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Student Name: Taylor

Date of Running Record: 10/1/21
Title of Text: Kid Rappers
Level (if known): M

Running Words: 129
Miscues: 23
Accuracy: 91%
Easy, Instructional, or Hard?
Easy = 95-100%
Instructional = 90-94%
Hard = 89% or lower

Self Correction:
SC: 3
SC ratio: 23:3
What cues did the reader use to SC? (MSV)
She used re-reading since what she read did not make sense

Summary of Observations:
What did the reader do when encountering unknown words? Check all that apply.
___ Made no attempt ___ Asked for help
_X__ Looked at pictures (M) ___ Made the first sound (V)
_X__ Attempted to sound out (V) __X_ Reread (M)
__X_ Skipped it & continued reading _X__ Made repeated attempts

What cues did the reader use? (Look at the miscues.) MSV. If the reader used a
combination of cues (most do), what did he/she primarily rely on? Explain.

She mostly used syntax and visual. She would re-read when what she said did
not make sense. She also replaced a lot of the words with words that look similar.

If you were going to do a teaching point immediately following this running record, what
one point would you go back and revisit?

The teaching point I would use would be to slow down when reading and make
sure she is reading the words that are on the page rather than what we expect them to
be. I would also remind her that slang words are okay to use while reading because it is
what the author wanted to say.

Write a one-paragraph summary telling what you learned about the reader from
completing this running record.

I learned that she replaced most words with words that look similar. For example,
she replaced on with on and she with he. These are small mistakes but show that she
was reading too fast. She also skipped a lot of words. I think she did this because she
was reading too fast also. This is a good time to remind students that fast readers do
not mean good readers. Compared to the last running record, there were most mistakes
on this running record. This text was two levels higher compared to the last text. I think
it was good to challenge the student but also show the student that they are able to read
at higher levels.

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