which light cannot pass?
3313. Choose the word opposite in meaning to ‘SEVER’?
3314. John is — honourable man?
3315. I am certain that I am wearing Leela’s cap, and she is wearing
3316. —?
3317. Which word equal in meaning to ‘Pester’?
3318. The box — ten books?
3319. These are the books without — you cannot write the examination?
3320. Neither of the two speakers — eloquent?
3321. If you are caught trying to smuggle gold through the customs, it will be —?
3322. Iraq war was — one sided affair?
3323. My father is a thrifty person means that he is —?
3324. Mr. Basu soon — himself as a great parliamentarian?
3325. The man is — enough to help the needy?
3326. The nation — every man to do his duty?
3327. The — action of the visitor made the dog to jump upon him?
3328. You don’t love your wife, —?
3329. He —, if you had called him?
3330. Choose the correct form of the word from the following?
3331. That which can be carried?
3332. This is a matter — little importance?
3333. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
3334. Cutting for stone in the bladder?
3335. I don’ t like to deal — him?
3336. Being awarded an Oscar marked a — in her life?
3337. Be careful when you cross the road, —?
3338. Many a — injured?
3339. I drove there without —?
3340. A person who has difference of opinion?
3341. One cannot get by in a city without learning those sophisticated ways of dealing with people (Choose
the meaning of the idiom underlined)?
— ship is not in a condition to make a long voyage?
3342. Indifference to pleasure or pain?
— being the best player in the world, he failed to win the tournament?
3343. The idiom ‘it’s all Greek and Latin to me’ means?
3344. A child usually has — trust in its mother?
3345. Everyone had warned me about the weather before I went to Delhi. This sentence, when changed
into passive voice form, becomes?
3346. Which is the correct spelling?
3347. Part of a church in which bells hang?
3348. One of the bangles — removed from the box?
3349. “Beware of that wolf in sheep’s skin”- The closest meaning of the idiom is?
3350. When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually —?
3351. The French have a reputation — politeness?
3352. The opposite of ‘APPOSITE’?
3353. ‘A square peg in a round hole’ means?
3354. ‘Artificer’ means?
3355. The meaning of ‘RUSTIC’?
3356. The science of philosophy of beauty?
3357. The young one of deer?
3358. There is some difficulty — reaching a conclusion?
3359. I am not one of those who believe everything — hear?
3360. ‘VERACIOUS’ means?
3361. Shyam was late — work again. He may be fired?
3362. The branch of government concerned with executing laws, decrees and sentences?
3363. Slaves were freed from — only after they died?
3364. The synonym of ‘Louse’?
3365. The soldier yielded — the enemy?
3366. I find these mathematical puzzles too — and prefer the more straightforward type?
3367. Over and above the household work, she works in a factory on a part time basis.(The underlined
words mean)?
3368. The total loss of voice?
3369. The land belonging to a nobleman?
3370. A sleeping room for a number of people?
3371. I could — her if I wanted to?
3372. Choose the option which is the antonym of ‘AMBIGUITY’?
3373. He spoke — his travels?
3374. A peculiarity of temperament or constitution?
3375. His thirst for knowledge left him no leisure — anything else?
3376. Leather goods are made in?
3377. Which one of the following is not a palindrome?
3378. The word ‘Xanthic’ means?
3379. The word ‘Covenant’ means?
3380. A statement with a hidden meaning?
3381. Select the mis-spelt word?
3382. ‘Hard cash’ means?
3383. The opposite of ‘import’ is?
3384. The meaning of ‘Defer’?
3385. The son of your brother is your?
3386. The meaning of ‘weary’?
3387. The meaning of ‘Sanitise’?
3388. ‘To be above board’ means?
3389. All of us must endeavour to — the miseries of poor?
3390. Lack of enough blood?
3391. If you run away from justice or law, you are called a—?
3392. The sound made by monkeys?
3393. ‘To be at sea’ means?
3394. A bad workman blames his —?
3395. The noun form of ‘applaud’?
3396. The man became nervous because it was the first speech delivered by him. Select the one word for
the words underlined?
3397. An object or portion serving as a sample?
3398. Pick out the word which is closest in meaning to the word ‘NOTION’?
3399. Everybody’s coming to the wedding, —?
3400. The meaning of ‘Jittery’?
3401. Don’t look out of the window. Concentrate — your work?
3402. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘DIVULGE’?
3403. Maya was wearing a silver ring — her little finger?
3404. Which is not an adjective synonym of SCEPTICAL?
3405. Pick out the word which does not agree with the group?
3406. Which is nearly opposite in meaning to the word ‘Sure’?
3407. He said he was sorry — the situation, but there was nothing he could do?
3408. There are a lot of fish — this river?
— your breakfast already?
3409. Teacher asked us why — in the class?
3410. He was accused of bringing money into the country in — of foreign exchange rules?
3411. The antonym of ‘Boisterous’ is?
3412. His father advised Raj — use soft drinks?
3413. One who pursues pleasure as a way of life is?
3414. The synonym of ‘Affliction’?
3415. Politics — very popular these days?
3416. A heavy gold necklace — around her neck?
3417. Practice of having one wife or husband?
3418. The landlord thought that he could keep his tenants in perpetual bondage.’Bondage’ means?
3419. The plural of ‘Brother-in-law’?
3420. By the end of this year Anu — a student in this school for six years?
3421. A word or phrase or sentence that reads alike backward and forward (eg. Malayalam)?
3422. There has been an increase — the amount of traffic using this road?
3423. It is a big factory. Five hundred people — (employ) there.(Use the correct form of the given verb)?
3424. Water boils — 100 degree Celsius?
3425. Sugar is sold four rupees — kilo?
3426. Incapable of doing wrong?
3427. We asked the explanation as some of his remarks were equivocal.(select the word which conveys
almost the same meaning as italicized word)?
3428. I fell out of bed — I was asleep?
3429. I don’t remember — about the accident?
3430. Actions speak —?
3431. The station platform was crowded — people waiting for the train?
3432. The antonym of ‘Fair’ is?
3433. I — cities (Use present simple of ‘like’)?
3434. Birds of a —flock together?
3435. If I — what a bad driver you were I would not have come with you?
3436. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘ENVIOUS’?
3437. We paid for the flights — cash?
3438. Which is not an adjective synonym of NASTY?
3439. I am vexed — him about what he has done?
3440. The meaning of ‘Gait’?
3441. I often go away — the weekend?
3442. ‘Sobriquet’ means?
3443. A chain is only as strong as its —link?
3444. Pick out the word or phrase nearest in meaning to the given word: RANSACK?
3445. I disapprove — your way of working, and must therefore dispense with your service?
3446. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘SHIELD’?
3447. Napoleon won his laurels in the Battle of Waterloo (Choose the alternative which best expresses the
meaning of the idiom/phrase underlined)?
3448. Choose the antonym of ‘Recalcitrant’?
3449. ‘Ipso jure’ means?
3450. You gained an advantage — me?
3451. The meaning of ‘Momentous’?
3452. I will send you the money — the end of the month?
3453. Where does Usha work?—the sales department?
3454. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word ‘ENRICH’?
3455. Everyone has heard of ‘phrasal verbs’, —?
3456. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘PREPONDERANCE’?
3457. Manu is a lawyer. He specialises — company law?
3458. Pick out the word which is closest in meaning to the word ‘ASTONISHMENT’?
3459. The reported speech of : ‘Don’t shout’, I said to Nancy?
3460. I can’t find my binoculars. Do you know where —?
3461. We complained — the editor of the news paper about the news?
3462. It was a public holiday, so there were — shops open?
3463. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘SQUANDER’?
3464. The club committee is — of the president, secretary and seven other members?
3465. Which is incorrect?
3466. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘PRELIMINARY’?
3467. Geetha suggested — to the cinema?
3468. Are you excited— going away next week?
3469. I couldn’t answer — of the questions they asked me?
3470. A woman who is in charge of nursing and domestic arrangement in a hospital?
3471. Raju bought — flowers to decorate the hall?
— is a very good form of exercise?
3472. He is always — in replying the letters?
3473. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘ENMITY’?
3474. Rajiv Gandhi — Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister?
3475. Woman who trained to help other women in child birth?
3476. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘RESERVED’?
3477. Arbiter means?
3478. Point out the nearest antonym of the word ‘Nominal’?
3479. I expect my friend — the third of next month?
3480. Two dozen oranges — only twenty rupees?
3481. I met a lot of people — my stay in New York?
3482. Substance that prevents putrefaction?
3483. I dislike — to my house?
3484. He — reply to your letter as soon as possible?
3485. When I opened the envelope, I was delighted to find a cheque —Rs. 1000?
3486. Students looked very bored — the lesson?
3487. The river divides the city — two parts?
3488. Nobody believed Smitha at first but he — to be right?
3489. Money isn’t the solution — every problem?
3490. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool?
3491. The river — (flow) very fast todaymuch faster than usual: (Use the correct form of the verb given)?
3492. He’s lazy. He never does — work?
3493. The plane was badly damaged — lighting?
3494. Riny is — than Sheen?
3495. A person who forsakes religion?
3496. The word ‘Adjourn’ means?
3497. A person who works when his fellow workers are on strike?
3498. We tried to catch the thief, but he decided to get away.(The meaning of the underlined words)?
— is his favourite leisure activity?
3499. He has no —; he demands bribe?
3500. One who speaks for others?
3501. He was annoyed — your behavior?
3502. Chandigarh is — than Patna?
3503. A person who pays too much respect to social position and wealth or who despise people of lower
social position is called?
3504. We should always show respect for —?
3505. ‘Agenda’ means?
3506. Words written on the tomb of a person?
3507. Step by step the veterinarian taught the little puppy to obey her
3508. (select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiomatic expression underlined)?
3509. Sports shall start after — lunch?
3510. A life history written by oneself?
3511. Everybody brought — wife with —?
3512. The answer — you gave is not right?
3513. ‘A long face’ means?
3514. Books were scattered — the room?
3515. Shyam is taller than —?
3516. One who does not believe in God?
3517. Birds live — insects?
3518. The government rejected all the demands (Replace the word underlined with the right phrase)?
3519. The synonym of ‘Conversant’?
3520. The word ‘ADEPT’ means?
3521. One who studies insects?
3522. He —his matriculation examination in 2016?
3523. The opposite of ‘Benevolent’?
3524. A style full of words?
3525. The word ‘Authentic’ means?
3526. The opposite of ‘AFFINITY’?
3527. The idiom ‘Within an ace of’?
3528. I cannot approve — her conduct?
3529. Killing of one’s own mother?
3530. He left the book — the telephone?
3531. That which cannot be taken by force of arms?
3532. People make vine — grapes?
3533. The word opposite in meaning to the word ‘DILIGENCE’?
3534. I can write a book — grammar?
3535. A decision on which one cannot go back?
3536. The scientific study of the normal function in living systems?
3537. He is — for his evil deeds?
3538. The word opposite in meaning to the word ‘VINDICATION’?
3539. He was pleased — the boy?
3540. He discussed the matter — the phone?
3541. Man does not live by — alone?
3542. The idiom ‘To hit the nail on the head’ means?
3543. The word ‘ABSTAIN’ means?
3544. Aeroplanes are kept in—?
3545. The countryside is suited — healthy life?
3546. He will resign —his post?
3547. The sun — at six this morning?
3548. Express one’s opinion without evidence or full knowledge?
3549. The police accused him — murder?
3550. Metals — when they are heated?
3551. The opposite of ‘Indigenous’?
3552. Pick out the incorrectly spelt word?
3553. To make something more important than it really?
3554. He spends hours looking — the birds?
3555. He would not have written this if he — the news?
3556. The synonym of ‘Precarious’?
3557. Pride goes before a —?
3558. Few people knew that answer, — they?
3559. The synonym of ‘Serious’?
3560. He congratulated me — my success in the selective test?
3561. The collective noun for ‘lions’?
3562. The feminine gender of ‘Colt’?
3563. The synonym of ‘Ambiguous’?
3564. Divide the sweets — the three boys?
3565. His sister is lost — all sense of shame?
3566. A polite or gentle way of saying something nasty?
3567. Something is wrong — him?
3568. You should adapt yourself — the conditions of this place?
3569. The collective noun for ‘soldiers’?
3570. The word ‘He’ is a?
3571. The synonym of ‘Exorbitant’?
3572. The idiom ‘From hand to mouth’ means?
3573. They have finished the job, —?
— is the theory that actions are right because they are useful?
3574. He goes — school at 9 a.m. every day?
3575. The room was filled — smoke?
3576. The feminine gender of ‘Bachelor’?
3577. I request you to — your crime?
3578. I have some acquaintance — Tamil language?
3579. We must — to the authority?
3580. A true patriot is always loyal — his country?
3581. I advised him to work hard— he should fail?
3582. I was delighted — his unexpected arrival?
3583. A person having profound knowledge?
3584. Monkeys live — trees?
3585. I am fed up — staying this place?
3586. The opposite of ‘Generous’?
3587. ‘Elucidate’ means?
3588. India was dragged — the second World War without the consent of her people?
3589. I wish I — taller?
3590. The word ‘Martinet’ means?
3591. The opposite of ‘FLEXIBLE”?
3592. He is good — driving?
3593. The collective noun for ‘sheep’?
3594. ‘Duality’ means?
3595. Let us begin — a new chapter?
3596. The meaning of “Mild”?
3597. Choose the correct word?
3598. Mahathma Gandhi — in 1948?
3599. Please stop —, you are disturbing the others in the library?
3600. He — for Delhi last Sunday?
3601. The synonym of ‘Winsome’ is?
3602. We — how to solve the problem?
3603. The synonym of ‘Frankness’?
3604. The meaning of ‘Predilection’?
3605. A period of thousand years?
— of those people have you met before?
3606. The meaning of ‘Brevity’?
3607. Camels are peculiarly adapted — life in desert?
3608. He insists — leaving immediately?
3609. He has put — the meeting?
3610. Choose the word opposite to the word ‘Balance’?
3611. The meaning of ‘Hiatus’?
3612. The synonym of ‘SUCCULENT’?
3613. ‘Pathetic’ means?
3614. Have complete trust — god?
3615. The antonym of ‘antipathy’ is?
3616. The synonym of ‘excuse’ is?
3617. ‘Aggravate’ means?
3618. Sulphur dioxide is composed — sulphur and oxygen?
3619. The noun form of ‘advise’?
3620. I will think — the matter?
3621. The opposite of ‘SUCCULENT’?
3622. The opposite of ‘Latter’?
3623. The phrase ‘Set out’ means?
3624. The opposite of ‘Frequent’?
3625. The synonym of ‘contrary’?
3626. The antonym of ‘ruthless’ is?
3627. Something that calms nerves?
3628. Act fast as time is —?
3629. As the ascent was very steep, — could climb it?
3630. In your examination you should not write anything irrelevant — the question?
3631. The opposite of the word ‘analyse’ is?
3632. ‘Emancipate’ means?
3633. Please ask —?
3634. John and Tom are good friends, the former is very stout, and the
— is slim?
3635. The African elephant is confined — Central Africa?
3636. This news is — good to be true?
3637. The synonym of ‘enormous’?
3638. He works — early morning?
3639. He left for Mumbai — train?
3640. The wood always — on water?
— more courtesy is expected of you?
3641. The antonym of ‘Optimistic’ is?
3642. He preferred cricket — any other sport?
3643. The meaning of ‘Vacillate’?
3644. He was married — an intelligent girl?
3645. His parents prohibited him — joining the air force?
3646. This is — book I was looking for?
3647. This house was built — 2005?
3648. Which one of the following is a feminine gender?
3649. The phrase ‘go on’ means?
3650. The synonym of ‘gradual’?
3651. He has aptitude — such a work?
3652. She decided to set — some time every day for prayers?
3653. The opposite of ‘JOVIAL’?
3654. His friend died — Malaria?
3655. The meaning of ‘Abduct’?
3656. OFFICIOUS means?
3657. Which of these is a correct plural form?
3658. ‘A GRASS WIDOW’ means?
3659. Choose the correct form of the word?
3660. What are the — causes of the war?
3661. The meaning of ‘Vanquish’?
3662. ‘Quire’ means?
3663. One who leaves one’s country and settles in another?
3664. Which phrase means ‘extinguish’?
3665. The synonym of ‘Recollect’?
3666. ‘Throw cold water on’ means?
3667. The judge acceded — his request?
3668. The wind blew — the leaves fell?
3669. This pond is flooded with water because it — continuously for the last three days?
3670. Holding an office without any remuneration?
3671. The opposite of ‘Gather’?
3672. The feminine gender of ‘Drake’?
3673. A person who always believe that the worst will happen is called—?
3674. I have not slept — yesterday?
3675. Science is full — wonders?
3676. ‘To eat like a horse’ means?
3677. We must —— ourselves to our circumstances?
3678. We must have — to good books?
3679. The situation of the riot-torn district is now —?
3680. They are not — all the facts?
3681. If you had helped him, he — his work?
3682. By this time tomorrow, I — this job?
3683. ‘Onerous’ means?
3684. The policeman — the thief?
3685. A specialist in skin and its diseases?
3686. Rising prices — immediate measures?
3687. Which word means ‘understand fully’?
3688. The word wrong in spelling among the following?
3689. Ganesh — come here every day?
3690. The political party needs workers to — votes during the election campaign (select the most
appropriate word)?
3691. your intimacy — her may lead to a scandal?
3692. Milk is good — drink?
3693. He has hardly — money?
3694. He can not win the race — fast he runs?
3695. The meaning of ‘Frailty’?
3696. The opposite of ‘Repulsive’?
3697. People speak English all — the world?
3698. The meaning of “Complement”?
3699. He disposed — his old car?
3700. Hundred rupees — all that he wants?
3701. The antonym of ‘PARSIMONIOUS’?
3702. The synonym of ‘Zenith’?
3703. Select the synonym of ‘Aromatic’?
3704. He is fond — music?
3705. The hunter killed a tiger — one shot?
3706. All his remarks were meant to — the reputation and honour enjoyed by the minister?
3707. The opposite of ‘secular’?
3708. The expression denotes ‘unprincipled methods adopted to win support’?
3709. All the money — kept in the locker?
3710. It has been raining in Kerala — six months?
3711. Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the key word ‘NADIR’?
3712. Identification of disease by means of symptoms?
3713. Little progress has been made, —it?
3714. Killing of one’s own wife is known as?
3715. The collective noun for ‘monkeys’?
3716. An honest man is — noblest work of God?
3717. His negligence of duty will be — to his promotion?
3718. The ‘adverb’ among these words is?
3719. Able to use the left hand and right hand equally well?
3720. We deal — imported clothes?
3721. The synonym of the word ‘ABANDON’?
3722. All that glitters is not —?
3723. The antonym of ‘Dismiss’ is?
3724. It has been raining — 4 o’ clock?
3725. The word ‘amiable’ means?
3726. The news — not make me sad?
— European country has taken over the firm where I work?
3727. This is the boy— all praise?
3728. The young one of cat?
3729. Hundred miles — not a great distance?
3730. The opposite of ‘Advance’?
3731. Identify the conjunction in the given sentence: I ran fast but missed the train?
3732. The meaning of ‘Duel’?
3733. Choose the word which is a feminine gender?
3734. The antonym of ‘SAVOURY’?
3735. ‘Please help me’ this is an — sentence?
3736. This drink is made — fresh fruit and sugar?
3737. None of the workmen arrived in time,—?(use tag)?
3738. ‘at logger heads’ means?
3739. The synonym of ‘Disrespect’?
3740. The word ‘Porous’ is a?
3741. The synonym of ‘Agile’?
3742. A patriot is one who love — country?
3743. Don’t bother — these trivial matters?
3744. The past tense of ‘go’?
3745. Pick out the correctly spelt word?
3746. The antonym of ‘Repulsion’?
3747. The opposite of ‘Converge’?
3748. One who does not believe in God is known as?
3749. Choose the grammatically correct sentence?
3750. A motor car is kept in a?
3751. The chief minister with two of his ministers — here?
3752. Young one of goat is?
3753. He got a car —a motorbike?
3754. The thief — before the police arrived?
— apple a day keeps — doctor away?
3755. He should be ashamed of —?
3756. Don’t go out — you’ve combed your hair?
— beer is good for you.(Add suitable article)?
3757. The meaning of ‘chew the cud’?
3758. Christmas comes once — year?
3759. The idiom ‘ivory tower’ approximately means?
3760. The word most closely associated with HOSPITALITY?
3761. A group of boys — singing since the morning?
3762. The idiom ‘ A man of his word’ means?
3763. The phrase ‘turn against’ means?
3764. God helps those who help —?
3765. When fire broke out, the fire brigade was called to put — the fire?
3766. Someone who claims what he is not?
3767. The phrase ‘turn down’ means?
3768. The passive form of ‘My uncle helps me’?
3769. He attributed his success — pure luck?
3770. Students learn fast, if the teacher — competent?
3771. Why don’t you sit — me?
3772. The masculine gender of ‘Niece’?
3773. One who loves mankind?
3774. The phrase ‘put off’ means?
3775. The word ‘Eliminate’ is a?
3776. The water in the pond — last night?
3777. When I reached everybody—?
3778. The film received several Oscars — —?
3779. The opposite of ‘accelerate’?
3780. “How are your parents?I haven’t seen — for some time now!”?
3781. We came across a friend of — at the football match yesterday?
3782. The collective noun for ‘poems’?
3783. Meena is — SDO?
3784. Cry of an elephant?
3785. An elderly unmarried woman is called?
3786. ‘Not sure whether or not God exists’?
3787. India expects — man to do his duty?
3788. Make sure you close all the windows — it starts to rain?
3789. I cut — when I was peeling the potatoes?
3790. The synonym of ‘SUMPTUOUS’?
3791. The performance passed — peacefully?
— he does not return the books, he will not be awarded the certificates?
3792. Work hard lest you — fail?
3793. ‘Inflexible’ means?
— was a good ruler?
3794. My purse has been missing — yesterday?
3795. She was so badly injured that she needed — care in the hospital?
3796. Good teachers usually — bright pupils in their studies?
3797. All differences between nations and persons — amicably?
3798. Do not cry — split milk?
3799. I must go home — my mother will be worried?
3800. Identify the mis-spelt word?
3801. The opposite of ‘Comfort’?
3802. The principal gave — the prizes?
3803. India trades — the USA — sugar and jute?
3804. This is for students — mother tongue is not English?
3805. The antonym of ‘Genuine’ is?
3806. The room is — larger than the other?
3807. That which cannot be seen?
3808. We are — from seeing the prisoner?
3809. The field was even enough for the joggers to have their practice
3810. (select the synonym of the underlined word) ?
3811. Having the habit of moving from one place to another in order to live there?
3812. There are a lot of apples — those trees?
3813. Lakshmi has a bad memory. She can’t remember —?
3814. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘Uninterrupted’?
3815. Which is opposite in meaning to ‘CHARMING’?
3816. A monument erected in honor of a person whose body is elsewhere?
3817. ‘Once in a blue moon’means?
3818. I am glad — the movie?
3819. Pick the correctly spelt word?
3820. ‘Perseverance’ means?
3821. Web is to Spider as — is to Tiger?
3822. Suma spends — weekends at a holiday resort?
3823. He says “I am very busy’ (Change into indirect speech)?
3824. The opposite of ‘Special’?
3825. The word nearest in meaning to ‘futile’?
3826. Everyone ate dessert except —?
3827. I promptly answered — his questions?
3828. One who hates women?
3829. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘PORTRAY’?
3830. The climate of this town is — to good health?
3831. The meaning of ‘To beat a retreat’?
3832. The word opposite in meaning to ‘ADDITION’?
3833. At present he — (read) a biography (Choose the correct form of the verb given in bracket)?
3834. The extent of bishop’s jurisdiction?
3835. You will not get the prize — you deserve it?
3836. Select the correct spelling?
3837. The mule was partially relieved — the load?
3838. Place side by side?
3839. We called the doctor because Prasad was complaining — a pain in his abdomen?
3840. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘VENUE’?
3841. Last night we went out with some friends of —?
3842. Can you remind me — Sudhi tomorrow?
3843. Joseph introduced me — his mother as the best batsman?
3844. One should remain aloof — bad habit?
3845. They work hard,—?
3846. They cancelled the tour due to — weather?
3847. One who deserts his religion?
3848. The synonym of ‘Harbinger’?
3849. To discuss terms with an enemy?
3850. If you cannot get a job and remain — for a long period, you can claim some money from the state?
3851. Which is opposite in meaning to ‘Dissent’?
3852. Rust has eaten away the plate (meaning of the underlined words)?
3853. We waited one and a half —?
3854. Complete the proverb : —a day keeps the doctor away?
— attention to what I am saying?
3855. Please explain — what you want?
3856. To try to establish world peace is only —?
3857. It is high time that we —the place?
3858. There is a vacancy for an expert — video editing?
3859. There are too many boys — the room?
3860. Neither the children nor their parents — attended the meeting?
3861. Sheela — caused the trouble (use emphatic pronoun)?
3862. The baby is crying — she is hungry?
3863. The opposite of ‘Tame’?
3864. One who copies from other writers?
3865. Please buy a book for —?
3866. Mental weariness due to lack of occupation?
3867. The synonym of ‘Favourite’?
3868. ‘Half hearted’ means?
3869. A book containing various branches of knowledge arranged in alphabetical order?
3870. Which is opposite in meaning to ‘Dim’?
3871. The rain didn’t stop us — enjoying our holiday?
3872. He was there but I avoided — him?
— union is strength?
3873. ‘Indelible’ means?
3874. You need a lot of experience — do this job?
3875. We must abstain — creating environmental pollution?
3876. She — to India six years ago?
3877. I — my elders?
3878. I — walk ten miles without getting tired?
3879. He was — leave?
3880. Shyam fell off his bicycle and was —?
3881. Many Hindus study Sanskrit, but only — Muslims study it?
3882. I am thinking — a house. Do you think that’s a good idea?
3883. Courage born of liqour?
3884. A person who is ninety years old or between ninety and hundred?
3885. I’m tired. Let’s go — home now?
3886. Commencement of words with same letters?
3887. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘INOFFENSIVE’?
3888. Appearances are—?
3889. Write your name — the top of the page?
3890. I have read one novel by Premchand.I want to read — novel by him?
3891. Belonging to all parts of the world?
3892. A pronounceable word formed from the series of initial letters or parts of a group of words?
3893. The bridge (be) under repair (Use the correct form of verb given in bracket)?
3894. The prefix ‘sub’ in ‘sub-way’ means?
3895. The porter lifted the bundle — his shoulders?
3896. The trekkers set up the hill at a — pace (use the antonym of ‘sluggish’)?
3897. Will you return asked John (Choose the right punctuation)?
3898. That is — Utopian idea?
3899. Which of the following is a correct plural noun?
3900. When they went home late they found that burglars — into their house?
3901. The meaning of ‘Constant’?
3902. The underlined phrase in the sentence, ‘Ram has gone down with a cold after his trip’ means?
3903. As Sherly was walking too fast I could not — with her?
3904. A doctor who specializes in the treatment of heart disorders is?
3905. No one has heard from him since —?
3906. Only — students registered themselves for national games?
3907. The weak should not —?
3908. Choose the word opposite in meaning to ‘CONTRARY’?
3909. One who loves books?
3910. Mohan hasn’t answered one of the papers satisfactorily — he hopes to pass in first division?
3911. Thirty three percent of the seats are set apart for woman.(The meaning of the underlined words)?
3912. I met him —last Friday?
3913. Lasting only for a very short time?
3914. He would better play than — without concentration?
3915. The sound made by puppies?
3916. ‘A snake in the grass’ means?
3917. The criminal was totally taken — when the police recognised him?
3918. Capable of being drawn into wire?
3919. The meaning of ‘ONUS’?
3920. To walk with slow or regular steps is to?
3921. My house is one — the red door on the right?
3922. I felt like a fish out of water among all those business tycoons
3923. (Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the underlined phrase/idiom) ?
3924. Still waters run —?
3925. Choose the one word for the words underlined: The work he had to do was needing much effort?
3926. The committee decided to — financial support?
3927. The Prime Minister will — the nation on Doordarshan at 7.30 p.m. today?
3928. Music sung or played at night below a person’s window?
3929. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘SHRINK’?
3930. I hope I can — my uncle to lend me his car for the week-end?
3931. You must dispense — his services?
3932. Have another piece of cake,—?
3933. To arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type?
3934. The meaning of ‘Prosperity’ is?
3935. ‘Neck and crop’ means?
3936. Raised platform for guests of honor?
3937. The first — of the action is over?
3938. The meaning of ‘Illicit’?
3939. An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground?
3940. List of headings of the business to be transacted in a meeting?
3941. Raju informed me —?
3942. The boy — his father last year?
3943. Swimming is good to health. Here, the underlined word is?
3944. When the father retired, the son — the business?
3945. He shouted — her at the top of his voice but she did not hear and went on?
3946. Children below the age of 12 can be tried only by the — court?
— December 2004 there were many natural calamities?
3947. The passive voice of ‘Students are doing a lot of work’ is?
3948. He as well as his two brothers — abroad?
3949. He has — M.B.A. degree?
3950. Which of the collective nouns is not correct?
3951. ‘Bolt from the blue’ means?
3952. A person blamed for a problem?
3953. The queen was aware of the INSOLENT behavior of the lords
3954. (Select the synonym of the word given in CAPITAL letters)?
3955. The meaning of ‘Masterly’?
3956. A thing given to counteract the bad effect of any medicine?
3957. There are — famous monuments in India. But Tajmahal is the best?
3958. One who has no money?
3959. The synonym of ‘Complacent’?
3960. After discussion he came round to my views.’To come round’ means?
3961. ‘Fastidious’ means?
3962. If he — his time he would have passed?
3963. We managed to put the fire out — a fire extinguisher?
3964. ‘In a nut shell’ means?
3965. The appropriate antonym for ‘frugal’ is?
3966. The sound made by hen?
3967. The thief had escaped before we — the place?
3968. What is the meaning of the word ‘Morsel’?
3969. A false written or printed statement that damages somebody’s reputation?
3970. ‘Do away with’ means?
3971. One who feeds only on fruits?
3972. ‘Slander’ means?
3973. Girls generally — in their mother?
3974. Which is not a synonym of ‘PLAN’?
3975. The journey takes a long time as the train stops — every single station?
3976. The meaning of ‘Scurrility’?
3977. Turban is in vogue in some communities (Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
underlined phrase/idiom)?
3978. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘STEADFAST’?
3979. Attachment from mutual esteem is termed as?
3980. We travelled — 5.15 train, which arrived at 7.15?
3981. Pick out the antonym of ‘borrow’?
3982. The idiom ‘steal the show’ means?
3983. Choose the opposite of ‘Ancestor’?
3984. Rule of one person with ultimate power?
3985. It was — cats and dogs?
3986. The boy cried aloud — he saw a snake?
3987. She is determined — completing her studies?
3988. We won’t go outside unless it— raining?
3989. Everything depends on —.receiving the reply from him?
— your head on the pillow when you sleep?
3990. One who collects and studies postage stamps?
3991. Asoka was one of the — of kings?
3992. Don’t worry, there is — danger in going there?
3993. The word which is more or less similar in meaning to ‘FORFEITURE’ is?
3994. ‘I am reading a book’ is the active form of?
3995. If I have enough money I— buy a car?
3996. Is he — heir to the throne?
3997. One who works for free?
3998. The meaning of ‘Proscribe’?
3999. Meera spoke very fast.I didn’t understand —?
4000. We have not met — early last year?
4001. ‘Canon’ means?
4002. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘Creative’?
4003. The rebels returned home under an amnesty (Pick out the option which is same in meaning to the
underlined word)?
4004. Sreekutty is — of the two girls in our class?
4005. One who lives for pleasure is called?
4006. The power of reading the thoughts of others?
4007. They won’t —?
4008. He cursed —?
4009. Don’t give him a stick to beat you —?
4010. People living at the same time?
4011. This is a secret pact between you and —?
4012. ‘Congregation’ is an assembly of?
4013. There is a long queue — the bus stop?
4014. Choose the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the word ‘MOIST’?
4015. Questions will be answered by a — of experts?
4016. The Olympic Games are held — four year?
4017. Some of this money — yours?
4018. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘Disaster’?
4019. Her decent attitude compensates — her short temper?
4020. Complete change of form: (Give the one word)?
4021. He generally — at an odd hour?
4022. My mother is reading — newspaper?
4023. One who takes care of a building?
— he was industrious, I encouraged him?
4024. Choose the option which is the antonym of ‘HAUGHTINESS’?
4025. Suddenly we were enveloped — dense fog?
4026. You may fail many times, but — trying?
4027. Do it right away — you will be scolded?
4028. One to whom goods are dispatched?
4029. Tom, Dick and Harry were quarrelling with —?
4030. There have been many complaints — your behaviour?
4031. To sarround with armed forces?
4032. What is the verb form of the word ‘Defence’?
4033. The idiom/phrase that means ‘A person who prevents others from enjoying something useless to
4034. Few students were present, —?
4035. India and China are at loggerheads with each other.’At logger heads’ means?
4036. The feminine gender of ‘bridegroom’?
4037. Luggage at railway station is kept in?
4038. The young one of goat?
4039. Can this apparatus be adopted — this job?
4040. ‘Pot-luck dinner’ means dinner where?
4041. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘MAMMOTH’?
4042. West Bengal — plentiful rainfall and is consequently a very green part of the country?
4043. What would you like to drink — your meal?
4044. A block of residential flats — coming up near our house?
4045. The British enjoyed monopoly — textiles?
4046. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘Adverse’?
4047. Their assets — short of their liabilities?
4048. This bicycle is —?
4049. One word to refer to a person ‘preoccupied with an unrealistically optimistic approach to life’?
4050. The gun — unexpectedly?
4051. He finished first — he began late?
4052. People from — and near came to see the final match of the tournament yesterday?
4053. I have nothing to say with reference — this proposal?
4054. He is intimate — the secretary?
4055. Measure yourself — your equals?
4056. Even in today’s modern society, people — God to bring rains
4057. (Choose the most appropriate word to fill the blanks) ?
4058. A place or condition of ideal happiness?
4059. Complete the proverb:All lay load on a willing —?
4060. The meaning of the idiom ‘Mealy mouthed’?
4061. A person who sneaks into a country?
4062. Ass brays. Crow —?
4063. Person who pilots or travels in a balloon, airship or other aircraft?
4064. I have been visiting Chennai — my childhood?
4065. Trust no man — does not love his country?
4066. He is so — to light that he never leaves the house without sun- glasses?
4067. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views?
4068. The meaning of ‘Disparity’?
4069. The team was well trained and strong, but somehow its — was low?
4070. In which segment of the sentence lies the mistake?
4071. ‘Allusion’ means?
4072. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘Solely’?
4073. My mother — sixty, next week?
4074. I don’t like driving — night?
4075. To talk without respect for something sacred or holy?
4076. Through perseverance and hard work we can keep the — of liberty burning even during dark and
trying times?
4077. This scissors — very sharp?
4078. It was a confusing situation. Many things were happening — the same time?
4079. Mrs. Panicker — awake the whole of last night worried about her husband’s death?
4080. We have been trying to solve the problem —?
4081. The teacher gave me a new insight — the poem?
4082. The staff have felt on edge ever since they heard the rumour about retrenchment (Choose the
meaning of the idiom underlined)?
4083. She is tall — her age?
4084. The fear of high places — quite common?
4085. Satyajit Ray’s films are a class — themselves?
4086. Please, may I have — oranges?
4087. Habit of talking while sleep?
4088. He wiped sweat — his face?
4089. Arrangement in the order of occurrence?
4090. As Ammu is ill, she has to — a doctor?
4091. Few government officials do their job without a monetary —?
4092. The synonym of ‘DAMSEL’?
4093. The science of measuring?
4094. The student — book I still have, can take it from me?
4095. Many yogis subsist — leaves and fruits?
4096. The vase will break — you drop it?
4097. You should participate — me?
4098. It was — that the Prime Minister escaped the assassination attempt?
4099. All the board members were present with the — of the treasurer?
4100. ‘Staunch’ means?
4101. Many a person — done this sort of thing?
4102. She has not fully recovered — the shock?
4103. Which is correctly spelt?
4104. He rushed — my room?
4105. With the order of things reversed?
4106. Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the key word ‘CHARISMA’?
4107. The noun form of ‘produce’ is?
4108. The synonym of ‘Dignitary’ is?
4109. My book is the old one; — is the torn one?
4110. Handwritten copy of a book?
4111. Everyone is likely to make mistakes, —?
4112. Leela said ‘I wrote a letter’ (Change into indirect speech)?
— you help me?
4113. One of the following words does not belong to the set?
4114. When the boys — in the field, they heard an explosion?
4115. I am tired — working in the city and I have applied for a transfer?
4116. The opposite of the word ‘Praise’?
4117. Each of the students — done well?
4118. I hurt —?
4119. One of the players — in an accident?
4120. The opposite of ‘provocation’?
4121. Choose the appropriate the word that has the similar meaning as the word ‘vent’?
4122. They will not come here tomorrow, —?
4123. My uncle — to London ten years ago?
4124. The first person who — the question will be awarded the prize?
4125. Many parents are blind — their children’s faults?
4126. The word ‘Alien’ means?
4127. Which of the following words spelt correctly?
4128. She was struck — lightning?
4129. The little boy spent much of his money — sweets?
4130. Her mother works for — insurance company in Delhi?
4131. The opposite of the word ‘fragile’ is?
4132. Rashid was sorry when he — of your illness?
4133. You like vegetarian food,—?
4134. The action of looking within or into one’s mind?
4135. Owing to the power cut in the area, factories are being forced to — men?
4136. I saw a — of sheep grazing in the field?
4137. How — is it since you left your house?
4138. Last year my father — a computer from England?
4139. Mohan has visited all the cities in Kerala since he — working in the road transport?
4140. Gold is — than all other metals?
4141. The snake crawled its hole?
4142. I will meet you —?
4143. Raju is a hater of learning and knowledge (Choose the apt substitute for the italicized words)?
4144. When I was a child, I — to school everyday?
4145. If you came to me, —?
4146. The meaning of EXONERATE?
4147. The police is entrusted — the enforcement of law and order?
4148. The work was done — haste?
4149. Kishore is studying hard, but you are —?
4150. She has two houses in this street, and the house over there is also
4151. —?
4152. For the last six months he — Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma?
4153. Fatigue means?
4154. Alpha and — (coin the appropriate pair)?
4155. Let this letter be posted (Change to active)?
4156. The object in the sentence She threw it away?
4157. They — such camps for the last five years?
4158. Go at once — you will be late?
4159. That which cannot be imitated?
4160. Do we have — food for a fortnight?
4161. He comes here now and then : The underlined words means?
4162. That bag is too heavy for you. Let me — you?
4163. That was— meal I ve ever eaten?
4164. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of AFFABLE?
4165. A dog barks; a cat —?
4166. The study of races?
4167. All but — were present in the station?
4168. My friend is good at Hindi, but he is weak — grammar?
4169. Even the new drug could not cure him — his illness?
4170. If you think or speak too much of yourself, you are —?
4171. Fire is a good servant but a bad —?
4172. It s only a — flight from London to Madrid?
4173. Choose the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the word CALLOUS?
4174. He has been in Trivandrum — Thursday?
4175. Use the proper form of the word given in bracket: You should be
— in your daily work (punctuality)?
4176. He is one of those brave soldiers who — never afraid of death?
4177. Pick out the word or phrase nearest in meaning to the given word: SUCCOUR?
4178. We — at 4 o clock?
4179. Three times five — fifteen?
4180. His party is solely to be blamed for the political — in the country?
4181. A person who seeks and enjoys luxury and sensual pleasure?
4182. He persisted — his point?
4183. There was panic when people realised that the building was — fire?
4184. My sister lives — a small village — the south west of Australia?
4185. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word LICENTIOUS?
4186. Have you ever considered — to live in another country?
4187. The synonym of DROWSY?
4188. The word CLUMSY means?
4189. The word PHOBIA means?
4190. They don t work hard.(add suitable tag)?
4191. They have entered — an agreement?
4192. When I met Seetha, — as a lecturer in the college?
4193. The antonym of Balance?
4194. Vinod has come,?
4195. I saw a — of cows in the field?
4196. The meaning of Commensurate?
4197. Wear one s heart on one s sleeve means?
4198. The young one of Ape?
4199. I — go to movies?
4200. The synonym for the word recur is?
4201. Women need complete — at their work place?
4202. We shall not go for the movie if it — raining?
4203. To confirm with the help of evidence?
4204. The antonym of Scarcity?
4205. As a general rule, politicians do not — centre stage?
4206. The stranger asked Sarah where she —?
4207. It — (stop) raining for a while, but now it s raining again.(Use the correct form of verb)?
4208. Our flat is — the second floor of the building?
4209. I didn t watch the news on television. But I heard it — the radio?
4210. A student in the second year of a course at a college or university?
4211. If she were selected, she — a good secretary?
4212. Which is opposite in meaning to Suspicion?
4213. Identify the correct sentence?
4214. Identify the word which comes closest in meaning to TACIT?
4215. Before the — of the Europeans, India was a free country?
4216. The synonym of Idiocy?
4217. Yearly celebration of a date or an event?
— all his learning he has no sense?
4218. Arun s horse is of an excellent —?
4219. She was standing — the mirror?
4220. A person is known by the — he keeps?
4221. He poured water — the basin?
4222. Choose the word opposite in meaning to PROFUSION?
4223. Once she was poor, so she knows what — is like?
4224. The stars — us light?
4225. Stage between boyhood and youth?
4226. A feather in the cap means?
4227. Wet blanket means?
4228. Idiomatic expression that means something considered as worthless because one cannot get it?
4229. A likeness of anything so exaggerated or distorted as to cause amusement or ridicule?
4230. Newly acquired freedom is sometimes liable — abuse?
4231. He tried to — smoking but he did not succeed?
4232. Emitting foul smell?
4233. The meaning of BENEVOLENCE?
4234. The finger — to bleed as soon as he — himself?
4235. To please one by praising?
4236. He enquired — my health?
4237. If I know his address I —?
4238. Constituting number twelve in a sequence?
4239. Let off means?
4240. Which word is same in meaning as the word fight?
4241. We shall drive if the roads are —?
4242. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed — than usual?
4243. Give vent to means?
4244. The play was so — that the audience laughed all through it?
4245. The past participle of rise is?
4246. The word Banal means?
4247. Demeanour means?
4248. Select the word which meaning ‘small branch’?
4249. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the word ‘IMMUNITY’?
4250. The word which is nearest in meaning to the word ‘illustrious’?
4251. Everybody is happy, —?

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